The HSPQ is a new aid for teachers, guidance counselors and for general
clinical and research use.
It is a standardized test that can be given within a class period to individuals
or in groups, to yield a general assessment to personality development.
Measures distinct (14) dimensions or traits of personality which have been
found by psychologist to come near to covering the total personality
By working with these 14 scores, the psychologist can obtain prediction of
school achievement, vocational fitness, danger of delinquency, likelihood of
leadership qualities, need for clinical help in neurotic condition, etc.
Reading level of the test is adapted to ages 11-12 through 18 years old
The test is administered without a time limit but can be complete by all, but
the slowest readers finish in about 40-50 minutes per form.
During the test meaning words may be explained to an examinee upon
request, except for the intelligence scales no. (23, 24, 43, 44, 63, 64, 83, 84,
104, 124)
The average time needed by high school pupils to finish the test will generally
fall with in a class period of 50 to 60 minutes definitely better performance
can insured in the slower examinees by calling out at 10, 20 and 30 minutes
from the start.
Individual testing can be carried out with essentially the same procedure as
group testing so that one leaves the examinees tor read instructions himself,
you ask questions if necessary and to work alone.
Check to see that each question has been given one and only one answers at
the same time, not yet whether there are gross oddities of response which
could upset the keys. Watch for the occasional child who makes all positions,
or who proceeds mechanically to mark all right hand responses, etc. reject
such answer sheet.
Place cardboard stencil key no. 1 on the left hand side of the answer sheet
adjusting it as described right to the key. All necessary instructions for
applying the hand stencil key to get “raw scores” for 7 of the factor are also
printed on the key itself. Do the same with cardboard stencil key no. 2 to get
the other raw scores.
The main standard scores are stens, in which a person can score from 1 to 10, but
additionally, scores can be converted to centiles, which shows what rank the
examinees would have in a group of a hundred people.
To obtain the sten score or centile ranks, simply take a raw score you get from
applying the scoring key and enter in the appropriate table in the tabular
supplement with norms published separately for the test