National Headquarters, Philippine National Police Directorate For Plans
National Headquarters, Philippine National Police Directorate For Plans
National Headquarters, Philippine National Police Directorate For Plans
December 4, 2019
a. Republic Act No. 6975 entitled: “An act establishing the PNP under a
Reorganized DILG, and for other Purposes”;
b. Republic Act No. 8551 entitled: ““An Act Providing for the Reform and
Reorganization of the Philippine National Police and for Other Purposes,
Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Nine Hundred
And Seventy-Five Entitled, "An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police
Under a Re-Organized Department of the Interior And Local Government,
And For Other Purposes””;
c. Executive Order No. 605, series of 2007 entitled: Institutionalizing The
Structure, Mechanisms And Standards To Implement The Government
Quality Management Program, Amending For The Purpose Administrative
Order No. 161, S. 2006;
d. DBM Manual on Position Classification and Compensation;
e. DBM Index of Occupational Services, Position Titles, and Salary Grades;
f. DBM Resolution No. 1, Series of 2006 re: Rationalization Program’s
Organization and Staffing Standards and Guidelines;
g. CSC Resolution No. 97-0404 dated January 24, 1997 re: Qualification
Standard, as amended;
h. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 92-36 entitled: “Approving the Revised
Organizational Structure of the PNP and Providing Policies and Guidelines in
the Implementation Thereof”;
i. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 96-058 entitled: “Further Amending Res 92-36
Approving the streamlining of the PNP Organizational Structure and
reiterating the role of the Regional and Provincial Police”
j. Chapter 3 Para A (Scope of Quality Management System) of PNP ISO
9001:2015 Quality Management System
k. PNP Program Thrust;
l. Memorandum Circular No. DPL 97-01 dated September 22, 1997, subject:
“Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of the PNP”;
m. Organizational Development Division Action Plan; and
n. Organizational Development Division DPL Scorecard, Measure Profile and
Initiative Profile.
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The Philippine National Police (PNP), as the country’s premier police agency, is
organized for the purpose of facilitating the attainment of its goals and objectives which
calls for a well-structured organization that is flexible enough to handle the demands
of the ever-changing environment. Concomitantly, the PNP adopts institutional
measures to further improve service delivery and enhance organization effectiveness.
This SOP sets forth the policies, guidelines and procedures in the conduct of
organizational development of PNP units in order to enhance organizational
effectiveness and to optimize the utilization of personnel.
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c. In the effort to improve the organizational structure of the PNP, the following
generally accepted Principles of Organization shall be considered as frames
of reference and guidelines:
3) Each function and task should be allocated so that the points of action,
consultation and decision are known.
5) The occupant of each position should know to whom he reports and who
reports to him, and with whom he must consult.
8) The levels of the organization should be kept to a minimum so that the line
of communication from the head of the organization to the lowest position
will be as short as consistent with expediency and effectiveness.
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c. Once the data/references are complete, the assigned ODD-DPL Staff and
Project Team Manager/s shall conduct review and analysis of the project
proposal using the Analysis/Decision Tree (Annex A) as guide in determining
the appropriate approach to be undertaken for the OD requirement. The use
of Analysis/ Decision Tree may be waived when a required OD Project is an
immediate response or compliance to implement executive
issuances/directives. If needed, the documents shall be forwarded to
concerned DPL Divisions or other PNP Offices/Units for their comments,
inputs, and recommendations.
