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PNP & Force Multipliers Partnership

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Policies, Plans, Standards and Regulatory Services for the Police Service
Formulation of Plans and Programs, Conduct of Research/Surveys for the
Improvement of Commission’s Administration and Management as well as the
Police System and Structure
* Supervision and Control Over the PNP
* Adjudication Services
* Legal and Other Services
* Development and Management of the Crime Prevention Program
* Provision of Secretariat Services to the Peace and Order Councils
* Promotion of Organizational Effectiveness
Police Benefits Administration Services

* Investigation, Adjudication and Payment of Benefit Claims

* Administration of PNP Scholarship Program
Other Concerns
* Police-Community Relations Month
* Napolcom Participation in the PNP Recruitment and Promotion Programs
* Barangay at Pulisya Tungo sa Kapayapaan (BPTK)
Formulation of Plans and Programs, Conduct of Research/Surveys for the
Improvement of Commission’s Administration and Management as well as the
Police System and Structure

During the year, the Commission prepared several plans and implemented various
projects and activities to further enhance its administrative and operational capacity.

With the DBM-approved Napolcom Organizational Performance Indicator Framework

(OPIF) and major thrusts for 2008 as bases, the Commission prepared its Agency
Operations Plan and Budget (AOPB), Agency Performance Measures, and Physical and
Financial Plan for FY 2008. Specifically, the said plans served as the references of all
operating units of Napolcom in the implementation of their respective
programs/projects/activities (P/P/As) during the current year.

In the implementation of its programs/projects, the Commission conducted the

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) and Revisiting the Napolcom
Administrative Disciplinary System for the PNP: A Capability Enhancement
Seminar-Workshop on June 16-23 at Sierra Madre Country Club, Tanay, Rizal. The MCLE
aimed to update the lawyers with the recent laws and jurisprudence for speedy, fair and
judicious disposition of cases. Resource speakers from UP Law Center were invited to lecture
on topics like Substantive Law, Alternative Dispute Resolutions, Legal Ethics, Legal Writing,
International Law, Special Issues and Jurisprudence in Procurement, Procedural Law, Trial
Skills; and Crime Scene Investigation. Participants were 53 lawyers from the Napolcom
Central and Regional Offices. The Revisiting of the Napolcom Administrative Disciplinary
System for the PNP: A Capability Enhancement Seminar-Workshop was conducted to
enhance the competencies of the Commission’s Regional Directors, RAB Chairperson, Chiefs
of Regional Investigation Units/Technical Services Division, representatives from LAS and
IMIS through workshops and lectures on the latest developments in police discipline as well
as to ensure the effective implementation of the Commission’s police administrative
disciplinary system.

Another major activity conducted during the year was the “Strategic Planning
Conference-Workshop”. Geared towards performing and pursuing well-defined and
meaningful roles and responsibilities, the said activity aimed to: 1) assess the effectiveness
of Commission’s core functions over the PNP; 2) identify problems, issues and concerns
affecting the performance of these functions; 3) prioritize courses of action to be taken to
resolve the identified problems, issues and concerns; and, 4) formulate Action Plan for each
core function. The activity was conducted at the Local Government Academy Training
Center, Los Baños, Laguna on October 19-22 with the top management of the Commission’s
central and regional offices as participants.

Police Researches/Studies

Completed during the year were two (2) research studies entitled “Study on PNP
Uniformed Personnel Behind Bars” and the “2006 Study on the Status of Filipino
Women in Policing”.

The “Study on PNP Uniformed Personnel Behind Bars” provided insights on the
profile of police personnel, in terms of career, jail/prison and case profile, committed in the
various correctional institutions from 1987 to 2007 as indicated in the records of Bureau of
Corrections (BuCor), Bureau of Jail and Management Penology (BJMP) and the Directorate
for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM) of PNP.

Based on records, 586 police personnel committed to various jails and prisons were
mostly police commissioned officers (PCOs) assigned in densely populated regions such as
NCR, Regions 4A and 6. The most common offenses committed were crimes against
persons, i.e. murder, homicide, frustrated murder and rape. Other common offenses were
violation of anti-illegal drugs (R.A. Nos. 9165 and 6425), kidnap for ransom, carnapping,
robbery and frustrated homicide.

Through comparison of subgroups of the detained personnel, data revealed that crimes
against persons were most prevalent among PCOs rendering frontline services in the police
offices and stations. On the other hand, corruption-related offenses were common among
PCOs and personnel assigned at the PNP National Support Units.

Using survey as research method, the “2006 Study on the Status of Filipino
Women in Policing” involved 384 policewomen as respondents assigned at the PNP
National Headquarters (NHQ) and different PNP offices/stations/units nationwide. This study
probed into the status of female PNP members in terms of their career development,
working conditions and level of job satisfaction.

In terms of career development, respondents’ perceptions about their preparedness for

their present assignments, as well as the hindrances towards their pursuit of career
advancement were ascertained. As to working conditions, the study looked into the working
hours and weight of workload of the respondents. Moreover, data about the facilities and
equipment provided in their assigned stations/units were identified. With regards to the
level of job satisfaction, respondents’ opinions were measured in terms of their agreement
rating on statements representing various levels of needs such as physiological needs,
safety needs, social needs, need for self-esteem and need for self-actualization.

The results of the 2000 and 2004 survey and 2005 monitoring activities were also
presented in the paper to provide insights on how the status of female PNP personnel had
changed through the years.

The 2008 to 2010 Napolcom Research Program was approved during the period. Said
program serves as the overall framework for the Commission’s research efforts. It sets the
thrusts and direction of Napolcom’s research initiatives as well as provides for institutional
arrangements and processes for undertaking research projects.

In addition, two (2) project proposals were approved, one for the development of
Police Research Compendium and the other, the NAPOLCOM Statistical System

The development of Police Research Compendium is aimed at making literature

survey of researches in the field of police administration and presenting these researches in
concise form. The conduct of library visits was completed as of end of the year. A total of
430 studies/researches gathered from Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), National
Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) and Philippine College of Criminologists (PCCr)
were summarized by the research team. Encoding of these summaries into report summary
template is still ongoing.

On the other hand, the development of the Napolcom Statistical System (NSS)
aims to further improve the Commission’s statistical functions and serve as a mechanism for
generating a more responsive statistical data in support of the accomplishment of its
mandated functions. The Seminar-Workshop on the Identification of Statistical Needs
(Phase I) is scheduled to be conducted during the first quarter of the coming year.

Supervision and Control Over the PNP

Oversight function over the administration and operation of the PNP

• Resolution No. 2008-027 dated January 21, 2008 entitled “Revoking Napolcom
Resolution No. 2007-224 Otherwise Known as Directing the Placement under Non-Duty
Status of Uniformed PNP Personnel Three (3) Months Before the Effectivity Dates of Their
Retirement from the Service.” With the issuance of this resolution, PNP members shall no
longer be relieved from current assignments three (3) months prior to the effectivity dates
of their respective retirement from the service.

• Resolution No. 2008-054 dated January 24, 2008 entitled “Granting the Chief, PNP the
Authority to Fill-up Vacancies for the Rank of Police Officer III Under the CY 2007 Regular
Promotion Program.” This Resolution authorized the C,PNP to recruit 5,023 Uniformed
Personnel to fill vacancies for the ranks of PO1 (3,970), PInsp (877) and PSInsp (176) as
the result of the normal attrition from November 1, 2003 to December 31, 2004.

