Planning and Ordering

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SDH Transmission

Planning and Ordering Information
Release 5 Standard August 1997

SDH Transmission

Planning and Ordering Information

Document Number: 323-1211-152 Document Status: Standard Product Release Number: Release 5 Date: August 1997

Copyright 1994 - 1997 Northern Telecom Printed in England

The copyright of this document is the property of Northern Telecom. Without the written consent of Northern Telecom, given by contract or otherwise, this document must not be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, either wholly or in part, and the contents of this document, or any methods or techniques available therefrom, must not be disclosed to any other person whatsoever. NORTHEN TELECOM CONFIDENTIAL: The information contained in this document is the property of Northern Telecom. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Northern Telecom, the holder of this document shall keep the information contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use same for evaluation, operation and maintenance purposes only. So far as Northern Telecom is aware the contents of this document are correct. However, such contents have been obtained from a variety of sources and Northern Telecom can give no warranty or undertaking and make no representation as to their accuracy. In particular, Northern Telecom hereby expressly excludes liability for any form of consequential, indirect or special loss, and for loss of data, loss of profits or loss of business opportunity, howsoever arising and whether sustained by the user of the information herein or any third party arising out of the contents of this document.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information


Publication history
August 1997
Release 5 Standard introduces the following TN-16X features: Matched Node interconnection at VC4 signal level over STM-1o and STM-4o tributaries with redundant path protection. Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) allowing four separate transmission paths on a single bre.

March 1997
Release 4.2 Standard introduces the following TN-16X features: 34Mbit/s unprotected tributary card which maps three 34Mbit/s pleisochronous signals to a single AU4 signal. VC3 Drop and Continue Path Trace functionality at VC3 level which enables path overhead validation at the signal termination point. OSI (Q3) interface extended to support 34M (or VC3) equipment provisioning. Recovery Procedures, 323-1211-545, Routine Maintenance Procedures, 323-1211-546 and Module Replacement Procedures, 323-1211-547 have been combined into a single NTP Replacement and Recovery Procedures, 323-1211-547.

October 1996
Release 4.1 Standard includes the TN-16X features listed below for the preliminary release. One new NTP has been added to the document set; Planning and Ordering Information 323-1211-152.

May 1996
Release 4.1 Preliminary introduces the following TN-16X features: Optical tributaries at the STM-1 rate with 1+1 protection OSI (Q3) interface (for STM-1o) to an external Operation System Function

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

iv Publication history

A new OPC tool, Release installation utility, used during in-service upgrades of the system software. The minimum time period for performance monitoring statistics is now 15 minutes

April 1996
Release 3.1 Standard introduces the following TN-16X features: 1:N Linear protection shelf with extra trafc on the protection channel Orderwire on linear systems STM-16e Receiver and Transmitter interfaces Optical tributaries at the STM4 rate with 1+1 protection. External synchronisation interface at 2 MHz. OSI Q3 interface to an external Operation System Function. One new NTP has been added to the document set; OSI (Q3) Interface description 323-1211-191.

November 1995
Release 3 Standard introduces the following TN-16X features: High performance transmitters on ring and regenerator nodes Optical post ampliers on ring and regenerator node The Master Topical Index, 323-1211-002 and List of Terms, 323-1211-850 have been incorporated into the About the TN-16X Documentation Suite, 323-1211-090 NTP.

June 1995
Release 2 Standard introduces the following TN-16X features: VC4e tributary card supporting either 140Mbit/s pleisochronous or STM1e SDH signals. Regenerator shelves for SP Ring congurations at 1557 and 1310 nm. Interoperability between TN-16X and TN-1X products at the OSI network layer. Ring transmitter with 1310 nm optics. Two new NTPs have been added to the document set; System expansion procedures, 323-1211-224 and Common procedures, 323-1211-846.

December 1994
Release 1 Standard.

end of chapter


Release 5 Standard

About this document
Audience ix Associated documents ix EMC conformance ix


Technical support and information Overview and feature/equipment selection

TN-16X overview 1-1 TN-16X product structure 1-4 Equipment selection 1-9

xv 1-1

Applications and features

Applications 2-1 Ring multiplexers 2-1 Matched Node Ring multiplexers 2-2 Ring node equipping example 2-3 Regenerator 2-3 Regenerator equipping examples 2-4 Terminal multiplexers 2-5 Terminal multiplexer equipping example 2-8 Hub conguration 2-9 High Performance Transmitters 2-9 Wavelength division multiplexing in TN-16X SPRings 2-10 TN-16X features 2-14 TN-16X units: key specication details 2-15


Core equipment
Rack equipment 3-1 Selection of rack equipment 3-1 LTE/ADM/Ring Rack (Overhead cabling) NTFW70AA 3-7 STM16 Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW70AB 3-8 Regenerator Rack (2200 X 600 X 300) NTFW71AA 3-9 REGEN Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW71AB 3-10 Rack Fibre Channel kit NTFW52AA 3-10 Breaker Interface Panel NTFW56AA 3-11 Termination Panel 34/140 Mbit/s NTFW57AA 3-11 Fibre storage tray NTFW58AA 3-11 Subracks 3-12 Selection of subrack equipment 3-12 TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring Subrack Kit NTFW50AA 3-12 TN-16X Regenerator Subrack Kit NTFW51AA 3-14 Environmental Control Panel Unit NTFW54AA 3-17


TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

vi Environmental Control Panel Unit (Regen) NTFW54BA 3-18 Core units 3-18 Selection of core units 3-18 Shelf Processor Unit (16M 2 DCC ports) NT7E20CC 3-19 Shelf Processor Unit (16M 10 DCC ports) NT7E20GA 3-19 Maintenance Interface Unit NT7E23AA 3-20 OPC with tape drive NT7E24BC 3-20 Portable OPC NT7E24CA 3-20 4 WDM module kit NTFW60AA 3-21 Software and licences 3-21 Customer documentation 3-22

Aggregate units
Selection of aggregate units 4-1 Optical aggregate units 4-1 Electrical aggregate units 4-2 Aggregate unit data 4-4 STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E02DB 4-4 STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (SC) NT8E02DD 4-5 STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01AB 4-5 STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01AD 4-5 STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01DB 4-6 STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01DD 4-6 STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01EB 4-6 STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01ED 4-6 STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01FB 4-7 STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01FD 4-7 Optical Post Amplier (FC) NT8E04AB 4-7 Optical Post Amplier (SC) NT8E04AD 4-7 STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E34AB 4-8 STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (SC) NT8E34AD 4-8 STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03AB 4-8 STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03AD 4-9 STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03DB 4-9 STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03DD 4-9 STM16 Network Demultiplexer (LTE) NT8E05CB 4-9 STM16 Ring Demultiplexer NT8E06AA 4-10 STM-16e LTE Tx Interface NT8E31EA 4-10 STM-16e Ring Tx Interface NT8E31BA 4-10 STM-16e Regen Tx Interface NT8E33AA 4-10 STM-16e P-loop Tx Interface NT8E31CA 4-11 STM-16e Rx Interface NT8E32AA 4-11 STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01LB 4-11 STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01LD 4-11 STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01TB 4-12 STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01TD 4-12 STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8EW01UB 4-12 STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01UD 4-12 STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03CM 4-13 STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03CP 4-13 STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03JB 4-13 STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03JD 4-13 STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8EW03KB 4-14 STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03KD 4-14 STM16 HP 1533 Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E34BB 4-14 323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard


vii STM16 HP 1533 Tx Interface (SC) NT8E34BD 2 WDM Couplers (FC) - Rx-Red NTFW39CD 2 WDM Couplers (FC) - Rx-Blue NTFW39CE 2 WDM Couplers (SC) - Rx-Red NTFW39CF 2 WDM Couplers (SC) - Rx-Blue NTFW39CG 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Blue) NTFW53AA 4-17 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Red) NTFW53AB 4-17 4-15 4-15 4-16 4-16 4-17

Tributary units
Selection of tributary units 5-1 Electrical I/O units 5-2 Tributary unit data 5-4 34M tributary NTFW21AA 5-4 34Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14BA 5-4 STM1e tributary NTFW08AA 5-4 STM1e/140 Mbit/s tributary NTFW08CA 5-4 STM1e/140 Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14AA 5-5 STM4o IR 1310 Tributary (FC, ST, SC) NT7E02PB 5-5 STM1o IR 1310 Tributary (SC) NTFW11CD 5-6 STM1 Optic Carrier assy NTFW19BA 5-6


Support equipment
Selection of support equipment 6-1 Support equipment data 6-2 External synchronisation interface (1.544 Mbit/s) NT7E27BA 6-2 External synchronisation interface (2 MHz) NTFW27AA 6-2 External synchronisation interface carrier NT7E19AA 6-3 ESI Clock Conversion kit - 120 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBD 6-3 ESI Clock Conversion kit - 75 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBE 6-4 Order Wire unit NT7E25BA 6-4 Order Wire handset NT2E36AA 6-4 Cabling 6-5 Cable selection 6-5 Cables for HPTx and 1:N protection 6-9


Figure 1-1 Product structure (Racks and Subracks) 1-4 Figure 1-2 Product structure (Ring) 1-5 Figure 1-3 Product structure (LTE) 1-6 Figure 1-4 Product structure (Regenerator) 1-7 Figure 1-5 Product structure (Additional equipment for WDM) 1-8 Figure 2-1 Shared protection ring (bi-directional, 2-fibre) 2-2 Figure 2-2 Shared protection ring (bi-directional, 2-fibre) 2-3 Figure 2-3 Unprotected terminal 2-5 Figure 2-4 Protected terminal via 2-node shared protection ring 2-6 Figure 2-5 1:N protection loop connections 2-7 Figure 2-6 Unprotected terminal tie line (with 2 Mbit/s tributaries) 2-8 Figure 2-7 Hub configuration example 2-9 Figure 2-8 2 WDM system 2-10 Figure 2-9 2 WDM system with regens 2-11 Figure 2-10 2 WDM system with high performance transmitters 2-11 Figure 2-11 2 WDM system with optical amplifiers 2-11 Figure 2-12 4 WDM system 2-12 Figure 2-13 4 WDM system with regens 2-13 TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

viii Figure 3-1 Typical TN-16X rack layout: LTE/ADM/Ring(s) 3-3 Figure 3-2 Typical TN-16X rack layout: LTE/ADM/Ring and Regenerator 3-4 Figure 3-3 Typical TN-16X rack layout: Regenerator(s) 3-5 Figure 3-4 Typical TN-16X rack layout: LTE/ADM/Rings with Fibre Channel 3-6 Figure 3-5 LTE/ADM/Ring subrack slot equipping 3-14 Figure 3-6 Regenerator subrack slot equipping 3-16 Figure 5-1 140M/STM-1/STM-4 Trib unit and I/O slot position relationship (LTE/ADM/Ring subrack) 5-3 Figure 6-1 HPTx to STM-16e cabling in LTE/ADM/Ring subrack 6-9 Figure 6-2 HPTx to STM-16e cabling in Regenerator subrack 6-10 Figure 6-3 Protection loop pair cabling between LTE/ADM/Ring subracks 6-10

Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 4-1 Table 5-1 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 TN-16X tributary units 1-2 TN-16X aggregate units 1-3 Rack equipment key details 2-15 Subrack key details 2-16 Core unit key details 2-16 Aggregate unit key details 2-17 Tributary unit key details 2-18 Support unit key details 2-18 Aggregate units for WDM applications: Key details 2-19 TN-16X rack equipment 3-2 TN-16X subrack equipment 3-12 LTE/ADM/Ring subrack ESI slot equipping rules 3-14 Regenerator subrack slot equipping rules 3-16 TN-16X core units 3-18 TN-16X customer documentation 3-22 TN-16X aggregate units 4-2 TN-16X tributary units 5-1 TN-16X support equipment 6-1 Optical cables 6-5 Electrical cables 6-6

Procedure 1-1 TN-16X selection process 1-9
end of chapter

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard


About this document

This guide provides planning and ordering information for the TN-16X multiplexer. The TN-16X is part of Nortels SDH Transmission product range.

This document will be a useful source of reference for those involved in the planning of TN-16X based systems. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with telecommunications engineering, terminology and products, and with Nortels range of SDH Transmission equipment.

Associated documents
Full details of the TN-16X equipment are given in the relevent TN-16X documents, which are listed starting on page 3-22.

