CHUB Catalogue 2010

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w CHUB 2009 Catalogue
The CHUB® name, logo, products and promotional materials are
Hardy & Greys GmbH protected by various registered and unregistered intellectual property
Hardy & Greys rights including patents, patent applications, registered designs, trade marks,
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49393 Lohne Designed and produced by Hardy & Greys Ltd. Designer: Rosie Worrall. 6 17075 42908 9

t: +49 (0) 4442-802-920 SP Dial: (0)41 Chub is a wholly owned subsidiary of , Willowburn, Alnwick, Northumberland. NE66 2PF. England
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INTRODUCTION Our aim is to stay at the forefront

of innovation and design

Specimen Carp anglers are amongst the most

discerning and demanding of all customers when it RODS 4 - 11
comes to selecting the right gear. They want the best
that modern technology can provide – outstanding BIVVIES & SHELTERS 12 - 29
quality but at an affordable price, we all want our hard
earned cash to go further. Great products, at a great
price, all representing great value for money. That’s BARROWS 36 - 37
what you get from Chub.
HOLDALLS 38 - 41
We are now firmly established as one of Europe’s top
Carp brands and have been a Specialist Innovator of ROD QUIVERS 42 - 43
Specimen Carp tackle for almost 20 years. Once again
our team of new product development specialists and LUGGAGE 44 - 59
our highly respected and acclaimed members of the
Chub Carp Academy, have come up with a wealth of
COOKING 60 - 63
new product innovations for the 2010/11 season. For
CARP CARE 64 - 69
example you only need to take a look at the new Vizor,
S-Plus and S-Plus Max bivvys and shelters, some of the SCALES & FLOATS 70 - 71
new Carp Care products and the Compact Outkast 4
piece rods to see just how much flair and creativity has PRECISION
gone into this superb new gear. And there’s more – like
the new Classic and X-tra Comfy Bedchairs, extensions STAINLESS STEEL 72 - 73
to the best selling Snooper rod range including new
Spod and Marker rods, along with the new Precision SMART BOX 74 - 75
Stainless, which includes bank sticks, buzz bars and
LIGHTING 76 - 77
RIGS 78 - 79
But that’s not all. Many anglers would agree that
Chub probably offers the industry’s best after-sales CLOTHING 80 - 81
service – providing you with not just help and advice,
but also taking care of any customer service issues you
might have, should you ever need it. At Chub, you the
customer, has always been our main priority, whether
you’re in store buying our products, fishing from the
bank or at the end of a phone. We like to feel we
always have your best interests at heart.

That’s Chub – Specialist Innovation.

Tight Lines.

Richard Sanderson.

Managing Director.


Chub carp rods now have the
Added this year is the first multi-piece Outkast. The
Outkast Compact is an 11’ 4 piece rod that is truly CHOOSING YOUR
enviable reputation as some of versatile and unlike any other multi-piece carp rod CARP ROD
the best in the business. The it retains the light and crisp action of the standard
Outkast is currently entering Outkast rods. If you’re looking for a quality carp rod to WHICH LENGTH AND TEST CURVE
keep in the boot of your car or perhaps to pack into a
its fifth year in production and IS RIGHT FOR YOU?
suitcase, then this could be the ideal rod for you.
this we believe is testament to WHAT CAN IT CAST?
its groundbreaking design. The Our incredibly popular Snooper carp rod range now has
result of evaluating and refining dedicated Spod and Marker rods. An essential part of With so many different lengths and test curves 3LB
the modern carp anglers setup, these rods show that available, choosing a carp rod can be a real minefield. Out of all our test curves, this is now the most popular
prototype after prototype to To make things easier for you, we’ve decided on a in our range. Excellent reserves of power make fishing
dedicated application rods do not have to break the
produce a finished rod that bank and these offer incredible performance previously
few guidelines that should help you make the correct at range no problem, whether it’s single leads or a PVA
pushed the boundary of both choice. bag. Don’t be shy about really winding these rods up to
unheard of at this price point.
During recent years there has been a trend towards get into the butt section to release the power.
composites performance and more powerful test curves. This probably reflects the Like the 2.75lb, our 3lb test curves are particularly well
anglers’ expectations. This passion for creating great fishing tackle is the
fact that carp are getting bigger! This, coupled with the suited to medium-long fishing but with a touch more
mainstay of our business and we are constantly
introduction of PVA bags and Method Feeders, means power for punching out baits, or setting the hook at
searching for ways to improve that process. There’s that some anglers require that extra ‘punch’ from their range should the need arise. In the right hands, and
the Hardy & Greys rod simulator – a revolutionary carp rods. This is due to the Method Feeder and bag’s with the correct set-up, distances of over 130 yards can
computer system that has changed the face of less than aerodynamic shapes. easily be achieved.
composite technology and how rods are designed. Our While you read this, please remember these are only
Finite Element Analysis system lets us experiment with guidelines and that length and test curve choice will 3.5LB
potential materials, actions and tapers before blanks always remain a personal one. Both feel and comfort This test curve is ideal for the angler who wants to fish
are even built and the unique Hardy & Greys Test Rig will play a big part – what suits one angler will not big baits and bags, at the limits of their casting ability.
measures rod profiles, action, durability, balance and always be right for another. When using higher test curves like this, slightly more
strength. For example, some of the more extreme rod lengths care will need to be taken while playing fish under the
and test curves require a good casting technique, to rod tip.
Every aspect of a rod can be tried and tested with compress the blank and release its full potential. With the correct casting styles and good compression,
total flexibility. Of course, Hardy & Greys technicians With this in mind, other anglers prefer lower test distances of 150 yards+ can be achieved. During
work hand in glove throughout the process with the curves to gain maximum feel during the fight. testing we have seen recorded distances of well in
Chub academy members and consultants. Only when Whatever model, length or test curve, you can be sure excess of 200 yards using some of our models. The
the design, prototyping and testing of each product is that it’s been tried and tested by our scientists, design extra power of these rods will be well appreciated by
complete and we are confident that we have everything engineers, and our Chub Carp Academy members. anglers looking to set hooks well at range.
That is why it carries the Chub name and the Chub
right, we work with our manufacturing partners and the
best carbon fibre suppliers from across the globe to
Worldwide Extended Warranty. SHOCK LEADER GUIDE
As a guide always use the 10x safety rule for your
produce the level of expertise and craftsmanship that
2.5LB shock leaders, so for example, for a 3oz lead use a 30lb
we expect and our customers demand.
This test curve is ideal for fishing short to medium shock leader, 4oz lead 40lb shock leader etc. This will
range. When fishing at close range a softer 2.5lb rod result in fewer crack-offs when striving for that extra
At Chub our aim is to ensure that we continue to will absorb the lunges of a fighting fish. This also distance.
provide anglers around the world with products that means excellent casting accuracy, especially with
simply make the whole process of going fishing short-range baits. Don’t be deceived though, all our
more enjoyable. Please check out the Chub website 2.5lb test curve carp rods have good reserves of power to keep up with all our latest in the butt section, should it be needed.
developments. Don’t forget you can also use the While this test curve lends itself superbly for playing
website to register your rod warranty and contact us fish, it’s not ideal for casting out large
with any of your views, questions or even send us your Method feeders, or PVA bags. This is because the
rod can easily be bottomed out (over stretched) under
latest capture pictures.
these high compression loads. As well as being a great
Tight Lines medium-range fishing rod, this test curve is a popular GUIDELINES
Chub Carp Development Team choice for surface fishing.
A very popular test curve that’s able to cope with a
12’ 2.5lb 1oz to 3.5oz - optimum is 2.5oz
multitude of situations. Ideal for fishing either single 12’ 2.75lb 1oz to 4oz - optimum is 3oz
leads, or small Method Feeders and PVA bags. In the 12’ 3lb 1oz to 4oz - optimum is 3oz
right hands these rods are capable of 100 yards plus,
yet are also great fish players close into the bank.
12’ 3.5lb 1oz to 5oz - optimum is 3.5oz
You can do all this without the fear of a high hook 13’ 3.5lb 1oz to 5oz - optimum is 4oz
pull rate. A 2.75lb carp rod is a truly versatile tool, but
particularly well suited to medium to long-range fishing.
Lee Collings Kevin Benham James Temple

RODS The Outkast has fantastic
casting performance

The perfect partner for the Spod Rod. The Outkast Marker
Rod has a powerful butt section and very responsive tip to
make feature finding so much easier. Whether you’re searching
for weed beds, gravel bars or gullies, with this rod you will
be able to feel and outline all these underwater features to
perfection. The rod also has the power and ability to cast a
lead and marker float long distances and features
graduated depth marks set at 6” intervals.

Product Length Weight

Code ft/m (g/oz)
CR29 12’/3.66 388/13.68

Built using the same technology as the Outkast Carp
Rods, the Outkast Spod will help you achieve greater
distances when casting the largest spods. Designed on a blank
of around 5lb test curve, the rod is capable of casting most spods
and bait rockets extreme distances with pinpoint accuracy when
casting to a marker or feature. A progressive action and stepped-
The Chub Outkast was the first in a line of expectations revealing a smooth progressive up butt section gives maximum compression and loading of the
a new generation of Chub carp rods. These action but with plenty of power for long rod at the correct moment, to enable most anglers to optimise
are built using the latest in-house technology casting, achieving some phenomenal the full potential of the powerful blank. Minimalist and modern in
and also utilise the most up-to-date carbon distances yet still retaining a superb playing appearance the rod has five double legged slim SICs plus tip ring.
processes never available before in rods action capable of handling big fish. So
of this price range. Designed to cover all confident are we on the performance of
Product Length Weight Pieces
aspects of carp fishing, the rods are available these rods that they come with a Worldwide Code ft/m (g/oz)
in four test curves from 2.5lb to 3.5lb. They Extended Warranty, also a first for rods in this
CR28 12’/3.66 392/13.82 2
feature lovely slim, lightweight yet extremely price range.
powerful performance driven blanks, which
give a very minimal, modern look. The
Outkast features five double legged SIC
guides and tip ring, screw lock reel seat and
abbreviated handle with a Japanese shrink-
wrap butt grip, plus carbon line clip.
During testing the Outkast exceeded all

Product Length Test Curve Weight Pieces

Code ft/m (lb) (g/oz)
CR24 12’/3.66 2.5 291/10.26 2
CR25 12’/3.66 2.75 316/11.14 2
CR30 13’/3.96 3.5 420/14.81 2 Now one of the most popular and respected rods on the
market is available with 50mm butt guides. With matching guides
throughout, just add a big pit reel to the Outkast 50 and you will
be casting to the horizon, while still having the superb playing
qualities that these rods have become famous for.

Product Length Test Curve Weight Pieces

Code ft/m (lb) (g/oz)
CR26-50 12’/3.66 3 358/12.62 2
CR27-50 12’/3.66 3.5 394/13.84 2


The Chub product team decided that the • Soft easy to use action
Outkast range would benefit from the inclusion • Powerful and slim blank
of a designated stalking rod. By utilising the • Double leg SIC guides
same successful design concept, the 9’ • Laser etched butt cap
Outkast Stalker was born. The Outkast Stalker • Worldwide Extended Warranty
has a powerful, yet easy action, that controls
Product Length Weight Pieces the lunges of a powerful fish and reduces hook
Code ft/m (g/oz)
pulls at close range.
C00002 9’/2.74 217/7.65 2

This 10ft addition to the Outkast range is a truly • 18mm gunsmoke grey reel seat
versatile rod. Not only is the rod soft enough to • Double leg SIC guides
be used as a stalking rod, but it still has enough • Full length Japanese shrink wrap handle
power to be used as a short conventional carp • Anodised & laser etched butt cap
rod, perfect for tight swims, floater fishing or • World Wide Extended Warranty
the mobile angler. A must-have addition to any
anglers’ set of rods.
Product Length Weight Pieces
Code ft/m (g/oz)
COR010 10’/3.05 262/9.24 2
The 11’ Outkast Compact is a multi-piece carp • Length 11’ / 3.35m 2.75lb TC
rod that doesn’t sacrifice on performance. • Number of sections: 4
With the same powerful and crisp action as • Transport length: 87cm
the standard Outkast carp rod; this Compact • Hook keeper ring
version is perfect for the travelling angler or • Anodised & laser etched butt cap
for storing in the boot of your car for those • Japanese shrink wrap butt grip
opportunistic moments. A truly versatile • Worldwide Extended warranty
rod with a wide range of applications from
stalking to floater fishing and enough power
to cope with heavy leads and distance when
required. The rod itself has minimalist and
modern styling to perfectly match the existing
Outkast range.
Product Length Weight Pieces
Just take one look at the Outkast Twin Tip • Incredibly slim and lightweight
and you will see that, not only are you getting • Excellent power to diameter ratio
a truly versatile rod, but also a great value • Keeper ring
package. As the name suggests the rod • SIC braid-friendly guides throughout
comes supplied with two tip sections, one a • Excellent value for money
full length Avon tip perfect for surface fishing • Supplied with Avon style 1.75lb test curve
for carp or touch legering for barbel. It is also tip
supplied with a quiver tip carrier section. With • Supplied with additional quiver tip carrier
this you have the choice of either a 2oz or section that includes a 2 & 5oz quiver tip
Product Length Test Curve Weight 5oz quiver tip, ideal for general feeder fishing • Graphite reel seat with screw down Duplon
Code ft/m (lb) (g/oz) and legering. Generously sized SIC braid-safe hood
C00003 12’/3.66 1.75 212/7.47 guides also make the rod capable of taking • Full cork handle
(With Avon tip) lines up to 15lb. So whether your quarry is • Anti-flash matt finished blank
barbel, tench, carp or chub, the Outkast Twin • Worldwide Extended Warranty
Tip is at home with all these species.