• Resolution No. 2008-055 dated January 24, 2008 entitled “Prescribing the Period of
Validity of Clearance Issued by Napolcom, PNP, Internal Affairs Service, and the PLEB.” This
Resolution extends the period of validity from three (3) months to six (6) months from the
date of issue of clearance by Napolcom, PNP, IAS and PLEBs to PNP uniformed personnel for
purposes of promotion.

• Resolution No. 2008-101 dated February 8, 2008 entitled “Approving the Philippine
National Police Manual on the Ethics and Values Formation.” The PNP Ethics and Values
Formation Manual is issued to provide moral and ethical guidance to all members of the PNP
and likewise offers a systematic integrated and holistic approach in the implementation of
all values formation programs in the PNP.

• Resolution No. 2008-184 dated March 18, 2008 entitled “Upgrading of the Naga City
Police Station Into a Type “C” City Police Office and Placing it Under the Direct Supervision
and Control of the Regional Director, Police Regional Office 5.” The upgrading of the Naga
City Police Station into a type “C” City Police Station and its placement under the direct
supervision and control of the PNP Regional Director of Police Regional
Office No. 5 (PRO5) is in pursuance to Republic Act No. 305, otherwise known as “An Act
Creating the City of Naga” which provides, among others, the conversion of the Municipality
of Naga, Camarines Sur to an independent component city.

• Resolution No. 2008-230 dated March 31, 2008 entitled “Granting the Chief, PNP the
Authority to Fill-up One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Four (1,654) Vacancies for the Ranks of
Police Inspector and Police Senior Inspector Under the CY 2008 Lateral Entry Program.” This
resolution grants the Chief,PNP authority to fill 1,654 vacancies for the ranks of Police
Senior Inspectors (N=136) and Police Inspectors (N=1,518) for Technical Services Officers
and Line Officers to the different PROs and selected NSUs. The filling of vacancies is
intended to maintain the pyramidal structure of the PNP, which was affected due to the
promotion and normal attrition of Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs).

• Resolution No. 2008-256 dated April 10, 2008 entitled “Approving and Confirming the
Change of Unit Name of the Police Security and Protection Office (PSPO) to Police Security
and Protection Group (PSPG) .” The renaming of unit name of PSPO to PSPG is aimed to
identify and align its nomenclature to other groups of the National Operational Support
Units of the PNP.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-001 dated January 22, 2008 entitled “Clarifying the
Status of Appointment of Graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) Who
Joined the Philippine National Police (PNP).” Section 33 of R.A. No. 6975 provides that
graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) are automatically appointed in
the PNP with the rank of Inspector via lateral entry. To implement further the said provision,
the Commission issued Resolution No. 80-01 and Memorandum Circular No. 96-008 which
granted them testimonial eligibility for purposes of their automatic appointment into the
PNP. However, Napolcom Memorandum Circular No. 2003-010 provides that temporary
appointments shall be extended to the lateral entrants pending the completion of their Field
Training Program (FTP). Taking into consideration that the PNPA Cadetship Program is a
four-year course that includes academic subjects on core police functions such as patrol,
traffic and criminal investigation, and on-the-job training in urban and rural areas, this MC
No. 2008-001 exempts PNPA graduates to undergo the FTP and that they shall be issued
with a permanent status. This MC, however, provides that the testimonial eligibility shall not
be used for promotion.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-002 dated January 21, 2008 entitled “Amending
Memorandum Circular No. 2007-003 entitled ‘Amending Memorandum Circulars No. 98-03
and 98-012 Relative to the Grant of Special Promotion to PNP Uniformed Personnel.” To give
full meaning to the spirit and intention of Section 38 of R.A. No. 6975, as amended, which
provides the grant of special promotion to PNP members who risk their lives above and
beyond the call of duty, this Circular amends item no. 4 by deleting the third (3rd)
paragraph on the dispositive portion of Napolcom Memorandum Circular No. 2007-003
stated as “In no case shall a PNP personnel holding temporary appointment be eligible for
special promotion”. This Circular also provides that Police Non-Commissioned Officers who
are granted special promotion be issued with permanent appointments.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-003 dated March 18, 2008 entitled “Prescribing
Additional Eligibilities as Appropriate for Police Officer 1 Under Item B, Section III of
Napolcom Memorandum Circular No. 2007-006 entitled ‘Prescribing the Procedures and
Guidelines for the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of PNP Uniformed Personnel and
Termination of Service of Newly Appointed Police Officer 1 (PO1) While Still in Temporary
Status.” This Circular amends item B, Section III of Napolcom MC No. 2007-009 which
prescribes additional eligibilities appropriate for PO1, to wit:

1. Napolcom PNP Entrance Examination

2. R.A. No. 6506 (licensed criminologist)
3. R.A. No. 1080 (Bar and board examinations of baccalaureate degree)
4. P.D. No. 907 (Granting Civil Service Eligibility to College Honor Graduates)
5. Civil Service Professional Examination

Provided, however, that eligibility acquired from a board examination for baccalaureate
degree which was used for initial appointment in the PNP, shall not be used for promotional
purposes. Instead, the eligibilities acquired from promotional examinations administered by
the Commission are the appropriate eligibilities that shall be recognized for promotions.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-004 dated March 18, 2008 entitled “Prescribing
Guidelines in the Placement of Police Commissioned Officers to Staff Position in the Police
Regional Offices and National Support Units, Regional Chiefs of NSUs, Group Directors of
Regional/Provincial Mobile Groups, Chiefs of Police (COPs) of City Police Stations (CPS) and
Municipal Police Stations (MPS) and Other Positions of Responsibility.” This Circular
prescribes specific guidelines to be observed in the placement of Police Commissioned
Officers (PCOs) in the various police offices/stations/units. Said Circular is aimed to:

1. improve the current placement system through the institutionalization of an objective

placement system that is firmly anchored on the principles on merit and fitness;
2. create equal access and opportunity for professional growth and career advancement for
all qualified PCOs regardless of the source of commission, gender or affiliation; and
3. provide guidelines for the fair adjudication of any protest, complaint or grievance.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-005 dated March 28, 2008 entitled “Prescribing
Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Governing the Attrition System for Uniformed Personnel
of the Philippine National Police.” Prescribed under this Circular are the policy and
procedural guidelines governing the implementation of the Attrition System of uniformed
personnel of the PNP pursuant to Sections 24 to 30 of R.A. No. 8551. Specifically, the PNP
Attrition System has the following modes:

1. Attrition by attainment of maximum tenure in position;

2. Attrition by relief;
3. Attrition by demotion in position;
4. Attrition by non-promotion; and
5. Attrition by other means such as
a. inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two(2) successive annual rating
b. inefficiency based on poor performance or three(3) cumulative annual ratings
c. physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties
d. failure to pass the required entrance examination twice and/or finish the required
career courses excepts
for justifiable reasons
e. refusal to take periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test without justifiable reason
f. failure to take PNP Physical Fitness Test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to
health reasons
g. failure to pass PNP Physical Fitness Test for Two (2) consecutive periodic tests or four
(4) cumulative
periodic tests
h. non-compliance with the minimum qualification standards for the permanency or
original appointment

Further, this Circular also prescribed the creation, composition, functional jurisdictions
of the various attrition screening committees and attrition boards to ensure the effective
implementation thereof.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-006 dated March 31, 2008 entitled “Amending
Napolcom Memorandum Circular No. 2003-010 Entitled ‘Prescribing the Guidelines and
Procedures for Lateral Entry of Officers into the PNP’.” This Circular sets additional policies
and guidelines in the processing of lateral entrants into technical positions in the PNP
pursuant to Section 33 of R.A. 6975. As prescribed under this new circular, the following are
the general qualifications, to wit:

a. A person with highly technical qualifications such as:

1. Dentist
2. Optometrist
3. Nurse
4. Engineer
5. Graduate of Forensic Sciences
6. Doctor of Medicine
7. Member of the Philippine Bar
8. Chaplain
9. Information Technologist
10. Pilot
11. Psychologist
b. Graduate of PNPA
c. Licensed criminologist

Provided, however, that applicants must possess other qualifications prescribed under
Section 14 of R.A. No. 8551 and must be able to meet the height, weight and age

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-007 dated May 5, 2008 entitled “Upgrading the
Classification of Twenty-Six (26) Type “B” Municipal Police Stations to Type “A” Municipal
Police Station’.” In conformity with the parameters set under Napolcom Resolution No.
2005-140 in the categorization/classification of police offices/stations, the following
Municipal Police Stations (MPS) are upgraded from Type “B” to Type “A”, which shall be
under the direct administrative and operational control of their respective Provincial

Region MPS
Police Provincial Office
1 Calasiao Pangasinan
1 Binmaley Pangasinan
3 Dinalupihan Bataan
3 Bulacan Bulacan
3 Guiguinto Bulacan
3 Pulilan Bulacan
3 San Rafael Bulacan
3 Cuyapo Nueva Ecija
3 Porac Pampanga
3 Apalit Pampanga
3 Magalang Pampanga
3 Gerona Tarlac
4A Naic Cavite
4A Bauan Batangas
4A Lopez Quezon
4A Tiaong Quezon
4B Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro
5 Daet Camarines Norte
7 Tuburan Cebu
9 Sidangan Zamboanga Del Norte
10 Maramag Bukidnon
10 Manolo Fortich Bukidnon
12 M’Lang North Cotabato
12 Isulan Sultan Kudarat
ARMM Datu Odin Sinsuat Sharif Kabunsuan
ARMM Datu Piang Maguindanao

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-009 dated May 5, 2008 entitled “Prescribing the
Guidelines and Sequential Procedures on the Issuance of Appointments under Special
Promotion.” This MC provides supplemental policies to Napolcom MC No. 2007-003 and
prescribes the sequential procedures to be followed in the validation, confirmation and
issuance of the promotional appointments of applications for special promotion.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-010 dated June 16, 2008 entitled “Prescribing
Guidelines on the Pullout and Deployment of Police Officer 1 (PO1) Recruits who are
Undergoing the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC).” This MC prescribes the policy
and procedural guidelines on the pullout and deployment of newly recruit PO1s who are
undergoing training at the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), in instances wherein their
services are needed to augment regular members of the PNP in the preservation of peace
and order during events of national importance and other similar occurrences which require
civil disturbance management. As provided thereof, the concerned Police Regional Office,
through the Chief, PNP, shall prepare a letter addressed to the PPSC President indicating
therein the reason of the pullout, number of PO1s, duration within which they will be utilized
and the place where they will be deployed. The period of deployment shall not exceed 30
days and that after completion of the assigned tasks, the PNP Regional Director shall
formally turn over the recruits to their respective training schools and inform the President,
PPSC and the Director of the Philippine National Training Institute (PNTI).

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-013 dated August 21, 2008 entitled “Prescribing
Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Deputation of Barangay Tanods as Members of
Police Auxiliary Units (PAUs) and Authorizing the Deployment of PNP Uniformed Personnel to
Act as Supervisor of PAU Members.” Provided under this Circular are policy and procedural
guidelines governing the deputation of barangay tanods as members of PAUs pursuant to
Executive Order No. 546 dated July 14, 2006. As provided thereof, PAU members are
deputized to perform functions that are related to law enforcement, order maintenance,
information gathering within their respective barangays/ localities. Specifically, they shall
perform the following:

a. Gather information and report the same to police authorities;

b. Secure the crime scene until such time that it is processed by qualified PNP personnel;
c. Effect an arrest pursuant to the provision of Rule 113 of the Rules of Court;
d. Assist in the law enforcement neighborhood watch;
e. Assist in the identification and implementation of public safety development projects;
f. Assist in Disaster and Relief Operations; and
g. Perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned/prescribed by proper

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-016 dated November 11, 2008 entitled “Clarifying the
Applicability of Paragraph 2 of the Dispositive Portion of Napolcom Memorandum Circular
No. 2008-003.” This Circular clarifies that the provision of paragraph 2 of the dispositive
portion of Napolcom MC No. 2008-003, which prescribes that the eligibility acquired for
baccalaureate degree, except Members of the Bar and Licensed Criminology, will only be
used for initial appointment but not for promotion purposes, and shall only apply to those
PNP uniformed personnel who entered the police service after its effectivity on March 18,
2008. Thus, the eligibilities to be recognized in the promotion of PNP uniformed personnel in
the line and technical services who entered the police service before the said effectivity date
shall be those eligibilities set forth under Napolcom MC No. 2002-034.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-018 dated December 24, 2008 entitled “Prescribing
Policies and Guidelines Governing the Payment of Salary and Allowances of Uniformed
Personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Missing in Action (MIA), the Finding of
Death and Termination of Payment.” This MC is issued pursuant to the provisions of
Sections 78, 79 and 80 of Republic Act No. 6975, as amended, to promote the prompt and
speedy payment of salary and allowances of any PNP uniformed personnel who, while in the
performance of duty or by reason of being an officer or member of the PNP, is officially
confirmed missing in action, kidnapped or captured by lawless elements in order.

• Memorandum Circular No. 2008-019 dated December 24, 2008 entitled “Upgrading of
the Puerto Princesa City Police Station into a Type “C” City Police Office and Placing it Under
the Direct Administrative and Operational Control of the Regional Director, Police Regional
Office 4-B (MIMAROPA).” The upgrading of Puerto Princesa City Police Station into a Type
“C” City Police Offices and its placement under the direct administrative and operational
control of the PNP regional director of Police Regional Office 4-B (MIMAROPA) is in
pursuance of Presidential Proclamation No. 1264 dated March 26, 2007, which provided for
its conversion from a component city into a highly urbanized city, and in accordance with
the parameters set forth under Napolcom Resolution Nos. 2005-140 and Napolcom MC No.
2004-002, respectively.

Development of policies, standards and procedures relative to PNP installations

and logistics management

In the standardization of PNP equipment, buildings and facilities, the Commission

evaluated 51 PNP proposed standard specifications, 31 of which were approved while 20
others were processed but are pending approval.

The CY 2008 conduct of technical inspection and physical inventory of the assets and
properties of 38 PNP offices/units in the National Headquarters, Camp Crame was
undertaken during the second and third quarter. The activity focused on the extent of PNP
compliance with various policies, such as the policy regarding the issuance of short and long
firearms, Police Individual Equipment (PIE) and police uniforms. Recommendations based on
the findings were submitted to the respective PNP offices for appropriate action.

The PNP offices/units covered by the program were as follows:

1) Command Group
• Office of the Chief, PNP
• Office of the Deputy Chief for Administration
• Office of the Deputy Chief for Operation
• Office of the Chief for Directorial Staff

2) Directorate Offices
• Personnel and Records Management
• Plans
• Operations
• Logistics
• Comptroller
• Investigation and Detective Management
• Intelligence
• Research Development
• Human Resource & Doctrine Development
• Police Community Relations

3) National Administrative Support Units

• Logistics Support Service
• Headquarters Support Service
• Legal Service
• Chaplain Service
• Health Service
• Computer Service
• Finance Service
• Communication and Electronics Service
• Engineering Service
• Training Service

4) National Operational Support Units

• Highway Patrol Group
• Aviation Security Group
• Maritime Group
• Special Action Force Group
• Civil Security Group
• Police Security and Protection Group
• Criminal Investigation & Detection Group
• Intelligence
• Police Community Relations Group
• Crime Laboratory Group

5) Other Offices
• Internal Affairs Service
• Anti-illegal Drug Special Operation Task Force (AIDSOTF)
• Presidential Anti Crime and Emergency Response (PACER)
• Philippine Center for Transnational Crime (PCTC)

On Napolcom/PNP housing projects, the Commission approved eleven (11) resolutions

regarding the implementation of the new Lease-to-Own Agreement; the cancellation of
awards and termination of contract; and, the awarding of newly vacated housing units to
qualified Napolcom and PNP personnel.

