NHAI Manual 4 Laning
NHAI Manual 4 Laning
NHAI Manual 4 Laning
Four Laning
National Highways
Government of India
Department of Road Transport & Highways
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways
The Model Concession Agreement (MCA) for awarding PPP projects on National
Highways has been revised and approved by the Committee on Infrastructure (COI) headed
by the Prime Minister. MCA follows the design, build, finance and operate (DBFO)
approach that requires the private investor (Concessionaire) to bear the responsibility for
detailed design, construction, operation & maintenance of the project highway during the
period of concession. The Model Concession Agreement envisages a Manual of
Specifications & Standards in one of its technical schedules.
Ministry constituted a Technical Committee comprising the following officers for
examining this draft and finalisation of the Manual for adoption of National highway works to
be taken up through the Model Concession Agreement for PPP projects:
DoRT&H expresses its gratitude to the various members of the technical committee
whose names have been mentioned above and other officers who took great pains and
contributed immensely in finalization of this Manual. The efforts made by the experts and
staff of IRC and Planning Commission are also acknowledged.
I am confident that this Manual will serve its intended purpose as part of the Model
Concession Agreement for Public Private Partnership in Highways.
(G. Sharan)
Director General (Road Development)
Deptt. of Road Transport & Highways
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways
This Manual has been prepared for 4 laning of National Highways on PPP mode.
The concept of developing a “forgiving” highway has been the main consideration in
developing this Manual, besides amenities to the users who would be paying the fee for the
use of the facilities and, therefore, expect higher level of facilities than available traditionally
until now. The standards and specifications already available in Ministry’s book of
specifications and technical circulars and various codes of practices and guidelines of IRC
have formed the basis for evolving this Manual. Wherever suitable standards were not
available in some of the new areas, the same have been developed and suggestive layouts
provided. The Manual has also recognized the need for adoption of new technologies and
This Manual would eventually form an integral part of the MCA and binding on the
concessionaire. It may be possible that some of the provisions of this Manual may not be
feasible due to site constraints or other reasons. Such project specific deviations would
need to be stated precisely by the road authorities while inviting the bids so that bidders are
fully aware and able to assess their project cost.
This Manual has been finalised for the projects to be taken up through Public Private
Partnership. The concessionaire(s) shall undertake detailed planning and design of the
project highway in accordance with provisions contained in this Manual. The Manual shall
also be used by consultants for preparation of feasibility studies for project development.
The Manual should also be used for development of four lane highways to be implemented
through budgetary sources. This Manual should also form the basis for preparation of
Detailed Project Report for four laning projects to be taken up other than PPP mode.
The Manual is generic in nature. However, for the projects to be taken up through
Public Private Partnership (PPP), consideration to the viability of the project may need to be
given. Keeping this in view, following deviations can be permitted on case to case basis
where the project may require viability gap funding (in accordance with the financial analysis
(i) Wherever the traffic projections indicate that it would not reach the trigger traffic
level for six lane highway during the period of concession, the width of new
bridges would be such that the requirement for four lane highway configuration is
met with.
(ii) Provision of ATMS as prescribed in Section 2.3.3 and detailed in Section 4.18
shall be deferred for the next phase of development of the project highway.
The provision of restaurant, fuel facility and garage for minor repair as
(iii) Construction of separate bridge structure to maintain the continuity of the service
road across the stream/dip in the ground may be dispensed with and the service
road may be connected to the existing bridge structure for the highway traffic.
(iv) Pavement of the main highway shall be designed for the cumulative number of
standard axles of 8.16 tones over the design life of 20 years for the concession
period of 15 years and above and the design life of 15 years for the concession
[See Clause 2.1(a) of Concession Agreement]
1.1 This Manual, forming part of Annex-I to Schedule D of the Concession
Agreement (refer Clause 2.1(a) of the Concession Agreement), sets forth
the Specifications and Standards to be followed for development of the
Project Highway as described in Schedule B and construction of project
facilities as described in Schedule C on the project site as described in
Schedule A. The concessionaire shall make himself fully aware of the
Project Site with regard to the existing features of the site (such as
location, layout, geometry, right of way, intersecting roads, existing
accesses , etc) including the constraints at the site (such as limitation of
right of way, existence of adjoining property, existing structures,
plantation, utilities, etc), plan, design and construct the Project
Highway comprising its various features (such as four-laning, service
roads, underpasses, overpasses, grade separators,
widening/reconstruction of bridges, etc) and the project facilities(such
as toll plazas, rest areas, lighting, landscaping, wayside amenities, etc)
meeting the standards, specifications and quality specified in this
1.2 Any project report and other information provided by the Authority
shall be used by the concessionaire only for reference purpose and for
carrying out further investigations. The concessionaire shall be solely
responsible for undertaking all the activities, that are necessary for the
delivery of the project, such as planning, surveys, investigations,
design, construction planning, management traffic operation, safety to
the users/abutting property holders etc. and shall have no claim against
Authority for any loss, damage, risk, costs, liabilities or obligations
arising out of or in relation to the project report and other information
provided by the Authority.
1.4.2 Wherer Indian standards are either not available or if available, are not
adequate, the concessionaire shall be permitted to adopt international
standards and specifications as followed in United States of America,
United Kingdom, European Union, Japan, Germany or Australia. The
concessionaire shall submit proposal in this regard to the Independent
Engineer (IE - see Clause 23 of Concession Agreement) for review and
1.4.3 All building works shall conform to the specifications of Central Public
Works Department (CPWD) and norms stipulated in the National
Building Code (NBC). In case of conflict between CPWD and NBC
norms, NBC norms shall prevail. To the extent specific provisions for
building works are provided in IRC/MOSRTH specifications, the same
shall prevail over the CPWD and NBC provisions. For this purpose,
building works shall also deemed to include roadside facilities,
landscape elements and/or any other works incidental to the building
works. All items of lighting works of the building shall conform to
CPWD Specifications for Electric Works (Part I and II).
1.4.4 The concessionaire shall also be permitted to use proprietary or
patented designs subject to the condition that the concessionaire shall
be solely responsible for their performance and durability.
1.9 The concessionaire shall keep all the existing utilities in continuous
satisfactory use as per Clause 11 of the Concession Agreement.
Wherever existing utilities are to be shifted and/or new utilities are to
be provided during the concession period, the same shall be
accommodated within the utility corridor of 2.0 m width identified at
the edges of the ROW subject to approval by the Authority.
1.10 This Manual is applicable for four laning of the Project Highway.
However, some sections of the Project Highway, as specified in schedule
B, are required to be widened to six lanes, which should not be
construed to six laning of the Project Highway. For six laning of such
sections, design shall be finalized based on review & comments of IE.
The concessionaire shall plan for capacity augmentation and design the
Project Highway in a manner that will ensure safe operation of the
Project Highway as a “partially access controlled highway”. The concept
of providing forgiving highway to the road users shall be kept in mind
while planning and designing the Project Highway. For safe operation,
high speed traffic and slow traffic/local traffic shall be separated by
constructing parallel service roads wherever required as specified under
Schedule B.
The service roads shall be connected to the main highway through
properly designed entry/exit ramps at locations given in schedule B.