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e. The CSW shall be submitted for approval of the DPL Command Group. Upon
approval, the documents shall be transmitted to the PNP Command Group
(thru concerned Directorial Staff) for approval/notation.
g. Once signed by the Chief, PNP, the proposal shall be transmitted to the
Chairman, NAPOLCOM for approval. The approval of the NAPOLCOM
through a confirmatory Resolution should be officially transmitted to the PNP.
h. Upon receipt of the NAPOLCOM Resolution approving the PNP proposal, the
NHQ-PNP General Orders or directives shall be submitted for notation of the
Chief, PNP prior to its implementation by the Director for Plans to concerned
PNP Offices/Units.
i. The Director for Plans shall sign the NHQ-PNP General Orders or directives
and copies of the same shall be disseminated to concerned PNP Offices/Units
for implementation. When necessary, coordination with concerned PNP
Offices/Units shall be conducted to provide the details of such
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3) Chief, Organizational Planning Section, ODD-DPL – shall be responsible
in the conduct of research and studies on organizational development,
preparation of complete staff work and in the formulation and review of the
organizational structures and staffing patterns of PNP Units/Offices.
b. Project Partners
This Standard Operating Procedure shall take effect upon its approval.
Annex A to SOP No. 2019-04 Organizational Development Process
Part I. Surfacing the Core Functions of the PNP Units
1. Are the existing mandates and functions of thesubject PNP Recommend necessary action
Office/Unit still relevant, considering government/PNP thrusts? .....- . such as streamlining,
reorganization, abolition, etc.
Recommend necessary action,
2. Are there new mandates or organizational requirements in determine which other PNP
the functions of the subject PNP Office/Unit? ....- ... Office/Units should perform or
assume the function, make a
Y matrix of functions.
Proceed to Part II
Part II. Surfacing the Distribution of Core Agency Functions Among NHQ, NSUs, PROs and Lower Units
3. Are some functions of subject PNP Office/Units best done or Delegate function to NSUs, PROs,
delivered at the NHQ, NSUs, PROs and other PNP Offices/Units? PPOs, CPOs or other PNP Units
Proceed to Part IV, Step 6 Proceed to Part III, Step 4
Resultant after step 3: Distribution of NSU/PROs Core Functions to Field Units 1 to 2 Core Agency Functions
Part III. Relevance of the Function In Regional and Other Field Offices
5. Is there a need for a new Unit that will perform this function in Recommend necessary
all subordinate units? amendment/s to affected
PNP Offices/Units
Proceed to Part IV, Step 7
Resultant after step 7: List of regional or field offices to be maintained/ strengthen/restructured created/
upgraded merged and deactivated.
Part IV. Review of Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of Subject PNP Office/Unit
Recommend necessary
6. Is there duplication or redundancy of functions with other
amendment/s to affected
Division/Unit within the D-Staff/NSUs/PROs/PPOs/CPOs
PNP Offices/Units
Assign 00 Staff to handle (at least 1 day)
00 Project
Request data from
concemed units ~
when necessary Oetennine required datal (at least 1 day)
File proposal
until submission
of compliance
Conduct final coordination/consultative
(3 hours/meeting)
meetingls with concerned office/unit
Revise and amend
(3-5 days)
CSW when necessary
Finalize CSW and submit for
(at least 1 week)
approval of OPL Command Group
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Submit CSW for concurrence of
. - - - - - - -+1 concerned D-Staff and approval of (minimum 1 month)
the PNP Command Group
Revise CSW or
inform proponent
of disapproval
Revise proposal or
inform proponent Approved?
of disapproval
Submit NAPOLCOM-approved
NHQ-PNP General Orders to the (minimum 2 weeks)
Chief, PNP for notation
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Annex C to SOP No. 2019-04 Organizational Development Process
8 Cost Estimate
Reviewed by:
Rank/Position: Office/Unit:
Service Rendered:
b. Courtesy (communication)
4. Do you have any ideals or suggestion/s which may help improve our service?
1. Conduct final consultative meetlns C, ODD, AC, ODD and asslsned ODD Staff/s
8. Finalize CSW and submit for approval of OPL Command Ass1sned ODD Staff/s
9. Submit CSW for approval of Chief, PNP Assisned ODD Staff/s
10. Monitor 00 project Chief, Monltorlns and Evaluation Section, ODD
and Staff
11. Transmit Chief, PNP Approved proposal to NAPOLCOM Planning Officer II