Surveying Lab Manual

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Experiment No: 1

Survey of an Area by Chain Survey (Closed Traverse)

Aim: To survey an open field by chain survey in order to calculate the area of the open field. Instruments: Chain, Tape, Ranging Rods, Arrows, Cross Staff. Chain: Chains of 20 m and 30 m are used to lay and measure main survey lines and long distant offsets. These chains are divided into 150 links. The length of each link is 20 cm and 30 cm for 20 m and 30 m chains respectively. Tape: Tape of 15 m length is used. The tape is used to take perpendicular offsets for smaller lengths. Ranging Rods: Steel tubular ranging rods 2 m or 3 m long are used. These are used for marking a point in such a way that the position of the point can be clearly and exactly seen from some distance away. Arrows: 40 cm long steel arrows are used to mark the end of each chain during the chaining process. Cross-Staff: This instrument is used for setting right angles or perpendicular offsets of objects from main chain line. Code of Signals: 1

The code of signals shown in Table 1 should be followed by the surveyors while ranging a survey line using chain, to direct or convey message to the other surveyors or assistants in order to bring all the intermediate points in alignment with the end points in a chain line.

Meaning of the signal to the Assistant 1. Rapid sweep with right hand Move considerably in that direction (Fig.a) (to your left). Move slowly to your left. 2. Slow sweep with right hand. Continue to move to your left. Plumb the rod to your left. 3. Right arm extended (Fig.b). 4. Right arm up and moved to the right. 5. Rapid sweep with left hand Move considerably in that direction (Fig.c) (to your right). Move slowly to your right. 6. Slow sweep with left hand. Continue to move your right. 7. Left arm extended (Fig.d). Plumb the rod to your right. 8. Left arm up and moved to the left. 9. Both hands above head and Ranging is correct. brought down (Fig.e). 10. Both arms extended forward Fix the ranging rod. horizontally and the hands brought down quickly. Table 1: Code of Signal

Signal given by the Surveyor

Ranging a line: It is the process of establishing a number of intermediate points on a survey line joining two stations in the field, so that all the points on the line are in alignment and the length between stations may be measured accurately. Procedure: Two ranging rods are erected vertically at the end stations by two surveyors who are standing behind ranging rods. One of the surveyors from one of the end stations directs the assistant to hold the ranging rod vertically to establish an intermediate point and move the rod either to the left or right until the ranging rod is in alignment with the end stations. Finally, when the ranging is correct, the assistant is directed to fix the ranging rod at that point. All the directions from surveyor should be as per the Code of Signals given in Table 1.

Taking offsets: The perpendicular distance measured right or left of the chain line to locate the details like corners, boundaries, culverts, etc is known as offset. Offsets can be taken by two ways: 1. By Tape and 2. By Cross-Staff. By Tape: The leader holds the zero end of the tape at the point where the offset is to be taken and the follower swings off the tape in an arc across the chain line to left and right. The minimum reading of tape on the chain line gives the position of the foot of the perpendicular from the required point. By Cross-Staff: The Cross-Staff is held vertically on the chain line approximately near the point where the offset is likely to fall. The Cross-Staff is turned until the signal at one end of the chain line is viewed through one pair of slits. The surveyor then takes a round and views through the other pair of silts. If the point to which the offset is to be taken is seen, the point below the instrument is the required foot of the offset. On the other hand, if the point is not seen, the surveyor moves along the chain line, without twisting the Cross-Staff, till the point appears. Procedure for surveying the given open field (Closed Traverse): Note: This procedure is general procedure only. This procedure varies with the experiment given to students. Therefore students are required to write the procedure according to the experiment given to them. ABCDEF is the required closed traverse open field to be surveyed for calculating the area as shown in Fig 1. From the station A the length of all the opposite corners such as AC, AD and AE are measured with a chain and the longest distance is considered for laying off the main chain line. In this case AD is the longest and a chain line running from A to D is laid.

Offsets to corner points B, C, E and F are now laid from the chain line AD either by tape or cross-staff and their foot of offsets are G, I, J, H respectively. All the offset lengths GB, HF, IC and JE are measured either by chain or tape depending on the length of offsets. The distances between all the points AG, GH, HI, IJ and JD are also measured along the chain line.

