National Headquarters, Philippine National Police Directorate For Plans

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Republic of the Philippines


Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City

December 4, 2019


No. 2019-04


(Amending SOP No. 2019-03 dated August 16, 2019)

a. Republic Act No. 6975 entitled: “An act establishing the PNP under a
Reorganized DILG, and for other Purposes”;
b. Republic Act No. 8551 entitled: ““An Act Providing for the Reform and
Reorganization of the Philippine National Police and for Other Purposes,
Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Nine Hundred
And Seventy-Five Entitled, "An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police
Under a Re-Organized Department of the Interior And Local Government,
And For Other Purposes””;
c. Executive Order No. 605, series of 2007 entitled: Institutionalizing The
Structure, Mechanisms And Standards To Implement The Government
Quality Management Program, Amending For The Purpose Administrative
Order No. 161, S. 2006;
d. DBM Manual on Position Classification and Compensation;
e. DBM Index of Occupational Services, Position Titles, and Salary Grades;
f. DBM Resolution No. 1, Series of 2006 re: Rationalization Program’s
Organization and Staffing Standards and Guidelines;
g. CSC Resolution No. 97-0404 dated January 24, 1997 re: Qualification
Standard, as amended;
h. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 92-36 entitled: “Approving the Revised
Organizational Structure of the PNP and Providing Policies and Guidelines in
the Implementation Thereof”;
i. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 96-058 entitled: “Further Amending Res 92-36
Approving the streamlining of the PNP Organizational Structure and
reiterating the role of the Regional and Provincial Police”
j. Chapter 3 Para A (Scope of Quality Management System) of PNP ISO
9001:2015 Quality Management System
k. PNP Program Thrust;
l. Memorandum Circular No. DPL 97-01 dated September 22, 1997, subject:
“Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of the PNP”;
m. Organizational Development Division Action Plan; and
n. Organizational Development Division DPL Scorecard, Measure Profile and
Initiative Profile.

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The Philippine National Police (PNP), as the country’s premier police agency, is
organized for the purpose of facilitating the attainment of its goals and objectives which
calls for a well-structured organization that is flexible enough to handle the demands
of the ever-changing environment. Concomitantly, the PNP adopts institutional
measures to further improve service delivery and enhance organization effectiveness.

In line with the organizational thrust to develop a more responsive organizational

structure to better respond to the demands and challenges of policing, the Directorate
for Plans, with the guidance of the Chief, PNP and its Command Group, continuously
embarks on well-planned interventions and organizational processes that are geared
towards the improvement of policing system. The conduct of organizational
development (OD) of PNP Units is designed by initiating the restructuring and
strengthening of PNP Offices/Units to make the PNP organization more capable,
responsive, and competent in addressing the changing peace and security conditions
in our country. OD also involves the abolition of units that are found to be ineffective,
and creation or activation of new units to address specific concerns or crimes that
affect the general peace and security condition nationwide.


This SOP sets forth the policies, guidelines and procedures in the conduct of
organizational development of PNP units in order to enhance organizational
effectiveness and to optimize the utilization of personnel.


This Standard Operating Procedure applies to Directorate for Plans personnel

particularly the staff of Organizational Development Division (ODD, DPL) who are
performing functions related to organizational development such as the activation,
restructuring, strengthening, and abolition of PNP units/offices.


a. Flowchart – an analytical technique to document the process of work or

activities in a clear, concise and logical manner, showing the movements of
documents and action taken through various steps from their origin to their
final destination.

b. Organizational Chart – a graphic presentation of the units, functions or

positions of an agency.

c. Complete Staff Work – is the study of a problem, and presentation of a

solution, in such form that all that remains to be done by the Manager/Staff is
to indicate their approval or disapproval of the completed action.

d. General Orders – Order of general circulation subject to publication

containing permanent instruction that applies to all members of a command.

