IBM Progess LED Codes

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Power Systems

Progress codes

Power Systems

Progress codes

Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices, on page 109, Safety notices on page v, the IBM Systems Safety Notices manual, G229-9054, and the IBM Environmental Notices and User Guide, Z1255823.

This edition applies to IBM Power Systems servers that contain the POWER6 processor and to all associated models. Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2009. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Safety notices . . . . . . . . . . . . v Chapter 1. Progress codes overview . . 1 Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes . . . 3 Chapter 3. AIX diagnostic load progress indicators . . . . . . . . . 29 Chapter 4. Dump progress indicators (dump status codes) . . . . . . . . . 33 Chapter 5. AIX crash progress codes (category 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Chapter 6. AIX crash progress codes (category 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chapter 7. AIX crash progress codes (category 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chapter 9. (C2xx) Virtual service processor progress codes . . . . . . 63 Chapter 10. (C3xx, C5xx, C6xx) IPL status progress codes . . . . . . . . 67 Chapter 11. (C7xx) Server firmware IPL status progress codes . . . . . . . . 73 Chapter 12. (C9xx) IPL status progress codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Chapter 14. (CF00) Linux kernel boot progress codes . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Chapter 15. (D1xx) Service processor firmware progress codes . . . . . . . 93 Chapter 16. (D1xx) Service processor status progress codes . . . . . . . . 95 Chapter 17. (D1xx) Service processor dump status progress codes . . . . . 97 Chapter 18. (D1xx) Platform dump status progress codes . . . . . . . 101 Chapter 19. (D2xx) Partition status progress codes . . . . . . . . . . 103 Chapter 20. (D6xx) General status progress codes . . . . . . . . . . 105 Chapter 21. (D9xx) General status progress codes . . . . . . . . . . 107 Appendix. Notices . . . . . . . . . 109
Trademarks . . . . . Electronic emission notices Class A Notices . . . Terms and conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 111 111 115

Chapter 13. (CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Safety notices
Safety notices may be printed throughout this guide: v DANGER notices call attention to a situation that is potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to people. v CAUTION notices call attention to a situation that is potentially hazardous to people because of some existing condition. v Attention notices call attention to the possibility of damage to a program, device, system, or data.

World Trade safety information

Several countries require the safety information contained in product publications to be presented in their national languages. If this requirement applies to your country, a safety information booklet is included in the publications package shipped with the product. The booklet contains the safety information in your national language with references to the U.S. English source. Before using a U.S. English publication to install, operate, or service this product, you must first become familiar with the related safety information in the booklet. You should also refer to the booklet any time you do not clearly understand any safety information in the U.S. English publications.

German safety information

Das Produkt ist nicht fr den Einsatz an Bildschirmarbeitspltzen im Sinne 2 der Bildschirmarbeitsverordnung geeignet.

Laser safety information

IBM servers can use I/O cards or features that are fiber-optic based and that utilize lasers or LEDs. Laser compliance All lasers are certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for class 1 laser products. Outside the U.S., they are certified to be in compliance with IEC 60825 as a class 1 laser product. Consult the label on each part for laser certification numbers and approval information. CAUTION: This product might contain one or more of the following devices: CD-ROM drive, DVD-ROM drive, DVD-RAM drive, or laser module, which are Class 1 laser products. Note the following information: v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device. v Use of the controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure. (C026)

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009

CAUTION: Data processing environments can contain equipment transmitting on system links with laser modules that operate at greater than Class 1 power levels. For this reason, never look into the end of an optical fiber cable or open receptacle. (C027) CAUTION: This product contains a Class 1M laser. Do not view directly with optical instruments. (C028) CAUTION: Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the following information: laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam. (C030)

Power and cabling information for NEBS (Network Equipment-Building System) GR-1089-CORE
The following comments apply to the IBM servers that have been designated as conforming to NEBS (Network Equipment-Building System) GR-1089-CORE: The equipment is suitable for installation in the following: v Network telecommunications facilities v Locations where the NEC (National Electrical Code) applies The intrabuilding ports of this equipment are suitable for connection to intrabuilding or unexposed wiring or cabling only. The intrabuilding ports of this equipment must not be metallically connected to the interfaces that connect to the OSP (outside plant) or its wiring. These interfaces are designed for use as intrabuilding interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports as described in GR-1089-CORE) and require isolation from the exposed OSP cabling. The addition of primary protectors is not sufficient protection to connect these interfaces metallically to OSP wiring. Note: All Ethernet cables must be shielded and grounded at both ends. The ac-powered system does not require the use of an external surge protection device (SPD). The dc-powered system employs an isolated DC return (DC-I) design. The DC battery return terminal shall not be connected to the chassis or frame ground.


Progress codes

Chapter 1. Progress codes overview

Progress codes (or checkpoints) offer information about the stages involved in powering on and performing initial program load (IPL). Progress codes do not always indicate an error. Use progress code information if your server has paused indefinitely without displaying a system reference code. The information provided indicates the most appropriate action for that progress code. Use this information for reference only. To perform any service action, use the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009

Progress codes

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes

This section provides descriptions for the numbers and characters that display on the operator panel and descriptions of the location codes used to identify a particular item. Note: The AIX IPL progress codes occur only when running the AIX operating system or booting standalone diagnostics. The codes do not occur on servers running the Linux operating system or on Linux partitions.

Operator panel display numbers

This section contains a list of the various numbers and characters that display in the operator panel display. There are three categories of numbers and characters. v The first group tracks the progress of the configuration program. v The second group tracks the progress of the diagnostics. v The third group provides information about messages that follow an 888 sequence.

AIX configuration program indicators

The numbers in this list display on the operator panel as the system loads the AIX operating system and prepares the hardware by loading software drivers. Note: Some systems may produce 4-digit codes. If the leftmost digit of a 4-digit code is 0, use the three rightmost digits.
02E6 02E6 0447 0447

Explanation: The PCI Differential Ultra SCSI adapter or the Universal PCI Differential Ultra SCSI adapter being configured. 02E7 02E7

Explanation: PCI 64-bit Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop Adapter being configured. 0458 0458

Explanation: 36 GB DAT72 Tape Drive 0459 0459

Explanation: Configuration method unable to determine if the SCSI adapter type is SE or DE type. 0440 0440

Explanation: 36 GB DAT72 Tape Drive 045D 045D

Explanation: 9.1GB Ultra SCSI Disk Drive being identified or configured. 0441 0441

Explanation: 200 GB HH LTO2 Tape drive 0500 0500

Explanation: 18.2 GB Ultra SCSI Disk Drive being identified or configured. 0444 0444

Explanation: Querying Standard I/O slot. 0501 0501

Explanation: 2-Port Multiprotocol PCI Adapter (ASIC) being identified or configured.

Explanation: Querying card in Slot 1. 0502 0502

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009

0503 0529
Explanation: Querying card in Slot 2. 0503 0503 0520 0520

Explanation: Bus configuration running. 0521 0521

Explanation: Querying card in Slot 3. 0504 0504

Explanation: Querying card in Slot 4. 0505 0505

Explanation: /etc/init invoked cfgmgr with invalid options; /etc/init has been corrupted or incorrectly modified (irrecoverable error). 0522 0522

Explanation: Querying card in Slot 5. 0506 0506

Explanation: The configuration manager has been invoked with conflicting options (irrecoverable error). 0523 0523

Explanation: Querying card in Slot 6. 0507 0507

Explanation: The configuration manager is unable to access the ODM database (irrecoverable error). 0524 0524

Explanation: Querying card in Slot 7. 0508 0508

Explanation: Querying card in Slot 8. 0510 0510

Explanation: The configuration manager is unable to access the config.rules object in the ODM database (irrecoverable error). 0525 0525

Explanation: Starting device configuration. 0511 0511

Explanation: The configuration manager is unable to get data from a customized device object in the ODM database (irrecoverable error). 0526 0526

Explanation: Device configuration completed. 0512 0512

Explanation: Restoring device configuration files from media. 0513 0513

Explanation: The configuration manager is unable to get data from a customized device driver object in the ODM database (irrecoverable error). 0527 0527

Explanation: Restoring basic operating system installation files from media. 0516 0516

Explanation: The configuration manager was invoked with the phase 1 flag; running phase 1 at this point is not permitted (irrecoverable error). 0528 0528

Explanation: Contacting server during network boot. 0517 0517

Explanation: The configuration manager cannot find sequence rule, or no program name was specified in the ODM database (irrecoverable error). 0529 0529

Explanation: Mounting client remote file system during network IPL. 0518 0518

Explanation: The configuration manager is unable to update ODM data (irrecoverable error).

Explanation: Remote mount of the root (/) and /usr file systems failed during network boot.

Progress codes

0530 0569
0530 0530 0542 0542

Explanation: The savebase program returned an error. 0531 0531

Explanation: 7208-345 60 GB tape drive, 7334-410 60 GB tape drive 0549 0549

Explanation: The configuration manager is unable to access the PdAt object class (irrecoverable error). 0532 0532

Explanation: Console could not be configured for the Copy a System Dump Menu. 0551 0551

Explanation: There is not enough memory to continue (malloc failure); irrecoverable error. 0533 0533

Explanation: IPL vary-on is running. 0552 0552

Explanation: The configuration manager could not find a configuration method for a device. 0534 0534

Explanation: IPL vary-on failed. 0553 0553

Explanation: IPL phase 1 is complete. 0554 0554

Explanation: The configuration manager could not find a configuration method for a device. 0535 0535

Explanation: HIPPI diagnostics interface driver being configured. 0536 0536

Explanation: The boot device could not be opened or read, or unable to define NFS swap device during network boot. 0555 0555

Explanation: The configuration manager encountered more than one sequence rule specified in the same phase (irrecoverable error). 0537 0537

Explanation: An ODM error occurred when trying to vary-on the rootvg, or unable to create an NFS swap device during network boot. 0556 0556

Explanation: The configuration manager encountered an error when invoking the program in the sequence rule. 0538 0538

Explanation: Logical Volume Manager encountered error during IPL vary-on. 0557 0557

Explanation: The root file system does not mount. 0558 0558

Explanation: The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration method. 0539 0539

Explanation: There is not enough memory to continue the system IPL. 0559 0559

Explanation: The configuration method has terminated, and control has returned to the configuration manager. 0541 0541

Explanation: Less than 2 MB of good memory are available to load the AIX kernel. 0569 0569

Explanation: A DLT tape device is being configured.

Explanation: FCS SCSI protocol device is being configured (32 bits).

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes

0570 0593
0570 0570 0582 0582

Explanation: Virtual SCSI devices being configured. 0571 0571

Explanation: Configuring Token-Ring data link control. 0583 0583

Explanation: HIPPI common function device driver being configured. 0572 0572

Explanation: Configuring an Ethernet data link control. 0584 0584

Explanation: HIPPI IPI-3 master transport driver being configured. 0573 0573

Explanation: Configuring an IEEE Ethernet data link control. 0585 0585

Explanation: HIPPI IPI-3 slave transport driver being configured. 0574 0574

Explanation: Configuring an SDLC MPQP data link control. 0586 0586

Explanation: HIPPI IPI-3 transport services user interface device driver being configured. 0575 0575

Explanation: Configuring a QLLC X.25 data link control. 0587 0587

Explanation: A 9570 disk-array driver being configured. 0576 0576

Explanation: Configuring a NETBIOS. 0588 0588

Explanation: Generic async device driver being configured. 0577 0577

Explanation: Configuring a Bisync Read-Write (BSCRW). 0589 0589

Explanation: Generic SCSI device driver being configured. 0578 0578

Explanation: SCSI target mode device being configured. 0590 0590

Explanation: Generic commo device driver being configured. 0579 0579

Explanation: Diskless remote paging device being configured. 0591 0591

Explanation: Device driver being configured for a generic device. 0580 0580

Explanation: Configuring an LVM device driver. 0592 0592

Explanation: Configuring an HFT device driver. 0593 0593

Explanation: HIPPI TCP/IP network interface driver being configured. 0581 0581

Explanation: Configuring SNA device drivers.

Explanation: Configuring TCP/IP.

Progress codes

0594 0609
0594 0594 05C5 05C5

Explanation: Asynchronous I/O being defined or configured. 0595 0595

Explanation: SCB network device driver for FCS being configured. 05C6 05C6

Explanation: X.31 pseudo-device being configured. 0596 0596

Explanation: AIX SNA channel being configured. 0600 0600

Explanation: SNA DLC/LAPE pseudo-device being configured. 0597 0597

Explanation: Starting network boot portion of /sbin/rc.boot . 0602 0602

Explanation: OCS software being configured. 0598 0598

Explanation: Configuring network parent devices. 0603 0603

Explanation: OCS hosts being configured during system reboot. 0599 0599

Explanation: /usr/lib/methods/defsys , /usr/lib/methods/cfgsys , or /usr/lib/methods/cfgbus failed. 0604 0604

Explanation: Configuring FDDI data link control. 059B 059B

Explanation: Configuring physical network boot device. 0605 0605

Explanation: FCS SCSI protocol device being configured (64 bits). 05C0 05C0

Explanation: Configuration of physical network boot device failed. 0606 0606

Explanation: Streams-based hardware drive being configured. 05C1 05C1

Explanation: Running /usr/sbin/ifconfig on logical network boot device. 0607 0607

Explanation: Streams-based X.25 protocol being configured. 05C2 05C2

Explanation: /usr/sbin/ifconfig failed. 0608 0608

Explanation: Streams-based X.25 COMIO emulator driver being configured. 05C3 05C3

Explanation: Attempting to retrieve the file with tftp. Note: Note that a flashing 608 indicates multiple attempt(s) to retrieve the client_info file are occurring. 0609 0609

Explanation: Streams-based X.25 TCP/IP interface driver being configured. 05C4 05C4

Explanation: The file does not exist or it is zero length.

Explanation: FCS adapter device driver being configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes

060B 0639
060B 060B 061D 061D

Explanation: 18.2 GB 68-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 0610 0610

Explanation: 36.4 GB 80-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 061E 061E

Explanation: Attempting remote mount of NFS file system. 0611 0611

Explanation: 18.2 GB 68-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 0620 0620

Explanation: Remote mount of the NFS file system failed. 0612 0612

Explanation: Updating special device files and ODM in permanent file system with data from boot RAM file system. 0621 0621

Explanation: Accessing remote files; unconfiguring network boot device. 0613 0613

Explanation: 9.1 GB LVD 80-pin SCSI Drive being configured. 0622 0622

Explanation: 8 mm 80 GB VXA-2 tape device 0614 0614

Explanation: Boot process configuring for operating system installation. 062D 062D

Explanation: Configuring local paging devices. 0615 0615

Explanation: 9.1 GB 68-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 062E 062E

Explanation: Configuration of a local paging device failed. 0616 0616

Explanation: 9.1GB 68-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 0636 0636

Explanation: Converting from diskless to dataless configuration. 0617 0617

Explanation: TURBOWAYS ATM Adapter. 0637 0637

622 Mbps PCI MMF

Explanation: Diskless to dataless configuration failed. 0618 0618

Explanation: Configuring remote (NFS) paging devices. 0619 0619

Explanation: Dual Channel PCI-2 Ultra2 SCSI Adapter being configured. 0638 0638

Explanation: Configuration of a remote (NFS) paging device failed. 061B 061B

Explanation: 4.5 GB Ultra SCSI Single Ended Disk Drive being configured. 0639 0639

Explanation: 36.4 GB 80-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured.

Explanation: 9.1 GB 10K RPM Ultra SCSI Disk Drive (68-pin).

Progress codes

063A 0669
063A 063A 064D 064D

Explanation: See 62D. 063B 063B

Explanation: 18.2 GB LVD 80-pin Drive/Carrier being configured. 064E 064E

Explanation: 9.1 GB 80-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 063C 063C

Explanation: 36.4 GB 68-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 064F 064F

Explanation: See 060B. 063D 063D

Explanation: See 61D. 0650 0650

Explanation: 18.2 GB 80-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 063E 063E

Explanation: SCSD disk drive being configured. 0653 0653

Explanation: 36.4 GB 68-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 063F 063F

Explanation: 18.2 GB Ultra-SCSI 16-bit Disk Drive being configured. 0655 0655

Explanation: See 61B. 0640 0640

Explanation: GXT130P Graphics adapter being configured. 0657 0657

Explanation: 9.1 GB 10K RPM Ultra SCSI Disk Drive (80-pin). 0643 0643

Explanation: GXT2000P graphics adapter being configured. 0658 0658

Explanation: 18.2 GB LVD 80-pin SCA-2 connector SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 0646 0646

Explanation: 2102 Fibre Channel Disk Subsystem Controller Drawer being identified or configured. 0663 0663

Explanation: High-Speed Token-Ring PCI Adapter being configured. 064A 064A

Explanation: The ARTIC960RxD Digital Trunk Quad PCI Adapter or the ARTIC960RxF Digital Trunk Resource Adapter being configured. 0664 0664

Explanation: See 62E. 064B 064B

Explanation: 32x (MAX) SCSI-2 CD-ROM drive being configured. 0667 0667

Explanation: 9.1 GB 80-pin LVD SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 064C 064C

Explanation: PCI 3-Channel Ultra2 SCSI RAID Adapter being configured. 0669 0669

Explanation: See 61E.

Explanation: PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter being configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes

066A 0707
066A 066A 069B 069B

Explanation: PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter being configured. 066C 066C

Explanation: 64-bit/66 MHz PCI ATM 155 MMF PCI adapter being configured. 069D 069D

Explanation: 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet PCI Adapter. 066D 066D

Explanation: 64-bit/66 MHz PCI ATM 155 UTP PCI adapter being configured. 06CC 06CC

Explanation: PCI 4-Channel Ultra-3 SCSI RAID Adapter. 066E 066E

Explanation: SSA disk drive being configured. 0700 0700

Explanation: 4.7 GB DVD-RAM drive. 0674 0674


Explanation: A 1.1 GB 8-bit SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0701 0701

Explanation: ESCON configured. 0678 0678

Channel PCI Adapter being

Explanation: A 1.1 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0702 0702

Explanation: 12 GB 4 mm SCSI tape drive 067B 067B

Explanation: A 1.1 GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0703 0703

Explanation: PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor being configured. 0682 0682

Explanation: A 2.2 GB 8-bit SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0704 0704

Explanation: 20x (MAX) SCSI-2 CD-ROM Drive being configured. 0689 0689

Explanation: A 2.2 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0705 0705

Explanation: 4.5 GB Ultra SCSI Single Ended Disk Drive being configured. 068C 068C

Explanation: The configuration method for the 2.2 GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk drive is being run. If an irrecoverable error occurs, the system halts. 0706 0706

Explanation: 20 GB 4-mm Tape Drive being configured. 068E 068E

Explanation: A 4.5 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0707 0707

Explanation: POWER GXT6000P PCI Graphics Adapter. 0690 0690

Explanation: A 4.5 GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.

