Fullan Getting Reform Right

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Getting Reform Right: What Works and What Doesn't Author(s): Michael G. Fullan and Matthew B.

Miles Source: The Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 73, No. 10 (Jun., 1992), pp. 744-752 Published by: Phi Delta Kappa International Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20404761 . Accessed: 07/02/2011 15:55
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There are as many myths as there are truthsassociated with change, Messrs. Fullan andMiles assert, and educators need to deepen theway they thinkabout change. To that end, the authors analyze seven reasons
change fails and offer seven 1propositions "for successful change.

BY MICHAEL G. FULLANANDMATTHEWB. MILES A TFTER YEARS of failed tures of schools, rather than superficial education reform, educa first-order changes.1 But no change
tors are more and more in the habit of saying that process" is crucial. But few people real ly know what thatmeans. The phrase is would be more fundamental than a dra matic expansion of the capacity of in and deal with change. This generic ca pacity is worth more than a hundred in

innovation, theenormousoverloadof but fragmented, uncoordinated,and ephem

eral attempts at change. We begin with reasons why typical ap proaches do not work. In our view there are seven basic reasons why reforms fail. Though each one has its own form, these

"knowledgeof the change dividualsandorganizations understand to

used superficially,glibly, as if saying it dividual success storiesof implementing seven shouldbe understood in combina over and over will lead to understanding specific innovations.As we shall see, tion, as a set. 1. Faulty maps of change. It's hard and appropriateaction. even individualsuccess storiesdon't last
We do believe that knowing about the change process is crucial. But there are as many myths as there are truths as sociated with change, and it is time to deepen the way we think about change. We need to assess our knowledge more critically and describe what we know. One needs a good deal of sophistication to grasp the fundamentals of the change long without an appreciation of how to to get to a destination when your map

keep changes alive.

Rather than develop a new strategy for each new wave of reform, we must use basic knowledge about the do's and don'ts

doesn'taccuratelyrepresentthe territory you're to traverse. Everyone involved in

school reform teachers, administra

of bringing about continuous improve

In this article we present this ment. knowledge in the form of seven basic rea sons why reform fails - and seven prop ositions that could lead to success.

tors,parents,students, districtstaff mem bers, consultants,boardmembers, state department officials, legislators, materi als developers, publishers, test-makers,
teacher educators, researchers - has a personal map of how change proceeds.

process and touse that knowledge wisely.

We also believe that serious education

These constructsare often expressed in

WHY REFORM FAILS Schools and districts are overloaded with problems - and, ironically, with so lutions that don't work. Thus things get worse instead of better. Even our rare success stories appear as isolated pock ets of excellence and are as likely to at rophy as to prosper over time. We get glimpses of the power of change, but we have little confidence that we know how to harness forces for continuous improve ment. The problem is not really lack of the form of a proposition or statement.

reform will never be achieveduntil there

is a significant increase in the number of people - leaders and other participants alike - who have come to internalize and habitually act on basic knowledge of how

1. Resistance is inevitable, because people resist change.

2. Every school is unique. 3. Plus qa change, plus c'est la meme

successful change takesplace. Reform

ers talk of the need for deeper, second order changes in the structures and cul MICHAEL G. FULLAN is dean of the Fac ulty of Education at the University of Toron to.MATTHEWB. MILES is a senior research associate with theCenter for Policy Research, New York, N. Y

4. Schools are essentially conservative institutions, harder to change than other

5. You just have to live reform one day at a time. 6. You need a mission, objectives, and a series of tasks laid out well in advance.

IllustrationbyMario Noche




7. You can never please everyone,


just push aheadwith reforms. 8. Full participationof everyone in

volved in a change is essential. 9. Keep it simple, stupid: go for small, easy changes rather than big, demanding

Our aim here is not to debunk all our maps. Maps are crucial. But unless amap is a valid representation of the territory, we won't get where we want to go. Later in this article, we will outline amap that,

ones. 10.Mandate change, because people won't do it otherwise.

People act on their maps. But maps such as these don't provide reliable or

staggering: curriculum and instruction, school organization, student services, community involvement, teacher inser vice training,assessment, reporting,and evaluation. Deeper, second-order chang es in school cultures, teacher/student re lationships,and values and expectations
of the system are all the more daunting.


