Squeezed State Primer

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A squeezed-state primer Ficherd W. Heer Tu Spon Tecacay Grup, On Space Prk, Redondo Beach, Cf 0278 and Department rb Boone Urey ear Prnpents 177 ‘Sharon C. Glotzer {TRW Space ond Technology Grp, One Space Park, Redondo Brac, Caifrnia 90278 ‘Received 19 February 1987; acepte for publication 30 Fune 1987) ic aplication or four-wave riaing, their measarement by homodyne detection, and i | i i i | ; parametric {heconection between aqueeing and non-Poimionlan counting statistic, squecaed sates. "Te eletromagneic radiation in cach standing-wave mode in a cavity Fevonator has been shown" 1 be analo- fous to « harmonic osllatr. The osilato’s iaplace- ‘ent xan be taken to correspond othe radiation mode's ‘Gece field and then the esclator's momentum p cort- Spoods to the mode's magnetic field. Jas a the poston wea tmomeatum of the cxcilator are 907 out of phase times ae the decried magoetc eds ofthe radiation ‘ode 9" out of phase in tine at each point in space. The ofthe oslator sates back and fort between po- ‘eat and kine, fot as the eneray ofthe standing-wave fei doahes back and forth between electric and magnetic. (Notice that we are dealing witha sonding wave, for Iraveling wave the dlctic and magnetic elds are ia ‘phase. ‘The faniliarquantzation of the xclator’s total Energy corresponds to vag only an integral number of ‘Photon nthe radiation mode. "Weil describe squeezed states quantum mechanically, in terms of linear combinations (euperpostions) of hat~ ‘moni owlaor enerny For certain linear ‘Combinations, known a8 coherent sates," the variances {Gajares ofthe unceralaties) of postion and momentam ‘tcconstant in ime and their product equals the minimums ‘ale allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle Bt, forthe linear combinations that produce aquezed ‘ate, dhe variances ofthe poston and momenta o- sit Amara $600, Ap 18 lutein tine 180 out of phase with one another and a twice the onllatrErequency. And, at any instant of time, ome of he ariznes canbe smaller han the puare roof the ini- ‘mumunceriainty predict. that if ll the oxelltors hed nearly the same inital dis. ‘then thei initia momenta Would necesaribe [pread over a wide range, consistent with the Heisenberg principe. "We bepin ty reviewing the harmonic scilator igen functicen (neuer tates) and the anihilation and ce- tion operator in Sr. I Section Tl deals with nea com nations of number sites and sbows that the cocficieats ‘Characterizing these linear combinations rotatsin th com ‘ietplane We also ahow how the complex rotating pha- ‘ie ood to desribe a clascal ouclator ae related tothe ‘Tihation and creation operators. In Sec. TV we deine the coherent sates tobe eigenfunctions of the anniiation operator, find thelr mumber sate cooficiens ond show ‘atthe coherent sate are moianum- uncertainty sats in (©1988 Americ Anco Pass Tnces 318 IL REVIEW OF HARMONIC OSCILLATOR ENERGY EIGENPUNCTIONS, ‘Our cate dncusion s based onthe set of orthonormal nergy eigenfunctions of the harmonic oailator, #2), m=O4L2,... These are derived in most quant oe chanics text, begining with the ‘Sehrédinger equation. The exergy reali ‘alled number sates and represented bya Dirac Ket, denote the fact that «number state hata defiite number of ‘quanta of energy. ‘From the freedom to define the magnitudes of three me- chanical “unit.” we can set h/2, the oclator mass ms, ‘and its pring constant all equal oI In these wit, the romber sates, each a product of fixed-width Gaussian ‘anda Hermite polynomial, (2), ae FDI He Mea — I) o here the (2) are dined recut by ls) =1, Mayan, @ Hy) = 2a, (2) ~208~ DF, -s02) We may think of ay (1) and (2) ts eabihing the connection between ihe + reprsentation of 8 uaston ate Lethe wavepacket, and Qh sepecsion.f Dire nolation, ¥, (2) is equivalent to Gn), whee the bracket indicat the "pret ofthe nmber ate into thex representation Wh cher sprsenttoncontann ‘omplce information abou the sn, mibecqcnt ‘Sos we wll gncrally tine our statin them eps {io ce. in terms ofthe contribution mth vows ‘umber state ad then comer fo thes representation Via as pe areas Aral ig are primal interested — tsin the elt potion and momenta rte tas ‘er sates ud for anos Hess combinations of member ste, These unccins ar best carscerced bythe ‘esr aqure deviations rm the average, or ariznoes var(x) = (2) — (x)? @ and wart 7) =F") — (0), “ here the symbol ( ) denotes the quantum-mechanical ‘asemble average, ot expectation vale, epecd om dns 8 we wil dae ‘oss in more detal ater) by means of integrals sachs af” veaneban ee © i =f wan(—Lmene. 0 te "ef tt rt rs 2 Ae 0, a et, (al 7) a aki ad a wt dread tei a Scan mL oem ie 319 Amd. Pay, Val 6 No.4 Ape 988 ferred. n Dirac’ method we work etirely with new ope- stor called annihilation and creation operators, end 2 ‘These operators are defined in terme ofthe position and ‘momentum operators by anet pd o snd the Hermitian conjugate asap, ® Dirac showed that @ operating on any number sate |n) sive times the next ower state [x — 1) and operat- ingon any number sate gives /-+ T times the next higher state [n+ 1). That i, a)a) Va fn 1) o and an) = WTI n+ 1) 10) ‘The terms “creation” and “annihilation” come frm the fact that 2° produces a state with one more quantum of ‘nergy, while produces asta with one les. “These operators have the additonal properties @°aln) =nln) ay and wat arent, 2) ‘hich may be demonstrated by repeated use ofthe cretion sd annbilaticn described in Ege. (9) and (10), ‘Notice that in Eq (12) wehhve not written et, ll nt. ‘er states and, therefore, ll linear combinations o number Sates ate eigenfunctions of (22 —4"8) with eigenvale ‘unity. “Tocalulatethe averages needed to find the variances of -xandp for any tate, wert solve Ee (7) and (8) forthe Postio and momentum operators: $204870M, ay ba @-ayinn. ae By squaring (13) and (14) we can express operator fend Poarasat saree as) and P= 0%e 40" aaa"). 6) ‘The integral expremions forthe avereges are then re- aera xpens for the averse 2) = (OP) = (L+E ATI cD, snd (>) = (IV) = IL —a"y/02I19). a8) ‘The variances of the umber states are not, however, zero, From Eq. (15) we have (2°) = (n|L(@°0 4 28° +-2848°8*)/2IIn). (19) ‘Using Bax (11) and (12), we ean combine the fist two ‘operons in (19) 1 give 0408" = 229412041 (2) R.W.tewryandS.C Obuer 319 ‘momma rn Pe rege e i 1 Magatama of) ee pion “The contribution fiom the operator and 32° is zero ‘because they give terms proportional to |n—2) and Jn-t-2}, which are orthogonal fo (]-So we obtain (2) = (nl{Qn4 DAIa) = 044 an ‘The esult for (pie seme, sowith (x) = (p) =O, we fin, for number sates, var(a) =var(p) =24+ am ‘The product ofthe number state variances is sar(n) var p) = (8 +P? a hich expresses the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for {he ccilator number states. The vacuum sate, = O, has the mallet uncertainty prods al Ue number at, sod staid to bea mum uncertainty state. And because the yacuum state ike all umber states, has zero average postion and zero average momentum, i i ‘inimam-ancerainty wave packet with constant width, a5 ‘sillustated i Fig 1. {IL LINEAR COMBINATION STATES tenn = Seto, an here (1) ae complex numbers an the mame states In cosa ths dependence ‘ie ine even of te complex expanion coc- clei is poverned by Seige oan, 1(BE9

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