Explanation: 9.1 GB Ultra SCSI Single Ended Disk Drive being configured.


Progress codes

0708 0734
0708 0708 0723 0723

Explanation: An L2 cache being identified or configured. 0709 0709

Explanation: Unknown CD-ROM drive being identified or configured. 0724 0724

Explanation: 128 port ISA adapter being configured 0710 0710

Explanation: Unknown tape drive being identified or configured. 0725 0725

Explanation: POWER GXT150M graphics adapter being identified or configured. 0711 0711

Explanation: Unknown display adapter being identified or configured. 0726 0726

Explanation: Unknown adapter being identified or configured. 0712 0712

Explanation: Unknown input device being identified or configured. 0727 0727

Explanation: Graphics slot bus configuration is executing. 0713 0713

Explanation: Unknown async device being identified or configured. 0728 0728

Explanation: The IBM ARTIC960 device being configured. 0714 0714

Explanation: Parallel printer being identified or configured. 0729 0729

Explanation: A video capture adapter being configured. 0717 0717

Explanation: Unknown parallel device being identified or configured. 0730 0730

Explanation: TP Ethernet Adapter being configured. 0718 0718

Explanation: Unknown diskette drive being identified or configured. 0731 0731

Explanation: GXT500 Graphics Adapter being configured. 0720 0720

Explanation: PTY being identified or configured. 0732 0732

Explanation: Unknown read/write optical drive type being configured. 0721 0721

Explanation: Unknown SCSI initiator type being configured. 0733 0733

Explanation: Unknown disk or SCSI device being identified or configured. 0722 0722

Explanation: 7 GB 8-mm tape drive being configured. 0734 0734

Explanation: Unknown disk drive being identified or configured.

Explanation: 4x SCSI-2 640 MB CD-ROM Drive being configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


0736 0789
0736 0736 0763 0763

Explanation: Quiet Touch keyboard and speaker cable being configured. 0741 0741

Explanation: SP Switch MX Adapter being configured. 0764 0764

Explanation: 1080 MB SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 0745 0745

Explanation: SP System Attachment Adapter being configured. 0772 0772

Explanation: 16 GB 4-mm Tape Auto Loader being configured. 0746 0746

Explanation: 4.5 GB SCSI F/W Disk Drive being configured. 0773 0773

Explanation: SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI Adapter being configured. 0747 0747

Explanation: 9.1 GB SCSI F/W Disk Drive being configured. 0774 0774

Explanation: SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide PCI Adapter being configured. 0749 0749

Explanation: 9.1 GB External SCSI Disk Drive being configured. 0776 0776

Explanation: 7331 Model 205 Tape Library being configured. 0751 0751

Explanation: PCI Token-Ring Adapter being identified or configured. 0777 0777

Explanation: SCSI 32-bit SE F/W RAID Adapter being configured. 0754 0754

Explanation: 10/100 Ethernet Tx PCI Adapter being identified or configured. 0778 0778

Explanation: 1.1 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being configured. 0755 0755

Explanation: POWER GXT3000P 3D PCI Graphics adapter being configured. 077B 077B

Explanation: 2.2 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being configured. 0756 0756

Explanation: 4-Port 10/100 Ethernet Tx PCI Adapter being identified or configured. 077C 077C

Explanation: 4.5 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being configured. 0757 0757

Explanation: A 1.0 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0783 0783

Explanation: External 13 GB 1/4-inch tape being configured.

Explanation: 4-mm DDS-2 Tape Autoloader being configured. 0789 0789

Explanation: 2.6 GB External Optical Drive being configured.


Progress codes

078B 0819
078B 078B 0804 0804

Explanation: POWER GXT4000P PCI Graphics Adapter. 078D 078D

Explanation: 8x Speed SCSI-2 CD-ROM Drive being configured. 0806 0806

Explanation: GXT300P 2D Graphics adapter being configured. 0790 0790

Explanation: POWER GXT800 PCI Graphics adapter being configured. 0807 0807

Explanation: Multi-bus Integrated Ethernet Adapter being identified or configured. 0797 0797

Explanation: SCSI Device Enclosure being configured. 080C 080C

Explanation: TURBOWAYS 155 UTP/STP ATM Adapter being identified or configured. 0798 0798

Explanation: SSA 4-Port Adapter being identified or configured. 0811 0811

Explanation: Video streamer adapter being identified or configured. 0799 0799

Explanation: Processor complex being identified or configured. 0812 0812

Explanation: Memory being identified or configured. 0813 0813

Explanation: 2-Port Multiprotocol PCI adapter being identified or configured. 079C 079C

Explanation: ISA bus configuration executing. 07C0 07C0

Explanation: Battery for time-of-day, NVRAM, and so on being identified or configured, or system I/O control logic being identified or configured. 0814 0814

Explanation: CPU/System Interface being configured. 07C1 07C1

Explanation: NVRAM being identified or configured. 0815 0815

Explanation: Business Audio Subsystem being identified or configured. 07CC 07CC

Explanation: Floating-point processor test. 0816 0816

Explanation: PCMCIA bus configuration executing. 0800 0800

Explanation: Operator panel logic being identified or configured. 0817 0817

Explanation: TURBOWAYS 155 MMF ATM Adapter being identified or configured. 0803 0803

Explanation: Time-of-day logic being identified or configured. 0819 0819

Explanation: 7336 Tape Library robotics being configured.

Explanation: Graphics input device adapter being identified or configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


0821 0847
0821 0821 0837 0837

Explanation: Standard keyboard adapter being identified or configured. 0823 0823

Explanation: A 128-port remote asyncronous node (RAN) is being identified or configured. 0838 0838

Explanation: Standard mouse adapter being identified or configured. 0824 0824

Explanation: Network Terminal Accelerator Adapter being identified or configured. 0839 0839

Explanation: Standard tablet adapter being identified or configured. 0825 0825

Explanation: 7318 Serial Communications Server being configured. 0840 0840

Explanation: Standard speaker adapter being identified or configured. 0826 0826

Explanation: PCI Single-Ended Ultra SCSI Adapter being configured. 0841 0841

Explanation: Serial Port 1 adapter being identified or configured. 0827 0827

Explanation: 8-port async adapter (EIA-232) being identified or configured. 0842 0842

Explanation: Parallel port adapter being identified or configured. 0828 0828

Explanation: 8-port async adapter (EIA-422A) being identified or configured. 0843 0843

Explanation: Standard diskette adapter being identified or configured. 0831 0831

Explanation: 8-port async adapter (MIL-STD-188) being identified or configured. 0844 0844

Explanation: 3151 adapter being identified or configured, or Serial Port 2 being identified or configured. 0834 0834

Explanation: 7135 RAIDiant Array disk drive subsystem controller being identified or configured. 0845 0845

Explanation: 64-port async controller being identified or configured. 0835 0835

Explanation: 7135 RAIDiant Array disk drive subsystem drawer being identified or configured. 0846 0846

Explanation: 16-port async concentrator being identified or configured. 0836 0836

Explanation: RAIDiant Array SCSI 1.3 GB Disk Drive being configured. 0847 0847

Explanation: 128-port async controller being identified or configured.

Explanation: 16-port serial adapter (EIA-232) being identified or configured.


Progress codes

0848 0874
0848 0848 0861 0861

Explanation: 16-port serial adapter (EIA-422) being identified or configured. 0849 0849

Explanation: Optical adapter being identified or configured. 0862 0862

Explanation: X.25 Interface Coprocessor/2 adapter being identified or configured. 0850 0850

Explanation: Block Multiplexer Channel Adapter being identified or configured. 0865 0865

Explanation: Token-Ring network adapter being identified or configured. 0851 0851

Explanation: ESCON Channel Adapter or emulator being identified or configured. 0866 0866

Explanation: T1/J1 Portmaster adapter being identified or configured. 0852 0852

Explanation: SCSI adapter being identified or configured. 0867 0867

Explanation: Ethernet adapter being identified or configured. 0854 0854

Explanation: Async expansion adapter being identified or configured. 0868 0868

Explanation: 3270 Host Connection Program/6000 connection being identified or configured. 0855 0855

Explanation: SCSI adapter being identified or configured. 0869 0869

Explanation: Portmaster Adapter/A being identified or configured. 0857 0857

Explanation: SCSI adapter being identified or configured. 0870 0870

Explanation: FSLA adapter being identified or configured. 0858 0858

Explanation: Serial disk drive adapter being identified or configured. 0871 0871

Explanation: 05085/05086/05088 adapter being identified or configured. 0859 0859

Explanation: Graphics subsystem adapter being identified or configured. 0872 0872

Explanation: FDDI adapter being identified or configured. 085C 085C

Explanation: Grayscale graphics adapter being identified or configured. 0874 0874

Explanation: Token-Ring High-Performance LAN adapter being identified or configured.

Explanation: Color graphics adapter being identified or configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


0875 0902
0875 0875 0893 0893

Explanation: Vendor generic communication adapter being configured. 0876 0876

Explanation: Vendor LAN adapter being identified or configured. 0894 0894

Explanation: 8-bit color graphics processor being identified or configured. 0877 0877

Explanation: Vendor async/communications adapter being identified or configured. 0895 0895

Explanation: POWER Gt3/POWER Gt4 being identified or configured. 0878 0878

Explanation: Vendor IEEE 488 adapter being identified or configured. 0896 0896

Explanation: POWER Gt4 graphics processor card being configured. 0879 0879

Explanation: Vendor VME bus adapter being identified or configured. 0897 0897

Explanation: A 24-bit color MEV2 type graphics card is being configured. 0880 0880

Explanation: S/370 Channel Emulator adapter being identified or configured. 0898 0898

Explanation: POWER Gt1 adapter being identified or configured. 0887 0887

Explanation: POWER Gt1x graphics adapter being identified or configured. 0899 0899

Explanation: POWER Gt1 adapter being identified or configured. 0889 0889

Explanation: 3490 attached tape drive being identified or configured. 089C 089C

Explanation: SCSI adapter being identified or configured. 0890 0890

Explanation: A multimedia SCSI CD-ROM being identified or configured. 0900 0900

Explanation: SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide and Single-Ended Fast/Wide Adapter/A being configured. 0891 0891

Explanation: GXT110P Graphics Adapter being identified or configured. 0901 0901

Explanation: Vendor SCSI adapter being identified or configured. 0892 0892

Explanation: Vendor SCSI device being identified or configured. 0902 0902

Explanation: Vendor display adapter being identified or configured.

Explanation: Vendor display device being identified or configured.


Progress codes

0903 0928
0903 0903 0917 0917

Explanation: Vendor async device being identified or configured. 0904 0904

Explanation: A 2.0 GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0918 0918

Explanation: Vendor parallel device being identified or configured. 0905 0905

Explanation: A 2.0 GB 16-bit single-ended SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0920 0920

Explanation: A vendor (non-IBM) adapter is being identified or configured. 0908 0908


Explanation: Bridge Box being identified or configured. 0921 0921

Explanation: POWER GXT1000 being identified or configured. 0910 0910

Graphics subsystem

Explanation: 101 keyboard being identified or configured. 0922 0922

Explanation: 1/4 GB Fiber Channel/266 Standard Adapter being identified or configured. 0911 0911

Explanation: 102 keyboard being identified or configured. 0923 0923

Explanation: Fiber Channel/1063 Adapter Short Wave being configured. 0912 0912

Explanation: Kanji keyboard being identified or configured. 0924 0924

Explanation: 2.0 GB SCSI-2 differential disk drive being identified or configured. 0913 0913

Explanation: Two-button mouse being identified or configured. 0925 0925

Explanation: 1.0 GB differential disk drive being identified or configured. 0914 0914

Explanation: Three-button mouse being identified or configured. 0926 0926

Explanation: 5 GB 8-mm differential tape drive being identified or configured. 0915 0915

Explanation: 5083 tablet being identified or configured. 0927 0927

Explanation: 4 GB 4-mm tape drive being identified or configured. 0916 0916

Explanation: 5083 tablet being identified or configured. 0928 0928

Explanation: A generic (non-IBM) Non-SCSI tape drive adapter is being identified or configured.

Explanation: Standard speaker being identified or configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


0929 0955
0929 0929 0945 0945

Explanation: Dials being identified or configured. 0930 0930

Explanation: 1.0 GB SCSI differential disk drive being identified or configured. 0946 0946

Explanation: Lighted program function keys (LPFK) being identified or configured. 0931 0931

Explanation: A generic (non-IBM) Serial Port 3 adapter is being identified or configured. 0947 0947

Explanation: IP router being identified or configured. 0933 0933

Explanation: A 730 MB SCSI disk drive being configured. 0948 0948

Explanation: Async planar being identified or configured. 0934 0934

Explanation: Portable disk drive being identified or configured. 0949 0949

Explanation: Async expansion drawer being identified or configured. 0935 0935

Explanation: Unknown direct bus-attach device being identified or configured. 0950 0950

Explanation: 3.5-inch diskette drive being identified or configured. 0936 0936

Explanation: Missing SCSI device being identified or configured. 0951 0951

Explanation: 5.25-inch diskette drive being identified or configured. 0937 0937

Explanation: 670 MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0952 0952

Explanation: An HIPPI adapter being configured. 0938 0938

Explanation: 355 MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0953 0953

Explanation: Serial HIPPI PCI adapter being configured. 0942 0942

Explanation: 320 MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0954 0954

Explanation: Serial HIPPI PCI adapter being configured. 0943 0943

Explanation: 400 MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0955 0955

Explanation: A 3480 or 3490 control unit attached to a System/370 Channel Emulator/A adapter are being identified or configured. 0944 0944

Explanation: 857 MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.

Explanation: 100 MB ATM adapter being identified or configured.


Progress codes

0956 0991
0956 0956 0974 0974

Explanation: 670 MB SCSI disk drive electronics card being identified or configured. 0957 0957

Explanation: CD-ROM drive being identified or configured. 0975 0975

Explanation: 120 MB DBA disk drive being identified or configured. 0958 0958

Explanation: An optical disk drive being identified or configured. 0977 0977

Explanation: 160 MB Database A dministrator (DBA) disk drive being identified or configured. 0959 0959

Explanation: M-Audio Capture and Playback Adapter being identified or configured. 0981 0981

Explanation: 160 MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0960 0960

Explanation: 540 MB SCSI-2 single-ended disk drive being identified or configured. 0984 0984

Explanation: 1.37 GB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0964 0964

Explanation: 1 GB 8-bit disk drive being identified or configured. 0985 0985

Explanation: Internal 20 GB 8-mm tape drive identified or configured. 0968 0968

Explanation: M-Video Capture Adapter being identified or configured. 0986 0986

Explanation: 1.0 GB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0970 0970

Explanation: 2.4 GB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0987 0987

Explanation: Half-inch, 9-track tape drive being identified or configured. 0971 0971

Explanation: An Enhanced SCSI CD-ROM drive being identified or configured. 0989 0989

Explanation: 150 MB 1/4-inch tape drive being identified or configured. 0972 0972

Explanation: 200 MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured. 0990 0990

Explanation: 2.3 GB 8-mm SCSI tape drive being identified or configured. 0973 0973

Explanation: 2.0 GB SCSI-2 single-ended disk drive being identified or configured. 0991 0991

Explanation: Other SCSI tape drive being identified or configured.