Page 2 of 7

a. The organizational structure must be supportive of the process involved in the

attainment of the PNP objectives. If administrative or operational goals or
thrusts change, it is likely that redesigning the organizational structure is
imperative. The organization should not be construed as to be immutable or
unchangeable; it must have the quality of viability. Desirable changes have
to be undertaken to achieve viability.

b. As a foundation for the attainment of the PNP’s thrust to enhance

organizational effectiveness, the following areas of concern shall be

1) The development of a more efficient and effective organizational structure.

2) The delineation and realignment of the different organizational

subdivisions and units to eliminate congestion, overlap and duplication of
functions and, thus, ensure more efficient allocation of resources.

3) Rationalization of systems and procedures.

c. In the effort to improve the organizational structure of the PNP, the following
generally accepted Principles of Organization shall be considered as frames
of reference and guidelines:

1) Functions and tasks should be grouped so that action, consultation and

coordination can take place with a minimum of overlap, delay or confusion.

2) The allocation of functions to each organizational segment and of tasks to

each position should be reasonably confined to related functions.

3) Each function and task should be allocated so that the points of action,
consultation and decision are known.

4) The channels of communication should be clear, definite and known.

5) The occupant of each position should know to whom he reports and who
reports to him, and with whom he must consult.

6) Assignment of a responsibility requires conferment of adequate authority

to be able to carry out the tasks.

7) The number of positions reporting to one supervisory position should be

limited to a feasible span of control.

8) The levels of the organization should be kept to a minimum so that the line
of communication from the head of the organization to the lowest position
will be as short as consistent with expediency and effectiveness.

9) The point of decision should be as close as possible to the point of action.

Page 3 of 7

a. The Organizational Development (OD) Project Team shall determine OD

requirements of the PNP such as creation, restructuring, strengthening, and
abolition of units through the following:

1) Review/Assessment/Amendment of existing plans, policies, systems and

procedures and organizational structures;
2) Consultation and coordination with the PNP Command Group, D-Staff,
and other concerned PNP Offices/units;
3) Emerging threats and inputs to policing (Including the
Inspection/Validation Reports of Field PNP Evaluation Teams and other
Audit Report/Breakthrough Results);
4) Executive Issuances/Directives (which includes the instructions of the
President of the Philippines, Secretary, DILG/ex-officio Chairman,
NAPOLCOM, and Chief, PNP); and
5) Enactment of Laws related to policing.

b. When an OD requirement is determined, the Chief, ODD and/or Assistant

Division Chief shall assign ODD-DPL Staff to handle the project. The
assigned OD Staff/s shall determine the required data/references for the
project. When necessary, a coordination shall be made either through a
meeting or through a memorandum to request the concerned PNP Unit to
submit their proposal/inputs as basis for the crafting of the proposal (Annex
C- OD Requirement Checklist) which shall include among others, the

1) Proposed functional chart;

2) Proposed organizational structure and staffing pattern; and
3) Justification on requested changes/adjustments.

c. Once the data/references are complete, the assigned ODD-DPL Staff and
Project Team Manager/s shall conduct review and analysis of the project
proposal using the Analysis/Decision Tree (Annex A) as guide in determining
the appropriate approach to be undertaken for the OD requirement. The use
of Analysis/ Decision Tree may be waived when a required OD Project is an
immediate response or compliance to implement executive
issuances/directives. If needed, the documents shall be forwarded to
concerned DPL Divisions or other PNP Offices/Units for their comments,
inputs, and recommendations.

d. Once the soundness and completeness of the proposal is determined, the

assigned ODD-DPL Staff/s shall draft the complete staff work (CSW)
containing the General Orders or appropriate directives, the functional chart,
the organizational structure, and staffing pattern of the Office/Unit. Prior to
finalization of the CSW, coordination with concerned unit shall be conducted
either through a consultative meeting to discuss the details of the proposal or
through a memorandum requesting for comment/recommendation on the
draft General Orders or directive.