We must have an approach to reform acknowledges we may that that

valid guidance. Some, like number 1, are simply self-sealing and tautological.
Others, like number 2, are true in the ab

al goals for all students require knowl edge and abilities that we have never demonstrated. Inmany cases, we simply

don't know how to proceed; solutions

have yet to be developed. This is no rea son to stop trying, but we must remem ber that it is folly to act as if we know how to solve complex problems in short order. We must have an approach to re form that acknowledges that we don't necessarily know all the answers, that is

stractbut totallyunhelpful in providing

guidance. Imagine if a Michelin guide book were to tell you that "each restau rant is unique," refuse to make ratings, and tell you that you're on your own. Some, like number 3, have the seduc tive appearance of truth, though they are mostly false. It stretches the bounds of credulity to say that the schools we see today are no different from those of yes teryear or that all change efforts are self

not know

conducive to developing solutions aswe

all the answers.

defeating. Suchmaps are self-defeating. we believe, correspondswell with the real territoryof change. At their worst, they tell us that nothing lems. 2. Complex problems. Another ma - and that nothing will really changes 3. Symbols over substance. In the work. On such self-exculpatorypropo jor reason for the failure of reform is that RAND-sponsored study of federalpro the solutions are not easy - or even sitions as number 4, there's simply very grams supporting educational change, little evidence, and what there is leads to known inmany cases. A number of years Paul Berman andMilbrey McLaughlin agoArthur Wise labeledthisproblem the found thatsome school districts adopted the verdict of "not proven."2 "hyperrationalization" reform: of our maps are in conflict Sometimes external innovations for opportunistic
with themselves or with the maps of col leagues. For example, number 5 advo cates the virtues of improvisation, while number 6 lauds rational planning. In fact, the literature on organizational change and a recent study of major change in ur ban high schools show that neither state ment is valid as a guide to successful school reform.3 The same appears to be true for propositions 7 and 8. Still other mapping statements are reasons rather than to solve a particular To create goals for education is to will that something occur. But goals, in the absence of a theory of how to achieve them, aremere wishful think ing. If there is no reason to believe a goal is attainable - perhaps evidenced by the fact that it has never been at tained - then a rationalplanningmodel may not result in goal attainment.6 The reform agenda has broadened in fundamental ways in the last five years. One need only mention the comprehen sive reform legislation adopted in virtu ally every state and the scores of restruc turing efforts in order to realize that cur

go along, and that sustains our commit ment and persistence to stay with the problem until we get somewhere. In oth er words, we need a different map for solving complex rather than simple prob

problem.These apparent reforms brought

extra resources (which were not neces sarily used for the intended purpose), symbolized that action was being taken (whether or not follow-up occurred), and furthered the careers of the innovators (whether or not the innovation succeed ed). Thus the mere appearance of inno

vation is sometimessufficientfor achiev ing political success.

Education reform is as much a politi cal as an educational process, and it has both negative and positive aspects. One need not question the motives of politi cal decision makers to appreciate the neg ative. Political time lines are at variance with the time lines for education reform.

directly contradictedby empirical evi

dence. For example, though number 9 looks obvious, studies of change have repeatedly found that substantial change efforts that address multiple problems are more likely to succeed and survive than small-scale, easily trivialized inno

rentchange efforts are enormouslycom

plex - both in the substance of their goals and in the capacity of individuals and institutions to carry out and coor

vations.4 And number10, as attractiveas it may be politically, simply doesn'twork. In dinate reforms. Education is a complex system, and its deed, itoftenmakes mattersworse. You can't mandate important changes,because reform is even more complex. Even if they require skill, motivation, commit one considers only seemingly simple, ment, anddiscretionaryjudgmenton the first-order changes, the number of com part of thosewho must change.5 ponents and their interrelationships are

This difference often results in vague goals, unrealistic schedules, a preoccu pationwith symbolsof reform (new leg islation, task forces, commissions, and the like), and shiftingpriorities as politi cal pressures ebb and flow. We acknowledge thatsymbols are es sential for success. They serve to crys





tallize images and to attract and gener ate political power and financial re sources. Symbols can also provide per sonal and collective meaning and give people faith and confidence when they are dealing with unclear goals and com plex situations.7 They are essential for galvanizing visions, acquiring resources, and carrying out concerted action. When symbols and substance are congruent, they form a powerful combination. reform often fails because Nonetheless, politics favors symbols over substance. Substantial change in practice requires a lot of hard and clever work "on the ground," which is not the strong point of political players. After several experi ences with the dominance of symbolic change over substantive change, people become cynical and take the next change that comes along much less seriously. Symbolic change does not have to be without substance, however. Indeed, the best examples of effective symbols are grounded in rituals, ceremonies, and oth er events in the daily life of an organiza tion. While we cannot have effective re form without symbols, we can easily have symbols without effective reform -

we are tackling large-scale reforms, for of failure are much the consequences

more serious.

