Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
2. Introduction to PIC16F84A
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed ALKRUNZ
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dept.
PIC16F84A - PortA and PortB Registers
PIC16F84A has two separated ports: Port A and Port B. These port could be used as
Input port or as Output port.
PortA has 5 pins (RA0 to RA4), the corresponding data direction register is TrisA.
Therefore, you can reach PortA just via TrisA.
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October 13, 2022 2
EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A - Port A and Port B Registers
Setting a TrisA bit (bit = 1) will make the corresponding PortA pin as input.
Also, resetting a TrisA bit (bit = 0) will make the corresponding PortA pin as output.
TRISA 0 1 1 0 1
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A - PortA and PortB Registers
PortB has 8 pins (RB0 to RB7), the corresponding data direction register is TrisB.
Therefore, you can reach PortB just via TrisB.
The same idea of PortA is applied for PortB to set the pins as input or output.
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Memory Organization
Address: 00H to 3FH
“Indirect Map”
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Program Memory
(1) Program Counter
(2) Stack Memory
(3) The program must start here
(4) The Interrupt Service Routine must start here
(5) Program Counter points to locations in program (6)
(6) Unimplemented memory space
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Data Memory
The data memory is partitioned into two areas. The
first is the Special Function Registers (SFR) area,
while the second is the General Purpose Registers (1)
(GPR) area.
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- EEPROM Memory
EEPROM memory consists of 64 locations, with 8 bits width (64 × 8).
It is not able to write directly to this memory. There are some protection steps to be
done before writing process is performed.
The content information which is stored in this memory is not lost during the losing of
power supply.
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Some of SFR
Status Register:
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Some of SFR
Example: (Z bit)
This bit is important in programming since it could be an indication for some results. For
example, if two numbers are subtracted and you want to check if they are equal to each
other or not, then:
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Some of SFR
Example: (DC and C bits)
F 5 2 F F F
+ + 3 3 +
3 2 3 3
-------- -------- --------
12 7 6 2 13 2
DC = 0 DC = 1 DC = 1
C=1 C=0 C=1
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Some of SFR
OPTION Register:
INTCON Register:
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11.10.2019 12
EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Some of SFR
The PC is 13 bits wide. The low byte is called the PCL register.
This register is readable and writable.
The high byte is called the PCH register. This register contains
the PC<8:12> bits and is not directly readable or writable.
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11.10.2019 13
EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Execution Instructions (Cycle)
Clock is the microcontroller's main starter, and is obtained from an external component
called an "oscillator".
Clock from the oscillator enters a microcontroller via OSC1 pin where internal circuit of
a microcontroller divides the clock into four even clocks Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 to manage
the process of “Fetch” and “Execute” operations which do not overlap, and hence
faster program.
These four clocks make up one instruction cycle (also called machine cycle) during
which one instruction is executed.
Instruction is called from program memory on every Q1, and is written in instruction
register on Q4.
Decoding and execution of instruction are done between the next Q1 and Q4 cycles.
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Execution Instructions (Cycle)
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Clock Generator “Oscillator”
PIC16F84A can work with four different configurations of an oscillator.
The user can program two Configuration Word bits (FOSC1 and FOSC0) to select one
of these four modes:
2. XT: Crystal/Resonator
4. RC: Resistor/Capacitor
The configuration Word and how to select the mode to be discussed after this topic.
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11.10.2019 16
EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Clock Generator “Oscillator”
Intended for low frequency crystal applications, and gives the lowest power
consumption possible. However, it will operate at any frequency below around
XT: Crystal/Resonator:
The standard crystal configuration, intended for crystals or ceramics in the range
1MHz to 4MHz.
A higher drive version of the XT configuration, for higher frequency crystals and
ceramic resonators. Intended for frequencies in the region of 4MHz or greater. It
leads to the highest current consumption of all the oscillator modes.
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11.10.2019 17
EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Clock Generator “Oscillator”
Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Operation (HS, XT or LP) Configuration:
Requires connection of an external resistor and capacitor. The lowest cost way of
getting an oscillator, but should not be used when any timing accuracy is required.
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Reset
That practically means that microcontroller can behave rather inaccurately under
certain undesirable conditions.
In order to continue its proper functioning, it has to be reset, meaning all registers
would be placed in a starting position.
Reset is not only used when microcontroller doesn't behave the way we want it to, but
can also be used when trying out a device as an interrupt in program execution, or to
get a microcontroller ready when reading in a program.
One of the most important effects of a reset is setting a program counter (PC) to zero
(00H), which enables the program to start executing from the first written instruction.
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Reset
In order to prevent from bringing a logical zero to MCLR pin accidentally MCLR has to
be connected via resistor to the positive supply pole.
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Reset
Microcontroller PIC16F84 knows several sources of resets:
b) Reset during regular work by bringing logical zero to MCLR microcontroller's pin.
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11.10.2019 22
EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Configuration Word
These bits are mapped in program memory location 2007h. Address 2007h is beyond
the user program memory space and it belongs to the special test/configuration
memory space (2000h – 3FFFh). This space can only be accessed during
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
PIC16F84A- Configuration Word
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
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EEE471: Embedded System Design
Dr. M. Alkrunz
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EEE471: Embedded System Design