MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 2 of 305
SHORT FOREWORD..................................................................................... 10
1 SAFETY AT WORK ....................................................................................... 11
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 11
1.2 PRIOR TO TESTING ......................................................................................... 12
1.3 SHORT-CUT PUSHBUTTONS .............................................................................. 13
1.4 THE KEYPAD................................................................................................. 14
1.5 SAFETY SYMBOLS .......................................................................................... 14
1.6 POWER-ON AND OFF...................................................................................... 15
1.7 RISKY SITUATIONS ......................................................................................... 17
1.8 HIGH VOLTAGE AND CURRENT TESTS .................................................................. 18
2 FILES MANAGEMENT AND COMMON SELECTIONS .......................... 19
2.1 MAIN WINDOW ........................................................................................... 20
2.1 SAVE HEADER .............................................................................................. 21
2.2 CREATE TEST PLAN ........................................................................................ 22
2.3 RUN TEST PLAN ............................................................................................ 24
2.4 SAVE TEST PLAN ........................................................................................... 25
2.4.1 Save test plan in the STS memory....................................................... 26
2.4.2 Save test plan in the USB memory ...................................................... 27
2.5 OPEN TEST PLAN ........................................................................................... 27
2.5.1 Open test plan from the STS memory ................................................. 28
2.5.2 Open test plan from the USB memory ................................................ 29
2.6 TEST WINDOWS COMMON SELECTIONS ............................................................... 30
2.6.1. Upper part of the window ................................................................. 30
2.6.2 Left side of the window ...................................................................... 32
2.6.3 Bottom side of the window ................................................................ 32
2.6.4 Test Evaluation .................................................................................. 33
2.7 SAVE RESULTS ............................................................................................ 34
2.7.1 Save Results in STS memory ............................................................... 35
2.7.2 Save result in the USB memory .......................................................... 36
2.8 OPEN RESULTS ............................................................................................. 36
2.8.1 Open result from STS memory............................................................ 37
2.8.2 Open result from USB memory ........................................................... 38
2.9 VIEW TEST RESULTS ....................................................................................... 39
2.10 DELETE TEST RESULTS ................................................................................... 39
2.11 TRANSFER TEST RESULTS TO PC....................................................................... 39
3 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS HEADERS ............................................... 40
3.1 CT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 42
3.2 CT NOMINALS ............................................................................................. 43
3.2.1 CT nominal values.............................................................................. 43
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8.6.5 PT Short Circuit Impedance test: step by step example ..................... 246
8.7 PT NO-LOAD CURRENT ................................................................................ 248
8.7.1 Safety of No-Load Current test ......................................................... 248
8.7.2 The PT No-Load Current test window ............................................... 248
8.7.3 PT short circuit impedance test connection ...................................... 250
8.7.4 PT No-Load Current test: step by step example................................. 251
9 CIRCUIT BREAKER HEADERS ......................................................................... 253
10 CIRCUIT BREAKER TESTS EXECUTION .......................................................... 256
10.1 MANUAL MEASURE ................................................................................... 256
10.2 RESISTANCE - µΩ ...................................................................................... 256
10.2.1 Safety of Resistance - µΩ test......................................................... 256
10.2.1 Resistance - µΩ test window .......................................................... 257
10.2.2 Connections for Resistance - µΩ test .............................................. 259
10.2.3 Resistance - µΩ automatic test execution ....................................... 261
10.2.4 Resistance - µΩ automatic manual execution ................................. 262
10.2.5 Resistance - µΩ : step by step example ........................................... 263
11 TEST SHORTCUTS........................................................................................ 265
11.1 CONTROL & MEASUREMENT ................................................................ 265
11.2 MICRO OHMMETER .................................................................................. 266
11.3 TANGENT DELTA & CAPACITANCE ................................................................ 266
12 SETTINGS.................................................................................................... 267
12.1 HARDWARE INFO ...................................................................................... 267
12.2 DIAGNOSTICS ........................................................................................... 268
12.3 SOFTWARE SETTINGS ................................................................................. 269
12.3.1 General ......................................................................................... 269
12.3.2 Network ........................................................................................ 270
12.3.3 Tandelta ........................................................................................ 270
12.3.4 Log ................................................................................................ 270
12.4 UPGRADE................................................................................................ 271
13 STS PRO SOFTWARE ........................................................................... 274
13.1 STS PRO INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 274
13.2 STS PRO USE: START-UP ............................................................................ 274
13.3 STS PRO: MENU BAR AND TOOLBAR ............................................................. 276
13.3.1 File ................................................................................................ 276 New .................................................................................................... 276 Open ................................................................................................... 278 Save .................................................................................................... 279
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Every effort has been made to make this material complete, accurate, and up-to-date. In
addition, changes are periodically added to the information herein; these changes will be
incorporated into new editions of the publication. ISA S.R.L reserves the right to make
improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
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MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 10 of 305
Dear STS family user,
I often wondered why user manuals are not very much used, even if they include
valuable information. As me too I am a user of such manuals, the answer I have
given myself is that valuable information are concealed somewhere in the thick
thing, and I do not have time to waste to find it. So, either the manual is actually
of help, or I ignore it.
This is why I decided to split the STS XXXX manual in three: the specification, with
all performance details, this application manual, with instructions about how to
use it once its operation is understood; the introductory guide, with the device
description and basic information. The idea is that you may read once the device
description, while you need application examples more than once; so, why not to
split the manual in three?
Luca Biotti
Q&A Manager
1.1 Introduction
The User should carefully read the instructions and the examples of this manual
prior to operate the test set.
This application manual is published by the Seller, to be used together with STS
XXXX, as described in the corresponding introductory manual. The Seller reserves
the right to modify the guide without warning, for any reason. This includes also,
but not only, the adoption of more advanced technological solutions and
modified manufacturing procedures, and also the addition of other features, not
available in the first release.
The Seller declines any difficulties arising from unknown technical problems. The
Seller declines also any responsibility in case of modification of STS XXXX, or of
any intervention not authorized by the Seller in writing.
The warranty includes the repair time and the materials necessary to restore the
complete efficiency of STS XXXX; so, it does not include other burdens, such as
the transport and customs fee. Under no circumstances the warrantee includes
any cost that the User may have suffered because of STS XXXX unavailability and
STS XXXX is CE marked, and has been tested to operate according to EN 61010-1,
with the following operating conditions:
. Pollution degree 2: normally, non-conductive pollution occurs;
. Measurement category 2, for measurement inputs;
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STS XXXX has been tested to match the EMI/RFI standards, as requested by the
European Directive 2004/108/EC; Applicable Standard : EN61326 : 2006.
However, the User should not carry a pacemaker.
ATTENTION DON’T TOUCH the terminals for any reason, while the test is
in progress.
The problem with HV is clear, but also current outputs are dangerous! If
you touch both terminals with a metal object, such as a ring or bracelet,
because of the high current, it would heat up or even melt very quickly,
causing a severe injury!
In order to avoid any danger in case of fault inside STS XXXX, the device under test
should have the following characteristics:
. Connection cables must be those provided with the test set;
. Connection points must be isolated and not accessible;
. Input circuits must have an isolation degree at least equal to the one of the
Further safety instructions are provided in the manual, for each test to be
performed. Before operating, read them carefully!
In the following are shown the short-cut pushbuttons located to the left.
· Help. Pressing it, the screen displays the information related to the
test you are performing.
· Open file. This button allows you to access the list of saved test
results: it can be located in the internal memory or on the USB key. The
operation is explained in the following.
· Save file. This button allows you to save the test result. Pressing it,
you access the list of saved test results: it can be located in the internal
memory or on the USB key. The operation is explained in the following.
· Increment and decrement buttons. When you have to input a
value, you have to select the field, and then:
o Key in the desired value, via the keypad;
o Increment or decrement the value, pressing the above
o Rotate the knob clockwise (increment) or anti-clockwise
o Press the keyboard up key to increment, and the keyboard
down key to decrement.
The amount of the increment or decrement is: ten units, for the plus
and minus keys; one unit, for the knob, and one tenth, for the up –
down arrows.
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If you are to operate the BUX 3000 booster, connect the booster cable before
power-on. For other connections, see the BUX 3000 paragraph.
The STCS external module is powered by STS XXXX, via the Ext. devices cable. As
you power-on STS XXXX, also STCS is powered-on.
In the mains supply cable there is also the ground connection. For an increased
safety, connect the ground connection cable to the yellow/green socket.
As soon as the test set is connected to the mains, the power supply
goes to a stand-by mode, a diagnostic runs, and, in a couple of
seconds, the test set can be powered-on. The two LED’s by the side of
the ON/OFF button are OFF.
Perform all test set connections before powering it on. Once connections are
performed, it is possible to power-on STS XXXX. Pressing the ON/OFF button
powers-on the test set; pressing it again, the test set is turned off.
NOTE. At power-on, no USB key should be inserted; else, the Operating System
program would look for instructions on the key, and the test set would not start.
After power-on, the test set will perform first a self-diagnostic sequence, during
which all LED’s on the front panel should turn on (please, check). Then, the
messages: Service check-up, Hardware check-up, and Starting up are displayed on
the screen. In few seconds, the main menu is displayed, with all the icons which
allow selecting the desired test.
At the end of all tests, power-off STS XXXX: the display disappears; tests are over.
You may leave the test set connected to the mains; however, just in case, it is
better to disconnect it.
NOTE. The power supply and power generator of the test set is protected against
external or internal problems. When it enters in protection, it latches this mode,
and does not operate any more.
The mode is alerted to the operator with alarm messages such as “No response
from the Variac”.
Even the power-off and on of the test set does not re-set the situation, because
the module is always powered. When the situation is recognized, the only way
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 17 of 305
out is to remove the power supply plug during 30 s. After this period, connect
again, power-on and generate: if the problem was a transient one, the test set will
operate normally.
Feeding the In this situation very high currents The device must
transformer during or voltages could be applied to the be OUT OF
the test test set, that could be severely SERVICE!
damaged; also the operator would
be exposed to a high risk
Disconnecting the A very high voltage can be Limit the access to
transformer during generated by the inductance of the the test area.
the test transformer under test.
Of these points, the first two are very hazardous, both for the user and the test
The first hazard is very clear: while STS XXXX is connected to the transformer to
be tested, there must be no connection of the transformer itself to a voltage or
current source. STS XXXX outputs are protected against transient spikes, but not
against such a situation.
Also the second hazard can be very dangerous: especially in DC current tests,
because of the large winding inductance, the cumulated energy causes high
voltage spikes when it is sharply interrupted.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 18 of 305
In case of doubt, please contact your Seller. The Seller, and Manufacturer,
declines any and all responsibility due to improper usage, or any usage outside
the specified limits.
The same precaution exists when you perform high current manual tests: you
must keep the START button pressed.
For automatic tests, as they may last some time, keeping the START button
pressed would not be practical; so, they are performed normally. For this reason,
we suggest to perform first a manual test, and then to go to the automatic mode.
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The STS XXXX firmware allows to prepare and save three different types of data
structure: Header, Test Plan and Result. The hierarchy is the following:
When a Result file is saved, it contains all the tests sequence (Test Plan) and the
corresponding tests Header. If there is not the possibility to execute real tests but
the user knows all Header data and the tests sequence to be performed, with STS
is possible to save a Test Plan file and execute it in another day. Since even
Header can be a complex structure, it can be saved as a separated file.
There is full compatibility for all files prepared with any device of the STS XXXX
family; if a Test Plan contains a not executable test, a warning message will
appear on the screen.
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The various icons allow opening the list of tests available for each device. Move
the wheel to reach the test you want to perform, and press it to enter the device;
then, proceed with the test set-up data.
