Detailing Stairs
Detailing Stairs
Detailing Stairs
Figure 1: Stair
Figure 4:
whether a dog-leg
is required
3-D STAIRS The detailer specifies whether be completed in less than 10 min-
a pan or a grating tread will be utes.
Because fabrication and erec-
used, the number of risers
tion of stairs is a 3-dimensional
required, the stringer section Conclusions
problem, using 3-dimensional
size and the stringer offset (or Stairs can be detailed manual-
modeling can be a very useful
distance from top of steel of ly in 2D, or automatically in 3D.
method of detailing. In 3-D, the
stringer to the nosing line). The Although complex, manual draft-
detailer models a physical full
tread vs. rise ratio and whether ing is very common and is widely
size representation of the struc-
the stair is generally safe (see used. Automatic detailing of
ture, and the computer then
the section on 'safe rise and safe stairs in 3D is becoming increas-
automatically produces the fabri-
run') are automatically deter- ingly common because it is sim-
cation drawings. The detailer
mined. ple and fast, helps the checker
can walk around the structure
(because the stair can be visual-
and view it from any perspective,
If a standard rise and tread ized in 3-D), and ensures a good
and build any connection. Every
are selected then the pan can be fit and subsequent ease of erec-
aspect of the structure is seen on
picked from a database of exist- tion.
the screen in front of the detailer
ing sections. If not, then the new Information which designers
so potential problem areas can
pan section will be created auto- should provide to detailers
be eliminated immediately. The
matically (an automatically mod- • Number of treads and the rise
general layout for 3D stairs is
eled pan is shown in Figure 8). (typically given as 16@61/2")
shown in Sketch 5.
The detailer can specify dimen- • Stringer size and type of
sions for the tread thickness and stringer (i.e. channel, or tube)
Method of producing stairs
the toe space but the tread and • Supporting beam sizes and
in 3-D: A stair will usually con-
rise is automatically determined. positions
nect either to concrete or to a
• Nosing points (if possible)
steel platform, so the detailer
From beginning to end, the • Connection details (if possible)
must tell the computer which
entire stair, including modeling
type of platform to use.
the stair, producing the drawing
and drawing the connections, can