Reforms also fail because our attempts solve problems are frequently superficial.
the predominant experience of most edu cators and one that predisposes them to be skeptical about all reforms. solu and superficial 4. Impatient Reforms also fail because our at tions. tempts to solve problems are frequently


Reforms in structure are especially sus ceptible to superficiality and unrealistic time lines, because they can be launched through political or administrative man dates. Two examples at opposite ends of the political spectrum provide cases in point. A recent study of the impact of statewide testing in two states found that, while new testing mandates caused action at the local level, they also narrowed the curriculum and created adverse condi tions for reform: [C]oping with the pressure to attain satisfactory results in high-stakes tests caused educators to develop almost a "crisismentality" in their approach, in that they jumped quickly into "solu tions" to address a specific issue. They narrowed the range of instructional strategies from which they selected means to instruct their students; they narrowed the content of the material they chose to present to students; and they narrowed the range of course of ferings available to students.9 - opposite in Site-based management many ways to the strategy of centralized testing - also shows problems associat ed with structural reforms. Daniel Levine among others, and Eugene Eubanks, have indicated how school-based models often result in changes in formal decision making structures but rarely result in a instructional skills focus on developing or on changing the culture of schools. '0 There are numerous other examples of new legislation and policies - career lad ders, mentoring and induction policies, requirements, testing and competency and so on - being rushed into place with little forethought about possible negative and side effects. consequences A related bane of reform is faddism. Schools, districts, and states are under tremendous pressure to reform. Innova tion and reform are big business, politi The temptation cally and economically. is great to latch on to the quick fix, to

superficial.Superficial solutions, intro

duced quickly in an atmosphere of cri sis, normally make matters worse.8 This problem is all the more serious now that


"Formany years, you've been preparing day you walk the plank."

to enter uncharted waters

and to

go alongwith the trend, to reactuncriti cally to endorsed innovations as they come andgo. Local educatorsexperience most school reforms as fads. There are two underlying problems. mistaken or superficialsolu One is that tions are introduced; the other is that,

1992 JUNE


even when

the solution

is on the right

track,hasty implementation leads to fail ure. Structural solutions are relatively easy to initiateunder the rightpolitical conditions, but they are no substitute
for the hard work, al changes skill, and commit reform ef

tainty to stabilization and coherence. Any significant change involves a period of intense personal and organizational learn ing and problem solving. People need sup ports for such work, not displays of im


ment needed to blend different structur

into a successful

fort. Inotherwords, changes in structure

must go hand in hand with changes in cul ture and in the individual and collective

capacity towork through new structures. Because education reform is so com

plex, we cannot know in advance exact ly which new structures and behavioral patterns should go together or how they should mesh. But we do know that ne glecting one or the other is a surefire



institutionalize an innovation underlies of many the disappearance reforms.

recipe for failure.

5. Miunderstanding resitne. Things hardly ever go easily during change ef

forts. Since change necessarily involves

people, and people can commit willed ac tions, it seems natural to attribute prog ress that is slower than we might wish to their "resistance." Before a recent work shop, one of us asked a group of prin cipals to list the problems they faced in a specific change project. More than half said "resistance" - variously known as

intransigence, entrenchment, fearfulness,

un reluctance to buy in, complacency, to alter behaviors, and fail willingness ure to recognize the need for change. These traits were attributed to teachers and other staff members, though not to

the principals themselves.

But it is usually unproductive to label an attitude or action "resistance." It diverts attention from real problems of such as diffuse objec implementation, tives, lack of technical skill, or insuffi cient resources for change. In effect, the label also individualizes issues of change and converts everything into a matter of "attitude." Because such labeling places the blame (and the responsibility for the solution) on others, it immobilizes peo ple and leads to "if only" thinking. Change does involve individual atti tudes and behaviors, but they need to be

framedas naturalresponsesto transition, notmisunderstood as "resistance." Dur ing transitionsfrom a familiar to a new stateof affairs, individuals must normally confront the loss of the old and commit themselves to the new, unlearn old be liefs and behaviors and learnnew ones, andmove from anxiousness and uncer