Some parts of the test set-up are common to all tests. Here we explain these
parts, while we describe the specific parts separately for each test.
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Once all field you need are completed, press the save button located to the
left of the screen, the following window will appear:
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Is possible to save the Header file in STS’s memory or in a USB flash drive.
Pressing the open button located to the left of the screen, is possible to open
a saved header file.
“Test” shortcut. The following window refers to CT tests: for VT and PT, tests
are different, but the test plan creation procedure is the same.
To the left, you have the list of the tests you can perform on the CT (or VT, PT,
In the middle, you have the summary of tests to be performed, with the
indications of: test type, Tap no., Executed, and Pass/Fail only: test values are
available in the test window.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 23 of 305
· Add to Test Plan. Highlight a test type and press this shortcut: the
test of all defined taps is added to the test list. Another way to include a
test in the test plan is highlight a test type and press the knob; through
include and press “Add tap to Test Plan” . You can program all tests
you want to perform, without actually performing them; this helps you
avoiding to forget tests. The test values programming is performed
entering the test windows, which are described in the followings. As you
program, for CT tests, the window will show you the following.
NOTE: every time you perform a test and you get some results, this test
will be automatically included in the test plan. For example, if you never
press any of “Add to Test Plan”, “Add Tap to Test Plan” or “Add Test to
Test Plan” and you perform a CT Ratio test on tap 2 and 3, you will find
these two tests included in the “Test Plan / Results” table.
· Delete Step. Highlight a test in the table and press this button in
order to remove the highlighted test from the test plan.
In the example, we have programmed all possible tests; note that for “Ratio
Polarity and Burden” only tap number 2 and 4 are included in the test plan.
Once Test Plan creation is finished, you can press the button “Run test
plan”: the program runs the test plan from the highlighted test in the table, with
the first tap (if any). Perform the connections for the test, then press the
START/STOP pushbutton on the test set: the first test will actually be executed.
Before test execution, fields Exe and Pass/Fail are empty; when tests are finished,
Exe will be filled, and Pass/Fail will turn green if all results are within the specs;
else, it will turn yellow or red.
The window will displays test results. You can review them, give your assessment,
change the tap or the test and perform the connections for the next tap or test;
then, press START again.
You will continue this way until the last test is finished.
As you press the button “Save test Plan”, the following window is opened.
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The first line allows selecting where to save the plan: in the STS memory, or in the
USB key.
To the right, you can edit the name of your test plan.
Test plans are stored in a fixed structure based on header data, the user cannot
change it. All test plan files are grouped with the following priority: Substation,
Bay, Serial Number, Test date. For instance, if you save many files with just two
different substation names, you’ll see something like in the following picture.
To see test plan files contained in a specific directory, each structure node must
be highlighted and press the knob in order to expand it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 27 of 305
click, you can reach for the desired directory. As you are there, press
button: the same message as above confirms you that the file was actually saved.
The first line allows selecting from where you can open the Test Plan: STS
memory, or USB key.
Select the desired file, then press the “Load file” button: the program confirms
the operation.
Note that here you can delete a file, pressing the button “Delete the selected
Note that here you can delete a file, pressing the button “Delete the selected
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 30 of 305
The first line tells what kind of test you are performing (in the example, Ratio
Polarity and burden Current Method).
The second line allows selecting the tap number of the object under test. Clicking
on it, the color becomes red. Rotating the knob, the tap number is incremented or
decremented by one.
When you select the tap number, also the corresponding nominal values are
selected: you can proceed with the test.
The icon tells you if the test has been performed, using the following color
o Gray: test not executed;
o Green: test executed.
The icon shows your assessment about test results, using the following
color coding:
To the right, once you have performed the test of the first tap, the selection
allows you changing to the next programmed tap. Of course, before proceeding
with next test, you have to change the secondary connection. NEVER change it
unless the test is stopped, and the primary current is taken to zero!
Once a Test Plan is ready to be executed, is possible to press the “Run Test Plan”
button. In this case the second line becomes as in the following picture:
Some new icons have been added; their function is the following.
· Go to the previous step of the Test plan . You can move one step
· Stop the execution of the test plan . Pressing it, you leave the test
plan execution; after confirmation
· Go to the next step of the test plan . You can move one step
· Nominal. In this line are input the nominal values for the test to be
executed. These data come from header it there is one.
· Test Values. This indication is telling the test set the value to be
generated; however, the test set will actually generate these values with
some amount of error. This is why, in the next (Measures) part of the
screen, some of the nominal values are repeated, with their actual
generation value. The test set result is computed taking into account
actual values.
After having input the nominal values, the test is ready to be performed.
See in the following the other instructions.
· Measured. Here the test set displays the actually generated values,
and the performed measurements.
· To the right, the shortcut is . Pressing the push-button you leave the
test page, and come back to the test selection window. As you press the
button, if you have performed tests, the test set automatically saves
them into its temporary memory.
In the field “Evaluate Test” you find the automatic assessment, in the field “User
Notes” you can insert a note editing it with the keyboard. If you change the
The first line allows selecting where to save the plan: in the STS memory, or in the
USB key.
To the right, you can name your test plan.
Results files are stored in a fixed structure based on header data, the user cannot
change it. All results files are grouped with the following priority: Substation, Bay,
Serial Number, Test date. For instance, if you save many files with just two
different substation names, you’ll see something like in the following picture.
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NOTE: the button , pressed when “Test Plan / Results” table is visible, will save
a file who contains all results of all tests included in the visible Test Plan. If the
button is pressed when a specific test window is opened, for example the
“Ratio, Polarity and Burden Current Method”, it will save a file who contains
results of this specific test type only.
The first line allows selecting where to open the file: in the STS memory, or in the
USB key.
Select the desired file, then press the “Load File” button: the program confirms
the operation.
Note that here you can delete a file, pressing the button “Delete the selected
For instance, now the selection is on CT current ratio. As you press, the program
displays the corresponding test window, with all results.
pushbutton. You can delete a set of tests of the test plan, or open a set of
tests, and delete a specific test, for instance of some tap.
The first time you enter in this test section, or pressing
, the following window appears:
If you rotate the knob, you can reach the various parameters. As you are there,
pressing the knob you enter the field, which is highlighted in red, and you can
modify it.
In alternative, you can use the shortcut buttons located to the right of the screen.
The operation of these buttons is described on the right side of the screen: the
description changes according to the context. For instance, in this moment you
have the following shortcuts available:
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· Discard change. You can discard your changes, this restores the
former text.
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In this window you can input the references for the CT location and installation.
Don’t forget fields such as Manufacturer and serial number, as they will be used
to recover test results in the TDMS software data base.
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Pressing Nominals, the following window is displayed.
Parameters are:
· Secondary current, “I secondary”, in A.
· Reference “Standard”, IEC or ANSI.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 44 of 305
NOTE. For this parameter we have three choices: ANSI-IEEE 1 (no gap¸ see
std. C.57.13.1, paragraph 9); ANSI-IEEE 2 (gap; same standard) or IEC
60044-1, as they have the following definitions of the knee point.
. ANSI 1: In a log-log diagram, the knee point is the one where the curve
has a tangent at 45°. This refers to gapless CT’s.
. ANSI 2: In a log-log diagram, the knee point is the one where the curve
has a tangent at 30°. This refers to gapped CT’s.
. IEC: the knee is the point of the curve where a 10% increase of the
voltage causes a 50% increase of the current.
· “Measuring” or “Protection”. The selection refers to the application of
CT: for measurements or for protections. The accuracy class of a
measuring CT is better than the one of the Protection CT.
· Accuracy “Class”: depending on the selected standard and the selected
application (Measuring or Protection), it represents the maximum error
under overload.
NOTE. There are very many differences between the two CT types,
measuring or protection: see IEC standard 60044-1.
· CTs “VA rating” (at the nominal current), in VA.
· Accuracy Limiting Factor, “ALF” : the CT does not have to saturate for
overloads up to ALF times the nominal current. For measuring CTs, this
parameter is called ISF (Instrument Safety Factor).
· “Power factor”: it is the minimum acceptable power factor of the
· “C1 (HV-capacitive tap)”. We refer to the nominal values of the
capacitance “Cn” and of the tan(δ), “Tδn”, measured between the input
and the measurement tap.
· “C2 (Capacitive tap - ground)”. We refer to the nominal values of the
capacitance “Cn” and of the tan(δ), “Tδn”, measured between the
measurement tap and the ground.
For the last parameters, see the following schematic.
You can select this line, and press the knob: the following window is displayed.
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When any row of Taps Settings table is highlighted, the shortcut icons to the right
show two more selections.
· Add Tap. Pressing it, a new line is added to the list. Pressing the
knob, you see the parameters of the new tap. From the second line on,
you should compute the nominal Ik, which is the current at the knee
point, and the knee voltage Vk.
· Delete tap: you can remove the selected tap from the list.
Pressing Tolerances, the following window is displayed.
can proceed pressing the “Test” shortcut. The following window is displayed.
To the left, you have the list of the tests you can perform on the CT.
Selections in the middle and to the right allow creating the test plan, as explained
in section 2.1.
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Purpose of the selection is to allow generating any output and performing any
desired measurement, outside the schemes corresponding to a selected test.
With this window it is also possible to test a protection relay, measuring its
intervention delay, or, also to test the timing of a MV Circuit Breaker, and
measuring the time from when the current is generated to when the CB opens.
In this test we can connect any output; so, the precautions change according to
the type of test. Remember the following:
· High current output. These connections are not dangerous; however,
take care of the high current.
· High voltage output. If we use the HV generator, remember that the
connection is very dangerous, as a high voltage (up to 2,000 V) is
involved. HV cables shall be connected while STS XXXX is powered-off.
HV clamps shall have a minimum distance of 20 mm from all conductive
surfaces, so to avoid discharges during operation. After connections, the
area around the HV clamps shall be isolated, so that no accidental
contact can occur. If something goes wrong for any reason, press the
· On the Settings line, you can select among the output generators.
Entering the window, you have available the following choices:
o AC 800A: high AC current;
o DC 400A: high DC current;
o AC 2kV, AC 1kV, AC 500V: high AC voltage;
o AC 70V, AC 140V: low level AC voltage;
o EXT 2kA: very high AC current (BU 2000 option)
o EXT 3kA: very high AC current (BUX 3000 option).
If you press the “Modify” button, you come back to the output selection.
As you see, in the list are missing the low-level AC currents, 3 A or 6 A. All
you have to do is to connect the current measurement in series to the
voltage output, and to measure it.
As soon as you have selected the output, the screen changes as follows.
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You can program the test frequency, and the output value. They can be
modified rotating the knob, or via keypad.
After the output selection, the LEDs on the front will turn on accordingly.
You are displayed:
o On the Active output, the outputs located on the side panel;
o The Low level voltage and current outputs, when selected;
o The measurement inputs which could be used during the test,
according to your selection in the Measurements line.
· On the Trigger line, you can select if you want to perform a time test; in
this case the digital input on the front panel is available. When you select
it, the window changes as follows.
The next selections are referred to internal measurement of STS XXXX generators:
NOTE: unlike the automatic tests, for High Voltage tests, you have to keep the
START button pressed: as soon as you release it, the generation is stopped.
If you want to interrupt the test, press STOP (or release the button, in HV tests), in
this case you don’t store any measurement. If you want to store the
measurement in the table, you must press the button “Keep Values” .
In case of any TRIGGER condition is selected, this button doesn’t appear because
the test is automatically stopped (and measures stored) when the trigger
condition is satisfied.
During the test execution, as with all other tests, a flashing arrow
reminds you that the test is in progress: don’t touch!
This is how the window looks like at the end of the test.