The all new Chub Snooper™ carp rod offers
top performance and value for money. These
rods are manufactured to a standard that any
top angler would be pleased to fish with.
The rod has an extremely comfortable feel
and is perfectly balanced with a lovely fish-
playing action. The slim and lightweight blank
has plenty of power for long range casting
The New Snooper™ Marker rod offers top
performance and value for money. The TECTORS BANDS
and is enhanced by the combination of the blank is well balanced and has considerable
Chub Tip Tectors provide total rod Two bands per pack. Larger one to fit
gloss black finish and gunsmoke grey reel reserves of power that enable you to punch
protection and security during transit. the butt end and the smaller for the
seat. The double legged SIC guides complete out large marker floats with big leads. The
Each pack contains two padded non- tip. Velcro straps allow the bands to be
the stunning minimalistic appearance of the progressive action and responsive tip allow
crush rod tip and butt protectors plus a pulled tight stopping rod movement
rod. you to pick up the subtle knocks and tell-tale
rod band to keep. and possible damage during transit.
changes in resistance that reveal exactly what
• 18mm gunsmoke grey reel seat you are fishing over. 6” and 12” depth markers
Product Code: CA36 Product Code: CR18 Quantity: x2
• Double leg SIC guides allow for accurate depth measurement. The
• Japanese shrink-wrap butt grip rods have a minimalist style to perfectly
• Duplon reel seat collars match the Snooper™ carp rods.
• Anodised & laser etched butt cap
• 18mm gunsmoke grey reel seat
• Double leg SIC guides throughout
Product Length Test Curve Weight Pieces
Code ft/m (lb) (g/oz) • Japanese shrink-wrap butt grip
• Duplon reel seat collars

Anodised & laser etched butt cap
Quality velvet rod bag
• Worldwide Extended Warranty
CSR050 13’/3.96 3.5 351/12.38 2
Product Length Pieces Multi-functional rod bands with clip
Code ft/m attachments that can be used to secure

SNOOPER CSR060 12’/3.66 2 rods to most quivers that have D-Ring

attachments. Three bands each pack.

SPOD Product Code: CR19 Quantity: x3

Don’t be fooled by the budget price tag, the

new Snooper™ Spod Rod offers serious
performance. A powerful but also progressive
rod action results in a Spod rod that is easy
to compress with a wide range of different FOR
sized Spods. This not only removes most of 201
the strain out of repeated casting but also
improves accuracy. Built to cope with heavy
use, the Snooper™ Spod rod is the perfect
work-horse that will enable you to establish
large beds of bait at distance.
The Chub Finger Stall is manufactured
• 18mm gunsmoke grey reel seat NEW 0
• Double leg SIC guides throughout 20
1 from supple, but hard-wearing leather
that will protect your finger during
• Japanese shrink-wrap butt grip long distance or repeated casting.
• Duplon reel seat collars An adjustable elastic wrist band with
• Anodised & laser etched butt cap quick release press stud ensures a
• Quality velvet rod bag comfortable and secure fit.
• Worldwide Extended Warranty
Product Code: CFS010
Product Length Pieces
Code ft/m
CSR070 12’/3.66 2

BIVVIES & SHELTERS The Chub range of bivvies and overwraps have gained
in popularity over the last few seasons due to their
high build quality, reliability and performance.

The Chub range of bivvies and overwraps

have gained in popularity over the last
few seasons mainly due to their high
build quality, reliability and performance.
Climatex® is a high performance
The Cyfish in particular is a classic which
waterproof breathable fabric that remains
has stood the test of time gaining an
stable in varying climate conditions. Its
enviable reputation along the way while
Polyester construction reacts less in heat
constantly being one of the most popular
and also absorbs less water so stretches
and respected bivvies out there offering
less in wet conditions; offering increased
outstanding value for a bivvy of such a high
strength and durability.
specification and dimensions.
This year we are launching several new
Its finely woven 150 denier polyester
bivvies and shelters to the range with
yarn structure increases the waterproof
the top end Vizor being one of the most
performance and a tough PU backing
complete systems that we have produced.
means that Climatex® will continue to
The Vizor itself is manufactured from our
perform season after season.
own Climatex breathable material and is
packed with many features including our
Climatex has a DWR (Durable Water
new and unique Back Draft Ventilation
Repellent) finish, which increases water
System which allows the angler to control
beading on the surface of the fabric,
the conditions inside the bivvy to suit
stopping it wetting out and improving the
personal preferences. With its cranked
front porch the Vizor has a dramatic look
while giving that extra protection needed
whatever the weather throws at us.
For the more price conscious angler we
have introduced the versatile S-Plus range.
These bivvies and shelters are based on
the ever popular pramhood style system.
All have very modern design features to
give maximum protection and stability.
Optional Overwraps for the complete range
are also available so whether your fishing
requires the use of a shelter or a bivvy
there will be an option in the range to suit
you. As with all our bivvies there are no
added extras to buy, all come complete
with pegs, poles and groundsheets.
We are sure that the S-plus range along
with all our bivvies will prove to be
extremely popular with you this year.

Enhance the performance of the Vizor • Manufactured from Climatex® high
bivvy with the matching Extreme Canopy, performance fabric 10,000 mm
designed to give you even more room and Hydrostatic Head
added protection in extreme conditions. • Unique Back Draft™ Ventilation System
Manufactured from our exclusive Climatex® • Full front set of clear window panels
(10,000 mm Hydrostatic head) breathable included
fabric the Extreme Canopy virtually eliminates • Full zip-on/off mosi panel in ‘rip stop’ mesh
condensation during changeable weather • Supplied with crescent porch groundsheet
conditions. The versatile door system is fully • Completely removable door system
removable and is complete with clear and • Full set of heavy duty T-pegs included
mosi window options. Both the door and side • One and two man options available
windows utilise our exclusive green mesh
mosi-panels. The canopy also features our The Vizor Extreme Canopy also incorporates
unique rear Back draft™ Ventilation System the Back Draft Ventilation System.
that is double zipped and allows you to adjust
the amount of airflow through the bivvy
during warm or sunny conditions. Supplied
with full set of T-pegs and porch groundsheet.

Product Size Height Width Depth Weight

Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
CVBEX010 1 man 1.35/4.43 2.8/9.18 3.45/11.32 4/8.80
CVBEX020 2 man 1.45/4.76 3.0/9.51 3.75/12.30 4.5/9.90


At last an adaptable ventilation

system that doesn’t leak. No
more Velcro or rolling up of
window panels. Simply unzip
The Vizor, Chub’s latest advanced bivvy system has taken • Manufactured from Climatex® high performance
the Back Draft™ panel from
bivvy development to a new level with its radical and fabric 10,000mm Hydrostatic Head
the centre to adjust the size
innovative design concepts that offer even more comfort, • Enlarged Storm Peak for wider protection
of the ventilation window for
protection and adaptability. The Climatex® (10,000 mm • Unique Back Draft™ Ventilation System
the level of airflow you require.
Hydrostatic head) high performance breathable canopy is • Full front set of clear window panels included
This system is extremely quick
now complemented by the unique Back Draft™ Ventilation • Full zip-on/off mosi panel in ‘rip stop’ mesh
and easy to adjust and is 100%
System. This system allows you to quickly and easily • Supplied with In-line Bivvy Tension Bars with
waterproof due to its contoured
adjust the level of airflow through the bivvy to keep you double locking screws
shape and fully elasticated zip
comfortable whatever the weather throws at you. The • Completely removable door system
protection baffle.
cranked front pole enlarges the storm peak for wider • Heavy duty groundsheet with elasticated pegging
protection and the full set of clear windows provides system
improved visibility even during the wettest conditions. • Full set of heavy duty T-pegs included
Built around a sturdy 16mm 5 section frame, engineered • One and two man options available
from 6061 Aluminium with quick release joints and collars
it’s guaranteed to be a rock solid set up. As with all Chub Product Size Height Width Depth Weight
bivvies, the Vizor is extremely versatile and is supplied Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
complete with interchangeable front panels and a door CVB010 1 man 1.35/4.43 2.8/9.18 2.35/7.71 8.6/18.92
system that provides many options for whichever setup CVB020 2 man 1.45/4.76 3.0/9.51 2.8/9.18 10/22.00
you prefer. Inline tension bars, heavy duty ground sheet,
tension strap and T-pegs also supplied as standard.

BIVVIES & SHELTERS Three rib design for quick assembly and
compact transport size

The new Cyfish Tri-Lite is a top spec, ultra lightweight bivvy that
offers serious performance and a host of features for the most
demanding angler. The three rib design utilises top quality anodised
aero grade aluminium poles making the 3-section flexi pole design
ultra lightweight and quick to assemble. The third rib is used to create
a porch canopy that gives extra doorway protection in the worst
weather. The Cyfish Tri-Lite is also manufactured from Climatex®,
our exclusive high performance breathable fabric. The bivvy is super
compact and lightweight for easy transportation, comes complete
with aluminium tension bars, a full set of heavy duty T-pegs, removable
two way door with interchangeable Climatex® clear or mosi window
options and a full zip-on/off mosi panel in our exclusive green ‘rip stop’
mesh. The Cyfish Tri-Lite offers top specification with incredible value
for money.
• Manufactured from Climatex® high performance fabric
The Cyfish Tri-Lite Extreme Canopy provides greater all-round
• Top quality anodised aero grade aluminium poles
protection during severe weather conditions. It is manufactured
• 2-rib 3-section flexi pole design is quick to assemble
from Climatex®, our exclusive high performance breathable fabric.
• Bivvy weight 3.6kg (excluding groundsheet and pegs)
The Extreme Canopy virtually eliminates condensation, keeping you
• Supplied with lightweight aluminium Bivvy Tension Bars
warm and dry in the winter and cool in the summer. The door system
• Heavy duty groundsheet with elasticated pegging system
is completely removable and comes with Climatex® clear or mosi
• Full set of heavy duty T-pegs included
window options. Both the door and side panel windows utilize our
• Completely removable two-way door
exclusive green heavy duty ‘rip stop’ mesh. Supplied with a full set of
• Interchangeable Climatex®, clear or mosi window options
heavy duty T-pegs.
• Full zip-on/off mosi panel in ‘rip stop’ mesh
• Extra, shock-corded pegging points
• Manufactured from Climatex® high performance breathable fabric
• Top quality anodised aero grade aluminium poles
Product Size Height Width Depth Weight • Ultra lightweight at only 2.75kg excluding pegs
Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb) • Full set of heavy duty T-pegs included
CCTL010 1 man 1.4/4.59 2.8/9.18 2.3/7.54 4.2/9.25 • Completely removable two-way door
• Interchangeable Climatex® Clear or Mosi door options included
• Door and side panel windows utilise heavy duty ‘rip stop’ mesh
• Extra shock-corded pegging points provide increased internal space

Product Size Height Width Depth Weight

Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
CCTL020 1 man 1.4/4.59 3/9.84 3/9.84 2.75/6.06

BIVVIES & SHELTERS Ultra lightweight, combined with
serious performance.

The Cyfish Lite is a top spec, ultra lightweight bivvy that offers serious
The Cyfish Lite Extreme Canopy provides greater all-round protection • Manufactured from Climatex® high performance breathable fabric
performance and a host of features for the most demanding angler.
during severe weather conditions. It is manufactured from Climatex®, • Top quality anodised aero grade aluminium pole
The two rib design utilises top quality anodised aero grade aluminium
our exclusive high performance breathable fabric . Climatex® is the • Ultra lightweight at only 3.0kg (excluding pegs)
poles making the 3-section flexi pole design ultra lightweight and quick
latest development in next generation breathable fabrics that remain • 3-section flexi pole design is super compact and quick to assemble
to assemble. The Cyfish Lite is also manufactured from Climatex®, our
stable in varying climate conditions and offer increased strength and • Supplied with lightweight aluminium Tension Bar
exclusive high performance waterproof breathable fabric . Climatex®
durability. The Extreme canopy virtually eliminates condensation, • Full set of heavy duty T-pegs included
is the latest development in next generation breathable fabrics that
keeping you warm and dry in the winter and cool in the summer. The • Completely removable two-way door
remain stable in varying climate conditions and offer increased
door system is completely removable and comes with Climatex® • Interchangeable Climatex®, clear or mosi door options
strength and durability. The bivvy is super compact and lightweight
clear or mosi window options. Both the door and side panel windows • Door and side panel windows utilise exclusive green heavy duty ‘rip
for easy transportation, fitting easily into most quiver style holdalls. stop’ mesh
utilise our exclusive green heavy duty ‘rip stop’ mesh. Supplied with a
It comes complete with a heavy duty groundsheet, lightweight
lightweight aluminium tension bar and a full set of heavy duty T-pegs. • Extra shock-corded pegging points provide increased internal space
aluminium tension bars, a full set of heavy duty T-pegs, removable
and protection during extreme weather
two-way door with interchangeable Climatex®, clear or mosi window
options and a full zip-on/off mosi panel in our exclusive green ‘rip stop’
mesh. The Cyfish Lite offers top specification with incredible value for
Product Size Height Width Depth Weight
money. Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
CCL020 1 man 1.4/4.59 3/9.84 3/9.84 3.0/6.61
• Manufactured from Climatex® high performance breathable fabric
• Top quality anodised aero grade aluminium poles
• 2-rib 3-section flexi pole design is super compact and quick to
• Bivvy weight 3.6kg (excluding groundsheet)
• Everything you need included, no extras or add ons required
• Supplied with lightweight aluminium Bivvy Tension Bars
• Supplied with heavy duty groundsheet with elastic pegging system
• Full set of heavy duty T-pegs included
• Completely removable two-way door
• Front panel features interchangeable Climatex®, clear or mosi
window options
• Full zip-on/off mosi panel in our exclusive green ‘rip stop’ mesh
• Extra shock-corded pegging points provide increased internal space
and protection during extreme weather

Product Size Height Width Depth Weight

Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
CCL010 1 man 1.4/4.59 2.8/9.18 2.3/7.54 3.6/7.92

BIVVIES & SHELTERS Light yet sturdy, compact yet spacious, the new
Chub MK2 Cyfish+ Bivvy is even better
MK2 CYFISH+ BIVVY than its illustrious predecessor.

