RSView Tutorials

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Working with the RSView32 tutorials and demo

Getting started
Tools and prerequisites............................................................................................................................. 2
Installing the RSView32 tutorials and demo ...................................................................................... 2
About the RSView32 tutorials and demo ............................................................................................ 3
Running the RSView32 tutorials and demo ....................................................................................... 4

Quick Start Tutorial

Configure a path from RSLinx to your ControlLogix processor ................................... 6
Before you begin… .................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 1 Configure an Ethernet driver in RSLinx ............................................................................. 7
Step 2 Download a sample project from RSLogix 5000 ........................................................... 11

Function Block Demo

Run the Function Block demo in RSView32 ............................................................................ 15
Step 1 Start RSView32 and open the RSViewDemo.rsv project ........................................... 15
Step 2 Run the Function Block Demo ............................................................................................ 16

RSView32 Tutorial
Configure a Function Block Editor faceplate control ...................................................... 20
Step 1 Create a new graphic display .............................................................................................. 20
Step 2 Add faceplate controls to the ActiveX Toolbox .............................................................. 22
Step 3 Drop PIDE faceplate control onto a graphic display .................................................... 23
Step 4 Configure the faceplate control ........................................................................................... 24
Step 5 Add a Close button to the graphic display....................................................................... 26
Step 6 Run your project ...................................................................................................................... 28

RSView32 Tutorial - OPC Address Browse

Browse ControlLogix tags online .................................................................................................... 34
Step 1 Create a new tag in the RSView32 tag database ......................................................... 34
Step 2 Browse the ControlLogix tag database ............................................................................ 35

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Getting started
Tools and prerequisites

To use the RSView32 tutorials and run the Function Block Demo included with your
RSLogix 5000 software, you need the following:
RSLinx Professional (revision 2.20 or higher)—install from the RSLogix 5000 CD
RSLogix 5000 (revision 7.0 or higher) and FBD Editor option—install from RSLogix 5000 CD
FBD Faceplate ActiveX controls—install from the RSLogix 5000 CD
ControlLogix 7.0 firmware (major revision 7 or higher)
RSView32 6.30 demo software—install from the RSView32 Sampler & Tutorial CD; shut down
and restart your computer before running the demo
RSViewDemo.rsv sample project—run the self-extracting zip file, RSViewDemo.exe, which
installs automatically with the RSLogix 5000 software
Display resolution—for best results, set your computer’s display resolution to 1024 x 768 or

Installing the RSView32 tutorials and demo

1. From the RSLogix 5000 CD, install the following software:
RSLinx Professional
RSLogix 5000 and FBD Editor option
FBD Faceplate ActiveX controls

2. From the RSView32 Sampler & Tutorial CD, install RSView32. Shut down and restart your
The Sampler & Tutorial CD installs a full, feature-complete version of RSView32 that runs for
up to two consecutive hours and allows you to configure up to 35 tags to the ControlLogix
processor and unlimited memory tags.

3. From the Windows Explorer, navigate to the RSLogix 5000 > Projects > Samples directory.
Double-click the self-extracting RSViewDemo zip file. Click the Unzip button.

4. Now you’re ready to run RSView32 and open the RSView32 Demo sample project.

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About the RSView32 tutorials and demo
Your RSLogix 5000 software includes a demo version of RSView32 human-machine interface
software and a sample project, RSViewDemo.rsv, which you can run in RSView32. The demo
project includes three tutorials that step you through configuring communications to a
ControlLogix processor, working in RSView32, and running an RSView32 project that contains
the FBD Faceplate ActiveX controls. The RSView32 sample project introduces you to these
Rockwell Software products:

RSView32 is integrated, component-based HMI software for monitoring and
controlling automation machines and processes. RSView32 expands your view
with open technologies that provide unprecedented connectivity to other
Rockwell Software products, Microsoft products, and third-party applications.

