Experiment No 01 Venturimeter

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Dept. of Mech Engg. IV SEM MECH ENGG.



AIM: To determine the coefficient of discharge of a Venturimeter and to calibrate the same.

APPARATUS: Venturimeter, Differential U-tube manometer, measuring tank and stop watch.

DESCRIPTION: Venturimeter is fitted to a pipeline with a gate valve to regulate the flow. Two tappings,
one at inlet of Venturimeter and the other at the throat are provided on the Venturimeter. A U-tube
mercury differential manometer is connected to the two pressure tappings to measure the pressure
difference. A measuring tank is used for measuring actual discharge.

THEORY: Venturimeter is the most widely used device to measure the discharge through a pipe. It
consists of an inlet section, the diameter of it is same as pipe diameter, a converging cone of about 20 °
cone angle, a cylindrical throat, a diverging cone of about 7° cone angle and a cylindrical exit section. It
can be installed in any position horizontal, vertical or inclined, but it is generally kept horizontal. The
reduction in diameter between inlet and throat causes the velocity of the fluid to increase
correspondingly a pressure difference is established between inlet and throat. This pressure difference is
measured with a differential U-tube manometer.

The flow through the Venturimeter and hence through the pipe is given by

a 1 a2 √ 2 gH
Q= 2
… … … … …..(1)
√a 1 −a 22


Q = Theoretical Discharge in m3/sec

a1 = Area of Venturimeter at inlet in m 2

a2 = Area of throat in m2

g = acceleration due to gravity in m/sec 2

H = Differential pressure head of liquid in m

H=R ( S
−1 )
R = Differential manometer reading in m

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Dept. of Mech Engg. IV SEM MECH ENGG.


Sm = Sp. Gravity of manometric liquid

S = Sp. Gravity of flowing liquid

The discharge found from equation 1 gives theoretical discharge. In actual practice the actual discharge
is less than the theoretical discharge owing to friction and other losses.

The coefficient of discharge Cd is defined as the ratio of actual discharge to the theoretical discharge.

Actual Discharge Q
C d= = a
Theoretical Discharge Qt

Thus the equation for actual discharge becomes

C d a1 a2 √2 gH
Q a= 2
… … … … … ..(2)
√a 1 −a22

Q a=Cd K √ H … … … … …..(3)


a1 a 2 √ 2 g
K= 2
… … … … …( 4)
√a 1 −a22

“ K ” is the Venturimeter constant.


1. Fill in the sump tank with clean water

2. Keep the delivery valve closed
3. Switch ON the pump and open the delivery valve
4. Open the corresponding ball valve of the venturi pipe line
5. Adjust the flow through the control valve of the pump
6. Open the corresponding ball valves fitted to venture tappings
7. Note down the differential head reading in the manometer. (Expel if any air is there by opening
the drain cocks provided with the manometer)
8. Operate the butterfly valve to note down the collecting tank reading against the known time
9. Keep it open when the readings are not taken

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Dept. of Mech Engg. IV SEM MECH ENGG.


10. Change the flow rate and repeat the experiment


Inlet diameter : d1 = ______ m

Throat diameter : d2 = ______ m

Area of collecting tank : A = _____ m2


1. Venturimeter Constant
a1 a2 √ 2 g
K= 2
√a 1 −a22

π d1
Where a1 = area of inlet section of venturi = m2

π d2
a2 = area of throat section of venturi = m2

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s 2

2. Differential pressure head or Venturi head

H=R ( −1)

Where R = differential reading of manometer in ‘ m ‘

Sm = Specific gravity of manometric fluid = 13.6

S = Specific gravity of flowing fluid = 1

3. Actual Discharge
Q a= m3/ s

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Dept. of Mech Engg. IV SEM MECH ENGG.


Where A = area of the collecting tank in ‘ m 2 ‘
h = rise of water level in ‘ m ‘
t = time taken for rise of water level in ‘ sec ‘

4. Theoretical discharge
Q t =K √ H m3/ s

5. Coefficient of discharge of the meter

Actual discharge Q
C d= = a
Theoretical discharge Qt


1. Qa Vs Qt
From graph slope, Cd =


Cd (analytical) =

Cd (from graph) =

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