Explanation: 525 MB 1/4-inch cartridge tape drive being identified or configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


0994 2020
0994 0994 2010 2010

Explanation: 5 GB 8-mm tape drive being identified or configured. 0995 0995

Explanation: HTX miscompare 2011 2011

Explanation: Configuring device model 2107 fcp 2012 2012

Explanation: 1.2GB 1/4-inch cartridge tape drive being identified or configured. 0996 0996

Explanation: Configuring device model 2107 iscsi 2013 2013

Explanation: A single-port, multiprotocol communications adapter being identified or configured. 0997 0997

Explanation: Configuring MR-1750 (device model 1750) fcp 2014 2014

Explanation: FDDI adapter being identified or configured. 0998 0998

Explanation: Configuring MR-1750 (device model 1750) iscsi 2015 2015

Explanation: 2.0 GB 4-mm tape drive being identified or configured. 0999 0999

Explanation: Configuring SVC (device model 2145) fcp 2016 2016

Explanation: 7137 or 3514 Disk Array Subsystem being configured. 0D46 0D46

Explanation: Configuring SVCCISCO (device model 2062) fcp 2017 2017

Explanation: Token-Ring cable. 0D81 0D81

Explanation: Configuring SVCCISCO (device model 2062) iscsi 2018 2018

Explanation: T2 Ethernet Adapter being configured. 2000 2000

Explanation: Dynamic LPAR CPU Addition 2001 2001

Explanation: Configuring Virtual Management Channel driver 2019 2019

Explanation: Dynamic LPAR CPU Removal 2002 2002

Explanation: Configuring vty server 201B 201B

Explanation: Dynamic LPAR Memory Addition 2003 2003

Explanation: Configuring a virtual SCSI optical device 2020 2020


Explanation: Dynamic LPAR Memory Removal 2004 2004

Explanation: Configuring InfiniBand component

ICM kernel

Explanation: DLPAR Maximum Memory size too large


Progress codes

2021 252B
2021 2021 2518 2518

Explanation: Configuring TCP InfiniB and Interface kernel component 2502 2502

Explanation: Configuring PCIe RAID SAS adapter 2519 2519

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X DDR RAID Adapter 251D 251D

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X 266 Planar 3 GB SAS integrated adapter 2503 2503

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X DDR Auxiliary Cache Controller 2520 2520

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X 266 Planar 3 GB SAS RAID integrated adapter 2504 2504

Explanation: PCI Dual-Channel Ultra-3 SCSI adapter being identified or configured. 2522 2522

Explanation: Configuring a PCIe x1 Auxiliary Cache a dapter 2505 2505

Explanation: PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter 2523 2523

Explanation: Configuring a PCI-X266 Planar 3Gb SAS RAID Adapter 2512 2512

Explanation: PCI-X Ultra320 SCSI RAID Adapter 2525 2525

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X DDR quad channel Ultra320 SCSI RAID adapter 2513 2513

Explanation: Configuring integrated PCI-X dual channel U320 SCSI RAID enablement card. 2526 2526

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X DDR quad channel Ultra320 SCSI RAID adapter 2514 2514

Explanation: PCI-X Ultra320 SCSI RAID Battery Pack 2527 2527

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X DDR quad channel Ultra320 SCSI RAID adapter 2515 2515

Explanation: PCI-X Quad Channel U320 SCSI RAID Adapter 2528 2528

Explanation: Configuring a PCI-X DDR JBOD SAS adapter 2516 2516

Explanation: PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI adapter 2529 2529

Explanation: Configuring a PCI-X Express DDR JBOD SAS adapter 2517 2517

Explanation: PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI RAID adapter 252B 252B

Explanation: Configuring PCI-XDDR RAID SAS adapter

Explanation: PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI RAID adapter

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


252D 2576
252D 252D 2550 2550

Explanation: PCI-X DDR Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI RAID adapter 252E 252E

Explanation: Configuring a POWER GXT4500P graphics adapter 2551 2551

Explanation: Configuring PCI-X DDR Auxiliary Cache Adapter 2530 2530

Explanation: Configuring a POWER GXT6500P graphics adapter 2562 2562

Explanation: 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter II being configured. 2531 2531

Explanation: Keyboard/Mouse Attachment Card-PCI being configured. 2564 2564

Explanation: Configuring 10 Gigabit-LR Ethernet PCI-X adapter 2532 2532

Explanation: Keyboard/Mouse Attachment Card-PCI being configured. 2566 2566

Explanation: Configuring 10 Gigabit-SR Ethernet PCI-X adapter 2533 2533

Explanation: USB 3.5 inch Micro Diskette Drive 2568 2568

Explanation: Generic USB CD-ROM Drive 256D 256D

Explanation: 10 GB Ethernet -SR PCI-X 2.0 DDR adapter being configured 2534 2534

Explanation: 4Gb Fibre Channel adapter being configured 256E 256E

Explanation: 10 GB Ethernet -LR PCI-X 2.0 DDR adapter being configured 2535 2535

Explanation: Configuring a 4-port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI express adapter 2570 2570

Explanation: 4-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter being configured. 2537 2537

Explanation: Configuring an IBM cryptographic accelerator PCI adapter 2571 2571

Explanation: Configuring Ethernet-SX PCIe Adapter 2538 2538

Explanation: Configuring Ethernet-TX PCIe Adapter 2547 2547

Explanation: 2-Port PCI Asynchronous EIA-232 Adapter 2572 2572

Explanation: Generic 0522 bites per sector SCSI JBOD (not osdisk) Disk Drive 254E 254E

Explanation: PCI-X Cryptographic Coprocessor Card 2576 2576

Explanation: Configuring 4-port PCIe Serial Adapter

Explanation: Fibre Channel Expansion Card


Progress codes

2578 25D0
2578 2578 2593 2593

Explanation: Configuring IBM Y4 Cryptographic Coprocessor PCIe Adapter 2580 2580

Explanation: IDE DVD-RAM drive being configured. 2594 2594

Explanation: 4.7 GB IDE slimline DVD-RAM drive 2595 2595

Explanation: Configuring a SCSI accessed fault-tolerant enclosure (SAF-TE) device 2581 2581

Explanation: IDE slimline DVD-ROM drive 25A0 25A0

Explanation: 1 GB iSCSI TOE PCI-X adapter is being configured (copper connector) 2582 2582

Explanation: I/O Planar Control Logic for IDE devices 25A1 25A1

Explanation: iSCSI protocol device associated with an iSCSI adapter is being configured 2583 2583

Explanation: Configuring USB Mass Storage Device 25A2 25A2

Explanation: 1 GB iSCSI TOE PCI-X adapter being configured (copper connector) 2584 2584

Explanation: Configuring USB DVD-RAM 25B9 25B9

Explanation: Ethernet Adapter (Fiber) 25C0 25C0

Explanation: IDE DVD-RAM drive being configured 2585 2585

Explanation: Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-X adapter 25C1 25C1

Explanation: IDE DVD-ROM drive being configured 2586 2586

Explanation: Configuring host Ethernet adapter 2587 2587

Explanation: 10/100/1000 base-TX Ethernet PCI-X adapter 25C2 25C2

Explanation: Configuring a slimline DVD-ROM drive 2588 2588

Explanation: Dual Port Gigabit SX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter 25C3 25C3

Explanation: Configuring a 4.7 GB slimline DVD-RAM drive 2590 2590

Explanation: 10/100/1000 Base-TX Dual Port PCI-Adapter 25C4 25C4

Explanation: IDE CD-ROM drive being configured 2591 2591

Explanation: Broadcom Dual-Port Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter 25D0 25D0

Explanation: IDE DVD-ROM drive being configured. 2592 2592

Explanation: Configuring a PCI audio adapter

Explanation: IDE DVD-ROM drive being configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


25D2 2642
25D2 25D2 2613 2613

Explanation: LSI SAS adapter 25D3 25D3

Explanation: 200/400 GB LTO2 Tape drive 2614 2614

Explanation: Configuring 2-port 6Gb LSI SAS Expansion adapter 25D5 25D5

Explanation: VXA3 160/320 GB Tape Drive 2615 2615

Explanation: Configuring a DAT160 80GB tape drive 2616 2616

Explanation: Configuring 4-port 6Gb LSI SAS Expansion adapter 25E5 25E5

Explanation: Configuring a 36/72GB 4mm Internal Tape Drive 2617 2617

Explanation: Configuring PCI-E 2D Graphics Adapter 25F8 25F8

Explanation: Configuring a LTO3 400 GB tape drive 2618 2618

Explanation: Configuring a 1 GB PCI-X iSCSI TOE Ethernet adapter (copper) 2600 2600

Explanation: Configuring a SAS 400 GB/1.6 TB Ultrium 4 tape drive 2621 2621

Explanation: PCI 64-bit Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop Adapter being configured. 2601 2601

Explanation: PCI-X Dual-port 4x HCA Adapter being configured 2624 2624

Explanation: PCI 64-bit Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop Adapter being configured. 2602 2602

Explanation: 4X PCIe DDR InfiniBand Host Channel adapter 2625 2625

Explanation: PCI 64-Bit 4 GB fibre channel adapter 2603 2603

Explanation: Configuring 4Gb PCIe Fibre Channel Adapter 2606 2606

Explanation: 4X PCIe QDR InfiniBand Host Channel adapter 2631 2631

Explanation: Integrated IDE controller 2640 2640

Explanation: Configuring 8Gb FC Dual Port PCIe Adapter 2611 2611

Explanation: IDE Disk Drive, 2.5 inch 2641 2641

Explanation: 36/72 GB 4 mm internal tape drive 2612 2612

Explanation: 73 GB SCSI disk drive 68 pin 10K rpm being identified or configured. 2642 2642

Explanation: 80/160 GB internal tape drive with VXA2 technology

Explanation: 73 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured.


Progress codes

2643 2667
2643 2643 2651 2651

Explanation: 73 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. (For OpenPower TM systems) 2644 2644

Explanation: SVC being identified or configured. 2652 2652

Explanation: SVCCISCOi being identified or configured. 2653 2653

Explanation: 146 GB SCSI disk drive 68 pin 10K rpm being identified or configured. 2645 2645

Explanation: 146 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. 2646 2646

Explanation: 73 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. (For HV systems) 2654 2654

Explanation: 146 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. (For OpenPower systems) 2647 2647

Explanation: 146 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. 2655 2655

Explanation: 300 GB SCSI disk drive 68 pin 10K rpm being identified or configured. 2648 2648

Explanation: 146 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. (For OpenPower systems) 2656 2656

Explanation: 300 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. 2649 2649

Explanation: 73 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm being identified or configured. 2657 2657

Explanation: 300 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. (For OpenPower systems) 264B 264B

Explanation: 146 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm being identified or configured. 2658 2658

Explanation: 73 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm being identified or configured. 2659 2659

Explanation: 36 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. 264D 264D

Explanation: 146 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm being identified or configured. 265B 265B

Explanation: 36 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. (For OpenPower systems) 264E 264E

Explanation: 300 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 10K rpm being identified or configured. 2667 2667

Explanation: 73 GB SCSI disk drive 80 pin 15K rpm with u3 carrier being identified or configured. 2650 2650

Explanation: An electronics tray, also known as the enclosure services manager is being identified or configured

Explanation: ESS iSCSI devices being identified or configured.

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes


2670 2D14
2670 2670 26E0 26E0

Explanation: 73 GB SFF SAS Disk Drive 10K rpm being identified or configured 2671 2671

Explanation: Configuring Internal RDX USB Dock 26E1 26E1

Explanation: Configuring External RDX USB Dock 26E5 26E5

Explanation: 146 GB SFF SAS Disk Drive 10K rpm being identified or configured 2672 2672

Explanation: Configuring SAS HH LTO-5 Tape Drive 2710 2710

Explanation: 300 GB SFF SAS Disk Drive 10K rpm being identified or configured 2680 2680

Explanation: Configuring OHCI USB Native or 4-port PCIe Adapter 2711 2711

Explanation: A generic SAS adapter is being identified or configured 2681 2681

Explanation: Configuring Loopback Device 2D01 2D01

Explanation: DVD tray assembly. 2684 2684

Explanation: PCI-X Quad Channel U320 SCSI RAID Battery Pack 2D02 2D02

Explanation: Configuring 73 GB 15K RPM SFF Disk Drive 2685 2685

Explanation: Generic USB Reference to Controller/Adapter 2D05 2D05

Explanation: Configuring 146 GB 15K RPM SFF Disk Drive 2687 2687

Explanation: PCI-X266 Planar 3 GB SAS RAID adapter battery pack 2D07 2D07

Explanation: Configuring 73 GB SAS SFF Solid State Drive 2690 2690

Explanation: Configuring a PCI X DDR Auxiliary Cache adapter 2D0B 2D0B

Explanation: Configuring 600 GB 15K RPM SAS Disk Drive 2698 2698

Explanation: PCI express x8 Ext Dual-x4 3Gb SAS RAID adapter being configured. 2D10 2D10

Explanation: Configuring 7200 rpm 2TB SATA Drive 2699 2699

Explanation: Configuring RSSM Storage Device 2D14 2D14

Explanation: Configuring 600 GB 10K RPM SAS SFF Hard Disk Drive 26D2 26D2

Explanation: PCI express x8 Planar 3Gb SAS Adapter being configured.

Explanation: Configuring 600 GB 10K RPM SFF SAS Disk Drive


Progress codes

2D15 3000
2D15 2D15 2E36 2E36

Explanation: PCI express x8 Planar 3Gb SAS RAID Adapter being configured. 2E01 2E01

Explanation: Configuring 1Gb 2-port PCIe Integrated Ethernet Adapter 3000 3000

Explanation: 10Gb Ethernet-SR PCIe Adapter 2E02 2E02

Explanation: GPFS Raid Services

Explanation: 10Gb Ethernet-LR PCIe Adapter 2E03 2E03

Explanation: Configuring 10Gb Ethernet-SR PCIe Host Bus Adapter 2E04 2E04

Explanation: Configuring 10Gb Ethernet-CX4 PCIe Host Bus Adapter 2E12 2E12

Explanation: 8 Gb Fibre Channel adapter being configured 2E20 2E20

Explanation: Configuring 10Gb PCIe FCoE CNA Slot FC Adapter 2E22 2E22

Explanation: Configuring 10Gb PCIe FCoE CNA Slot Ethernet Adapter 2E30 2E30

Explanation: Configuring 10Gb PCIe SFP+ SR Ethernet Adapter 2E31 2E31

Explanation: Configuring 10Gb PCIe SFP+ Twinax Ethernet Adapter 2E34 2E34

Explanation: Configuring 1Gb 2-port PCIe Ethernet Adapter 2E35 2E35

Explanation: Configuring PCIe Combo 8Gb FC with 1Gb Ethernet

Chapter 2. AIX IPL progress codes



Progress codes

Chapter 3. AIX diagnostic load progress indicators

This section contains a list of the various numbers and characters that display in the operator panel display that track the progress of diagnostics. Note: Some systems might produce 4-digit codes. If the leftmost digit of a 4-digit code is 0, use the three rightmost digits.
C00 C00 instead of entering a system dump. C21 C21

Explanation: AIX Install/Maintenance loaded successfully. C01 C01

Explanation: The ifconfig command was unable to configure the network for the client network host. C22 C22

Explanation: Insert the first diagnostic diskette. C02 C02

Explanation: Diskettes inserted out of sequence. C03 C03

Explanation: The tftp command was unable to read client's ClientHostName .info file during a client network boot. C24 C24

Explanation: The wrong diskette is in diskette drive. C04 C04

Explanation: Unable to read client's ClientHostName .info file during a client network boot. C25 C25

Explanation: The loading stopped with an irrecoverable error. C05 C05

Explanation: Client did not mount remote miniroot during network install. C26 C26

Explanation: A diskette error occurred. C06 C06

Explanation: Client did not mount the /usr file system during the network boot. C29 C29

Explanation: The rc.boot configuration shell script is unable to determine type of boot. C07 C07

Explanation: The system was unable to configure the network device. C31 C31

Explanation: Insert the next diagnostic diskette. C08 C08

Explanation: RAM file system started incorrectly. C09 C09

Explanation: Select the console display for the diagnostics. To select No console display, set the key mode switch to Normal, then to Service. The diagnostic programs then load and run the diagnostics automatically. If you continue to get the message, check the cables and make sure you are using the serial port. C32 C32

Explanation: The diskette drive is reading or writing a diskette. C20 C20

Explanation: A directly attached display (HFT) was selected. C33 C33

Explanation: An unexpected halt occurred, and the system is configured to enter the kernel debug program
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


C34 C62
Explanation: A TTY terminal attached to serial ports S1 or S2 was selected. C34 C34 C50 C50

Explanation: Creating root volume group on target disks. C51 C51

Explanation: A file was selected. The console messages store in a file. C35 C35

Explanation: No paging devices were found. C52 C52

Explanation: No console found. C40 C40

Explanation: Changing from RAM environment to disk environment. C53 C53

Explanation: Configuration files are being restored. C41 C41

Explanation: Not enough space in the /tmp directory to do a preservation installation. C54 C54

Explanation: Could not determine the boot type or device. C42 C42

Explanation: Installing either BOS or additional packages. C55 C55

Explanation: Extracting data files from diskette. C43 C43

Explanation: Cannot access the boot/install tape. C44 C44

Explanation: Could not remove the specified logical volume in a preservation installation. C56 C56

Explanation: Initializing installation database with target disk information. C45 C45

Explanation: Running user-defined customization. C57 C57

Explanation: Failure to restore BOS. C58 C58

Explanation: Cannot configure the console. C46 C46

Explanation: Displaying message to turn the key. C59 C59

Explanation: Normal installation processing. C47 C47

Explanation: Could not create a physical volume identifier (PVID) on disk. C48 C48

Explanation: Could not copy either device special files, device ODM, or volume group information from RAM to disk. C61 C61

Explanation: Prompting you for input. C49 C49

Explanation: Failed to create the boot image. C62 C62

Explanation: Could not create or form the JFS log.

Explanation: Loading platform dependent debug files.


Progress codes

C63 C99
C63 C63

Explanation: Loading platform dependent data files. C64 C64

Explanation: Failed to load platform dependent data files. C70 C70

Explanation: Problem Mounting diagnostic boot media. An example of the boot media would be a CD-ROM disc. C71 C71

Explanation: A IX diagnostics are not supported on this system, or there is not enough memory to run the diagnostics. C72 C72

Explanation: There is a problem copying files from the diagnostic boot media into the RAM file system. An example of the boot media would be a CD-ROM disc. C99 C99

Explanation: Diagnostics have completed. This code is only used when there is no console.