EMC conformance
This product/product family complies with the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, and the essential protection requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC as amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC, when it is properly installed and maintained and when it is used for the purposes for which it is intended.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

Code: AG5293 Issue: 2 Template: v4;961216

Declaration of Conformity
Suppliers Name & Address: Nortel Limited, of Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT36 6XA

We hereby declare that the products identied in Section 1 comply with the standards listed in Section 2 and full our obligations under the EU Directives listed in Section 3. Section 1 - Products Covered Product Name FibreWorld TN-16x ADM / LTE Product Type Permissible congurations which use TN-16x Shelf Assembly NTFW50AA mounted in Rack NTFW70AA or NTFW70AB

Section 2 - Standards Applied The Product(s) described above is in conformity with the following standards: Stds Ref 1 1 2 2 Standard Number EN55022 EN50082-1 EN60950 EN60825-1 Edition 1995 1992 1992 1994 Subject of Standard Emissions from IT Equipment Generic Immunity Safety of IT equipment Safety of Laser Products

Section 3 - European Union Directives Directive Number 89/336/EEC 92/31/EEC 73/23/EEC 93/68/EEC Abbreviated Directive Title EMC Directive Amendment to EMC Directive Low Voltage Directive CE Marking Amending Directive Stds Ref 1 n/a 2 n/a CE Marking Information (if applicable) n/a n/a 97 n/a

Section 4 - Authority of Issuer Declaration Issued By: Position of Issuer: Signed: Date: The instructions for installation, use and maintenance form part of the product compliance and must be observed. Peter Schuddeboom AVP, Technology ITN John Freebairn Manufacturing Quality Manager

This declaration has been made in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 22, General criteria for suppliers' declaration of conformity

Code: AG5294 Issue: 2 Template: v4;961216

Declaration of Conformity
Suppliers Name & Address: Nortel Limited, of Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT36 6XA

We hereby declare that the products identied in Section 1 comply with the standards listed in Section 2 and full our obligations under the EU Directives listed in Section 3. Section 1 - Products Covered Product Name FibreWorld TN-16x REGEN Product Type Permissible congurations which use TN-16x Shelf Assembly NTFW51AA mounted in Rack NTFW71AA or NTFW71AB

Section 2 - Standards Applied The Product(s) described above is in conformity with the following standards: Stds Ref 1 1 2 2 Standard Number EN55022 EN50082-1 EN60950 EN60825-1 Edition 1995 1992 1992 1994 Subject of Standard Emissions from IT Equipment Generic Immunity Safety of IT equipment Safety of Laser Products

Section 3 - European Union Directives Directive Number 89/336/EEC 92/31/EEC 73/23/EEC 93/68/EEC Abbreviated Directive Title EMC Directive Amendment to EMC Directive Low Voltage Directive CE Marking Amending Directive Stds Ref 1 n/a 2 n/a CE Marking Information (if applicable) n/a n/a 97 n/a

Section 4 - Authority of Issuer Declaration Issued By: Position of Issuer: Signed: Date: The instructions for installation, use and maintenance form part of the product compliance and must be observed. Peter Schuddeboom AVP, Technology ITN John Freebairn Manufacturing Quality Manager

This declaration has been made in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 22, General criteria for suppliers' declaration of conformity


Technical support and information

Nortel provides a comprehensive technical support service for its customers. The Nortel Service Desk may be contacted between the hours of 8 30 am and 5 pm (UK local time), Monday to Friday, using the following FAX or telephone numbers:
United Kingdom

Freephone: Telephone FAX:


0800 626 881 0181 361 4693 0181 945 3456 +44 181 361 4693 +44 181 945 3456

Tel: FAX:

Access to assistance from the Customer Service Desk 24-hour helpline can be provided and is subject to a suitable Support Agreement being in place. To discuss Technical Support services, please contact the Technical Support Hotline on 0181 945 3525.
end of chapter

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information


Overview and feature/equipment selection

TN-16X overview


The TN-16X provides managed network elements at STM-16 line rate, with a wide range of tributary and aggregate options. It can support Rings, Hubs, and Point-to-Point congurations, with or without Regenerators. TN-16X supports the following main features: Various optical transmitters (LTE/Ring/Regen) as follows: 1310 nm and 1557 nm (standard wavelengths) 1533nm (for 2 and 4 coarse WDM applications) 1541nm and 1549nm (for 4 coarse WDM applications) HPTx & Optical Ampliers (LTE/Ring/Regen) Earthquake hardened rack (LTE/Ring/Regen) STM-1e tributary (LTE/Ring only) Dual STM-1e/140 Mbit/s tributary (LTE/Ring only) STM-4 optical tributary (LTE/Ring only) STM-16e intershelf (LTE only) Order Wire (LTE/Regen only) STM-1 optical (1+1 protected) tributary (LTE/Ring only) 3 x 34 Mbit/s mapper tributary (LTE/Ring only) Ring matched nodes. 2 and 4 wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) with optional HPTx and OPA on 2 (Ring/Regen only). Typical applications demonstrating the features listed above are described in Chapter 2. The TN-16X product range comprises two types of subrack: TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring subrack which can be equipped with core, aggregate and tributary units to be used as a Line Terminal (LTE), Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM) or Ring.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

1-2 Overview and feature/equipment selection

TN-16X Regenerator subrack which can be equipped with core and aggregate units to be used as a Regenerator. The Regenerator subrack can also be used as an overow subrack for an LTE/ADM/Ring to provide additional slots.

The equipment is packaged as fully equipped racks. A 2.2 m high TN-16X rack can contain: Three Regenerator subracks or Two LTE/ADM/Ring subracks or One LTE/ADM/Ring subrack and one Regenerator subrack

Overhead cabling is catered for as standard. Under-oor cabling can be accommodated by using the earthquake-hardened rack and rack bre channel. An LTE/ADM/Ring subrack has four quadrants, each having four tributary slots. Tributary units can be of single- or double-width. Only tributaries of the same STM level can occupy a quadrant. The TN-16X can accommodate 2 Mbit/s tributaries by connecting the required number of TN-1Xs, TN-1Ps, or TN-1Cs via the TN-16X STM-1 electrical tributary units. Table 1-1 gives an overview of the TN-16X tributaries available. See the section starting on page 3-13 for full details of the tributary slot equipping rules.
Table 1-1 TN-16X tributary units Tributary unit (see Chapter 5) 3 x 34 Mbit/s mapper Width single Qty allowed 4 in quadrant 4 only (total 4 per subrack) STM-1 Electrical Tributary STM-1 Electrical/PDH 140 Mbit/s Tributary STM-1 Optical (unprotected) Tributary STM-1 Optical (1+1 protected) Tributary STM-4 Optical (unprotected) Tributary STM-4 Optical (1+1 protected) Tributary double single single single (half height) 4 per quadrant (total 16 per subrack) 4 per quadrant (total 16per subrack) 8 per quadrant (total 32 per subrack) 1 per quadrant (total 4 per subrack) 2 per quadrant (total 8 per subrack)

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Overview and feature/equipment selection 1-3

STM-16 optical aggregates are available at 1310 nm, 1533 nm, 1541 nm, 1549 nm and 1557 nm with a choice of optical connector (FC/PC or SC). High Performance Transmitters (HPTx) and Optical Post Ampliers (OPA) are also available. STM-16 electrical intershelf transmitters and receivers are also available for LTE applications. Transmitters and receivers are WDM-ready. Different transmitters are used for the basic wavelengths of 1310 nm and 1557 nm and the associated WDM wavelengths of 1533 nm, 1541 nm, and 1549 nm. The receivers operate at all of the wavelengths listed above. Table 1-2 gives an overview of the aggregate options available.
Table 1-2 TN-16X aggregate units Aggregate unit (see Chapter 4) STM-16 Optical 1310 nm STM-16 Optical 1533 nm STM-16 Optical 1541 nm STM-16 Optical 1549 nm STM-16 Optical 1557 nm HPTx Optical 1533 nm HPTx Optical 1557 nm OPA STM-16 electrical intershelf Qty allowed 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 Up to 2 Up to 2 Up to 2 Up to 1 (LTE only)

Standardised network and maintenance management is provided via a workstation or craft terminal. Network Management communications is controlled via the Operations Controller (OPC) which is a Hewlett-Packard UNIX workstation re-packaged as a plug-in unit. In a medium sized network, typically two OPCs will be provided (one master, and one backup). The OPC can administer a maximum of 34 NE subracks (consisting of ADMs, Terminals or Regenerators). The Network Manager (TN-MS NRM) is implemented on an HP 9000 715/ 100 platform. One Network Manager can control 20 Element Controllers (OPC or OPC pair), or 1280 Network Elements (whichever limit is reached rst).

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

1-4 Overview and feature/equipment selection

TN-16X product structure

Figure 1-1 Product structure (Racks and Subracks)

Rack and Subrack



Miscellaneous items

LTE/ADM/Ring RACK NTFW70AA page 3-7






LTE/ADM/Ring RACK SIDE COVERS P0725173 (left) 1 per rack P0725175 (right) 1 per rack page 3-7 LTE/ADM/Ring SUBRACK NTFW50AA (1 or 2 per rack) page 3-12

REGENERATOR RACK SIDE COVERS page 3-7 P0725173 (left) 1 per rack P0725175 (right) 1 per rack





ESI CLOCK CONVERSION KIT (Telecom Solutions DCD-521) 25S KM00 001 BBD (120 ) page 6-3 25S KM00 001 BBE (75 ) page 6-4 (rack mounted: minimum of one per ring)

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Overview and feature/equipment selection 1-5 Figure 1-2 Product structure (Ring)

TN-16X Ring

CORE UNITS Chapter 3

AGGREGATE OPTIONS Chapter 4 Tx (1557 nm) NTFW01AB (FC) NTFW01AD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-5 Tx (1310 nm) NTFW01DB (FC) NTFW01DD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-5 Rx (1310/1550 nm) NT8E02DB (FC) NT8E02DD (SC) (1 or 2 per subrack) page 4-4 RING DEMUX NT8E06AA (2 per subrack) page 4-10 OPA NT8E04AB (FC) NT8E04AD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-7 Tx (1557 nm) HPTx NT8E34AB (FC) NT8E34AD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-8 Tx (el) (for HPTx) NT8E31BA (1 per ring HPTX) page 4-10 ADDITIONAL AGGREGATES FOR WDM See Figure 1-5

TRIBUTARY OPTIONS Chapter 5 STM-1e NTFW08AA (0 to 16 per subrack) page 5-4


SHELF PROCESSOR (SP) NT7E20GA (1 per subrack) page 3-19 MAINTENANCE I/F (MIU) NT7E23AA (1 per subrack) page 3-20 SOFTWARE SUPERSET NTFW97FA(1 tape per OPC) page 3-21

SOFTWARE LICENCES 1 per Network Element: NTQJ93HE (shared prot.) NTQJ93HE & HTQJ93LE (matched node) 1 per OPC: NTQJ93AE (main) NTQJ93BE (standby) NTQJ93AE & NTQJ93CA (main plus multi-user) Licence type: 32P JC00100 ADD (ILC+ARC) or 32P JC00100 ADE (OTLC) page 3-22 FILLER PANELS mandatory: NT7E39CA (0.8, in slot 30) optional: NTFW39AA (I/O carrier) NT7E39CA (0.8) NT7E39EA (ESI) NT7E39CB (1.2) NT7E39CC (1.6) page 3-13 DOCUMENTATION NTFW64AF (CD-ROM) NTFW65AF (A4 Ring) NTFW66AF (B5 WIRO) page 3-22 ETSI NTPs (323-1211-xxx) Handbooks Application notes CABLING Chapter 6 Blank DAT Tape NT7E24TA

Dual STM-1e/140 Mbit/ s NTFW08CA (0 to 16 per subrack) page 5-4

1.5 Mbit/s ESI UNIT NT7E27BA 2 MHz ESI UNIT NTFW27AA (1 or 2 per subrack) page 6-2

STM-1e/140 Mbit/s I/O NTFW14AA (1 per STM1e/140 MBit/s Trib) page 5-5 STM-4o (1310nm) NT7E02PB (FC, ST, SC using adaptor) (0 to 8 per subrack) page 5-5

ESI CARRIER NT7E19AA (1 per subrack) page 6-3 OPERATIONS CONTROLLER (OPC) NT7E24BC (optional, 1 per subrack) page 3-20

STM-1o (1310nm) NTFW11CB(FC) NTFW11CC(ST) NTFW11CD(SC) (1 or 2 per carrier) page 5-6 STM-1o CARRIER NTFW19BA (0 to16 per subrack) page 5-6 34 Mbit/s NTFW21AA (0 to 4 per subrack) page 5-4 34 Mbit/s I/O NTFW14BA (1 per 34 Mbit/s Trib) page 5-4



TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

1-6 Overview and feature/equipment selection Figure 1-3 Product structure (LTE)



CORE UNITS Chapter 3

AGGREGATE OPTIONS Chapter 4 Tx (1557 nm) NTFW01EB (FC) NTFW01ED (SC) (0 to 1 per subrack) Tx (1310 nm) NTFW01FB (FC) NTFW01FD (SC) (0 to 1 per subrack) Rx (1310/1550 nm) NT8E02DB (FC) NT8E02DD (SC) (1 or 2 per subrack) NET DEMUX NT8E05CB (1 per subrack for n=0, unprotected 2 per subrack for n>0, protected) OPA NT8E04AB (FC) NT8E04AD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) Tx (1557 nm) HPTx NT8E34AB (FC) NT8E34AD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) Tx (el) (for HPTx) NT8E31BA (1 per LTE HPTx) Tx (el) (intershelf) NT8E31CA (1 per subrack, protected, 0 per subrack, unprotected) Rx (el) (intershelf) NT8E32AA (1 per subrack, protected, 0 per subrack, unprotected)

TRIBUTARY OPTIONS Chapter 5 STM-1e NTFW08AA (0 to 16 per subrack) page 5-4


SHELF PROCESSOR (SP) NT7E20GA (1 per subrack) page 3-19 MAINTENANCE I/F (MIU) NT7E23AA (1 per subrack) page 3-20 SOFTWARE SUPERSET NTFW97FA(1 tape per OPC) page 3-21

SOFTWARE LICENCES 1 per Network Element: NTQJ93EE (unprotected) NTQJ93KE (1:n protection) 1 per OPC: NTQJ93AE (main) NTQJ93BE (standby) NTQJ93AE & NTQJ93CA (main plus multi-user) Licence type: 32P JC00100 ADD (ILC+ARC) or 32P JC00100 ADE (OTLC) page 3-22