Fig 1: Survey of an Open Field (Closed Traverse) Area Calculations: Note: Areas of all triangles and trapeziums are calculated and added together to calculate the total area of open field (Closed Traverse) as described in class.

Result: The total Area of the given Open Field by Chain Survey = Instructions to students: 1. You are required to plot the closed traverse in the lab record on the left side of page with all measurements to a scale. sqm

Experiment No: 2

Chaining Across Obstacles

Aim: To survey an area by chain survey across obstacles and to calculate the obstructed lengths by using different methods. Instruments: Chain, Tape, Ranging Rods, Arrows, Cross Staff. Obstacles to Chaining: During measurements, it is impossible to set out all the chain lines in a straightforward method because of a variety of obstacles to chaining and ranging in the field. Obstacles to measurement: The obstacles which do not obstruct the ranging (view) like ponds, rivers are known as Obstacles to Measurement. Obstacles to alignment: The obstacles which we cannot see across, i.e. both the chaining and ranging are obstructed, e.g. houses, stacks, etc. are known as Obstacles to Alignment.

Procedures to find out Obstructed Length: Obstacles to measurement: First Method: Let ABCD be a chain line obstructed by a pond (Fig 1). Let BC be the obstructed length. Two offsets BE and CF of equal lengths are made at B and C and chaining is done along EF to measure the distance EF. Now the required obstructed length BC is equal to the measured distance EF. Therefore, Second Method: Let AB be the obstructed length across the river (Fig 2). AC is laid off, of any convenient length, perpendicular to the required distance AB. Now a perpendicular is laid off from C such that it meets the extended line of AB at D. Triangles ABC and ADC are similar triangles. From the principle of similar triangles, AB / AC = AC / AD BC = EF

Therefore, obstructed length AB = AC2 / AD Third Method: Let AB be a chain line obstructed by a river (Fig 3). A point I is assumed anywhere in line with the required distance AB. A point H is taken in such a way that HJ = HI and HK = HB. Now a point L is established in line AH and at the same time in the line JK produced. Triangles KHL and ABH are similar triangles and their corresponding sides are equal to each other as the points K, B and I, J are equidistant either side from H. Therefore, the obstructed length AB = KL 7

Obstacles to alignment: First Method: Let DE be the obstructed length across the building (Fig 4). A point C is assumed arbitrarily. E and C are joined such that EC = CB. Now D and C are also joined such that DC = CA. Triangles CDE and CBA are similar triangles and their corresponding sides are equal to each other as points BE and AD are equidistant either side from C. Therefore, obstructed length DE = BA Second Method: Let DE be the obstructed length across the building (Fig 5). A point F is established at equal distances from D and E at any convenient distance. Points H and G are established such that FH = FG.

Triangles FDE and FHG are similar triangles. From the principle of similar triangles, DE / DF = HG / HF (HG X DF) / HF

Therefore, obstructed length DE =

Calculations: Note: All calculations of all methods to find obstructed lengths should be shown here. Result: Obstacles to measurement: Obstructed length from First Method Obstructed length from Second Method= Obstructed length from Third Method Obstacles to alignment: Obstructed length from First Method = m = m = m m

Obstructed length from Second Method= Instructions to students:

Students are required to draw all the diagrams of all methods to scale with all dimensions on the left pages of lab record.

Experiment No: 3

Measurement of Distance between Two Inaccessible Points with Prismatic Compass

Aim: To determine distance between two inaccessible points using Prismatic Compass. Instruments: Chain, Tape, Ranging Rods, Arrows, Prismatic Compass, Tripod. Prismatic Compass: 10

It is a compass where the graduated ring is attached with the needle and does not rotate with line of sight. As the name implies a prism is provided at the Eye Vane end so that the readings on graduated ring are read through the prism. Graduations are engraved inverted since the graduated ring is read through the prism. The minimum angle between two adjacent graduations is 300. The advantage of this compass is that both sighting and reading can be done simultaneously. Temporary Adjustments of Compass: Centering: A tripod is placed over the station with its legs spread well apart so that it is at a workable height. The compass is fixed on the tripod. It is then centered over the station where the reading is to be taken. A plumb bob is hung from the centre of compass. In case the arrangement for a plumb bob is not provided, a stone is dropped from below the compass and it should fall on the peg marking the ground station. Levelling: The compass is levelled by eye judgment. This is essential so that the graduated ring swings freely.