The service roads, the ramps and the underpasses/flyovers shall take
care of the local/access traffic and ensure that no right or U turn is
required to be provided on the main highway. At the ends, the service
roads shall be provided with end treatment so that the local traffic is
able to merge the highway in a safe and efficient manner. Some
suggestive layouts for commonly occurring situations are given in fig.
2.1(A), 2.1 (B), 2.1(C), 2.1 (D), 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. The spacing as indicated
in figure 2.3 between two consecutive entry and exit ramps for service
road would not be kept less than 500 m.
2.2.2 Intersection:
(i) Grade separated intersections:
Grade separated intersections shall be provided at all
intersections of Project Highway with National Highways and
State Highways. Grade separated intersections shall also be
provided at all other intersections of Project Highway with other
category roads as per warrants specified in IRC 92 and at
locations specified in schedule B.
(ii) At grade intersection;
All intersections other than those covered in (i) above shall be
designed as at-grade intersections in following manner:
a) All merging and diverging movements to / from the Project
Highway shall be either through service road with end
treatment or acceleration and deceleration lanes except for
the traffic allowed to cross Project Highway at
predetermined locations.
b) If the road is crossing the Project Highway, the four arm at-
grade intersection shall be designed in accordance with
MOSRTH standard drawings. In case the standard drawing
has not provided the right turning lane, the same would be
provided to accommodate the peak hour right turning
c) If the road meets the Project Highway at T- intersection,
this would be designed as “left in left out”. The right
turnings from such cross roads shall be permissible at the
next intersection or median opening.
2.2.3 Access from private property:
Ingress/egress to/from commercial and industrial properties including
retail outlets shall be provided through acceleration/deceleration lane
in accordance with MOSRTH guidelines at the cost of property owners.
2.2.4 Vehicular Underpasses: Vehicular underpass shall be provided as
specified in Schedule B and to connect service roads on both sides of the
Project Highway in such a manner that no vehicle is required to travel
more than 2 km on service road to approach an underpass for crossing
over to the other side.
2.2.5 Facilities for pedestrians and cyclists:
Facilities for safe and unhindered movement of pedestrians and cyclists
shall be provided on the project highway wherever it passes through
urban/built-up areas and at grade separators. These facilities shall be
planned in accordance with the relevant provisions contained in IRC-
11, IRC-17 and IRC-103. Facilities shall also be planned and provided
for crossing of pedestrians and cyclists. The crossing facilities can be
either in conjunction with at grade intersections or through
underpasses. The crossing facilities shall be so planned that
pedestrians do not have to walk for more than 0.5 km. to reach the
crossing point. The existing slab culverts and minor bridges with span
length equal to or more than 5m, a vertical clearance of more than 2.5m
and not catering to perennial flow, can also be used for pedestrians and
cycle crossings by providing necessary flooring. In rural stretches,
pedestrian/cycle underpasses shall be provided at the locations of
existing crossing points.
2.2.6 Cattle crossings:
Facilities for crossing of cattle through underpasses shall be provided at
locations specified in Schedule ‘B’.
2.2.7 Median openings:
Median openings shall be provided at four or more arm intersection and
at other locations to facilitate the U-turn for vehicles and not for
leading directly to any cross road. The average spacing of median
openings shall be around 2 kms. If a number of roads are meeting the
Project Highway, then they would be joined together through a service
road and an at-grade ‘T’ intersection would be provided such that the
spacing of 2 kms for median openings is maintained.
2.2.8 Traffic signs and road markings for guidance to user:
(i) The Project Highway shall be provided with elaborate system of
traffic signs and markings. The traffic signs for various
situations/location would be in accordance with IRC 67 in terms
of location, configuration and colour scheme.
(ii) Pavement marking shall also be carefully planned depending
upon the requirement for each location and shall conform to IRC-
35. The Project Highway shall incorporate all such safety features
such as elaborate system of signs and markings, cat’s eyes,
delineators, hazard markers, safety barriers at hazardous
locations, pedestrian guardrails so that the Project Highway
operates as a “Forgiving Highway”.
2.4 Avenue/median plantation:
The Project Highway shall have plantation of trees along the highway
and low height shrubs on the medians. Plantation scheme shall be
reviewed by IE so that it does not affect the road safety.
2.5 Drainage:
The Project Highway shall be provided with an elaborate drainage
system to drain the storm water from the roadway and embankment
and to ensure minimum disturbance to natural drainage of surface and
subsurface water of the area.
All detailed survey and investigation that are required for planning, design
and construction of the project highway such as detailed topographic survey,
traffic survey, hydraulic and drainage survey, road and bridge inventory and
condition survey, subsurface investigation, material survey and pavement
investigation, shall be carried out in accordance with IRC: SP:19, IRC: SP: 35
& IRC: SP:54 and best industry practices.
All the data generated from these surveys and investigations shall be
properly referenced, compiled, validated and presented in easily
comprehensible forms, such as those prescribed in the publication referred to
above. The data in electronic as well as hard copy formats shall along with
the detailed drawings prepared in accordance with section 4 of this Manual
form part of Schedule H to the Concession Agreement and shall be used for
detailed design in accordance with section 4 of this Manual.
4.1 General
The designs shall be based on the detailed survey and investigation
data collected by the concessionaire in accordance with Section 3 of this
Manual. The drawings prepared on the basis of these designs along
with the drawings required as per Section 3 of the Manual shall form
part of Schedule H of the Concession Agreement.
All the designs and drawings shall be submitted to the I E for review
and comments. The work shall be carried out in accordance with these
drawings and such other additional drawings prepared or modified as
per comments of the I E.
(iv) Side drain
Cross section shall be designed to cater for effective drainage of
estimated peak hour run off.
(v) Width of utility corridor on both sides 2.0 m
The footpath shall be designed for use of pedestrians and cyclists as per
site requirements. Side drain and utility corridor can be accommodated
either under footpath or separation-island depending upon local
4.2.3 Design Speed:
The design speeds given in following table shall be adopted for various
terrain conditions.
Cross slope of the Design speed (km/hr)
Nature of
country Ruling Minimum
(per cent)
Plain 0 - 10 100 80
Rolling > 10 - 25 80 65
Mountainous > 25 - 60 50 40
Steep > 60 40 30
Short stretches (say less than 1 km) of varying terrain in the project
stretch shall not be taken into consideration while deciding the terrain
classification for a given section of Project Highway.
In general, the ruling design speed shall be adopted for geometric
design of the highway. Only in exceptional circumstances minimum
design speed may be adopted where site conditions are extremely
restrictive and adequate land width is not available. Abrupt changes in
design speed shall be avoided.
4.2.4 Horizontal Alignment:
(a) While designing the horizontal alignment, the following general
principles shall be kept in view.
i. Alignment should be fluent and blend well with the
surrounding topography.
ii. On new roads, the curves should be designed to have
largest practical radius but in no case less than ruling value
corresponding to ruling design speed.
iii. As a normal rule, sharp curves shall not be introduced at
the end of long tangent since these can be extremely
iv. The curves shall be sufficiently long and have suitable
transitions to provide pleasing appearance.
v. Reverse curves may be needed in difficult terrain.