Blaming "resistance" for the slow pace of reform also keeps us from understand ing that individuals and groups faced with something new need to assess the change for its genuine possibilities and for how it bears on their self-interest. From com puters across the curriculum, to main streaming, to portfolio assessments, to a radical change in the time schedule, sig nificant changes normally require extra effort during the transitional stage. More over, there's little certainty about the kinds of outcomes thatmay ensue for stu dents and teachers (and less assurance that they will be any better than the sta tus quo). These are legitimate issues that deserve careful attention. Many reform initiatives are ill-con ceived, and many others are fads. The most authentic response to such efforts is resistance. Nevertheless, when resis tance ismisunderstood, we are immedi ately set on a self-defeating path. Refram ing the legitimate basis of most forms of resistance will allow us to get a more productive start and to isolate the real problems of improvement. 6. Attrition of pockets of success. There are many examples of successful reforms in individual schools - cases in which the strong efforts of teachers, prin cipals, and district administrators have in brought about significant changes

classroom and school practice. We do not have much evidence about the dura bility of such successes, but we have rea son to believe that they may not survive if the conditions under which they devel oped are changed. Successful reforms have typically re quired enormous effort on the part of one or more individuals - effort thatmay not be sustainable over time. For example, staff collaboration takes much energy and time to develop, yet it can disappear overnight when a few key people leave. What happens outside the school - such as changes in district policies on the selection and transfer of teachers and principals - can easily undo gains that have been made. Local innovators, even when they are successful in the short run, may burn themselves out or unwittingly seal them selves off from the surrounding environ ment. Thus schools can become hotbeds of innovation and reform in the absence of external support, but they cannot stay innovative without the continuing support of the district and other agencies. Innova tive schools may enjoy external support from a critically important sponsor (e.g., the district superintendent) or from a giv en agency only to see that support disap pear when the sponsor moves on or the agency changes policies. Of course, the failure to institutionalize an innovation and build it into the normal structures and practices of the organization underlies the disappearance of many reforms. 12 We suspect that few things are more than working hard against discouraging long odds over a period of time to achieve a modicum of success - only to see it in short order as unrelated evaporate events take their toll. It is not enough to achieve isolated pockets of success. Re form fails unless we can demonstrate that pockets of success add up to new struc tures, procedures, and school cultures that press for continuous improvement. So far there is little such evidence. 7. Misuse of knowledge about the change process. The final problem is

related to a particularversion of faulty maps: "knowledge" thechangeprocess of is often cited as the authority for tak ing certain actions. Statements such as "Ownershipis thekey to reform,""Lots of inservice training is required,""The school is theunitof change,""Visionand leadershipare critical,"and so on are all








they can be

fort was usually a sign that not much was

that is, before

they are in a sound posi

misused. Reform is systemic, and actionsbased must on knowledgeof thechangeprocess

being attempted; superficial or trivial tion to make such a judgment. 2. Change is a journey, not a blue for change was being substituted substan print. If change involved implementing tial change.'5 single, well-developed, proven innova More complex reforms, such as re be systemic, too. To succeed we need to link a number of key aspects of knowl even greateruncer tions one at a time, perhaps we could structuring, represent edge and maintain theconnectionsbefore tainty: first, because more is being at make blueprints for change.But school tempted;second, because the solution is districts and schools are in the business and during the process of change. In the of implementing a bewildering array of following section we offer seven such not known in advance. In short, anxie and are ty, difficulties,anduncertainty intrin innovations policies simultaneously. themes, which we believe warrant being reforms that aim at restruc Moreover, sic to all successful change. called propositions for success.
turing are so multifaceted PROPOSITIONS FOR SUCCESS The seven basic themes or lessons de and complex

that solutions for any particular setting

cannot be known in advance. If one tries to account for the complexity of the sit uation with an equally complex imple

rived from current knowledge of suc

cessful change form a set and must be contemplated in relation to one another. When it comes to reform, partial theories are not very useful. We can say flatly that reform will not be achieved until these

Ownership of a reform can not be achieved in advance learning thing new.

One can see why a climate that encour ages risk-taking is so critical. People will

mentation plan, theprocesswill become unwieldy, cumbersome,andusually un successful.

There can be no blueprints for change,

because rational planning models for

complex social change (such as education reform) do not work. Rather, what is needed is a guided journey. Karen Sea shore Louis and Matthew Miles provide a clear analysis of this evolutionary plan ning process in their study of urban high

seven orientations have been incorporat

ed into the thinking and reflected in the actions of those involved in change ef


1. Change is learning - loaded with uncertainty. Change is a process of com ing to grips with new personal meaning, and so it is a learning process. Peter Mar ris states the problem this way: When those who have the power to manipulate changes act as if they have only to explain, and when their expla nations are not at once accepted, shrug off opposition as ignorance or preju dice, they express a profound contempt for themeaning of lives other than their own. For the reformers have already assimilated these changes to their pur poses, andworked out a reformulation which makes sense to them, perhaps throughmonths or years of analysis and debate. If they deny others the chance to do the same, they treat them as pup pets dangling by the threads of their own conceptions. 13


schools involvedin major changeefforts:

The evolutionary perspective rests on the assumption that the environment both inside and outside organizations is often chaotic. No specific plan can last for very long, because itwill either become outmoded due to changing ex ternal pressures, or because disagree ment over priorities arises within the organization. Yet there is no reason to assume that the best response is to plan passively, relying on incremental de cisions. Instead, the organization can cycle back and forth between efforts to gain normative consensus about what itmay become, to plan strategies for getting there, and to carry out decen tralized incremental experimentation thatharnesses the creativity of allmem Strate bers to the change effort.... gy is viewed as a flexible tool, rather than a semi-permanent expansion of the mission. 16 The message is not the traditional "Plan, then do," but "Do, then plan . . .

unless there not venture intouncertainty that is an appreciation difficultiesencoun

tered are a natural part of the process. And if people do not venture into uncer

tainty,no significantchangewill occur. Understanding successful change as learningalso puts ownership inperspec
tive. In our view, ownership of a reform cannot be achieved in advance of learn ing something new. A deep sense of own

ership comes only through learning. In

this sense, ownership is stronger in the middle of a successful change process than at the beginning and stronger still at the end. Ownership is both a process and a state.

Even well-developed innovationsrep

resent new meaning and new learning for those who encounter them initially and require time to assimilate them. So many

The firstpropositionfor success, then,

is to understand that all change involves learning and that all learning involves coming to understand and to be good at

studieshave documented thisearly peri od of difficulty thatwe have given it a label - "the implementation dip."14 something new. Thus conditionsthatsup Even in cases where reform eventually port learning must be part and parcel of succeeds, things will often go wrong be any change effort. Such conditions are fore they go right.Michael Huberman also necessary for the valid rejection of andMatthew Miles found that the ab particular changes, because many people sence of early difficulty in a reformef prematurely, rejectcomplex innovations

and do and plan somemore." Even the development of a sharedvision that is central to reform is better thoughtof as a journey inwhich people's senseof pur pose is identified,considered, and con tinuously shapedand reshaped. 3. Problems are our friends. School

JUNE 1992


improvementis a problem-richprocess. did not have fewer problems than other Change threatensexisting interestsand schools - they just coped with them bet routines, heightens uncertainty, and in ter. The enemies of good coping are pas creasescomplexity.The typicalprincipal
in the study of urban schools conducted three or by Louis and Miles mentioned four major problems (and several minor

cial setting already overloaded with de mands. Such serious personal and collec

tive development necessarily demands resources.

Every analysis of the problems of change efforts that we have seen in the last decade of research and practice has concluded that time is the salient issue. Most recently, the survey of urban high found that schools by Louis and Miles the average principal with a schoolwide reform project spent 70 days a year on change management. That's 32% of an ad year. The teachers most ministrator's closely engaged with the change effort spent some 23 days a year, or 13% of their time on reform. Since we have to keep school while we change school, such overloads are to be expected. But time is energy. And success is like ly only when the extra energy require ments of change are met through the pro vision of released time or through a re designed schedule that includes space for the extra work of change. Time is also money. And Louis and that serious change in Miles discovered big-city high schools requires an annu and al investment of between $50,000 $100,000. They also found some schools spending five times that much with little to show for it. The key seemed to be whether the money simply went for new jobs and expensive equipment or was (acquir spent for local capacity-building ing external assistance, training trainers, leveraging other add-on funds, and so some minimum level on). Nevertheless, of funding is always needed. itself can be a major re Assistance source for change. Itmay include train ing, consulting, coaching, coordination, and capacity-building. Many studies have suggested that good assistance to schools is strong, sustained over years, closely responsive to local needs, and focused on building local capacity. Louis and Miles found that at least 30 days a year of ex ternal assistance - with more than that provided internally - was essential for

ones) with reform efforts. They ranged from poor coordination to staff polari
zation and from lack of needed skills to

Success school efforts more


heart attacks suffered by key figures. Problems arise naturally from the de
mands of the change process itself, from the people involved, and from the struc ture and procedures of schools and dis tricts. Some are easily solved; others are

reform ismuch are

likely when

almost intractable.
It seems perverse to say that problems are our friends, but we cannot develop


effective responsesto complex situations

unless we actively seek and confront real problems that are difficult to solve. Prob lems are our friends because only through

treated as natural.
sivity, denial, avoidance, conventionali ty, and fear of being "too radical." Good coping is active, assertive, inventive. It goes to the root of the problem when that

ourselves inproblemscanwe immersing

come up with creative solutions. Prob lems are the route to deeper change and

deeper satisfaction. In this sense, effec tive organizations "embraceproblems"

rather than avoid them.