Focusing the Prism: The prism is moved up or down till the figures and graduations are seen clearly. Inaccessible Distance: When two points are too far away, unreachable and the chaining between them is difficult, the distance between these two points is


called Inaccessible Distance. But the two points are visible to each other. Taking a Reading with Prismatic Compass: The compass is rotated until the point or object and the cross hair at object vane coincide. Now the reading on the graduated ring is taken by observing through the prism which is provided just below the eye vane. The reading that coincides with the cross hair should be taken. The break pin which is provided below the object vane should be pressed down while taking reading to avoid oscillations of graduated ring. Measuring Angle between Two lines: Let ABC be a traverse of which the angle at B to be measured (Fig 1). The compass is set up at point B and then the point A is sighted and the reading on graduated ring is noted down. Now the instrument is rotated towards point C and the reading on graduated ring is noted down. The difference of those two reading gives the angle at B which is an angle between line BA and line BC.

Procedure for measuring inaccessible distance between two points: Let A and B be the two inaccessible points whose distance to be measured (Fig 2). A point C is established at a reasonable distance from 12

A. Let a, b, c be the distances of sides CB, AC, AB respectively out of which c is the inaccessible length. Now distance b is measured as it is accessible to point A. The angles QA and Qc are measured with a compass as described before. The angle QB can be calculated from, QB = 180 (QA + Qc)

The inaccessible length c can be calculated from Sine Rule. a / Sin QA b / Sin QB Therefore, c

= =

b / Sin QB = c / Sin Qc c / Sin Qc (b X Sin Qc) / (Sin QB)

Calculations: Note: All calculations should be shown here.


Result: The distance between the two inaccessible points A and B, c Instructions to students: Your are required draw a rough sketch of Fig 1, but the sketch of Fig 2 with all measurements and angles should be drawn to a suitable scale. = m

Experiment No: 4

Survey of an Area by Compass Survey (Closed Traverse)


Aim: To survey an area (Closed Traverse) by Compass Survey and to plot the area. Instruments: Chain, Tape, Ranging Rods, Arrows, Prismatic Compass, Tripod. Whole Circle Bearing (WCB): The bearing of line that is always measured clockwise from the north point of the reference meridian towards the line right round the circle is known as Whole Circle Bearing (WCB). WCB will have values between 00 and 3600. Q1, Q2, Q3, etc in Fig 1 represent WCBs.


Fore or Forward Bearing (FB) (WCB System): The bearing of line in the direction of progress of the survey is called Fore or Forward Bearing. Back or Reverse Bearing (BB) (WCB System): The bearing of a line in the opposite direction of progress of the survey is known as Back or Reverse Bearing. The bearing of a line is indicated in the order in which the line is lettered. Thus, the bearing from A to B (Fig 2) is the fore bearing Q of the line AB, whereas the bearing of line AB in the direction B to A is its back bearing P.

Calculation of Included Angles from Fore Bearing and Back Bearing: Included angle is an angle between two lines. Included angles may be exterior or interior. Included angle between two lines is obtained by the following formula, Included Angle Bearing of Previous Line = Fore Bearing of Next Line Back

In Fig 3 the included angle between line AB and line BC is, = FB of line BC BB of line AB


If the calculated included angle comes out as a negative value, 360 0 is added to it. Since traversing in this case is done in clockwise direction, the included angles will be exterior only.