Dual STM-1e/140 Mbit/ s NTFW08CA (0 to 16 per subrack) page 5-4

1.5 Mbit/s ESI UNIT NT7E27BA 2 MHz ESI UNIT NTFW27AA (1 or 2 per subrack) page 6-2

STM-1e/140 Mbit/s I/O NTFW14AA (1 per STM1e/140 MBit/s Trib) page 5-5 STM-4o (1310nm) NT7E02PB (FC, ST, SC using adaptor) (0 to 8 per subrack) page 5-5

FILLER PANELS mandatory: NT7E39CA (0.8, in slot 30) optional: NTFW39AA (I/O carrier) NT7E39CA (0.8) NT7E39EA (ESI) NT7E39CB (1.2) NT7E39CC (1.6) page 3-13

ESI CARRIER NT7E19AA (1 per subrack) page 6-3 OPERATIONS CONTROLLER (OPC) NT7E24BC (optional, 1 per subrack) page 3-20

STM-1o (1310nm) NTFW11CB(FC) NTFW11CC(ST) NTFW11CD(SC) (1 or 2 per carrier) page 5-6 STM-1o CARRIER NTFW19BA (0 to16 per subrack) page 5-6 34 Mbit/s NTFW21AA (0 to 4 per subrack) page 5-4 34 Mbit/s I/O NTFW14BA (1 per 34 Mbit/s Trib) page 5-4

DOCUMENTATION NTFW64AF (CD-ROM) NTFW65AF (A4 Ring) NTFW66AF (B5 WIRO) page 3-22 ETSI NTPs (323-1211-xxx) Handbooks Application notes


ORDERWIRE (optional, 1 per subrack) NT7E25BA (unit) NT2E36AA (handset) page 3-14

CABLING Chapter 6

Blank DAT Tape NT7E24TA

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Overview and feature/equipment selection 1-7 Figure 1-4 Product structure (Regenerator)

TN-16X Regen

CORE UNITS Chapter 3 SHELF PROCESSOR (SP) NT7E20CC (1 per subrack) page 3-19 MAINTENANCE I/F (MIU) NT7E23AA (1 per subrack) page 3-20 SOFTWARE SUPERSET NTFW97FA(1 tape per OPC) page 3-21

AGGREGATE OPTIONS Chapter 4 Tx (1557 nm) NTFW03AB (FC) NTFW03AD (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-8


SOFTWARE LICENCES 1 per Network Element: NTQJ93GE 1 per OPC: NTQJ93AE (main) NTQJ93BE (standby) NTQJ93AE & NTQJ93CA (main plus multi-user) Licence type: 32P JC00100 ADD (ILC+ARC) or 32P JC00100 ADE (OTLC) page 3-22

Tx (1310 nm) NTFW03DB (FC) NTFW03DD (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-9

1.5 Mbit/s ESI UNIT NT7E27BA 2 MHz ESI UNIT NTFW27AA (1 or 2 per subrack) page 6-2

Rx (1310/1550 nm) NT8E02DB (FC) NT8E02DD (SC) (2 or 4 per subrack) page 4-4

FILLER PANELS mandatory: NT7E39CA (0.8, in slot 30) optional: NTFW39AA (I/O carrier) NT7E39CA (0.8) NT7E39EA (ESI) NT7E39CB (1.2) NT7E39CC (1.6) page 3-15 DOCUMENTATION

ESI CARRIER NT7E19AA (1 per subrack) page 6-3 OPERATIONS CONTROLLER (OPC) NT7E24BC (optional, 1 per subrack) page 3-20

OPA NT8E04AB (FC) NT8E04AD (SC) (0 to 8 per subrack) page 4-7 Tx (1557 nm) HPTx NT8E34AB (FC) NT8E34AD (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-8

NTFW64AF (CD-ROM) NTFW65AF (A4 Ring) NTFW66AF (B5 WIRO) page 3-22 ETSI NTPs (323-1211-xxx) Handbooks Application notes CABLING Chapter 6 BLANK DAT TAPE


Tx (el) (for HPTx) NT8E33AA (1 per Regen HPTX) page 4-11

ORDERWIRE (optional, 1 per subrack) NT7E25BA (unit) NT2E36AA (handset) page 3-14



TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

1-8 Overview and feature/equipment selection Figure 1-5 Product structure (Additional equipment for WDM)





MODULE KIT (Subrack and fibre tray) NTFW60AA page 3-21






Tx (1533 nm) NT8E01LB (FC) NT8E01LD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-11

Tx (1533 nm) NT8E03CM (FC) NT8E03CP (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-13

Tx (1533 nm) NT8E01LB (FC) NT8E01LD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-11

Tx (1533 nm) NT8E03CM (FC) NT8E03CP (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-13

Tx (1541 nm) Tx (1533 nm) HPTx NT8E34BB (FC) NT8E34BD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-14 Tx (1533 nm) HPTx NT8E34BB (FC) NT8E34BD (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-14 Tx (1549 nm) NT8E01UB (FC) NT8E01UD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-12 NT8E01TB (FC) NT8E01TD (SC) (0 to 2 per subrack) page 4-12

Tx (1541 nm) NT8E03JB (FC) NT8E03JD (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-13 Tx (1549 nm) NT8E03KB (FC) NT8E03KD (SC) (0 to 4 per subrack) page 4-14

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Overview and feature/equipment selection 1-9

Equipment selection
This section provides a guide to the process required to select a set of TN-16X equipment to provide the features desired. If the features or equipment required cannot be congured, refer to Nortel for further information. To assist the selection process, the features available at this TN-16X release are listed on page 2-10. Selected TN-16X applications, including equipping examples for typical subracks, are also described in Chapter 2. Lists of the key specication details (weight, power consumption, dimensions) are given in Table 2-1 to Table 2-6 starting on page 2-15.
Procedure 1-1 TN-16X selection process Step 1 Action Select the feature set required.

Note 1: Chapter 2 will help to dene the TN-16X application that will meet the requirement. Note 2: Also refer to page 2-10, TN-16X features.
2 Select the type of subrack required for the application.

Note 1: LTE/ADM/Ring or Regenerator. Note 2: Consider the potential requirement for additional Regenerator subracks for overow and protection units. Note 3: Refer to page 3-12, Subracks.
3 Select the core units.

Note 1: Some are mandatory, OPC is optional depending on requirements for network management. Note 2: Refer to page 3-18, Core units.
4 Select the aggregate unit set required.

Note 1: Choice depends on application; LTE, ADM, Ring or Regenerator; optical wavelength, connector type, requirements for WDM working; protection requirements. Note 2: Refer to Chapter 4 Aggregate units.
5 Select enhanced performance aggregates, if required.

Note 1: Select HPTx and OPA as required, choice depends on type of bre used. Note 2: Refer to Chapter 4 Aggregate units.
6 Select the tributary units required.

Note 1: For LTE/ADM/Ring applications only. Select from the types available to provide the desired features. Note 2: Refer to Chapter 5 Tributary units.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

1-10 Overview and feature/equipment selection Procedure 1-1 TN-16X selection process (continued) Step 7 Action Select external synchronisation, if required.

Note 1: For LTE/ADM/Ring applications only. Select from 1.5 Mbit/s or 2 MHz, 75 or 120 Ohm; with Clock Conversion units if necessary. Note 2: Refer to Chapter 6 Support equipment.
8 Select Order Wire, if required.

Note 1: For LTE and Regenerator applications only. Note 2: Refer to Chapter 6 Support equipment.
9 Select the rack equipment required for the application.

Note 1: Depends on choice of LTE/ADM/Ring or Regenerator; ll of STM1o tribs; earthquake protection; overhead or underoor access. Note 2: Refer to page 3-1, Rack equipment.
10 Select the optical and electrical cables required to connect the conguration specied.

Note: Refer to page 6-5, Cabling.

11 Select the software and licences required.

Note 1: Select: Software Superset; OPC main or standby; single or multi-user; NE application licence; payment option. Note 2: Refer to page 3-21, Software and licences.
12 Select the customer documentation options.

Note 1: Select from CD-ROM, A5 Wiro, or A4. Note 2: Refer to page 3-22, Customer documentation.
13 Check that the equipment selection making up the required conguration is possible.

Note: Refer to page 2-15, TN-16X units: key specication details and to the information on each unit in the following chapters.
end of chapter

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard


Applications and features



This section identies typical TN-16X applications as an aid to the features selection process described in Chapter 1. It indicates the unit combinations required (as a minimum) to implement each multiplexer conguration. Examples of typical subrack equipping are also provided. This section deals with the following: Ring multiplexers Matched Node ring multiplexers Regenerators Line Terminal multiplexers Add/Drop multiplexers Hub multiplexers High Performance Transmission multiplexers Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)

Ring multiplexers Self-healing, Multiplex Section Shared Protection Rings (MS SPRings), see Figure 2-1, are available at this release. The multiplexer uses two bres to provide two-way protection capacity shared by all nodes on the ring. Each node supports tributary trafc up to the equivalent of the STM-16 bandwidth. STM-8 of the capacity, fully protected, is available for working trafc between any two adjacent nodes. In the event of a bre cut or failure anywhere along the ring, all restorable trafc will be automatically re-routed within a pre-dened time period.
Shared protection

Up to a maximum of sixteen nodes are possible in a shared Protection Ring (this maximum is set by the Automatic Protection Switching protocol using overhead K1 and K2 bytes which has four bits allocated for ring node identier). Regenerators are not counted as nodes and hence are additional to the maximum number of sixteen. The maximum number of Regenerators between Ring Nodes is the same as Terminal multiplexer applications, i.e. thirty.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-2 Applications and features Figure 2-1 Shared protection ring (bi-directional, 2-bre)




Matched Node Ring multiplexers Matched Node interconnection of rings provides protection of trafc paths which traverse more than one ring. This is achieved by duplicating the ring interconnect points (see Figure 2-2). Matched Nodes are supported only at the VC-4 level. The physical connection is made via STM-4o or STM-1o tributaries which are the interconnect medium between these two rings. Matched Node functionality is achieved by software.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-3 Figure 2-2 Shared protection ring (bi-directional, 2-bre)

Matched Node TN-16X

STM-16 Line Interface

Matched Node TN-16X

STM-4o Tributaries

STM-4o Tributaries

Matched Node TN-16X

STM-16 Line Interface

Matched Node TN-16X


Ring node equipping example

Ring node 1557 nm with 8 x STM-1e

LTE/ADM/Ring Subrack NTFW50AA Shelf Processor NT7E20GA Maintenance Interface NT7E23AA 2 MHz ESI NTFW27AA ESI Carrier NT7E19AA STM-1e Trib NTFW08AA STM-1e/140 Mbit/s Active I/O NTFW14AA STM-16 Tx (1557 nm) NTFW01AB STM-16 Rx (1310/1550 nm) NT8E02DB Ring Demux NT8E06AA Filler Panels Cables

Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 1 Qty 8 Qty 8 Qty 2 Qty 2 Qty 2

Regenerator The STM-16 Regenerator is suitable for long-haul applications where the optical signal must be repeated (regenerated) between two widely-spaced terminal or ADM sites. Up to thirty consecutive Regenerators can be installed between terminal or ADM sites. Each Regenerator can accommodate four complete sets of optical interfaces (two sets for each transmission direction). A single subrack can support point-to-point applications employing either 1:1 or 1:N revertive protection.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-4 Applications and features

In route diversity applications only one set of optical interfaces are required in each Regenerator subrack. Note: Different numbers of Regenerators may be deployed in the working and protection channels according to path length. A Regenerator subrack can regenerate up to two optical channels, thus for a 1:3 protected terminal multiplexer system, two Regenerator subracks would be required at each Regenerator site. The Regenerator subrack may be used to house High Performance Transmitter (HPTx) or Optical Post Amplier (OPA) in an overow situation where, due to the conguration required, no space is available in the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. The total number of HPTx or OPA units is constrained by the number of slots available in the backplane, as well as thermal limitations. Regenerator equipping examples
Single channel Regenerator 1310 nm

Regenerator Subrack NTFW51AA Shelf Processor NT7E20CC Maintenance Interface NT7E23AA STM-16 Regen Tx (1310 nm) NTFW03DB STM-16 Rx (1310/1550 nm) NT8E02DB Filler Panels Cables

Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 2

Dual channel Regenerator 1557 nm with Order Wire

Regenerator Subrack NTFW51AA Shelf Processor NT7E20CC Maintenance Interface NT7E23AA STM-16 Regen Tx (1557 nm) NTFW03AB STM-16 Rx (1310/1557 nm) NT8E02DB Order Wire NT7E25BA Filler Panels Cables

Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 4 Qty 4 Qty 1

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-5

Terminal multiplexers The following types of terminal multiplexer applications are described in this section: Protected terminal multiplexers: Protected terminal via 2-node shared protection ring. 1:N protected terminal multiplexer. Unprotected terminal multiplexer. This is a 1:N protected terminal where n=0 (see Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-3 Unprotected terminal

TN-16X 140 Mbit/s or STM-1e Tributaries Optical Fibres (see Note 2)

TN-16X 140 Mbit/s or STM-1e Tributaries

Note 1: LTEs have no Ploop units Note 2: Unprotected working normally requires two bres. WDM reduces the requirement to one bre.