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3. Test Parameters. In the example, the test is a point of the saturation curve: you
should program the output AC voltage, the output 2 kV AC current and the
computed impedance.
Output: AC
voltage, 500 V
Values” . If you want, modify the test voltage and press START again.
7. Save. Test is over.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with manual test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 56 of 305
Purpose of the test is to measure the actual CT ratio, to verify its polarity, and to
measure the burden in terms of VA at the nominal current. This test is performed
applying current to the primary side, and measuring the secondary current (and
voltage for the burden test).
By burden we mean the series of all the wires and all the devices connected to the
CT secondary, as measured at the feet of the CT itself. The measurement is the
impedance of the burden: if you want to know the burden resistance, please
select the Winding or Burden Resistance test.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 model, or also on the other models,
provided that they are used togheter with BUX 3000 option. If you don’t have BUX
3000, on STS 4000 you may as well perform the ratio and polarity test selecting
Ratio and polarity voltage mode, which is not available with STS 3000. On STS
4000 you can perform also the Burden secondary side test: also this is not
available with STS 3000.
In this test we connect the STS 5000 high current output (or the BUX 3000 high
current output) to the CT primary side, and the CT secondary side to the STS 5000
current meter. These connections are not dangerous; however, take care of the
high current.
When you change the tap connection, make sure that the test is finished, and that
there is no primary current! The secondary voltage of an open CT can be very
high, and dangerous for the operator!
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
It is possible to perform the test using a current clamp: this avoids opening
the CT secondary side, and reduces the chances of error. The decision
depends upon the additional measurement error caused by the clamp: the
total of current clamp error + test set error must be maximum 50% of the
difference between taps. Example:
o Test set maximum error: 0.2%;
o Current clamp error: 2%;
o Total error: 2.2%;
o Taps: 750 A, 800 A, 850 A primary side, versus 5 A;
o Taps difference, in percentage: 6%;
o Conclusion: it is possible to use the clamp.
c) Measured values
d) Results
· Polarity: it tells OK if the angle error is within the defined tolerance; else,
it tells Fail. If the polarity is wrong, verify that connections are correct!
· Ratio: it is the ratio of the primary and secondary currents, as displayed
in the measured values.
· Ratio % error. It is the above error, expressed in percent. The test set
ratio percentage errors are reported in the following table, as a function
of the ratio value.
A ratio error beyond the maximum accuracy error shows an error; the
typical reason is the wrong connection to the tap. If not, the most
common problem is that the CT is overloaded. Last possibility: there is a
fault in the CT under test; typically, an internal short-circuit.
e) Burden test
The burden is tested leaving the secondary current to flow into the circuitry, and
measuring the voltage drop across the CT secondary connections.
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
In the schematic, the CT secondary is opened at S1; dashed lines are for the
burden test.
Look carefully at the colours of the cables. The red high current cable is connected
to P1; after opening, the output S1 is connected to the red current measurement
socket. For burden measurement, the same S1 output is connected to the red
voltage measurement socket.
In case of current clamp is used for secondary current measurement, connect its
output to the selected measurement input; ATTENTION: do not leave CT
secondary side opened!
The ratio test, performed as shown in the schematic, measures the CT error with
the burden. It is possible to measure the ratio error of the CT alone by
disconnecting also S2.
For the primary side connection, use the two high current connection cables, 6 m
long, with spring-loaded clamps.
For the secondary side connection, use a pair of 2.5 mm2 cables, one red and one
black; if necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 63 of 305
For the voltage measurement connection, use a second pair of the 2.5 mm
cables, one red and one black; if necessary, use the small crocodile clamps
If you use the optional clamp (not shown), use the shielded cable with connector
to the 3 V AC input.
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed. The following is a typical result page.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained.
If you have not tested all taps, change the tap number, modify the CT secondary
connection, and then press again the START/STOP button : the new test will
be started; at the end, the corresponding test results will be displayed.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 64 of 305
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the current is generated, and the secondary current measured. The window is the
following one.
When you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep
Values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 65 of 305
3. Test parameters. Select the tap number, and the test current.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Ratio Polarity and Burden” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 67 of 305
With burden we mean the series of all the wires and all the devices connected to
CT secondary, as measured at the feet of the CT itself. The measurement is the
impedance of the burden: if you want to know the burden resistance, please
select the Winding or Burden Resistance test.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
Unlike the previous test, the current source for this test is the low voltage output,
which is not regulated in current. The procedure to obtain the desired test current
is explained in the Introductory manual.
The output current is metered connecting the voltage output in series to the test
set AC/DC current meter.
In this test we connect the test set 140 V AC voltage output in series to the test
set AC current meter, and then to the CT burden.
The voltage across the burden is taken back to the test set voltage meter.
These connections are not dangerous; however, take care of the voltage, which
could be 140 V maximum.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 68 of 305
a) Nominal values
They come from the nominal settings, and should not be changed; in case, modify
the nominal settings.
b) Test values
c) Measured values
d) Results
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 72 of 305
If necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided. In the schematic, the CT
secondary is opened at S1: don’t leave the CT secondary side connected to the
burden, else the measurement would be wrong!
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed. This is how the window looks like.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained. Then, it is possible to save the result, by
pressing the save button, as explained.
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 73 of 305
the current is generated, and the voltage drop measured. The window is the
following one.
When you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep
Values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 74 of 305
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Burden Secondary Side” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 76 of 305
Purpose of the test is to verify that the CT saturation occurs at a value higher than
the one specified in the label, and with a measured current less than the specified
current in the label.
CTs are subject to short-circuit currents, whose value is much higher than the
nominal operating current. The high secondary current, multiplied by the burden
impedance, causes the increase of the secondary voltage, and this increase can be
such to cause the saturation of the iron core. When this occurs, also the
secondary current is heavily distorted. Protection devices have problems in the
correct measurement of the distorted current, in amplitude and phase: this is why
all CTs have a specified degree of over-load, for which no distortion should occur.
The test is performed applying voltage to the secondary side, and measuring the
secondary current. There are three ways you can perform the test.
· Manual. You can program the test voltage, start the test, read the
corresponding test current, save the result. Then, perform other tests
with another voltages; in the end, you have the saturation curve, but no
indication about the measured knee point.
· Automatic (Table Test). This way of testing allows you to verify the
characteristic table of the transformer. You can input the test voltages
and the corresponding nominal currents, without performing the test;
then, as you start the test, voltages and the measured currents are
shown in the table: you can check if currents are within the specified
· Automatic (Graph Test). This way of testing allows you to find the actual
voltage and current knee. The detail is explained in the following.
The knee voltage ranges from rather low (100 V) to quite high, such as 1 kV; as the
test must reach a voltage greater than the knee, the test is performed using the
High Voltage output of the test set. The selection is available on the STS 5000 and
STS 4000 models, as they have this output, that is not available on STS 3000.
NOTE. We have been asked why the saturation test is not performed injecting
primary current. The answer is simple: take, for instance, the case of a
transformer rated 800/5, 20 VA, with an overload factor of 20. In this instance,
we should inject 20*800 = 16,000 A on the primary, at the power of 20^2*20 =
8,000 VA!
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 77 of 305
In this test we connect the test set AC voltage output to the CT secondary
winding. The connection is very dangerous, as a high voltage (up to 2,000 V) is
involved. This is the sole connection to be performed.
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
In this test we saturate the CT magnetic material; so, after the knee has been
recognized, the test set automatically slowly decreases the voltage to zero: this
action de-magnetizes the core. If the return to zero is too fast, the CT core would
have a magnetic remanence: when the CT is set back in service, there would be
some distorted cycles. If, for any reason, it was necessary to stop the test while
the voltage was applied, then the test has to be repeated, in order to ensure the
core demagnetization.
The screen has to the left some parameters, and to the right a diagram, with
coordinates Current and Voltage.
a) Nominal values
Nominal values come from the Header nominal values page. They should not be
changed; in case, modify the nominal settings.
b) Result
· Test voltage. During the manual test automatic execution, it displays the
voltage of the test being generated.
· Test frequency. NOTE: knee voltage is a function of the test frequency. If
your CT is rated at 50 Hz, and you test at 60 Hz, the nominal voltage knee
would be 1.2 times bigger than the one at 50 Hz.
· Vmax. It is the maximum test voltage, not to be exceeded during any
test. If Vmax is smaller than the actual Vk, the automatic test will be
· Imax. It is the maximum test current, not to be exceeded during any test.
If the measured current is greater than Imax, the automatic test will be
d) Other selections
Measure error.
This selection is used with the table test: when checked, the table displays the
percentage error between the measured current and the nominal one.
This selection is independent from the one above: graph test or table test, and it
is to decide how to view test results. For both of them, the test result can be seen
as a diagram or as the table of preformed tests. When you are displaying the
diagram, the icon is this: ; that is, if you press the icon, you can select the
table. Otherwise, when you have the table on the display, the icon is this: ;
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 80 of 305
when you press it, you select the diagram. In conclusion, the icon shows the
opposite with respect to the display.
When you select to perform the Excitation curve test, the display looks like this.
Coordinates are: current and voltage; the representation is log-log. Red square
dots are the test points; the red line is connecting them. The blue cross is
the computed knee.
If you select the diagram with the knob, it is possible to reach for the single points
of the diagram. Click on the diagram: a couple of cursors are displayed.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 81 of 305
Of the selected point are shown the test voltage and the corresponding current.
Moving the knob, all points can be reached.
When you select to perform the Table test, the display looks like this.
You can input the test voltage, and the corresponding nominal current.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 82 of 305
In the schematic, the CT secondary is opened at S1 and S2: don’t leave the
burden connected to the CT during the test, else the HV would be applied to the
connected equipment! If necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided,
taking care about the isolation distances.
connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set front panel: as
the test is performed at high voltage, the following message will be displayed.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 83 of 305
You have to turn ON the HV key , and press START again: the following
message reminds you that you are operating with high voltage: take care!
During the test, on the display is shown the saturation curve, or the
corresponding table, according to test selections. By the side, the display shows
· The voltage knee is measured with a number of separate tests. The test
set applies a voltage, and then measures the corresponding current.
Once finished a step, it proceeds with the next test point. The curve is a
collection of steps; the program decides automatically the voltage
increments: they are smaller as it approaches the saturation knee, in
order to guarantee a proper evaluation accordingly with the specified
· Considering Vmax, the program decides the test voltages during the first
saturation step. The voltage is increased and the corresponding current
is measured.
· At the moment of saturation, the current has a remarkable increase,
which tells that the saturation has been reached. The transition is
smooth, but the convention is to define a single point, named voltage
knee, which marks the passage between the not saturated and the
saturated operation. The IEC and the ANSI standards define the voltage
knee in different ways, but, of course, the knee value does not change
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 84 of 305
· Note that this behaviour follows the selection Graph test: the
performance is the same also if you have selected to display the table.
The following is the table display of a graph test.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 85 of 305
The table displays all tests executed during the voltage decrease.
· The test starts with the first selected value; the corresponding current is
measured, but it is displayed on the table after the last test.
· The next test voltage is generated; the process continues until the last
test is performed.
· As the test is finished, you can add other points to your table: as you
press START, only these points will be tested.
· If you want to repeat the test, press the “Reset execution” button: all
test results are cleared. Then, press START: the test will be repeated.
· You may notice that, after the last point, the High Voltage icon stays
there for a while. During this time, the program very slowly decreases to
zero the applied voltage: thanks to this, no magnetic energy remains in
the core.
· You can check the Error before test start: the table displays the
percentage current deviation with respect to the nominal current value.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 86 of 305
In the example, four points have been tested; the evaluation is OK. The same
result can be seen as a diagram.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 87 of 305
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained. For the voltage knee, the usual criteria is
that the measured knee should be more than the nominal value.