is needed.
We cannot cope better through being exhorted to do so. "Deep coping" - the key to solving difficult problems of re form - appears to be more likely when schools are working on a clear, shared vision of where they are heading and when they create an active coping struc ture (e.g., a coordinating committee or a steering group) that steadily and active ly tracks problems and monitors the re sults of coping efforts. Such a structure benefits from empowerment, brings more resources to bear on problems, and keeps the energy for change focused. In short, the assertive pursuit of problems in the service of continuous improvement is the that can make a kind of accountability

Too often, change-related problems

are ignored, denied, or treated as an oc casion for blame and defense. Success in school reform efforts ismuch more like ly when problems are treated as natural,

expected phenomena.Only by tracking

problems can we understand what we need to do next to get what we want. Problems must be taken seriously, not attributed to "resistance" or to the igno

rance andwrongheadedness of others.

What to do about problems? In their study of urban schools, Louis and Miles classified coping styles, ranging from

relatively shallow ones (doing nothing

"doing it the usu at all, procrastinating, al way," easing off, or increasing pres sure) to deeper ones (building personal capacity through training, enhancing sys restaffing, tem capacity, comprehensive

Even is resource-hungry. 4. Change school may spend amil amoderate-sized lion dollars a year on salaries, main tenance, and materials. And that's just for keeping schools as they are, not for changing them. Change demands addi tional resources for training, for substi for new space, tutes, for new materials, and, above all, for time. Change is "re source-hungry" because of what it repre sents - developing solutions to complex learning new skills, arriving problems, at new insights, all carried out in a so

They or system restructuring/redesign).

found that schools that were least suc

cessful at change always used shallow were success coping styles. Schools that ful inchangingcould anddidmake struc turalchanges in an effort to solve diffi cult problems.However, theywere also willing to use Band-Aid solutionswhen a problemwas judged to be minor. It's importantto note thatsuccessful schools

success. We can also thinkof educational"con tentresources"-such big ideasas effec tive schools, teachingforunderstanding, manage and empowerment, school-based work ment -that guide and energize the of change. Inaddition, thereare psycho social resources, such as support, com mitment, influence, and power. They're





supposedly intangible,but theyare criti legitimacy - i.e., a clear license to steer. cal for success. It needs an explicit contract,widely un The work of change requiresattention derstood in the school, as to what kinds not just to resources, but to "resourc of decisions it can make and what mon
ing." The actions for resources required are those of them to ex

does not stop at the schoolhouse


Successful change efforts aremost like

ly when the local district office is close ly engaged with the changing school in a collaborative, supportive way and

scanning the school and its environment

and matching

ey it can spend. Such legitimacy is part ly conferred at the front end and partly

in places few bureaucratic restrictions the

path of reform.

isting needs; acquiring resources (buy ing, negotiating,or justplain grabbing);

reworking them for a better fit to the and

The bottom line is thatthedevelopment of second-order changes in thecultureof

schools and in the capacity of teachers,

situation;creating time through sched

ule changes and other arrangements;

The manage ment of change goes best when it is carried out by a cross role group.
earned through the hard work of decision making and action. Most such groups do

principals, and communities tomake a

difference requires the power tomanage the change at the local school level. We do not advocate handing over all deci sions to the school. Schools and their environments must have an interactive

building local capacity through the de velopmentof such structuresas steering groups, coordinating committees, and
cadres of local trainers.

Good resourcingrequiresfacingup to
the need for funds and abjuring any false

But andnegotiatedrelationship. complex

problems cannot be solved from a dis tance; the steady growth of the power to manage change must be part of the solu

pride about self-sufficiency.Above all,

it takes willingness to invent, to go out side the frame in garnering and rework ing resources. (We are reminded of the principal who used money for the heat ing system to pay for desperately need ed repainting and renovation, saying, "I knew that, if the boiler broke, they'd have to fix it anyway.") The stance is one of steady and tenacious searching for and ju dicious use of the extra resources that any change requires. Asking for assistance and seeking other resources are signs of

tion. 6. Change is systemic. Political pres sures combinewith the segmented, un natureof educational coordinated organi
zations to produce a "project mentali ty."18A steady stream of episodic inno

may be encounterstaffpolarization;they
seen by others as an unfairly privileged elite; or they may be opposed on ideo logical grounds. Such polarization - of ten a sign that empowerment of a steer ing group isworking - can be dealt with

vations- cooperativelearning,effective schools research, classroom manage ment, assessment schemes, career lad
ders, peer coaching, etc., etc. - come and go. Not only do they fail to leave much of a trace, but they also leave teachers and the public with a growing cynicism that innovation ismarginal and