When congured as a point-to-point terminal (LTE), the TN-16X can support various combinations of 34 Mbit/s, 140 Mbit/s, STM-1e, STM-1o and STM-4 tributary/inter-shelf interfaces up to the full STM-16 bandwidth. 2 Mbit/s tributaries are supported through the use of STM-1e connections to TN-1Xs. Internally, the STM-16 Terminal subrack bandwidth is divided into four STM-4 Quadrants. 34 Mbit/s tributaries are only allowed in Quadrant 4. Quadrants may only be shared with tributaries or tributary/inter-shelf interfaces of like bandwidth.
Protected terminal multiplexers

Protection at the STM-16 interface is available using the following schemes: Protected terminal via 2-node shared protection ring, see (i) below and Figure 2-4. Multi-shelf 1:N: The optical interfaces are protected in a revertive scheme which consists of one protection channel for up to fourteen working channels, see (ii) below and Figure 2-4. Refer to Nortel for the availability of n>2. All congurations automatically switch trafc to a standby path in the event of signal failure/degradation or optical interface failure in the working path. Revertive protection subsequently switches trafc back to the original working path if a fault-free state exists for longer than a pre-dened interval.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-6 Applications and features (i) Protected terminal via 2-node shared protection ring

A point-to-point STM-16 link can be protected via a two-bre shared protection ring, see Figure 2-4. This provides quasi 1 +1 protection.
Figure 2-4| Protected terminal via 2-node shared protection ring


TN-16X 140 Mbit/s or STM-1e TRIBUTARIES


Note: This conguration can be used with or without Regenerators

(ii) 1:N protected terminal multiplexer

Multi-shelf 1:N (where n = 1 to 2) revertive congurations allow several TN-16X subracks to share a single protected channel, see Figure 2-4. The protection channel can be used to carry additional, low priority trafc while protection switching is in the normal inactive state. With protection enabled, low priority trafc is discarded and high priority trafc from the failed channel is routed to the protection channel. Note 1: Each node requires 1:N electrical Tx and Rx protection units for the STM-16 protection loop. Note 2: The local protection path is an electrical STM-16 interface provided by a PLoop transmitter. For working channels this local loop is mounted in G2 with the working channel optics in G1. For the protection channel the local loop mounts in G1with the corresponding receiver in G2. The protection channel optical receiver mounts in G1, with the transmitter in G2.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-7 Figure 2-5 1:N protection loop connections



140 Mbit/s or STM-1e TRIBUTARIES


140 Mbit/s or STM-1e TRIBUTARIES



Unprotected terminal multiplexer

An unprotected terminal multiplexer, see Figure 2-6, provides a point-to-point link with a single STM-16 optical link. As a basic requirement, a single unprotected terminal multiplexer (with only one line interface) will be equipped with the following unit combinations: one optical aggregate interface set. Up to sixteen 140 Mbit/s or STM-1 electrical tributaries. 2 Mbit/s tributaries are supported through the use of STM-1e connections to TN-1Xs, see Figure 2-6. This conguration can be used with or without Regenerators (see page 2-3).

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-8 Applications and features Figure 2-6 Unprotected terminal tie line (with 2 Mbit/s tributaries)



Terminal multiplexer equipping example

Linear 1:N 1310 nm with 16 x 140 Mbit/s and Order Wire

LTE/ADM/Ring Subrack NTFW50AA Shelf Processor NT7E20GA Maintenance Interface NT7E23AA Order Wire NT7E25BA Dual Function STM-1e/140 Mbit/s Trib NTFW08CA STM-1e/140 Mbit/s Active I/O NTFW14AA STM-16 LTE Tx (1310 nm) NTFW01FB STM-16 Rx (1310/1550 nm) NT8E02DB Net Demux NT8E05CB Intershelf STS-48/STM-16 Enhanced Tx Interface NT8E31CA Intershelf STS-48/STM-16 Enhanced Rx Interface NT8E32AA 1.5 Mbit/s ESI NT7E27AA ESI Carrier NT7E19AA Filler Panels Cables

Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 16 Qty 16 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 1

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-9

Hub conguration Hubs with STM-1 and STM-4 optical aggregates are available at this release. Simple optical hubs can be deployed to consolidate several spur routes onto high capacity STM-16 optical bre. These arrangements eliminate the cost and complexity of multi-terminal congurations and redundant cross-connections. The STM-16 terminal subrack supports up to sixteen STM-1 spur route interfaces. Mixed arrangements of optical/electrical interfaces can also be provided in hub applications. This conguration supports up to sixteen spur route interfaces. The TN-1X performs the tail-end switch (not carried out by the TN-16X). Figure 2-7 shows an example of a TN-16X hub application.
Figure 2-7 Hub conguration example




STM-1o (1+1 PROT)

STM-1o (1+1 PROT)

STM-4o (1+1 PROT) TN-1X/4

STM-4o (1+1 PROT)






High Performance Transmitters The standard optical transmitter can be replaced by a High Performance Transmitter (HPTx) to achieve operation over extended distances with standard bre, or an Optical Post Amplier (OPA) to achieve operation over extended distances with dispersion shifted bre. Up to two HPTxs can be equipped in a multiplexer subrack, in the slots normally reserved for Order Wire and OPC. If the subrack already contains an
TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-10 Applications and features

OPC, then the OPC can be housed in a co-located Regenerator subrack and linked to the main subrack by a CNET connection. In the Regenerator subrack the HPTx or OPA can be located in any of the transmitter or receiver slots (subject to thermal limitations). In addition, the HPTx requires an electrical input provided by an electrical transmitter, whose type depends upon the application, e.g. Ring, Linear or Regenerator. This electrical transmitter physically replaces the standard optical transmitter. The OPA derives its input directly from the standard optical transmitter. In 1:N protected congurations, both the working and protection channels can be equipped with the longer reach HPTx and OPA.

Wavelength division multiplexing in TN-16X SPRings


A 2 bidirectional link (refer to Figure 2-8) uses a pair of complimentary 2 WDM coupler circuit packs to multiplex and demultiplex two counter-propogating optical signals (1533nm and 1557nm) along a single bre. In this conguration, the Rx-1557nm WDM coupler allows the 1557nm incoming signal to pass from the link to the receiver while reecting the 1533nm signal from the transmitter on to the link. At the Rx-1533nm coupler, this 1533nm transmitted signal is passed from the link to the receiver while reecting the 1557nm transmitted signal on to the link.
Figure 2-8 2 WDM system

1557nm Tx

1533nm Tx

1557Tx/1533Rx WDM Coupler Complimentary pair of 2 WDM Couplers 1533nm Rx TN-16X ADM

1533Tx/1557Rx WDM Coupler

1557nm Rx TN-16X ADM

Note:Only one link in the ring is shown for clarity

2 WDM can also be used in in conjuction with regens as shown in Figure 2-9

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-11 Figure 2-9 2 WDM system with regens

Complimentary pair of 2 WDM Couplers

Complimentary pair of 2 WDM Couplers

1533nm Tx 1557nm Rx

1557nm Tx


1557nm Tx

1533nm Rx

Tx 1533nm



TN-16X Regen


The optical reach of the 2 WDM system can be signicantly extended through the use of high performance transmitters (HPTx) or optical ampliers as shown in Figures 2-10 and 2-11 respectively.
Figure 2-10 2 WDM system with high performance transmitters

STM-16e Tx

1557nm HPTx

1533nm HPTx

STM-16e Tx

1533nm Rx TN-16X ADM

Complimentary pair of 2 WDM Couplers

1557nm Rx TN-16X ADM

Figure 2-11 2 WDM system with optical ampliers


1557nm Tx

Complimentary pair of 2 WDM Couplers Optical amplifier Optical amplifier

1533nm Tx

1533nm Rx TN-16X ADM TN-16X ADM

1557nm Rx

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-12 Applications and features 4 WDM

A 4 bidirectional link (refer to Figure 2-12) uses a pair of complimentary 4 WDM couplers to multiplex and demultiplex four counter-propogating optical signals (1533nm, 1541nm, 1549nm, and 1557nm) along a single bre. In this conguration, two overlaid rings (Ring A and Ring B) are multiplexed on to one bre. the Rx-Red WDM coupler allows the incoming 1549nm and 1557nm signals to pass from the link to the appropriate receive interfaces while reecting the 1533nm and 1541nm signals from the transmitters on to the link. At the Rx-Blue coupler, the 1533nm and 1541nm transmitted signals are passed from the link to the appropriate receive interfaces while reecting the 1549nm and 1557nm transmitted signals on to the link.
Figure 2-12 4 WDM system

Ring A
1541nm Tx 1557nm Rx

Ring A
1557nm Tx 1541nm Rx

Rx-Red coupler

Rx-Blue coupler

1533nm Tx 1549nm Rx

Complementary Pair of 4 WDM Couplers

1549nm Tx 1533nm Rx

Ring B

Ring B

Note: Only one link in the ring is shown for clarity

4 WDM can be used in conjunction with regens as shown in Figure 2-13 but the system is limited to unamplied link spans of up to 60 km; HPTx and optical ampliers are not supported.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-13 Figure 2-13 4 WDM system with regens

1557nm Tx


1557nm Tx

1541nm Tx

1541nm Rx TN-16X ADM

Tx 1541nm

1557nm Rx Rx TN-16X ADM

TN-16X Regen - A

1549nm Tx

Rx-Blue coupler

Rx-Red coupler


1549nm Tx

Rx-Blue coupler

Rx-Red coupler

1533nm Tx

1533nm Rx TN-16X ADM

Tx 1533nm


1549nm Rx TN-16X ADM

TN-16X Regen - B

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-14 Applications and features

TN-16X features
The following features are available at the current Release: Two-bre shared protection rings (SPRings). 1:N protected Linear with Order Wire. Regenerators 1310 nm, 1533 nm, 1541 nm, 1549 nm and 1557 nm optics HPTxs for normal bre and Optical Post Ampliers (suitable for dispersion shifted bre) STM-1e and STM-1e/140 Mbit/s tributaries STM-1o tributaries (1+1 protected) STM-4 optical tributaries (1+1 protected) Ring matched nodes 2 and 4 wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) with optional HPTx and OPA on 2 (Ring/Regen only). Up to twenty-four 34 Mbit/s electrical ports (six per 34M mapper tributary) External synchronisation interface at 1.5 Mbit/s or 2 MHz. Manageable from both an Element Manager and from an NLC Q3 interface on OPC supporting: NLC connection Fault management MS SPRing circuit provisioning (bi-directional STM-1e, STM-4o, 140 Mbit/s) MS SPRing circuit provisioning for bi-directional STM-1o Linear circuit provisioning (bi-directional STM-1e, STM-1o, STM-4o, 140 Mbit/s Uni-directional VC4/140 Mbit/s DSS II reachthrough to TN-16X ETSI footprint (600 mm x 300 mm) rack and earthquake-hardened rack

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-15

TN-16X units: key specication details

The following tables list details of the power dissipation, weight, and size for the TN-16X equipment.
Table 2-1 Rack equipment key details Equipment (See Chapter 3) LTE/ADM/Ring Rack (Overhead cabling) NTFW70AA Dissipation n/a Weight 212 kg approx. (fully loaded) (note) Dimensions 2200 mm high 600 mm wide 316 mm deep (total) 2200 mm high 600 mm wide 316 mm deep (total) Regenerator Rack (2200 X 600 X 300) NTFW71AA n/a 205 kg approx. (fully loaded) (note) 2200 mm high 600 mm wide 316 mm deep (total) 2200 mm high 600 mm wide 316 mm deep (total) Breaker Interface Panel NTFW56AA Termination Panel 34/140 Mbit/s NTFW57AA Fibre storage tray NTFW58AA (note) (note) nil 8.2 kg (note) (note) (note) 450 mm W 157 mm H (note)

STM16 Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW70AB


REGEN Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW71AB


Note: Refer to Nortel for this information.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-16 Applications and features Table 2-2 Subrack key details Equipment (See Chapter 3) TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring Subrack Kit NTFW50AA Dissipation 700 W (Terminal with 16 x 140 Mbit/s or STM-1e) 300 W (with four sets of optical units). Weight 27 kg (unequipped) 59 kg (max.) 23 kg (unequipped) 42 kg (max.) (note 2) Dimensions Width 581 mm Depth 312 mm Height: 880 mm (see note 1) Width 581 mm Depth 312 mm Height 515 mm (see note 1) 600 mm W 165 mm H 18 W (note 2) 600 mm W (note 2) H

TN-16X Regenerator Subrack Kit NTFW51AA

Environmental Control Panel Unit NTFW54AA Environmental Control Panel Unit (Regen) NTFW54BA

24 W

Note 1: Height includes Environmental Control Panel and lter. Note 2: Refer to Nortel for this information.
Table 2-3 Core unit key details Unit (See Chapter 3) Shelf Processor Unit (16M 2 DCC ports) NT7E20CC Shelf Processor Unit (16M 10 DCC ports) NT7E20GA Maintenance Interface Unit NT7E23AA OPC with tape drive NT7E24BC Portable OPC NT7E24CA Dissipation 25 W 25 W 15 W 70 W (note) Width 30 mm 30 mm 20 mm 70 mm (note)

Note: Refer to Nortel for this information.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-17 Table 2-4 Aggregate unit key details Unit (See Chapter 4) STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E02DB STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (SC) NT8E02DD STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01AB STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01AD STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01DB STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01DD STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01EB STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01ED STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01FB STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01FD Optical Post Amplifier (FC) NT8E04AB Optical Post Amplifier (SC) NT8E04AD STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E34AB STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (SC) NT8E34AD STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03AB STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03AD STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03DB STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03DD STM16 Network Demultiplexer (LTE) NT8E05CB STM16 Ring Demultiplexer NT8E06AA STM-16e LTE Tx Interface NT8E31EA STM-16e Ring Tx Interface NT8E31BA STM-16e Regen Tx Interface NT8E33AA STM-16e P-loop Tx Interface NT8E31CA STM-16e Rx Interface NT8E32AA Dissipation 30 W 30 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 45 W 35 W 35 W 35 W 35 W 30 W 54 W (note 1) (note 1) 35 W 45 W (note 1) Width 30 mm 30 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 30 mm

Note 1: Refer to Nortel for this information. Note 2: Refer to Table 2-7 for information on aggregates for WDM applications

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

2-18 Applications and features Table 2-5 Tributary unit key details Unit (See Chapter 5) STM1e tributary NTFW08AA STM1e/140 Mbit/s tributary NTFW08CA STM1e/140 Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14AA STM4o IR 1310 Tributary (FC, ST, SC) NT7E02PB STM1o IR 1310 Tributary (FC) NTFW11CB STM1o IR 1310 Tributary (ST) NTFW11CC STM1o IR 1310 Tributary (SC) NTFW11CD STM1 Optic Carrier assy NTFW19BA 34M tributary NTFW21AA 34Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14BA Dissipation 16 W 16 W 4W 36 W (note) (note) (note) (note) 19 W nil Width 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm (note) 20 mm 20 mm

Note: Refer to Nortel for this information.