The Cyfish+ was considered by many to be the most feature packed, • Full zip-off front panel, with three door window options included
top performing and value for money bivvy available today. So how do • Full zip-on/off mozzi panel in our exclusive green ‘rip stop’ mesh
you go about improving what many consider to be the best bivvy on • Dual zip-in front panel system that allows both front panels to be
the market? attached at the same time
Not an easy task, but over the last couple of years the Chub team • Completely removable two way door
have developed a number of modifications that will keep the Mk2 • Supplied with heavy duty groundsheet with elastic pegging system
Cyfish+ at the top of anglers most wanted list for years to come. The • Full set of heavy duty T-pegs included
Mk2 Cyfish+ features slimmer 16mm aluminium poles which not only • Supplied with lightweight in-line Bivvy Tension Bars
make the bivvy lighter but also more compact. Pole insert joints and
collars prevent wear and allow a quick and easy setup. The fabric has Product Size Height Width Depth Weight
been upgraded to 210D Oxford weave polyester which is extremely Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
tough, breathable and highly water proof with a 5000mm hydrostatic CCMK2010 1 man 1.35/4.43 2.8/9.18 2.35/7.71 5.8/12.78
head. The twin fronted zip system has been retained with the full CCMK2020 2 man 1.45/4.76 3.0/9.51 2.8/9.18 7/15.43
mozzi front being upgraded to our exclusive heavy duty green mozzi
mesh. The front panel features an improved two-way door system with
interchangeable clear and mozzi windows included. The Mk2 Cyfish+
also comes complete with a full winter wrap, offering the benefits of a
two skin bivvy when required. Also included in the package are: inline
tension bars with double locking screws, heavy duty groundsheet and
a full set of heavy duty T-pegs.
The number of back pegging points has been increased, giving more
stability on uneven ground and during extreme weather conditions. If
you want to travel light just use alternate pegging points for a standard
The Mk2 Cyfish+ two man has also seen some additional
improvements. The frame has been redesigned with an extra large
back rib. This not only increases the depth but also the height at
the rear for extra comfort and head room on longer sessions. These
changes make the Mk2 Cyfish + the first genuine two man, three pole
bivvy system that offers the perfect balance between size, comfort,
weight and transportation.

The Mk2 Cyfish+ Extreme Canopy has been designed to convert your
1 man Mk2 Cyfish+ bivvy into a spacious 2 man bivvy or in the case
of the 2 man canopy it converts your 2 man Mk2 Cyfish+ bivvy into a
large euro size bivvy suitable for the longest of sessions. It is supplied
with a crescent shaped porch groundsheet and features front skirts
that provide an overlapping seal for complete comfort. The canopy also
features the same twin zip-in front panel system as the bivvy, with a full
front zip-in heavy duty mozzi panel. When used without the front panel
the canopy forms a large hood which helps prevent rain blowing into the
open doorway. Also supplied with heavy duty pegs and zipped carry bag.

• Converts Mk2 Cyfish+ (1man) into a True two-man Bivvy

• Converts Mk2 Cyfish+ (2man) into a large Euro sized Bivvy
• Full zip-in front panel with three door window options included
• Full zip-in mozzi panel
• Completely removable 2-way door
• Supplied with crescent groundsheet & heavy duty pegs

Product Size Height Width Depth Weight

Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
CCMK2030 1 man 1.35/4.43 2.8/9.18 3.0/9.84 8/17.63
CCMK2040 2 man 1.45/4.76 3.05/10 3.5/11.48 10/22.04


The S-Plus Max bivvy is the top of the range hooded version of the
new S-Plus range.
With its extended hood, storm side panels and rigid frame, the S-Plus S-PLUS MAX NEW 0

Max provides maximum all-round protection from the elements. The 201
frame is manufactured from 5 section 6061 pre-formed aluminium
tube which makes it quick and easy to erect. Supplied with a complete
set of in-line tension bars, T-pegs and shock corded pegging points the The S-Plus Max Overwrap will enable the bivvy to convert to a twin
bivvy is very stable, even in strong and gusty winds. The S-plus Max skin system for all-season protection and added warmth during colder
features a three way door system which offers many options. The door conditions. When pegged down correctly the overwrap will withstand
can be opened from the top or bottom and even completely removed the worst of the weather.
if preferred and is fitted with a clear vision panel, mosi window and The overwrap has a high performance cover, which has a
cover. It comes complete with a detachable lightweight groundsheet hydrostatic head of 5000mm and is fully water and weatherproof.
and carry bag. An overwrap and heavy duty groundsheet are available The front porch area has a roll up door and clear see through
as optional extras. window. Side panels can be rolled and clipped back into position
for increased visibility and ventilation if required.
• Rigid 5 section 16mm 6061 aluminium poles
• 5000mm Hydrostatic Head waterproof cover • 5000mm Hydrostatic Head high performance waterproof cover
• Ultra stable in-line frame support • Roll up door with clear window
• Detachable lightweight groundsheet • Roll back side panels which can be clipped back for increased
• Shock corded pegging points visibility and ventilation
• Supplied with T-pegs and carry bag • Shock corded pegging points
• Supplied with T-pegs and carry bag
Product Size Height Width Depth Weight
Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
Product Size Height Width Depth Weight
CBSPM010 1 man 1.35/4.42 2.8/9.84 2.8/9.84 8/17 Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
CBSPM020 1 man 1.3/4.3 2.9/9.5 2.4/7.8 2.4/5.3

The S-Plus Shelter forms part of the new • 5000mm Hydrostatic Head 210D Cover
S-Plus range, incorporating the latest in • 16mm 6061 Aluminium poles and frame
modern design and technology. support bars
The open fronted shelter is perfect for • Shock-corded pegging points
day sessions or summer overnighters and • Tension strap
offers plenty of protection, with extended • Detachable lightweight groundsheet
storm side panels that can be rolled back
for added vision. Built around a strong and
rigid 5 section 6061 aluminium pre-formed
16mm dual frame, the shelter is quick and
easy to erect and comes complete with
tension bars for added stability in strong
winds. Fully supplied with inner skirts,
lightweight detachable groundsheet, shock
corded pegging points and T-pegs, the shelter
represents excellent value for a product of
this quality.
An optional S-Plus Overwrap is also available
The S-Plus bivvy is part of the new S-Plus range detachable groundsheet, shock-corded pegging
to convert the shelter into a twin skinned
incorporating the latest in modern design and points and T-pegs, the bivvy represents excellent
technology. value for a product of this quality in today’s market.
The S-Plus is very versatile and can be used as An optional S-Plus Overwrap is also available to
a full bivvy system with the front panel zipped convert the S-Plus into a twin-skinned bivvy or for Product Size Height Width Depth Weight
in, as well as an open fronted shelter for day added warmth and protection in the winter. Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
sessions or summer overnighters. The removable CBSPS010 1 man 1.30/4.26 2.90/9.52 2.30/4.92 3.6/7.92
front panel has a clear window and the main • Rigid 5 section 16mm 6061 aluminium poles
body has extended storm side panels which can • 5000mm Hydrostatic Head waterproof cover
be rolled back for added vision and ventilation. • Lightweight 2 rib design
Built around a strong and rigid 5 section 6061 • Ultra stable frame support NEW 0
aluminium pre-formed 16mm dual frame, the • Removable zip-in panel with clear window 201
bivvy is quick and easy to erect and comes
complete with tension bars for added stability in

Detachable full lightweight groundsheet
Shock-corded pegging points
strong winds. • Supplied with T-pegs and carry bag
Supplied with inner skirts, full lightweight
Product Size Height Width Depth Weight The S-Plus Overwrap is part of the new
Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb) S-Plus range and is designed to compliment
CBSPB010 1 man 1.30/4.26 2.90/9.52 2.30/7.54 4.8/10.56 both the S-Plus Bivvy and Shelter.
The overwrap will enable both the bivvy and
shelter to convert to a twin skin system for
all season protection and added warmth
during colder conditions. When pegged down
correctly, the overwrap will withstand the
worst of the weather and with a Hydrostatic
head of 5000mm it is 100% waterproof. The
front porch area has a roll up door and see
through clear panel window. Side panels can
be clipped back for increased visibility and
ventilation if required.

• 5000mm Hydrostatic Head high

performance waterproof cover
• Roll up door with clear window
• Side panels can be clipped back for
increased visibility and ventilation
• Shock corded pegging points
• Supplied with T-pegs and carry bag

Product Size Height Width Depth Weight

Code (m/ft) (m/ft) (m/ft) (kg/lb)
CBSPW010 1 man 1.30/4.26 2.90/9.52 2.30/4.92 2.3/5.1


S Plus Overwrap
Extreme Canopy

Extreme Canopy

Extreme Canopy

Vizor Extreme

S Plus Shelter
Cyfish Tri Lite
Cyfish Tri Lite

MK2 Cyfish +

MK2 Cyfish +

S Plus Bivvy

S Plus Max

S Plus Max
Cyfish Lite
Cyfish Lite

1 Man
2 Man



Hydrostatic Head (mm) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000

Heavy Duty G. Sheet

Lightweight G. Sheet

Heavy Duty G. Sheet (optional extra)

Winter skin inc.

Overwrap available

Extreme canopy available

Tension bars inc.

Tension strap inc.

Mozzi full front panel inc.

Mozzi side panels

Mozzi door panel inc.

Clear door panel inc.

Zip off front

2 way zip door system

Removable door

Heavy Duty T-Pegs

Heavy Duty Bag

Weight excluding G. Sheet & pegs 4.2kg/ 2.75kg/ 3.6kg/ 3kg/ 1 Man: 1 Man: 1 Man: 1 Man: 3.6kg/ 3.6kg/ 2.3kg/ 8kg/ 2.4kg/
5.8kg/12lb 12oz 8kg/17lb 9oz 8.6kg/18lb 15oz 4kg/8lb 13oz
9lb 4oz 6lb 6oz 7lb 14oz 6lb 9oz 2 Man: 2 Man:
7lb 15oz 7lb 15oz 5lb 1oz 17lb 10oz 5lb 4oz
2 Man: 2 Man:
7kg/15lb 7oz 10kg/22lb 7oz 10kg/22lb 4.5kg/9lb 14oz

Chub Storm Poles are available in 3 Product Length
sizes and are an essential attachment Code (in/cm)
for brollies and bivvies. The solid screw CM16 26/66.04

CYFISH points allow the poles easy penetration

into the ground, ensuring a really rigid
and stable set-up. Fitted with double
BIVVY BAGS torque thumbscrews for positive locking
and height adjustment.
Most bivvies are difficult to fold and
pack away after use, especially if wet
or damp. The Cyfish bivvy bags make
the task of packing away the bivvy and
accessories much easier due to their
increased size and full length zip which
continues halfway down each side
of the bag. The bags feature padded BIVVY 20 PEG BIVVY PEGS
peg and tension bar pockets, which
keeps the bivvy separate and helps TENSION PACK Chub Bivvy Pegs are manufactured
using insert tooling to ensure that the
avoid any damage to the bivvy skin.
The bivvy bags are also designed to BARS The majority of peg rolls come with
only 10 pegs. Due to clever design
sure-grip T-handle stays firmly moulded
onto the shaft while screwing the pegs
accommodate the Cyfish bivvies plus
overwraps, extreme canopies and BIVVY Bivvy tension bars are a must for all the new Chub Peg Roll is complete into the ground. Supplied in a rugged
and well-designed carrying case, the
heavy-duty groundsheets. Although pram hood bivvies. They offer support with 20 high tensile steel pegs in the
designed primarily for the Cyfish TABLE in adverse weather conditions by same sized pouch. With many bivvies
and overwraps needing more pegs,
pegs come in two sizes 8” and 12”, the
longer pegs being particularly suitable
bivvies the bivvy bags will also take strengthening the spine of the bivvy.
most bivvies and shelters of a similar This remarkably lightweight aluminium They are adaptable for use on a number we have increased the number of for use in soft ground.
size and design. When packed away bivvy table is extremely robust in of our pram hood bivvy systems, and pegs available in each pack. The pegs
everything can be made safe and construction, offering the angler a can also be used on most competitors’ feature a hard steel cap, moulded ‘T’ Product Code: CA28
secure by the two compression straps strong and level platform for storing one and two man bivvies in the market. head and spiral point, enabling them to Size (in): 8
situated each side of the padded a tackle box, accessories, phone etc. • Pack of three poles be screwed into the hardest ground.
crossover carry handles. Supplied with The table is fitted with individually • Each pole consists of two alloy bars Dimensions: Product Code: CA29
removable shoulder strap. adjustable anti-twist legs, each with and an adjustable thumb screw. Pack Length - 27cm Size (in): 12
their own locking mechanism giving Overall dimensions: L - 82 cm Pack Diameter - 11cm
Technical specifications: excellent stability even when fully extendable to 123cm Total Peg Length - 22.5cm
Body Material: Heavy Duty Nylon extended. It’s designed to fold flat for Body material: Light alloy
Handle Material: Duplon easy storage in its own carry bag and Screw Fitting material: Impact Product Code: CPR020
Zips: Heavy Duty comes fitted with non-slide feet. resistant plastic
Buckles: Quick release • Lightweight flat design Overall weight: 688g
• Powder coated aluminium top
Product Code: C00065 • Adjustable fold down & anti-twist Product Code: C00020
Size: 1 Man legs Length (cm): 1x78/1x89/1x85
Length (cm/in): 115/45.27 • Fully adjustable leg-locking
Height (cm/in): 25/9.84 mechanism Product Code: CA36
Depth (cm/in): 30/11.81 • Non slide feet
• Carry bag
Product Code: C00066 Dimensions - W 47.5cm x D 30.5cm
Size: 2 Man H - 23cm - Extended Height 34.5cm
Length (cm/in): 120/47.24 Weight - 1.075kg
Height (cm/in): 32/12.59
Depth (cm/in): 34/13.38 Product Height Width Depth
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CBT010 13.58/9.05/ 47.5/18.7 30.5/12 SAFE ‘N’ TIDY
A strong tube offering protection and
secure storage for pegs with sharp
points. Not only does it protect the pegs
from damage, it also protects the pegs
from damaging your equipment. Full
perimeter zips at both ends allow easy
access, while your pegs are stored in a
crush proof tube. It can also be used for
FOR storing spods and marker floats.
Product Code: C00027