Sufficient length between two curves shall be provided for
introduction of requisite transition curves, and required
vi. The curves in the same direction separated by short
tangents known as broken back curves should be avoided as
far as possible. Wherever possible, such portion may be
designed with longer single curve.
vii. To avoid distortion in appearance, the horizontal alignment
should be coordinated carefully with the longitudinal
(b) All horizontal curves shall consist of circular portion flanked by
spiral transitions at both ends.
(c) Radii of Horizontal Curves
The radius of horizontal curves for various terrain conditions
shall not be less than the ruling minimum values as per IRC: 73
for the National Highways and the terrain of the project area
except where site conditions are restrictive and adequate land is
not available. Where such restrictions exist, the radius of curve
shall not be less than the specified absolute minimum values in
IRC: 73.
(d) Transition curves
Minimum length of transition curve shall be as per IRC: 73 for
the specified design speed.
4.2.5 Camber/Cross fall
Camber / unidirectional cross fall shall be provided for each
carriageway including paved shoulders in accordance with stipulations
of IRC: 73. The cross fall for earthen shoulder shall be 0.5% steeper
than that of the carriageway subject to a minimum of 3.0%. On curves,
the shoulder on the high side of superelevated portion shall be provided
with reverse slope from the superelevated carriageway portion. At the
same time, it should not be too great to give break in the cross slope.
The rate of change between pavement cross slope and outside shoulder
should not exceed 5%.
4.2.6 Super elevation
Super elevation shall be provided on curves as per details given in IRC:
73 corresponding to the design speed and radius of horizontal curve
4.2.7 Sight Distance
The design shall provide for values of intermediate sight distance as per
details given in IRC: 73 corresponding to the design speed adopted
unless there are site constraints, where a minimum of stopping sight
distance shall definitely be available. The requisite site distance shall
be available across the inside of horizontal curves. Where horizontal
and summit curves overlap, the design shall provide for the required
sight distance both in the vertical direction along the pavement and in
the horizontal direction on the inside of curve.
4.2.8 Vertical Alignment:
(i) The vertical alignment shall provide for a smooth longitudinal
profile. Grade changes shall not be too frequent as to cause kinks
and visual discontinuities in the profile. In this regard, directions
given in IRC: 73 shall be kept in view.
(ii) There shall be coordination between horizontal alignment and
vertical profile of the Project Highway and guidelines given in
IRC: 73 in this regard shall be followed.
(iii) Gradients up to the value corresponding to ruling gradient as per
IRC: 73 shall be adopted as far as possible. Value corresponding
to limiting gradient shall be adopted only in very difficult
situations and for short lengths.
(iv) Long sweeping vertical curves shall be provided at all grade
changes. These shall be designed as square parabolas.
(v) The vertical profile of the two carriageways shall be designed in
such a manner that difference in road level between the two
carriageways at the locations of median openings would not be
more than 0.25m.
(vi) The aspect of efficient drainage shall also be kept into
consideration while designing vertical profile and cross-sections of
the highway as stipulated in IRC: SP: 42 and IRC: SP: 50.
4.2.9 Geometric design requirement of additional features:
a. Acceleration Lane:
(i) Length: Designed for a speed differential of 60 kph
(ii) Width: 5.5 m
(iii) Taper at merge: 1 in 15 beyond design length.
b. Deceleration lane:
Same as ‘acceleration lane’
c. Median Openings:
Length of median opening: Not less than 20 m
Shelter lane: Width 3.5 m; Length based on maximum number of
right turning vehicles in peak hour
d. Service Roads:
Design Speed: 40 km/hr (minimum)
Width: Carriageway Normal 7.0 m (minimum 5.5 m)
Paved shoulder 0.5 m on both sides (may be
dispensed with in exceptional
Camber/ Super elevation: As per IRC (Unidirectional camber
towards drain shall be provided)
Extra widening: To be provided at flares for
underpass approaches, adequate
turning radius, U-turn facility etc
as per requirement.
Gradient: 1 in 30 (ruling min) underpass
approaches – 1 in 50 generally, max
1 in 30.
e. Bridges for service road:
(i) If total length of bridge required to be constructed is less
than 60 m, on a stream, the service road shall continue
across the stream through separate bridge structures,
which may be vented causeway structure with vents
designed to cater for ordinary flood discharge.
(ii) In cases involving bridges of length 60 m or more, separate
bridge structures shall not be provided and service roads on
both side of the stream shall be merged with the Project
Highway. In such cases, width of bridge to be constructed
for main highway shall be increased by one traffic lane (i.e.
3.5 m) on both sides of carriageway to accommodate
merging traffic of service road. For this purpose, service
roads shall be merged by tapering of the road (1 in 20) with
detailed system of signs and markings.
(iii) In cases of ROBs, the service roads on both the sides shall
be joined through one of the viaducts of ROB. This
arrangement shall be on either side of the railway crossing
if the situation demands. For some proportion of service
road traffic, safe entry and exit shall be provided from
service roads to the ROB.
(iv) Bridges in built up area will invariably accommodate
footpath unless specified otherwise in Schedule-B.
f. Junctions at Service Roads:
(i) With minor merging roads: Flaring at the junction like a
‘left-in left-out’ configuration but with provision for right
turning through painted channelising island.
(ii) At underpasses: Flaring at the junction with provision of
painted channelising island to guide traffic movement to /
from the underpass.
g. Vehicular Underpasses:
Width : 7.5 m minimum
10.5 m (with footpath of 1.5 m on
both sides) desirable
Vertical Clearance : 5.0 m
h. Pedestrian / Cattle Underpass:
Width : 4.0 m minimum
Vertical Clearance : 2.5 m minimum; to be increased to
4.5m, in case certain categories of
animals such as elephant/camel are
expected to cross the Project
i. At Grade Intersection : At-grade intersections shall be
designed as per IRC SP: 41 and layout as per MOST Type Design
for intersections on National Highways. However, these typed
designs shall be modified to provide for right turning lanes in the
median, dropped kerbs and gap in channelisers to facilitate
pedestrian crossing.
j. Grade Separated Intersection: The location of grade
separated interchanges shall be as given in Schedule ‘B'. Their
layout and design shall be as per IRC: 92, keeping in view the site
requirements. The crossing of side road to project highway shall
depend upon the topography at the site.
4.3 Embankment
4.3.1 General
The height of the embankment shall be based on the final road levels.