RSLogix 5000 Function Block Diagramming Editor

RSLogix 5000 is a fully integrated FBD editor using enhanced process and
drives control instructions. Save development time and improve productivity
when using these instructions to apply the Logix controller in sophisticated
process and drives applications. New ActiveX faceplate controls make it easy to
visualize your applications.

RSLinx Professional
RSLinx provides a complete driver suite for all of the Allen-Bradley networks.
View your active networks through a single window and run any combination of
supported applications simultaneously, through the same or different
communication interfaces. RSLinx provides the fastest optimized OPC, DDE,
and Custom C/C++ interfaces.

To make it easy to print the tutorials so that you can try the steps yourself, we’ve included the
steps for all three tutorials in this document. Try running the tutorials in RSView32 first, and then
use this document to create your own RSView32 project that connects to your ControlLogix

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Running the RSView32 tutorials and demo

1. If you haven’t already, set your computer’s display resolution to 1024 x 768 or higher before

2. Start RSView32.
From the Start menu, select Programs > Rockwell Software > RSView32 > RSView32 Works.

3. Open the project named RSViewDemo.rsv.

The default path is RSLogix 5000 > Projects > Samples > RSViewDemo.

4. From the RSView32 Project Manager, click the Run Mode tab, and then click the Run Project

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5. From the Welcome display, click the Next button.

6. Click a button to start one of the tutorials or the demo:

Quick Start Tutorial.
Begin with this tutorial. It steps you through configuring a path from
RSLinx to your ControlLogix processor, and then shows you how to download a sample
program from RSLogix 5000 to your ControlLogix processor.
Function Block Demo. Run this demo in RSView32 to see an example of the PIDE (PID
enhanced) and D2SD (2 state device) faceplates. To run this in RSView32, you’ll need to
set up communications. See “Configure a path from RSLinx to your ControlLogix
processor,” beginning on page 6.
RSView32 Tutorial. Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to configure faceplate
ActiveX controls in RSView32.
RSView32 Tutorial – OPC Address Browse. Learn how to browse the ControlLogix tags
online, while creating tags in RSView32.

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Quick Start Tutorial
Configure a path from RSLinx to your ControlLogix processor

In order to run the Function Block Demo in RSView32, you first must configure a path from
RSLinx to your ControlLogix processor. In our Quick Start Tutorial, we configure an Ethernet path
to a ControlLogix processor. These steps illustrate just one example of configuring a path. If you
are using an interface other than Ethernet, the steps you’ll follow will not exactly match the steps

Follow the Quick Start Tutorial to set up communications. Then run RSView32, open the
RSViewDemo.rsv sample project, and run the Function Block Demo.

Before you begin…

To access the Enet module, it first must be configured with a valid IP address. One way to do this
is to run a BootP server program that automatically provides the IP number. The BootP server
must be configured to serve a specific IP number to the Ethernet hardware address of the
processor. You can find the Ethernet hardware address on the front of the Ethernet module.

By default, the ControlLogix Ethernet module is set to obtain its IP address from a BootP server.
The graphic below shows how to open the Module Configuration dialog in RSLinx for an Ethernet
module that has a valid IP number from a BootP server.

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Another approach is to use the serial cable connected to the front of the ControlLogix controller.
In RSWho, browse to the Ethernet module from the DF1 Driver over the backplane. Right-click
the Ethernet module to configure the IP address manually. Ask your network administrator for the
Subnet Mask and Gateway Address. Once the Ethernet module is configured with a valid IP
number, the status light flashes green.