Page 4 of 7
e. The CSW shall be submitted for approval of the DPL Command Group. Upon
approval, the documents shall be transmitted to the PNP Command Group
(thru concerned Directorial Staff) for approval/notation.

f. Regular monitoring of the status of the proposal shall be conducted by the

Evaluation and Monitoring Section of ODD-DPL.

g. Once signed by the Chief, PNP, the proposal shall be transmitted to the
Chairman, NAPOLCOM for approval. The approval of the NAPOLCOM
through a confirmatory Resolution should be officially transmitted to the PNP.

h. Upon receipt of the NAPOLCOM Resolution approving the PNP proposal, the
NHQ-PNP General Orders or directives shall be submitted for notation of the
Chief, PNP prior to its implementation by the Director for Plans to concerned
PNP Offices/Units.

i. The Director for Plans shall sign the NHQ-PNP General Orders or directives
and copies of the same shall be disseminated to concerned PNP Offices/Units
for implementation. When necessary, coordination with concerned PNP
Offices/Units shall be conducted to provide the details of such

j. Relevant documents shall be kept and made readily available as references,

as deemed appropriate.

k. Once the OD process is completed, the implementation of new General

Orders or directives shall be evaluated and monitored by the Evaluation and
Monitoring Section, ODD-DPL. Moreover, duly signed ODD-DPL General
Orders and directives shall be transmitted to NAPOLCOM for its reference in
the conduct of Field Inspection and Validation. The feedback on issued
policies and directives on OD shall also be obtained from breakthrough results
to be submitted by concerned PNP Offices/Units. The result of evaluation
and monitoring reports of inspection and validation of NAPOLCOM and
breakthrough results shall form part of references in determining further the
OD requirements which may or may not cause the issuance of supplemental
General Orders or directive to attain the effectiveness of the OD Project.


a. Organizational Development Project Team

1) Chief, Organizational Development Division (ODD), DPL – act as Project

Manager and shall be responsible for the conduct of activities of
organizational development projects.

2) Assistant Division Chief, ODD-DPL– act as the Assistant Project Manager

and shall be responsible for the close monitoring of OD projects up to its

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3) Chief, Organizational Planning Section, ODD-DPL – shall be responsible
in the conduct of research and studies on organizational development,
preparation of complete staff work and in the formulation and review of the
organizational structures and staffing patterns of PNP Units/Offices.

4) Chief, Force Development Section, ODD-DPL – shall be responsible for

the formulation and review of the organizational structures and staffing
patterns of the PNP Maneuver Forces and other force development

5) Chief, Monitoring and Evaluation Section, ODD-DPL – shall be

responsible in monitoring the status of implementation of approved OD
projects and in obtaining feedback on the project and services rendered.
He shall be responsible in administering the Client Satisfaction Survey
(Tab D – Client Satisfaction Survey Form).

6) Project Evaluation Officer/Planning Officer II – conduct research and

studies on organizational development, review and analysis of OD project
proposals, formulation and review of the organizational structures and
staffing patterns and prepare complete staff work for OD projects.

7) Project Evaluation/Planning Officer I – conduct research and studies on

organizational development, review and analysis of OD project proposals,
formulation and review of the organizational structures and staffing
patterns and prepare complete staff work for OD projects. In the absence
of Action PNCOs, conduct monitoring activities relative to OD project

8) Statistician – consolidate, validate, compute and analyze statistical data

relative to OD projects, assist in the execution of the different processes
of the organizational development, and assist in any activities necessary
for the accomplishment of the projects.

9) Planning Assistant – assist in the conduct of research and studies on

organizational development as well as in the formulation and review of the
functional charts, organizational structures, and staffing patterns of PNP
Units/Offices and preparation of complete staff work for organizational
development projects.

10) Administrative Assistant III – Draft functional charts, organizational

structures and staffing patterns of PNP Units/Offices and assist in the
review and analysis of OD proposals.