Taking Fore Bearing and Back Bearing of a line with Prismatic Compass: While taking Fore Bearing of a line, the compass is kept over the starting point of line while running from clockwise direction in the traverse. The line of sight is kept along N S direction such that the bearing under the prism should read 00. Now the compass is turned in clockwise direction only until the line of sight coincides with the ranging rod placed at the end point of line. While taking Back Bearing of a line, the compass is shifted to the end point of line and same procedure is followed as it is followed while taking Fore Bearing. Procedure:


Note: This procedure is general procedure only. This procedure, figures and table vary with the experiment given to students. Therefore students are required to write the procedure and draw figures and table according to the experiment given to them. The Fore Bearing and Back Bearing of all lines of closed traverse (Fig 4) are measured by a Prismatic Compass.

The distances of all lines of closed traverse are measured with a chain. All the values are tabulated as below.
Line Observed Differe nce (FB of Next Line BB of Previo us Line) FB of AB BB of EA FB of BC BB of AB FB of CD-BB of BC FB of DE-BB of CD FB of EA-BB of DE Tot al ------Includ ed Angle Theoret ical Sum of Include d Angles Erro r Correc ted Includ ed Angle Distan ce Remar ks




Theoretical sum of included angles can be calculated by, (2n + 4) X 900 Where traverse. n = Number of sides of closed

The Error in the actual included angles can be calculated by, Error = (Theoretical Sum of Included Angles Total Actual Included Angles) / n Where traverse. n = Number of sides of closed

If the Error is positive, add this error to each actual included angle and if the Error is negative, deduct this error from each actual included angle. Therefore, Corrected Included Angle = if positive. Corrected Included Angle = if negative. Check: Actual Included Angle + Error, Actual Included Angle Error,


Sum of Corrected Included Angles Included Angles.




Calculation of internal included angles: Internal Included Angle between two lines can be calculated by, Internal Included Angle Calculations: Note: Show all Internal Included Angles calculations here. Result: Note: This result also varies with the experiment given to students. Therefore students are required to write results according to the experiment given to them. Distances: AB BC CD DE EA = = = = = m m m m m = 3600 External Included Angle

Included Angles: Angle A Angle B Angle C Angle D Angle E = = = = =

Instructions to students:


You are required to draw all the diagrams as I have drawn. You are required to plot the closed traverse to a suitable scale with all distances and internal included angles on the left page of lab record.

Experiment No: 5

Radiation and Intersection Methods by Plane Table Survey

Aim: To plot a given area by Radiation and Intersection methods of Plane Table Survey. Instruments:


Chain, Tape, Ranging Rods, Arrows, Plane Table with Tripod and its accessories, Two Drawing Sheets, Drawing Clips, Pencil, Eraser and Pins. Plane Table Surveying: It is the branch of surveying in which both field work and plotting are done simultaneously. The advantage of Plane Table Surveying is that as the field is in our view, omitting of any measurement is not possible and exact shapes of the areas can be drawn. Drawing Board: The Drawing Board is made of well-seasoned wood. The Drawing Board is mounted on a tripod by means of a screw and wing nut. Alidade: It is a brass ruler of about 50 60 cm in length. Two vanes, object vane and sight vane are hinged at its two ends. A scale is attached to the fudicial edge of alidade. This is used for sighting the object through object and sight vanes and to draw lines to a suitable scale along the fudicial or ruling edge. Trough Compass: Usually it is 15 cm long and is provided to plot the magnetic meridian (N S direction) to facilitate orientation of the plane table in the magnetic meridian. Spirit Level: The essential condition in plane table surveying is that the board should be level. This is usually accomplished with a circular spirit level.

Plumbing Fork: It is a hairpin-shaped brass frame having two arms of equal length. One end of the frame is pointed and is kept over the drawing sheet touching the plotted position of the instrument station. The other end of the frame carries a plumb bob. The position of the plane table is adjusted until the plumb bob hangs over the station occupied by the instrument.


Indian Clinometer: Since a large number of points of observation are required to plot contours in plane table survey, the direct or spirit levelling proves to be very slow and thus an Indian pattern Clinometer is employed to measure the levels of the ground. Drawing Sheet: The drawing sheet used should be of the best quality to withstand rubbing and scrubbing. Because of humidity, unequal expansion and contraction of the sheet may alter the scale and distort the map. It should never be rolled or folded and should be carried flat. The sheet should be well stretched and held firmly on the board to prevent any displacement of the sheet by the friction of the alidade. A plane table and its accessories are shown in the figure below. Note: Students are required to draw this figure.