When on a session, being comfortable • Removable fleece covered mattress
is vitally important. The X-tra Comfy • Three legs for stability
bedchair, with its removable extra fleece • Swivelling mudfeet
mattress, ensures that you get the level • Fully adjustable handwheel
of comfort required at a relatively low • Extra padded removable fleece cover
cost to enable you to relax and fish well • Hi-tensile coated steel frame
during your time on the bank. The modern

look and feel of the bedchair coupled
with a three leg design gives greater
stability, strength and luxury normally only
associated with a more expensive type of
bedchairs. The bedchair is manufactured
from lightweight,
hi-tensile coated steel and features a
hard wearing and well padded cover
which is fully skirted and topped off with
a full fleece mattress for total comfort. Built to the same standards as the Snooper™ Three Leg
Bedchair, the Snooper™ Compact is designed for the
angler who prefers short sessions or quick overnighters.
Product Length Width
As its name suggests, it is compact, lightweight and ideal
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
for the angler who likes to travel light and follow moving
CCB020 210/82.6 81/31.88
fish. Comfortable padded mattress and perimeter with
integral pillow and removable welly wipe.

Product Weight Length Width

Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CB07 6.8/13.88 195/76.77 69/27.16



The Classic Bedchair is extremely robust • Steel Frame - solid, robust construction
in construction and of modern design. • Fully adjustable locking leg mechanisms
The frame is manufactured from hi-
tensile steel, which is solid, durable and

Independently adjustable legs
Swivelling feet SNOOPER
long lasting. The bedchair features a very • Mud protector
well padded cover which is hard wearing
and comfortable. Elastically sprung for
• Soft grip hand wheel
added comfort and support, the cover The Snooper™ Three Leg Bedchair has a generously
is also fitted at the foot end with an padded mattress which is fully skirted and features an
easy clean mud protector. With its three integral pillow which is zipped for easy access. The
individually adjustable legs, swivelling mattress also has a wipe clean section at the foot end
feet and soft grip hand wheel, the Classic and is supplied with an additional removable wellie wipe
Bedchair offers comfort, value and for those extra wet and muddy occasions. The frame
affordability. is manufactured from lightweight aero space grade
aluminium which is strengthened at the stress points.
Product Weight Length Width The legs are adjustable through our excellent plate lock
Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in) leg system and are fitted with swivelling mudfeet for
CCB010 10.5/23.1 210/82.6 81/31.88 increased stability. The bedchair is finished off with a nice
chunky easy grip ‘soft feel' handwheel for positive locking.

Product Weight Length Width

Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CB06 8.61/18.95 210/82.67 85/33.46

The Lo-Lite Xtra chair is both compact and light. This coupled with
comfortable arms make this one of the most versatile chairs available.
The chair has a fully padded cover and Snooper™ style leg brace to
ensure a very robust and strong construction for such a light chair. It is Designed for maximum comfort, the Lounger Chair has extra long
also height adjustable with individually extending legs and swivelling individually adjustable legs with swivelling non-slip mudfeet for added
mud feet. The lightweight aluminium frame folds down easily for height and stability. Fully adjustable reclining hi-back and arm rests
compact storage and there are Velcro fasteners for added security make this chair ideal for many types of angling. Very strong steel
during transportation. and aluminium construction. Equipped with a fully padded cover
Product Weight Height Depth Width
Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) Product Weight Height Depth Width
C00014 4.7/10.34 65/25.5 65/25.5 72/28.3 Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CC10 7.5/16.5 95/37.40 77/30.31 61/24.01

Two new and extremely lightweight chairs designed to cover many
aspects of angling. The chairs are ideal for the roving angler and day
sessions or simply for use as a bivvy/ guest chair. Both have very
comfortable padded covers and individually adjustable legs with
swivelling fold flat mudfeet for easy storage. Each chair features a
Snooper™ style leg brace for added strength. The main difference
between the two chairs is the leg height. Velcro fasteners ensure total
security during transit.

Product Weight Height Depth Width

Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
Hi-Lite: CC12 3.7/8.15 76/29.92 72/28.34 53/20.86
Low-Lite: CC11 3.5/7.71 65/25.59 72/28.34 53/20.86

The Classic chair is built around an extremely stable and robust

SNOOPER steel frame. The chair is fully adjustable with folding front and rear
legs which include swivelling mudfeet and individual plate lock leg

adjusters. The elasticated cover is both comfortable and durable with
extra padding around the back area for added support. No other chair
offers such a high specification at this price.


Robust steel frame
Adjustable plate lock legs
The perfect partner for the Snooper™ bedchair and built to the same • Swivel mud feet
high specification. Part aerospace grade aluminium with steel at the • Extra back padding
stress points, it also features the same leg bracing system for strength
and durability. High back fully padded cover with extra head support. Product Weight Dimensions
The four legs are fully adjustable and it is fully reclining. Code (kg/lb) (cm/in)
CC010 4.2/9.26 47x75/18.5x29.5
Product Weight Height Depth Width
Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CC08 5.5/12.13 100/39.37 90/35.43 64/25.19

SLEEPING BAG A simple and easy to use accessory which will help eliminate ‘bedchair
back.’ Just place across your bedchair and secure in place by the
straps. These straps allow the Chair Mate to be used on bedchairs
The X-Pedition 3 is ideal for spring, summer and autumn use. Fleece
lining and hollow-fill fibre filling give rapid warmth for comfort and
cosiness. Bedchair fixing flap, retaining straps and two-way crash zips
with padded perimeters giving more freedom than the clip type of
chair. Universal size fits all bedchairs. PILLOW
are included and the large rectangular design allows ample freedom of Fully padded pillow with luxurious fleece outer for extreme comfort
Product Weight Height Depth Width
movement. Supplied with nylon compression sack. Code (kg/lb) (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) and warmth. Fully adjustable straps to securely fit most bedchairs.
Removable outer for washing.
CC09 2.7/95.2 52/20.4 57/22.4 46/18.11
Product Length Width
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) Product Size Depth Width
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CS01 215/84.64 80/31.49
CA13 Standard 40/15.7 32/12.5
CA27 Large 45/17.7 70/27.5

This is a superbly designed bag, purpose-built for angling, with all the
features necessary to give the comfort and protection required from a
five season bag whatever the temperature. Suitable for use in extreme
conditions it features a luxurious full fleece lining with double layer
hollow-fill fibre for extreme warmth. Fitted with an integral pillow case
for personal preference. Shoulder baffle and zip draught excluders
eliminate air penetration. Full width and length to suit the largest of
bedchairs and allow unrestricted movement. Adjustable bedchair
fixing flap and side retaining straps combined with two-way crash zips
ensure that the bag remains safely in position on the bedchair even
during a quick exit. Comes supplied in a nylon compression sack. BEDCHAIR SLEEPING BAG
CS02 215/84.64 80/31.49 Non-slip, padded, adjustable carrystrap for easier and more It’s a fact of life that the Chub team are all too familiar with ‘how do
comfortable transportation of your chair/bedchair. you get your sleeping bag back into the compression sack’? Unless
you are blessed with the arms of Arnie, this can prove to be a bit
Product Code: CA12 difficult at times! So we decided to do something about it. This is a
universal bag and it’s designed to enable you to put a sleeping bag
BREATHABLE away, without struggling with compression sacks. It has a central, two
way zip down the middle for easy access. It also benefits from two

compression straps by the handle. This has been designed to take
90% of the sleeping bags on the market.

COVER Product
Superb soft feel cover with full thermal fleece lining for added warmth
and comfort. Showerproof and ideal for keeping condensation and
damp off your sleeping bag or for use as a wrapover in summer when
a bag is not required. Fitted retaining straps allow the cover to be
attached to either side of your bedchair.

Product Code: CS04


TRANSPORTER Made-to-measure hard based storage compartment which fits all Chub
Barrows. The Barrow Tidy is a great space saver for those extra items
of tackle and accessories and is easily attached with Velcro and clip
Dedicated design gives excellent load carrying capacity. The large fastenings. No need to remove from the barrow when folded away.
pneumatic wheel which attaches/detaches in seconds runs on ball
bearings and is positioned in such a way that carrying is made easier. Product Height Depth Width
Much of the load is taken off the arms which makes light work of Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
manouvering your tackle. The back legs have the Chub locking leg
CW06 25/9.84 38/14.9 52/20.4
system fitted for safety and stability and the transporter comes
supplied with two infinitely adjustable straps.

Product Code: CW07

STRAPS Basically the Spider Elastics are 6 infinitely adjustable straps attached
at one end to a central steel ring. This secures and stabilises any load
quickly and firmly and is the perfect accessory for Chub Barrows.
Strong and efficient elastic straps which can be adjusted to any
position, required for holding tackle and equipment firmly in place. Product Code: CW03
The straps are fitted with ultra strong nylon claws at each end.

Product Code: CW02


The 4 Star Rod Holdall is designed to fill the gap Slimmer version of our very popular 5 Star
The 6 Star Holdall has a massive carrying
between the 5 and 3 Star versions. Manufactured Holdall. Fully padded for total protection, the
capacity for up to six rods and accessories.
to the same high standard, the holdall offers 3 Star has the same excellent features but is
Based on the very successful and popular design
all-round protection for both rods and reels. designed for the angler who only requires a three
of our 5 and 3 Star Holdalls, the 6 Star combines
Separate compartments, allow each set-up to be rod facility. Suitable for rods up to 13ft.
excellent all-round protection for your rods and
individually removed from the holdall. As with all
reels with the versatility that a quiver provides,
of the Star Holdalls the 4 Star will carry rods up
due to the individually padded pockets that are Product Size Length Width
to 13ft and has large front pockets for shelters
integrated into the holdall and allow each rod to Code (rod) (cm/in) (cm/in)
and bank sticks.
be removed separately. Universal design allows CL52 3 220/86.6 24/9.44
the holdall to carry rods up to 13ft in length.
Product Size Length Width
Code (rod) (cm/in) (cm/in)
Product Size Length Width
C00072 4 220/86.6 27/10.6
Code (rod) (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00073 6 220/86.6 37/14.5

Give your rods the five star treatment with this
luxuriously padded holdall. Designed for the
angler who likes to use a 3-rod set-up plus a
Marker and Spod rod. The reels are protected by
external pouches and the bag is fitted with zip
baffles to protect and prevent any chance of line
damage. Above the pouches is a fully padded
flap, which provides complete protection and
easy access to your rods. The two front pockets
are fully zipped and will store all your equipment
plus the largest of shelters. Suitable for rods up
to 13ft.

Product Size Length Width

Code (rod) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL38 5 220/86.6 36/14.1


TRIPLE-S Product
Triple-S 3 Rod Sleeve 12ft:
ROD SLEEVE CL37 208/81.8
Triple-S 3 Rod Sleeve 13ft: PROTECTION
The Triple-S Rod Sleeves have been designed as a lightweight rod CL51 218/85.8
carrying system that can hold and protect three, five or six fully Triple-S 5 Rod Sleeve 12ft:
assembled rods. These sleeves accept all big pit reels and both 40mm CTSRS010 195/76.7
and 50mm rung rods. All rods are individually protected and have Triple-S 5 Rod Sleeve 13ft: These new hard case two or three rod holdalls are mega-tough and
rubberised Velcro rod bands where needed. The 3 rod sleeves can be designed to fill the gap between quivers and conventional rod holdalls.
CTSRS015 215/84.6
used on the Chub Carp Quiver, just remove the shoulder strap and the The holdalls will give excellent protection for expensive rods and reels
Triple-S 6 Rod Sleeve 12ft:
sleeve can be clipped into place on the quiver. The 5 and 6 rod sleeves during transport, whether carried on the shoulder or on a barrow.
CTSRS020 195/76.7 Manufactured using high spec materials which are hardwearing
feature a full length landing net pocket and a separate bankstick
pocket. There is also a well padded adjustable shoulder strap placed Triple-S 6 Rod Sleeve 13ft: and designed specifically for long term use. The holdall’s sides are
so that the sleeve can be carried easily on either shoulder. CTSRS025 215/84.6 constructed using PU board for extra protection preventing rod rings
becoming damaged. The interior is fully quilted with protective inner
dividers and reel pockets. Exterior pockets will house a complete
landing net and brolly/day shelter.