Chapter 3. AIX diagnostic load progress indicators



Progress codes

Chapter 4. Dump progress indicators (dump status codes)

The following dump progress indicators, or dump status codes, are part of a Type 102 message. Note: When a lowercase c is listed, it displays in the lower half of the character position. Some systems produce 4-digit codes. The two leftmost positions can have blanks or zeros. Use the two rightmost digits.
0C0 0C0

Explanation: The dump completed successfully. 0C1 0C1

Explanation: The dump failed due to an I/O error. 0C2 0C2

Explanation: A dump, requested by the user, is started. 0C3 0C3

Explanation: The dump is inhibited. 0C4 0C4

Explanation: The dump device is not large enough. 0C5 0C5

Explanation: The dump did not start, or the dump crashed. 0C6 0C6

Explanation: Dumping to a secondary dump device. 0C7 0C7

Explanation: Reserved. 0C8 0C8

Explanation: The dump function is disabled. 0C9 0C9

Explanation: A dump is in progress. 0CC 0CC

Explanation: Unknown dump failure.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Chapter 5. AIX crash progress codes (category 1)

Crash codes produce a Type 102 message. A Type 102 message indicates that a software or hardware error occurred during system execution of an application. For category 1 crash codes, dump analysis is the appropriate first action in Problem Determination. Begin the Problem Determination process with software support.
888-102-300 888-102-300

Explanation: Data storage interrupt from the processor. 888-102-32X 888-102-32X

Explanation: Data storage interrupt because of an I/O exception from IOCC. 888-102-38X 888-102-38X

Explanation: Data storage interrupt because of an I/O exception from SLA. 888-102-400 888-102-400

Explanation: Instruction storage interrupt. 888-102-700 888-102-700

Explanation: Program interrupt.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Chapter 6. AIX crash progress codes (category 2)

Crash codes produce a Type 102 message. A Type 102 message indicates that a software or hardware error occurred during system execution of an application. For category 2 crash codes, dump analysis most likely will not aid in Problem Determination. Begin the Problem Determination process with hardware support.
888-102-200 888-102-200 Explanation: External interrupt because of a scrub memory bus error. 888-102-501 888-102-501

Explanation: Machine check because of a memory bus error. 888-102-201 888-102-201

Explanation: External interrupt because of an unidentified error. 888-102-51X 888-102-51X

Explanation: Machine check because of a memory timeout. 888-102-202 888-102-202

Explanation: External interrupt because of a DMA memory bus error. 888-102-52X 888-102-52X

Explanation: Machine check because of a memory card failure. 888-102-203 888-102-203

Explanation: External interrupt because of an IOCC channel check. 888-102-53X 888-102-53X

Explanation: Machine check because of an out of range address. 888-102-204 888-102-204

Explanation: External interrupt from an IOCC bus timeout; x represents the IOCC number. 888-102-54X 888-102-54X

Explanation: Machine check because of an attempt to write to ROS. 888-102-205 888-102-205

Explanation: External interrupt because of an IOCC keyboard check. 888-102-800 888-102-800

Explanation: Machine check because of an uncorrectable address parity. 888-102-206 888-102-206

Explanation: Floating point is not available.

Explanation: Machine check because of an uncorrectable ECC error. 888-102-207 888-102-207

Explanation: Machine check because of an unidentified error. 888-102-208 888-102-208

Explanation: Machine check due to an L2 uncorrectable ECC. 888-102-500 888-102-500

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Chapter 7. AIX crash progress codes (category 3)

Crash codes produce a Type 102 message. A Type 102 message indicates that a software or hardware error occurred during system execution of an application. For category 3 crash codes, both software and hardware support may be needed in Problem Determination. Go to the 888 sequence in the operator panel display to assist in problem isolation.
888-102-000 888-102-000

Explanation: Unexpected system interrupt. 888-102-558 888-102-558

Explanation: There is not enough memory to continue the system IPL. 888-102-600 888-102-600

Explanation: AIX and above: Alignment Interrupt. If pre-AIX AIX has crashed because the Portability Assist Layer (PAL) for this machine type has detected a problem. 888-102-605 888-102-605

Explanation: AIX and above: AIX has crashed because the Portability Assist Layer (PAL) for this machine type has detected a problem.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes

C10010XX C10010XX Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X02 C1009X02 Explanation: Pre-standby Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1001F00 C1001F00

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): erase HOM IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X04 C1009X04

Explanation: Pre-standby: starting initial transition file Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1001F0D C1001F0D

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): build cards IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X08 C1009X08

Explanation: Pre-standby: discovery completed in initial transition file. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. Problem determination: While this checkpoint is being displayed, the service processor card is reading the system VPD; this may take as long as 15 minutes (on systems with maximum configurations or many disk drives) before displaying the next checkpoint. You should wait at least 15 minutes for this checkpoint to change before deciding that the system is hung. C1001F0F C1001F0F

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): build processors IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X0C C1009X0C

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): build chips IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X10 C1009X10

Explanation: Pre-standby: waiting for standby synchronization from initial transition file Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1001FFF C1001FFF

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): initialize HOM. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X14 C1009X14

Explanation: Pre-standby: completed initial transition file Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X01 C1009X01

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): validate HOM. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X18 C1009X18

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): the cancontinue flag is being cleared. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


C1009X1C C1009X44
Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): GARD in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X1C C1009X1C C1009X34 C1009X34

Explanation: Processor mask attentions being initializaed. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X38 C1009X38

Explanation: Hardware object manager: (HOM): clock test in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X20 C1009X20

Explanation: Processor check ring IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X39 C1009X39

Explanation: Frequency control IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X24 C1009X24

Explanation: Processor L2 line delete in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X3A C1009X3A

Explanation: Asset protection IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X28 C1009X28

Explanation: Load processor gptr IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X3C C1009X3C

Explanation: Memory configuration IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X2C C1009X2C

Explanation: Processor ABIST step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X40 C1009X40

Explanation: Processor CFAM initialization in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X30 C1009X30

Explanation: Processor LBIST step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X44 C1009X44

Explanation: Processor self-synchronization in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Processor array initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

C1009X46 C1009X70
C1009X46 C1009X46 C1009X5E C1009X5E

Explanation: Processor AVP initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X48 C1009X48

Explanation: Processor AVP L2 test case in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X60 C1009X60

Explanation: Processor random data test in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X64 C1009X64

Explanation: Processor flush IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X4C C1009X4C

Explanation: Processor wiretest IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X50 C1009X50

Explanation: Processor enable machine check test in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X66 C1009X66

Explanation: Processor long scan IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X54 C1009X54

Explanation: Concurrent intialization in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X68 C1009X68

Explanation: Start processor clocks IPL step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X58 C1009X58

Explanation: Processor fabric initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X6C C1009X6C

Explanation: Processor SCOM initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X5C C1009X5C

Explanation: Processor PSI initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X70 C1009X70

Explanation: Processor interface alignment procedure in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: ASIC CFAM initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C1009X74 C1009XA4
C1009X74 C1009X74 C1009X90 C1009X90

Explanation: ASIC mask attentions being set up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X78 C1009X78

Explanation: Wire test in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X92 C1009X92

Explanation: ASIC check rings being set up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X7C C1009X7C

Explanation: ASIC restore erepair in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X94 C1009X94

Explanation: ASIC ABIST test being run. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X80 C1009X80

Explanation: ASIC transmit/receive initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X98 C1009X98

Explanation: ASIC LBIST test being run. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X82 C1009X82

Explanation: ASIC wrap test in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X9C C1009X9C

Explanation: ASIC RGC being reset. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X84 C1009X84

Explanation: ASIC SCOM initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X9E C1009X9E

Explanation: ASIC being flushed. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X88 C1009X88

Explanation: ASIC HSS set up in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XA0 C1009XA0

Explanation: ASIC long scan initialization in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009X8C C1009X8C

Explanation: ASIC onyx BIST in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XA4 C1009XA4

Explanation: ASIC start clocks in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: ASIC interface alignment step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To


Progress codes

C1009XA8 C1009XD4
locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XA8 C1009XA8 C1009XBD C1009XBD

Explanation: AVP memory test case in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XC0 C1009XC0

Explanation: ASIC random data test in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XAC C1009XAC

Explanation: Node interface alignment procedure in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XC4 C1009XC4

Explanation: ASIC enable machine check step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XB0 C1009XB0

Explanation: Dump initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XC8 C1009XC8

Explanation: ASIC I/O initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XB4 C1009XB4

Explanation: Start PRD step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XCC C1009XCC

Explanation: ASIC DRAM initialization step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XB8 C1009XB8

Explanation: Message passing waiting period has begun. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XD0 C1009XD0

Explanation: ASIC memory diagnostic step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XB9 C1009XB9

Explanation: Message passing waiting period has begun. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XD4 C1009XD4

Explanation: PSI diagnostic step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1009XBB C1009XBB

Explanation: EI (Elastic Interface) calibration step in progress . Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Restore L3 line delete step in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C100B101 C100C10D
C100B101 C100B101 C100C106 C100C106

Explanation: Firmware update via the USB port on the service processor: the firmware image is being installed on one side of the flash. C100B102 C100B102

Explanation: Checking of the number of processors is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C107 C100C107

Explanation: Firmware update via the USB port on the service processor: the firmware image is being installed on the other side of the flash. C100B103 C100B103

Explanation: Waiting on VPD from sensors. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C108 C100C108

Explanation: Firmware update via the USB port on the service processor: the firmware installation has been completed successfully. This checkpoint will stay in the control (operator) panel's display for about 10 seconds after the installation is complete, then it will be cleared. C100B104 C100B104

Explanation: Sensor VPD collection is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C10A C100C10A

Explanation: Firmware update via the USB port on the service processor: the firmware installation has failed. C100C100 C100C100

Explanation: Starting power-up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C102 C100C102

Explanation: Waiting for BPC's IP addresses to be sent from the HMC. The control panel toggles between C100C10A and C100C10B every 5 seconds or so until the addresses are received. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C10B C100C10B

Explanation: Network initialization complete; waiting on VPD from processor. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C103 C100C103

Explanation: Waiting for BPC's IP address es to be sent from the HMC. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C10C C100C10C

Explanation: Waiting on VPD from processor. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C104 C100C104

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to come up to standby and turn off block power. The control panel toggles between C100C10C and C100C10D every 5 seconds or so until the BPC is at standy and the block power has been turned off. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C10D C100C10D

Explanation: Processor VPD collection is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to come up to standby and turn off block power. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation


Progress codes

C100C110 C100C128
Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C110 C100C110 C100C117 C100C117

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to respond to the enclosure TMS command from SPCN. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C118 C100C118

Explanation: Waiting for serial polling. The control panel toggles between C100C110 and C100C111 every 5 seconds or so until valid PBC UART data is received from the DCAs. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C111 C100C111

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to respond to the secure VPD command from SPCN. The control panel toggles between C100C118 and C100C119 every 5 seconds or so until the BPC has responded. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C119 C100C119

Explanation: Waiting for serial polling. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C112 C100C112

Explanation: Collecting the TMS is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C114 C100C114

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to respond to the secure VPD command from SPCN. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C120 C100C120

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to respond to the TMS command from SPCN. The control panel toggles between C100C114 and C100C115 every 5 seconds or so until the BPC has responded. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C115 C100C115

Explanation: Waiting for power off delay to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C121 C100C121

Explanation: Waiting for power off delay to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C122 C100C122

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to respond to the TMS command from SPCN. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C116 C100C116

Explanation: Power off delay is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C128 C100C128

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to respond to the enclosure TMS command from SPCN. The control panel toggles between C100C116 and C100C117 every 5 seconds or so until the BPC has responded. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Waiting for the processor subsystem to show up in the BPC polling data. The control panel toggles between C100C128 and C100C129 every 5 seconds or so until the processor subsystem is present in the polling data. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To
Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C100C129 C100C166
locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C129 C100C129 C100C153 C100C153

Explanation: Waiting for the VRM voltage adjustment delay to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C154 C100C154

Explanation: Waiting for the processor subsystem to show up in the BPC polling data. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C140 C100C140

Explanation: Checking of the VRM voltage adjustment is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C160 C100C160

Explanation: Checking the voltage adjustment. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C142 C100C142

Explanation: Power check in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C162 C100C162

Explanation: Checking of the voltage adjustment is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C14E C100C14E

Explanation: Checking for power supply power. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C164 C100C164

Explanation: Waiting for the voltage adjustment delay to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C14F C100C14F

Explanation: Waiting for the power supply power to come up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C165 C100C165

Explanation: Waiting for the voltage adjustment delay to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C150 C100C150

Explanation: Waiting for the power supply power to come up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C166 C100C166

Explanation: Checking the VRM voltage adjustment. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C152 C100C152

Explanation: REGS power check in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Waiting for the VRM voltage adjustment delay to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

C100C168 C100C1A2
C100C168 C100C168 C100C174 C100C174

Explanation: Waiting for the REGS power check to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C169 C100C169

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to report why power-on failed. The control panel toggles between C100C174 and C100C175 every 5 seconds or so until the report is received. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C175 C100C175

Explanation: Waiting for the REGS power check to be complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C170 C100C170

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC to report why power-on failed. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C180 C100C180

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC's response to the power-on request. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C171 C100C171

Explanation: Activating the power good signals. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C184 C100C184

Explanation: Waiting for the BPC's response to the power-on request. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C172 C100C172

Explanation: The power-on delay is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1A0 C100C1A0

Explanation: BPC's response to the power-on request has been received; waiting on all processor subsystems to respond with powered up to BPC's polling query. The control panel toggles between C100C172 and C100C173 every 5 seconds or so until all processor subsystems report that they are powered up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C173 C100C173

Explanation: Waiting on the power good signals. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1A1 C100C1A1

Explanation: Waiting on the power good signals. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1A2 C100C1A2

Explanation: Waiting on all processor subsystems to respond with powered up to BPC's polling query. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Waiting on the power good signal is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C100C1B0 C1011F00
C100C1B0 C100C1B0 C100C1BA C100C1BA

Explanation: Waiting to power down. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1B1 C100C1B1

Explanation: Waiting on the BPC to respond to the power-off command to the I/O drawers from SPCN. The control panel toggles between C100C1BA and C100C1BB every 5 seconds or so until the I/O drawers respond. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1BB C100C1BB

Explanation: Waiting to power down. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1B2 C100C1B2

Explanation: Waiting on the BPC to respond to the power-off command to the I/O drawers from SPCN. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1BE C100C1BE

Explanation: The power down delay is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1B4 C100C1B4

Explanation: The power down operation is complete. Explanation: The SPCN is waiting for power down. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1B5 C100C1B5 Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1CF C100C1CF

Explanation: A critical fault has occured. An SRC will be posted and logged soon. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1FF C100C1FF

Explanation: The SPCN is waiting for power down. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1B6 C100C1B6

Explanation: The power-on process is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100D009 C100D009

Explanation: Powering down the device is complete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1B7 C100C1B7

Explanation: Reserved. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C100C1B8 C100C1B8

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code (system) running initialization C1011F00 C1011F00

Explanation: Pre-standby: starting independent initial transition file (primary/secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: The request to power off the processor subsystem is conplete. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

C1011FFF C104550X
C1011FFF C1011FFF C103A3XX C103A3XX

Explanation: Pre-standby: completed independent initial transition file (primary/secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1021F00 C1021F00

Explanation: Hypervisor data structures are being transferred to system storage Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C103A400 C103A400

Explanation: Pre-standby: starting primaryInitial transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1021FFF C1021FFF

Explanation: Special purpose registers are loaded and instructions are started on the system processors Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C103A401 C103A401

Explanation: Pre-standby: completed primaryInitial transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1031F00 C1031F00

Explanation: Instructions have been started on the system processors Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C103C2XX C103C2XX

Explanation: Pre-standby: starting secondaryInitial transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1031FFF C1031FFF

Explanation: The service processor is waiting for the batteries in the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to charge prior to automatic power on-IPL. The last byte (xx) will increment while waiting on the UPS batteries. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1041F00 C1041F00

Explanation: Pre-standby: completed secondaryInitial transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C103A1XX C103A1XX

Explanation: Pre-standby: starting GardedInitial transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1041FFF C1041FFF

Explanation: Hypervisor code modules are being transferred to system storage Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C103A2XX C103A2XX

Explanation: Pre-standby: completed GardedInitial transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C104550X C104550X

Explanation: Hypervisor data areas are being built in system storage Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: The system reboot is waiting until the sibling service processor reaches the termination state. The last nibble (x) will toggle between 0 and 1.

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C10F2000 C1212000
C10F2000 C10F2000 C115E359 C115E359

Explanation: Halt: starting halt transition file C10F20FF C10F20FF

Explanation: Vital product data (VPD) collection in progress. This progress code may be displayed for a long time on large systems. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1 only if this progress code does not appread to be updating after an hour or more. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server service guide. C116C2XX C116C2XX

Explanation: Halt: completing halt transition file C1112000 C1112000

Explanation: Power on: starting StandbyPowerOnTransition transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C11120FF C11120FF

Explanation: System power interface is listening for power fault events from SPCN. The last byte (xx) will increment up from 00 to 1F every second while it waits. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1202000 C1202000

Explanation: Power on: completed Standby-PowerOnTransition transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1122000 C1122000

Explanation: IPL transition: starting PowerOn/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C12020FF C12020FF

Explanation: Power on: starting PowerOnTransitionPoweredOn transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C11220FF C11220FF

Explanation: IPL transition: completed PowerOn/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C12040XX C12040XX

Explanation: Power on: completed PowerOnTransition-PoweredOn transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1132000 C1132000

Explanation: IPL lock time left until expiration. The last byte (xx) will count down as the IPL lock time runs out (FF-00). Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1212000 C1212000

Explanation: Power on: starting PoweredOnIplTransition transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C11320FF C11320FF

Explanation: IPL transition: starting Standard/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Power on: completed PoweredOn-IplTransition transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

C12120FF C1402000
C12120FF C12120FF C1252000 C1252000

Explanation: IPL transition: completed Standard/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1222000 C1222000

Explanation: IPL transition: starting Standby/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C12520FF C12520FF

Explanation: IPL transition: starting Flash/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C12220FF C12220FF

Explanation: IPL transition: completed Standby/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1382000 C1382000

Explanation: IPL transition: completed Flash/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1232000 C1232000

Explanation: IPL: starting HostStarted-BcuSwitched transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C13820FF C13820FF

Explanation: IPL transition: starting PostDump/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C12320FF C12320FF

Explanation: IPL: completed HostStarted-BcuSwitched transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1392000 C1392000

Explanation: IPL transition: completed PostDump/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1242000 C1242000

Explanation: IPL: starting BcuSwitched-Runtime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C13920FF C13920FF

Explanation: IPL transition: starting Idle/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C12420FF C12420FF

Explanation: IPL: completed BcuSwitched-Runtime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1402000 C1402000

Explanation: IPL transition: completed Idle/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: IPL: starting Normal/fast/IplHostStarted transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C14020FF C1472000
C14020FF C14020FF C1442000 C1442000

Explanation: IPL: completed Normal/fast/IplHostStarted transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1412000 C1412000

Explanation: IPL: starting IdleTransition-Idle transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C14420FF C14420FF

Explanation: IPL: starting Normal/slow/IplHostStarted transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C14120FF C14120FF

Explanation: IPL: completed IdleTransition-Idle transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1452000 C1452000

Explanation: IPL: completed Normal/slow/IplHostStarted transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1422000 C1422000

Explanation: IPL: starting IplStandbyVerificationTransition transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C14520FF C14520FF