The following principles shall be followed for fixing the road level:
i) The top of sub-grade is at least 1.0 m above the high flood
level/high water table/pond level. However, in exceptional
circumstances not covered in the scope of work specified in
Schedule-B, where it is found difficult to fulfill this criterion
without needing reconstruction or raising in substantial length,
the criteria may be relaxed depending on site conditions, ensuring
a minimum difference of 0.6 m between the top of sub-grade and
HFL/high water table/pond level.
ii) The road level of the new two-lane carriageway is not lower than
the existing carriageway unless it improves vertical profile and
also satisfies all other requirements set out in this Manual.
iii) To fulfill the minimum free board requirement and provide
smooth vertical profile for portions forming approaches to
iv) To raise the level of stretches of the existing road from drainage
considerations as indicated in Schedule B of the Concession
4.3.2 Structural features and design of embankment
i) Embankment shall be designed to ensure the stability of the
roadway and shall incorporate only those materials, which are
suitable for embankment construction as per Section 5 of this
ii) Side slopes shall not be steeper than 2H:1V in accordance with
clause 4.6. and where necessary, the embankment shall be
retained by a retaining structure.
iii) Where the embankment is to be supported on a weak stratum it
shall be necessary to specially design the embankment and also
adopt appropriate remedial / ground improvement measures.
iv) High embankments (height 6 m or above) in all soils shall be
designed from stability considerations. For design of high
embankments IRC: 75 and MOSRTH – Guidelines for Design of
High Embankments may be referred to.
v) The side slopes shall be protected against erosion by providing
turfing / vegetative cover, stone/C.C. block pitching, geo-
synthetics, gabion walls or any other measures depending on the
height of the embankment, type of soil involved and susceptibility
of soil to erosion as per IRC: 56. Pitching works on slopes shall be
as per MOST Specifications.
4.3.3 Use of Fly Ash for Embankment Construction
(i) Fly ash shall be used for construction of embankment in
accordance with guidelines of MOSRT&H. The embankment
shall be designed and constructed in accordance with IRC: SP-58.
The thickness of soil cover shall not be less than 1 m for
embankments up to 3 m height. For high embankments the
thickness of soil cover shall be increased as per design.
(ii) The side slopes of the embankment shall be protected against
erosion as stated in section 4.3.2 (v) above.
(iii) The stability analysis of the embankment shall be carried out as
per IRC: 75.
base year traffic is cumulated at a rate of growth, which is the
highest of the following in the initial 5 years:
(a) 5 % per annum for all vehicles
(b) Trend growth of various vehicle categories
(c) Projected Growth rate of revenue assumed in the
concessionaire’s cash flow
(d) Growth determined from secondary socio economic data and
elasticity factors.
and then reduces by 2 (two) percentage points for every 5 year
subject to a minimum rate of growth of 5 % at any point of time.
4.4.3 Design procedures
(i) For widening of the existing flexible pavement to meet the
geometric design requirements specified in this Manual, the
thickness and composition of layers for widening shall be same as
that of existing pavement and further deficiencies in thickness
shall be made up by overlay on the entire width of the pavement
including paved shoulders. If the condition of existing pavement
is so deficient that it cannot be improved by overlays, it will be
scarified and the pavement shall be designed afresh.
(ii) In case the existing cement concrete pavement is to be widened,
the widened pavement shall be of the same thickness and
specification not inferior to that of the existing pavement. The
widened pavement shall be joined with the exiting pavement by
providing longitudinal joints of the same design and specification
as that of the existing pavement. Similarly, the transverse joints
with dowel bars of the same design as provided in the existing
pavement shall be provided.
(iii) Flexible Pavement
The new flexible pavement shall be designed in accordance with
IRC: 37 and strengthening of the existing flexible pavement in
accordance with IRC: 81.
(iv) Rigid Pavement
The new rigid pavement shall be designed in accordance with
IRC: 58. The existing rigid pavement may be rehabilitated /
strengthened either by rigid or flexible overlays in accordance
with good industry practice subject to review by the IE.
4.4.4 Pavement Performance Indicators and Requirements
i) The pavement performance and structural capacity shall be
measured in terms of objective measurable performance and
strength indicators, i.e., roughness, rutting, cracking and
ii) The new or strengthened flexible pavement surface on
completion shall satisfy the following standards:
a. Roughness
In each lane measured by : Not more than 2000 mm/km
Bump Integrator (BI) for each lane in a km length
b. Rutting
In wheel path measured : No Rutting
by 3 m. Straight Edge.
c. Cracking : No Cracking
d. Deflection : Not more than
0.5mm characteristic deflection
to be determined as per IRC: 81
e. Other : Nil
a. Roughness
In each lane measured by BI : Not more than 2000 mm/km for
each lane in a km length
b. Cracking : No Cracks other than shrinkage
(a) The pipe / slab / box bridges / culverts shall have the same
overall width as of the approach road. Overall width of
these structures shall be such that the outer face of
railing/parapet shall be in line with the outer edge of the
shoulder. The median side inner edge of the safety
barrier/kerb shall be at a minimum distance of 500 mm
from the edge of the carriageway.
(b) All other new bridges shall be constructed to accommodate
for six lane carriageway. In case existing bridge is
retained, as mentioned below, for traffic in one direction, a
new three lane bridge shall be constructed for plying of
traffic in other direction. Width of bridge shall be increased
to provide for additional lane in urban/built up areas in
accordance with section 4.2.9 e (ii) above. Width of
immediate approaches shall be adjusted to provide smooth
transition from approaches to bridge.
ii) Existing culverts and bridges:
The pipe / slab / box bridges / culverts shall be widened
preferably on the outer side so as to make the deck width same as
specified in sub-section 4.5.5 (i) above. The bridges having 2-lane
carriageway and deep foundations, T-beam or box type
superstructure, which are difficult to widen may be retained and
proper transition between approach and bridge shall be provided
with the help of crash barriers. The wearing coat, damaged
bearings and rubberized component of expansion joints older than
15 years shall be replaced before commissioning of the Project
(iii) In cases where bridges are constructed with footpath as per
requirement specified in Schedule B, cross section of immediate
approaches shall have extra width and provide for footpath.
4.5.6 Design loading and stresses
(i) The design loads shall be as per IRC: 6 appropriate for the width
of carriageway, type and properties of stream, location, altitude,
(ii) In Seismic Zones IV & V, necessary precautions against
dislodgement of superstructure shall be taken by provision of
reaction blocks or other type of seismic arresters and increased
width of pier/abutment cap.
4.5.7 Analysis and design of structures
All structures and their individual components shall be analysed and
designed as per IRC:5, IRC:18, IRC:21, IRC:22, IRC:24, IRC:40, IRC:78
and IRC:83 (all parts) depending upon the type of structure / individual
component proposed to be provided. The minimum cross sectional
dimensions of each component shall be provided so as to satisfy the
requirements specified in relevant IRC Code. The design shall take into
account long term durability, serviceability, constructability,
construction methodology and environmental factors. All river training
and protection works shall be designed in accordance with IRC: 89.
improvement, foundation, facia, reinforcement, drainage, friction slabs,
crash barriers etc.
4.9.1 Toll plazas shall be designed for projected peak hour traffic of 20 years.
The total number of toll booths and lanes shall be such as to ensure the
service time of not more than 10 seconds per vehicle at peak flow
regardless of methodology adopted for fee collection. For purpose of
guidance following parameters are suggested as a capacity of individual
toll lane for design purpose:
(i) Semi-automatic toll lane 240 veh/hour
(Automatic vehicle identification but manual
money transanction)
(ii) Automatic toll lanes 360 veh/hour
(Automatic vehicle identification and money
transanction – smart card)
(iii) Electronic toll collection (ETC lanes) 1200 veh/hour
(Toll collection through on board unit and no
stoppage of vehicles)
4.9.2 Two toll lanes in each direction of travel shall be provided with the
system of payment through smart card and their configuration would
be such that one lane in each direction could be upgraded in future to
the system of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC). The implementation of
ETC will be treated as change of scope when concessionaire would be
asked to provide for the same. Not less than 2 middle toll lanes shall be
capable of being used as reversible lane to meet the demand of tidal
4.9.3 The width of each toll lane shall be 3.2 meters, except for the lane for
over dimensional vehicles, where it shall be 4.5 m.