Finally, the Commission approved resolutions regarding the development of the

Napolcom Property in Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig; the renovation of Napolcom Central
Office building; and the construction of new buildings for its regional offices in San
Fernando, La Union (RO1), San Fernando City, Pampanga (RO3) and Legaspi City, Albay

Inspection and management audit of PNP personnel, facilities and offices

One of the major functions of Commission is the conduct of inspection and

management audit of PNP offices/stations or units nationwide. This function looks into the
actual condition of police personnel, facilities and equipment as well as the status of
operations in all management levels in the PNP.

During the period under review, the central and regional inspection and audit teams
conducted regular inspection activities in 1,355 police offices/units and spot inspection in
393 police stations, nationwide.

Another major activity implemented during the period was the assessment of the
“Mamang Pulis Program” in 267 police station/units in four (4) police district offices in
the National Capital Region (NCR), namely: the Quezon City Police District, Northern Police
District, Southern Police District, and Eastern Police District. This activity assessed the
implementation of the program in terms of dependability of personnel, adequacy of police
operations, presentability of police personnel and office/station; and acceptability of police
conduct and behavior. It also looked into the program’s responsiveness to the objective of
serving as a channel of bringing the police closer to the community and getting back the
trust and confidence of the people.

Monitoring Activities

In the exercise of this function, the Commission monitored the following:

• Extent of participation of 671 Local Chief Executives (LCEs) in police administration;

• Status of 3,628 administrative and 831 criminal cases recorded by PLEBs, Mayors, PNP
chain of command, RABs and Ombudsman for disposition during the period under review. Of
the recorded administrative and criminal cases, 1,648 administrative and 189 criminal
cases were disposed of;

• Alleged involvement of 375 police members in illegal activities, organized crimes and
other forms of misbehavior as contained in 133 reports gathered from tri-media, walk-in
complainants, letter complaints and other sources;

• Implementation of law enforcement projects such as Complan Pagbabago, Oplan

Paglalansag, Police Visibility Program, Community-Oriented Policing System (COPS) and
WCCDs in 1,246 police stations;

• Alleged human rights violations by 475 PNP members as indicated in the 80 reports
received through complaints, referrals from other agencies and other sources; and

• Compliance of 898 PNP Offices/Units with Napolcom inspection and audit

Pre-charge Evaluation of Police Anomalies and Irregularities

The Commission received a total of 2,412 complaints against PNP members for pre-
charge evaluation. Of this number, 1,943 or 80% were acted upon of which 703 were filed
for summary dismissal proceedings, 593 were either dropped/dismissed/withdrawn by the
complainants; and 647 were referred to other disciplinary authorities.

Administration of PNP Entrance and Promotional

The National Police Commission is vested with the authority to administer the entrance
and promotional examinations for members of the PNP.

The PNP entrance and promotional examinations are designed to measure the
examinee’s mental capabilities, value orientation, aptitude and fitness for initial
appointment or for promotion. Applicants who pass these examinations are granted the
appropirate eligibilities.

These examinations are given twice a year and simultaneously conducted in the
different examination venues nationwide. The following are the examination categories with
the corresponding rank examination coverage:

Type of Exam Rank

PNP entrance
Police Officer PO2-PO3
Senior Police Officer SPO1- SPO4
Inspector P/Insp.- P/Sr. Insp.
Superintendent P/Supt.

Results of the October 28, 2007 PNP Entrance and Promotional Examinations were
released on January 22, 2008. Examination results showed that 7,969 or 21.41% of the
total applicants tested (N=37,229) in various examination categories passed.

Prior to the conduct of the regular examinations, the Commission administered on April
26, 2008 a special examination to Police Commission Officers (PCOs) who are on temporary
status. Registered number of examinees during the said examination totaled to 3,926. Of
this number, only 3,039 or 77% passed.

The first set of the regular examination was administered on April 27, 2008 while the
second set was conducted on October 26, 2008.

For the April 27, 2008 examinations, a total of 39,993 were qualified to take the
examination. However, there were only 38,808 examinees. Of this figure, 4,745 or
12.23% passed.

For the October 26, 2008, there were 43,321 qualified examinees but 41,653 or
96.15% took the examinations. Processing of examination result is on-going.

Aside from the PNP entrance and promotional examinations, the Commission also
administered the Police Executive Service Eligibility (PESE) examination. Those who pass
this examination are granted third level eligibility which is appropriate for the ranks of Police
Senior Superintendents and higher. Phase I or the written examination was held
simultaneously in Cebu City, Davao City and Taguig City on May 25, 2008 with a total of
542 examinees. Only 149 or 27.49% of the examinees qualified to undergo the next
phase which is the panel interview held at the Napolcom Central Office on August 23-24,
2008. Only 106 passed the interview. The conferment of these PESE eligibles was
undertaken at the PNP NHQ on October 30, 2008.

Adjudication Services

Adjudication of PNP appealed administrative disciplinary cases by the National and

Regional Appellate Boards

For 2008, the Commission through the National Appellate Board and 19 Regional
Appellate Boards (RABs) resolved 193 or 67% of its total caseload of 279. The
dismissal/suspension of 69 appellants were affirmed, decisions in 29 appealed cases were
reversed; the original penalties of 30 were modified to either demotion in rank, forced
resignation or suspension; the cases of six (6) were remanded; appeals of four (4) were
denied and appeals of 77 were dismissed for lack of jurisdiction or filing beyond the
reglementary period. Likewise, 22 motions for reconsideration and 14 appealed benefit
claims were acted upon.

Adjudication of Summary Dismissal Cases

Under its summary dismissal authority, the Commission has a total caseload of 2,232
(1,085 carried over from previous year and 1,147 received in 2008), of which 125 were
disposed of involving 400 police respondents. Of these total respondents, 124 were
penalized, 36 were exonerated, 185 were dropped/dismissed and 55 others.

Legal and Other Services

The Commission also rendered legal opinions/advices to 15,179 legal queries received
from the PNP, PLEBs, and the public pertaining to provisions of laws and Napolcom
issuances, payment of back wages, cases on appeal, suspension orders, investigative
procedures before the Internal Affairs Service (IAS) and other PNP disciplinary authorities,
among others.

Further, a total of ten (10) petitions for executive clemency were reviewed and
evaluated, of which five (5) were indorsed to the Office of the President.

The disposition of 261 cases or 20% of the 1,336 citizens’ complaints received by the
different PLEBs nationwide were likewise monitored during the period under review. To date,
the country has a total of 1,604 PLEBs organized in the different regions.