11) Action PNCO - conduct monitoring activities relative to OD project


b. Project Partners

1) The other members of the Directorial Staff assist in the completion of

projects and participate in the activities pertaining to the projects.
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2) Concerned PNP Offices/Units provide the required data
(administrative/operational) and comply with the requirements/specific
support for the proposed organizational development proposals.


Any provision/s of existing DPL Standard Operating Procedures which are

inconsistent hereof are deemed amended or repealed.


This Standard Operating Procedure shall take effect upon its approval.


A- Organizational Development Decision Tree

B- Organizational Development Process Flow
C- Organizational Development Requirement Checklist
D- Client Satisfaction Survey Form
E- Organizational Development Project Workplan

Annex A to SOP No. 2019-04 Organizational Development Process

Part I. Surfacing the Core Functions of the PNP Units

1. Are the existing mandates and functions of thesubject PNP Recommend necessary action
Office/Unit still relevant, considering government/PNP thrusts? .....- . such as streamlining,
reorganization, abolition, etc.
Recommend necessary action,
2. Are there new mandates or organizational requirements in determine which other PNP
the functions of the subject PNP Office/Unit? ....- ... Office/Units should perform or
assume the function, make a
Y matrix of functions.
Proceed to Part II
Part II. Surfacing the Distribution of Core Agency Functions Among NHQ, NSUs, PROs and Lower Units

3. Are some functions of subject PNP Office/Units best done or Delegate function to NSUs, PROs,
delivered at the NHQ, NSUs, PROs and other PNP Offices/Units? PPOs, CPOs or other PNP Units
Proceed to Part IV, Step 6 Proceed to Part III, Step 4

Resultant after step 3: Distribution of NSU/PROs Core Functions to Field Units 1 to 2 Core Agency Functions

Part III. Relevance of the Function In Regional and Other Field Offices

4. Does the function have to be performed/support by all regional Recommend necessary

offices? (NSUs or PROs) amend mentis to affected
PNP Offices/Units

5. Is there a need for a new Unit that will perform this function in Recommend necessary
all subordinate units? amendment/s to affected
PNP Offices/Units
Proceed to Part IV, Step 7
Resultant after step 7: List of regional or field offices to be maintained/ strengthen/restructured created/
upgraded merged and deactivated.

Part IV. Review of Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of Subject PNP Office/Unit
Recommend necessary
6. Is there duplication or redundancy of functions with other
amendment/s to affected
Division/Unit within the D-Staff/NSUs/PROs/PPOs/CPOs
PNP Offices/Units

7. Is the structure of NSU/PRO/Division appropriate to support the Recommend necessary

functions? amendment/s to affected
y PNP Offices/Units

8. Is the NSU/PRO performing the function/activity efficiently and

effectively? --...
Strengthen structures, if needed
recommend improvement of
service delivery through:
• Work simplification
~Y • Productivity Improvement
• Adoption of new technologies
• Computerization
Resultant after step 8: Inform proponent of the result of the evaluation • Service quality improvement
• Activate/Create unit if no unit
~Y is performing the tasks under
( End)
Annex B of SOP No. 2019-04 Organizational Development Process


Oetennine 00 (at least 1 day)


Assign 00 Staff to handle (at least 1 day)
00 Project
Request data from
concemed units ~
when necessary Oetennine required datal (at least 1 day)

File proposal
until submission
of compliance

Conduct review and analysis of 00 (at least 3 days)

Project to detennine appropriate action

Issue memo informing Feasiblel

proponent of the result with available
NO resources?
of evaluation
,1. YES
Request proponent to
Conduct coordination/consultative
submit revised proposal (3 hours/meeting)
meeting/s when necessary
or additional justifications
if necessary ..j,
Prepare Complete Staff Work (CSW) containing

~ the following: General Orders, Functional Chart, (1·3 weeks

YES depending on 00
Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern,
NO requirements )
and endorsement letter to NAPOLCOM