Explanation: IPL: starting PostDump/Ipl-HostStarted transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C14220FF C14220FF

Explanation: IPL: completed IplStandbyVerificationTransition transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1462000 C1462000

Explanation: IPL: completed PostDump/IplHostStarted transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1432000 C1432000

Explanation: IPL: starting StandbyVerificationTransition-Standby transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C14620FF C14620FF

Explanation: IPL: starting Ipl-IdleTransition transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C14320FF C14320FF

Explanation: IPL: completed StandbyVerificationTransition-Standby transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1472000 C1472000

Explanation: IPL: completed Ipl-IdleTransition transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: IPL: starting normal/ipl-hoststarted transition file (master) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

C14720FF C162E4A0
C14720FF C14720FF C162E410 C162E410

Explanation: IPL: completing normal/ipl-hoststarted transition file (master) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1482000 C1482000

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from a processor. Failing Item: v ANYPROC C162E41C C162E41C

Explanation: IPL: starting normal/backup/iplhoststarted transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C14820FF C14820FF

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the system. Failing Item: v CAPACTY C162E41E C162E41E

Explanation: IPL: completing normal/backup/iplhoststarted transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C162E402 C162E402

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the enclosure. Failing Item: v SYSBKPL C162E420 C162E420

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the service processor. Failing Item: v SVCPROC C162E403 C162E403

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the IO backplane. Failing Item: v IO_HUB C162E421 C162E421

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the operator panel. Failing Item: v CTLPNL C162E405 C162E405

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the IO hub. Failing Item: v IO_HUB C162E430 C162E430

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the VPD card. Failing Item: v CAPACTY C162E408 C162E408

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from SPCN. Failing Item: v SVCPROC C162E4A0 C162E4A0

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the system backplane. Failing Item: v SYSBKPL

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the VSBP Starting Point. Failing Item: v CAPACTY
Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C162E4D0 C1922000
C162E4D0 C162E4D0 C1802000 C1802000

Explanation: If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from memory DIMM. Failing Item: v MEMDIMM C1645300 C1645300

Explanation: Termination: starting TerminationTransition-Termination transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C18020FF C18020FF

Explanation: Starting a data synchronization operation between the primary service processor and the secondary service processor. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1645301 C1645301

Explanation: Termination: completed TerminationTransition-Termination transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1902000 C1902000

Explanation: Completed a data synchronization operation between the primary service processor and the secondary service processor. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1645304 C1645304

Explanation: Power off: starting Any-Dpo transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C19020FF C19020FF

Explanation: Redundancy enablement in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1645305 C1645305

Explanation: Power off: completed Any-Dpo transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1912000 C1912000

Explanation: Redundancy enablement in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1645306 C1645306

Explanation: Power off: starting AnyPowerOffTransition transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C19120FF C19120FF

Explanation: Redundancy enablement in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C16453XX C16453XX

Explanation: Power off: completed Any-PowerOffTransition transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1922000 C1922000

Explanation: A large data synchronization operation from the primary service processor to the secondary service processor is taking place. The last nibble (x) will toggle between 2 and 3. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Power off: starting PowerOffTransitionPoweredOff transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

C19220FF C1C520FF
C19220FF C19220FF C1C32000 C1C32000

Explanation: Power off: completed PowerOffTransition-PoweredOff transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C02000 C1C02000

Explanation: Secondary verification: starting secondaryVerification-Runtime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C320FF C1C320FF

Explanation: Secondary VERIFICATION: starting Standby-StandbyVerification transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C020FF C1C020FF

Explanation: Secondary verification: completed secondaryVerification-Runtime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C3C218 C1C3C218

Explanation: Secondary verification: completed Standby-StandbyVerification transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C12000 C1C12000

Explanation: The service processor is polling the system power control network (SPCN) firmware looking for power fault events. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C42000 C1C42000

Explanation: Secondary verification: starting StandbyVerification-Standby transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C120FF C1C120FF

Explanation: Failover: starting failover/failovertermination transition file (master) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C420FF C1C420FF

Explanation: Secondary verification: completed StandbyVerification-Standby transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C22000 C1C22000

Explanation: Failover: completed failover/failovertermination transition file (master) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C52000 C1C52000

Explanation: Secondary verification: starting Runtime-secondaryVerification transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C220FF C1C220FF

Explanation: Failover: starting failover/backup/ failover-termination transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C520FF C1C520FF

Explanation: Secondary verification: completed Runtime-secondaryVerification transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Failover: completed failover/backup/ failover-termination transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C1C62000 C1CBE401
C1C62000 C1C62000 Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CB20FF C1CB20FF

Explanation: Failover: starting failover/failoverruntime transition file (master). Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C620FF C1C620FF

Explanation: Connection monitoring failover: completed survfailover/backup/failover-termination transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE200 C1CBE200

Explanation: Failover: completed failover/failoverruntime transition file (master). Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C72000 C1C72000

Explanation: VPD collection in progress Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE2FF C1CBE2FF

Explanation: Failover: starting failover/backup/ failover-standby transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1C720FF C1C720FF

Explanation: VPD collection ending Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE300 C1CBE300

Explanation: Failover: completed failover/backup/ failover-standby transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CA2000 C1CA2000

Explanation: Checking the status of VPD collection Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE3FF C1CBE3FF

Explanation: Connection monitoring failover: starting survfailover/backup/failover-runtime transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CA20FF C1CA20FF

Explanation: The end of checking the status of VPD collection Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE400 C1CBE400

Explanation: VPD recollection is in progress. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE401 C1CBE401

Explanation: Connection monitoring failover: completed survfailover/backup/failover-runtime transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CB2000 C1CB2000

Explanation: VPD recollection because of a change in the VPD is in progress Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Connection monitoring failover: starting survfailover/backup/failover-termination transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation


Progress codes

C1CBE402 C1CBE402 C1CBE409 C1CBE409

Explanation: The old VPD values are being cleared from memory Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE403 C1CBE403

Explanation: The NVRAM VPD data is being recollected Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE40A C1CBE40A

Explanation: The RLCA is being initialized during VPD recollection Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE404 C1CBE404

Explanation: The RLCA VPD data is being recollected Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE40B C1CBE40B

Explanation: VPD is being recollected Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE405 C1CBE405

Explanation: The recollected RLCA VPD data is being written to memory Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE40C C1CBE40C

Explanation: VPD is being recollected Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE406 C1CBE406

Explanation: The recollected HVAT VPD data is being written to memory Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE40D C1CBE40D

Explanation: VPD is being recollected Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE407 C1CBE407

Explanation: The registers are being updated with the recollected VPD Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE40E C1CBE40E

Explanation: The recollected VPD is being validated Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE408 C1CBE408

Explanation: The module table is being rewritten with the recollected VPD Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE40F C1CBE40F

Explanation: The VPD tables are being rebuilt with the recollected data Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: The LED table is being rewritten with the recollected VPD Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes


C1CBE410 C1E82000
C1CBE410 C1CBE410 C1CC2000 C1CC2000

Explanation: The LED table is being rewritten with the recollected VPD Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE411 C1CBE411

Explanation: Connection monitoring failover: starting survfailover/backup/failover-standby transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CC20FF C1CC20FF

Explanation: The security of the recollected VPD is being verified Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE4FE C1CBE4FE

Explanation: Connection monitoring failover: completed survfailover/backup/failover-standby transition file (secondary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1D22000 C1D22000

Explanation: The state is being updated during VPD recollection Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE4FF C1CBE4FF

Explanation: Dump: starting DumpTransition-Dump transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1D2200D C1D2200D

Explanation: The recollection of VPD is ending Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE500 C1CBE500

Explanation: Dump: calling hardware dump from DumpTransition-Dump transition file (master) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1D2200F C1D2200F

Explanation: The VPD of a single FRU is being recollected Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE600 C1CBE600

Explanation: Dump: calling main store dump from DumpTransition-Dump transition file (master) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1D220FF C1D220FF

Explanation: The VPD of a single FRU module is being recollected Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1CBE6FF C1CBE6FF

Explanation: Dump: completed DumpTransitionDump transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1E82000 C1E82000

Explanation: The VPD recollection from a single FRU is ending Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Exit error: starting ExitError/Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

C1E820FF C1F420FF
C1E820FF C1E820FF Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1F42000 C1F42000

Explanation: Exit error: completed ExitError/Ipl transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1E92000 C1E92000

Explanation: Reset/reload: starting Reset/Ipl-TerminationTransition transition file (master). Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1F420FF C1F420FF

Explanation: Extract exit error: starting ExtractExitError/ipl transition file (master) C1E920FF C1E920FF

Explanation: Reset/reload: completed Reset/Ipl-TerminationTransition transition file (master). Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Extract exit error: completed ExtractExitError/ipl transition file (master) C1EA2000 C1EA2000

Explanation: Extract exit error: starting ExtractExitError/Backup/ipl transition file (secondary) C1EA20FF C1EA20FF

Explanation: Extract exit error: completed ExtractExitError/Backup/ipl transition file (secondary) C1F22000 C1F22000

Explanation: Reset/reload: starting Reset/Ipl-LimitedRuntime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1F220FF C1F220FF

Explanation: Reset/reload: completed Reset/Ipl-LimitedRuntime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1F32000 C1F32000

Explanation: Reset/reload: starting Reset/Ipl-Runtime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. C1F320FF C1F320FF

Explanation: Reset/reload: completed Reset/Ipl-Runtime transition file (primary) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPC1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation
Chapter 8. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes



Progress codes

Chapter 9. (C2xx) Virtual service processor progress codes

The C2xx progress codes indicate the progress of a partition IPL that is controlled by the virtual service processor. The codes represent normal events which do not require any action to be taken. If a partition IPL stalls at a C2xxxxxx progress code, a problem has occurred. Collect all of the SRC words and contact your next level of support.
C2001000 C2001000 Explanation: Power on SPCN racks C2002110 C2002110

Explanation: Partition auto-IPL during a platform IPL C2001010 C2001010

Explanation: Issuing a rack power on command C200211F C200211F

Explanation: IPL source C2001100 C2001100

Explanation: Rack power on command successful C20021FF C20021FF

Explanation: Adding partition resources to the secondary configuration C20011FF C20011FF

Explanation: SPCN rack power on phase complete C2002200 C2002200

Explanation: Partition resources added successfully C2001200 C2001200

Explanation: Begin acquiring slot locks C20022FF C20022FF

Explanation: Checking if IPL is allowed C20012FF C20012FF

Explanation: End acquiring slot locks C2002300 C2002300

Explanation: Partition IPL is allowed to proceed C2001300 C2001300

Explanation: Begin acquiring VIO slot locks C20023FF C20023FF

Explanation: Initializing ISL roadmap C20013FF C20013FF

Explanation: End acquiring VIO slot locks C2002400 C2002400

Explanation: ISL roadmap initialized successfully C2001400 C2001400

Explanation: Begin powering on slots C2002450 C2002450

Explanation: Initializing SP Communication Area #1 C2001410 C2001410

Explanation: Waiting for power on of slots to complete C20024FF C20024FF

Explanation: Initializing IPL parameters C20014FF C20014FF

Explanation: End powering on slots C2002500 C2002500

Explanation: IPL parameters initialized successfully C2002100 C2002100

Explanation: Begin power on VIO slots

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


C20025FF C2006000
C20025FF C20025FF C20043FF C20043FF

Explanation: End powering on VIO slots C2003100 C2003100

Explanation: Load source device is connected C2005100 C2005100

Explanation: Validating ISL command parameters C2003111 C2003111

Explanation: Preparing to initiate MSD phase C2005110 C2005110

Explanation: Waiting for Bus object to become operational C2003112 C2003112

Explanation: Loading SID 82 from load source device C2005115 C2005115

Explanation: MSD Phase I C2005120 C2005120

Explanation: Waiting for bus unit to become disabled C2003115 C2003115

Explanation: Writing processor registers into SID 82 C2005125 C2005125

Explanation: Waiting for creation of bus object C2003150 C2003150

Explanation: MSD Phase II C2005130 C2005130

Explanation: Sending ISL command to bus unit C20031FF C20031FF

Explanation: Waiting for ISL command completion C20032FF C20032FF

Explanation: Writing main store pages to the load source device C2005133 C2005133

Explanation: ISL command complete successfully C2003300 C2003300

Explanation: Writing hardware page table to the load source device C2005135 C2005135

Explanation: Start SoftPOR of a failed ISL slot C2003350 C2003350

Explanation: MSD Phase III C2005140 C2005140

Explanation: Waiting for SoftPOR of a failed ISL slot C20033FF C20033FF

Explanation: Storing (final) SID 82 back to the load source device C2005150 C2005150

Explanation: Finish SoftPOR of a failed ISL slot C2004100 C2004100

Explanation: Allocating the hardware page table C20051FF C20051FF

Explanation: Waiting for load source device to enlist C2004200 C2004200

Explanation: MSD processing complete C2006000 C2006000

Explanation: Load source device has enlisted C2004300 C2004300

Explanation: Locating First LID information on the load source

Explanation: Preparing connection to load source device


Progress codes

C2006005 C2008104
C2006005 C2006005 C2007105 C2007105

Explanation: Clearing all partition main store C2006010 C2006010

Explanation: Preparing to remove the load source IP from the primary partition C2007110 C2007110

Explanation: Locating Next LID information on the load source C2006020 C2006020

Explanation: Preparing to remove the load source IOP from the primary partition C2007120 C2007120

Explanation: Verifying LID information C2006030 C2006030

Explanation: Non-load source IOP has been successfully removed from the primary partition C2007125 C2007125

Explanation: Priming LP Configuration LID C2006040 C2006040

Explanation: Load source IOP has been successfully removed from the primary partition C2007130 C2007130

Explanation: Preparing to initiate LID load from load source C2006050 C2006050

Explanation: Calling fatal error on the Transport Manager bus unit object C20071FF C20071FF

Explanation: LP Configuration LID primed successfully C2006060 C2006060

Explanation: Load source is successfully disconnected C2008040 C2008040

Explanation: Waiting for LID load to complete C20060F0 C20060F0

Explanation: Begin transfer slot locks to partition C2008060 C2008060

Explanation: T he license information document (LID) was read without the aid of a input output processor (IOP). C2006100 C2006100

Explanation: End transfer slot locks to partition C2008080 C2008080

Explanation: LID load completed successfully C2006200 C2006200

Explanation: Begin transfer VIO slot locks to partition C20080A0 C20080A0

Explanation: Loading raw kernel memory image C20062FF C20062FF

Explanation: End transfer VIO slot locks to partition C20080FF C20080FF

Explanation: Loading raw kernel memory image completed successfully C2007100 C2007100

Explanation: Hypervisor low level session manager object is ready C2008100 C2008100

Explanation: Disconnecting from load source device C2007103 C2007103

Explanation: Initializing SP Communication Area #2 C2008104 C2008104

Explanation: Removing load source device from LID Manager object

Explanation: Loading data structures into main store

Chapter 9. (C2xx) Virtual service processor progress codes


C2008110 C200XXXX
C2008110 C2008110

Explanation: Initializing event paths C2008120 C2008120

Explanation: Starting processors C2008130 C2008130

Explanation: Begin associate of system ports. C2008138 C2008138

Explanation: Associating system ports to the RPA partition. C200813F C200813F

Explanation: End associate of system ports. C20081FF C20081FF

Explanation: Processors started successfully, now waiting to receive the continue acknowledgement from System Licensed Internal Code C2008200 C2008200

Explanation: Continue acknowledgement received from System Licensed Internal Code C20082FF C20082FF

Explanation: VSP IPL complete successfully C200XXXX C200XXXX

Explanation: Any other Virtual Service Processor Progress Code not listed here.