The Commission also provided trainings, seminars and conferences to PLEB members
to further improve their knowledge and skills in investigation and resolution of cases. A total
of 33 seminars and trainings were conducted in Regions 2, 3, 4-A, 4-B, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

Development and Management of the Crime Prevention Program

An annual National Crime Prevention Program (NCPP) is developed by the

Commission through its Technical Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
(TCCPCJ), an ad hoc body composed of member representatives from the five (5) Pillars of
the Criminal Justice System (CJS). The NCCP aims to provide guidance and direction to the
government in its fight against criminality through a strengthened and more effective
government and community partnership and shared responsibility. The 2008 NCPP was
approved by the President through the issuance of Memorandum Circular No. 150 on March
5, 2008. Dissemination of the 2008 Annual Crime Prevention Program to 359 concerned
offices/agencies was undertaken during the period

In line with the abovementioned program, the Commission provided technical support
to the various activities of the TCCPCJ. The Pillars conducted regular monthly sub-
committee meetings and monitored the implementation of their flagship projects under the
NCPP. It likewise prepared various pillar reports and program thrusts of the NCPP for 2009.

The Commission undertook several criminological surveys/researches, namely:

Nationwide Survey on the Public Perception on Community Safety, Documenting
the Best Practices in the Alternative Setting/Resolution of Disputes at the
Barangay Level, Nationwide Crime Victimization Survey, and Research Databank
on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

The Nationwide Survey on the Public Perception on Community Safety was

conducted in 36 areas/cities nationwide. It aimed to determine the level of safety in
selected cities in the country and assess the crime prevention programs in the community
and its effect in the maintenance of peace and order. Also, the study solicited the views of
the public on how to improve safety in the community. The final monograph for this study
has been completed.

The Study on Documenting the Best Practices in the Alternative

Setting/Resolution of Disputes at the Barangay Level were undertaken in 13 areas to
evaluate the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the Katarungang Pambarangay
system in barangays adjudged by the DILG as “Lupong Tagapamayapa Awardee” for 2006.
Data analysis and preparation of write-up is ongoing.

The Nationwide Crime Victimization Survey was conducted with the main objective
of presenting the nature and extent of crime victimization in the provinces of the
Philippines. It is aimed at providing information and data in victimization that will aid in
policy formulation related to improving crime prevention measures, victims’ protection and
police services. The survey instruments were administered by the regional offices. By the
end of the year, 80% of the data gathering activities are completed.

The establishment of a Research Databank on Crime Prevention and Criminal

Justice was started. The project attempts to compile and collate existing local research
studies/theses in relation to crime prevention and criminal justice by the different
government agencies, non-government organizations, and different colleges and universities
in Metro Manila. This databank of information on crime prevention and criminal justice
policies, practices and programs shall provide the much-needed guidance to researchers
and policy-makers on crime prevention and criminal justice. The research team gathered a
total of 214 abstracts/information from different schools and government agencies. About
80% of information gathered have been entered in the data bank.

The Commission concentrated on maintaining and updating the Nationwide Crime

Statistics from the different police stations/units nationwide. During the period, 10,289
monthly crime statistics reports were received, of which 10,267 were encoded. Likewise, in
the maintenance of Complaints Standard Reporting Format (CSRF), a total of 4,057
accomplished CSRF was received. Of this number, 2,595 were encoded.

Through the cooperation of the different heads of educational institutions and barangay
officials, the Napolcom Regional Offices were able to monitor various activities of 354
Student Crime Prevention Committees (SCPCs) and Barangay Peace and Order Committees
(BPOCs). A total of 263 seminars on Crime Prevention and Drug Dependency Control
were conducted in various regions.

The 14th National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW) celebration held every first
week of September has become an integral part of the Commission’s crime prevention
efforts. This week-long celebration had strengthened the commitment and cooperation
between and among national government agencies, LGUs and the private sector in the
promotion of crime prevention as a means of maintaining peace and order and public safety
in the country. With the theme “Kapit-bisig Kabataan Tungo sa Kapayapaan, Now
Na!”, various crime prevention programs and activities were spearheaded by the
Commission. An awareness drive on crime and drug abuse prevention and control was
pursued and seminars were conducted in several schools and barangays in Metro Manila.
Other activities included are display/hanging of streamers, distribution of Information-
Education-Communication (IEC) materials containing crime prevention tips in various
shopping areas/malls, intensive media and publicity on crime prevention programs of the

The following information-education-campaign (IEC) materials on crime prevention were

reproduced and disseminated to the public:

• At School and Play

• Safety Tips for Children
• Begin with the Basic
• Bomb and Explosives
• Cellphone Scam
• Cyber for Children
• Hotheads
• Mga Dapat Gawin Upang Maiwasan ang Krimen
• Preventing Child Sex
• Rape Volume 1 and 2
• SCPC Guidebook

The Napolcom Technical Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice convened
two (2) plenary meetings and 30 pillar meetings. The five (5) pillars of the Criminal Justice
System (CJS) accomplished the following:

The Law Enforcement Pillar project on Evaluation and Monitoring of

Community-Oriented Policing System (COPS) was completed during the period. The
activity was carried out in the National Capital Region, particularly in the cities of Manila,
Quezon, Marikina, Caloocan, Makati and the municipalities of San Juan and Pateros. For
Luzon, it was undertaken at Region 4-A (Bacoor, Cavite; Biñan, Cabuyao and San Pablo,
Laguna; and Cainta, Rizal). For Visayas region, the survey sample included Iloilo City and
Kalibo, Aklan; and for Mindanao - Davao City, Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur and Kapalong, Davao
del Norte. The survey aimed to determine the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the
implementation of COPS. Participants of the survey were selected in consideration of the
COPS program beneficiaries, the implementors, advocates and other sectors of the

The Prosecutions Pillar conducted three (3) PROLECCS (Prosecution, Law Enforcement,
Community Coordinating Service) Conference-Dialogues at NCRPO, Rizal Provincial Police
Office and Bataan Provincial Police Office. The conference-dialogues aimed to provide a
regular forum for the police and the prosecutors to identify gray areas on legal and
procedural matters affecting case build-up. It is also intended to foster and sustain closer
working relationship among prosecutors, law enforcers and members of the community
towards speedy disposition of cases. A total of 269 police members and prosecutors
participated in the said conference-dialogues.

The Courts Pillar project on Symposium on the Operational System and Working
of the Courts is ongoing revision. The project aims to inform the public on the operational
system and workings of the courts particularly on case processes and their jurisdiction in
the criminal justice system; have an interfacing mechanism between the community and
the courts; and, find out the public perception on how the courts work and operate and
what the public can do to help in the administration of justice.

The Corrections Pillar, with the primary responsibility of reforming the deviant behavior
of offenders (young and adult) for their eventual absorption into the social and economic
mainstreams of the community, conducted an Enhancement Training Program for Provincial
Jail Wardens/Officers. The training aimed to update the provincial jail wardens with new
approaches, laws and issuances on the management of jails; and, to clarify the role and
determine overall operations. Likewise, the pillar continuously supervised the management
and operation of the Philippine-Japan Halfway House. Livelihood activities such as
reflexology, haircutting and body massage were undertaken during the period.

The Community Pillar focused on the preparation of the proposed Criminal Justice
System Awards during the period. It was aims to accord official recognition of the
exemplary performance of the CJS Pillars, provide an avenue for the strengthening of
partnership between and among the pillars towards an integrated seamless CJS; and, instill
greater awareness and generate support from the general public on the workings of the
CJS. Likewise, the Criminal Justice System Exemplars was conceptualized to develop a
module of the CJS to be integrated in the secondary school curriculum. The exemplar shall
be utilized by the secondary teachers to impart knowledge and understanding of the
criminal justice system to the principal beneficiaries, the students. For this purpose, the said
exemplar was transmitted to the Department of Education (DepEd) for printing/distribution.

