Commentary On The Security Agreement

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By Qui Tam 1. One cannot function within commerce as the creditor, without first securing the trade-name (straw-man) via security agreement filed with UCC-1. THIS IS VITAL! To do that, is to file a properly filed (get certified copy) security agreement (called tacking) (see/locate a security agreement at a stationary supply store or a financial institution. As applied to secured agreement (contract) understand and incorporate; consideration, obligation to perform, covenant to stand fees, secured parties right as holder in due course for title of property thats been mortgaged , performance, installment loans on a retail basis (throughout your life!). Do not file (send) birth certificate(s), bills of lading, certificate of title, etc. DO NOT GIVE UP holder in due course status in relation to these various documents and instruments! Keep in your possession all documents, receipts, instruments, etc. that are accepted for value, as holder in due courseagainst the straw-man! They (government, etc.) did not steal your rightsbecause your not a party to the Constitution. They stole your TITLES! Because rights as incident to the titles we hold. (see Droit Droit in Blacks Law) If your have no title, you have no rights! NOTE; Prior to February 21, 1871, there was a National Government! Since then, no one lives there! Same with all fifty states, with a handwritten Original Organic Constitution of the fifty states you live in a Republic! You live in a National Republica Sovereign Nation. Since 1889 (and thereabouts), for most western states, those Constitutions have been rewritten. Their not organic/originaltheir federal! Its the federal, commercial, sub-division aka 9. municipal corporation corporate sub-division of the federal zone in Washington, D.C. [ Its a Military District Corporate Commercial Venue!] 6. If one does not take the security interest and capture all property to the private side- away from the public juris you wont have standing (in court) when you do an acceptance! 7. SENARIO You walk into court the judge says are you the defendant? You answer Yea! Judge says OK- Sit Down, Shut-updont bring up any of this constitution crap-if you talk Im gonna have you gagged (you debtor/slave) CAUSE IVE GOT TITLE OVER YOU!!! 8. Title is either real or imaginary. When a baby is born, by definition is considered goods. When the birth certificate or live birth report is made, its the Title! Certificate of live birth is the evidence of Title. Its not a bill of lading, its an indenture! The live birth report is the title and thats whats registered in the Puerto Rico Trust #62! Thats why youre the corporate debtor because youre a beneficiary you owe them for the maritime venture for profit and gain your on! NOTE; APPLY RESON, LOGIC AND COMMON SENSE! See TRESPASS (Blacks Law, etc.) Trespass always deals with titles! ONLY the Supreme Courts of the fifty states have the judicial power to make determinations over true titles! See COMMON LAW PLEADING by West Group) The lower agencies and administrative courts are ADMINISTRATING YOUR PLEDGE!!! SO NOW- with a proper security agreement and a UCC-1, with all listed property and if, for instance, your pulled over on a traffic stop, to the officer, Who are you talking to? When you address the defendant, are you talking to the debtor or the creditor(/), you see, Im the signatory here, a secured party /creditor-holder in due course with standing to defend MY TITLE to the goods! Therein, the agent and the black robed administrator does not have SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION over the case! They have NO pledge to administer! 10. Its a two-edged SWORD! Either they have the Title or You got it! Theres only one way to get it, and thats to give value for it first (via security agreement). Only by giving value in it can you acquire rights to it! And to have perfect and complete title, along with Title, you have to have right to possess it! You can only establish the right to possess it if you give value for it. Value can be affection, it is enough to create consideration for contract/agreement. Same applies to duty!





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