Product Length Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
2 Rod Holder:
CRPH010 190/74.8 16/6.2
3 Rod Holdall:
CRPH020 190/74.8 25/9.84

A superb top-of-the-range rod holdall Accommodation for up to six rods
with many features and comprehensively including three assembled with reels.
padded throughout for total rod protection. The holdall has large reel compartments
The main body is packed with super high and a full-length padded rod separator.
density foam and has a full length rod Two large exterior brolly and bankstick
separator with huge compartment reel pockets are fitted with full-length side
pouches. There is accommodation for up zips and the holdall has a fully padded
to six rods including three assembled with shoulder strap and carry handles.
reels. Rods are held in position with Velcro Available in two sizes 12ft and 13ft.
fasteners. The holdall has two large external
pockets for brollies and banksticks and Product Length Depth
have full-length side zips for easy access. Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
A waterproof cover is also supplied which Part Padded 3+3 Rod Holdall13ft:
is integrated in a zipped pouch for cleaner
CL03 213/83.8 35/13.7
transportation. All zips are heavy duty and
the holdall has a removable spine. Finished Part Padded 3+3 Rod Holdall 12ft:
in Chub green with fully padded non-slip CL04 200/78.7 35/13.7
shoulder strap and carry handle. Available in
12ft and 13ft versions.

Product Length Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
Super Deluxe Rod Holdall 13ft:
CL01 213/83.8 35/13.7
Super Deluxe Rod Holdall 12ft:
CL02 200/78.7 35/13.7


An excellent little quiver designed specifically for the specialist and
mobile angler. Three-rod capacity with landing net pocket, it will hold
more rods if required plus brolly and banksticks. All carrying straps are
padded, multi-stitched and riveted. Designed to carry and protect assembled rods and reels. Well padded
throughout, the rod sleeves have large reel pouches which will easily
Product Length Diameter accommodate Big Pit reels as required. The heavy duty zip is situated
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) on the opposite side to the reel pouch to prevent any possibility of
catching the line during transport. Available in two sizes, 12ft and 13ft.
CL41 125/49.2 23/9.05

Product Length
Code (cm/in)

ROVA ROD Padded Rod Sleeves 12ft:

CLO8 198/77.9

SLEEVE Padded Rod Sleeves 13ft:

CL07 217/85.4

Lightweight Rod Sleeve which is designed for use with the Rova
Quiver. The Sleeve is padded around the tip and reel areas to keep
weight down to the minimum for the roving angler.

Rova Rod Sleeve 12ft: Outstanding top-of-the-range Quiver with many features, offering
extreme quality and value for money. The Carp Quiver has four-rod
CL54 200/78.7

ROVA pockets, Velcro ties and D-Rings. With a fully padded and adjustable
rod-retaining strap it has the facility to carry more rods with or without
padded sleeves. The quiver is supplied complete with three padded

SPECIALIST 12ft rod sleeves and is designed for use with our 12 or 13ft Additional
Padded Rod Sleeves which are also available separately. The Chub
Triple-S Three Rod Sleeve is also compatible for use with the Carp

QUIVER Quiver. Just remove the shoulder strap from the Triple-S and clip on.
Another unique feature of the Carp Quiver is the height of the main
central pocket. This is taller than most and designed to give more
Small, very lightweight quiver designed to carry two made-up rods stability and protection when carrying the taller type of brolly systems
without sleeves. The quiver has a landing net pocket and padded such as the Reflex. The two large exterior zipped front pockets will
accessory pouch. Fitted inside the main compartment is a landing net accommodate storm rods, banksticks, landing net and all associated
handle retaining loop. This compartment will also accommodate two items required for a session. The fully padded non-slip shoulder strap
rod tubes. Zipped front pocket for banksticks etc. Carrying straps are and handle are well-balanced to give comfortable carrying and are also
all padded, multi-stitched and riveted. multistitched and riveted.

Product Length Diameter Product Length Diameter

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL55 120/47.2 15/5.9 CL39 160/62.9 27/10.6

A specialist type quiver for the carp and pike angler who prefers to
carry his rods without sleeves. Rods are held in place by Velcro ties
and twin adjustable retaining straps. The large main compartment
has an extending waterproof hood with drawcord. Two large zipped
front pockets will easily accommodate banksticks, pods and other The Carp Quiver 5 is a larger version of the successful Carp Quiver but
essentials. The quiver has a four rod capacity although, as with the with even greater capacity. Featuring five rod pockets the Carp Quiver
Rova Quiver, it will easily accommodate extra rods if required. Padded 5 is built to the same high spec and comes supplied complete with
carrying straps are multi-stitched and riveted for strength and reliability. four individual padded sleeves.

Product Length Diameter Product Length Diameter

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL40 125/49.2 23/9.05 CL53 160/62.9 27/10.6


RUCKSACK Ideal for the mobile angler, the rucksack has a large main body
compartment with two side and one large front pocket, which holds a
deceptive amount of gear. A compression hood with a zipped pouch
A lot of thought and design went into pocket gives added capacity as required. The fully adjustable and
the development of this rucksack padded shoulder harness with chest stabiliser makes the rucksack 1 Elasticated hood.
and as a result the Snooper™ is very easy and comfortable to carry. A further feature is the padded
Lifting hoop.
versatile so whether it’s on your waistband which has an integral zipped pocket for keeping valuables 2
back or on a barrow all your and keys and the cushioned back and lumbar support give full All-in-one hassle-free waterproof cover integrated into zipped
accessories can be carried safe and protection and support. 3 pouch.
secure to your chosen swim.
Product Width Height Depth Invisible shoulder bar helps form a complete supporting
4 structure and maintain the structure of the back.
• Completely detachable front Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL11 44/17.3 55/21.6 35/13.77 Removable aluminium alloy stays transfer the load from
• Zipped access to the front 5 shoulder to hip. The frame can be shaped to suit individual
• Large interior elasticated needs and also removed for cleaning. The frame is specially
pocket designed to avoid distortion.
• Two meshed internal pockets
Shoulder stabilising straps facilitate a snugger fit closer to the
• Mobile phone pouch 6 back.
• Meshed pocket integrated
in hood Variable height adjustment levels for the ultimate comfort and
• One long and two smaller 7 position.
• Bankstick pockets Padded shoulder harness is anatomically shaped to fit
8 individual back lengths and designed to hug the body
• Waterproof base and rain cover
comfortably without restricting shoulder or arm movement.
• Detachable cover for carry harness
Adjustable chest stabiliser harness keeps the rucksack closer
Product Width Height Depth 9 to the body.
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
Extra thick padded waist belt with adjustable straps allow for
CL59 44/17.3 55/21.6 35/13.7 10 even distribution of weight.

Anatomically shaped spinal pad ensures comfort and extra

11 protection in the spinal area.


Super thick lumbar pad ensures total comfort and extra
protection in the lumbar area.


Built to the same high standard as our 110 litre rucksack but with This rucksack has an enormous
slightly less carrying capacity. The rucksack still has a huge fully
padded main body with expanding neck and drawcord and includes all
load carrying capacity and is
ideal for the session angler. The
rucksack has an advanced
the design features of the 110.

Product Width Height Depth

carrying system with mesh back
cooling for comfortable carrying 20 LITRE
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) and also features a fitted rain The Chub Daysack is a stylish, lightweight and compact rucksack with
cover. Massive fully padded a 20ltr capacity. Due to the many special design features the Daysack
CL19 55/21.6 80/31.4 35/13.7
main compartment has an is extremely versatile for use on or off the bank. Ideal for the roving
extending neck and drawcord or stalking angler who wants to travel light, the Daysack is fitted with
which increases carrying very comfortable padded shoulder straps and chest harness with waist
capacity. Five large exterior belt. Pocket for hydration reservoir with outlet
pockets are all fully padded for
added protection. The largest • Internal access music player pocket with headphone port
front pocket will take the most • Top half zipped for easy access
popular accessory boxes • Front zipped pocket with organiser
including the Chub Smart Box. • Adjustable side bottle holder
• Integral rain cover
Product Width Height Depth
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
Product Width Height Depth
CL10 55/21.6 70/27.5 35/13.7 Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00079 35/13.7 50/19.6 18/7.08


The Chub Vantage Framed Carryall has been designed to provide efficient stor-
age and easy access to your tackle whilst out on the bank. It features lightweight
aluminium base plate and table top with a carpy green smooth finish. A powder
coated and welded steel frame provides increased strength where it is most
needed. All four legs are adjustable, raising the bag off the floor, keeping it level
and out of the mud. The front panel is stiffened, zipped and gusseted allowing easy
access to the main compartment while the table is in use. Once open, the overflap
can be clipped into position keeping it out of the mud and dual zipped pockets give
easy access when either open or closed. Two side quick grab carry handles allow
easy placement onto a barrow or it can be carried using the well padded adjustable
shoulder strap. Available in three sizes.

Product Size Width Height Depth

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CVFC010 Medium 60/23.6 50/19.6 40/15.7
CVFC020 Large 70/27.5 50/19.6 40/15.7
CVFC030 X-Large 80/31.4 50/19.6 40/15.7

The Snooper™ Carryall is a new line of stiff-sided specialist carryalls. They are
carefully designed to give maximum capacity and safe storage for many styles of
fishing. As well as the stiff sides, the Snooper™ Carryall has a large front over flap
for security and easy access to the main compartment. The carryall also features
a large zipped front pocket and ergonomically designed carry handle. Well thought
out internal, and external pockets give safe and tidy storage. We have even added
a padded shoulder strap for perfect balance. For total protection it has a waterproof
base for damp conditions.

Product Size Width Height Depth

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00035 Medium 56/22.04 32/12.5 32/12.5
C00077 Large 68/26.7 28/11.02 32/12.5
C00078 X-Large 80/31.4 330/129.9 38/14.9


Multi-use bag ideal for the specialist or stalking angler, the Snooper™ A very handy utility bag with a multitude of uses. Although designed Stiff-sided bag designed specifically for the carp and specialist angler.
Bag has many features. The Snooper™ is supplied with a multi- for the roving angler, the Rova can also be used as a camera bag The Rigger Bag has a detachable rig and accessory pouch fitted at
divisional tackle box which fits into the top pocket. The front pocket due to the padded, adjustable and removable separators in the main either end. The Rigger Bag also comes with a multi-divisional tackle
is fitted with an integral rig wallet and pouch. The base unzips and compartment and elasticised retainers in the front pocket. The Rova box housed in the top pocket and has a zipped and waterproof
forms an ideal compartment for storing weights, floats and other also features two external pockets. With fully padded interior and large moulded base for complete protection. The Bag has a non-slip padded
accessories. With meshed side pockets, the bag has a padded and mesh pocket, this bag will store a deceptive amount of equipment. It shoulder strap and mesh style carry handles.
adjustable shoulder strap and carry handles. is ideal for short sessions, stalking or as a spare bag for carrying extra
amounts of kit as required. The Rova Bag is fitted with a padded and Product Height Depth Width
Product Height Depth Width adjustable shoulder strap and carry handles. Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) CL60 44/17.3 30/11.8 55/21.6
CL56 25/9.84 32/12.5 35/13.7 Product Height Depth Width
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL31 26/10.2 30/11.8 42/16.5

The XL Rigger Coolstyle Bag is the all-round multi-purpose bag, it is
a must for all roving and session anglers. A key feature of the bag is
its removable and washable lining. This is ideal for hemp and other
particles and pellets you may require. The main bag can also act as a
cool bag for your food and drinks. You can be assured of maximum
performance thanks to the insulated, reflective foil, coolstyle lining.
The whole bag benefits from the new design and several easy carry
handles. The bag incorporates the new logo, and zip pullers. The
waterproof wipe clean, plastic moulded base, stops water penetrating/
leaching into the bag.

DOC BAGS Product

The new Chub Doc Bags set the standard for design and innovation. The Chub Doc C00016 28/11.02 59/23.22 37/14.56
Bag is a multi-purpose and extremely versatile carryall which has fully adjustable
and removable interior dividers. The bag also features a stiff integral work shelf
and has a wide mouth opening for easy access. Designed and manufactured to
give maximum use of space the roomy exterior pockets give additional storage
and capacity for storing a full range of accessories and are fully zipped. The front
of the bag features an overflap with built-in pocket for added protection. The whole
bag has a fully lined interior for durability and features padded shoulder strap and
meshed carry handle with waterproof base.

Size Height
50/19.6 BAG
CDB030 X-Large 32/12.5 27/10.6 60/23.6 The Rigger Compact Coolstyle Bag is a half moon shaped bag
designed for the stalking or roving angler. The main compartment is
insulated with a coolstyle lining to keep baits fresh. The bag comes
with two detachable pouches fitted at each end. One is a mini rig
pouch and the other an accessory pouch with dividers. The base of the
bag has a zipped and moulded EVA base.

