Qutub Minar or Dhruv Satambh - Prof. M.S Bhatnagar
Qutub Minar or Dhruv Satambh - Prof. M.S Bhatnagar
Qutub Minar or Dhruv Satambh - Prof. M.S Bhatnagar
Peopl e usual l y see t hi s t ower f rom ground. Prof Bhat nagar hi red a hel i copt er
and t ook a phot o f rom t he sky. That i s when he real i sed t hat i s a bl oomi ng l ot us
f l ower.
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!::C!;:S S?El:.: SER!ES- DBRUVl ST1MBBA ?O:. rZR
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at Mehrauli, (Delhi),
Erroneously called "the QUTS MINAR.
My dear reader,
June 10, 1977.
Thi s unique and unprecedenteddiagrarn (Fig 1) Is
that of the so-called OUTS MI NAR. .It uncovers
t he trut h and knocks out all confusing, contra-
dict ory and fllbrkat ed explanations given by
chroniclers of the Mosl em Kings of Defhi and
some archaeologists about the history and
purpose of this tofty stone-tower .
A visit which fost ered present research
In 1961 some college student s WEnt with
me to t he Qutb Minar and engaged an official
an M. A. wi t h Hi story, Questions and
answers bet ween our party and t he Sarkari
guide are given below in brief :-
0 , WMI was the purpose of buildi ng thi s
'MI NAR' ?
A, Vi ctory Tower.
Q. Whose victory over whom ?
A . Md, Ghori 's vi ctory over Rai Pithau'ra
(Prithvi Raj),
Q . Where?
A, At Talain near Panipal.
Q. Why is the Victory Tower at Del hi?
A. Do not know? One gentleman from
t he visitors. a l ecturer in Hi story in the Univer.
si tv of Delhi, t ook up the thread and answered:
1 he Victory Tower wa!> commenced by Ghori
because Del hi became his capita l.
. Q . Objection , Si r, GhOli never had his
capital at Delhi. HI!> capital was at Ghazni,
What logic Is I here in buil oing ,the VicTory Tower
in Del hi?
A. Silence,
Q Even if the Minar w a<; commenced by
Ghar. its name ought to have been 'GHOR]
MtNAR' and not 'OUTB MINAR', Why i s it
... ,, 11., .-1 'n ... h .,
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.... .. _ ..... _ .. -.
Fig. 1
"DhrulfiJ SliJmbhiJ "
IS ObsliJi ned frGm the sky
A . It was probably OUl ubuddin Aibak,
Slave of Ghori, who lai d the foundation of the
mmar for his ma!>ter.
0, If this is true, what made him choo!; e
Del hi as t he si te for t he VIct ory Tower ?
Dr. D. S TRIVLDA ca/ls "GHRUVA ST.t.MBHA" by the ,,'ame 'VI5HNUDHVAJA"
- -
( 2 I
A. Delhi was the capi, .. 1 of Qutbuddin Aibak,
O. 1\ is sai d that t he bUIlding of the Mi nar was commenced during
t he l ile time of Ghari. When Ghori was alive, t he Quc!:> tion of his slave's
ctlpi t al hei ng at Delhi does not arise. After t he death of Ghar, OutbuddlO
was crowned as Sul tan at l ahore, He ru led from lahore and not Delhi
and ultImately died al lahore. HIS ca pit <l l was at l ahore 7 Why did he
build t he vICt Ory tower at Del hi ?
A, S,lellce
SOllle body from Ihe cluaience <I !> sclted that the Minar is not a vict or.,.
t ower hut, il ' Mazina' lMue7ZIO's Tower in' att ached to
ul.l slam Mosq',e' .
o The wOld 'Ouwwfl j ul Islilm Mosql ,e' is unkn own 10 contempo-
rary histor y 0 1 India, This wOld was coinet1 by SIr Saiyid Ahm'ld Khan in
I he f irst par i of the ni neteenth ren tury. Do nOI be sUlpri sed t o know
that the name 'OUTB MINAR', t oo, IS not known t o I ndian History. It is
alSO:l recent fabrication, If. l or the of argument , we take it for
"ranled that the minar is a muezzin's ' t ower, t he mosque assumes
primary impolI<lnce and the l ower secondary, but unfol tun":l l e1y the
mosque, as you see it (Fig . 4). IS in complete ruins. How do you account
tor th e mosque nf pdmary importance t o he in rui ll s ancJ Ihe muezzi n's
l ower, .. huildlnQ of no conse quence, t o be sla.nding in full majesty ?