Progress codes

Chapter 10. (C3xx, C5xx, C6xx) IPL status progress codes

A server that stalls during an initial program load (IPL) of the operating system indicates a problem with the operating system code or hardware configuration. In this case, your only service action is to call your next level of support. If the problem is in the operating system code or hardware configuration, exchanging any hardware FRU will not fix the problem. Notes: v The following table contains the C3xxxxxx, C5xxxxxx, and C6xxxxxx IPL status progress codes. Some of these codes can appear on your control panel or HMC display. Depending on the system activity and disk configuration the duration of time that each code is displayed can vary. Eventually the system will continue to the next progress code until the IPL status is complete, or if an error is detected an SRC other than a C3xxxxxx, C5xxxxxx, or C6xxxxxx will be displayed. v There are instances when multiple tasks might be happening at the same time, so the progress code on the panel may not reflect the code module having problems. The mode of the IPL (A, B, or D) determines, in part, which status SRCs are displayed. The different types of IPL use different progress codes, so you will not see all of the progress codes in the table below when you perform an IPL. The list of IPL status progress codes uses the following format: v The message number contains characters that represent a particular action your server performs during initialization of the supported operating system. v The description identifies the action or procedure that produced the progress code.
C3YXXXXX C3YXXXXX Licensed Internal Code Machine Facilities component is initialized. IPL of Bus 1 is in progress. C6003910 C6003910

Explanation: System Processor or Main Storage Diagnostic in progress C500C92B C500C92B

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code has initiated PCI Bus Reset to all Bus 1 devices except the SP C6003911 C6003911

Explanation: Waiting for console device - error condition only if console not found C5YXXXXX C5YXXXXX

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code has initiated self test of all Bus 1 devices except the SP C6003912 C6003912

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code system hardware initialization C6001800 C6001800

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code SPCN setup C6003900 C6003900

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code is initiating IPL of the Load Source IOP, waiting for the IOP to signal internal reset complete (Immediate Status Acknowledge Bit set to '1') C6003913 C6003913

Explanation: SP transfer control of Bus 1 (BCU Switch) to Licensed Internal Code is Complete and
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code is initializing the


C6003914 C6004018
Load Source IOP messaging functions C6003914 C6003914 C6004005 C6004005

Explanation: Initialize event management is executing C6004006 C6004006

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code has detected a Load Source IOP problem and is resetting the IOP, or the IOP has requested a reset after an internal Flash memory Licensed Internal Code update C6003915 C6003915

Explanation: IPL all buses C6004007 C6004007

Explanation: Start SLID C6004008 C6004008

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code has initiated the Load Source IOP self-load C6003916 C6003916

Explanation: Initialize I/O service C6004009 C6004009

Explanation: During self-load, the Load Source IOP signalled Licensed Internal Code that it is initiating an internal Flash Memory update or other critical function C6003917 C6003917

Explanation: Initialize I/O machine C6004010 C6004010

Explanation: The Load Source IOP has completed IPL of its operational load, Licensed Internal Code is waiting for the IOP to report its attached IO resources. This is the last progress code normally displayed regarding Load Source IPL C60039XX C60039XX

Explanation: Initialize IDE (interactive device exerciser) C6004011 C6004011

Explanation: Initialize remote services C6004012 C6004012

Explanation: The typical sequence for an A/B/C mode IPL is 3900, 3910, 3911 (warm IPL only), 3912 (warm IPL only), 3913, 3915, 3917, and then other System Licensed Internal Code IPL progress codes. The others are seen when an IOP flash update occurs, usually on a D mode and possibly on a side (source) switch between A and B or C. C6004001 C6004001

Explanation: Initialize RMAC component data values C6004013 C6004013

Explanation: Initialize context management C6004014 C6004014

Explanation: Static paging C6004002 C6004002

Explanation: Initialize RM (component) seize lock C6004015 C6004015

Explanation: Start limited paging, call LID manager C6004003 C6004003

Explanation: Initialize MISR C6004016 C6004016

Explanation: Initialize IPL/Termination (IT) data area / set up node address communication area (NACA) pointer C6004004 C6004004

Explanation: Set time of day C6004017 C6004017

Explanation: Initialize RM (component) process management C6004018 C6004018

Explanation: Check and update MSD SID

Explanation: Initialize error log


Progress codes

C6004019 C6004062
C6004019 C6004019 C6004050 C6004050

Explanation: Re-initialize the service processor C6004020 C6004020

Explanation: Storage management recovery is executing C6004051 C6004051

Explanation: Initialize machine services C6004021 C6004021

Explanation: Start LOG is executing C6004052 C6004052

Explanation: Initialize performance data collector C6004022 C6004022

Explanation: Trace table initialization is executing C6004053 C6004053

Explanation: Initialize event management C6004023 C6004023

Explanation: Context rebuild is executing. Module called: #RCRBCTX. C6004054 C6004054

Explanation: Create MI boundary manager tasks C6004024 C6004024

Explanation: Start Product Activity Log and APPN is executing C6004055 C6004055

Explanation: Disable CPM C6004025 C6004025

Explanation: Authority recovery is executing C6004056 C6004056

Explanation: Initializes battery test C6004026 C6004026

Explanation: Journal recovery is executing C6004057 C6004057

Explanation: Hardware card checkout C6004027 C6004027

Explanation: Data base recovery is executing C6004058 C6004058

Explanation: Start integrated device exerciser (Type C IPL only) C6004028 C6004028

Explanation: Journal synchronization is executing C6004059 C6004059

Explanation: Start DST C6004029 C6004029

Explanation: Commit recovery is executing C6004060 C6004060

Explanation: Make IPL task not critical C6004030 C6004030

Explanation: Data base initialization is executing C6004061 C6004061

Explanation: Free static storage C6004031 C6004031

Explanation: Journal IPL clean up is executing C6004062 C6004062

Explanation: Destroy IPL task, DST has been started C6004033 C6004033

Explanation: Commit initialization is executing

Explanation: Guest Partition Virtual I/O Initialization Complete

Chapter 10. (C3xx, C5xx, C6xx) IPL status progress codes


C6004064 C6004255
C6004064 C6004064 C600407D C600407D

Explanation: System Object Model (SOM) recovery is executing. C6004065 C6004065

Explanation: Authority was notified that full paging is available C600407E C600407E

Explanation: Start operating system is executing C6004072 C6004072

Explanation: Initialize I/O structures C600407F C600407F

Explanation: Storage Management Recovery is complete C6004073 C6004073

Explanation: Initialize cryptography structures C6004100 C6004100

Explanation: Queueing was notified that full paging is available C6004074 C6004074

Explanation: Searching for Load Source Candidate (D-mode only) C6004101 C6004101

Explanation: Breakpoint Manager initialization phase 2 complete C6004075 C6004075

Explanation: Opening media-file to install Licensed Internal Code service displays with proper National Language Version C6004102 C6004102

Explanation: Volume stats initialized C6004076 C6004076

Explanation: Loading and linking from media-file to install Licensed Internal Code service displays with proper National Language Version C6004201 C6004201

Explanation: Lid Manager was notified that full paging is available C6004077 C6004077

Explanation: Storage management recovery C6004204 C6004204

Explanation: Recovery directory structure created C6004078 C6004078

Explanation: Synchronization of mirrored MSD. C6004205 C6004205

Explanation: Link loader was notified that full paging is available C6004079 C6004079

Explanation: Synchronization of mirrored data (where xx is percent complete). C6004240 C6004240

Explanation: Clean up SLIC install structures C600407A C600407A

Explanation: Reclaim main storage C6004250 C6004250

Explanation: Initialize database storage C600407B C600407B

Explanation: Storage management subset directory recovery C6004255 C6004255

Explanation: Initialize IFS storage C600407C C600407C

Explanation: Defragmentation utility

Explanation: HRI was notified that full paging is available


Progress codes

C6004260 C6004502
C6004260 C6004260 C6004331 C6004331

Explanation: Storage management directory recovery. C6004272 C6004272

Explanation: Freeing unused nucleus pages C6004332 C6004332

Explanation: ASP overflow recovery C6004300 C6004300

Explanation: Permanently applying PTFs. If the IPL is terminated at this point, the Licensed Internal Code might need to be installed again. C6004400 C6004400

Explanation: Static paging is available for the link/loader C6004301 C6004301

Explanation: Main Storage Dump Manager started (where xx is the number of minutes elapsed waiting for DASD to report in. C6004401 C6004401

Explanation: Applying temporary PTFs. If the IPL is terminated at this point, the Licensed Internal Code might need to be installed again. C6004302 C6004302

Explanation: Some DASD failed to report in C6004402 C6004402

Explanation: Applying modules. If the IPL is terminated at this point, the Licensed Internal Code might need to be installed again. C6004303 C6004303

Explanation: Storage Management Recovery started C6004403 C6004403

Explanation: Storage Management Recovery ended C6004404 C6004404

Explanation: Temporarily applied PTFs have reached the static paging phase C6004304 C6004304

Explanation: Delayed LID is being requested. C6004305 C6004305

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code log started. If Auto Copy in progress, xx is the percent complete. Module called: MsdStartSf. C6004405 C6004405

Explanation: Delayed LID has loaded successfully. C600432A C600432A

Explanation: Dump auto copy completed successfully. Module called: MsdStartSf. C6004406 C6004406

Explanation: Resolving references to run Mode A. The system can be safely terminated while this work is being done. C600432B C600432B

Explanation: Shutdown/Programmed IPL started (MSD related). Module called: MsdStartSf, MsdInit. C6004500 C6004500

Explanation: Resolving references to run Mode B. The system may be safely terminated while this work is being done. C6004330 C6004330

Explanation: Verifying network attributes C6004501 C6004501

Explanation: Looking for the console C6004502 C6004502

Explanation: Full paging is available; workstation HRI processing

Explanation: Starting DST display task (SSP only)

Chapter 10. (C3xx, C5xx, C6xx) IPL status progress codes


C6004503 C6xx4404
C6004503 C6004503 C6004C60 C6004C60

Explanation: Checking possible MRI on media (SSP only) C6004504 C6004504

Explanation: Parallel database initialization is at Pass 3 C6004F57 C6004F57

Explanation: Verifying system serial number C6004505 C6004505

Explanation: The system is recovering all database objects. This step can take several hours. C6004F60 C6004F60

Explanation: Verifying system type C6004506 C6004506

Explanation: The system is examining all objects during database initialization. C6xx1800 C6xx1800

Explanation: Verifying system-unique ID C6004507 C6004507

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code SPCN setup C6xx4205 C6xx4205

Explanation: Starting 'before DST' DASD checker C6004508 C6004508

Explanation: Synchronization of mirrored data (where xx is percent complete). C6xx4400 C6xx4400

Explanation: Verifying system password (if DASD check OK) C6004509 C6004509

Explanation: Starting DASD migration function (only if migrating) C600450A C600450A

Explanation: Main Storage Dump Manager started (where xx is the number of minutes elapsed waiting for DASD to report in. C6xx4404 C6xx4404

Explanation: Starting 'after DST' DASD checker C6004A57 C6004A57

Explanation: Licensed Internal Code log started. If Auto Copy in progress, xx is the percent complete. Module called: MsdStartSf.

Explanation: Parallel database recovery and is at Pass 1 C6004A60 C6004A60

Explanation: Parallel database initialization is at Pass 1 C6004B57 C6004B57

Explanation: Parallel database recovery is at Pass 2 C6004B60 C6004B60

Explanation: Parallel database initialization is at Pass 2 C6004C57 C6004C57

Explanation: Parallel database recovery is at Pass 3


Progress codes

Chapter 11. (C7xx) Server firmware IPL status progress codes

A server that stalls during an initial program load (IPL) of the server firmware indicates a problem with the server firmware code. Server firmware IPL status progress codes enable your service provider and next level of support to more easily identify the server firmware component causing the problem. Note: If the problem is in the server firmware code, exchanging any hardware FRU will not fix the problem.
C7004091 C7004091

Explanation: This is the final IPL status progress code to be displayed before the system reaches standby state. When standby is reached, C7004091 will no longer be displayed. C700XXXX C700XXXX

Explanation: If the system stalls during an initial program load (IPL) of the server firmware, a problem has occurred with the server firmware code. Exchanging any hardware FRU will not fix the problem. Problem determination: Collect information on words 3 and 4 of the SRC, and call your next level of support.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Chapter 12. (C9xx) IPL status progress codes

Learn about IPL status progress codes that have a format of C9xxxxxx. As your server performs an IPL, the control panel displays progress codes that indicate the status of the IPL. Often, you can use these progress codes to help you perform problem analysis. The following list offers information on the IPL status progress codes that have a format of C9xxxxxx.
C9002810 Refcode_C9002810 Explanation: Install complex objects C9002960 Refcode_C9002960

Explanation: Reclaim machine context C9002820 Refcode_C9002820

Explanation: Sign on processing C9002965 Refcode_C9002965

Explanation: Resolve system objects C9002825 Refcode_C9002825

Explanation: Software Management Services (SMS) initialization C9002967 Refcode_C9002967

Explanation: Convert Work Control Block Table C9002830 Refcode_C9002830

Explanation: Applying PTFs C9002968 Refcode_C9002968

Explanation: System value object C90028C0 Refcode_C90028C0

Explanation: IPL options C9002970 Refcode_C9002970

Explanation: Prepare SPCF job C90028C5 Refcode_C90028C5

Explanation: Initialize system objects C9002910 Refcode_C9002910

Explanation: Database recovery part 1, journal recovery part 1 C9002973 Refcode_C9002973

Explanation: Start system logging C9002920 Refcode_C9002920

Explanation: This recovery step attempts to perform any needed recovery for database files that were being changed, created or deleted when an abnormal system end occurred. C9002976 Refcode_C9002976

Explanation: Library and object information repository (OIR) cleanup C9002925 Refcode_C9002925

Explanation: Verify POSIX** root directories C9002930 Refcode_C9002930

Explanation: This recovery step verifies the object recovery list performs any needed recovery for journals and journal receivers. C9002978 Refcode_C9002978

Explanation: Database cross-reference C9002940 Refcode_C9002940

Explanation: This progress code displays after progress codes C9002A70 through C9002976 have been completed C9002980 Refcode_C9002980

Explanation: Console configuration C9002950 Refcode_C9002950

Explanation: Storage requirements

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


C9002990 C9002CF0
C9002990 Refcode_C9002990 C9002AA4 Refcode_C9002AA4

Explanation: Performance adjustments C90029A0 Refcode_C90029A0

Explanation: This progress code displays after progress codes C9002AA0 - C9002AA3 have been completed C9002AA5 Refcode_C9002AA5

Explanation: System control block C90029B0 Refcode_C90029B0

Explanation: Integrated File System/New File System (NFS) directory recovery C9002AAC Refcode_C9002AAC

Explanation: Spool initialization C90029C0 Refcode_C90029C0

Explanation: Integrated File System conversion C9002AB0 Refcode_C9002AB0

Explanation: Work control block table C9002A80 Refcode_C9002A80

Explanation: Database recovery part 2 C9002AC0 Refcode_C9002AC0

Explanation: Before starting system jobs C9002A85 Refcode_C9002A85

Explanation: Bringing up POSIX SAG C9002A87 Refcode_C9002A87

Explanation: Document Library Object (DLO) recovery C9002B10 Refcode_C9002B10

Explanation: POSIX SAG restart and signals initialization C9002A90 Refcode_C9002A90

Explanation: Establish event monitors C9002B30 Refcode_C9002B30

Explanation: QLUS job C9002B40 Refcode_C9002B40

Explanation: Starting system jobs C9002A95 Refcode_C9002A95

Explanation: Device configuration C9002C10 Refcode_C9002C10

Explanation: Abnormal Work Control Block Table cleanup C9002AA0 Refcode_C9002AA0

Explanation: After system arbiter C9002C20 Refcode_C9002C20

Explanation: Damage notification C9002AA1 Refcode_C9002AA1

Explanation: SNADS recovery C9002C25 Refcode_C9002C25

Explanation: This recovery step either rolls back or completes certain uncompleted database operations that were run under commitment control C9002AA2 Refcode_C9002AA2

Explanation: ZMF component (Mail Enablement (OeDS) Framework) recovery C9002C40 Refcode_C9002C40

Explanation: This recovery completes certain journal operations that were in progress when the system ended processing C9002AA3 Refcode_C9002AA3

Explanation: Work Control Block Table cleanup C9002CF0 Refcode_C9002CF0

Explanation: Reclaim storage

Explanation: This recovery sends messages to QHST for database files that may have been damaged by a system end


Progress codes

C9002F00 Refcode_C9002F00

Explanation: IPL complete

Chapter 12. (C9xx) IPL status progress codes



Progress codes

Chapter 13. (CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes

Partition firmware progress codes offer information about the progress of partition firmware as it is initializing. In some cases, a server might hang (or stall) at one of these progress codes without displaying an 8-character system reference code (SRC). Only during such a hang condition should you take any service action related to the progress code. Note: If the control panel displays more than eight characters, use only the first eight characters to find the error in the list. Characters that display after the first eight represent a location code that assists you in diagnosing the problem.
CA000000 CA000000 v FWFLASH CA000040 CA000040

Explanation: Process control now owned by partition firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000020 CA000020

Explanation: Attempting to obtain RTAS code lid details Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000050 CA000050

Explanation: Checking the firmware levels Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000030 CA000030

Explanation: Attempting to load RTAS firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000060 CA000060

Explanation: Attempting to establish a communication link by using lpevents Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000032 CA000032

Explanation: Attempting to obtain open firmware details Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000070 CA000070

Explanation: Attempting to register lpevent queues Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000034 CA000034

Explanation: Attempting to load open firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000080 CA000080

Explanation: Attempting to exchange cap and allocate lpevents Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000038 CA000038

Explanation: Preparing to start open firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000090 CA000090

Explanation: Attempting to exchange virtual continue events Failing Item:

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009

Explanation: Open firmware package corrupted (phase 1).


CA000091 CA00D021
Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA000091 CA000091 CA00D00C CA00D00C

Explanation: The partition firmware is about to search for an NVRAM script. Failing Item: v NEXTLVL CA00D00D CA00D00D

Explanation: Attempting to load open firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA0000A0 CA0000A0

Explanation: Evaluating NVRAM script. Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D010 CA00D010

Explanation: Open firmware package corrupted (phase 2) Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D001 CA00D001

Explanation: First pass open firmware initialization complete; establish parameters for restart Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D011 CA00D011

Explanation: PCI probe completed, create PCI bridge interrupt routing properties Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D002 CA00D002

Explanation: First pass open firmware initialization complete; control returned to initialization firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D012 CA00D012

Explanation: PCI adapter nvram hint created; system is rebooting Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D003 CA00D003

Explanation: Second pass open firmware initialization complete; control returned to initialization firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D013 CA00D013

Explanation: PCI probing complete Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00D004 CA00D004

Explanation: Run-time open firmware initialization complete; control returned to initialization firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D020 CA00D020

Explanation: Start of install-console, loading GUI package Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D008 CA00D008

Explanation: The partition firmware is about to download and run the SLIC loader Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00D021 CA00D021

Explanation: Initialize console and flush queues Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: The partition firmware is about to download and run the I/O reporter to collect VPD Failing Item: v FWFLASH


Progress codes

CA00E101 CA00E13C
CA00E101 CA00E101 CA00E134 CA00E134

Explanation: Create RTAS node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E102 CA00E102

Explanation: Create memory node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E135 CA00E135

Explanation: Load/initialize RTAS Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E105 CA00E105

Explanation: Create HCA node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E136 CA00E136

Explanation: Transfer control to the operating system (normal boot) Problem determination: See Problems with loading and starting the operating system. CA00E10A CA00E10A

Explanation: Create BSR node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E137 CA00E137

Explanation: Load RTAS device tree Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E10B CA00E10B

Explanation: Create HEA node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E138 CA00E138

Explanation: Set RTAS device properties Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E110 CA00E110

Explanation: Create options node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E139 CA00E139

Explanation: Create the kdump properties Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E130 CA00E130

Explanation: Create aliases node and system aliases Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E13A CA00E13A

Explanation: Build device tree Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E131 CA00E131

Explanation: Create packages node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E13B CA00E13B

Explanation: Create the root node properties Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Create HEA node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E13C CA00E13C

Explanation: Create HEA port node Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Chapter 13. (CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes


CA00E13D CA00E15B
CA00E13D CA00E13D CA00E14D CA00E14D

Explanation: Create host fabric interface (HFI) I/O hub node Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Load boot image Problem determination: See "Problems with loading and starting the operating system" CA00E150 CA00E150



Explanation: Create host fabric interface (HFI) Ethernet node Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Create host (primary) PCI controller node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E151 CA00E151



Explanation: Probing PCI bus Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E152 CA00E152

Explanation: Loading the operating system Problem determination: See "Problems with loading and starting the operating system" CA00E141 CA00E141

Explanation: Synchronize the operating system bootlist to the management module bootlist Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Probing for adapter FCODE; evaluate if present Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E153 CA00E153



Explanation: Management module bootlist is being set from the operating system boot list Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: End adapter FCODE probing and evaluation Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E154 CA00E154



Explanation: Create PCI bridge node Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E155 CA00E155

Explanation: Operating system bootlist is being set from the management module bootlist Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E149 CA00E149

Explanation: Probing PCI bridge secondary bus CA00E156 CA00E156

Explanation: Create boot mgr node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E14C CA00E14C

Explanation: Create plug-in PCI bridge node Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E15B CA00E15B

Explanation: Create terminal emulator node Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Transfer control to Operating System (service mode boot) Problem determination: See "Problems with loading


Progress codes

CA00E15F CA00E19B
and starting the operating system" CA00E15F CA00E15F CA00E179 CA00E179 Explanation: Closing BOOTP Response: 1. Make sure that: CA00E170 CA00E170 v The bootp server is correctly configured, then retry the operation. v The network connections are correct, then retry the operation. 2. Look for server firmware updates; apply if available. CA00E172 CA00E17B CA00E17B Explanation: Processor clock speed measurement Failing Item: v NEXTLVL CA00E174 CA00E174 CA00E198 CA00E198 Explanation: Rebooting partition to enact changes specified in ibm,client-archtiecture-support. Problem determination: See "Problems with loading and starting the operating system" CA00E175 CA00E199 CA00E199 2. Look for server firmware updates; apply if available.