Step 1 Configure an Ethernet driver in RSLinx

1. Open RSLinx. From the Communications menu, select Configure Drivers.

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2. From the list of driver types, select Remote Devices via Linx Gateway.
There are many ways to connect to the processor. The driver type you choose depends on
the hardware interface you are using. In this example, we configure a path through an
Ethernet module across the backplane to the ControlLogix processor. To determine which
driver you should configure, refer to the table below.
If you have this hardware Select this driver type
Serial cable RS232-DF1 Devices

ISA bus KTC or KTCX card 1784-KTC(X) for ControlNet devices

PCI bus PCIC card 1784-PCIC for ControlNet devices

PCMCIA port ControlNet card 1784-PCC for ControlNet devices

Ethernet module Remote devices via Linx Gateway

provides a one-to-one link between the computer and
the ControlLogix Ethernet module

Ethernet devices
Provides a one-to-many link between the computer
and multiple ControlLogix Ethernet modules

Any type of DH+ interface card 1784-KT,KTX(D),PKTX(D) for DH+/DH485 devices

3. Click the Add New button.

4. Type a name for the new driver or leave the default name, and then click OK.

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5. Type the IP address of the ControlLogix processor, and then click OK.
Note that these steps illustrate just one example of configuring a path. If you are using an
interface other than Ethernet, the steps you’ll follow will not exactly match these steps.

6. In the Status column, verify that the new driver is running, and then click the Close button.

7. In RSLinx, click the RSWho button to browse the PLC network.

Expand the path to the TCP-1, Ethernet. (You should see the Ethernet IP address.)
Click to expand the 1756-ENET/A module.

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8. Click to expand the backplane, and then click the 1756-L1/A LOGIX5550 module.

9. Right-click the 1756-L1/A LOGIX5550 module. From the menu, select Configure New
DDE/OPC topic. (Using the DDE/OPC Topic Configuration dialog may not produce the
correct results.)

10. By default, the topic name becomes the program name. For this demo project to
communicate, you must type CLX as the topic name. Click the Done button.

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Step 2 Download a sample project from RSLogix 5000

1. Start RSLogix 5000 and open the RSViewDemo.acd program.

You can either launch RSLogix 5000 from the Windows Start menu or from a button in the
Quick Start Tutorial. If you launch RSLogix 5000 from the Start RSLogix button in the Quick
Start Tutorial, the demo project file, named RSViewDemo.acd, opens in RSLogix 5000 for
you. If you need to browse for the demo project, its default installation path is:
c:\RSLogix 5000\Projects\Samples\RSViewDemo\CLXProgram\RSViewDemo.acd

2. From the Edit menu, select Properties. Check the slot settings. The demo file is set for slot 0;
if your chassis contains the processor in another slot, modify this setting before continuing.

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3. From the Communications menu, select WhoActive.

4. Navigate to the ControlLogix processor. (This is the same path used when configuring the
topic earlier.) Double-click to expand until you see the ControlLogix processor.

5. Click the processor to select it, and then select Apply Current Path to Project. Click the
Download button.

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6. If you see the prompt below, click the Download button to continue. This switches the
controller from Remote Run to Program mode.

7. Watch as status messages indicate the download progress. When the download finishes,
click Yes at the prompt to switch the controller back to Remote Run. If the system does not
generate a prompt, turn the key switch on the controller to the Run position.

8. Save your changes to the RSViewDemo.acd file.

9. Exit RSLogix 5000 before continuing.

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10. The Quick Start Tutorial includes sample VBA code that can download programs to the
ControlLogix processor. To work with this sample, open the RSViewDemo.rsv project in
To examine the code, from the RSView32 Project Manager, open the Logic and Control
folder, and then double-click Visual Basic Editor.

To see an example of the code in action, run the Quick Start Tutorial. On step 15 of 15,
click the Download button.

11. Now that you’ve configured a path to your ControlLogix processor and downloaded a sample
RSLogix 5000 program, you can:
open RSView32, start the RSViewDemo.rsv project, and run the Function Block Demo; see
page 15
configure Function Block Editor faceplate controls in an RSView32 project; see page 20
browse ControlLogix tags online while creating tags in an RSView32 project; see page 34

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Function Block Demo
Run the Function Block demo in RSView32

To run this demo in RSView32, you must first configure a path from RSLinx to your ControlLogix
processor, and then download a sample project from RSLogix 5000 to your ControlLogix
processor. For help, see “Configure a path from RSLinx to your ControlLogix processor”
beginning on page 6.