Temporary Adjustments: Surface of the board should be perpendicular to the vertical axis of the Instrument:


This can be achieved by placing a spirit level over the plane table and moving the legs to make the bubble central. The table is then turned through 1800. The spirit level is now placed at 900 to its previous position and the bubble is again made central. The procedure is repeated and if the bubble remains central, the adjustment is correct. The Fudicial Edge of the Alidade should be a straight line: To check this, draw a line along the ruling or fudicial edge, reverse the alidade and place it against the ends of the line. Again draw a line which should coincide with the previous line. If the two lines do not coincide, the edge is rubbed with sand paper and is corrected. The two Vanes should be perpendicular to the Base of Alidade: Set the alidade on the corner edge of a building or on a suspended plumb bob. Set the alidade vanes along any of the above two. The plumb line and vane should coincide. If they do not coincide adjust from the hinges till the vane coincides with the plumb line. Setting up the Plane Table: Centering: It is the operation of bringing the plotted station point exactly over the ground station. To achieve this pointed leg of the plumbing fork is placed against the plotted point and the plumb bob is suspended from its other leg. Levelling: It is the operation of bringing the plane table in a horizontal plane. The plane table is set at a convenient height, which is elbow level, by spreading the legs. The board is levelled with the help of spirit level. Orientation: It is the operation of keeping the plane table parallel to the position it occupied at the first station. The plane table is set on a new station and the alidade is placed against the line joining the new station with the preceding station. The table is rotated until the line of sight bisects the previous station. This entire procedure is known as Orientation by Back Sighting. Sighting Through Alidade and Taking Measurement: 24

Let A and B be the two points on the ground whose length is to be plotted on the plane table (Fig 1). The plane table is kept at station A and is set up as described before. Now the alidade is kept along the point a which is the transferred point of A from ground to drawing sheet by plumbing fork. Now the alidade is rotated along point a until the ranging rod at ground station B is sighted through object vane and eye vane. The distance AB on the ground is measured and converted to a suitable scale. A point b is marked along the alidade with the distance that is equal to the converted distance of AB. Now ab is the required distance of line AB on the drawing sheet.

Radiation Method: In this method the instrument is setup at a station and rays are drawn to various stations which are to be plotted. The distances are cut to a suitable scale after actual measurements. Procedure: Note: This procedure is general procedure only and varies with the given experiment. Students are required to write the procedure and draw figures according to the experiment given to them. A station O is selected such that all other stations A, B, C and D are accessible and visible from O (Fig 2). N S direction is plotted. The plane table is setup at O. The alidade is placed at o and rays are drawn from o to the stations A, B, C, D and the distances oa, ob, oc and od are cut to the chosen scale. Joint a, b, c and d.


Intersection Method: In this method two stations are so selected that all the other stations to be plotted are visible from these. The line joining these two stations is called Base Line. The length of this line is measured very accurately. Rays are drawn from these stations to the stations to be plotted. The intersection of the rays from the two stations gives the position of the station to be plotted on the drawing sheet. Procedure: Note: This procedure is general procedure only and varies with the given experiment. Students are required to write the procedure and draw figures according to the experiment given to them. Let A and B be the two accessible stations (Fig 3), such that A and B can be suitably plotted. C is the station to be plotted by intersection. The


plane table is placed at A. N S direction is plotted. The ground station A is transferred as a onto the drawing sheet. With the alidade centered at a, station B is sighted. A ray aB is drawn and is cut as ab to a suitable scale. With the alidade at a, C is also sighted and a ray aC is drawn. The table is now shifted to B and is setup. The alidade is placed at b and C is sighted. A ray bC is drawn. The intersection of the two rays gives the position of C as c on the plane table.

Instructions to Students: There are no calculations and result in this experiment, but you are required to attach the two drawing sheets (the ones you have drawn on the field) to the lab record after the last page of this experiment.

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