Explanation: Adapter VPD evaluation Failing Item: v FWPCI5

Explanation: Start of PCI BUS probe Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E172

Explanation: First pass PCI device probe Failing Item: v FWPCI5

Explanation: Establishing host connection Failing Item: v FWHOST CA00E175

Explanation: BootP request Failing Item: v FWHOST CA00E176 CA00E176

Explanation: The partition is rebooting to enact changes that were specified the ELF header of the boot image. Problem determination: See "Problems with loading and starting the operating system" CA00E19A CA00E19A

Explanation: TFTP file transfer Problem determination: See "Problems with loading and starting the operating system" CA00E177 CA00E177

Explanation: NVRAM auto-boot? variable not found assume FALSE Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E19B CA00E19B

Explanation: Transfer failure due to TFTP error condtion Problem determination: See "Problems with loading and starting the operating system" CA00E178 CA00E178

Explanation: NVRAM menu? variable not found assume FALSE Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Initiating TFTP file transfer Response: 1. Make sure that: v The bootp server is correctly configured, then retry the operation. v The network connections are correct, then retry the operation.

Chapter 13. (CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes



Explanation: Create NVRAM node Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E19E CA00E19E

Explanation: User requested boot using default service mode boot list by using the HMC or a service processor command Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1A7 CA00E1A0 CA00E1A7

Explanation: Real-time clock (RTC) initialization Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1A0

Explanation: User requested boot to SMS menus by using keyboard entry Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1A1 CA00E1A1

Explanation: User requested boot using customized service mode boot list by using the HMC or a service processor command. Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1AA CA00E1AA

Explanation: System boot check for NVRAM Settings Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1AB CA00E1AB

Explanation: User requested boot to open firmware prompt by using keyboard entry Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1A2 CA00E1A2

Explanation: System booting using the default service mode boot list Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1AC CA00E1AC

Explanation: User requested boot using default service mode boot list by using keyboard entry Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1A3 CA00E1A3

Explanation: System booting using the customized service mode boot list Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1AD CA00E1AD

Explanation: User requested boot using customized service mode boot list by using keyboard entry Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1A4 CA00E1A4

Explanation: System booting to the operating system Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1AE CA00E1AE Explanation: User requested boot to SMS menus by using the Hardware Management Console or a service processor command Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1A5 CA00E1A5

Explanation: System booted to SMS multiboot menu by using NVRAM settings Failing Item: v FWMBOOT

Explanation: User requested boot to open firmware prompt by using the HMC or a service processor command Failing Item:


Progress codes


Explanation: System booted to SMS utilities menu by using NVRAM settings Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Create PCI SCSI node Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1D3 CA00E1D3



Explanation: Create SCSI block device node (SD) Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1D4 CA00E1D4

Explanation: Process HMC-specified boot device specifier Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1B1 CA00E1B1

Explanation: Create SCSI byte device node (ST) Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1DC CA00E1DC

Explanation: System booting with HMC or hosting-partition directed boot-device repair Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1B2 CA00E1B2

Explanation: Dynamic console selection Failing Item: v FWCONS CA00E1DD CA00E1DD

Explanation: XOFF received, waiting for XON Failing Item: v FWVTHMC CA00E1B3 CA00E1B3

Explanation: A graphics adapter was selected as the firmware console, but the USB keyboard is not attached. Problem determination: Ensure that a USB keyboard is attached to a USB port that is assigned to the partition. Failing Item: v FWCONS CA00E1F0 CA00E1F0

Explanation: XON received Problem determination: This checkpoint flashes by so quickly on the control panel that you cannot see it. The progress indicators log may contain a reference to it, which you can access by using the ASMI menus. If a partition hangs on this checkpoint, perform the action specified in the Failing Item column. Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1B4 CA00E1B4

Explanation: Start out-of-box experience Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1F1 CA00E1F1

Explanation: HMC or hosting-partition directed boot-string did not load an operating system repair Failing Item: v NEXTLVL CA00E1B5 CA00E1B5

Explanation: Start selftest sequence on one or more devices Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1F5 CA00E1F5

Explanation: Checking for iSCSI disk aliases Failing Item: v FWPCI5

Explanation: Build boot device list Problem determination:

Chapter 13. (CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes


CA00E1F6 CA00E442
1. If the system or partition hangs on this checkpoint, look for a location code in the operator panel. If a location code is being displayed when the hang occurs, suspect the device at that location code. 2. If the device at that location code is good, suspect the other bootable devices that are on the same bus, such as an IDE bus. 3. If no location codes are displayed, remove all of the bootable devices in the system or partition. Add them back in one at a time, and reboot the partition after each one is added. This should isolate the device that is causing the hang; replace it. CA00E1F6 CA00E1F6 CA00E1FC CA00E1FC

Explanation: Build boot device list for SSA adapters (displays the location code of the SSA adapter being scanned) Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1FE CA00E1FE

Explanation: Building device list for Fibre Channel (SAN) adapters (displays the WWPN of the fibre-channel adapter being scanned) Problem determination: 1. If the system or partition hangs on this checkpoint, remove the fibre channel adapter(s) from the system or partition and reboot. If the problem is resolved, replace the fibre channel adapter that was causing the hang. 2. If step 1 does not isolate the problem, contact your next level of support. CA00E1FF CA00E1FF

Explanation: Determine boot device sequence Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E1F7 CA00E1F7

Explanation: Boot invalid or stopped Problem determination: See "Problems with loading and starting the operating system" CA00E1F8 CA00E1F8

Explanation: Build device list for Fibre Channel (SAN) adapters (displays the LUN for each device being scanned) Problem determination: 1. If the system or partition hangs on this checkpoint, remove the fibre channel adapter(s) from the system or partition and reboot. If the problem is resolved, replace the fibre channel adapter that was causing the hang. 2. If step 1 does not isolate the problem, contact your next level of support. CA00E440 CA00E440

Explanation: Build boot device list for SCSI adapters (displays the location code of the SCSI adapter being scanned) Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1F9 CA00E1F9

Explanation: Build boot device list for Fibre Channel adapters (displays the location of the SAN adapter being scanned) Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1FA CA00E1FA

Explanation: Validate NVRAM, initialize partitions as needed Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E441 CA00E441

Explanation: Building device list for SCSI adapters (displays the device ID and device LUN of the devices being scanned) Failing Item: v FWPCI5 CA00E1FB CA00E1FB

Explanation: Generate /options node NVRAM configuration variable properties Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E442 CA00E442

Explanation: Scan SCSI bus for attached devices Failing Item: v FWSCSIH

Explanation: Validate NVRAM partitions Failing Item: v FWFLASH


Progress codes

CA00E443 CA00E879
CA00E443 CA00E443 CA00E850 CA00E850

Explanation: Generate NVRAM configuration variable dictionary words Problem determination: Suspect a system firmware problem if the problem persists. Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E444 CA00E444

Explanation: Initializing dynamic reconfiguration Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E860 CA00E860

Explanation: Initializing sensors Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E865 CA00E865

Explanation: NVRAM size is less than 8K bytes Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E701 CA00E701

Explanation: Initializing VPD Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E870 CA00E870

Explanation: Create memory VPD Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E800 CA00E800

Explanation: Initializing pfds memory manager Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E875 CA00E875

Explanation: Initialize gdata for the control (operator) panel Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E820 CA00E820

Explanation: Initializing rtas_last_error Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E876 CA00E876

Explanation: Initializing lpevent Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E830 CA00E830

Explanation: Initializing rtas_error_inject Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E877 CA00E877

Explanation: Initializing event scan Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E840 CA00E840

Explanation: Initialize dump interface Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E879 CA00E879

Explanation: Initializing hot plug Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E843 CA00E843

Explanation: Initialize the platform-assisted kdump interface Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: Initializing interface/aix access Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Chapter 13. (CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes


CA00E880 CA2799FF
CA00E880 CA00E880 CA060203 CA060203

Explanation: The firmware version is being sent to the hypervisor. Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Explanation: An alias was modified or created Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA26FFFF CA26FFFF



Explanation: Initializing set-power-level Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E886 CA00E886

Explanation: An extended amount of time was required while waiting for lpevent to complete. Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA26TTSS CA26TTSS

Explanation: Initializing exit2c Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E887 CA00E887

Explanation: Waiting for lpevent of type tt and subtype ss Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA279001 CA279001

Explanation: Initialize gdata for activate_firmare Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E890 CA00E890

Explanation: The firmware update image contains an update module that is not present in the current image. CA2799FD CA2799FD

Explanation: Starting to initialize open firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E891 CA00E891

Explanation: The service processor is receiving a server firmware update module Problem determination: This checkpoint alternates in the control panel with CA2799FF. This pair of checkpoints might stay in the display for up to 30 minutes with no other indication of activity. Do not assume that the system is hung until ONLY CA2799FD has remained in the control panel for at least 30 minutes with no other indication of activity. If the system hangs on CA2799FD (it is NOT alternating with CA2799FF), power off the system and reboot from the permanent side. Reject the image on the temporary side. CA2799FF CA2799FF

Explanation: Finished initializing open firmware Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00E8A0 CA00E8A0

Explanation: The pinned page manager is being initialized. Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA00EAA1 CA00EAA1

Explanation: The service processor is writing a server firmware update module. Problem determination: This checkpoint alternates in the control panel with CA2799FD. This pair of checkpoints might stay in the display for up to 30 minutes with no other indication of activity. Do not assume that the system is hung until ONLY CA2799FF has remained in the control panel for at least 30 minutes with no other indication of activity. If the system hangs on CA2799FF (it is NOT alternating with CA2799FD), power off the system and reboot from the permanent side. Reject the image on the temporary side.

Explanation: Probe PCI-PCI bridge bus Failing Item: v FWPCI5


Progress codes

CA350000 CA35FFFF
CA350000 CA350000

Explanation: Begin input/output reporting (IOR) routines. Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA350009 CA350009

Explanation: Begin data collection from a PCI device. If the system or partition hangs on this code, it may indicate a problem with the device identified by the location code reported with this progress code. Look for SRCs with the format BAxx yyyy in the system management services (SMS) firmware error log; correct any problems that are found. CA350010 CA350010

Explanation: The input/output reporting (IOR) device driver is executing. If the system or partition hangs on this code, it may indicate a problem with the device identified by the location code reported with this progress code. Look for SRCs with the format BAxx yyyy in the system management services (SMS) firmware error log; correct any problems that are found. CA350011 CA350011

Explanation: Execution of the input/output reporting (IOR) device driver is complete. Failing Item: v FWFLASH CA35FFFF CA35FFFF

Explanation: The input/output reporting (IOR) routines have completed. Failing Item: v FWFLASH

Chapter 13. (CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes



Progress codes

Chapter 14. (CF00) Linux kernel boot progress codes

CF000012 CF000012 Explanation: Set up initialization. Problem determination: If the system or partition does not progress past this code, contact your Linux provider. CF000015 CF000015

Explanation: Set up is complete. Problem determination: If the system or partition does not progress past this code, contact your Linux provider. CF000020 CF000020

Explanation: External interrupt controller server initialization. Problem determination: If the system or partition does not progress past this code, contact your Linux provider. CF000021 CF000021

Explanation: External interrupt controller server complete. Problem determination: If the system or partition does not progress past this code, contact your Linux provider. CF000100 CF000100

Explanation: Memory manager initialization. Problem determination: If the system or partition does not progress past this code, contact your Linux provider.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Chapter 15. (D1xx) Service processor firmware progress codes

A D1xx reference code indicates that an event or exception occurred in service processor firmware. To resolve any D1xx reference code, determine if the SRC requires a service action or if it is for tracking purposes only. Diagnostics analyze an event when it occurs to determine if the event requires service or if the event will only be recorded for tracking purposes and future reference. The determination is based on machine type, model, installed features, configuration, topology and activations at the time of the event. If you do not find the SRC in a serviceable event view then it is a tracking event only and does not require service. Tracking events appear as informational or Misc. or temp in the IBM i product activity log and the Advanced System Manage Interface (ASMI).

Explanation: The CEC server firmware aborted. Response: Determine if this is a tracking or serviceable event. If this is a tracking event, no service actions are required. Otherwise, use the FRU and procedure callouts detailed with the SRC to determine service actions. D1XXCA01 D1XXCA01

Explanation: Informational message: There was an error when opening a file. D1XXCA07 D1XXCA07

Explanation: Informational message: There was an error when reading a file. D1XXCA08 D1XXCA08

Explanation: Informational message: Items that were deconfigured by the system were guarded out. D1XXCA02 D1XXCA02

Explanation: Informational message: There was an error when writing a file. D1XXCA09 D1XXCA09

Explanation: Informational message: items that were deconfigured by the user via the ASMI menus were guarded out. D1XXCA03 D1XXCA03

Explanation: Informational message: There was an error when closing a file. D1XXCA0A D1XXCA0A Explanation: Informational message: There was an li nk file error. D1XXCA0B D1XXCA0B Explanation: Informational message: Failure when setting the DIMM status in the hardware object manager. D1XXCA0C D1XXCA0C Explanation: Informational message: Failure when setting the status of a device other than a DIMM.

Explanation: Informational message: The guard data has been cleared. D1XXCA04 D1XXCA04

Explanation: Informational message: There is a new version of the guard data. D1XXCA05 D1XXCA05

Explanation: Informational message: The guard data was corrupted, and has been rebuilt.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


D1XXCA0D D1XXCA0D Explanation: Informational message: Failure when reading the system type. D1XXCA0E D1XXCA0E

Explanation: Informational message: Failure when reading a registry entry. D1XXCA0F D1XXCA0F

Explanation: Informational message: Failure when getting VPD data. D1XXCA10 D1XXCA10

Explanation: Informational message: Items that had been guarded out were recovered. D1XXCA11 D1XXCA11

Explanation: Informational message: The resource ID was not found in the list. D1XXCA12 D1XXCA12

Explanation: Informational message: Manual configuration or deconfiguration is not allowed. D1XXCA13 D1XXCA13

Explanation: Informational message: The buffer size is invalid. D1XXCA14 D1XXCA14

Explanation: Informational message: Unable to return a valid guard state for the requested resource. D1XXCA15 D1XXCA15

Explanation: Informational message: The guard action that was requested is not allowed. D1XXCA16 D1XXCA16

Explanation: Informational message: Items that were deconfigured by the system (but are eligible for resource recovery) were guarded out.


Progress codes

Chapter 16. (D1xx) Service processor status progress codes

D1xx status reference codes, posted by the service processor, offer information about the state of the service processor during a power-off operation.
D1XX900C D1XX900C

Explanation: Breakpoint set in CPU controls has been hit Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XXB0FF D1XXB0FF

Explanation: Request to initiate power-off program has been sent Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XXC000 D1XXC000

Explanation: Indicates a message is ready to send to the server firmware to power off Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XXC001 D1XXC001

Explanation: Waiting for the server firmware to acknowledge the delayed power off notification Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XXC002 D1XXC002

Explanation: Waiting for the server firmware to send the power off message Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XXC003 D1XXC003

Explanation: Server firmware handshaking is complete Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Chapter 17. (D1xx) Service processor dump status progress codes

D1xx service processor dump status codes Service processor dump status codes use the format of D1yy1xxx, where: v yy indicates the type of data that is being dumped. v xxx is a counter that increments each time the server stores 4K of data. When these codes occur during a service processor dump, they appear in the control panel display.
D1001XXX D1001XXX locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1051XXX D1051XXX

Explanation: Dump error data Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1011XXX D1011XXX

Explanation: Dump core file for failing component Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1061XXX D1061XXX

Explanation: Dump sai_header Hardware Management Console (HMC) file Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D101C00F D101C00F

Explanation: Dump all NVRAM Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1071XXX D1071XXX

Explanation: No power off to allow debugging for CPU controls Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1021XXX D1021XXX

Explanation: Dump component trace for failing component Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1081XXX D1081XXX

Explanation: Dump sai_header directory Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1031XXX D1031XXX

Explanation: Dump component data from /opt/p0 Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1091XXX D1091XXX

Explanation: Dump sai_header fips header Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1041XXX D1041XXX

Explanation: Dump /opt/p1//* Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1111XXX D1111XXX

Explanation: Dump sai_header entry header Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


D1121XXX D1251XXX
Explanation: Dump /opt/p0/* Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1121XXX D1121XXX D1191XXX D1191XXX

Explanation: Dump BDMP component trace (after dump if enough space) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D11A1XXX D11A1XXX

Explanation: Dump /opt/p1/* Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1131XXX D1131XXX

Explanation: Dump any state information before dumping starts Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D11B1XXX D11B1XXX

Explanation: Dump all traces Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1141XXX D1141XXX

Explanation: Dump /proc filesystem. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D11C1XXX D11C1XXX

Explanation: Dump code version Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1151XXX D1151XXX

Explanation: Dump mounted filesystem statistics. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D11D1XXX D11D1XXX

Explanation: Dump all /opt/p3 except rtbl Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1161XXX D1161XXX

Explanation: Dump environment. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1231XXX D1231XXX

Explanation: Dump pddcustomize -r command Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1171XXX D1171XXX

Explanation: Dump update dump headers Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1241XXX D1241XXX

Explanation: Dump registry -l command Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1181XXX D1181XXX

Explanation: Dump CRC1 calculation off Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1251XXX D1251XXX

Explanation: Dump all /core/core.* files Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.