Step 1 Start RSView32 and open the RSViewDemo.rsv project

1. Start RSView32. Tip

From the Start menu, select Programs > Rockwell RSViewDemo.rsv is contained in a self-
Software > RSView32 > RSView32 Works. extracting zip file that installs automatically
when you install RSLogix 5000. To extract the
program files and run the RSView32 demos
2. Open the project named RSViewDemo.rsv.
and tutorials, navigate to RSLogix 5000 >
The default path is RSLogix 5000 > Projects > Samples Projects > Samples. Double-click
> RSViewDemo., and then click the Unzip

3. To run the project, from the RSView32 Project Manager, click the Run Mode tab, and then
click the Run Project button.

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4. From the Welcome display, click the Next button. If you haven’t already, set your computer’s
display resolution to 1024 x 768 or higher before continuing.

Step 2 Run the Function Block Demo

1. Click the Function Block Demo button.

The first time the Function Block Demo is opened, the alarming subsystem starts, and the
trend data is cached. You should see wireframed objects for about five seconds until this
initialization is complete. (For demonstration purposes, we defer active communications with
the processor; this is not how you would typically initialize an RSView32 project.)

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2. Examine the function block display. Click and drag the slider to change the flow rate.

3. On the Function Blocks display, click the valve to open the PIDE faceplate.

4. Examine the PIDE control. Click the Detail button.

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5. To configure alarm thresholds, make the following entries. Press the Enter key after each
entry to write the new threshold to the processor. When you finish your entries, close the
PV HiHi Limit 90 <Enter>
PV Hi Limit. 80 <Enter>
PV Lo Limit. 20 <Enter>
PV LoLo Limit 10 <Enter>

6. On the Function Blocks display, click the Alarming button.

7. Examine the AlarmData display. Acknowledge an alarm, and then click the Return button.

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8. On the Function Blocks display, click the valve to open the PIDE faceplate again.

9. On the PIDE faceplate, click the Auto button. Set a new setpoint, and then click the Close

10. On the Function Blocks display, click the Trending button. Examine the TrendData display,
and then click the Close button.

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11. On the Function Blocks display, click the tank to open the agitator D2SD faceplate. Examine
the control, and then click the Close button.

12. When you finish exploring the Function Blocks Demo, click the Return button.

RSView32 Tutorial
Configure a Function Block Editor faceplate control

In this tutorial, you learn how to insert and configure a Function Block Editor faceplate control in

Step 1 Create a new graphic display

1. In RSView32, open the RSViewDemo.rsv project.

2. From the Edit Mode of the Project Manager, double-click the Graphics folder, and then
double-click Display to create a new graphic display.

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3. Right-click inside the graphic display. From the menu, select Display Settings.

4. On the Display Settings dialog, select the options shown below. Set the background color to
light gray. Click OK.

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Step 2 Add faceplate controls to the ActiveX Toolbox

1. Before working with the faceplate controls, we’ll first add them to the ActiveX Toolbox. From
the View menu, select ActiveX Toolbox.

2. Right-click the tabbed area of the toolbox. Select New Page.

3. Right-click in the tab area of the toolbox, and then select Rename.

4. In the Caption box, type CLXFacePlates, and then click OK.

5. Right-click in the controls area of the toolbox, and then select Additional Controls.

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6. Scroll down to the Logix 5000 controls. For this example, select the D2SD and PIDE
faceplate controls, and then click OK.

The two controls appear on the Active Toolbox.

Step 3 Drop PIDE faceplate control onto a graphic display

1. To make room for the faceplate control, drag the bottom of the Untitled graphic display to
lengthen it. If the ActiveX Toolbox is covering the graphic display, drag it out of your way.

2. On the ActiveX Toolbox, click the PIDE control. Then click and drag to place the control on
the graphic display.

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Step 4 Configure the faceplate control

1. To open its properties, double-click the faceplate control.

2. To browse the ControlLogix tags online, click the Browse button to the right of the Tag box.

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3. To expand the list of ControlLogix tags, double-click CLX > Online >
Program:ProcessSimulation > LevelController.