Table 2-6 Support unit key details Unit (See Chapter 6) External synchronisation interface (1.544 Mbit/s) NT7E27BA External synchronisation interface (2 MHz) NTFW27AA External synchronisation interface carrier NT7E19AA ESI Clock Conversion kit - 120 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBD ESI Clock Conversion kit - 75 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBE Dissipation 3.7 W 3.7 W nil 75 W (note) 581 mm x 786 mm x 280 mm Order Wire unit NT7E25BA Order Wire handset NT2E36AA 6.8 W (note) 20 mm n/a Width 20 mm (half-height unit) 20 mm (half-height unit) 20 mm

Note: Refer to Nortel for this information.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Applications and features 2-19 Table 2-7 Aggregate units for WDM applications: Key details Unit (See Chapter 4) STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01LB STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01LD STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01TB STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01LB STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01UB STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01UD STM16 HP 1533 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E034BB STM16 HP 1533 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E034BD STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03CM STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03CP STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03JB STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03JD STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03KB STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03KD 2 WDM Coupler (FC) NTFW39CD 2 WDM Coupler (FC) NTFW39CE 2 WDM Coupler (SC) NTFW39CF 2 WDM Coupler (SC) NTFW39CG 4 WDM Coupler NTFW55AA 4 WDM Coupler NTFW55AB Dissipation 45W 45W 45W 45W 45 W 45 W 45W 45W 35W 35W 35W 35W 35 W 35 W n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Width 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm see note see note

Note:Refer to Nortel for this information

end of chapter

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information


Core equipment
Rack equipment


Selection of rack equipment TN-16X equipment is supplied in equipped Nortel ETSI 2.2 m high racks. The type of rack supplied is dependent on the application. The TN-16X racks are fully equipped with all necessary equipment to support the allowed number of subracks, although certain items can be ordered separately. The LTE/ADM/Ring rack can support two LTE/ADM/Ring subracks. The Regenerator rack can support three Regenerator subracks. A Rack Fibre Channel kit NTFW52AA, that xes to the side of the rack is necessary for certain applications: Required for LTE/ADM/Ring applications requiring a greater than half-ll of STM-1 optical tributaries. Required for LTE/ADM/Ring and Regenerator applications where under-oor cabling is used. The Rack Fibre Channel can only be used with the earthquake hardened racks. The TN-16X racks and ancillary equipment are listed in Table 3-1. Typical rack layouts are shown in the Figure 3-1 to Figure 3-4.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-2 Core equipment Table 3-1 TN-16X rack equipment Equipment and code Racks LTE/ADM/Ring Rack (Overhead cabling) NTFW70AA STM16 Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW70AB Regenerator Rack (2200 X 600 X 300) NTFW71AA REGEN Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW71AB Rack Fibre Channel kit NTFW52AA Integral rack equipment Breaker Interface Panel NTFW56AA (Part of rack kits NTFW70AA, NTFW70AB, NTFW71AA, NTFW71AB) Termination Panel 34/140 Mbit/s NTFW57AA (Part of rack kits NTFW70AA, NTFW70AB) Fibre storage tray NTFW58AA (Part of rack kits NTFW71AA, NTFW71AB) page 3-11 page 3-7 page 3-8 page 3-9 page 3-10 page 3-10 Page

page 3-11 page 3-11

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-3 Figure 3-1 Typical TN-16X rack layout: LTE/ADM/Ring(s)

CIA BIP Breaker Interface Panel (BIP) Customer Interface Area (CIA)

LTE/ADM/Ring subrack

LTE/ADM/Ring subrack

Blank panel

LTE/ADM/Ring subrack

Rack equipped with one LTE/ADM/Ring subrack

Rack equipped with two LTE/ADM/Ring subracks

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-4 Core equipment Figure 3-2 Typical TN-16X rack layout: LTE/ADM/Ring and Regenerator

Customer Interface Area (CIA) Breaker Interface Panel (BIP)

LTE/ADM/Ring subrack

Blank panel

Regenerator subrack

Rack equipped with LTE/ADM/Ring subrack and Regenerator subrack

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-5 Figure 3-3 Typical TN-16X rack layout: Regenerator(s)

BIP Breaker Interface Panel (BIP)

Blank panel

Blank panel


Regenerator 1

Blank panel Regenerator 2

Blank panel Regenerator 3

Rack equipped with one Regenerator

Rack equipped with three Regenerators

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-6 Core equipment Figure 3-4 Typical TN-16X rack layout: LTE/ADM/Rings with Fibre Channel

Rack equipped with two LTE/ADM/Ring subracks and fibre channel

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-7

LTE/ADM/Ring Rack (Overhead cabling) NTFW70AA This ETSI compliant rack is 2.2 m high, with a 600 mm x 300 mm footprint. The Termination Panel (Station Interface Area) is positioned near the top of the rack for overhead trafc cable access. This rack is suitable for housing up to two TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring subracks as shown in Figure 3-1. Where a greater than 50% ll of STM-1o tributaries is required, the Rack Fibre Channel kit, NTFW52AA is also required. Comprises: Rack metalwork P0746395 Termination Panel 34/140 Mbit/s NTFW57AA (page 3-11) Termination Panel front cover P0745441 Breaker Interface Panel (page 3-11) Breaker Interface Panel front cover Fibre Tray position front cover and mounting P0745440 brackets (No bre tray at this release) Subrack Alarm Cables P0746392 All cables for fully equipped rack All required xings Fibre channel, Bracing kit Codes required: One each of side covers P0725173 (left) and P0725175 (right). Subrack Blanking Kit NTFW5007 (Comprising Subrack blanking cover P0746397, xings) required for each unequipped subrack position (1 per rack for Release 1; 0 or 1 per rack from Release 2). Earthquake Anchor Bolts kit NT7E74AA (if required). Rack Installation Kit 25S KM00 807 ABM. Rack Fibre Channel kit NTFW52AA (optional, for greater than 50% ll of STM-1o tributaries) Use for TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Congurations that include items other than one or two TN-16X LTE/ ADM/Ring subracks (such as TN-1X) must be referred back to Nortel for approval. See Table 2-1 for details of rack weights and dimensions.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-8 Core equipment

STM16 Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW70AB This ETSI compliant rack is 2.2 m high, with a 600 mm x 300 mm footprint. It complies with the earthquake requirements as specied by the Zone 4 category dened in Bellcore NEBS-TR-NWT-000063 (100 lb cable weight requirement excluded). It should be supplied for installations where: earthquake protection is required a greater than 50% ll of STM-1o tributaries is required. In this case, the Rack Fibre Channel kit, NTFW52AA is also required. The Termination Panel (Station Interface Area) is positioned near the top of the rack for overhead trafc cable access. This rack is suitable for housing up to two TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring subracks as shown in Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-4. Comprises: Rack metalwork P0746395 Termination Panel 34/140 Mbit/s NTFW57AA (page 3-11) Termination Panel front cover P0745441 Breaker Interface Panel (page 3-11) Breaker Interface Panel front cover Fibre Tray position front cover and mounting P0745440 brackets (No bre tray at this release) Subrack Alarm Cables P0746392 All cables for fully equipped rack All required xings Fibre channel, Bracing kit Codes required One each of side covers P0725173 (left cover) and P0725175 (right cover). Subrack Blanking Kit NTFW5007 (Comprising Subrack blanking cover P0746397, xings) required for each unequipped subrack position (1 per rack for Release 1; 0 or 1 per rack from Release 2). Earthquake Anchor Bolts kit NT7E74AA (if required). Rack Installation Kit 25S KM00 807 ABM. Rack Fibre Channel kit NTFW52AA (optional, for greater than 50% ll of STM-1o tributaries) Use for TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Congurations including items other that one or two TN-16X LTE/ADM/ Ring subracks (such as TN-1X) must be referred back to Nortel for approval. See Table 2-1 for details of rack weights and dimensions.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-9

Regenerator Rack (2200 X 600 X 300) NTFW71AA This ETSI compliant rack is 2.2 m high, with a 600 mm x 300 mm footprint. Suitable for housing up to three TN-16X Regenerator subracks. Comprises: Rack metalwork P0746395 Breaker Interface Panel NTFW56AA (page 3-11) Breaker Interface Panel front cover P0745440 Fibre storage tray NTFW58AA (page 3-11) Fibre Tray Cover P0745440 Subrack Alarm Cables P0746392 All cables for fully equipped rack All required xings Codes required: Subrack Blanking Kit NTFW5107 (Comprising Subrack blanking cover P0802450, xings) required for each unequipped subrack position (1 or 2 per rack). One each of side covers PO 725173 (left cover) and PO 725175 (right cover). Earthquake Anchor Bolts kit NT7E74AA (if required). Rack Installation Kit 25S KM00 807 ABM. Rack Fibre Channel kit NTFW52AA (if required) Use for TN-16X Regenerator applications only Congurations other than one, two, or three Regenerators must be referred back to Nortel for approval. See Table 2-1 for details of rack weights and dimensions.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-10 Core equipment

REGEN Earthquake Rack Assembly NTFW71AB This ETSI compliant rack is 2.2 m high, with a 600 mm x 300 mm footprint. It complies with the earthquake requirements as specied by the Zone 4 category dened in Bellcore NEBS-TR-NWT-000063 (100 lb cable weight requirement excluded). It is suitable for housing up to three TN-16X Regenerator subracks. Comprises Rack metalwork P0746395 Breaker Interface Panel NTFW56AA (page 3-11) Breaker Interface Panel front cover P0745440 Fibre storage tray NTFW58AA (page 3-11) Fibre Tray Cover P0746392 Subrack Alarm Cables P0746392 All cables for fully equipped rack All required xings Fibre channel, Bracing kit Codes required: Subrack Blanking Kit NTFW5107 (Comprising Subrack blanking cover P0802450, xings) required for each unequipped subrack position (1 or 2 per rack). One each of side covers PO 725173 (left cover) and PO 725175 (right cover). Earthquake Anchor Bolts kit NT7E74AA (if required). Rack Installation Kit 25S KM00 807 ABM. Rack Fibre Channel Kit NTFW52AA (if required) Use for TN-16X Regenerator applications only Congurations other than one, two, or three Regenerators must be referred back to Nortel for approval. See Table 2-1 for details of rack weights and dimensions.

Rack Fibre Channel kit NTFW52AA Fits on the side of rack assemblies to provide additional capacity for cables. Used where underoor cable access is required, or where there is a greater than 50% ll of STM-1 optical tributaries. A typical TN-16X rack tted with the bre channel is shown in Figure 3-4 on page 3-6. Comprises: bre channel metalwork, ttings, bre management bobbins, and upgrade bulletin.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-11

Breaker Interface Panel NTFW56AA This unit is mounted at or near the top of all TN-16X racks. Two 48 V battery inputs each independently feed two 15A and two 8A circuit breakers, which in turn feed the rack equipment. The front of the unit contains the circuit breakers, circuit breaker trip lamp, power on lamp, critical, major and minor lamps and an alarm cut-off (ACO) pushbutton. This unit is supplied as an integral part of all TN-16X racks, but can be ordered separately. Requires Front Cover P0745440 (also supplied as part of rack kit). See Table 2-1 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit dimensions. Termination Panel 34/140 Mbit/s NTFW57AA The Termination Panel is mounted at the top of LTE/ADM/Ring racks. It provides Type 43 connectors for the tributary interfaces. This unit is supplied as an integral part of the LTE/ADM/Ring rack, but can be ordered separately. Use for TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Only one Termination Panel is required per rack. The Termination Panel is not EMC protected. Requires Termination Panel Front Cover P0745441 (also supplied as part of LTE/ADM/Ring rack). Interfaces: 32 BT Type 43 straight connectors for 140 M/STM-1e tribs 24 BT Type 43 straight connectors for 34 Mbit/s tribs (unidirectional) 2 BT Type 43 straight connectors for 140 Mbit/s monitors See Table 2-1 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit dimensions.

