Put The Words Into The Diagram Below

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Put the words into the diagram below.

1. adjectives 6. cool
2. cold 7. sunny
3. warm 8. to shine
4. to rain 9. to blow
5. rainy 10. cloudy

© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004

Downloaded from the vocabulary section in www.onestopenglish.com
Complete the sentences with one word. Use the words from exercise 1.
There is sometimes more than one possible answer. You sometimes have
to change the form of the word.

1. It’s very ___________ today, you need to wear a hat to protect your
head from the sun.
2. It ___________ a lot in Canada in the winter.
3. In Washington state, the weather is often very wet and ___________.
4. Be careful, the wind is ___________ very hard outside.
5. What a beautiful day! The sun is ___________.
6. If you are ___________ put a sweater on.

Listen to the teacher read you the weather forecast of the USA. Write the
information you hear about these cities.

New York: ______________________________________________________

Chicago: ________________________________________________________

San Francisco: ___________________________________________________

Miami: _________________________________________________________

Work with a partner. Look at the examples from exercise 2 and 3. Can you
make a similar weather forecast for your country?

In the United States, people say the temperature in Fahrenheit degrees. In

many other countries, people say the temperature in Celsius. What do
people use in your country?

Example: Today, the temperature is 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Today, the temperature is 21 degrees Celsius.

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How to calculate Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit:

Fahrenheit = (Celsius x 1.8) + 32

Celsius = (Fahrenheit – 32) / 1.8

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Teacher’s notes – The Weather

Students learn twelve items of weather lexis. The task in this vocabulary lesson
is a listening and a speaking task to tell the weather. The optional cultural aim of
this lesson is to highlight the way people tell the temperature in America
(Fahrenheit) and how to calculate Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Warmer – Talking about the weather in class

Ask your students “What is the weather today?” Elicit some answers and follow
up with other questions. “Is this normal weather for [October]?” “Do you like this
weather?” “What is your favourite weather?”
If students are struggling with weather words, give them the help they need and
put the words on the board.

1) Weather words: Spidergram

Explain the first exercise on the worksheet and ask students to complete
it in pairs. Check back the answers and clarify meaning of completely
unknown words where necessary.

Verbs: to snow, to rain, to blow (used with wind), to shine (used with the sun)
Temperature: hot, warm, cool, cold
Adjectives: windy, rainy, sunny, cloudy

2) Weather sentences

Once students have completed the first exercise, move on to the second, which
involves putting the words in the right places. There is more than one possible
answer (possibilities given below).

1. hot/sunny 2. snows 3. rainy 4. blowing 5. shining 6. cold/cool

3) Listening

Explain to the students that they are going to have a dictation, but they
only need to write down the weather words and numbers they hear
associated with the cities on the worksheet. Read out the following
weather report and repeat it if necessary.

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“Good afternoon and here is the quick weather forecast for the United States.
Starting with the north. In Chicago it’s going to be a cloudy day with a
temperature of around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Unfortunately for all of you who
live in New York it’s going to be very wet. Yes, it’s going to rain all day in the Big
Apple with an average temperature of 60.
In the south the sun is going to shine all day in San Francisco, with a nice hot
temperature of 80. But look out Miami. There are some big storms coming, and
after a cloudy morning and it’s going to rain in the afternoon and all night. The
temperature will be hot and humid, around 78 degrees.”

4) Speaking

Give students time to prepare this task (it could be prepared for homework). To
make the task even more authentic, ask them to make a weather map which
they can indicate while they give their weather report. Have students present it
to each other in groups. Who makes the best weather presenter in the class?

5) Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Go over the note at the bottom of the page. Ask students what they use in their
country. Go back to the temperatures from the weather forecast in the Listening
and ask the students to convert them into Celsius.

© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004

Downloaded from the vocabulary section in www.onestopenglish.com

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