Product Dimensions
Code (cm/in)
C00015 47x30x21/18.5x11.8x8.3

The new Bits & Baits Bag is a multipurpose accessory and bait bag
designed for anglers who travel light, with minimum tackle. Fitted with
a rubberised removable interior liner, suitable for particles and other
bait, the Bits & Bait Bag has a heavy duty waterproof base, external A dedicated Bait Bag designed to keep frozen baits fresh and in top A large bait bag featuring a fully insulated coolstyle metallic liner,
zipped pocket that can hold a Chub Smart Box, removable padded condition while fishing. The main compartment is fully insulated and designed to keep bait in perfect condition. The easy clean, removable
shoulder strap and carry handle. Perfect for carp anglers who want a features a zip-in removable liner which is washable and easy to wipe hookbait tray will hold six dip/pop-up containers and accessories.
‘stalking’ bag or specialists who fish on the move. clean. The bag also features external pockets and padded Comes supplied with six containers for hookbaits and pop-ups. Large
shoulder strap with carry handles. capacity 6 kilo with tray in position, 10 kilo without.
Product Height Depth Width
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) Product Height Depth Width Product Height Depth Width
CBB020 38/14.9 20/7.8 38/14.9 Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CIBB010 25/9.8 29/11.4 40/15.7 CL32 22/8.6 21/8.2 45/17.7



POUCH The Pop-Up & Bait Bag is a small Coolstyle insulated bag that has
enough capacity for a couple of kilos of bait in the lower section. The
separate upper section, with full zip closure, stops the mixes drying
The Coolstyle Bait and Boilie Pouch is a compact, coolstyle insulated out after preparation or can be used for carrying prepared particles.
bait bag. Its compact size means that a few bags can be packed The buckets also feature waterproof EVA bases and Velcro carry
together - great news for the angler who wants to carry a number handles. Available in two sizes: Standard and Large.
of baits, but is limited on space. The highly efficient coolstyle lining
keeps bait fresh. Product Height Depth Width
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
Product Height Depth Width CBB030 32/12.5 27/10.6 60/23.6
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00029 25/9.8 7/2.7 28/11.0

Extremely handy and hard-wearing collapsible buckets with many Two sizes, collapsible and easy clean, manufactured from hard-
uses. Full zip top and waterproof base. Ideal for carrying all particles, wearing PVC.
pellets and groundbaits. After use just simply push together and
collapse for easy storage. Available in two sizes. Approx capacity Product Size Height Diameter
Standard 2 kilo and Large 6 kilo. Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL48 Small 18/7.08 30/11.8
Product Size Height Diameter CL49 Large 17/6.69 40/15.7
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL44 Small 20/7.8 25/9.8
CL45 Large 36/14.1 28/11.0


BAIT BUCKETS A simple yet ingenious idea. Perfect for the roving/stalking angler or
even the session angler who wants to bait up an area away from their
swim. Easily to clean, with a quick release buckle, you will wonder
Manufactured from the same hard-wearing materials as the Universal how you ever managed without one! Now available in two sizes, the Standard size has a 6 kilo capacity
Buckets but fully insulated with a coolstyle metallic liner, these buckets and the Large can accommodate up to 12 kilo of boilies. The bags
are suitable for use with all types of frozen baits. Available in two sizes. Product Height Diameter are supplied with a hookbait/pop-up bag which can be Velcroed onto
Approx capacity - Standard 2 kilo and Large 6 kilo. Code (cm/in) (cm/in) the front. Manufactured from strong mesh, the bags have reinforced
webbing handles and D-ring for carrying or hanging. Each bag comes
C00068 23/9.0 35/13.7
Product Size Height Diameter supplied with its own storage pouch. Standard: Height 45cm x Width
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) 45cm. Large: Height 65cm x Width 50cm.
CL46 Small 20/7.8 25/9.8
CL47 Large 40/15.7 30/11.8 Product Height Diameter
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL57 45/17.7 45/17.7
CL63 65/25.5 50/19.6

Collapsible, strong and hard-wearing, these buckets are designed to
carry all kinds of bait ingredients for making up Spod and Method
mixes. The buckets have a removable inner which is tape seamed
and fully waterproof. The inner has a webbing and clip system which
stops the mixes drying out after preparation or for carrying prepared
particles. The buckets also feature waterproof EVA bases and Velcro
carry handles. Available in two sizes: Standard and Large.

Product Size Height

Code (cm/in)
CL61 Standard 30/11.8
CL62 Large 40/15.74


Waterproof bags with a top flap which is fastened
with Velcro. These are ideal for storing all your
bits and pieces from lead weights to PVA bags and
are so useful you will wonder how you
ever did without them. Three bags per pack, one
large and two small.

Product Code: CL50


The Chub Rig & Bits Pouch will safely store all your ready-tied rigs and
rig components in one place. The top compartment contains a double-
sided rig board with the capacity for over 50 rigs. The integral moulded
bar protects hook points from damage and compact easy-grab pins
keep your rigs neat and tidy. A rigid divider also prevents tangles when
the rig boards are closed. The second compartment contains 10 large
PVC wallets that are zipped for easy access and will accommodate all
the necessary rigmaking accessories. There is also a generous zipped
mesh pocket and retaining loops that hold your rig tools firmly in place.

Product Height Depth Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CRBP010 30/11.8 160/62.9 20/7,87

A purpose-made pouch designed to carry all rig components and tied
rigs in one unit. The integral moulded bar protects hook points from
damage and compact easy-grab pins keep your rigs neat and tidy. The
other side is for storing rig accessories. The pouch comes supplied
with PVC wallets for hooks, swivels etc and a generous zipped mesh
pocket in which to keep spools of hook length materials, lead core and
tubing. Stitched in elasticated loops hold baiting and stringer needles,
nut drills and braid blades firmly in place. The XL and XXL are designed
and constructed on the same lines as our standard Rigger Pouch but The Chub Compact Rig Wallet has a hard protective outer case to keep
longer in length. All the same features are included but due to the your rigs safe and secure. Although compact in size this double-sided
increased length there is more accessory space available. Extra PVC wallet has the capacity forover 40 rigs and is perfect for all short type
wallets are also provided. rigs such as stiff and chod rigs. The integral moulded bar protects
hook points from damage and the small easy-grab pins keep your rigs
neat and tidy. A rigid divider also prevents tangles when the wallet is
Product Size Height Diameter
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CRP010 Standard 29/11.4 18/7.08
Product Height Depth Width
CRP020 XL 35/13.7 18/7.08 Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CRP030 XXL 47/18.5 18/7.08 CSRW010 25/9.84 4.5/1.77 16/6.29


At last a dedicated pouch designed specifically for use with PVA.
As we all know PVA is one of the most useful and popular products
accounting for numerous catches of carp and specimen fish over the
years but until now nothing had been manufactured solely for the pur-
pose of protecting the product from the damp environment. The Chub
PVA Pouch has now changed this. PVA is supplied in many different
styles including bags, tape, string and the ever popular stocking/web
type PVA tubing which comes supplied in plastic tubes and refill packs. NEOPRENE REEL WRAP
The PVA Pouch has a place for all these. The pouch comes supplied
with large integral PVC wallets and two waterproof plastic containers
in which to keep the PVA safe and dry. The containers will take refills
REEL POUCH In the hectic world of specimen angling, your kit is always pushed
to the limit. Nobody knows that more than the team who develop
products for Chub. They wanted a Reel Jacket that combined high
from the most popular manufacturers and are held securely in position The Chub Neoprene Reel Pouches are manufactured from hardwearing performance and protection, with flexibility. Reels can be more
with elastic loops. The pouch also comes supplied with a stylish micro- and waterproof 3mm green neoprene. They are padded for extra expensive than rods and need to be cared for if they are to work
fibre quick dry towel in a watertight pocket to ensure that hands are protection and are large enough to carry a reel and spare spool. when they are needed, on demand, without question. The Reel Jacket
clean and dry before use. Zipped top half for easy access and available in two sizes: Standard for ensures the reel (and rod) combination is secured in a protective,
smaller free spool type reels and Large for use with Big Pit reels. padded jacket, allowing the angler complete peace of mind while their
Product Height Depth Width equipment is in transit.
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) • Padded lining for extra protection
CL29 11/4.33 20/7.87 26/10.2 • 3mm neoprene construction
Product Quantity Dimensions
• Capacity for reel and spare spool Code (cm/in)
• Zipped top half for easy access
C00031 x1 56x30/22.04x11.81
C00032 x3 -
Product Height Depth Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CNRP010 20/7.87 100/39.37 200/70.87
CNRP020 23/90.55 140/55.12 240/94.48

These handy accessory boxes are fully padded and are manufactured
in three sizes. Compact design affords protection and safety of various
items of tackle from lead weights to bite alarms. The boxes have zip
tops with removable Velcro dividers which allow the compartments
inside the box to be adjusted to different sizes. An excellent product
for the safe storage and transportation of tackle.

Product Height Depth Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00024 7.5/2.95 17.5/6.88 12/4.72
C00025 7.5/2.95 17.5/6.88 24/9.44
C00026 7.5/2.95 17.5/6.88 36/14.17


The Chub Bits Belt is perfect for the roving or stalking angler Fully padded with zipped top. Available in two sizes: Standard which
who likes to keep tackle accessories close to hand. The dual will accommodate the average size reel and Large for use with Big Pit
adjustable belt has four zipped pockets of varying sizes. It is reels.
also ideal for keeping personal items and essentials safe
and secure. Product Size Dimensions
Code (cm/in)
• Dual adjustable waist belt and quick release buckle CL35 Standard 18x19x9 / 7.08x7.48x3.54
• Mesh back cooling for comfort CL36 Large 22x23x13 / 8.66x9.05x5.12
• 4 zipped pockets

Product Depth Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00068 12/4.72 65/25.5


A spool tube with rigid casing providing extra protection in a compact
size. This spool tube provides extra protection and easy access via the
dual zips.
Product Size Length Diameter
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CSPT010 L 28/11.02 9/3.54

These Spod and Marker Float Tubes offer excellent protection. The
heavy duty tubes prevent Spod and Marker flights being
crushed during transit.
Handy roll-up carry bag for all your wash kit, deodorant etc. Complete
with hook to hang inside the bivvy and mirror for shaving. The ideal
Product Size Length Diameter
travel companion.
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00022 S 26/10.2 10/3.93
Product Height Depth Width
C00023 L 26/10.2 12/4.72 Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CMST030 XL 41/16.1 10/3.93 CL64 18/7.0 9/3.5 22/8.66

The perfect bag to carry your camera. Whether you use film or digital,
this is the perfect camera bag for a compact camera. There is lots of
additional storage for batteries, memory cards, films, filters, straps,
etc. The perfect way to keep your photographic equipment organised,
and instantly to hand.

C00067 17/6.69 14/5.51 16/6.2
A Baccy Pouch with a very quick access Velcro top opening. It will It’s a purpose designed toilet roll holder, which can be hung from
seal in an instant if you have to drop everything because your bite a tree or bush when in use. You may laugh but when you’re fishing
indicators are going off! We think it’s far more comfortable than a a session, what better way to go to the toilet in style? The hanging
hard tin in your pocket, no more digging into your backside, or ribs. hook also means that it does not have to be put down on wet or dirty
It’s also ideal for other small items, such as mobile phones and keys. ground.

Product Height Width Product Weight Height Depth

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) Code (kg/oz) (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00021 13/5.11 19/7.48 C00028 13/5.11 13/5.112 16/6.29


This is a simple but ingenious sleeve that provides two vital
functions. The first is that it will stop your stove from freezing up.
When this happens, it’s usually the time that you don’t want it to.
Having ready access to a stove that functions properly in freezing
conditions, while fishing, is vital to the angler’s comfort. The second
is that, due to its padded construction, it protects your stove from
knocks and dents. This not only prolongs the life of your stove, but
it ensures that you will have a stove that works, when you need it.

Product Height Diameter

Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00018 16/6.29 15/5.90


Featuring Coolstyle insulated metallic lining to guarantee food The Greedy Pig Session Bag is a new and cleverly designed pouch A full cutlery set combining two knives, forks and plates with a
protection and freshness. Easy clean. Ideal for the session angler. with two complete cutlery sets, two mugs, two plates, a bottle opener multiuse tool and a hand towel. Flat packs easily to fit into most
Zipped front pocket contains complete utensil set with cup and bottle and two hand towels. The low profile is practical and fits easily into the rucksacks/carryalls. Similar in design to the standard Chub Session Set
holders, hand towel and integral pocket tidy. External padded stove top of carryalls and travel bags. but featuring two larger plates for the angler who requires that little bit
bag and fuel construction, it protects your stove from knocks and extra.
dents. This not only prolongs the life of your stove, but it ensures that Product Height Depth Width
you will have a stove that works, when you need it. Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) Product Height Depth Width
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00071 29/11.4 9/3.54 52/20.4
Product Height Depth Width CL58 38/14.96 5/1.96 28/11.02
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL33 30/11.8 30/11.8 70/27.55


A new and cleverly complete utensil set designed pouch with all the A very neat and extremely useful product from the Chub team. A full
cutlery you need for a serious session. The pouches are low profile for cutlery set combining two knives, forks and plates with a spoon and
practicality and will fit quite easily into the top of carryalls and travel multi-use tool with bottle opener. The session set is also supplied with
bags. Supplied with two towels and mugs. a hand towel and packs flat to easily fit into any rucksack/carryall.