Fibre storage tray NTFW58AA The bre storage tray mounts directly below the Breaker Interface Panel in Regenerator racks (see Figure 3-1, page 3-3). It is used to store any slack in the optical patchcords. Fibres enter the bre tray via cut-outs at each side. Grommets on the front edge and at the entrance points prevent damage to the bre. This unit is supplied as an integral part of the Regenerator Rack, but can be ordered separately. Use for TN-16X Regenerator applications only A space of 45 mm must be left if the bre tray is not tted. Requires Fibre Tray Front Cover P0746392 (also part of the Regenerator Rack Kit NTFW71AA). See Table 2-1 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit dimensions.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-12 Core equipment

Selection of subrack equipment There are two TN-16X subrack options available, for LTE/ADM/Ring or Regenerator applications. The subracks are complete with Environmental Control Panels, although these can be ordered separately. The subracks and ancillary equipment arelisted in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 TN-16X subrack equipment Name and code Subracks TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring Subrack Kit NTFW50AA TN-16X Regenerator Subrack Kit NTFW51AA Integral subrack equipment Environmental Control Panel Unit NTFW54AA (part of LTE/ADM/Ring Subrack NTFW50AA) Environmental Control Panel Unit (Regen) NTFW54BA (part of Regenerator Subrack NTFW51AA) page 3-17 page 3-18 page 3-12 page 3-14 Page

In addition to the TN-16X subrack kits, optional subracks containing an ESI Clock Conversion kit are available. One must be deployed per ADM or Ring conguration. These subracks are detailed on page 6-3. Plug-in unit dimensions The plug-in units are of standard sizes to t the slots in the subracks: Depth Heights Widths : 280 mm : 125 mm (half-height) 250 mm (full-height) : 20, 30, 40, or 70 mm

TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring Subrack Kit NTFW50AA The subrack provides slots for two sets of optical aggregates, eighteen (seventeen available) tributary unit slots, Management and Control (via Shelf Control Processor, Maintenance Interface and optional Operations Controller) and a variety of supporting facilities such as Order Wire. The subrack receives two independent, separately fused d.c. supplies in the range 40V to 60V. The TN-16X has no central power units: each unit has an on-board power supply. This subrack includes front-of-subrack mounting brackets for tting to the rack.
323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-13

Subrack hardware NTFW5003 Subrack Cover P0745413 Environmental Control Panel Unit NTFW54AA (page 3-19) ECP Vent Cover Assembly NTFW5408 ECP Interconnect Cable Assembly NTFW5407 ECP Signal Cable Assembly NTFW5403 I/O i/f carrier (houses 2 I/Os) NTFW17AA Fixings Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 8

Where a greater than 50% ll of optical tributaries is required, the fan units in the Environmental Control Panel must be replaced with high speed fan units to ensure sufcient airow (see page 3-17). A ller panel (NT7E39AA) is mandatory for LTE/ADM/Ring subrack position S30. In all other cases ller panels are optional and are only supplied if specically requested.
Description Filler card (0.8") NT7E39AA Filler card (I/O Carrier) NTFW39AA Filler card (1.2") NT7E39BA Filler card (1.6") NT7E39CA Filler card (ESI) NT7E39EA Slot S1 to S5, S12 to S19, S21 to S24, S29 to S31, S36 to S39 S25 to S28, S32 to S35 (two panels per slot) S6, S11, S20 S7 to S10 S40

Un-equipped subrack positions within a rack must be tted with a subrack blanking panel, refer to the rack information on page 3-7. For cable codes for external connections, refer to Table 6-2 and Table 6-3. See Table 2-2 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit dimensions.

Slot equipping rules Figure 3-5 shows the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack slot layout and Table 3-1 to Table 3-3 show the slot equipping rules for variable quantity units. Quadrant Q1 comprises slots 2, 3, 4, 5 Quadrant Q2 comprises slots 21, 22, 23, 24 Quadrant Q3 comprises slots 12, 13, 14, 15 Quadrant Q4 comprises slots 36, 37, 38, 39 I/O Group GP1 comprises slots 25, 26, 27, 28 (upper) I/O Group GP2 comprises slots 25, 26, 27, 28 (lower) I/O Group GP3 comprises slots 32, 33, 34, 35 (upper) I/O Group GP4 comprises slots 32, 33, 34, 35 (lower)

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-14 Core equipment Figure 3-5 LTE/ADM/Ring subrack slot equipping

S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 S 7 S 8 S 9

S 10 S 11 S 12 S 13 S 14 S 15 S S 16 17 S 18 S 19 S 20

















0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8







0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.2














I/O 21

I/O 22

I/O 23

I/O 24

I/O 36

I/O 37

I/O 38

I/O 39




I/O 12

I/O 13

I/O 14

I/O 15

I/O 2

I/O 3

I/O 4

I/O 5




0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 S 21 S 22 S 23 S 24 S 25 S 26 S 27 S 28 S 29 S 30 S 31 S 32 S 33 S 34 S 35 S 36 S 37 S 38 S 39 S 40 S 41


S 42

S 43




Note 1: For unprotected system, use G1 slots only. Note 2: I/O to trib relationship: for example, I/O 2 supports trib unit in slot S2. Note 3: For Ring application, equip one side of the rack before the other (i.e. normal to equip Q1 and Q2 rst).

Table 3-3 LTE/ADM/Ring subrack ESI slot equipping rules ESI unit ESI Qty 1 2 Slot position S40 lower S40 lower and upper

TN-16X Regenerator Subrack Kit NTFW51AA The subrack provides slots for four complete sets of optical interfaces: two sets for each (East, West) direction. It provides management and control (via the Shelf Processor, Maintenance Interface and optional OPC) and supporting facilities such as Order Wire. The Regenerator subrack can also be used to house High Performance Transmitter (HPTx) or Optical Post Amplier (OPA) units.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-15

The subrack receives two independent, separately fused d.c. supplies in the range 40V to 60V. The TN-16X has no central power units: each plug-in unit has an on-board power supply. This subrack includes front-of-subrack mounting brackets for tting to the TN-16X Regenerator rack. Comprises:
Subrack mechanical assembly NTFW5104 Repeater backplane assembly with ALS NTFW5102 Subrack Cover P0802451 Rear Cover P0730768 Environmental Control Panel Unit (Regen) NTFW54BA (page 3-18) Cable adaptor left assembly NT7E5050 Cable adaptor right assembly NT7E5052 CNET termination connector assembly NT7E5072 Rack power cable assembly NT7E5078 ECU vent cover assembly NTFW5408 Backplane identification unit assembly NT7E5030 MBUS termination unit assembly NT7E5032 ESP cable assembly NT8E5175 VF-300 Order Wire cable assembly NT7E5057 Fixings, Fuses Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 3 Qty 2 Qty 1

Up to thirty consecutive Regenerators can be deployed between terminal stations. Blank panels for unused plug-in-unit positions are optional and are only supplied if specically requested: :
Description Filler card (I/O Carrier) NTFW39AA Filler card (0.8") NT7E39AA Filler card (1.2") NT7E39BA Filler card (1.6") NT7E39CA Slot S25 to S28, S32 to S35 (two panels per slot) S13 to S15 S5, S7, S9, S11, S16 S6, S8, S10, S12

Unequipped subrack positions within a rack must be tted with a subrack blanking panel, refer to the rack information in page 3-9. For cable codes for external connections, refer to Table 6-2 and Table 6-3. See Table 2-2 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit dimensions.

Slot equipping rules Figure 3-6 shows the Regenerator subrack slot layout and Table 3-4 lists the slot equipping rules for variable quantity units.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-16 Core equipment Figure 3-6 Regenerator subrack slot equipping


S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 6A S 7

S 8 8A S 9

S 10 10A S 11

S S 12 12A 13 S 14 S 15 S 16



















0.8 0.8 0.8





Note 1: For an unprotected system, use G2 East and West slots only. For 1:N protection, G2 can be working and G1 can be working or protection channel. Note 2: For non-route diverse applications, G1 and G2 can be equipped. For route diverse applications (Rings), only G2 may be equipped (G1 slots can be used for HPTx and POA) Note 3: Backplane connectors for optical Receivers and Transmitters are on a nominal 1.6 (40 mm) pitch, the corresponding unit faceplates are 1.2 (30 mm) and 1.6 (40 mm) wide respectively.

Table 3-4 Regenerator subrack slot equipping rules Unit Optical Tx (Regen) Optical Rx (Regen) Tx elec. (Regen) for HPTx HPTx OPA Qty 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Slot position sequence S10, S12, S6, S8 S9, S11, S5, S7 S6, S8, S10, S12 S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12 S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard





Core equipment 3-17

Environmental Control Panel Unit NTFW54AA One ECP is tted directly above each LTE/ADM/Ring subrack (see Figure 3-1). It contains a Local Craft Access Panel (LCAP), and four removable horizontally-mounted fan modules. ATTENTION If greater than 50% ll of optical tributaries is required in a rack, replace Fan assembly NT8E55AA (qty 4) with Fan assembly NTFW55BA (qty 4) to provide adequate airow The LCAP provides access to shelf alarms, user interface port, Order Wire handset jacks, call pushbutton, ESD ground jack and alarm cut-off (ACO) pushbutton. The LCAP is accessible with and without the subrack front cover tted Comprises
Fan Module NT8E55AA 4-fan Backplane Assembly NT8E5402 LCAP Unit NT7E5047 ECP Power Cable Assembly NT8E5410 ECP Signal Cable Assembly NT8E5404 ECP/Shelf Power Cable Assembly NT8E5420 Cover TB-CVRCA024 Connector Assembly CRP14SKR440FW Fixings Qty 4 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1

Codes required ECP Cover NTFW5408 (also supplied as part of subrack kit). Fan assembly NTFW55BA (optional for greater than 50% ll of optical tributaries).

This unit is supplied as part of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack kit NTFW50AA, but can be ordered separately. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only See Table 2-2 for details of power dissipation, weight and dimensions.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-18 Core equipment

Environmental Control Panel Unit (Regen) NTFW54BA One ECP is tted directly above each Regenerator subrack and contains a Local Craft Access Panel (LCAP), and three removable horizontally-mounted fan modules. The LCAP provides access to shelf alarms, user interface port, Order Wire handset jacks, call pushbutton, ESD ground jack and alarm cut-off (ACO) pushbutton. The LCAP is accessible with and without the subrack front cover tted. Comprises
Fan module NT8E55AA 3 fan backplane assembly NT8E5412 LCAP unit NT7E5074 Cable adaptor right assembly NT8E5126 Cable adaptor left assembly NT8E5124 Fan interconnect cable assembly NT7E5060 Fan power cable assembly NT7E5077 ECU vent cover assembly NTFW5408 Air filter unit NT7E5090 Fixings Qty 3 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 1

This unit is supplied as part of the Regenerator subrack kit NTFW51AA, but can be ordered separately. Use in TN-16X Regenerator applications only See Table 2-2 for details of power dissipation, weight, and dimensions.

Core units
Selection of core units This section details the core units required for all types of TN-16X subrack, regardless of application and subrack type. The core units available are listed in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5 TN-16X core units Name and code Shelf Processor Unit (16M 2 DCC ports) NT7E20CC (Used in Regenerator) Shelf Processor Unit (16M 10 DCC ports) NT7E20GA (Used in LTE/ADM/Ring) Maintenance Interface Unit NT7E23AA OPC with tape drive NT7E24BC (optional) Portable OPC NT7E24CA (optional) Page page 3-19 page 3-19 page 3-20 page 3-20 page 3-20

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-19

One Operations Controller (OPC) is required per network. More units can be equipped if required. Typically, two units (one master and one backup) are equipped per medium-sized network. The TN-16X has no central power units: each plug-in unit has its own on-board power supplies. Shelf Processor Unit (16M 2 DCC ports) NT7E20CC This processor supports fault detection and diagnosis, tributary protection switching and performance management (if required). It controls the local subrack and plug-in unit alarms, local serial ports (RS232 and RS422) and the NE to NE and NE to OPC data communications over the SDH DCC and CNet LAN. In conjunction with the OPC it provides operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning (OAM&P) functionality. Use in TN-16X Regenerator applications only This unit is tted to position 16 of the Regenerator subrack. Shelf Processor Unit rmware is provided as part of the software Superset selected for each OPC, refer to page 3-21. See Table 2-3 for details of power dissipation and dimensions. Shelf Processor Unit (16M 10 DCC ports) NT7E20GA This processor supports fault detection and diagnosis, tributary protection switching and performance management (if required). It controls the local subrack and plug-in unit alarms, local serial ports (RS232 and RS422) and the NE to NE and NE to OPC data communications over the SDH DCC and CNet LAN. In conjunction with the OPC it provides operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning (OAM&P) functionality. It supports DCC interworking over tributary units to the following rules (Refer to Nortel for further information): Up to eight data communication channels are supported per LTE/ADM/ Ring Network Element (NE). Any tributary slot in the quadrant may be used. A maximum of two data communication channels are allowed per quadrant. It has 16 Mbytes of on-board RAM to accommodate the possibility of increased software capability for future Releases. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring subracks only This unit is tted to position 20 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack (upper section). Shelf Processor Unit rmware is provided as part of the software Superset selected for each OPC, refer to page 3-21. See Table 2-3 for details of power dissipation and dimensions.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-20 Core equipment

Maintenance Interface Unit NT7E23AA The Maintenance Interface is required to be tted to all types of TN-16X subrack. It drives suite, rack and subrack alarms. It provides ports for serial telemetry, parallel telemetry and the user interface. Four serial RS232 ports are provided (three for VT100 connection and one for connection via an external modem). This unit provides the non-volatile storage for shelf and plug-in unit data. Sixteen relays are provided for external customer inputs, and eight relays provide outputs for system alarms. The Maintenance Interface provides a time-stamp capability for different features such as protection switching, performance monitoring, serial telemetry and user interface options. This unit is always tted to position 19 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack (upper section). This unit is always tted to position 15 of the Regenerator subrack. See Table 2-3 for details of power dissipation, weight and dimensions.

