Survey To Develop A New PC Game: BY:-Aditya Mahajan
Survey To Develop A New PC Game: BY:-Aditya Mahajan
Survey To Develop A New PC Game: BY:-Aditya Mahajan
The video game industry is the economic sector involved with the development, marketing and sales of video games. It encompasses dozens of job disciplines and employs thousands of people worldwide. Modern personal computers owe many advancements and innovations to the game industry: sound cards, graphics cards and 3D graphic accelerators, CD ROM and DVD-ROM drives, are a few of the more notable improvements Modern games are among the most demanding of applications on PC resources. Many of the high-powered personal computers are purchased by gamers who want the fastest equipment to power the latest cutting-edge games.
There Are Many Objective Of This Survey. Some Are Listed Below: To find out the type of game gamers like now a days. To find how many hours a average gamer spend time playing game. To find on what basis individual buy a game. To find which gaming platforms is preferred most now a days.
And main final objective of this is survey is to gather data to develop a new pc game.
By asking professional gamers around the world. By asking game developers. By putting questioner form on online gaming community. (GARENA,GAMESPOT).
3. How many hours you spend playing game? 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours 4-6 hours/week
5. How you prefer to play? Single player Multi player Massive multiplayer
6. Which game you play? All games Prefers big names in market Wait for review to play 7. On what basis you mostly buy game? Usually buy all games Friends recommendations Professional gamers review Big names in market
8. How much you spend to buy game? 500-1000 Rs 1000-2000 Rs Dont care if game is good
9. Where do you prefer playing? Home personal computer Net caf 10. Do you use any gaming device? Xbox controller Gaming keyboard & mouse Racing wheel Joystick
By observing the results from survey a new pc game can be made to hit the market.