If the test is stopped pressing the STOP button during the execution, the voltage is
very slowly reduced to zero. This is not performed if the EMERGENCY button is
pressed: in this situation, some remanence can be left in the CT. Don’t forget to
perform another test, so that the remanence is nulled!
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 88 of 305
3. Test parameters. Program the tap number and the maximum test current and
voltage (1.5 or 2 times the nominal knee Vk).
the tap
4. Test start. Press the button. The program will proceed automatically, until
the test is over.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Excitation Curve” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 90 of 305
This test is performed applying DC current to the test item (winding or burden),
and measuring the corresponding voltage drop.
With burden we mean the series of all the wires and all the devices connected to
the CT secondary, as measured at the feet of the CT itself. The measurement is
the burden resistance (Ohm): if you want to know the burden impedance (VA),
please select the “CTs Burden Secondary Side” test.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
In this test we connect the test set 6 A DC current output in series to the test set
current meter, and then to the CT secondary winding or to the burden.
The voltage across the CT secondary winding or the burden is taken back to the
test set voltage meter.
The test current is not dangerous; however, there is a problem which could
cause a severe shock hazard.
The problem comes from the fact that the test of the CT secondary winding is
performed applying a DC current; as the CT has a residual inductance, there is a
magnetic energy cumulated into the CT core.
Once the test is performed, THE CURRENT IS DECREASED TO ZERO, so that the
accumulated energy can be dissipated. If the current flow is stopped by accident,
for instance opening the circuit during the test, the energy accumulated into the
inductance would cause a high voltage spike, that could be dangerous for the
operator and the test set.
After the test, the presence of a residual energy is alerted by the light shown
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 91 of 305
the residual energy would cause a high voltage spike on the conductor you are
The test of the burden does not have these problems, as the inductance is very
a) Nominal values
c) Measured values
d) Temperature Compensation
During the test, the CT winding temperature can be far from the reference one;
so, the program allows to transform the measured resistance into the resistance
at the reference temperature.
e) Results
Having programmed the test values in the window, and performed all
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed.
NOTE: the discharge sequence starts automatically when the result is achieved,
and it starts if the test is stopped with the START/STOP button or the
EMERGENCY button .
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 96 of 305
In the end verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance, then express your
assessment as explained in section 2.5.4.
3. Test Parameters. Program the nominal resistance, and the test current. In the
example, the test current is 5 A; multiplied by 0.1 Ohm, the voltage drop is 0.5 V.
With resistances such as 1 Ohm or more, the test current can be less: for instance,
2 A, in the 3 A range.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 98 of 305
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Winding or Burden Resistance” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 99 of 305
Purpose of the test is to verify the voltage withstand, with respect to the ground,
· The CT secondary itself;
· The CT secondary wiring;
The test set measures also the corresponding leakage current (typically
NOTE. This test is performed with AC voltage; so, it is not an isolation test as
per IEEE 62-1995, where the test is performed with DC voltage.
This test is performed applying the high voltage between the secondary cablings
and the ground, and measuring the corresponding current sink.
NOTE. It is also possible to test the withstand between primary and secondary,
and between primary and ground; however, as STS XXXX reaches only 2000 V,
the test voltage is normally much less than the nominal voltage rating, so the
test is not very useful.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
The output current is metered by the test set, with no other connections.
In this test we connect the test set AC voltage output to the CT connections. The
test is very dangerous, not only because a high voltage (up to 2,000 V) is involved,
but also because one of the HV terminals is solid grounded. In fact, for tests such
as the saturation curve, the HV output is isolated from the ground; so, touching
only one wire is not very dangerous. Here, instead, touching one wire means to
be submitted to the whole voltage.
Besides, the HV goes from the CT under test to the place where relays are
located, and this can be hundreds of meters away. Make sure to protect all
connected devices against accidental touch!
discharges during operation. After connections, the area around the HV clamps
shall be isolated, so that no accidental contact can occur. If something goes
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
· Output range: the test set has three ranges: 500 V AC, 1000 V AC, 2000 V
AC. Select the closest one to the test voltage, in order to reduce the
maximum voltage and the associated danger.
· Test voltage: the nominal test voltage.
· Test frequency: usually, 50 or 60 Hz.
c) Measured values
d) Results
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
Connect the red HV cable to the transformer’s secondary winding, and the black
HV cable to earth and to the neutral transformer’s primary winding. The burden
must be disconnected,. The earth connection of the secondary winding must be
Connections are performed using the HV cables. If necessary, use the small
crocodile clamps provided; however, take care of the insulation distances!
Having programmed the test values in the window, and performed all
connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set front panel: as
the test is performed at high voltage, the following message will be displayed.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 104 of 305
You have to turn ON the HV key , and press START again: the following
message reminds you that you are operating with high voltage: take care!
The screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding leakage current.
The display shows also the test elapsed time.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 105 of 305
In the manual mode, having programmed the test values in the window, and
performed all connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel, and keep it pressed. After the same messages as the automatic
mode, the screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding leakage
current. The display shows also the test elapsed time.
When you want to stop, just release the START button: the test terminates.
If, during the test, the programmed maximum current is exceeded, the test is
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment, as explained.
3. Test parameters. In the example setting parameters are: Max IAC 10 mA, test
time 60 s, test voltage 2 kV.
Program 10
Test voltage:
2 kV
60 s
4. Test start. Press the button. The test ends after the programmed test
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Voltage Withstand” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 108 of 305
Purpose of the test is to measure the CT polarity. The selection is available on STS
5000 model.
In this test we connect STS 5000 high current output to the CT primary side, and
the CT secondary must be left connected to its place in the plant: the secondary
voltage of an opened CT’s secondary side can be very high, and dangerous for
the operator!
a) Test values
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 109 of 305
b) Measured values
If you want to add a new location in the table, press the “Add test point” button.
Highlight the new line and press the knob: the “Edit row” window allows you to
input the test location, and a note. Continue until you have programmed all
locations you are about to test.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 110 of 305
Having programmed the test locations, and performed all connections, select the
first test of your list, then press once the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel: the test set starts generating the output waveform.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 112 of 305
The waveform generation will continue until you press the START/STOP
button. Once the generation is stopped, you can evaluate or change the
evaluation done before (during the generation) per each location.
3. Test parameters. Program the test current, the ON – OFF duration, and input
the location description.
5. With PLCK, move to the points to be tested and verify the polarity.
6. Input the evaluations.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Polarity Check” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 114 of 305
Purpose of the test is to measure the actual CT ratio and to verify its polarity. This
test is called voltage mode because these parameters are verified by connecting
the main AC voltage output (high or low) to the CT secondary, and measuring the
corresponding voltage at the primary side. These parameters could be measured
also generating current; however, with this connection it is also possible to test
the excitation curve.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
In this test we connect the STS 5000 high voltage output to the CT secondary side,
and the CT primary side to the STS 5000 voltage meter. The test voltage is usually
not very high; however, take care!
When you change the tap connection, make sure that the test is finished, and that
there is no primary voltage!
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
· Test voltage. It is important not to get close to the knee voltage, else the
error would significantly increase. The CT Header reports the nominal
knee voltage:
c) Measured values
reach the icon and press the knob: it changes as follows . This
means that now the Voltage from Primary field is editable: at the end of
test you can type the read value during the generation.
· The current generated during the test.
· The phase shift between the voltage output and the applied voltage, the
latter being the reference for the phase angle measurement. The angle
range is from 0° to 360°: a negative angle (inductive burden) ranges from
270° to 360°.
d) Results
A ratio error beyond the maximum accuracy error shows an error; the
typical reason is the wrong connection to the tap. Last possibility: there
is a fault in the CT under test; typically, an internal short-circuit.
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
Look carefully at the colours of the cables. The red high voltage cable is connected
to S1; the primary P1 and P2 are connected to the red and black ends of the
shielded cable.
For the connection to the CT secondary side, use the two high voltage connection
cables, 6 m long.
For the connection to the CT primary side, use the shielded cable 6 m long. If
necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided, taking care of the isolation
NOTE: if the CT is located on the primary side (or on the secondary side) inside
a power transformer, the test of the CT ratio can be performed with the
voltage mode, as follows:
. Connect the CT secondary to the test set voltage output;
. Connect the PT winding on which the CT is inserted to the low voltage
measurement input.
Through PT winding any current flows, so the secondary voltage can be
measured on the PT terminals (primary or secondary).
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 119 of 305
connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set front panel: the
test lasts few seconds; at the end test result is displayed.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained.
In the manual mode, having programmed the test values in the window, and
performed all connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel, and keep it pressed. After the same messages as the automatic
mode, the screen displays the voltage applied to the secondary winding, and the
corresponding primary winding voltage.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 120 of 305
If you want to stop, discarding the result, just release the START button: the test
When you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep
Values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 121 of 305
3. Test parameters. The primary and secondary currents are programmed in the
nominal values; so, select the tap number, and program the test voltage.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 122 of 305
Test voltage:
< Vknee/2
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Ratio and Polarity Voltage Mode” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 123 of 305
Purpose of the test is to measure the actual CT ratio and polarity of a Rogowski
coil CT. The test is performed applying current to the primary side, and measuring
the secondary voltage.
The Rogowski coil is just a coil wound on a plastic support. If you wind the support
on a conductor, the coil spires are linked to the flux of the magnetic field
induction; as the flux changes at the mains frequency, the flux variation induces a
voltage given by the following formula.
· V is the induced voltage;
· The minus sign is because the voltage opposes to the flux change;
· A is the spire area;
· N is the number of turns;
· l is the coil length;
· μo is the magnetic constant of vacuum;
· dI/dt is the current rate of change.
The formula tells one of the problems of the Rogowski coil CT: the current must
be computed by integrating the voltage over the time. The other drawback is that
the voltage is quite small, and can be carried only with shielded cables. Yet, the
advantage of no saturation, along with the reduced cost, make the device more
and more used.
In this test we connect the STS 5000 high current output (or the BUX 3000 high
current output) to the CT primary side, and the CT secondary side to the STS 5000
voltage meter. These connections are not dangerous; however, take care of the
high current.
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
c) Measured values
d) Results
· Polarity: it tells Pass if the angle error is within ± 15°; else, it tells Fail. If
the polarity is wrong, verify that connections are correct!
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
In the schematic, the CT secondary is connected to the 3 V test set input by the
shielded measurement cable.
Look carefully at the colours of the cables. The red high current cable is connected
to P1; the output S1 is connected to the red connection cable conductor.
For the primary side connection, use the two high current connection cables, 6 m
long, with spring-loaded clamps.
For the secondary side connection, use the shielded, two wire cable, with
connector. If necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided.
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 128 of 305
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the current is generated.
When you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep
values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Ratio Rogowski Coil” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 131 of 305
Purpose of the test is to measure the actual CT ratio and polarity of a Low power
CT. The test is performed applying current to the primary side, and measuring the
secondary voltage.
The Low power CT is a standard, iron core CT, which incorporates a shunt resistor:
the output is voltage, and not current. The device is described in the IEC 6044-8
The benefits of the arrangement are:
· The CT power is much less than the one of a conventional CT. Let us
consider a conventional CT with: IN = 5 A; power rating 20 VA
(maximum burden 0.8 Ohm); overload factor = 10. The CT power during
overload is 10*10*20 = 2000 VA.