strength,not weakness.
to the power 5. Change requires it. Change initiatives do not run manage effort be devoted

meetings, rotation politicallymotivated. open access to themselves. They requirethatsubstantial through What does itmean towork systemical to such tasks as moni of membership, and scrupulousreport ly? There are two aspects: 1) reform must keepingeveryone ing. toringimplementation, has Third, even empowerment itsprob focus on the development and interrela informedof what's happening, linking tionships of all the main components of most lems, and cooperation is required to solve multiple changeprojects (typical in schools), locating unsolved problems, them. Everyone has to learn to take the the systemsimultaneously curriculum, of initiativeinstead complaining, to trust teaching and teacher development, com and taking clear coping action. In Louis
and Miles' study, such efforts occurred literally 10 times more frequently in suc cessfully changing schools than in un colleagues, to live with ambiguity, to face the fact that shared decisions mean con flict. Principals have to rise above the fear of losing control, and they have to munity, student support systems, and so on; and 2) reform must focus not just on structure, policy, and regulations but on deeper issues of the culture of the sys tem. Fulfilling both requirements is a tall order. But it is possible. This duality of reform (the need to deal with system components and system cul ture) must be attended to at both the state

changing ones.

hone new skills: initiatingactions firmly There appear to be several essential in sup gredients in the successfulmanagement without being seen as "controlling,"
of of change. First, the management change goes best when it is carried out by a cross-role group (say, teachers, department heads, administrators, and porting others without taking over for them. All these stances and skills are learnable, but they take time. Kenneth Benne remarked 40 years ago that the

often -students and parents). In such skillsof cooperative work shouldbe "part a group differentworlds collide, more of the general education of our peo learningoccurs, and change is realisti ple. "17 They haven't been, so far. But callymanaged. There ismuch evidence the technology for teaching these skills that steering a change effort in thisway exists. It is up to steering groups to learn results in substantiallyincreasedteacher towork well together, using whatever as commitment. sistance is required. Second, such a cross-rolegroup needs Fourth, the power to manage change

anddistrict/schoollevels. It involvesboth restructuring "reculturing."'9 and Marshall O'Day havemapped Smith and Jennifer out a comprehensive plan for systemicre form at the state level that illustratesthe kind of thinking strategiesinvolved.20 and At the school/districtlevel,we see in the Toronto region's LearningConsortium a ratherclear exampleof systemic reform




This observationhas both an obvious

and a less obvious meaning. The former reminds us all that any interest in system wide reform must be accompanied by a

B. Miles, 3. Karen Seashore Louis and Matthew Improving the Urban High School: What Works and Why (New York: Teachers College Press, 1990). 4. Paul Berman and Milbrey W. McLaughlin, Fed

Wishful thinking legislation poor and have

with how itplays itselfout preoccupation can locally.The less obvious implication
be stated as a caution: we should not as sume that only the local level counts and

eral Programs SupportingEducational Change, and Vol. VIII:Implementing SustainingInnovations

Calif.: RAND Corporation, (Santa Monica, 1977); B. Miles, Huberman and Matthew and Michael

InnovationUp Close: How School Improvement Works (New York: Plenum, 1984).
5. Milbrey W. McLaughlin, "The Rand Change

hand everything over to the individual

school. A careful reading of the seven

propositions together shows that extra

though local agencies have critical decidedly not traditional - roles to play. Most fundamentally, their role is to help

Agent Study Revisited: Macro Perspectives and Micro Realities,"EducationalResearcher,Decem ber 1990, pp. 11-16.
6. Arthur Wise, "Why Educational Policies Often

records as

Hypothesis," Cur Fail: The Hyperrationalization riculumStudies, vol. 1, 1977, p. 48.

7. Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal, Reframing Or

tools for social betterment.

in action.21 Schools, supported by their districts, avoid ad hoc innovations and fo cus on a variety of coordinated short-term and mid- to long-term strategies. The

bring the sevenpropositions to life at the local level. Modern societies are facing terrible problems, and education reform is seen
as a major source of hope for solving

ganizations (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990). 8. SamuelD. Sieber, Fatal Solutions (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1982).
9. H. Dickson 1990), p. 207. U. Levine and Eugene E. Eubanks, or for Reform Engine Management: Management," et al., Louis Paul unpublished manu as Cul Corbett and Bruce Wilson, Testing,

Reform, and Rebellion (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex,

10. Daniel "Site-Based in Site-Based 11. Bruce

them.But wishful thinkingand legisla

tion have deservedly poor track records as tools for social betterment. As educa

Pipedream?Pitfalls and Prerequisites for Success script,University of Missouri, Kansas City.