4. The tag and topic fields should appear initialized, as shown below. Click OK.

5. To test the control, click the Test Run button.

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6. To stop the test run, click the Normal button.

Step 5 Add a Close button to the graphic display

1. From the RSView32 toolbar, click the Button icon. Then click and drag to add the button near
the bottom of the graphic display.

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2. Click the Action tab. In the Press action box, type ABORT ME.

3. Click the Up Appearance tab. In the Button Label box, type CLOSE. Click OK.

4. Save the graphic display and name it PIDTest.

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5. Close the graphic display.

Step 6 Run your project

1. From the RSView32 Project Manager, click the Run Mode tab.

2. Open the Graphics folder, and click Display. In the right-hand pane, double-click PIDTest to
run it.

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3. On the running faceplate control, click the Detail button.

4. Examine the PIDE configuration, and then close the window.

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5. Click the Manual button to suspend PID loop processing.

6. Notice the Mode box in the upper right changes to Operator Manual.

7. Drag the setpoint slider to a new value.

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8. Notice the PIDE control does not respond to the new value. Click the Auto button.

9. The control begins to respond to the new setpoint. Click the Tune button.

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10. Observe the tuning chart, and then close the window.

11. Close the PIDTest graphic display.

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12. From the RSView32 Project Manager, click the Stop Project button, and then click the Edit
Mode tab.

13. Now that you've finished configuring and running a PIDE faceplate control in RSView32, you
browse ControlLogix tags online while creating tags in RSView32; see page 34
open RSView32, start the RSViewDemo.rsv project, and run the Function Block Demo; see
page 15

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RSView32 Tutorial - OPC Address Browse
Browse ControlLogix tags online

After configuring a path from RSLinx to your ControlLogix controller, you can browse ControlLogix
tags online and use them inside RSView32.

Step 1 Create a new tag in the RSView32 tag database

1. From the Edit Mode of the RSView32 Project Manager, open the System folder, and then
double-click Tag Database.

2. Click the Insert Row button.

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Step 2 Browse the ControlLogix tag database

1. To add a tag from the ControlLogix tag database, make the following entries:
In the Name box, type CLX\TAG1
In the Type box, select Analog
In the Data Source area, select Device as the tag type
To open the ControlLogix tag database, click the Browse button to the right of the Node
Name box

2. Select the node name CLX, and then click OK.

3. In the Data Source area, click the Browse button to the right of the Address box.

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4. To expand the tree, double-click CLX > Online > Program:ProcessSimulation.

5. Scroll down, and then click levelController.

6. Using the scroll bars, arrange the right pane so that you can see the full tag names.

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7. Scroll down and select the PrcessSimulation.LevelController.SP tag. Click OK.

8. Notice the Address box fills with the name of the selected tag. Click the Accept button.

9. Close the Tag Database window.

10. Now that you’ve used a ControlLogix tag to create a new tag in RSView32, you can:
open RSView32, start the RSViewDemo.rsv project, and run the Function Block Demo; see
page 15
configure Function Block Editor faceplate controls in an RSView32 project; see page 20

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This completes the set of tutorials and demos that demonstrate preferred compatibility between
RSView32, ControlLogix, and RSLogix 5000 software. To continue learning on your own, try
creating a new project in RSView32, connecting to your ControlLogix processor, working with the
FBD Faceplate controls, and browsing for ControlLogix tags.

To learn more about RSView32 and RSLogix 5000, explore the interactive tutorials that ship with
your RSLogix 5000 software.

To learn about... Explore...

Quick Tour
Configuring the ControlLogix
Installs with your RSLogix 5000 software. From the
system using RSLogix 5000
Windows Start menu, select Programs > Rockwell
Software > RSLogix 5000 > Quick Tour.

RSView32 Tutorial
Getting started with RSView32 From the RSView32 Sampler & Tutorial CD, select Run the

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