Provision of Secretariat Services to the Peace and Order Councils

Pursuant to E.O. 309, as amended by E.O. 317, dated February 5, 1988 and E.O. 320,
dated March 11, 1988, the Napolcom, as Secretariat to the National and Regional Peace and
Order Councils (NPOC/RPOCs), performs technical and administrative functions. As such,
the Commission conducted the Workshop on the Formulation of a POC Secretariat
Operations Manual on January 17-19, 2008 in Antipolo City to standardize management
and operations of the POC Secretariats. The draft Manual consolidates the guidelines,
procedures and templates and detailed the various technical, administrative and operational
activities provided by the Napolcom Central and Regional Offices during POC
conferences/meetings/ seminars, etc. The draft manual was distributed to all RPOC

Further, the Capability Enhancement Training for POC Secretariat at the Sub-
National Levels for Luzon I (Regions 1,2,3 and CAR) and Luzon 2 (Regions 4A, 4B,
5 and NCR) were conducted on May 1 - 2, 2008 in Baguio City and July 9-10, 2008 in
Tanay, Rizal, respectively. The training aimed to enhance the knowledge, skills, values and
attitudes of POC Secretariat in all levels on POC operational, technical and administrative
activities to include the validation of the procedures and templates contained in the Manual.
The activity was participated-in by 319 representatives from Napolcom Regional Office
officials, DILG Provincial, City and Municipal Levels in their capacity as Secretariat of the
lower level POCs and personnel directly involved in POC Secretariat operation, PNP, and

At the regional level, the Commission facilitated the conduct of 36 RPOC meetings of
which 164 resolutions/memoranda were formulated and approved.

In connection with the 2006 Best POC Search, the conduct of on-site
inspection/validation by the National Selection and Awards Committee (NSAC) in 32
areas under the various categories were undertaken. The following were the awardees of
the 2006 Best POC.


1st Place RPOC 7
2nd Place RPOC 3
3rd Place RPOC 4B

Best PPOC – 1st to 3rd Class

1st Place Bukidnon, Region 10
2nd Place Mt. Province, CAR
3rd Place Bohol, Region 7

Best CPOC-Highly Urbanized City

1st Place Olongapo City, Region 3
2nd Place Iligan City, Region 10
3rd Place Bacolod City, Region 6

Best CPOC-Component City

1st Place Legazpi City, Region 5
2nd Place Laog City, Region 1
3rd Place Ormoc City, Region 8 (Best Practice Award on Solid Waste Management)

Best MPOC-1st to 3rd Class

1st Place San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte, Region 1
2nd Place Miag-ao, Iloilo, Region 6
Molave, Zamboanga Del Sur, Region9
3rd Place Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, Region 10

Best MPOC-4th to 6th Class

1st Place Kalilangan, Bukidnon, Region 10
2nd Place Pinili, Ilocos Norte, Region 1
3rd Place Sta. Teresita, Cagayan, Region 2
Vicenzo Sagun, Zamboanga Del Sur, Region 9

Special Awardee
PPOC of Camiguin, Region 10

To give significance to the Best POC Awards, SILG Puno directed the NPOC Secretariat
to confer special awards/ recognition to an individual or group of individuals who have
shown exemplary efforts and significant contributions in the light of the recent armed
conflicts perpetrated by renegade elements of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in
Northern and Southern Mindanao, as well as in the systematic and orderly evacuation and
provision of humanitarian support to those affected by the armed conflict. Thus, an Ad Hoc
Committee was created composed of representatives from DILG, Napolcom, PNP, DND,
DSWD, AFP and the Office of the Civil Defense to formulate the guidelines in the
implementation of the Community Service Awards (CSA). Two (2) meetings were held for
the purpose.

Based on the criteria set under the guidelines, the Napolcom conducted pre-evaluation
of documents of nominees/ recommendees submitted by Napolcom Regions 10 and 12.

Thereafter, the list of awardees with the corresponding citations were prepared. The
following were the awardees:

Region 10

1. Gov. Loreto Leo S. Ocampos, Misamis Occidental

2. Gov.Khalid Q. Dimaporo, Lanao del Norte
3. Mayor Lawrence LL. Cruz and the People of Iligan City, Lanao del Norte
4. The People of the Clarin, Misamis Occidental under the leadership of Mayor David Navarro
5. The People of Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte under the leadership of Mayor Bertrand M.
6. The People of Ozamis City, Misamis Occidental under the leadership of Mayor Reynaldo O.
Parojinog, Sr.

Region 12

1. Mayor Loreto V. Cabaya, Jr., Aleosan, Cotabato Province

2. Mayor Manuel M. Rabara, Midsayap, Cotabato Province
3. Mayor Aniceto P. Lopez Jr., Maasim, Saranggani Province
4. The People of Aleosan, Cotabato Province
5. The People of Bgy Baliki, Midsayap, Cotabato Province under the leadership of Bgy Cpt.
Nestor Mallorca
6. The 602nd Brigade, Philippine Army under the command of Col. Alejandro H. Estomo,
Brigade Commander
7. The 40th Infantry Battalion, 6th Infantry Division, Philippine Army under the Command of
Lt. Col. Diosdado C. Carreon, Commanding Officer.

Promotion of Organizational Effectiveness

Conduct of Management Audit

The importance of management audit to the effective functioning of the National Police
Commission (NaPolCom) cannot be overemphasized. As an internal control measure,
management audit is a mechanism for self-evaluation and correction. It seeks to examine
and evaluate both the financial and operational performance of the Commission through
comparative review or analysis of policies and practices as well as operational targets and
results. Ultimately, it points to areas of strengths and weaknesses wherein sound
management decision is crucial.

Similar to what was done in 2003, the Commission’s management audit activities for
2008 focused on regional offices’ responsiveness in the performance of administrative and
operational functions as well as the delivery of services to the Philippine National Police
(PNP). Specifically, this year’s management audit has the following objectives:

• To review, examine and evaluate existing systems and procedures in management,

administrative, finance and operation of all regional offices;
• To verify the extent of compliance with existing policies, rules and laws relative to
administration and operations;
• To enhance existing internal administrative and operational systems and procedures for
the purpose
of attaining effective, efficient and timely delivery of services to the client groups (PNP
and the public); and
• To improve resource capabilities particularly through human resource development,
logistics management
and sound fiscal management.

Quarterly Central and Regional Management Conference

The conduct of quarterly Central and Regional Management Conference is a regular

activity of the Commission that provides opportunity for top officials to discuss, clarify and
resolve organizational problems, issues and concerns affecting its operations and
administration. Further, it also serves as a mechanism in monitoring the implementation of
various programs, projects and activities undertaken by the staff services and regional

During the period, two (2) Quarterly Central and Regional Management Conferences
were conducted; (1) January 3-4, and (2) April 16-17, 2008.

Study on the Level and Determinants of Job Satisfaction Among Employees of the
National Police Commission

The “Assessment of the Level and Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Employees
of the National Police Commission” was also completed during the period.

Using survey as its research design, this study looked into the overall level of job
satisfaction among Napolcom employees as well as the effect of intrinsic job factors
(advancement, recognition, responsibility, achievement and job characteristics) and job
context related factors (salary, interpersonal relations, working conditions, policies and
operations and supervision) to employee job satisfaction. The overall objective of this study
was to identify measures that would enable Napolcom employees to develop positive
attitude towards their jobs thereby leading to better performance and enhanced
organizational capability of Napolcom.

Findings revealed that the Commission’s personnel are generally satisfied with their
jobs. The employees have positive perception towards intrinsic job factors particularly the
nature of tasks performed, the importance and recognition accorded to them by virtue of
their jobs and the sense of development and accomplishment derived from their jobs. The
employees likewise have favorable attitude towards job context related factors. Among the
key recommendations include the improvement of the Commission’s rewards system and
performance evaluation system, introduction of job enrichment and training program as well
as the conduct of long term human resource planning.