Conduct final coordination/consultative
(3 hours/meeting)
meetingls with concerned office/unit
Revise and amend
(3-5 days)
CSW when necessary
Finalize CSW and submit for
(at least 1 week)
approval of OPL Command Group

Page 1 012

Submit CSW for concurrence of
. - - - - - - -+1 concerned D-Staff and approval of (minimum 1 month)
the PNP Command Group

Revise CSW or
inform proponent
of disapproval

. - - - - - - -+1 Transmit proposal to NAPOLCOM (1 day)

Revise proposal or
inform proponent Approved?
of disapproval

Submit NAPOLCOM-approved
NHQ-PNP General Orders to the (minimum 2 weeks)
Chief, PNP for notation

Disseminate copies of approved

General Orders to concerned units (at least 3 days)
for implementation

File approved and disapproved

proposals for future reference

Page 2 012
Annex C to SOP No. 2019-04 Organizational Development Process



1 Unit endorsement signed by Head of Office

2 Proposed Functional Chart

3 Proposed Organizational Structure

4 Proposed Staffing Pattern

5 Justification on requested changes/adjustments

Additional requirements (if necessary)

6 Actual personnel complement and disposition

7 Job descriptions of proposed positions

8 Cost Estimate

Reviewed by:

Name & Signature Date

ANNEX D of SOP No. 2019-04 Organizational Development Process


The Organizational Development Division (ODD) of the Directorate for Plans (DPL) is enthusiastic
and keen to improve the quality of its service. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions.
Your comments and suggestions will be treated with confidentiality, and will only be used to improve our service.

Name (optional): Date:

Rank/Position: Office/Unit:

Service Rendered:

Please check (v') the appropriate box corresponding to your response.

1. How satisfied are you with the quality of service

* *** *
Not at all
Neutral Very

of the Organizational Development Division?

2. Ho~ do you rate the quality of service rendered

by ODD-DPL personnel in terms of:

a. Promptness (response time)

b. Courtesy (communication)

c. Expertise (knowledgeable of his/her

assigned tasks)

3. Is the ODD-DPL work area clear of unsightly

items, clean, organized and orderly?

4. Do you have any ideals or suggestion/s which may help improve our service?

Thank you for your comments and suggestions.

Organizational Development Division

Directorate for Plans
Annex E to SOP No. 2019-G4 Organizational Development Process


Project Name: _________________

Month Month Month

Activities Person Responsible Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
1. Determine 00 Requirement Assistant Chief, ODD
2. Assisn responsibilities to 00 Staff Chief, 0001 Assistant Chief, ODD (in case of
absence of C, ODD
3. Conduct review and analysis of proJect proposal C, 000, AC, ODD, Section Chief and assigned
4. Conduct coordination/ consultative meetlns when C, 000, AC, ODD and asslsned ODD Staff/s
S. Prepare complete staff work (CSW) Assigned ODD Staff/s

6. Conduct review of CSW AC, ODD and Assigned ODD Staff/s

1. Conduct final consultative meetlns C, ODD, AC, ODD and asslsned ODD Staff/s
8. Finalize CSW and submit for approval of OPL Command Ass1sned ODD Staff/s
9. Submit CSW for approval of Chief, PNP Assisned ODD Staff/s
10. Monitor 00 project Chief, Monltorlns and Evaluation Section, ODD
and Staff
11. Transmit Chief, PNP Approved proposal to NAPOLCOM Planning Officer II

12. Monitor 00 project C, MES, ODD and Staff

13. Prepare memo submlttlns NAPOLCOM-approved 00 ODD Staff Memo for notation of the Chief, PNP shall be submitted within 3 days
project for notation of the Chief, PNP from receipt of NAPOLCOM Resolution.
14. Disseminate copies of approved directives on 00 ODD Staff Memo for Implementation of approved 00 Project shall be
project for Implementation disseminated to concerned PNP Units/Offices within 3 days from
receipt of notation from OCPNP

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