4.9.4 Between each toll lane of the toll plaza, traffic islands are required to
accommodate toll booth. These islands shall be of minimum 25 m
length and 1.8 m width. Protective barriers of reinforced concrete shall
be placed at the front of each island to prevent out of control
approaching vehicles crashing into the toll booth. They would be
painted with reflective chevron markings.
4.9.5 Toll booth shall be placed at the centre of each traffic island with
dimensions to accommodate toll collector’s desk for toll equipment such
as key board and console, video screen, card reader, note and coin
storage, telephone and environmental control system. The toll booth
shall have large glass window to provide the toll collector with good
visibility of approaching vehicles. The bottom of the toll window should
be placed at such a height (0.9 m) above ground level so as to provide
convenience of operation. The Toll booths shall be ergonomically
designed and vandal proof. There shall be CCTV camera installed at
each booth.
4.9.6 For the movement between toll office and toll booth of each toll lane, an
underground tunnel across all toll lanes shall be provided. Its
dimension would be sufficient to accommodate the required
wiring/cable system and for convenient movement of personnel. It
should also be provided with lighting and ventilation system so that the
movement is convenient.
4.9.7 The area of toll plaza covering the flared portion shall be provided with
concrete pavement. All the toll lanes and toll booths shall be covered
with a canopy. The canopy shall be wide enough to provide weather
protection to toll operators, drivers and facilities. The canopy shall be
of aesthetically pleasing design with cylindrical support columns
located at traffic island so that there is no restriction on visibility and
traffic movement. The vertical clearance shall be as prescribed in this
4.9.8 The toll plaza shall have lighting system to provide visibility to drivers
for the use of facility especially to access the correct service lane and
also to the toll collector. Indian Standard IS: 1944 shall be followed.
The minimum requirement of illumination on the road surface of 30 lux
shall be ensured. This would be done by providing high-mast lighting
(minimum 25 m height), lighting at canopy, and lighting inside toll
booths. Street lighting shall also be provided on both side approaches
of toll plaza for a minimum length of 500 metres on each side. Power
supply shall be from public power supply system but stand by
generating set of the capacity to supply the required power shall be
provided at toll plaza.
4.9.9 The toll plaza shall be provided with surface and sub surface drainage
system so that all the storm water is drained off efficiently and no
ponding or stagnation of water takes place at any area of the toll plaza.
4.9.10 Toll Plaza shall have fire fighting equipment including smoke
detectors and auto visual alarm system as per section 4.17.1 of National
Building Code so that the personnel working in the complex and the
office are not subjected to hazardous situation due to fire.
4.9.11 The semi automatic toll collection system shall be equipped in each
entry lane with a vehicle detector for counting the number of vehicles
and their axle number and for identification of the category of vehicle.
The system shall also have a ticket issuing machine for issue of the
tickets for user fee at the press of a button on a touch panel and entry
lane controller for controlling the equipment of the entry lane and for
sending the data to the data processing equipment at toll plaza office.
Each toll lane shall have electronically operated boom barrier along
with synchronised system for traffic lights.
4.9.12 The smart card system would comprise the system for vehicle
identification, barrier and synchronize traffic light and payment
through smart card. The smart card would comprise reader/writer
conforming to ISO Standards: 1443-A sealed to a National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA) for Ingress Protection (IP) - 65
having transmission frequency of 13.56 MHz.
4.9.13 The Electronic Toll Collection system shall consist of an on board unit
fitted on a vehicle and an antenna to receive communication for
identification of its code and other stored data and a system for
transmitting the data from the on board unit to the reader and from
reader to the customer information management system.
4.9.14 Toll plaza location shall also be provided with system for checking and
preventing overloading of vehicles at toll plaza. For this purpose, weigh
in motion systems at approaches to each toll lane are to be installed.
Separate space for static weigh bridge and accommodation to store off-
loaded goods from overloaded vehicles shall be provided after the toll
barriers for each direction of travel.
4.9.15 Toll plaza shall have a separate office building so as to provide
comfortable office space for manager, cashier & other staff. There shall
be separate rooms for T.V. monitors, meetings, toilets, and for the sale
of passes, smart cards, on board units and public interaction. The
building shall have a strong room for keeping the money and a garage
to accommodate the security van (during operation of loading the
collected revenue). There shall be parking space in the same campus
for vehicles for the staff and workers and other vehicles engaged in the
operation of the Project Highway.
4.9.16 The toll plaza shall have toll audit system and fraud protection
measures. The operations for toll collection, supervision, auditing and
money handling shall be done through the qualified personnel with
numbers so that each operation is efficiently handled.
4.9.17 Suggestive lay out of toll plaza showing the service lanes, office space,
parking space, weigh bridges is given in fig. 4.1A and that for toll booth
in fig. 4.1B.
4.11.3 Roads signs such as chevron, overhead etc. not covered by IRC-67 will
be as given in this document would be as per BIS/British
4.11.4 All road signs shall be with retro-reflective sheeting of high intensity
grade with encapsulated lens fixed over aluminum sub-strata as per
clause 801 of MOSRTH specification.
4.11.5 Kerb mounted signs shall be supported on GI pipes. Overhead signs
shall be placed on a structurally sound gantry or cantilever structure
made of GI pipes. Its height, lateral clearance and installation shall be
as per MOST specifications. The pedestal supporting the gantry or
cantilever structure of the overhead signs shall be flushed at the
ground level and in no case shall protrude more than 15 cm above
ground level.
4.11.6 It shall be ensured that any sign, signal or any other device erected for
traffic control, traffic guidance and/or traffic information shall not
obscure any other traffic sign and shall not carry any advertisement.
4.11.7 Each exit ramp shall have signs mounted on posts indicating the name
of the place and the important roads it would lead to.
4.11.8 For toll plaza(s) advance direction signs shall be provided at 1 km and
500 m ahead of toll plaza. These signs are rectangular in shape,
bilingual, gantry, cantilever mounted as illustrated in fig. 4.2 A and fig.
4.2 B. Wherever the local language is other than Hindi, local language
instead of Hindi shall be used for sign at 500 m.
4.11.9 It is necessary that user be informed before using the road that a
section of National Highway is a Toll Road. Similarly the user be also
informed of the end of the Toll Road. Over head sign panels indicating
that the toll road is ahead and that the toll road ends is illustrated in
fig. 4.2 C and fig. 4.2 D.
4.11.10 At the start of flare of the toll plaza, a sign displaying the fee rates
shall be erected. Suggestive configuration is given in fig. 4.3. The
colour of words and panels shall follow IRC: 67.
4.11.11 It shall be ensured that any sign, signal or any other device erected
for traffic control, traffic guidance and/or traffic information shall not
obscure any other traffic sign.
be through deceleration lane and exit through acceleration lane. The
minimum width of these lanes shall be 5.5 m.