OPC with tape drive NT7E24BC The Operations Controller (OPC) provides centralised data and software management. It is equipped with an Operating System interface and a 525 Mbyte hard disk. The OPC manages data collection, storage and consolidation, allowing single-ended maintenance, remote inventory, alarm correlation and global provisioning. The preferred location for the OPC is at LTE sites, although it can be equipped at Regenerator sites. In a medium-sized network, two would typically be equipped (one master and one backup). This unit is tted to positions 41 to 43 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack (lower section), see Figure 3-5, page 3-14. This unit is tted to positions 1 to 4 of the Regenerator subrack, see Figure 3-6, page 3-16. The following software is required (see page 3-24 for details): Phoenix Superset Network Element software OPC licence: Main, or Main + Multi-user, or Standby Network Element application software licence and payment option Spare blank DAT tape (NT7E24TA). For OPC cables, refer to Table 6-3, page 6-6. See Table 2-3 for details of power dissipation and dimensions.

Portable OPC NT7E24CA The Portable Operations Controller (OPC) provides local data and software management. It is equipped with an Operating System interface and a 525 Mbyte hard disk. It is provided as applications software running on a

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-21

portable PC (laptop) platform. The OPC manages data collection, storage and consolidation, allowing single-ended maintenance, remote inventory, alarm correlation and global provisioning. The following software is required (see page 3-21 for details): Phoenix Superset Network Element software OPC licence: Main, or Main + Multi-user, or Standby Network Element application software licence and payment option Spare blank DAT tape (NT7E24TA). For OPC cables, refer to Table 6-3, page 6-6. See Table 2-3 for details of power dissipation and dimensions.

4 WDM module kit NTFW60AA

The kit enables up to twelve 4 WDM couplers to be mounted in a TN-16X rack and provides storage for the additional bres. Comprises
Subrack NTFW5005 Fibre storage tray NTFW58FA Qty 1 Qty 1

This unit is required for mounting 4 WDM couplers where 1 or more is being used. Use in 4 WDM Ring/Regenerator applications only It is not mandatory for the coupler shelf to be mounted in a TN-16X rack, however, when rack mounting is required, the following equipping rules apply: for ADM systems, the preferred mounting option is to equip the top shelf in the rack and use the lower shelf or an adjacent shelf to house the 4 coupler shelf. for Regen racks, the 4 coupler shelf is housed at the top of the rack, below the BIP.

Software and licences

Software Superset One Phoenix Superset Software set is required for each Network Element. This software is provided on a DAT tape for use with an OPC: PHOENIX SUPERSET CODE FOR REL 5 NTFW97FA OPC main/standby licence Each OPC requires a licence depending whether it is being used in a main or standby mode. In the Main mode, an additional licence is required for a multi-user option. OPC Licence Code (Main) NTQJ93AE OPC Licence Code (Main + multi-user) NTQJ93AE + NTQJ93CA OPC Licence Code (Standby) NTQJ93BE
TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

3-22 Core equipment

Single mode operation allows any number of users with different IDs and passwords to logon from any number of terminals in a network; but only one logon at any one time. Multi-user means more than one logon is allowed concurrently. NE application licence Each network element requires a software licence which is determined by its use. Unprotected Linear NTQJ93EE Regenerator NTQJ93GE SPRing NTQJ93HE 1:N Protected NTQJ93KE Matched node ring NTQJ93HE & NTQJ93LE Application licence payment option Every Network Element software application licence has a choice of payment options. A second licence is required with every software application licence to select the payment option: Initial Licence Charge plus Annual Renewal Charge (ILC + ARC) 32P JC00 100 ADD or One Time Licencing Charge (OTLC) 32P JC00 100 ADE

Customer documentation
TN-16X customer documentation (NTPs) can be provided on CD-ROM, A4 ring binder, or B5 wire bound (wiro). There is a unique Nortel code for each medium: FW TN-16X Rel 5 NTPs (CD-ROM) NTFW64AF FW TN-16X Rel 5 NTPs (A4RING) NTFW65AF FW TN-16X Rel 5 NTPs (B5+Wiro) NTFW66AF Within each of these codes, the documents listed in Table 3-6 are provided.
Table 3-6 TN-16X customer documentation Title Code

About this documnentation suite / Master Index System Description Software Description Circuit Pack Description Protection Switching Description

323-1211-090 323-1211-100 323-1211-101 323-1211-102 323-1211-103

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Core equipment 3-23 Table 3-6 TN-16X customer documentation (continued) Title Code

Alarms and Surveillance Description Performance Monitoring Description System Application Description Planning and Ordering Information Technical Specification OSI Interface Description Equipped Rack Installation Procedures Commissioning and Site Testing Procedures System Expansion Procedures User Interfaces Description System Administration Procedures Software Administration Procedures Data Administration Procedures Provisioning and Operations Procedures Protection Switching Procedures Network Surveillance Procedures Performance Monitoring Procedures Alarm and Trouble Clearing Procedures Replacement and Recovery Procedures Log Report Manual Common Procedures
end of chapter

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TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information


Aggregate units
Selection of aggregate units
Optical aggregate units are available for STM-16 links between network elements.


Electrical aggregate units are available for intershelf STM-16 links, and for use as drivers for High Performance Transmitters (HPTx). The aggregate units are listed in Table 4-1 and described individually starting on page 4-4. Optical cables are listed in Table 6-2; electrical cables are listed in Table 6-3. Optical aggregate units The following standard optical aggregate units, tted with FC/PC or SC connectors, are available; the selection of units depending on the application: Transmitter (Tx) Optical Receiver (Rx) Demultiplexer (DeMux) Wavelength division multiplexer (WDM) Different transmitter units operate in the 1310 and 1550 nm bands. The same receiver units are used for all applications and can operate at 1310 nm and 1550 nm. The following enhanced optical aggregate units, tted with FC/PC or SC connectors, are available for all applications to improve performance and reach: Optical Post Ampliers (OPA) can be used in addition to standard Optical Transmitters High Performance Transmitters (HPTx) can be used in place of standard Optical Transmitters. HPTx requires an electrical STM-16 input unit (see below)

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-2 Aggregate units

Electrical aggregate units Electrical STM-16 units provide electrical STM-16 input to HPTx; the selection of units depending on the application. Intershelf electrical units can be used in the protection loop of a 1:N line system to provide an STM-16 electrical connection between LTE subracks within the same location.
Table 4-1 TN-16X aggregate units Name and code Standard optical transmitter units STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01AB STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01AD STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01DB STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01DD STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01EB STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01ED STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01FB STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01FD STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03AB STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03AD STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03DB STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03DD Enhanced optical aggregate units Optical Post Amplifier (FC) NT8E04AB Optical Post Amplifier (SC) NT8E04AD STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E34AB STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (SC) NT8E34AD

Used in


ADM/Ring ADM/Ring ADM/Ring ADM/Ring LTE LTE LTE LTE Regen Regen Regen Regen

page 4-5 page 4-5 page 4-5 page 4-6 page 4-6 page 4-6 page 4-7 page 4-7 page 4-8 page 4-9 page 4-9 page 4-9

All All All All

page 4-7 page 4-7 page 4-8 page 4-8

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-3 Table 4-1 TN-16X aggregate units (continued) Name and code Optical receiver units STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E02DB STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (SC) NT8E02DD Demultiplexer units STM16 Network Demultiplexer (LTE) NT8E05CB STM16 Ring Demultiplexer NT8E06AA Electrical STM-16 units (for HPTx) STM-16e LTE Tx Interface NT8E31EA STM-16e Ring Tx Interface NT8E31BA STM-16e Regen Tx Interface NT8E33AA Electrical STM-16 units (Intershelf) STM-16e P-loop Tx Interface NT8E31CA STM-16e Rx Interface NT8E32AA WDM Units STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01LB STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01LD STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01TB STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01TD STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8EW01UB STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01UD STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03CM STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03CP STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03JB STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03JD

Used in


All All

page 4-4 page 4-5


page 4-10 page 4-10

LTE Ring Regen

page 4-10 page 4-10 page 4-11


page 4-11 page 4-11

ADM/Ring ADM/Ring ADM/Ring ADM/Ring ADM/Ring ADM/Ring Regen Regen Regen Regen

page 4-11 page 4-11 page 4-12 page 4-12 page 4-12 page 4-12 page 4-13 page 4-13 page 4-13 page 4-13

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-4 Aggregate units Table 4-1 TN-16X aggregate units (continued) Name and code STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8EW03KB STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03KD STM16 HP 1533 Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E34BB STM16 HP 1533 Tx Interface (SC) NT8E34BD 2 WDM Couplers (FC) - Rx-Red NTFW39CD 2 WDM Couplers (FC) - Rx-Blue NTFW39CE 2 WDM Couplers (SC) - Rx-Red NTFW39CF 2 WDM Couplers (SC) - Rx-Blue NTFW39CG 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Blue) NTFW53AA 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Red) NTFW53AB

Used in Regen Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen ADM/Ring/ Regen

Page page 4-14 page 4-14 page 4-14 page 4-15 page 4-15 page 4-16 page 4-16 page 4-17 page 4-17 page 4-17

Aggregate unit data

STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E02DB Receives an STM-16 optical input signal either at 1310 or 1550 nm and converts it into an electrical STM-16 signal which is equalised for phase and amplitude distortion before being regenerated by the data regeneration circuitry. Can only be tted to slots 5, 7, 9, 11 of the Regenerator subrack. Can only be tted to slots 6 and 11 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. Operation in the 1310 nm range is supported over non-dispersion shifted bre only. Optical bre cables tted with miniature Variable Optical Attenuators (mVOAs) may be required at the receive interface end, depending on the link loss. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.
323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-5

STM16 LR SAW Rx Interface (SC) NT8E02DD Receives an STM-16 optical input signal either at 1310 or 1550 nm and converts it into an electrical STM-16 signal which is equalised for phase and amplitude distortion before being regenerated by the data regeneration circuitry. Can only be tted to slots 5, 7, 9, 11 of the Regenerator subrack. Can only be tted to slots 6 and 11 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. Operation in the 1310 nm range is supported over non-dispersion shifted bre only. Optical bre cables tted with miniature Variable Optical Attenuators (mVOAs) may be required at the receive interface end, depending on the link loss. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01AB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This unit may be used in WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1557 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01AD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This unit may be used in WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-6 Aggregate units

STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01DB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a Long Reach, 1310 nm unit, tted with an FC/PC connector. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Use with non-dispersion shifted bre only Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 40 km when the bre loss is less than 0.35 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1310 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01DD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a Long Reach, 1310 nm unit, tted with SC connectors. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Use with non-dispersion shifted bre only Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 40 km when the bre loss is less than 0.35 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01EB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for LTE multiplexers. This unit does not support WDM. It is tted with an FC/PC connector. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1557 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01ED Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for LTE multiplexers. This unit does not support WDM. It is tted with an SC connector. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.
323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-7

STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW01FB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for LTE multiplexers. This is the Long Reach, 1310 nm unit. It is tted with an FC/PC connector. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 40 km when the bre loss is less than 0.35 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring subrack (upper section). For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1310 Line Tx Interface (SC) NTFW01FD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for LTE multiplexers. This is the Long Reach, 1310 nm unit. It is tted with an SC connector. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 40 km when the bre loss is less than 0.35 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. Optical Post Amplier (FC) NT8E04AB The Optical Post Amplier (OPA) has a higher output power than the standard transmitter, and is used to achieve extended reach with dispersion shifted bre. It is tted with an FC/PC connector and can be used in 2 WDM applications. In a LTE/ADM/Ring subrack, this unit occupies slots S16 and S17, providing the Order Wire option is not tted and/or slots S41 and S42 if the OPC is not tted. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy slots S5 to S12 inclusive, providing the thermal limitations are not exceeded. This unit is driven from any optical aggregate transmitter used in TN-16X. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. Optical Post Amplier (SC) NT8E04AD The Optical Post Amplier (OPA) has a higher output power than the standard transmitter, and is used to achieve extended reach with dispersion shifted bre. It is tted with an SC connector and can be used in 2 WDM applications. In an LTE/ADM/Ring subrack, this unit occupies slots S16 and S17, if the Order Wire option is not tted and/or slots S41 and S42 if the OPC is not tted. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy slots S5 to S12 inclusive, providing the thermal limitations are not exceeded.
TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-8 Aggregate units

This unit is driven from any optical aggregate transmitter used in TN-16X. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E34AB The High Performance Transmitter (HPTx) has a higher output power than the standard transmitter, and is used to achieve extended reach with standard bre. It is tted with an FC/PC connector and can be used in 2 WDM applications. In a LTE/ADM/Ring subrack, this unit occupies slots S16 and S17, providing order wire option is not tted and/or slots S41 and S42 if the OPC is not tted. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy slots S5 to S12 inclusive, providing the thermal limitations are not exceeded. This unit is driven by an electrical transmitter, which replaces the optical transmitter. There are different electrical transmitters for the Ring, LTE or Regenerator. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM-16 HP 1557 Tx Interface (SC) NT8E34AD The High Performance Transmitter (HPTx) has a higher output power than the standard transmitter, and is used to achieve extended reach with standard bre. It is tted with an SC connector and can be used in 2 WDM applications. In a LTE/ADM/Ring subrack, this unit occupies slots S16 and S17, if the Order Wire option is not tted, and/or slots S41 and S42 if the OPC is not tted. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy slots S5 to S12 inclusive, providing the thermal limitations are not exceeded. This unit is driven by an electrical transmitter, which replaces the optical transmitter. There are different electrical transmitters for the Ring, LTE or Regenerator. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03AB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. It is tted with an FC/PC connector. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-9