In a low power CT, the secondary current is 1 A, the burden is 0.1 Ohm,
and the nominal voltage is 0.1 V. If the overload factor is 10, during the
overload the power dissipated into the shunt is 10*10*0.1 = 10 VA, that
is, 200 times less than the conventional CT. So, the weight, size and cost
of the Low power CT is very much reduced with respect to conventional
· Standard CT’s exhibit saturation when the current is high: this means,
when the monitoring relay needs to meter at best, because there is an
heavy short circuit to be cleared, the standard CT provides a very poor
secondary signal, distorted and with an heavy DC component. The Low
power CT does not saturate, provided that the overload rating is not
In this test we connect the STS 5000 high current output (or the BUX 3000 high
current output) to the CT primary side, and the CT secondary side to the STS 5000
voltage meter. These connections are not dangerous; however, take care of the
high current.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 132 of 305
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
c) Measured values
d) Results
· Polarity: it tells Pass if the angle error is within ± 15°; else, it tells Fail. If
the polarity is wrong, verify that connections are correct!
· Phase shift: it tells the actual phase shift between the primary current,
taken as a reference, and the secondary voltage.
· Ratio percentage error: it is the percentage error of the ratio.
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
In the schematic, the CT secondary is connected to the 3 V test set input by the
shielded measurement cable.
Look carefully at the colours of the cables. The red high current cable is connected
to P1; the output S1 is connected to the red connection cable conductor.
For the primary side connection, use the two high current connection cables, 6 m
long, with spring-loaded clamps.
For the secondary side connection, use the shielded, two wire cable, with
connector. If necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 136 of 305
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained.
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the current is generated, and the secondary voltage measured.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 137 of 305
When you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep
Values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CT Ratio Low Power” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 140 of 305
The first time you enter in this test section, or pressing
, the following window appears:
The program starts asking: VT description, Nominal Values and Tolerances. These
values will be taken into account during the test, and will be part of the test
report. The selection is displayed on the first line.
If you rotate the knob, you can reach the various parameters. As you are there,
pressing the knob you enter the field, which is highlighted in red, and you can
modify it.
In alternative, you can use the shortcut buttons located to the right of the screen.
The operation of these buttons is described on the right side of the screen: the
description changes according to the context. For instance, in this moment you
have the following shortcuts available:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 141 of 305
· Discard change. You can discard your changes, this restores the
former text.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 142 of 305
In this window you can input the references for the VT location and installation.
Don’t forget fields such as Manufacturer and serial number, as they will be used
to recover test results in the TDMS software data base.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 143 of 305
In this part it is possible to input the settings which will be used by the program to
execute the selected test.
Once tolerances are programmed, in the Test window the program computes the
test result percentage error. The test assessment will be “Pass” if the computed
error is less than the tolerance.
can proceed pressing the “Test” shortcut. The following window is displayed.
Select the desired test: they are explained in the following sections.
Purpose of the test is to measure the actual VT ratio and to verify its polarity. This
test is performed applying voltage to the primary side, and measuring the
secondary voltage. The connection to the loads can be open or closed, in order to
verify the accuracy error caused by the burden; however, as the test is performed
at a fraction of the nominal voltage, the influence of the burden is very limited.
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 148 of 305
a) Nominal values
· The program displays the nominal ratio, given the primary and secondary
These data come from the nominal setting table: in case, modify the table,
and not these data.
b) Test values
c) Measured values
d) Results
A ratio error beyond the maximum accuracy error shows an error; the
typical reason is the wrong connection to the VT. Last possibility: there is
a fault in the VT under test; typically, an internal short-circuit of some
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 151 of 305
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 152 of 305
In the schematic, the VT secondary is connected to the burden. Use the 300 V
voltage input if the secondary voltage is greater than 3 V; in alternative, use the 3
V voltage with proper shielded cable.
Look carefully at the colours of the cables. The red high voltage cable is connected
to P1; the output S1 is connected to the red voltage measurement socket. If
necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided.
The ratio test, performed as shown in the schematic, meters the VT error with the
burden. It is possible to meter the ratio error of the VT alone by opening S1.
For the primary side connection, use the two high voltage connection cables, 6 m
For the secondary side connection, use a pair of the 2.5 mm cables, one red and
one black, or the shielded cable with connector.
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed, and stops automatically in few seconds. The following is a
test result window.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 153 of 305
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained.
In the manual mode, having programmed the test values in the window, and
performed all connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel, and keep it pressed. The screen displays the applied voltage and the
corresponding secondary voltage.
When you want to stop, if you want to discard the result, just release the START
button: the test terminates. If you are pleased with the values you are reading,
press the button “Keep Values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the
test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 154 of 305
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “VT Ratio” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 156 of 305
Purpose of the test is to measure the actual VT ratio and to verify its polarity. This
test is performed applying voltage to the primary side, and measuring the
secondary voltage. The difference between a standard VT and an electronic VT is
that the latter has a much reduced secondary voltage, in the range of few volts.
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
a) Nominal values
· The nominal primary voltage, in kV, that can be Line to Line or Line to
· The nominal secondary voltage, in V, that can be: Line to Line, Line to
Neutral or Open Delta.
· The program displays the nominal ratio, given the primary and secondary
These data come from the nominal setting table: in case, modify the table.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 158 of 305
b) Test values
c) Measured values
d) Results
A ratio error beyond the maximum accuracy error shows an error; the
typical reason is the wrong connection to the VT. Last possibility: there is
a fault in the VT under test; typically, an internal short-circuit of some
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
A a
N n
Look carefully at the colours of the cables. The red high voltage cable is connected
to P1; the output S1 is connected to the red voltage measurement socket.
For the primary side connection, use the two high voltage connection cables, 6 m
For the secondary side connection, use the shielded cable with connector. If
necessary, use the small crocodile clamps provided.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 161 of 305
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed. The following is a test result window.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 162 of 305
performed all connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel, and keep it pressed. After the same messages, as the automatic
mode, the screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding secondary
When you want to stop, if you want to discard the result, just release the START
button: the test terminates. If you are pleased with the values you are reading,
press the button “Keep values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the
test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 163 of 305
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “VT Ratio Electronic” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 165 of 305
This test is performed applying AC voltage to the test item (winding or burden),
and measuring the corresponding current.
By burden we mean the series of all the wires and all the devices connected to the
VT secondary, as measured at the feet of the VT itself. The measurement is the
burden impedance (VA).
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
The current source for this test is the 70 or 140 V AC voltage output, which is not
regulated. The procedure used by the test set to obtain the desired test voltage is
explained in the Introductory manual.
The output voltage is metered connecting the voltage output to the test set
AC/DC voltage meter. The output current is metered connecting the voltage
output in series to the test set AC/DC current meter.
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
c) Measured values
· Test voltage.
· Test current.
· Phase shift of the current with respect to the voltage, which is the phase
d) Results
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 168 of 305
Having programmed the test values in the window, and performed all
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained.
performed all connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel. The screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding
When you want to stop, if you want to discard the result, press the START button:
the test terminates. If you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the
button “Keep values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the test is
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 171 of 305
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “VT Burden” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 173 of 305
Purpose of the test is to verify the voltage withstand, with respect to the ground,
· The VT secondary itself;
· The VT secondary wiring;
The test set measures also the corresponding leakage current (typically
NOTE. This test is performed with AC voltage; so, it is not an isolation test as
per IEEE 62-1995, where the test is performed with DC voltage.
This test is performed applying the high voltage between the secondary cablings
and the ground, and measuring the corresponding current sink.
NOTE. It is also possible to test the voltage withstand between primary and
secondary, and between primary and ground; however, as STS XXXX reaches
only 2000 V; the test voltage is normally very much less than the nominal
voltage rating, so the test is not very useful.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
The output current is metered by the test set, with no further connections.
In this test we connect the test set high AC voltage output to the VT connections.
The test is very dangerous, not only because a high voltage (up to 2,000 V) is
involved, but also because one of the HV terminals is solid grounded. In fact, for
tests such as the saturation curve, the HV output is isolated from the ground; so,
touching only one wire is not very dangerous. Here, instead, touching one wire
means to be submitted to the whole voltage.
Besides, the HV goes from the VT under test to the place where relays are
located, and this can be hundreds of meters away. Make sure to protect all
connected devices against accidental touch!
avoid discharges during operation. After connections, the area around the HV
clamps shall be isolated, so that no accidental contact can occur. If something
goes wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off
STS XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
The HV is generated only while the START button is kept pressed: this is an
additional safety feature. The operator will have an hand occupied; however, this
is much safer than starting the HV generation, and then forgetting it in the ON
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
· Output range: the test set has three ranges: 500 V AC, 1000 V AC, 2000 V
AC. Select the closest one to the test voltage, in order to reduce the
maximum voltage and the associated danger.
· Test voltage: the nominal test voltage.
· Test frequency: usually, 50 or 60 Hz.
c) Measured values
d) Results
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection :
Connect the red HV cable to the transformer’s secondary winding, and the black
HV cable to earth and to the neutral transformer’s primary winding. The burden
must be disconnected,. The earth connection of the secondary winding must be
Connections are performed using the HV cables. If necessary, use the small
crocodile clamps provided, taking care of the isolation distances.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 178 of 305
Having programmed the test values in the window, and performed all
connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set front panel: as
the test is performed at high voltage, the following message will be displayed.
You have to turn ON the HV key , and press START again: the following
message reminds you that you are operating with high voltage: take care!
The screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding leakage current.
The display shows also the test elapsed time: usually, one minute.
The following is the example of a test result.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 179 of 305
In the manual mode, having programmed the test values in the window, and
performed all connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel, and keep the button pressed. After the same messages as the
automatic mode, the screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding
leakage current. The display shows also the test elapsed time.
When you want to stop, release the START button: the test terminates, and
results are discarded.
If, during the test, the programmed maximum current is exceeded, the test is
If you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep Values”
: as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped. Once the result is
achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then, express your
assessment, as explained.
3. Test parameters. Program the maximum test current (10 mA are safe), the test
duration and the test voltage.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “VT Voltage Withstand” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 182 of 305
Purpose of the test is to measure the VT polarity. The selection is available on the
STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
In this test we connect the test set AC voltage output to the VT primary side. The
test is very dangerous, not only because a high voltage (up to 2,000 V) is involved,
but also because the VT neutral is solid grounded: touching one wire means to be
submitted to the high voltage.
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
1. Test values
2. Test points
If you want to add a new location in the table, press the “Add test point” button.
Highlight the new line and press the knob: the “Edit row” window allows you to
input the test location, and a note. Continue until you have programmed all
locations you are about to test.
See section 4.7.4 for more details about the PLCK Polarity Checker option.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 185 of 305
Having programmed the test locations, and performed all connections, select the
first test of your list, then press once the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel: the test set starts generating the output waveform.
The waveform generation will continue until you press the START/STOP
button. Once the generation is stopped, you can evaluate or change the
evaluation done before (during the generation) per each location.
3. Test parameters. Program the test current, the ON – OFF duration, and input
the location description.
5. With PLCK, move to the points to be tested and verify the polarity.
6. Input the evaluations.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “VT Polarity Check” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 188 of 305
The program starts asking: PT description, Nominal Values and Tolerances. These
values will be taken into account during the test, and will be part of the test
report. The selection is displayed on the first line.
If you rotate the knob, you can reach the various parameters. As you are there,
pressing the knob you enter the field, which is highlighted in red, and you can
modify it.
In alternative, you can use the shortcut buttons located to the right of the screen.
The operation of these buttons is described on the right side of the screen: the
description changes according to the context. For instance, in this moment you
have the following shortcuts available:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 189 of 305
· Discard change. You can discard your changes, this restores the
former text.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 190 of 305
Pressing Header, the following window is displayed.
In this window you can input the references for the PT location and installation.