4.13.3 Rest Area(s) shall be designed for the expected peak hour long term
clientage and shall provide facilities for parking, restaurant, cafeteria,
toilets, telephone and shops for selling items normally required for
traveling, fuel and garage for minor repair, telephone, first aid. The
parking should include parking for expected peak hour truck traffic and
cafeteria suitable for fulfilling the need for Indian truck drivers and
shall be paved by CC blocks strong enough to withstand expected
loadings. The whole area shall be elaborately landscaped to provide a
pleasing environment. A suggestive lay out is given in fig. 4.5. This
can be modified to accommodate location specific requirements.
4.13.4 At locations along the Project Highway where some existing eateries
(Dhaba) or other informal rest areas are located, they shall be
separated from the main highway with separation island and safe entry
and exit to these establishment and parking spaces for expected peak
hour vehicles shall be provided with proper signs and markings.
4.14.3 In rural areas the bus shelter shall be located at least 1.0 m away from
the edge of the bus bay which shall be typically 30 m long. The plinth
height of the bus stop shall be 0.3 m from the bus bay level and shall be
2 risers high. The minimum ceiling height of the structure shall be 2.1
m and the height of seating shall be 0.4 m from floor level.
4.14.4 The bus bay shall have length to accommodate the expected no. of
buses in the peak time. The length and lay out shall be based on those
given in IRC: 80 considered suitably modified for four lane dual
carriageway highway. It shall be paved with pre-cast cement concrete
(M-40) Blocks. The area of the bus stop used by pedestrians shall also
be paved with pre-cast concrete blocks.
4.14.5 The barrier fences /pedestrian safety guard rails shall be erected
between the bus loading area and the through lanes to prevent
pedestrian crossings.
4.14.6 Pick up Bus Stop would be provided with litter bins. These would be
simple in shape and their colour and finish shall make them
conspicuous. Litter bin shall be post-mounted and/or swivel type. The
mounting and fixing components shall be robust. The bin shall have
drainage holes for periodic flushing. It shall also be theft, vandal-and
fire-proof. It shall be resistant to wear and tear, and the material and
design shall be such as to require minimal maintenance.
4.18 Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS):
4.18.1 A real time system working round the clock shall be established for
informing the road users of the road, traffic, and weather conditions on
the Project Highway; for making interventions as required for smooth,
safe and efficient traffic operation; and for providing rescue and relief to
the users in distress. The system shall be capable of (i) acquisition of
data from various sources such as the road, the users, the maintenance
and operation patrol, the ambulance, and the intervention team (ii)
three way communication between the data source and a Central
Control Room, the Control Room and the data sources and display
units, and between the maintenance and operation teams, through a
transmission system, and (iii) A Central Control Room to process all
data and control the highway operation.
4.18.2 The systems and equipment of ATMS shall meet the following main
climatic and environmental requirement as specified in IS-9000
(i) Temperature Range of Operation – Low of 0° Celsius (± 3° C) to
high of 60° Celsius (± 2° C)
(ii) Relative Humidity of 95%
(iii) Vibration Frequency Range of 10 Hz – 55 Hz
4.18.3 Data acquisition system: This shall consist of (a) Automatic Traffic
Counter and Classifier (ATCC), with an in-road loop detectors and
treadles. (b) Video cameras installed on road with such pan and tilts
that a length of 2 km road is captured for video monitoring of traffic, (c)
Emergency Call Boxes installed at every 2 km to enable any user to be
instantly in contact with the Control Room, (d) Meteorological sensors
for capturing data on temperature, weather, wind, (e) Mobile radios for
patrol vehicles and ambulances to be in communication with Central
Control Room and among themselves.
4.18.4 Emergency call boxes (ECBs) with loud speaker, micro phone,
activation button with LED indicating conversation, shall be housed in
a vandal proof casing and operate in full to play mode in noise level of
up to 95 decibels with in built diagnostic features for automatic
detection in case of damage by any object. Mobile communication
system shall comprise the mobile radio base stations and control centre
equipments. It shall have provision for mounted mobile set on
ambulances, trains & patrolling vehicles. The system shall have the
facility to connect mobile to mobile, mobile to controller, and controller
to mobile along with the systems for waiting, holding, and transfer of
calls. The system shall use a pair of frequencies to be allotted to the
concessionaire with the approval of wireless planning & coordination
(WPC), Deptt. of Telecommunications and shall operate for full duplex
4.18.5 The design for the Variable Message Signs (VMS) will be modular with
sign panels using LEDs / High-Gain Trans-Reflective LCDs for outdoor
ambient lights. The sign panel should be such that a display is legible
from a distance of about 200 m. For this purpose, panels shall have
minimum dimensions of 3m length x 1.8 m depth. The minimum height
of the characters shall be 300 mm. The contrast ratio shall be more
than 30 perpendicular to the bold face and more than 10 at an angle of
± 70 degrees to the perpendicular. The equipment shall be capable of
storing minimum 10 frames that can be triggered on receiving the tele-
command. The sign panels shall be installed on the structure in such a
manner that they are aesthetically pleasing and can withstand wind
pressures. The equipment shall be capable of storing minimum semi-
duplex mode and other known forces. The minimum vertical clearance
available at VMSs shall be 5.5 m from the road surface. Power supply
shall be fed from the integrator locations.
4.18.6 The meteorological sensors shall comprise thermocouple /pyrometer,
humidity meter, anemometer , visibility meter and sensor for
measuring pavement surface temperature. They shall be installed on a
single pole with a specific attachment and power supply fed from the
integrator. They shall have the facility to communicate on Polythene
Insulated Jelly Filled copper cables (PIJF) /Optical Fibre Cable.
4.18.7 The Automatic Traffic Counter-cum-Classifier (ATCC) shall be capable
of detecting and recording all categories of vehicles plying on the
Project Highway based on their length and no. of axles. The system
shall be robust and capable of operating with minimum maintenance
and may be either piezo-electric or infrared. It should have minimum
accuracy level of 99%. The logic units shall be microprocessor based.
The system should be able to record and store vehicle data for a period
of at least two weeks with a Daily Traffic Volume of up to 1,00,000
vehicles. The system shall have compatibility to transfer the data on
PIJF/Optical Fibre Cable/by using any of the available communication
mode like GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) / GPRS
(General Packet Radio Service), landline modem, CDMA (Code Division
Multiple Access) depending upon the effective and economic operation
of the particular mode available at the site. The system shall be
electric/solar power operated depending upon the availability of source.
4.18.8 The Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Surveillance shall comprise
video camera, its housing and pan, and Tilt Heads. The video camera
shall be mounted at a height so as to cover the target length of highway
and the housing shall be able to withstand adverse weather conditions.
It shall have a 360 degree angular travel in the horizontal plane and a
tilt of 90 degrees down from 0 degrees horizontal. It shall have zoom
lens with minimum power of 30 X, auto iris and infrared filter, infrared
compatibility for night operation and remotely selectable operating
modes. It shall have compatibility with co-axial cable/optical fibre
4.18.9 The main control centre shall be designed for round-the-clock
operations of monitoring, on-line information acquisition and processing
the same for decision making. The Main Control Centre shall have
equipment of central computer, call centre, terminal junction box,
uninterrupted power supply (UPS) , counsel operator with monitors and
joy sticks, rack accommodation, large display board, line printer and
general purpose office computer with monitor, printer, fax and
telephone. The system shall also have Network Management system
(NMS) or real-time monitoring of Emergency Call Boxes (ECBs) and
network diagnostics.