Product Height Depth Width Product Height Depth Width

27/10.6 STOVE BAG
The Chub Stove Bag comes complete with a mug, two teaspoons,
hand towel housed in the front pocket, two padded external pockets
for storing tea, coffee and sugar. These pockets also have handy
mesh pockets fitted on the outside. The fully zipped and padded stove
compartment has an adjustable and removable separator to make this
bag suitable for use with gas or petrol stoves. Inside there is plenty
of room for a stove, mug, kettle and equipment. Supplied with two
external fuel bottle holders, this bag will carry a large amount of gear.
Fitted with padded carry handle and shoulder strap.

Product Height Depth Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CL30 25/9.84 30/11.81 40/15.74




KETTLE KETTLE Good quality antibacterial handtowels are popular with carp anglers
who need to dry their rigs before attaching a PVA bag or just to dry
their hands after weighing and photographing a fish.

No smell
Stylish stainless steel two-cup kettle with strainer. Complete in its own A stylish gunmetal grey kettle, supplied in its own convenient carry The Chub Micro-Weave Antibacterial Hand Towel has an advanced • Super absorbent
carry case. case. Will hold enough water for two small, or one large cup. fine woven, super absorbent mesh structure. Perfect for quickly • Roll up mesh bag included
drying rigs whilst using PVA, or, cleaning your hands after weighing
Product Height Diameter Product Height Diameter and photographing a fish. The hand towels’ antibacterial component Construction:
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) Code (cm/in) (cm/in) prevents odours from lingering and the easy roll up mesh bag helps Material: 85% Polyester 15% Nylon
CM14 8/3.14 15/5.90 C00069 7/2.75 15/5.90 the towel to dry out after use. The cross weave construction is super Dimensions: 80cm x 40 cm
strong and tear resistant offering exceptional durability.
Product Code: CHT010

Lightweight foldable windshield with built-in prongs to
push into the ground for extra stability in strong winds.
Folds down to a very compact size. Size when folded
260mm x 100mm.

Product Height Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CM15 16/6.29 10/3.93


Make a perfect slice of toast while fishing. Easy to use with fold flat The Cook Set has two saucepans and a frying pan which have fully
design. Folding handle and lock with heat diffuser and griddle. folding handles.
The whole set cleverly and neatly folds away into its own carry case.
Product Code: CM20
Product Code: CM19



Completely re-vamped re-designed and re-styled version of the Carp
care cradle, the Protection Cradle now has a unique fold flat design
which allows the padded side panels to be stiffer and stay upright
affording even more protection than the original types. The new design
makes transportation of the mat even easier while still retaining the
complete all round protection and safety that the cradles are famed
for. The integral mat is extremely well padded and removable for easy
cleaning. The Protection Cradle is still fitted with a calming cover but
now has a new feature in the shape of a roll up kneeling pad for use
when unhooking or photographing. Supplied complete with carry bag,
webbing straps and handles. The ultimate in fish care and protection.

Product Length Width Height Weight

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) (kg/lb)
CPC010 96/37.8 60/23.6 22/8.7 3/6.6


As with the Xtra Protection Cradle this Euro version has been
completely re-vamped, re-designed and re-styled.
A huge cradle just right for those European monster Carp. The euro
cradle now has a unique fold flat design which allows the padded side
panels to be stiffer and stay upright affording even more protection
then the original types. The new design makes transportation of the
mat even easier while still retaining the complete all round protection
and safety that the cradles are famed for. The integral mat is extremely
well padded and removable for easy cleaning. The cradle is still fitted
with a calming cover but now has a new feature in the shape of a roll
up kneeling pad for use when unhooking or photographing. Supplied
complete with carry bag, webbing straps and handles. The ultimate in
big fish care and protection.

Product Length Width Height Weight

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) (kg/lb)
CPC020 120/47.2 75/29.5 24/9.4 4.5/9.9



A very large mat dedicated for use with barrows. Based around the
design of our Snooper™ X-tra Protection Mat this mat is sure to
become popular with barrow users and syndicate owners alike due to
its large size and added protective features. The mat has extra thick
base padding plus semi rigid raised sides which are also well padded
for extreme protection. It also features a full sized safety flap for
securing and calming. The flap is fully secure to ensure total control of
the fish while on the mat. Webbing straps with padded carry handle
allow the fish to be safely returned to the water after unhooking.

Product Height Length Width Weight

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) (kg/lb)
CBM010 18/7.1 110/43.3 80/31.5 3.8/8.4

This is a superb mat for even the largest of fish. A lot of thought has
gone into the design of this product, by some of the best anglers in
the industry. To start with, we’ve built-in some peg straps to stop the
mat blowing away. Follow this with a super soft foam base with ridged
sides to keep your catch safe. We have also included a fish securing/
calming/protection sheet secured by a simple Velcro type fastening.
This is the perfect addition to make sure that your fish stays safe, A mat which is simple in use but very effect when it comes to fish The latest edition to our Easi-flow range of Carp care products and
and is not unduly stressed. The mat folds for easy transportation and safety and care. The middle section is built around 25mm foam with accessories. A large mat which offers all round protection and safety
features the new Chub logo. raised outer edge generously filled with polystyrene beads. Folds for Carp and all other large species. The mat has a thick high density
together with velcro fastening for easy carrying. foam inner for extra padding and ultimate protection. Outer perimeter
Product Height Length Width is filled with polystyrene beads to form a raised cushion and keep the
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) Product Height Length Width fish safely in position.
C00074 10/3.93 140/55.11 90/35.4 Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) A safety/ calming flap is built in and this features a mesh panel to
CUM020 7/2.75 110/43.3 70/27.5 easily keep the fish wet during warmer months while unhooking or
retaining ready for weighing or photography. Complete with carry
handles and pegging points for windy conditions.

Product Length Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CUM030 132/52 85/33.4


The Compact X-tra Protection Mat is a smaller version of our popular
Snooper™ mat. Manufactured to the same high standard the Compact
protection mat is designed for the angler who does not require a large
mat and is ideal for day sessions or for stalking. The mat has raised
and cushioned sides and is fitted with an over flap which Velcro’s
down the sides of the mat for calming and added protection of the
fish. Pegging point on all corners for security in windy conditions.

Product Height Length Width Weight

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in) (kg/lb)
CPM010 10/3.9 110/43.3 75/29.5 2.5/5.5


The Chub Eazi-Flow® Zip Sacks are manufactured from our Eazi-Flow®
material which is light, strong and allows maximum passage of water
and oxygen through the sack. The sack is fitted with a safety ‘zip-clip’
system for total security and a wide opening allows easy placement
of fish into the bottom of the sack. The Eazi-Flow® sacks are supplied
with a 5m extension cord complete with bank stick screw attachment
and there is also a safety float attached for easy location should the
sack be lost.

Available in two sizes:

Standard measures (cm) 105 (w) x 80 (h)
Large measures (cm) 145 (w) x 100 (h)

Product Weight Height Width

Code (oz/g) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CWS030 15.9/450 80/31.5 105/41.3
CWS040 21.2/600 100/39.8 145/57.1

WEIGH SLINGS The Chub Eazi-Flow® Safety Weigh Sling has been designed to
accommodate the largest of carp. Its support arms are constructed
The Chub Eazi-Flow® Zip Sack / Weigh Slings are manufactured from from top quality anodised aero grade aluminium poles which break
our Eazi-Flow® material which is light, strong and allows maximum down and fold at the centre, allowing compact storage and easy
passage of water and oxygen through the sack. The zip sacks/weigh transportation. The Eazi-Flow mesh on the sides and base of the sling
slings have handles that are stitched completely around the sack for allows quick drainage making it suitable for resting fish in the water
support and have a safety ‘zip-clip’ system for total security. A wide zip and ensures accurate weighing. Zips at both ends have protection
opening allows easy placement of the fish into the bottom of the baffles for easy release with additional Velcro tabs just below the
sack/sling. The Eazi-Flow® sacks/ slings are supplied with a 5m support arms for added security while carrying and returning fish to
extension cord complete with bank stick screw attachment and there the water.
is also a safety float attached for easy location should the sack be lost.
Available in two sizes: Product Length Depth
Standard measures (cm) 95 x 65 Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
Large measures (cm) 100 x 75 63/24.8
CWS020 123/48.4

Product Weight Height Width

Code (oz/g) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CWS050 14.1/400 65/25.6 95/37.4
CWS060 15.9/450 75/29.5 100/39.4 WEIGH SLING
The Chub Eazi-Flow® Weigh Sling is perfect for the angler who wants
to travel light. The Eazi-Flow mesh on the sides and base of the sling
allows quick drainage for accurate weighing and is also quick drying.
3M SACK The ultra strong handles are stitched completely around the sling to
give total support for even the largest of fish. The internal PVC coating

is fish-friendly and easy to keep clean. Comes supplied with carry case.

Product Length Depth

The 3 Metre Sack Extension Cord has a standard 3/8 BSF screw fitting Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
at one end and a durable, high impact plastic, quick release/ quick CWS010 100/39.8 65/25.6
fixing clip.

Product Code: C00034


A large but lightweight unhooking mat with foam padding for Imagine you are catching fish all day and it’s time to go home. Your
protection and fish safety. Manufactured from fish friendly materials, net is covered in fish slime, and dripping wet. Would you want to just
the mat features four pegging points, strong elasticated straps which throw it in your car? Imagine water dripping everywhere and fish slime
allow the mat to be folded for compact carrying and is supplied oozing around the boot of your car... we thought not, so we produced
complete with its own carry bag. a net stink bag. This is so at the end of the day, your net can be put
away in your rod bag without fear of making your car, and/or rod bag
Product Height Depth Width stink!
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CUM010 2.5/0.98 50/19.6 93/36.6 Product Length Diameter
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
C00019 115/45.2 11/4.33

The Chub Weigh Sling is manufactured using the most up-to date
Featuring 25mm thick foam padding covered in a fish-friendly
fish-friendly materials which provide total assurance for security and
waterproof material on both sides which is also easy to wipe clean.
safety of the fish. The design and shape of the sling combined with
Pegging points on all corners for the low profile pegs that are also
the ultra strong handles, which are stitched completely around the
supplied. The unhooking mats come in two sizes, Standard and Large.
sling, including the underside, give total support for even the largest
The Standard mat will take the majority of carp and barbel. The Large
of fish. The weigh sling has excellent drainage facilities which allows
is a real monster mat suitable for the largest carp and pike. Both mats
water to disperse easily for accurate weighing. PVC coating prevents
are supplied in waterproof carrybags complete with peg holders and
any damage to the fish and is also easy to keep clean. Comes supplied
with carrybag.

Product Height Depth Width

Product Length Depth
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CA32 2.5/0.98 50/19.6 98/38.5
CA14 100/39.4 62/24.4
CA33 2.5/0.98 67/26.3 105/41.3


Simply unscrew the block and fit the Net Float onto the handle.
Replace block and secure by using the elastic strap. Once in position
tighten drawstrings and trim to suit. If your landing net does not have
a detachable block just slide the Net Float up from the bottom end of Built to the same excellent standard as our weigh sling but
the handle and secure as above. Extremely useful when netting fish incorporating reinforced support bars along the top edge. Zips at both
single-handed as the Net Float will support the net making it easy to ends have protection baffles for easy release and the Safety Weigh
manoeuvre. Sling also features Velcro strips just below the support bars for added
security while carrying and returning the fish to the water. Fine mesh
Product Length Diameter patches below the zips allow the sling to be used as a retainer while
Code (cm/in) (cm/in) preparing the fish for weighing or photography. At the base there
is a safe drainage system which allows water to escape quickly for
C00030 22/8.66 6.5/2.55
accurate weighing. Manufactured with a fish-friendly PVC coating and
strong webbing handles which are stitched completely around the
sling for total support. The Safety Weigh Sling comes supplied with a
waterproof carrybag and rolls up neatly to fit easily into a rod bag or

Product Length Depth

Code (cm/in) (cm/in)
CA30 106/41.7 50/19.7



The Chub Digital Scales are perfectly designed for the modern day
specialist & specimen angler. A 30kg/66lb capacity in 25g/1oz divisions
provides a high level of accuracy and the generous zero/tare facility
will accommodate the largest of weigh slings. The load stability
recognition and hold facility makes the weighing and recording
process quick and simple to use. The scale has a large backlit digital
LCD display which is easy to read and can be simply converted from
Kg to Lbs. Scale operation is via four push buttons which are also
backlit for easy use in darkness. A dedicated on/off switch and auto
Manufactured from a very dense but buoyant material,
both Markers cast extremely well and have a hi-vis finish.
The Markers come in two sizes, the size 1 is a slimmer
model designed for use at distance. The size 2 is a bulkier Designed for use at extreme range. Super buoyant high
power off function ensure maximum battery life. A compact
and more buoyant float ideal for medium to close range impact body ensures that the float rises rapidly giving
yet tough polycarbonate body and stainless steel hook and
and for fishing weedier areas. exceptional visibility even in rough open water conditions.
weigh bar point complete the impressive list of features.
The steel spine and aerodynamic shape increase air
Product Code: LM[+ Size] Size: 1/2 stability during casting, this, combined with the unique
• 30kg/66lb x 25g/1oz Capacity
rotating flights, allows the float to fly like a dart giving
• Load stability recognition and hold
maximum range and pinpoint accuracy.
• 50 weight memory
• Generous Zero/tare facility
Product Code: LM4
• Large easy ready digital LCD display
• Active backlit buttons and display
• Dedicated on off switch
• Auto power off function maximizes
battery life
• Polycarbonate Body with stainless
“A COMPACT, steel hook and hang point
• Dual power source for memory backup
RELIABLE SET Product Code: CDS010

SCALES POUCH Manufactured from a dense but buoyant and hard-wearing
material like the Marker Floats. The controllers are
individually made and tested to maintain the correct ‘ride
Neatly padded pouch that is specifically designed for the safe and height’ on the surface. Weights are fitted internally and
easy transport of Chub digital scales. The pouch has two double the controllers are tapered to ensure smooth casting and
zipped compartments which allow accessories such as weigh bars, less splash on entry. Available in three sizes.
forceps and medication to be stored alongside the scales for use
when unhooking and weighing. The pouch is manufactured from 600D Product Code: LC[+ Size] Size: 1/2/3
waterproof material and also features 5mm foam padding for added
protection. Chub lining, zip pullers and logo come as standard.