Don’t forget fields such as Manufacturer and serial number, as they will be used
to recover test results in the TDMS software data base.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 191 of 305
To the left of the central window, there are five selections: Windings, Bushings,
OLTC, DETC, and Oil.
7.2.1 Windings
In this part it is possible to input all parameters of the PT: phases and windings
number, nominal power and rated voltages, vector group, Tangent δ, and Leakage
· 3-Phase , 2 windings
· 3-Phase , 3 windings
· 3-Phase , Auto
· 3-Phase , Auto W/ Tert
· 1-phase , 2 windings
· 1-phase , 3 windings
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 192 of 305
· 1-phase , Auto
· 1-phase , Auto W/ Tert
· Nominal power. As you input large figures, the unit becomes kVA
· Primary voltage. Primary phase to phase voltage
· Secondary voltage. Secondary phase to phase voltage
· Tertiary voltage (3 windings). Tertiary phase to phase voltage
· Vector group. You can set the PT under test vector group
NOTE 1: in case of 1-phase (single phase) PT, vector group is not available.
NOTE 2: in the software and in this document, “Primary Side” always corresponds
to “HV Side”, and “Secondary Side” always corresponds to “LV Side”. PT tangent δ
The tangent δ measurement has the purpose to verify the quality of the isolation
dielectric. In the years, the dielectric loses its isolation characteristics, for many
reasons: pollution, water contamination and so on. The capacitance and tangent δ
measurements tell how much is the degradation, and when a preventive
maintenance is necessary; for instance, oil replacement.
Here are input all data referring to the PT tangent δ characteristics. They are:
In the ideal transformer all magnetic flux is linked from the primary to the
secondary side: the transformer impedance is infinite. In the actual PT there is
some amount of magnetic flux which does not link; this is particularly true when
the winding is mechanically distorted, because of the very high mechanical stress
caused by short-circuit situations. Purpose of the test is to watch these
geometrical distortions, by the comparison of the leakage reactance with respect
to the same parameter on the nameplate.
Here are input all data referring to the PT leakage reactance. They are the
· Three-phase equivalent: percent impedance and power loss, in W.
· Per-phase: percent impedance and power loss, in W.
7.2.2 Bushings
With this selection, the following window is displayed.
Bushings are very important devices on a TP: their task is to take the high voltage
into the TP protecting frame, which is grounded, and vice versa to take out the
medium voltage to the line.
In order to avoid to concentrate the very high electric field on a single insulator,
bushings are made of a number of layers, which distribute the field on many
insulators. Each layer has a capacitance; the series of the capacitances is the
capacitance between the central conductor and the ground.
There are two measurements to perform: from the center conductor to the
measuring tap electrode, and from the tap electrode to ground. Parameters are
the followings.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 195 of 305
7.2.3 OLTC
With this selection, the following window is displayed.
To solve the problem, the PT has a number of taps, for example 10 taps on LV
side. The voltage between taps differs by some percent, for instance 2%. When
the current increases, if you increase the voltage on LV side, you can manage to
correct the voltage drop, and to keep the user’s voltage (almost) stable.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 196 of 305
OLTC and DETC differ for the way how they operate. The On Line Tap Changer
performs the tap change without stopping the energy flow, while the De-
Energized Tap Changer operates without current. It is apparent that the OLTC
performance is much better than the one provided by DETC; on the other side,
also the size, weight and cost of OLTC is greater than DETC. Consider that OLTC
cause more than 30% of PT faults; so, it is very important to check them.
OLTC operates with a sequence of steps, because the change between the voltage
at tap N and at tap N+1 cannot be performed neither opening the circuit nor
short-circuiting the taps. As very high energy is involved in the switch, the moving
diverter switch deteriorates with time. The test is performed measuring the
primary (secondary) resistance, which is the winding resistance plus the tap
changer resistance. The test can be static, but also dynamic, that is performed
while the switch is operating.
7.2.4 DETC
With this selection, the following window is displayed.
7.2.5 Oil
With this selection, the following window is displayed.
Pressing Tolerances, the following window is displayed.
Once tolerances are programmed, in the Test window the program computes the
test result percentage error. The test assessment will be “Pass” if the computed
error is less than the tolerance.
can proceed pressing the “Test” shortcut. The following window is displayed.
Select the desired test: they are explained in the following sections.
This window, and the associated tests, are identical to the ones explained in
section 4.1: please, refer to them.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 201 of 305
Purpose of this test is to measure the actual turn ratio and to verify its polarity.
The test is performed applying voltage to HV side, and measuring the relative
voltage across LV side.
If this test is performed on a PT already installed in a plant, during the test all
loads must be disconnected.
NOTE: in the software and in this document, “Primary Side” always corresponds
to “HV Side”, and “Secondary Side” always corresponds to “LV Side”.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
The danger comes also from the PT secondary side. If we would like to test, for
instance, at 2 kV, and the PT ratio is 380 kV//130 kV, at the secondary side we
would have 684 V.
This is why the common practice is to perform the test at rather low voltages, no
more than 200 V, on the high voltage side.
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 202 of 305
b) Test values
· Test voltage. The program limits the test voltage to a maximum of 500 V.
· Test frequency. Usually the PT rated frequency.
This part is dedicated to the test with the optional STCS automatic selector
switches (see section 8.2.6).
d) Results
· The first column shows the test already performed (green check).
· The second column indicates the PT phases under test and relative
connections; they depend upon the vector group (see Appendix 1).
· Vn HV (V). The nominal Test Voltage applied to HV side.
· I HV (A). The measured output current from the High Voltage Output.
· ϕI HV (°). Phase shift between voltage and current generated from the
High Voltage Output.
· V LV (V). The measured LV side voltage.
· ϕV LV (°). Phase shift between the generated HV side voltage and the
measured LV side voltage.
· Ratio. The measured turn ratio.
· % error. The computed percentage turn ratio error.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 204 of 305
A ratio error beyond the maximum accuracy error shows an error; the
typical reason is the wrong connection to the PT tap. In alternative,
there is a fault in the PT under test.
NOTE: Press the button “Scroll” and rotate the knob to scroll the Results
X2 X3
H2 H3
In the scheme, PT is YNyn0. In case of other vector groups, please see Appendix 1.
Look carefully at the colours of the cables. The red high voltage cable is connected
to H1; the corresponding X1 is connected to the red voltage measurement socket.
This test measures turn ratio in all possible combinations of taps per each proper
A-B-C connection (see Appendix 1).
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 205 of 305
When all tests are performed for a certain tap combination, you should manually
issue a switch command to the tap changer, and select the new tap combination
in the program; then the test can be started again.
For HV side connections, use the two high voltage connection cables, 6 m long.
For LV side connection, use a pair of the 2.5 mm2 cables, one red and one black.
once START/STOP button on the test set front panel: the test is executed.
This is the typical window during the test.
Voltage generation will continue until you press the button “Keep Values” ;
results will be stored.
Next, select the other two phases combination and perform two more tests. Then
select all taps one by one, and all proper phases combination, until all tests are
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 206 of 305
When you have to change the phase connection, BEFORE DISCONNECTING THE
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then, give
your assessment as explained in section 2.5.4.
3. Test parameters. Select the taps combination, the test voltage and the phases
Tap combination
Test voltage
3. Phase combination
under test
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “PT Ratio per Tap” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 208 of 305
X2 X3
H2 H3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 209 of 305
Once all necessary connections are done, the complete PT ratio test can be
performed automatically, the generated voltage will be forwarded to the desired
phase combination on the primary side and the secondary side voltage will be
measured accordingly (all connections listed in APPENDIX 1 will be done
automatically, accordingly with the vector group and the ). In case of a tap-
changer is present, is possible to drive the UP and DOWN tap selection commands
by using the two UP and DOWN contacts.
NOTE: the COMMUNICATION PORT must be connected to the STS EXT. DEVICE
connector before to switch on STS XXXX, otherwise STCS will not be recognized.
Selecting the “Present” check box (reachable only if STCS is connected), the test
window become as shown in the following picture:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 210 of 305
· Auto-tap = None : the tap selection will not be controlled by STCS, the tap
combination in “Nominals” must be adjusted accordingly with the actual tap-
changer position
· Auto-tap = OLTC (or DETC) : these selections are available only if in headers
is declared the presence of an OLTC or a DETC (see section 7.3.2 and 7.3.4).
In order to properly perform the measurements accordingly with the actual
tap-changer position, the current position must be declared and accordingly
with the tap you want to test as first one. For example, looking in the
following picture, the current position is the number 3 and we want to test
the ratio from the position 1 to 11: pressing the START button, STCS will send
two DOWN commands and then will start the first test on the position 1. The
UP or DOWN contacts remain closed for “pulse time” seconds; the time
between the end of the command and the voltage injection is the “Switch
time” in OLTC or DETC header tab (see section 7.3.2 and 7.3.4).
· Auto-phase = None : the test voltage will be applied on the selected phase
connection (A, B, or C) and the induced voltage on the secondary side will be
measured accordingly (see APPENDIX 1)
Purpose of the test is to measure the PT winding resistance (not impedance). This
test is performed applying DC current to the winding under test, and measuring
the corresponding voltage drop. All loads are disconnected.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
The test current is not dangerous; however, there is a problem which could
cause a severe shock hazard.
The problem comes from the fact that the test of the PT winding is performed
applying a DC current; as the PT may have a big residual inductance, there is a
magnetic energy cumulated into the PT core.
Once the test is performed, THE CURRENT IS DECREASED TO ZERO, so that the
accumulated energy can be dissipated, and the core completely de-magnetized. If
the current flow is stopped by accident, for instance opening the circuit during the
test, the energy accumulated into the inductance would cause a high voltage
spike, that could be dangerous for the operator and the test set.
After the test, we don’t generate any more, but the presence of a residual energy
is alerted by the light shown below.
residual energy would cause a high voltage spike on the conductor you have in
your hands!
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 212 of 305
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
c) Measures
d) Temperature Compensation
During the test, the PT winding temperature can be far from the reference one;
so, the program allows to transform the measured resistance into the resistance
at the reference temperature.
e) Results
· The measured resistance, that is, the resistance at the test temperature.
· The compensated resistance, if the temperature compensation is
checked: usually, it is greater than the measured resistance.
· Test time: the time of test (hh:mm).
· Deviation. The displayed resistance is the average of many
measurements in one second: the deviation shows how much
measurements is stable. The parameter is relevant because, as
explained, the current changes during the test as the consequence of the
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 215 of 305
A) Output range 6 A DC
X2 X3
H2 H3
The PT secondary and the other two primary windings are not connected. The DC
current output is connected to the test set current meter, and then to the winding
(as shown). Also the voltage input is connected to PT bushings; to avoid
disturbances, use the shielded cable.
X2 X3
H2 H3
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel.
As explained before, the PT inductance opposes to the current flow. During the
test, the test set measures and displays the amount of variation in time as
Deviation. The following is an example of test result.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 217 of 305
NOTE: the discharge sequence starts automatically when the result is achieved,
and it starts if the test is stopped with the START/STOP button or the
EMERGENCY button .
In the end verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance, then express your
assessment as explained in section 2.5.4.
3. Test parameters. Program the nominal resistance and the test current.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “PT Winding Resistance” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 220 of 305
This test has the same safety rules explained in section 8.3.1 .
The relevant differences between this test and the one explained in section 8.3
are that in this case all winding resistance measurements will be performed for all
tap-changer positions, and the results can be shown in a graph. The test window
subsections “Nominal”, “Compensation” and “Test values” are described in
section 8.3.2 .
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 221 of 305
· Auto-tap = None : the tap selection will not be controlled by STCS, the tap
combination in “Nominals” must be adjusted accordingly with the actual tap-
changer position
· Auto-tap = OLTC (or DETC) : these selections are available only if in headers
is declared the presence of an OLTC or a DETC (see section 7.3.2 and 7.3.4).