4.18.10 Transmission System: This shall consist of a backbone Optical Fiber
Transmission system, cable system, interface system, network
management system, repeater/ amplification system, and power supply
system. There shall be 3 or 4 sub-centres (as appropriate) housing all
the interface equipment apart from the Control Centre, provided with,
as appropriate, cables, interface, terminals (such as optical line
terminals and interface, network management system equipment,
optical fiber cable interface equipment and control centre interface
equipment, data acquisition system interface, etc). The cables from
ECBs, VMS, meteorological data systems, ATCC shall be Polythene
Insulated Jelly filled (PIJF) copper cables and those from CCTV
cameras shall be coaxial cables. Repeaters/ amplifiers shall be used to
maintain the quality of signals. All the cables shall have at least 20 %
spare capacity to allow for expansion. The interface system shall be
capable of handling the composite audio, video and data signals at
various interface levels and process them.
4.18.11 Central Control Room (Control Centre): The Central Control Room
(CCR) shall be the repository of all the data acquired from the field and
their processing, storing, and archiving. All the information for real
time monitoring of the Project Highway shall be generated at the CCR
and the relevant information shall be disseminated to the users
through Variable message signs, and to the operation and management
teams through mobile radio communication system for appropriate
intervention. Another important function to be performed at the
Control centre shall be the operation and management of the ATMS
itself along with its various sub systems.
CCR shall have the following minimum equipment, hardware and
(1) A Central Computer Server with integrated ATMS and ATMS
(2) A Traffic Manager’s Terminal for operation of the integrated
traffic management system
(3) Call system equipment comprising Operator PC along with sub-
systems and digital voice recorder.
(4) Mobile radio terminal comprising Operator PC and engineering
(5) Computers for Network Management System (NMS) for Fiber
Optic Communication System.
(6) CCTV Console Equipment
(7) Computers for VMS, AVCC, MET, Traffic Control
(8) A large size screen
(9) A line Printer
(10) An Office Computer
(11) A Power Supply and back up system
4.18.12 Dissemination of information: Information generated at the Control
Centre shall be disseminated in the following manner:
(a) To the users: By displays on the Variable Message signs, via
internet web pages, and by creating a node at the way side
amenities to display the relevant information.
(b) To the Operation and maintenance teams: By mobile phones
(c) To the ambulances: By mobile phones
(d) To the Trauma centres: Via ambulances
4.20 Ambulance(s)
Ambulance(s) manned by at least two trained paramedics shall be
available on the Project Highway so that the response time is not more
than 10 minutes of call. Each ambulance shall be equipped with first
aid, life saving medical services and support system implements for
transporting the victims to the nearest trauma hospitals, and providing
emergency medical aid during transportation of victims from accident
site to the nearest trauma hospital.
4.21 Crane(s)
Crane(s) shall be available within an hour of an incident to clear the
disabled vehicle off the carriageway.
4.22 All intervention teams comprising patrol, ambulances and cranes shall
be in communication with each other and the Control Room all the time
and shall intervene within the stipulated time.
All entry and exit ramp areas shall be uniformly illuminated with 40
lux intensity
5.1 General:
Sourcing of all materials as well as compliance with environmental
requirements under the applicable laws in respect of all works to be
executed under the Concession Agreement shall be the sole
responsibility of the concessionaire. All materials, whether natural
(such as earth, gravel, sand, aggregates, etc), processed (such as
bituminous and concrete mixes), or manufactured (such as cement,
steel, bitumen, etc) shall be incorporated in the work only if they are
tested and found to meet the requirements of this Manual or, in the
absence of any provision in this Manual, conform to the best industry
6.1 General
Construction planning, techniques, technologies and equipment shall be
planned in a manner not to compromise on the efficiency and safety of
the existing highway. Efficient and safe operation of the existing
highway without reducing its capacity and safety shall be ensured
during construction of the Project Highway. Construction shall meet
the environmental safety norms, and ensure safety of temporary and
permanent works, safety of traffic, pedestrian (if any) and workman
during construction, meet the access needs of the population living close
by and shall not cause any damage to their property.
All the construction equipment shall have the required capacity to meet
the output requirements of works under the agreement and shall have
mechanical, hydraulic, electronic and other controls, Manual or
automatic, as required for meeting the construction requirements.
(5) A detailed plan for safe and efficient movement of existing traffic
through the construction zones along with required signs and
markings for cautions and guidance.
6.4 Base Camp for Construction
The concessionaire shall establish base camp(s) for the construction of
Project Highway at the location from where construction sequences and
processes can be efficiently performed. The land for the base camp shall
be acquired by the concessionaire at his cost and risk and its size shall
be such that it accommodates the plants, equipments, materials,
laboratories, offices, residences and space for movement/circulation of
construction vehicles/machinery. The space should also have space for
recreation and sporting facilities for the staff and workers.
7.2 The quality of materials and work shall meet the requirement of Clause
900 of MOST specifications to the extent relevant and applicable. The
decision with regard to the relevance and applicability of the Clause
shall rest with the IE. The quality of materials and work that are not
relevant to the MOST specifications shall meet the requirements of
other relevant standards that are followed for the work. Always
provided that manufacturer’s testing and certification shall be essential
for the manufactured materials.
7.3 Remedying the defects and deficiencies required as per Clause 13.2 of
the Concession Agreement shall be carried out in the following manner:
(1) Improving, modifying, changing the Quality Assurance Plan and
its implementation
(2) Replacing the non-conforming material by materials conforming
to the standards by changing the material source, material
processing, construction equipment or technique before
incorporation of the material in work.
(3) In case a nonconforming material has been incorporated in the
work, by removing the work to the extent of non-conformities and
replacing it by a work meeting the requirements of the quality.
(4) In case a work or any of its component exceeds the limits of
tolerances specified in the quality standards, by rectifying the
work and bringing it within the limits of tolerance.
Appendix D-1
IRC: 2 -1968 Route Marker Signs for National Highways (First Revision)
IRC: 3 -1983 Dimensions and weight of Road Design vehicles. (First
IRC: 5 -1998 Standard Specification & Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section I – General Features of Design (7th Revision)
IRC: 6 -2000 Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road
Bridges, Section II – Loads and Stresses (Fourth Revision)
IRC: 7 -1971 Recommended Practice for Numbering Bridges and
Culverts (First Revision)
IRC: 8 -1980 Type Designs for Highway Kilometre Stones (Second
IRC: 9 -1972 Traffic Census on non urban roads (First Revision)
IRC: 10 -1961 Recommended Practice for Borrow pits for Road
Embankments Constructed by Manual Operation
IRC: 15 -2002 Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Construction
of Concrete Roads (Third Revision)
IRC: 16 -1989 Specification for Priming of Base Course with Bituminous
Primers (First Revision)
IRC: 18 -2000 Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges
(Post-Tensioned Concrete) (Third Revision)
IRC: 20 -1966 Recommended Practice for Bituminous Penetration
Macadam (Full Grout)
IRC: 21 -2000 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges. Section-III Cement Concrete (Plain and reinforced)
(Third revision)
IRC: 22 -1986 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges. Section-VI Composite Construction (First
IRC: 24 -2001 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges. Section-V Steel Road Bridges (First Revision)
IRC: 26 -1967 Type Design for 200-Metre Stones
IRC: 30 -1968 Standard Letters and Numerals of Different Heights for
Use on Highway Signs
IRC: 32 -1969 Standard for Vertical and Horizontal Clearances of
Overhead Electric Power and Telecommunication Lines as
Related to Roads
IRC: 33 -1969 Standard procedure for evaluation and condition surveys of
stabilised soil roads.
