Mock1 - Exam - EM by Bijay

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Mock Exam September 2010

Engineering Mathematics

Learning outcome 1: Answer only 2 questions out of 3 questions

5 4 3 2
1) Determine the Taylor’s series for f (x )=x +3 x +4 x +5x +2x+3 about x = 3.

2) Differentiate the following differential equation n=3 times using Leibniz’s theorem.
d y dy
4 2 +3 x2 +5 xy =0
dx dx
3) Obtain numerical solution of the differential equation using Euler-Cauchy method.
+ 3( q+t )=2 t
given initial conditions that t = 0 when q = 1, for the range t = 0 to t = 1.2 with
intervals of 0.1.

Learning outcome 2: Answer only 2 questions out of 3 questions

4) To solve following differential equation, find Y(s) using Laplace Transformation

2y′′ − 5y′ + 7y = 3cos(2t) if y(0) = -2 and y′(0)= -3

5) In closed loop block diagram, G(s) is gained by k = 3. find Y(s)

Assume G(s)= and unit input.

6) Determine the poles and zeros and show them on a pole-zero diagram

2( s−3)
s( s−1)( s+2 )( s+3 )
Learning outcome 3: Answer only 2 questions out of 3 questions

7) Determine the Fourier coefficients of the current waveform

−2 −π ≤t≤−0 .5 π
f (t )= +2 −0 .5 π≤t≤0. 5π
−2 +0. 5π ≤t≤+π
8) Compute the exponential Fourier series coefficients for the waveform F(x) described
0 when −4≤x≤0
F( x)= {
10 when 0≤x≤4 Assume L = 8

9) Fourier series of
¿ n odd ¿¿¿∞ ¿
Plot the amplitude spectrum for the dc components [first three non-zero harmonics of

Learning outcome 4: Answer only 2 question out of 3 questions

2 2
10) If z=f ( x + y )determine all first and second order cross derivatives, and
show that ∂z ∂z
x ( ) ( )
∂2 u ∂u
11) Solve =8 e y sin 2 x given that at y = 0,
∂ x∂ y
π 2
at x= u=2 y
3 2 2
12) Show that the function f (x , y)=x −3 x −4 y +2
has one saddle point and one maximum point.

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