Test "Chemistry" Chapter # 3

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Test Chemistry

Objective part Time: 15 min

Chapter # 3
Total marks: 12

Q.1- Every question has four possible answers, Encircle the correct option. i) The atomic radii of the elements in periodic table; a) increase from left to right in a period b) increase from top to bottom in a group c) do not change from left to right in a period d) decrease from top to bottom in a group ii) Mendeleeve Periodic table was based upon the: a) electronic configuration b) atomic mass c) atomic number d) electro negativity iii) The amount of energy given out when an electron is added to an atom is called; a) ionization energy b) lattice energy c) electron affinity d) electro negativity iv) Long form of periodic table is constructed on the basis of: a) Mendeleeve postulate b) atomic number c) atomic mass d) mass number v) Along the period which of the following decreases: a) electro negativity b) ionization energy c) atomic radius d) electron affinity vi) Mark the incorrect statement about the ionization energy: a) it is measured I kJmol b) it is the absorption of energy c) it decreases in a period d) it decreases in groups vii) Transition elements are: a) all gases b) all metals c) all non metals d) all metalloids viii) 5-f series of inner transition elements are called: a) lanthanides b) actinides c) halogens d) alkali metals ix) If we move from left to right in a period the value of ionization energy: a) remain same b) decreases c) increases d) not effected x) Which scientist has given the idea of octives in periodic table: a) Mendeleeve b) Al-razi c) New land d) dobernier xi) Shielding effect is greater in atoms with greater number of: a) proton b) electron c)nutron d) positron xii) Which is the incomplete period in the periodic table: a) 4th period b) 2nd period c) 7th period d) 1st period

Subjective Part Q#2: Attempt any 15 questions: i) How can you define atomic radius? ii) Why the size of atom decreases in a period? iii) Define ionization energy? iv) Why the 2nd ionization energy of an element is higher than 1st one?? v) What is trend of ionization energy in a group? vi) Why is it difficult to remove an electron from halogens? vii) What is shielding effect? viii) How does shielding effect decrease the forces of electrostatic attraction b/w nucleous and outermost electron? ix) Why does the bigger size atoms have more shielding effect? x) Why does the trend of electron affinity and electro negaivity is same in a period? xi) Why noble gases are not reactive? xii) Why cesium require little energy to release its one electron present in the outermost shell? xiii) How is periodicity of properties depend upon number of protons in an atom? xiv) Why shielding effect of electrons makes cation formation easy? xv) what is difference b/w Mendeleeve's periodic law and modern periodic law? xvi) What do you mean by groups and periods in a periodic table? xvii) Why and how are elements arranged in 4th period? xviii) Why the size of atom does not decrease regularly in a period? xix) Give the trend of ionization energy in a period? xx) Give statement of modern periodic law? xxi) Define electron affinity? xxii) Define electro negativity? xxiii) What is the trend of electron affinity in a group? Q#3: Attempt Any two questions, i) Show why in a period the size of an atom decreases if one moves from left to right? ii) Discuss the important features of Modern periodic table? iii) Discuss in detail the periods in periodic table? iv) What is ionization energy? describe its trends in the periodic table?

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