In order to properly perform the measurements accordingly with the actual
tap-changer position, the current position must be declared and accordingly
with the tap you want to test as first one. For example, looking in the
following picture, the current position is the number 3 and we want to test
the ratio from the position 1 to 11: pressing the START button, STCS will send
two DOWN commands and then will start the first test on the position 1. The
UP or DOWN contacts remain closed for “pulse time” seconds; the time
between the end of the command and the voltage injection is the “Switch
time” in OLTC or DETC header tab (see section 7.3.2 and 7.3.4).
· Auto-phase = None : the test voltage will be applied on the selected phase
connection (A, B, or C) and the induced voltage on the secondary side will be
measured accordingly. If the neutral is not present or not accessible, what
will be measured is the total resistance between two phases.
In the Results table there is the indication of which position is the start one and if
the measurement is taken moving UP or DOWN the tap-changer.
When all measurements are completed, pressing the button , the graphical
representation will be shown:
X2 X3
H2 H3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 224 of 305
X2 X3
H2 H3
NOTE: to use this connection diagram, the output range DC 20A must be selected
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 225 of 305
The STCS Primary and Secondary side interfaces have two rows of connectors,
four red and four black connectors to be inserted in STCS as shown in the
following picture:
The red row must be connected to the POWER sockets and the black row must be
connected to the MEASURE sockets.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 226 of 305
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel.
As explained before, the PT inductance opposes to the current flow. During the
test, the test set measures and displays the amount of variation in time as
Deviation. The following is an example of test result.
NOTE: the discharge sequence starts automatically when the result is achieved,
and it starts if the test is stopped with the START/STOP button or the
EMERGENCY button .
In the end verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance, then express your
assessment as explained in section 2.5.4. Then, it is possible to save the result.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 227 of 305
Purpose of the test is to verify the voltage withstand, with respect to the ground,
· The PT secondary, if appropriate;
· All the connected devices.
The test set measures also the corresponding leakage current (typically
NOTE. This test is performed with AC voltage; so, it is not an isolation test as
per IEEE 62-1995, where the test is performed with DC voltage.
This test is performed applying the high voltage between the secondary cablings
and the ground, and measuring the corresponding current sink.
NOTE. It is also possible to test the withstand between primary and secondary,
and between primary and ground; however, as STS XXXX reaches only 2000 V,
the test voltage is normally much less than the nominal voltage rating, so the
test is not very useful.
The selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
The output current is metered by the test set, with no further connections.
In this test we connect the test set AC voltage output to the PT connections. The
test is very dangerous, because a high voltage (up to 2,000 V) is involved.
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
a) Nominal values
b) Test values
· Output range: the test set has three ranges: 500 V AC, 1000 V AC, 2000 V
AC. Select the closest one to the test voltage, in order to reduce the
maximum voltage and the associated danger.
· Test voltage: the nominal test voltage.
· Test frequency: usually, 50 or 60 Hz.
c) Measured values
d) Results
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection
X2 X3
H2 H3
Having programmed the test values in the window, and performed all
connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set front panel: as
the test is performed at high voltage, the following message will be displayed.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 231 of 305
You have to turn ON the HV key , and press START again: the following
message reminds you that you are operating with high voltage: take care!
The screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding leakage current.
The display shows also the test elapsed time.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 232 of 305
In the manual mode, having programmed the test values in the window, and
performed all connections, press the START/STOP button on the test set
front panel, and keep it pressed. After the same messages as the automatic
mode, the screen displays the applied voltage and the corresponding leakage
current. The display shows also the test elapsed time.
When you want to stop, release the START button: the test terminates, and
results are discarded.
If, during the test, the programmed maximum current is exceeded, the test is
If you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep Values”
: as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped. Once the result is
achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then, express your
assessment, as explained.
4. Test start. Press the button. The test ends after the programmed test
5. Save. Test is over.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “PT Voltage Withstand” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 235 of 305
The test is performed applying AC to the windings under test, short-circuit the
corresponding ones, measuring the current flow, and computing the
corresponding resistance, reactance, inductance and impedance.
This selection is available on the STS 5000 and STS 4000 models.
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 236 of 305
a) Windings selection
b) Tap Changers
On the Tap Changers line you can select the tap combination.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 237 of 305
c) Test values
Highlight a test frequency and press the knob, the following “Edit row” window is
d) Temperature Compensation
The test measures the impedance; so, the resistance is a part of the
measurement. The PT winding resistance come from the material resistivity
(copper or aluminum), which is very much temperature depending (4.2 %/°C for
the copper). Due to this fact, the resistance is not well defined; that’s why the PT
resistance value is referred to a given temperature; for instance, 70 °C.
During the test, the PT winding temperature can be far from the reference one;
so, the program allows to transform the measured resistance into the resistance
at the reference temperature.
With the following line is possible to select the test method and phases
The Per-phase test measures, per each A B C phase to neutral connection, the
short circuit impedance value of the connected phase-winding; the corresponding
“other side” winding (accordingly with Windings Selection combo-boxes) must be
The 3-phase equivalent test measures, per each A-B B-C C-A phase to phase
connection, the short circuit impedance value of the connected phase-windings;
all the corresponding “other side” windings (accordingly with Windings Selection
combo-boxes) must be short-circuited.
In literature this test can be called as “Short circuit voltage” because, from
another point of view, the goal is to find the voltage which allows the “other side”
nominal current to flow.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 240 of 305
f) Measures
When you highlight the measures table, the window is the following one.
On the line below, are displayed the following parameters (these values are
calculated with Nominal Frequency measurements only).
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 241 of 305
[ ] [ ]
% = ∙
10 [ ]
o 3-phase equivalent:
( + + )[ ] [ ]
% = ∙
60 [ ]
Highlight the table and press the “Add tests” button: the display shows a number
of lines to be performed, one per each test frequency.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 242 of 305
X2 X3
H2 H3
H1 X1
H0 X2 X3
H2 H3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 243 of 305
X2 X3
H2 H3
X2 X3
H2 H3
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel
the test is performed at the frequency no.1 first; then, it prosecutes with next
frequencies, until all frequencies are testes. After this, the test stops
The following is the example of a test result.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment as explained in section 2.5.4.
Press the button “Scroll” and rotate the knob to scroll the Results table.
NOTE: if in the column Xk % Nom you find the indication “>Zk%”, it means that
inside headers the field W Loss is wrong (see section If in the columns
Xk % meas and Dev Xk % you find the indication “error”, it means that the applied
calculation returns not valid numbers.
When all measurements are completed, pressing the button , the graphical
representation will be shown:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 245 of 305
It’s possible to chose a column of the results table and plot the corresponding
values see the trend with the frequency change.
The most relevant parameter is Rk, whose value should increase when the
frequency increases; due to the skin effect, the current flows on the surface of the
conductor, increasing the frequency the actual conductor’s cross section is
reduced, so the resistance increases. Plotting the three graphs, one per each
phase, they should overlap.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 246 of 305
3. Test parameters. Program the tap combination, the voltage range, the test
voltage and the test frequencies. Then, Add tests.
Tap frequencies
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “PT Short-Circuit Impedance” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 248 of 305
Purpose of this test is to apply high voltage to the PT primary side and measure
the current that is flowing in the primary winding, leaving the secondary side (and
tertiary if it is present) opened.
In this test we connect the test set AC voltage output to the PT primary side. The
test is very dangerous, because a high voltage (up to 2 kV or 12 kV with TD5000)
is involved.
The use of TD5000 is explained in the MIE13175 TD5000 – Application Guide.
HV cables shall be connected while STS XXXX is powered-off. HV clamps shall
have a minimum distance of 20 mm from all conductive surfaces, so to avoid
discharges during operation. After connections, the area around the HV clamps
shall be isolated, so that no accidental contact can occur. If something goes
wrong for any reason, press the EMERGENCY button , and power-off STS
XXXX before getting close to HV connections.
Only the primary side is involved, in “Nominals” are shown the number of phases,
the group and the nominal voltage of the PT primary side.
Two different Output Range can be selected: the 2 kV generator or the TD5000 (if
connected) to inject up to 12 kV.
The result table contains the measurements of each phase connection A, B and C;
if the check box “V Reference” is selected, the corresponding voltage will be used
to scale the measurement taken at the test voltage.
Repeat the measurement changing the tap and the graph will show the trend of
the current:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 250 of 305
X2 X3
H2 H3
X2 X3
To STS External
Booster socket H2 H3
To STS ground
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 251 of 305
3. Test parameters. Select the tap on the primary side, the output range, the test
voltage and the test frequency.
6. Select another phase connection or another tap and press the button.
7. Save. Test is over.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “PT No-Load Current” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 253 of 305
If you rotate the knob, you can reach the various parameters. As you are there,
pressing the knob you enter the field, which is highlighted in red, and you can
modify it.
Located to the right of the screen you find some buttons. The operation of these
buttons is described on the right side of the screen: the description changes
according to the context. For instance, in this moment you have the following
shortcuts available:
· Discard change. You can discard your changes, this restores the
former text.
Once the headers have been edited, you can proceed pressing the “Test”
shortcut. The following window is displayed.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 255 of 305
To the left, you have the list of the tests you can perform on the CB.
Selections in the middle and to the right allow creating the test plan, as explained
in section 2.1.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 256 of 305
Purpose of this test it to measure the contact resistance of a circuit breaker. It’s
important that the resistance value is very low, hundreds microohms or less,
because the heat produced from the load current must be as less as possible.
a) Nominal Value
In the Nominal Resistance field must be entered the reference resistance value, it
will be used for the automatic assessment (see point d).
b) Test values
NOTE: using the output range VDC (2 wire), resistance limit will not be
shown; use this option if you need to measure resistances of some kilo-
c) Measured values
the knob: it changes as follows . This means that now the Voltage
DC field is editable: at the end of test you can type the read value during
the generation.
From these values, test set computes the measured resistance (see point d).
d) Results
The Measured Resistance come from the measured Voltage and Current DC (see
point c), the Error % is calculated using the Nominal Resistance.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 259 of 305
On the bottom of the page you can find the automatic or manual test selection
ATTENTION: you are measuring a very small resistance, the connection of the
voltage measurement must be as close as possible to the circuit breaker main
contact, otherwise you will measure even the resistance of other conductors
connected in series to the main contact who can be bigger than main contact
resistance only.
The 400 A DC current clamps must be very well connected on a cleaned surface in
order to ensure a proper generation of such high current.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 260 of 305
In this case the VDC voltage input works as a DC current generator and DC voltage
measurement unit at the same time; current magnitude is internally measured.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 261 of 305
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the test is executed. This is how the window looks like.
Once the result is achieved, verify if it is in the limits of the tolerance; then,
express your assessment (see section 2.5.4). Then, it is possible to save the result,
by pressing the save button (see section 2.6).
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 262 of 305
connections, press once the START/STOP button on the test set front panel:
the current is generated, and the voltage drop measured. The window is the
following one.
When you are pleased with the values you are reading, press the button “Keep
Values” : as you do, the values are stored, and the test is stopped.
You can, as usual, start a new test, or clear the result, or save it.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 263 of 305
3. Test parameters. Set the nominal resistance, output range, test current and the
voltage input.
NOTE: save button pressed when you are inside this test window, will produce
a file with “CB Resistance-µΩ” test results only.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 265 of 305
On the main window you can find two icons that give the possibility to execute
simple tests in case you don’t need to link them to a specific test area like CTs,
VTs, PTs, or CBs.
When you select this icon and press the knob, you open the Manual Measure test
window (see section 4.1 for use instructions).
