The Added Benefit Intro Slides

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A unique employee benefit designed to REDUCE STRESS and encourage a

positive and loyal environment in the workplace, while REDUCING COSTS.

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s a c o mpany ed Benefit,
n tim e cost ut. The Add p l oyees
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The o f Wo r k p l a c e
Stress Statistics

Every dollar spent

on your employees'
Companies who are
stress issues can
generous on vacation
save nearly $3.50
policies can return
in health care and
14.8% more to their
about $5.80 in
The Kiplinger Report
Workforce Management Online 3
There is a difference between
a benefit that employees
EXPECT and a benefit that
puts a SMILE on their face.

We create smiles.
Why Employers Like This
• Generates up to 700% ROI
— Lower Health Care Premiums
— Increased Productivity
— Increased Creativity & Innovation
• Improves Morale and Employee Retention
• Low Expense to Company means High ROI
• Offer a Benefit That’s Brand new to the
• We promote Corporate Wellness
we ”
H o
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 High value high touch with local

The Added Benefit, powered by Rovia, representation
takes the concept of Exclusive Resorts,  Seamless integration and powerful
Disney Vacations and internet packages reporting
and merges them together to create trips
 We are NOT a time share.
of a lifetime. Our bulk buying power allows
your employees to easily afford
 We add value by providing hosted, turnkey
packages on an unlimited basis
DreamTrips for a weekend, a week, or to a
distant land, creating lifelong memories.
 We ek e nd G e t a w a y s, C r u is e s ,G o lf , F is hi ng, S pa , Ski ,
A ll - in c lu si ve 4 - 5 S t a r R es or t s , S po r t s , Win e Ta st in gs

 R o v ia H a n dle s A l l R es e r v at io ns a n d P la nn in g

 D r e a mTr ip s h o st a cc o mp a ni es m os t t r i ps

 N e w Va c at io ns a dd e d w ee k ly

 Sp o us e /Sig n if ic a nt O t he r /G u e s t + C h ild r e n

 We a re N O T a t im e sh ar e. We a r e a v a ca t i on b e ne f it .

• Minimum of 5 Participants
• Fringe, Partial Fringe or Non-Contributory
• Simple Set-up and Administration
• Schedule Group Enrollment Presentations
[email protected]

Wellness Begins Here….

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