IRC: 34 -1970 Recommendations for road construction in waterlogged
List of IRC Codes / Standards / Acts for Road/Bridge Works
IRC: 35 -1997 Code of Practice for Road Markings (with Paints) (First
IRC: 36 -1970 Recommended Practice for Construction of Earth
Embankments for Road Works
IRC: 37 -2001 Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements (Second
IRC: 38 -1988 Guidelines for Design of Horizontal Curves for Highways
and Design Tables (First Revision)
IRC: 40 -2002 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges, Section IV - Brick, Stone and Block Masonry
(Second Revision)
IRC: 41 -1997 Type designs for check barriers (First Revision)
IRC: 42 -1972 Proforma for record of test values of locally available
pavement construction materials.
IRC: 45 -1972 Recommendations for Estimating the Resistance of Soil
Below the Maximum Scour Level in the Design of Well
Foundations of Bridges
IRC: 52 -2001 Recommendation about the alignment survey and geometric
design of hill roads. (Second Revision)
IRC: 54 -1974 Vertical Clearances at Underpasses for Vehicular Traffic.
IRC: 56 -1974 Recommended Practice for Treatment of Embankment
Slopes for Erosion Control
IRC: 57 -1974 Recommended Practice for Sealing of Joints in Concrete
IRC: 58 -2002 Guidelines for the design of plain jointed Rigid pavements
for highways (Second Revision)
IRC: 59 -1976 Tentative Guidelines for the design of gap graded cement
concrete mixes for road pavements.
IRC: 61 -1976 Tentative Guidelines for the construction of Cement
Concrete Pavements in Hot Weather
IRC: 65 -1976 Recommended practice for traffic rotaries.
IRC: 67 -2001 Code of Practice for Road Signs (First Revision)
IRC: 69 -1977 Space Standards for Roads in Urban Areas
IRC: 70 -1977 Guidelines on regulations and control of mixed traffic in
urban areas.
IRC: 71 -1977 Recommended practice for preparation of notations.
IRC: 73 -1980 Geometric Design Standards for Rural (Non-Urban)
IRC: 75 -1979 Guidelines for the Design of High Embankments
IRC: 78 -2000 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges. Section-VII Foundations & Sub-structure (Second
List of IRC Codes / Standards / Acts for Road/Bridge Works
IRC: SP: 11 -1988 Handbook of Quality Control for Construction of Roads
and Runways (Second Revision)
IRC: SP: 13 -2004 Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts.
IRC: SP: 14 -1973 A Manual for the Application of the Critical Path Method
to Highway Project in India
IRC: SP: 15 -1996 Ribbon Development Along Highways and its Prevention
IRC: SP: 16 -2004 Guidelines for surface evenness of Highways Pavements
(First Revision)
IRC: SP: 17 -1977 Recommendations About Overlays on Cement Concrete
IRC: SP: 18 -1978 Manual for Highway Bridge Maintenance Inspection.
IRC: SP: 19 -2001 Manual for Survey, Investigation and Preparation of Road
Projects (First Revision)
IRC: SP: 21 -1979 Landscaping of Road
IRC: SP: 22 -1980 Recommendations for the Sizes for each Type of Road
Making Machinery to Cater to the General Demand of
Road Works
IRC: SP: 23 -1983 Vertical Curves for Highways
IRC: SP: 25 -1984 Gopi and his Road Roller-Guidelines on Maintenance of
Road Roller
IRC: SP: 27 -1984 Report Containing Recommendations of IRC Regional
Workshops on Highway Safety
IRC: SP: 32 -1988 Road Safety for Children (5-12 Years Old)
IRC: SP: 33 -1989 Guidelines on Supplemental Measures for Design,
Detailing & Durability of Important Bridge Structures.
IRC: SP: 34 -1989 General Guidelines About the Equipment for
IRC: SP: 35 -1990 Inspection and Maintenance of Bridge.
IRC: SP: 37 -1991 Guidelines for Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of
IRC: SP: 39 -1992 Guidelines on Bulk Bitumen Transportation & Storage
IRC: SP: 40 -1993 Guidelines on techniques for strengthening and
rehabilitation of bridges.
IRC: SP: 41 -1994 Guidelines on Design of At-Grade Intersections in Rural &
Urban Areas
IRC: SP: 42 -1994 Guidelines on Road Drainage
IRC: SP: 44 -1994 Highway Safety Code
IRC: SP: 46 -1997 Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete For Pavements
IRC: SP: 47 -1998 Guidelines on Quality System for Road Bridges (Plain,
Reinforced, Prestressed and Composite Concrete).
IRC: SP: 48 -1998 Hill Road Manual
IRC: SP: 50 -1999 Guidelines on Urban Drainage
IRC: SP: 51 -1999 Guidelines for Load Testing of Bridges
IRC: SP: 52 -1999 Bridge Inspector's Reference Manual
IRC: SP: 53 -2002 Guidelines on Use of Polymer and rubber Modified
Bitumen in Road Construction (First Revision)
IRC: SP: 54 -1999 Project Preparation Manual for Bridges
IRC: SP: 55 -2001 Guidelines for Safety in Construction Zones
IRC: SP: 56 -2000 Guidelines for Steel Pedestrian Bridges
IRC: SP: 57 -2001 Guidelines for Quality Systems for Road Construction
IRC: SP: 58 -2001 Guidelines for Use of Fly ash in Road Embankments
IRC: SP: 59 -2002 Guidelines for Use of Geotextiles in Road Pavements and
Associated Works
IRC: SP: 60 -2002 An Approach Document for Assessment of Remaining Life
of Concrete Bridges
IS: 1944 (Part-I & Code of Practice for lighting of Public thoroughfare: Parts
II) 1970 Land 2 For Main and secondary roads (Group-A and B)
(First revision) (Amendments No. 1 and 2) Parts – I and 2
in one volume) (Amendments-2).
IS: 1944 (Part-V) Code of Practice for Lighting of Public Thoroughfares:
1981 Parts 5 Lighting for Grade separated junctions, Bridges
and Elevated roads (Group – D).
IS: 1944 (Part-VI) Code of Practice for lighting of Public thoroughfare: Part-6
1981 Lighting for Towns and city centres and areas of civic
Importance (Group-E).
IS/ISO: 9000 Standards for quality management systems.
IS: 10748 – 1995 Hot rolled steel for welded tubes and pipes (First Revision)
NBC National Building Code
Part-III, NBC: Development Control rules and general building
Part-IV, NBC: Fire Protection
Part-VI, NBC: Structural Design
Part-VIII, NBC: Building Services
Part-IX, NBC: Plumbing Services