• 600 D waterproof material

• Chub lining
• Chub embroidered logo
• Chub zip pullers
• Black trim
• 24 x 13 x 7cm

Product Height Depth Width

Code (cm/in) (cm/in) (cm/in)
CDSP010 13/5.11 7/2.75 24/9.44



Chub have designed a comprehensive and STICK AUGER) Dual purpose weighing system that can be used as a standard weigh
bar or adapted to be used as a hook crook by simply unscrewing one
handle and revealing a threaded section, this can then be attached to a
modern range of robust stainless steel bank Designed to compliment the Precision range of stainless steel storm pole/landing net handle for accurate weighing and support. The
sticks, buzz bars and accessories. Manufactured products. For drilling holes in extremely hard or rocky ground. Suitable bar is supplied complete with weighing hook.
from polished stainless the range has a very solid for use with bank sticks, bivvy poles etc.
Complete with removable T-Bar and solid screw Auger point. Product Code: CSS120
feel and will last for many years.
Product Code: CSS050
The Precision range is designed to be extremely
versatile so whether your preferred set-up is
using single bank sticks, buzz bars or goalposts
then the Precision range of products will supply
you with all these options.


When used with the Precision bank sticks the fixed buzz bars give a
very solid and stable set-up. All buzz bars are sold in pairs and feature
As with the fixed buzz bars the adjustable sets have protective thread
collars but feature extending arm extensions if a wider spread is
screw on collars to protect the threads when not in use or during required or when using a goalpost style set-up on large waters.
transit. Two, three and four rod designs available.
Sizes: 2 Rod Front 7 inches Back 6 inches The Chub robust bank stick stabiliser forms part of the Precision range The Chub Precision rear rod rest has been machined from a solid piece
2 Rod Front 8 ½ inches Back 7 ½ inches 3 Rod Front 10 inches Back 12 inches of stainless steel products. of stainless steel and has been designed for use with abbreviated
3 Rod Front 15 inches Back 13 inches 4 Rod Front 17 inches Back 19 inches Anti-twist. An invaluable aid when using a buzz bar type set-up while or slim Japanese shrink-wrap rod handles. Built to last a lifetime
4 Rod Front 22 inches Back 20 inches fishing on hard or unstable ground. Twin prongs for added stability. and styled to match our ‘chunky’ precision range of stainless steel
Product Rod Front Back products. It also includes a 20mm stainless steel locking collar for
Product Rod Front Back Code (in) (in) Product Code: CSS040 perfect alignment and a non-slip rubber lining to protect polished rod
Code (in) (in) CSS090 2 7 6 blanks.
CSS060 2 8.5 7.5 CSS100 3 10 12
CSS070 3 15 13 Product Code: CSS130
CSS110 4 17 19
CSS080 4 22 20


The accessory boxes have a unique one touch easy out system with
snap shut individual clear lids which allow easy access and help avoid
Unique one touch easy out tackle loss. Each pack contains three different large boxes which
system. have 2 – 4 and 8 compartments plus two smaller boxes which have 4
individual compartments.

Product Code: CSB030

Model: Internal Boxes (Pack of 5)

Individual clear lids with flat hinge
The boxes have a curved base that allows them to be easily removed

SMART BOX from your tackle box and each compartment has an individual snap
tight lid to give quick access. Comes supplied in a pack of two.
The Chub Smart Box™ is a comprehensive tackle box, which allows the angler to be
Product Code: CSB040
organised and keep all the necessary rig items and components stored safely and
Model: Shallow Int 8 Box (Pack of 2)
securely. The systematic design has many features, which have been carefully thought
out to ensure the best use of space. Internal accessory boxes have a unique one touch
system, making them easy to access.

Moulded rulers are graduated in Included with the complete set are, 2 - 4 and 8 compartment large accessory boxes

mm and inches for precise rig and two smaller 4 compartment boxes. There are also two shallow 8 compartment
tying. boxes that are perfect for storing very small items of tackle such as swivels, beads
and rig rings. The complete system also comes with 8 spool dispensers, perfect for
the angler who needs to store a multitude of hooklength materials, PVA or leaders.

A cleverly designed hinge system allows the box lid to fold flat forming a tray for rig
assembly. Also built into the lid are two rulers for precise rig assembly and a groove The dispensers allow the angler to store their own choice of
seal around its edge that is water resistant when shut. The box is safely and tightly hooklength materials, PVA or leader and also come with a sharp cutter
sealed with two flush fitting “sure-shut” clips. which will deal with the toughest of hooklength materials. Each pack
contains three dispensers.
The Chub Smart Box™ is supplied either as a complete system featuring seven
Spool dispensers complete with Product Code: CSB050
assorted internal accessory boxes and eight spool dispensers or just the Smart Box™
its own cutter and spool. Model: Spool Dispensers (Pack of 3)
base on its own to suit personal preference. The internal accessory boxes are available
separately in an assorted pack of five and pack of two for the shallow accessory
boxes. The spool dispensers are available in packs of three.

Product Model Dimensions

Code (cm/in)
CSB010 Smart Box (Complete) 29x24x5.3/11.41x9.45x2.09
CSB020 Smart Box -

Individual snap tight lids allow

easy access and help avoid tackle


Sat-A-Lite SL100
Head Torch
Sat-A-Lite SL200
Head Torch
Sat-A-Lite SL300
Lantern SL100
One of the smallest and compact headlights on the market the
Overall Dimensions 66 x 42 x 30.2mm 40.5 x 59.5 x 35mm 84 x 84 x 1855mm Sat-a-lite100 is lightweight and comfortable to wear. The SL100 has
a very slim profile and features an adjustable flip up head fitted with
dual light sources. These include a focused white LED long beam
Weight 72g (with batteries) 118g (with batteries) 862g (with batteries) plus two soft night vision red LED’s with a flashing mode facility for
emergencies. Instant off switch for use at any mode and an
Battery Type 3 x 1.5V AAA size Alkaline 3 x 1.5V AAA size Alkaline 3 x 1.5V D size Alkaline adjustable single head strap. 3x AAA Duracell alkaline batteries
Batteries (included) Batteries (included) Batteries (included) included.
• Compact & lightweight
• Extensive battery life, Up to 100hrs continuous use
• Adjustable tilt mechanism
Battery Life 100hrs White 10hrs HIGH 1W LED 3 days HIGH
• Focused white LED long beam
25hrs Red 20hrs LOW 6 days LOW • Soft night vision red LED’s Product Code: CSL100
50hrs Flashing 25hrs FLASHING ø5mm 10 days FLASHING • Duracell AAA Alkaline batteries included Weight Inc. Batteries (oz/g): 2.53/72
LEDs 2yrs Green LED Indicator • Water resistant
40hrs (Red, White)

Bulb Type 1 x ø5mm Nichia White LED 1 x 1W Luxeon White LED 3 x 1W Nichia White LEDs
2 x ø5mm Red LEDs

3.5 lumens (1 x ø5mm Up to 51 Lumens Up to 300 Lumens

Output Power The SL 200 headlight utilises the most sophisticated and up to date
Nichia White LED)
controlled technology to give maximum output of light intensity
2 lumens (ø5mm Red LEDs)
and battery life. With a maximum output of 51 lumens the SL200
provides a more focused and smoother main beam with additional
LED settings designed to give dual light sources for both night
vision and close up use. Featuring a pivotal head which can be
easily adjusted during operation to alter the projection angle of
the beam whether using in a bivvy or netting a fish. The SL200
has a slim power pack fitted to the back of the head band which is
fully adjustable for hands free operation. Water resistant. 3x AAA
Duracell alkaline batteries included.
• Powerful 1W Luxeon® LED with 51 Lumen output
• 2 main beam power settings
• 10hrs continuous use in High mode (20hrs in low)
• Adjustable tilt mechanism
• Focused white LED long beam
• Soft night vision red LEDs
• Independent rear safety LED
• Duracell AAA alkaline batteries included Product Code: CSL200
• Water resistant Weight Inc. Batteries (oz/g): 4.16/118

The Sat-A-Lite® SL300 Lantern has a powerful output of 300 lumens
and is perfect for providing ultra-bright all round illumination. The
three 1W Nichia White LEDs offer 3 days continuous illumination
in high mode and 6 days on the low setting. The lens is removable
to provide a forward directional beam when required and there
is a built in hanging hook on the lantern base to allow wider light
dispersal when elevated. The SL300 also features 3-mode electronic
switch that provides ‘instant off’ in any mode, and a small green
LED indicator is fitted for easy location in the dark.

Product Code: CSL300

Weight Inc. Batteries (oz/g): 30.4/862


Professionally hand-tied to the highest standard the Chub range of rigs are all top
fish-catchers. Manufactured from highest quality materials including Japanese hooks
which are ultra strong and wickedly sharp. All hooklink materials are thoroughly tried
and tested. The rigs are neatly finished with the addition of clear shrink sleeving
and clear tapered swivel sleeves. Each rig is tied to perfection and even the most
competent of anglers would be happy to fish with these. Each rig consists of a size 8
swivel that will fit most safety clip and in-line systems.

Product Description
CBR02 Braid Hair Rig Size 2 Micro Barb
CBR04 Braid Hair Rig Size 4 Micro Barb
CBR06 Braid Hair Rig Size 6 Micro Barb
CBR08 Braid Hair Rig Size 8 Micro Barb
CBR10 Braid Hair Rig Size 10 Micro Barb
CBR04B Braid Hair Rig Size 4 Barbless
CBR06B Braid Hair Rig Size 6 Barbless
CBR08B Braid Hair Rig Size 8 Barbless
CBR10B Braid Hair Rig Size 10 Barbless

Combi Link
Product Description
CCR02 Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 2 Micro Barb
CCR04 Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 4 Micro Barb
CCR06 Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 6 Micro Barb
CCR08 Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 8 Micro Barb
CCR10 Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 10 Micro Barb
CCR04B Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 4 Barbless
CCR06B Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 6 Barbless
CCR08B Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 8 Barbless
CCR10B Coated Combi-Link Hair Rig Size 10 Barbless

Product Description
CMR02 Mono Hair Rig Size 2 Micro Barb
CMR04 Mono Hair Rig Size 4 Micro Barb
CMR06 Mono Hair Rig Size 6 Micro Barb
CMR08 Mono Hair Rig Size 8 Micro Barb
CMR10 Mono Hair Rig Size 10 Micro Barb
CMR04B Mono Hair Rig Size 4 Barbless
CMRO6B Mono Hair Rig Size 6 Barbless
CMR08B Mono Hair Rig Size 8 Barbless
CMR10B Mono Hair Rig Size 10 Barbless


The Chub Field Boots feature a tough waterproof moulded sole with
hardwearing leather upper. A Thinsulate™ thermal lining provides
comfort and warmth. The sole has been reinforced for durability and
the deep non slip tread can be used in all terrains. A large black pull
tag allows you to slide these boots on quickly and easily. Available in
UK sizes 6 to 12.

• Tough waterproof moulded sole

• Hardwearing leather upper
• Thinsulate™ thermal lining
• Deep all-terrain non slip tread
• Very comfortable and durable
• Large back pull-tag

Product Code: CFBUK[+ Size]

Sizes (UK): 6/7/8/9/10/11/12

Need to keep your head warm in all conditions? Then you need one
of these! A classically styled beanie hat in 100% polyester pre-piled
fleece with turn back brim.

• Beanie hat
• One size fits all
• 100% polyester pre-piled fleece
• Turn back brim with Chub logo icon

Product Code: C00011 Colour: Green

Product Code: C00010 Colour: Black

Made from 100% polyester pre-pilled fleece, to achieve maximum
warmth, this Neck Warmer has a cord adjustment to allow the user to
seal out drafts, with a cord lock to secure in place. The cord can be
drawn in and locked in place to create a fleece hat.

• 100% polyester pre-pilled fleece in green

• Cord adjust neck collar with cord lock
• One size fits all

Product Code: C00013

Colour: Green


Hardy & Greys Ltd.

NE66 2PF, England
t +44 (0) 1665 602771
f +44 (0) 1665 602389
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e [email protected]
specifications without prior notice.
w CHUB 2009 Catalogue
The CHUB® name, logo, products and promotional materials are
Hardy & Greys GmbH protected by various registered and unregistered intellectual property
Hardy & Greys rights including patents, patent applications, registered designs, trade marks,
Brageler Forst 7 unregistered design rights and copyright.
49393 Lohne Designed and produced by Hardy & Greys Ltd. Designer: Rosie Worrall. 6 17075 42908 9

t: +49 (0) 4442-802-920 SP Dial: (0)41 Chub is a wholly owned subsidiary of , Willowburn, Alnwick, Northumberland. NE66 2PF. England
f: +49 (0) 4440-802-920 Tel +44 (0)1665 602771 - Fax +44 (0)1665 602389

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