Since no headers are defined for these tests, STS cannot store results in any result
structure; all saved results will be stored in a separated directory called “Generic
Tests” (see section 2):
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 266 of 305
When you select this icon and press the knob, you open the Micro Ommeter test
window (see section 10.2 for use instructions).
Results management is the same explained in section 11.1.
When you select this icon and press the knob, you have access to an area where
you can read information about STS, prepare some general settings and do STS
a) Configuration
· Model. STS XXXX model
· DSP. DSP firmware version
· VARIAC. Amplifier firmware version
· U14. U14 FPGA revision
· U5. U5 FPGA revision
b) Options
Indication of which options are connected to STS XXXX.
c) Times
· ON. How long STS XXXX is powered on
· Generate. How long STS XXXX has generated in all its life.
d) Instrument Boards
Information about each board inside STS XXXX.
In this area many internal controls are displayed: temperatures, boards supply
voltages and error history.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 269 of 305
12.3.1 General
12.3.2 Network
To establish the communication with PC, the proper Network Parameters must be
applied. When at least one parameter has been changed, the button “Apply
Network Changes” will appear. The reboot of the software is needed, it will be
done after confirmation.
12.3.3 Tandelta
Please refer to MIE13175-TD 5000 Application Guide.
12.3.4 Log
Here is possible to see detailed information about the operation of the
instrument, very useful to understand if there may be an internal fault or any
other error that may occur during the operation.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 271 of 305
Firmware upgrades are freely available in the ISA WEB site, at the address
In the site, select the DOWNLOAD AREA; then, enter your test set serial number;
last, select Test Set Upgrades: here you find the list of ISA test sets. Select
Firmware STS 5000, download STSFW_1_x_x.exe (i.e. STSFW_1_0_4.exe ) in a
temporary directory and execute it, following the instruction messages: the
program extracts some files into the selected directory.
The upgrade of STS 5000 is performed using an USB key; so, copy the extracted
files in a folder on a USB flash drive, and insert it into an STS FLASH DISK
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 272 of 305
Highlight the folder with the extracted upgrade files in File Explorer tree and press
the “Select files” button:
If you want to select all files, press the “Select all” button : all files are
The “arrow” button allows coming back to the File explorer tree.
Press the “Start upgrade” button: all selected files will be installed; when
the upgrade procedure is finished, TURN OFF THE INSTRUMENT.
NOTE: before starting the upgrade process, please check if the selected files have
the correct version number.
NOTE. Don’t power-on STS with the USB pen inserted: the Operating System
would search on it its instructions.
The upgrade operation does not take a long time; so, usually there is no problem.
However, if, unfortunately, the power supply fails while the upgrade is executed,
the test set is no more capable to perform a new upgrade. For this unlucky case
we have provided an USB key, which is clearly marked to be the recovery key. So,
if you have lost the power during the upgrade operation:
· Power-off the test set;
· Insert the recovery key and power-on;
· Wait until the usual screen is displayed;
· Power-off and remove the key.
· At this moment, the firmware is not upgraded; so, you can start the
upgrade procedure from the beginning.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 274 of 305
STS PRO is a part of the TDMS suite. When you receive the test set, you receive
also TDMS disk. The procedure for TDMS installation is explained in user manual
MSE10015 – TDMS.
The central part of the screen will hosts the test settings and results. Above it, you
can find the Menu bar and the toolbar.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 276 of 305
On the top of the window, the following list of commands are displayed:
13.3.1 File
Pressing File, the following window is opened. New
For example, if you select “Power transformers” , the following window appears:
all fields can be filled with the required values, can be saved a header file and can
be uploaded directly in the STS memory.
A specific instrument configuration (for example, TD 5000 connected to STS) and
a specific notation can be chosen in General Settings (see section 13.3.3); these
general settings will be applied to all new headers or test plans.
If you open an existing header, test plan or results file, you can change the
representation of TD values with the following icons:
In case of a taps table must be prepared, the commands Edit – Insert – Add –
Delete tap are available:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 278 of 305 Open
It is possible to load previously saved test results. Test results have the extension
*.STS .
A result file contains the appropriate set of results performed with the
The following is the example of opening a CT test result:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 279 of 305
With the two icon above the tests list (see picture below) is possible to visualize
either Headers or Results
The program displays the same windows as they appear on the test set’s screen.
Also the selections available on the program are the same; so, please refer to the
proper sections to know the meaning of each field.
NOTE: if you open a result obtained with Test Shortcuts (see section 11), the
Headers icon allows to edit the test headers. Save
The selection corresponds to the icon in the toolbar.
Once pressed, the program opens the standard dialog window: it is possible to
select the directory where the file will be save.
When you press save, the file is saved, with the extension *.STS. The file can be
opened again, for further examination. Print
The selection corresponds to the icon in the toolbar; click on the icon and
the following window is opened:
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 280 of 305
· Print date and time of the test. STS XXXX stores date and time of each
test, select this check-box to include these information in the report.
· Include Notes Page. If you need to add some comments to the final test
report, select this check-box and write the comment in the text box.
· Change Report Logo. The selection allows selecting the logo to be used
on the print report. You can browse and find the desired logo. Note that,
in C:\XTEST\LOGO, you can find many companies logos.
This is the print preview of all results of the test plan. On the top is shown the
following toolbar.
· The first icon, , allows exporting the test report. Available file
formats: Chrystal report .rpt, Adobe acrobat .pdf, Excel .xls, Excel data
only .xls, MS word .doc, Rich test format .RTF.
· The second icon, , is the actual print command. The program opens
the printer selection window; after performed the selection, you can
For each test of the plan is shown the result, table and diagram.
Now is possible to upload a test header and download or delete the results
stored in the STS memory. Selecting “Download” the following window appears:
Select one or more files an press “Download” in order to visualize them on the
PC’s screen.
13.3.3 Tools
Pressing Settings, you access the test plan settings. The same access is obtained
· General Settings. These settings are used to prepare headers and test
plans accordingly with a specific instrument configuration or a specific
notation. For example, if the option TD 5000 is selected, all the
parameters as nominal capacitance and TD values will be visible.
· Advanced Settings. Set the IP address according to the one in STS XXXX
firmware (default address is shown in the following picture).
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 284 of 305
13.3.4 Window
This is the list of the window which are currently opened: you can select the one
you want to bring to front.
13.3.5 Language
You can select the language of your country; if it is not available, the language is
13.3.6 Help
Pressing the question mark, the following window is opened.
· ISA Web site allows you to open the ISA window. There, you can verify if
the firmware revision of your test set is the most updated one, verify the
software revision level, download the user’s manual.
· About STS Pro opens the following window.
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 285 of 305
Depending upon power transformer vector group, the turn ratio must be
measured applying the test voltage to HV side and measuring the induced LV side
(or Tertiary) voltage using a proper setup connection; connections per each vector
group are listed in the table below.
A 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
Dd0 B 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
C 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X1 X2
A 1
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1 X2
B 1
H1 H3 X3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 286 of 305
C 1
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1
A 1
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X1
Dd4 B 1
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X1
C 1
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X3 X1
A 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
Dd6 B 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
C 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
Dd8 A 1
H1 H3 X2 X1
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 287 of 305
B 1
H1 H3 X2 X1
H2 X3
C 1
H1 H3 X2 X1
H2 X2 X3
A 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2 X3
Dd10 B 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2 X3
C 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
A X1 √3
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
Dyn1 B X1 √3
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
C X1 X0 √3
H1 H3 X3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 288 of 305
A X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
Dy1 B X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
C X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1
A X3 X0 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
Dyn5 B X3 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
C X3 X0 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
A X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
B X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 289 of 305
C X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
A X0 X1 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
Dyn7 B X0 X1 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
C X0 X1 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
A X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
Dy7 B X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
C X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X2
Dyn11 A X3 √3
H1 H3 X1
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 290 of 305
B X3 √3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
C X0 X3 √3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
A X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
Dy11 B X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
C X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
A X0 1.5
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
Dzn0 B 1.5
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
C X0 1.5
H1 H3 X1 X3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 291 of 305
A 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
Dz0 B 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
C 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X1 X2
A 1.5
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1 X2
Dzn2 B 1.5
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1 X2
C X0 1.5
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1 X2
A 1
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1 X2
B 1
H1 H3 X3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 292 of 305
C 1
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1
A X0
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X1
Dzn4 B X0
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X1
C X0 1.5
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X1
A 1
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X1
Dz4 B 1
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X1
C 1
H1 H3 X3 X2
H2 X3 X1
Dzn6 A X0 1.5
H1 H3 X2
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 293 of 305
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
C X0 1.5
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
A 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
Dz6 B 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
C 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
A X0
H1 H3 X2 X1
H2 X3
Dzn8 B X0
H1 H3 X2 X1
H2 X3
C X0 1.5
H1 H3 X2 X1
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 294 of 305
A 1
H1 H3 X2 X1
H2 X3
Dz8 B 1
H1 H3 X2 X1
H2 X3
C 1
H1 H3 X2 X1
H2 X2 X3
A 1.5
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2 X3
Dzn10 B 1.5
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2 X3
C X0 1.5
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2 X3
A 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2 X3
B 1
H1 H3 X1
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 295 of 305
C 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
A H0 X0 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
YNyn0 B 1
H0 X0
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
C H0 X0 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
A H0 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
YNy0 B 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
C H0 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
Yyn0 A X0 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 296 of 305
B X0 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
C X0 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
A 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X2
Yy0 B 1
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
C 1
H1 H3 X1 X3
H2 X3 X1
A H0 X0 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
YNyn6 B 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
C H0 X0 1
H1 H3 X2
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 297 of 305
A 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
YNy6 B 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
C H0 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
A X0 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
Yyn6 B 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
C X0 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
A 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3 X1
B 1
H1 H3 X2
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 298 of 305
C 1
H1 H3 X2
H2 X2
A X1 X0 √3
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
Yzn1 B X1 √3
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
C X1 X0
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
A X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
Yz1 B X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
C X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1
Yzn5 A X3 X0 √3
H1 H3 X2
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 299 of 305
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
C X3 X0 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
A X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
Yz5 B X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
C X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
X0 X1
A √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
Yzn7 B X1 √3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
X0 X1
C √3
H1 H3 X2
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 300 of 305
A X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
Yz7 B X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
C X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X2
A X3 √3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
Yzn11 B X3 √3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
C X3 √3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
A X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
B X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 301 of 305
C X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
A H0 X1 √3
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
YNd1 B X1 √3
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
C H0 X1 √3
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
A X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
Yd1 B X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X2
C X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X3
H2 X1
YNd5 A H0 X3 1/√3
H1 H3
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 302 of 305
B X3 1/√3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
C H0 X3 1/√3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
A X3 √3/2
H1 H3
H2 X1
Yd5 B X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X1
C X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
A H0 X1 1/√3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
YNd7 B X1 1/√3
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
C H0 X1 1/√3
H1 H3 X2
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 303 of 305
A X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
Yd7 B X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X3
C X1 √3/2
H1 H3 X2
H2 X2
A H0 X3 1/√3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
YNd11 B X3 1/√3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
C H0 X3 1/√3
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
A X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
H2 X2
B X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 304 of 305
C X3 √3/2
H1 H3 X1
a) Vector Group
Choose the vector group accordingly with PT under test
b) Connection
Rows A,B and C correspond to PT Ratio test window (see section 8.2.2)
H2 X2
H0 X3
H1 H3 X1
MIE12175 STS FAMILY – Application Guide – Rev 1.1.1 Pag. 305 of 305
Short Circuit
H2 X2
H1 H3 X1
d) KTR
This coefficient is applied for the correct turn ratio measurement. The formula is:
= ∙