Joyce "School Renewal and Miles, LeMahieu,

tors increasingly acknowledge that the

"change process is crucial," they ought to know what that means at the level at which change actually takes place. Whether we are on the receiving or in itiating end of change (as all of us are at one time or another), we need to under stand why education reform frequently fails, and we need to internalize and live out valid propositions for its success. Liv for suc ing out the seven propositions cessful change means not only making the change process more explicit within our own minds and actions, but also con tributing to the knowledge of change on the part of those with whom we interact. about the change Being knowledgeable process may be both the best defense and the best offense we have in achieving substantial education reform.

short-term activities include inservice on professionaldevelopment selectedand interrelatedthemes;mid- to long-term strategies includevision building, initial preparation,selectionand induc teacher tion, promotionproceduresand criteria,
school-based planning in a system con

tural Change,"EducationalLeadership,November
1989, pp. 70-77; Richard Wallace, op. cit.; and and William

Bickel, "The Pittsburgh Experience: Achieving Commitment to Comprehensive Staff Develop

ment," in Bruce Joyce, ed., Changing School Cul De

tureThroughStaffDevelopment (Alexandria, Va.:

Association for Supervision and Curriculum

velopment, 1990), pp. 185-202.

12. Miles and Louis, op. cit.; and Matthew B. Miles "Will New Structures Stay Re and Mats Ekholm, at the annual meet structured?," paper presented ing of the American Educational Research Associ 1991. ation, Chicago, 13. Peter Marris, Loss and Change Doubleday, 1975), p. 166. 14. Fullan, 16. Louis with 15. Huberman (New York:

text, curriculumreorganization,and the developmentof assessments.There is an

explicit emphasis on new cultural norms for collaborative work and on the pursuit

of continuous improvement.
Systemic reform is complex. Practical ly speaking, traditional approaches to in novation and reform in education have not been successful in bringing about last

op. cit. Steigelbauer, and Miles, op. cit. p. 193.

and Miles,

Systemic reformlooks ing improvement.

to be both more efficient and more effec tive, even though this proposition is less than our other six. proven empirically However, both conceptually and practi cally, it does seem to be on the right track.22 is im change 7. All large-scale plemented locally. Change cannot be ac complished from afar. This cardinal rule crystallizes the previous six propositions.

17. Kenneth D. Benne, "Theory of Cooperative Planning," Teachers College Record, vol. 53, 1952, pp. 429-35. 18. Marshall "System Smith and Jennifer O'Day, in Susan Fuhrman and Bruce ic School Reform," eds., The Politics of Curriculum and Test Malen, ing (Philadelphia: Falmer Press, 1990), pp. 233-67. 19. "Systemic reform" is both amore accurate and label than "restructuring" because a more powerful both structure and culture. it explicitly encompasses See Andy Hargr,.aves, "Restructuring Restructur for Educa and the Prospects ing: Postmodernity tional Change," paper presented at the annual meet ing of the American Educational Research Associ 1991. ation, Chicago, 20. Smith and O'Day, op. cit. and Michael 21. Nancy Watson Fullan, "Beyond inMichael School District-University Partnerships," Fullan and Andy Hargreaves, eds., Teacher De and Change velopment (Toronto: Falmer Press, 1992), pp. 21342. 22. See Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline (New G. Fullan, York: Doubleday, 1990); and Michael Productive Educational Change: Going Deeper (London: Falmer Press, forthcoming). 1i

1. Larry Cuban,





Again," EducationalResearcher, April 1990, pp. Schools 3-13;RichardF. Elmore, ed., Restructuring
(San Francisco: ing of Educational 2. Matthew Properties Jossey-Bass, Change 1990); and Michael Teachers

NewMean Fullan,with SuzanneSteigelbauer,The

(New York:

College Press, 1991).

B. Miles, of Schools," "Mapping in Rolf the Common and Lehming

The ideas thatchange is learning,change is a journey, problems are our friends, change is resource-hungry,change re quires thepower tomanage, and change is systemic all embody the fact that lo by cal implementation everyday teachers, principals, parents, and students is the only way thatchange happens.

Michael Kane, eds., ImprovingSchools: Using

What We Know (Santa Monica, Calif.: Sage, 1981), pp. 42-114; and Matthew B. Miles and Karen Sea A shore Louis, "Research on Institutionalization: inMatthew B. Miles, Mats Ek Reflective Review,'

holm, andRolf Vandenberghe,eds., LastingSchool Exploring theProcess of Institution Improvement: alization (Leuven, Belgium: Acco, 1987), pp. 24-44.





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