Human Resource Development Program

On human resource development, various conferences/trainings/seminars were

initiated or participated by the Commission’s personnel.

During the period, 73 in-house and 126 offsite trainings/conferences/seminars on

various concerns were conducted or attended by Napolcom personnel, as follows:

• Visual Basic.Net - March 25-April 8

• Certified Network Professional Program - April 1-24
• DBM Forum on Public Expenditure Management Reform - April 9
• Career Executive Officers Examination Review - July 15-16
• Basic Statistics for Research - September 1-9, SRTC
• 5th Annual Conference on the Institutionalization of ISO Quality Management System in
Government - October 24
• 10th Year MROFI National Convention & General Assembly - November 27-28
• User’s Training on the Regional Payroll System - December 8-9

Information System Strategic Plan (ISSP)

In the implementation of its Information Systems Strategic Plan, various application

systems were developed or enhanced to further improve the Commission’s delivery of basic

Among the systems implemented during the year were the PNP Disciplinary Machinery
System (PDMIS), Benefit Claims Management Information System (BCMIS), Regional
Payroll System (RPS) and Temporary Room Assignment Lists System (TRALS).
For the PDMIS, the module for the Research and Evaluation Division, Planning and
Research Service (RED, PRS) was already installed. This module will enable the encoding of
all summary dismissal and appealed cases received from the regional offices and Regional
Appellate Boards. Other modules like the Formal Hearing module and the Appeal module are
pending installation due to the renovation of the building.

A presentation of the BCMIS was undertaken during the second quarter of the year. In
attendance were personnel from the Legal Affairs Service (LAS), Financial Service (FS) and
PRS. The system is already installed at LAS, however database build-up is pending due to
the renovation of the building. Deployment to PNP Welfare Benefits Division and Budget
Division of the FS will be undertaken upon completion of the building renovation. The BCMIS
shall maintain a database of all beneficiaries under PDs 448 and 1184 and scholars under
R.A. No. 6963.

Users’ training for the RPS was also conducted at the Central Office on December 8 and
9. In attendance were personnel from Napolcom Regional Office Nos. III, IV-A, IV-B and
National Capital Region (NCR). These regions comprised the pilot areas of the system. Full
implementation of RPS is targeted first quarter of 2009. The RPS will automate the
processing and generation of the monthly payroll of Napolcom Regional Employees as well
as deduction registries, employee’s payslips and remittance lists, among others.

For the TRALS, enhancements on new reports and validations were undertaken based
on comments and suggestions of the users of the system. A copy of the revised system was
furnished to the regional offices for installation. It was utilized for the October 26 PNP
entrance and promotional exam.

For the Capability Enhancement Program for IT personnel, the Commission authorized
the attendance of PRS-EDPSD personnel to the trainings on Certified Networking and Visual
Basic.Net programming courses. Said trainings enhanced the Commission’s IT capability
through exposure to the latest available technology on application development and
networking administration.

Gender and Development (GAD)

In line with the GAD advocacy in the government, the Commission submitted the 2007
GAD Accomplishment Report and 2009 GAD Plan and Budget to the National Commission on
the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW). The GAD Accomplishment Report summarizes the
major accomplishments of the Napolcom in 2007. On the other hand, the 2009 GAD Plan
and Budget identifies and summarizes the Commission’s various GAD-related projects and
activities to be undertaken in 2009.

Annually, the Commission actively participates in the celebration of Women’s Month

that is held every March with this year’s theme “CEDAW ng Bayan: Yaman ng Kababaihan”.
In support to the said occasion, various activities were undertaken during the month-long
celebration, as follows:

• Kick-off ceremonies at the central and regional offices with the full participation of its
officials and employees;
• Display of streamers in all its offices nationwide ;
• Basic Firefighting Seminar and Basic Decorative Candle Making;
• Conducted seven (7) batches of advocacy activities that aims to establish and convene
“Men Opposed to Violence Against Women (VAW) Everywhere (MOVE)” in NAPOLCOM. This
was participated in by a total of 239 male employees from its central office and nearby
regional offices;
• Lecture on Republic Act No. 7877 or otherwise known as “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of
1995”, and Republic Act No. 9262 or otherwise known as ”Anti-Violence Against Women and
their Children Act of 2004”;
• Capability-Training for Frontline Personnel of the Commission Towards the Eradication of
VAW in the Workplace;
• Gender Sensitivity Training;
• Attendance to the LGU Women’s Day Celebration in Batangas City; and
• Attendance to the DILG forum .

Relative to mainstreaming GAD into its various functions, the Commission, among
others, conducted the following orientations/dialogues with the PNP and public in Regional
Office IV-B:

• Dialogue on the PNP Welfare Benefits and their Beneficiaries;

• Women and Children Concerns Desk Issues and Concerns in Handling Women and
Children Cases; and
• Barangay-Level Advocacy on RA 9262 and RA 9344.

Also, the Commission’s National GAD Technical Working Group and Regional Focal
Points participate in GAD activities undertaken by other agencies/offices.

GAD Information Corners in the central and in regional offices are continuously
maintained to provide its employees and clients reading materials that promote gender
awareness and social consciousness as well as other GAD-related issues/concerns.

Police Benefits Administration Services

Investigation, adjudication and payment of claims for sickness, permanent

disability and death benefits of PNP members, including pension

Another major function of Napolcom is the administration of police welfare benefits

program. PNP members who are killed or injured while in the performance of duty are
provided with welfare benefit packages which include payment of their medical and
hospitalization expenses, gratuity, burial and pension under Presidential Decree Numbers
448 and 1184.

Benefits granted to a PNP member who becomes permanently incapacitated due to

service-connected illness or injury include gratuity equivalent to one (1) year salary based
on the member’s last basic monthly salary; lifetime monthly pension equivalent to 80% of
member’s basic monthly salary; reimbursement of reasonable medical and hospitalization
expenses; and, restoration of deducted leave credits from absences incurred by reason of
the ailment or injury. If the pensioner dies within five (5) years from retirement due to
permanent total disability, his/her qualified survivor may request for the transfer of the
monthly pension benefits for the remainder of the five year guaranteed period.

Death benefits include gratuity equivalent to one (1) year salary, burial expenses
equivalent to three (3) months basic salary, monthly pension equivalent to 80% of
decedent’s basic monthly salary commencing from the date of death for the period of five
(5) years, and reimbursement of reasonable medical and hospitalization expenses.

For 2008, the Commission received 870 applications for benefit claims. Of this figure,
608 were investigated, of which 590 were approved while 18 were disapproved. Benefit
claims for adjudication numbered 768, of which 602 or 78% were adjudicated. Figure 7
shows the breakdown of the total amount P569,018,666.25 paid to 4,277 beneficiaries in

Administration of the PNP Scholarship Program

Under Republic Act No. 6963, the Commission grants scholarships to surviving
legitimate children of police personnel who are killed or become permanently incapacitated
while in line of duty. As of end of the year, the registered number of scholars enrolled at the
primary, secondary and tertiary levels in various educational institutions nationwide totaled
to 1,813. Of this figure, only 609 scholars were paid by the Commission amounting to
P7,420,173.61 for the tuition fees and miscellaneous expenses. Mode of payment is either
through direct payment to the colleges/universities or reimbursement of expenses to the
scholar through parent/guardian.

The funds for this scholarship program come from the firearm license fees collected by
the PNP.

