This menu lists appetizers and salads, seafood and sandwiches, ribs, specialties and steaks, desserts, lunch options, and a kid's menu. It offers a variety of starters, main dishes from the sea and land, sweet treats, daily lunch fare, and children's selections. Customers can choose from appetizers, salads, seafood, sandwiches, ribs, steaks, desserts, lunches tailored for midday, or kid-friendly plates.
This menu lists appetizers and salads, seafood and sandwiches, ribs, specialties and steaks, desserts, lunch options, and a kid's menu. It offers a variety of starters, main dishes from the sea and land, sweet treats, daily lunch fare, and children's selections. Customers can choose from appetizers, salads, seafood, sandwiches, ribs, steaks, desserts, lunches tailored for midday, or kid-friendly plates.