Explanation: Dump CRC1 calculation on Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation


Progress codes

D1261XXX D1391XXX
Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1261XXX D1261XXX D12D1XXX D12D1XXX

Explanation: Remove /core/ Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D12E1XXX D12E1XXX

Explanation: Dump CRC2 calculation off Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1271XXX D1271XXX

Explanation: Remove /core/core.* Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D12F1XXX D12F1XXX

Explanation: Dump CRC2 calculation on Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1281XXX D1281XXX

Explanation: Display beginning SRC to panel Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1301XXX D1301XXX

Explanation: Dump output the calculated CRC1 (sai_headers) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1291XXX D1291XXX

Explanation: Turn off error log capture into dump Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1311XXX D1311XXX

Explanation: Dump output the calculated CRC2 (data and data headers) Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D12A1XXX D12A1XXX

Explanation: Turn on error log capture into dump Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1321XXX D1321XXX

Explanation: Jump to the position in dump directly after CRC1 Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D12B1XXX D12B1XXX

Explanation: Store information about existing core files Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1381XXX D1381XXX

Explanation: Initialize the headers dump time and serial numbers Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D12C1XXX D12C1XXX

Explanation: Invalidate the dump Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1391XXX D1391XXX

Explanation: Display final SRC to panel Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. Explanation: Check for valid dump sequence Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.
Chapter 17. (D1xx) Service processor dump status progress codes



Explanation: Get dump identity sequence Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D13B1XXX D13B1XXX

Explanation: Get dump length sequence Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1FF1XXX D1FF1XXX

Explanation: Dump complete Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

Chapter 18. (D1xx) Platform dump status progress codes

D1xx platform dump status codes Platform dump status codes use the format of D1xx3yzz, where: v xx is the cage or node ID that the dump component is processing. This varies depending on the node the hardware data is being collected from. It will be set to 0xFF when collecting the mainstore memory data. v y increments from 0x0 to 0xF (to indicate that the system is not hung). v zz is the command that is being processed (see the list below).
D1XX3Y01 D1XX3Y01 D1XX3Y07 D1XX3Y07

Explanation: Get SCOM. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y02 D1XX3Y02

Explanation: Put SCOM. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y08 D1XX3Y08

Explanation: Get scan ring. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y03 D1XX3Y03

Explanation: Send command. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y09 D1XX3Y09

Explanation: Get array values. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y04 D1XX3Y04

Explanation: Get optimized cache. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y0A D1XX3Y0A

Explanation: Stop the clocks. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y05 D1XX3Y05

Explanation: Get GP register. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y0B D1XX3Y0B

Explanation: Flush the cache. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y06 D1XX3Y06

Explanation: Processor clean-up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3Y0C D1XX3Y0C

Explanation: Get CFAM. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009

Explanation: Get JTAG register. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.



Explanation: Stop clocks without quiescing. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3YF0 D1XX3YF0

Explanation: Memory collection set-up. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3YF1 D1XX3YF1

Explanation: Memory collection DMA step. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide. D1XX3YF2 D1XX3YF2

Explanation: Memory collection cleanup. Response: Perform isolation procedure FSPSPD1. To locate the isolation procedure go to the Isolation Procedures chapter in your host server Service Guide.


Progress codes

Chapter 19. (D2xx) Partition status progress codes

D2xxxxxx progress codes are posted by the Virtual Service Processor (VSP) when powering down a partition.
D200A100 D200A100 Explanation: End transfer VIO slot locks to VSP D200B070 D200B070

Explanation: Received MSD SP attention D200A110 D200A110

Explanation: Begin reset slots D200B077 D200B077

Explanation: Received CPM SP attention D200A120 D200A120

Explanation: Waiting for reset slots D200B07F D200B07F

Explanation: Received LL SP attention D200A130 D200A130

Explanation: End reset slots D200B080 D200B080

Explanation: Received RPA end-of-life event D200A200 D200A200

Explanation: Begin reset VIO slots D200B08F D200B08F

Explanation: Begin partition power down. SRC word 3 contains the reason for the power off. Problem determination: SRC word 3 power down reasons v 1: White button power down (also known as delayed power off) v 2: Partition requested power down v 3: Partition requested end of life v 4: System wide shutdown v 5: Attention link loader v 6: Attention MSD v 7: Panel function 3 requested v 8: Panel function 8 requested v 9: Panel function 22 requested v A: Panel function 34 requested D200B050 D200B050

Explanation: End reset VIO slots D200B090 D200B090

Explanation: Begin soft POR slots D200B097 D200B097

Explanation: Waiting soft POR slots D200B09F D200B09F

Explanation: End soft POR slots D200B100 D200B100

Explanation: Sending Hypervisor reset D200B1FF D200B1FF

Explanation: Begin transfer slot locks to VSP D200B05F D200B05F

Explanation: Hypervisor reset successfully sent D200B200 D200B200

Explanation: End transfer slot locks to VSP D200B060 D200B060

Explanation: Begin forced LP reset (after the 1 second timeout) D200B210 D200B210

Explanation: Begin transfer VIO slot locks to VSP D200B06F D200B06F

Explanation: Send CSP/FSP soft processor reset command (word 3 processor ID, word 4 thread ID)

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


D200B2FF D200E1FF
D200B2FF D200B2FF D200E06F D200E06F

Explanation: End forced LP reset D200B300 D200B300

Explanation: End power off VIO slots D200E080 D200E080

Explanation: Closing Hypervisor events paths D200B310 D200B310

Explanation: Begin release slot locks D200E08F D200E08F

Explanation: Deactivating panel functions D200B3FF D200B3FF

Explanation: End release slot locks D200E090 D200E090

Explanation: Hypervisor reset complete successfully D200C100 D200C100

Explanation: Begin release VIO slot locks D200E09F D200E09F

Explanation: Sending Hypervisor I/O reset D200C1FF D200C1FF

Explanation: End release VIO slot locks D200E0A0 D200E0A0

Explanation: Hypervisor I/O reset sent successfully D200C200 D200C200

Explanation: Begin unassociate of system ports D200E0A8 D200E0A8

Explanation: Deallocating events D200C2FF D200C2FF

Explanation: Unassociate system ports from an RPA partition D200E0AF D200E0AF

Explanation: Hypervisor I/O reset complete successfully D200D100 D200D100

Explanation: End unassociate of system ports D200E100 D200E100

Explanation: Removing partition configuration resources D200D1FF D200D1FF

Explanation: Power off SPCN racks D200E110 D200E110

Explanation: Issuing a rack power off command D200E120 D200E120

Explanation: Partition resources removed successfully D200E050 D200E050

Explanation: Begin power off slots D200E057 D200E057

Explanation: Rack power off command complete successfully D200E1FF D200E1FF

Explanation: Waiting power off slots D200E05F D200E05F

Explanation: SPCN racks powered off phase complete

Explanation: End power off slots D200E060 D200E060

Explanation: Begin power off VIO slots


Progress codes

Chapter 20. (D6xx) General status progress codes

Learn about general status progress codes with a format of D6xxxxxx. The following list contains general status progress codes with a format of D6xxxxxx in numeric order. The xx after D6 in each progress code represents two hexadecimal numbers that further define the progress code.
D6000298 D6000298 the server to complete the processing. Do not interrupt this process. D6005500 D6000299 D6000299 Explanation: Managed system power down status D6000483 D6000483 D6005501 D6005501 Explanation: Managed system power down status; indicates that the information from the disk subsystem cache was deleted successfully D6005502 D600430A D600430A Explanation: Operating system service partition power down status: indicates that a server firmware code update is in progress for the P-side (permanent) of the managed system. Problem determination: Your server may display this progress code for an extended period of time where the "xx" increments periodically. Allow the server to complete the processing. Do not interrupt this process. D600430B D600430B D6005502 D6005500

Explanation: Managed system power down started

Explanation: Managed system power down status; attempting to delete information from the disk subsystem cache

Explanation: Power failed; delay timer is running D6000484 D6000484

Explanation: MI run in progress

Explanation: Managed system power down status; indicates that the system failed to delete information from the disk subsystem cache D6005503 D6005503

Explanation: Managed system power down status, which indicates the information from the disk subsystem cache was deleted with qualified success D6xx0298 D6xx0298

Explanation: Operating system service partition power down status indicates that a server firmware code update is in progress for the T-side (temporary) of the managed system. Problem determination: Your server may display this progress code for an extended period of time where the "xx" increments periodically. Allow the server to complete the processing. Do not interrupt this process. D60043BA D60043BA

Explanation: Managed system power down started D6xx0299 D6xx0299

Explanation: Managed system power down status D6xx0483 D6xx0483

Explanation: Power failed; delay timer is running D6xx0484 D6xx0484

Explanation: Operating system service partition power down status indicates that a server firmware code update is in progress to copy the server firmware from the T-side (temporary) of the managed system to the P-side (permanent). Problem determination: Your server may display this progress code for an extended period of time. Allow
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009

Explanation: MI run in progress D6xx430A D6xx430A

Explanation: Operating system service partition power down status: indicates that a server firmware code


D6xx430B D6xx5503
update is in progress for the P-side (permanent) of the managed system. Problem determination: Your server may display this progress code for an extended period of time where the "xx" increments periodically. Allow the server to complete the processing. Do not interrupt this process. D6xx430B D6xx430B

Explanation: Operating system service partition power down status indicates that a server firmware code update is in progress for the T-side (temporary) of the managed system. Problem determination: Your server may display this progress code for an extended period of time where the "xx" increments periodically. Allow the server to complete the processing. Do not interrupt this process. D6xx43BA D6xx43BA

Explanation: Operating system service partition power down status indicates that a server firmware code update is in progress to copy the server firmware from the T-side (temporary) of the managed system to the P-side (permanent). Problem determination: Your server may display this progress code for an extended period of time. Allow the server to complete the processing. Do not interrupt this process. D6xx5500 D6xx5500

Explanation: Managed system power down status; attempting to delete information from the disk subsystem cache D6xx5501 D6xx5501

Explanation: Managed system power down status; indicates that the information from the disk subsystem cache was deleted successfully D6xx5502 D6xx5502

Explanation: Managed system power down status; indicates that the system failed to delete information from the disk subsystem cache D6xx5503 D6xx5503

Explanation: Managed system power down status, which indicates the information from the disk subsystem cache was deleted with qualified success


Progress codes

Chapter 21. (D9xx) General status progress codes

The D9xx progress codes indicate the progress of powering-off a partition. Not all progress codes below apply to all operating systems.
D9002740 Refcode_D9002740

Explanation: Power off immediate D9002750 Refcode_D9002750

Explanation: All subsystems ended D9002760 Refcode_D9002760

Explanation: Device configuration shutdown D9002770 Refcode_D9002770

Explanation: QLUS job ending D9002780 Refcode_D9002780

Explanation: Close database cross-reference files D9002790 Refcode_D9002790

Explanation: QSYSARB job ending D90027C0 Refcode_D90027C0

Explanation: System jobs are ending

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009



Progress codes

Appendix. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. The manufacturer may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult the manufacturer's representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to the manufacturer's product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any intellectual property right of the manufacturer may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any product, program, or service. The manufacturer may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the manufacturer. The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. The manufacturer may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to Web sites not owned by the manufacturer are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. The manufacturer may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning products not produced by this manufacturer was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. This manufacturer has not tested those products and
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2009


cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to products not produced by this manufacturer. Questions on the capabilities of products not produced by this manufacturer should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding the manufacturer's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. The manufacturer's prices shown are the manufacturer's suggested retail prices, are current and are subject to change without notice. Dealer prices may vary. This information is for planning purposes only. The information herein is subject to change before the products described become available. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. If you are viewing this information in softcopy, the photographs and color illustrations may not appear. The drawings and specifications contained herein shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the manufacturer. The manufacturer has prepared this information for use with the specific machines indicated. The manufacturer makes no representations that it is suitable for any other purpose. The manufacturer's computer systems contain mechanisms designed to reduce the possibility of undetected data corruption or loss. This risk, however, cannot be eliminated. Users who experience unplanned outages, system failures, power fluctuations or outages, or component failures must verify the accuracy of operations performed and data saved or transmitted by the system at or near the time of the outage or failure. In addition, users must establish procedures to ensure that there is independent data verification before relying on such data in sensitive or critical operations. Users should periodically check the manufacturer's support websites for updated information and fixes applicable to the system and related software.

IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at Copyright and trademark information at INFINIBAND, InfiniBand Trade Association, and the INFINIBAND design marks are trademarks and/or service marks of the INFINIBAND Trade Association. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.


Progress codes

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Electronic emission notices Class A Notices

The following Class A statements apply to the IBM servers that contain the POWER6 processor.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to meet FCC emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Industry Canada Compliance Statement

This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

Avis de conformit la rglementation d'Industrie Canada

Cet appareil numrique de la classe A respecte est conforme la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

European Community Compliance Statement

This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EU Council Directive 2004/108/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-recommended modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM option cards.

Appendix. Notices


This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A Information Technology Equipment according to European Standard EN 55022. The limits for Class A equipment were derived for commercial and industrial environments to provide reasonable protection against interference with licensed communication equipment. European Community contact: IBM Technical Regulations Pascalstr. 100, Stuttgart, Germany 70569 Tele: 0049 (0)711 785 1176 Fax: 0049 (0)711 785 1283 E-mail: [email protected] Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.

VCCI Statement - Japan

The following is a summary of the VCCI Japanese statement in the box above: This is a Class A product based on the standard of the VCCI Council. If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio interference may occur, in which case, the user may be required to take corrective actions.

Japanese Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) Confirmed Harmonics Guideline (products less than or equal to 20 A per phase)

Japanese Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) Confirmed Harmonics Guideline with Modifications (products greater than 20 A per phase)


Progress codes

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Statement - People's Republic of China

Declaration: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may need to perform practical action.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Statement - Taiwan

The following is a summary of the EMI Taiwan statement above. Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user will be required to take adequate measures. IBM Taiwan Contact Information:

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Statement - Korea

Appendix. Notices


Please note that this equipment has obtained EMC registration for commercial use. In the event that it has been mistakenly sold or purchased, please exchange it for equipment certified for home use.

Germany Compliance Statement

Deutschsprachiger EU Hinweis: Hinweis fr Gerte der Klasse A EU-Richtlinie zur Elektromagnetischen Vertrglichkeit Dieses Produkt entspricht den Schutzanforderungen der EU-Richtlinie 2004/108/EG zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften ber die elektromagnetische Vertrglichkeit in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten und hlt die Grenzwerte der EN 55022 Klasse A ein. Um dieses sicherzustellen, sind die Gerte wie in den Handbchern beschrieben zu installieren und zu betreiben. Des Weiteren drfen auch nur von der IBM empfohlene Kabel angeschlossen werden. IBM bernimmt keine Verantwortung fr die Einhaltung der Schutzanforderungen, wenn das Produkt ohne Zustimmung der IBM verndert bzw. wenn Erweiterungskomponenten von Fremdherstellern ohne Empfehlung der IBM gesteckt/eingebaut werden. EN 55022 Klasse A Gerte mssen mit folgendem Warnhinweis versehen werden: "Warnung: Dieses ist eine Einrichtung der Klasse A. Diese Einrichtung kann im Wohnbereich Funk-Strungen verursachen; in diesem Fall kann vom Betreiber verlangt werden, angemessene Manahmen zu ergreifen und dafr aufzukommen." Deutschland: Einhaltung des Gesetzes ber die elektromagnetische Vertrglichkeit von Gerten Dieses Produkt entspricht dem Gesetz ber die elektromagnetische Vertrglichkeit von Gerten (EMVG). Dies ist die Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie 2004/108/EG in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zulassungsbescheinigung laut dem Deutschen Gesetz ber die elektromagnetische Vertrglichkeit von Gerten (EMVG) (bzw. der EMC EG Richtlinie 2004/108/EG) fr Gerte der Klasse A. Dieses Gert ist berechtigt, in bereinstimmung mit dem Deutschen EMVG das EG-Konformittszeichen - CE - zu fhren. Verantwortlich fr die Konformittserklrung nach des EMVG ist die IBM Deutschland GmbH, 70548 Stuttgart. Generelle Informationen: Das Gert erfllt die Schutzanforderungen nach EN 55024 und EN 55022 Klasse A.


Progress codes

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Statement - Russia

Terms and conditions

Permissions for the use of these publications is granted subject to the following terms and conditions. Personal Use: You may reproduce these publications for your personal, noncommercial use provided that all proprietary notices are preserved. You may not distribute, display or make derivative works of these publications, or any portion thereof, without the express consent of the manufacturer. Commercial Use: You may reproduce, distribute and display these publications solely within your enterprise provided that all proprietary notices are preserved. You may not make derivative works of these publications, or reproduce, distribute or display these publications or any portion thereof outside your enterprise, without the express consent of the manufacturer. Except as expressly granted in this permission, no other permissions, licenses or rights are granted, either express or implied, to the publications or any data, software or other intellectual property contained therein. The manufacturer reserves the right to withdraw the permissions granted herein whenever, in its discretion, the use of the publications is detrimental to its interest or, as determined by the manufacturer, the above instructions are not being properly followed. You may not download, export or re-export this information except in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including all United States export laws and regulations. THE MANUFACTURER MAKES NO GUARANTEE ABOUT THE CONTENT OF THESE PUBLICATIONS. THESE PUBLICATIONS ARE PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Appendix. Notices



Progress codes

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