Other Concerns

Police Community Relations Month Celebration

It was during the 4th National Summit on Peace and Order in April 1996 when
Presidential Proclamation No. 783 was signed. Said Presidential Proclamation declared the
month of January of every year as Police Community Relations Month (PCRM) with
Napolcom as the lead agency and the PNP as the implementing agency.

The intention was very noble--to promote partnership between the police and the
community in the maintenance of peace and order and to foster and improve
communication and mutual understanding between the police and the community.

From January of every year, the celebration of Police-Community Relations Month was
moved to July through Presidential Proclamation No. 764 to enable the participation of as
many sectors of society, particularly the youth.
As the lead agency in the implementation of the PCRM, the Commission issues
directives and guidelines on the nationwide conduct of various activities that would foster
the attainment of peaceful and orderly communities generated by the synergy of the police
and its clientele.

The theme for this year’s celebration is “Serbisyong Maayos, Magalang at Mabilis..
Patuloy na Handog ni Mamang Pulis”.

At the Napolcom Central Office, the kick-off ceremony for the 13th PCRM was held on
July 4, 2008. The kick-off ceremony was held and featured in the PNP’s public affairs

The PNP found it momentous to hold the kick-off ceremony in the TSIP considering the
growing viewership of the program which is being aired primetime over NBN Channel 4
every Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The program is a better mode of communication
to inform the public of the significance of the celebration as well as the activities that were
lined-up during the month-long celebration.

Various activities were initiated by the Napolcom and PNP Regional Offices to highlight
the said occasion, to wit:

• Display of PCR Month Streamers

• Opening/Kick-off and Motorcade
• Conduct of Mass
• Public Information using tri-media
• PCR Capacity Enhancement Seminar
• Community-Oriented Policing System (COPS) Awareness Seminar for PNP and PNP force
• School-based Anti-Criminality and Anti-Insurgency Programs
• Joint outreach program with NGOs and other civic groups (medical/Dental outreach,
feeding program, blood-letting activity)
• PNP-Community/Dialogue or Pulong-pulong
• Environmental Protection Activities (Oplan Linis/Tree Planting and related activities)
• Enhancement of Police Information and Continuing Education (PICE) Program
• Recognition of Best PCR Units/Station and personnel and private groups/individuals who
have contributed and supported the PNP
• Sports Festival
• PCR related activities concerning Family, Juvenile, GAD Muslim Affairs, and community
development activities; Disaster Consciousness Seminar; and Statistical Exhibits

Napolcom Participation in the PNP Recruitment and Promotion Programs

To ensure strict observance of the Commission’s policies relative to the recruitment and
appointment of new PNP uniformed personnel, Napolcom representatives to the PNP
Recruitment Screening Committees were actively involved in the recruitment and selection
process. Activities include interview of applicants, the PNP Physical Agility Test (PAT),
Neuro/ Psychiatric Examinations, Physical/Medical and Dental Examination, and Drug Test.

There were also Napolcom Representatives to the following PNP Promotion Boards:

• PCO Promotion Boards

• PNCO Promotion Boards
• Lateral Entry Board

BPTK- Barangay at Pulisya Tungo sa Kapayapaan

The “Barangay at Pulisya Tungo sa Kapayapaan” is a project that capacitates barangay

officials and senior police officials at the city/municipal level for an effective maintenance of
public safety and peace and order, and provides support mechanism in the form of legal
assistance and services to police members who are facing service-connected criminal or
administrative charges before regular courts and other quasi-judicial bodies.

During the year, the Commission spearheaded the conduct of various capability
building activities for the barangay and PNP officials in different areas in the region wherein
lectures and workshops/action planning were undertaken.
Among the topics discussed during the said activities were as follows:

• Powers and functions of Barangay in the maintenance of peace and order

• Barangay Justice System
• Rights of Person Arrested or Under Custodial Investigation
• Anti-Insurgency Program
• Implementation of Republic Act. No.9165 (The Revised Anti-Illegal Drugs Law)
• Barangay-Police Partnership in Intelligence Networking, Investigation and Crime
Detection, Response to Crime Incidence and Crime reporting

Region 6 or Western Visayas is the land of friendly and affabble Ilonggos. It is a beautiful
region blessed with many picturesque scenes, vast natural resources, rich cultural heritage and
magnificent race.
It is located in Central Philippine between two inter-island bodies of water: the Sibuyan Sea
and Visayas Sea. Geographically, the region is defined by grid coordinates 121º 5' West to
123º 2' 30" East longitude and 9º 25' South to 12º 12' 30" North latitude. Western Visayas has
a total land area of 20,223 square kilometers which is approximately 6.7% of the total land
area of the Philippines. This region is composed of six(6) provinces with Aklan having
1,816.90; Antique - 2,522.00; Capiz - 3,633.20; Iloilo - 4,719.42; Guimaras - 604.40 and
Negros Occidental - 7,926.95.

The Panay Island comprises the province of Aklan, Antique, Capiz, and Iloilo. There are
eleven(11) cities, 122 municipalities and 4048 barangays in the region. The City of Iloilo is the
regional administrative center and the regional center of trade, commerce, industry, education,
culture and government. Bacolod City in Negros Occidental is another popular city in the
region.Region 6 is also subdivided in seventeen(17) congressional districts. The provinces of
Aklan and Antique are represented by one district each; Capiz with two districts; the cities of
Iloilo and Bacolod with one distinct congressional district each; Iloilo province has five(5)
districts and Negros Occidental has six(6) districts. Based on the 01 Sept. 1995 census of
population, Western Visayas has a total population of 5,776,938 broken down as follows:
Aklan 410,539; Antique 431,713; Capiz 624,469; Guimaras 126,469; Iloilo 1,415,022; Negros
Occidental 2,031,841; Iloilo City 334,539 and Bacolod City 402,345.(Click to continue).

55 pending admin cases against 69 cops resolved (February 14, 2011)

The police personnel whose administrative cases were pending for some years will be serving
the penalty meted against them soon, while those who were exonerated from the charges filed
against them can now sleep well.

This, Police Chief Superintendent Cipriano E. Querol, Jr. said after the 55 administrative cases
against 69 police personnel in Western Visayas were resolved on January 31.

Querol said the resolution of these cases resulted to the dismissal from police service of five
cops, demotion - one, suspension - 15, forfeiture of pay - eight, reprimanded – five, and
exonerated/case dismissed - 35.

The fast resolution of cases was in adherence to the directive of Chief, PNP Raul M. Bacalzo
and Interior and Local Government Sec. Jesse M. Robredo’s “zero-case backlog" program.

Bacalzo and Robredo ordered the immediate attention to cases filed against PNP members to
remove the undesirable members of the force and relieve the agony of those who are not guilty
of the charges.

Querol said those police personnel who were meted with penalty will start serving their
penalty as soon as the orders were already issued without prejudice to their filing of motion for

Those who were dismissed from police service were POII Ernie Arorong of Iloilo City Police
Office for Grave Misconduct; POI Neuton Guinson of Negros Police Provincial Office for
Serious Neglect of Duty; POII Mendoza Belandres and POI Kenjie Beloya of Bacolod City
Police Office for Serious Neglect of Duty; POIII Marcon Brillantes of Iloilo Police Provincial
Office for Grave Misconduct.

Querol to cops: "Be wary of criminals riding-in-tandem on motorcycles (February 12,

and the roles of other sectors and stakeholders. By so doing, we are ready to the next level of

Today, I should not fail to congratulate our awardees - individual and g

To all of you, officers, PNCOs and NUP, congratulations for the job well done and together let
us all go higher, deeper for the next level of PRO6.

Happy Anniversary!

Mabuhay tayong lahat!

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