Deed of Absolute Sale

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This Deed of Absolute Sale (“Deed”), made and entered into by and

JULIETA S. MONTUERTO, of legal age, Filipino, widow and

presently residing at Compostela, Compestal Valley, Misamis
Occidental, represented herein by her dully appointed Attorney-in
Fact, JULIETA S. MONTUERTO, Filipino, of legal age, married and a
resident of Barangay I, Tangub City, Misamis Occidental, per Special
Power of Attorney dated 29 April 2011 registered as Doc. No. 461;
Page No. 92; Book No. CXXXIX; Series of 2011 of the Notarial Register
of Notary Public RUBEN D. ALMATERA, and hereinafter referred to as


CARRYL ALVAREZ TAMBIGA, of legal age, Filipino, single and

a resident of San Apolinario, Tangub City, Misamis Occidental,
hereinafter referred to as “BUYER”;


WHEREAS, the SELLER is the declared owner of a certain parcel of

unregistered land, as evidenced by the Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With
Simultaneous Sale of Share And Waiver of Portions dated April 15, 2009 registered
as Doc. No. 132; Page No. 27; Book No. XVII; Series of 2006 of Notary Public
Felipe G. Zapatos, situated at Barangay San Apolinario, Tangub City , Misamis
Occidental, covered by her Tax Declaration No. 92158 in the Office of the City
Assessor of Tangub City , containing a total area of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN
(527) square meters, more or less, and covered by the Original Certificate of Title No.
(1311) D-79 of the Register of Deeds of Tangub City, and more
particularly described as follows:

“A PARCEL OF LAND, LOT NO. 220 of the cadastral survey of

Tangub,with the improvement thereon, situated at Barangay San
Apolinarion, Tangub City, Misamis Occidental. Bounded on the N., by
048; on the S., by Road; on the E., by 054; and in the W., by 024.
Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN (527) sq. m.,
more or less”

WHEREAS, the SELLER is willing to sell the above – described parcel of land,
and the BUYER is ready and willing to buy the same.

NOW, THEREFORE, for an in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED NINETY

FIVE THOUSAND (P195,000.00), receipt of which in full is hereby acknowledged
By the SELLER to her full and complete satisfaction, the SELLER hereby acknowledged
by the SELLER to her full and complete satisfaction, the SELLER hereby absolutely
and unconditionally SELLS, TRANSFERS and CONVEYS a portion of the above-
described parcel of land containing an area of only FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY
SEVEN (527) SQ.M., including all the improvements found and standing thereon,
unto the BUYER, his heirs, successors and assigns, free from all liens and/or

The SELLER hereby undertakes that she, her heirs, successors and assigns
shall warrant and defend the title to the real property subject of this Deed against
all claims of all persons or entities. The SELLER also guarantees the right of the
BUYER to take possession of the property subject of this Deed upon the signing and
execution of this Deed and will defend the latter against all judicial or
administrative actions for eviction.

This Deed shall be valid and binding not only on the parties herein but also
on their heirs, agents, representatives, successors and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto the set their hands this
_______________________in Tangub City, Misamis Occidental.

Represented by:


Seller’s Representative Buyer


____________________________ _____________________________

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