A, No AnswPT.
["lar ge menl cfth.
danielll lOTL:S
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FlOWEIt in full
bloom undt'. Fi g. 1.
Br the 511mt IIl1thor : STONES SPEI-K'i No. r.
"1)01"': Itlc REn I,On "'. "clhi. h"lon"! I" SII"'IJ \ltA"S 11 .... ':'
( 3 )
'Masjid & Mazina' with regard to the Dulb Minar IS a "COCK & BULL
STORY", The socal1ed Outb Minar <lnd the ruined Jdnli close by
cannot be asoibed to the same builder . The Dutb Minar is a much older
The Durani e inscript ions on t he Minar are for ced and lifeless lnser
tions between forceful and beautiful fr iezebands of pure HINDU DESI GN,
To consider the minar of Moslem origin fr om the Quranic i nscriprlons
would be labelling a non-Muslim as a Mus.alman because ci rcumcision
has been forced on him.
The Minar is In fact the OHRUVA STAMBHA Or the central obse ..
vatioo tower of an ancient Hindu Astronomical Observatory. Fig 1 is
based on observat ion fr om a two seater aeroplane made to hover over I he
top 01 the DHRUVA S r AMBHA. The tower looks like a 24-pet" lIed lotus
fl ower (Fig: 2). each pelal leprt:ser.ling an 'HORA', ;,e., an hOUf on a
24hour dial (Fig. 3) \'ellical f:',o:,-ction lines drawn hom I he mid pOlllls
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Fig. 3
Noti ce the black band vvith 24 segments.
an ' HQRA' or an hour. The outer vvsll of
similar i n outline to [he black band.
ear:h representing
the Outh Mm8r is
81 Ille .same ,wlhor: ",." ".
'r"f""' .. n f,.;'t if 7fT .. iT ",ptl 'If ......
fIJI <;(1"' -'" i" i ? ..
(4 I
0: stone-flutings on t he t op of each storey of the towar to the horizontal
plane at its base create a lotus flower similar 10 what can be seen
from the sky over the top of the tower- bottom fig. 1
24-PetalJed architectural lotus fl ower is purely a Hindu concept. It
cannot be attributed to any Moslem king from dr'l parts of Western Asia
where lotuses do nOI grow.
You are the proud possessor of the 'LOTUS' projection of the
DHRUVA STAMBHA which is the. result of original thinki ng, perseverance
and expense. Such a projection was neither drawn nor conceived by any
architect at archaeologist in the past. let any body come forward and
challenge the statement. Now, yO\! can reasonably silence all those who
believe the DHRUVA STAMBHA to be a production of Md. Ghari or
QUlbuddin Ai uak Sullans associ at ed wilh thi :. 'Minar' defiled its casi ng
reversed stones bearing human 0'_ animal figures and inserted Arabic
inscriptions. These Sullans can, of COurse, be praised for not making any
claim that they built the No body has left any inscription
as!>erting Ihat he started the Minar.
Your intt:rest in my work, dear reader, is the rP.al force behind the
researCh I am conducling. Thanking you for your good Will ,
Sincere1r yours,
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Fig, 4
"The crumbling Jami Maslid was named as QUWWAT-Ul'ISlA.M
MOSQUE by Sir Saiyid Ahmad ' Khan. The celebrated IRON
prlL4R can be seen In front of the Central arch. To CAll the
towering DHRUVA S TAM6 H-". (Qutb MInar) a Mazina of this
r u in .. d rnosque i s the height of absurdjty.
A5H:lK. Pitl,,.rERS, 3\NolVYII;l M a l k ~ t , GHA2; I ABAO.
He. 1/ .