STM16 LR 1557 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03AD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. It is tted with an SC connector. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the TN-16X Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NTFW03DB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. It is tted with an FC/PC connector. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 50 km when the bre loss is less than 0.35 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1310 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NTFW03DD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. It is tted with an SC connector. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 50 km when the bre loss is less than 0.35 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 Network Demultiplexer (LTE) NT8E05CB Accepts a parallel STM-16 electrical signal from the TN-16X optical receiver. This signal is framed and descrambled, the overheads are extracted, and then it is demultiplexed into STM-1 signals. The Network DeMultiplexer routes a copy of the received STM-16 electrical signal to the transmitter. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications Can only be tted to slots 7 and 10 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. Must not be mixed with STM16 Ring Demultiplexer NT8E06AA (page 4-10) in the same subrack. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-10 Aggregate units

STM16 Ring Demultiplexer NT8E06AA Accepts a parallel STM-16 electrical signal from the TN-16X optical receiver. This signal is framed and descrambled, the overheads are extracted, and then it is demultiplexed into STM-1 signals. Two demultiplexers are used in an add-drop multiplexer (ADM) node in a ring. In addition to the operations described above, the two multiplexers exchange their complete received data streams to allow them to pass through STM-1s to adjacent nodes in the ring. Use only in TN-16X Ring applications Can only be tted to slots 7 and 10 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. Must not be mixed with STM16 Network Demultiplexer (LTE) NT8E05CB (page 4-10) on the same subrack. Not suitable for 1:N line systems. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

STM-16e LTE Tx Interface NT8E31EA Provides an electrical STM-16 input to the HPTx, required when the LTE/ ADM/Ring subrack is being used as an LTE with HPTx. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications This unit goes in slots S8 or S9 in a LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. It replaces the optical transmitter and provides an electrical drive to an HPTx unit. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM-16e Ring Tx Interface NT8E31BA Provides an electrical STM-16 input to the HPTx, required when the LTE/ ADM/Ring subrack is being used in a Ring. Use only in TN-16X Ring applications This unit goes in slots S8 or S9 in a LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. It replaces the optical transmitter and provides the electrical drive to an HPTx unit. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM-16e Regen Tx Interface NT8E33AA Provides an electrical STM-16 input to the HPTx. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator applications This unit goes in slots S6, S8, S10, S12 of a Regenerator subrack. It replaces the optical transmitter and provides the electrical drive to an HPTx unit. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-11

STM-16e P-loop Tx Interface NT8E31CA Used in the protection loop of a 1:n line system to provide an STM-16 electrical connection between LTE subracks within the same location. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications This unit in slot S9 of a LTE/ADM/Ring subrack being used as an LTE for a working channel and slot S8 for the protection channel. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM-16e Rx Interface NT8E32AA Used in the protection loop of a 1:n line system to provide an STM-16 electrical connection between LTE subracks within the same location. Use only in TN-16X LTE applications This unit in slot S11 of a LTE/ADM/Ring subrack being used as an LTE for a working channel and slot S6 for the protection channel. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01LB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a long reach, 1533 nm unit, tted with an FC/PC connector and used in 2 and 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1533 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01LD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a long reach, 1533 nm unit, tted with an SC connector and used in 2 and 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-12 Aggregate units

STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E01TB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a long reach, 1541 nm unit, tted with an FC/PC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1541 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01TD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a long reach, 1541 nm unit, tted with an SC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8EW01UB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a long reach, 1549 nm unit, tted with an FC/PC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1549 Ring Tx Interface (SC) NT8E01UD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions, for ADM and Ring multiplexers. This is a long reach, 1549 nm unit, tted with an SC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X ADM/Ring applications Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 60 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to slots 8 and 9 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-13

STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03CM Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. This is a long reach, 1533 nm unit, tted with an FC/PC connector and used in 2 and 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit positions 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the TN-16X Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1533 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03CP Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. This is a long reach, 1533 nm unit, tted with an SC connector and used in 2 and 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit positions 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the TN-16X Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E03JB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. This is a long reach, 1541 nm unit, tted with an FC/PC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit positions 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the TN-16X Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1541 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03JD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. This is a long reach, 1541 nm unit, tted with an SC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit positions 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the TN-16X Regenerator subrack.
TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-14 Aggregate units

For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8EW03KB Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. This is a long reach, 1549 nm unit, tted with an FC/PC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit positions 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the TN-16X Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 LR 1549 Regen Tx Interface (SC) NT8E03KD Performs the STM-16 electrical/optical conversions for Regenerators. This is a long reach, 1549 nm unit, tted with an SC connector and used in 4 WDM applications. Use only in TN-16X Regenerator subracks Operates satisfactorily over a range of up to 80 km when the bre loss is less than 0.2 dB/km. Not available for use with multimode bres. Can only be tted to unit positions 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the TN-16X Regenerator subrack. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM16 HP 1533 Tx Interface (FC/PC) NT8E34BB This High Performance Transmitter (HPTx) has a higher output power than the standard transmitter, and is used to achieve extended reach in 2 WDM applications with standard bre. It is tted with an FC/PC connector. In an ADM/Ring subrack, this unit occupies slots S16 and S17, providing order wire option is not tted and/or slots S41 and S42 if the OPC is not tted. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy slots S5 to S12 inclusive, providing the thermal limitations are not exceeded. This unit is driven by an electrical transmitter, which replaces the optical transmitter. There are different electrical transmitters for the Ring or Regenerator. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-15

STM16 HP 1533 Tx Interface (SC) NT8E34BD This High Performance Transmitter (HPTx) has a higher output power than the standard transmitter, and is used to achieve extended reach in 2 WDM applications with standard bre. It is tted with an SC connector. In an ADM/Ring subrack, this unit occupies slots S16 and S17, providing order wire option is not tted and/or slots S41 and S42 if the OPC is not tted. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy slots S5 to S12 inclusive, providing the thermal limitations are not exceeded. This unit is driven by an electrical transmitter, which replaces the optical transmitter. There are different electrical transmitters for the Ring or Regenerator. For optical cable codes, refer to Table 6-2. See Table 2-4 for details of power dissipation and unit width. 2 WDM Couplers (FC) - Rx-Red NTFW39CD An optical coupler used to split/combine two optical signals in the 1550 nm wavelength window when 2 wavelength WDM is required. This single width unit has two ruggedised pigtails and a faceplate connector (FC/PC connectors). The Red designation indicates that this coupler is used to combine 1533 nm Transmit and 1557 nm Receive optical signals onto a single bre. In an ADM/Ring subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card. This unit requires two bre clips (one clip can accept two bres) as it has three optical bres running to it. Each slot has only one clip, so the unit must be mounted in a slot where there is a clip at an adjacent slot position capable of accepting at least one more bre. If both HPTx and POA are tted, the recommended positions are Slot 16 and Slot 43. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card. A 2 WDM Coupler (Rx-Blue) NTFW39CE is required at the opposite end of the bre link See Table 2-4 for details of unit width.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-16 Aggregate units

2 WDM Couplers (FC) - Rx-Blue NTFW39CE An optical coupler used to split/combine two optical signals in the 1550 nm wavelength window when 2 wavelength WDM is required. This single width unit has two ruggedised pigtails and a faceplate connector (FC/PC connectors). The Blue designation indicates that this coupler is used to combine 1557 nm Transmit and 1533 nm Receive optical signals onto a single bre. In an ADM/Ring subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card. This unit requires two bre clips (one clip can accept two bres) as it has three optical bres running to it. Each slot has only one clip, so the unit must be mounted in a slot where there is a clip at an adjacent slot position capable of accepting at least one more bre. If both HPTx and POA are tted, the recommended positions are Slot 16 and Slot 43. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card. A 2 WDM Coupler (Rx-Red) NTFW39CD is required at the opposite end of the bre link See Table 2-4 for details of unit width 2 WDM Couplers (SC) - Rx-Red NTFW39CF An optical coupler used to split/combine two optical signals in the 1550 nm wavelength window when 2 wavelength WDM is required. This single width unit has two ruggedised pigtails and a faceplate connector (SC connectors). The Red designation indicates that this coupler is used to combine 1533 nm Transmit and 1557 nm Receive optical signals onto a single bre. In an ADM/Ring subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card. This unit requires two bre clips (one clip can accept two bres) as it has three optical bres running to it. Each slot has only one clip, so the unit must be mounted in a slot where there is a clip at an adjacent slot position capable of accepting at least one more bre. If both HPTx and POA are tted, the recommended positions are Slot 16 and Slot 43. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card. A 2 WDM Coupler (Rx-Blue) NTFW39CG is required at the opposite end of the bre link See Table 2-4 for details of unit width.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Aggregate units 4-17

2 WDM Couplers (SC) - Rx-Blue NTFW39CG An optical coupler used to split/combine two optical signals in the 1550 nm wavelength window when 2 wavelength WDM is required. This single width unit has two ruggedised pigtails and a faceplate connector (SC connectors). The Blue designation indicates that this coupler is used to combine 1557 nm Transmit and 1533 nm Receive optical signals onto a single bre. In an ADM/Ring subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card. This unit requires two bre clips (one clip can accept two bres) as it has three optical bres running to it. Each slot has only one clip, so the unit must be mounted in a slot where there is a clip at an adjacent slot position capable of accepting at least one more bre. If both HPTx and POA are tted, the recommended positions are Slot 16 and Slot 43. In a Regenerator subrack, this unit can occupy any free slot that will accept a single width card.

A 2 WDM Coupler (Rx-Red) NTFW39CF is required at the opposite end of the bre link See Table 2-4 for details of unit width 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Blue) NTFW53AA An optical coupler used to split/combine four optical signals in the 1550 nm wavelength window when 4 wavelength WDM is required. This unit has ve faceplate connectors (FC/PC connectors). The Blue designation indicates that this coupler is used to combine 1557 nm and 1549 nm Transmit and 1533 nm and 1541 nm Receive optical signals onto a single bre. The 4 WDM coupler units are located in a separate purpose built shelf which can be mounted in an TN-16X rack or separately. When one or more 4 WDM coupler units are mounted in an ADM rack, only one NE may be housed in the same rack. When the coupler shelf is mounted in a Regen rack, three regen reacks can be equipped A 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Red) NTFW53AB is required at the opposite end of the bre link 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Red) NTFW53AB An optical coupler used to split/combine four optical signals in the 1550 nm wavelength window when 4 wavelength WDM is required. This unit has ve faceplate connectors (FC/PC connectors). The Red designation indicates that this coupler is used to combine 1533 nm and 1541 nm Transmit and 1557 nm and 1549 nm Receive optical signals onto a single bre.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

4-18 Aggregate units

end of chapter

The 4 WDM coupler units are located in a separate purpose built shelf which can be mounted in an TN-16X rack or separately. When one or more 4 WDM coupler units are mounted in an ADM rack, only one NE may be housed in the same rack. When the coupler shelf is mounted in a Regen rack, three regen reacks can be equipped A 4 WDM Coupler (Rx-Blue) NTFW53AA is required at the opposite end of the bre link

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard


Tributary units
Selection of tributary units


STM-1, 140 Mbit/s and 34MBit/s electrical, STM-1 optical, and STM-4 optical tributaries are available for TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications. The range of tributary units available is listed in Table 5-1. The individual units are described briey starting on page 5-4. Each quadrant can only be equipped with tributaries of like bandwidth; once a tributary unit is positioned in a quadrant, that denes the quadrant use. For example, STM-4 tributaries cannot be mixed with STM-1 tributaries in the same quadrant. Each electrical tributary unit must have a corresponding I/O unit which provides the electrical input/output. Optical tributaries do not require I/O units.
Table 5-1 TN-16X tributary units Unit and code 34M electrical tributary units 34M tributary NTFW21AA requires I/O unit: 34Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14BA STM-1 electrical tributary units STM1e tributary NTFW08AA requires I/O unit: STM1e/140 Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14AA STM1e/140 Mbit/s tributary NTFW08CA requires I/O unit: STM1e/140 Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14AA


page 5-4 page 5-4

page 5-4 page 5-5 page 5-4 page 5-5

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

5-2 Tributary units Table 5-1 TN-16X tributary units (continued) Unit and code STM-4 optical tributary units STM4o IR 1310 Tributary (FC, ST, SC) NT7E02PB STM-1 optical tributary units STM1o IR 1310 Tributary (SC) NTFW11CD which requires STM1 Optic Carrier assy NTFW19BA


page 5-5

page 5-6

Electrical I/O units Each subrack includes eight I/O carriers (NTFW17AA). An I/O carrier houses two Active I/O units. An STM-1e/140 Mbit/s Active I/O supports one STM-1e or one STM-1e/140Mbit/s tributary. Figure 5-1 shows the slot position relationship between electrical tributary units and their I/Os.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Tributary units 5-3 Figure 5-1 140M/STM-1/STM-4 Trib unit and I/O slot position relationship (LTE/ADM/Ring subrack)
S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 12 S 13 S 14 S 15












I/O 12

I/O 13

I/O 14



I/O 2

I/O 3

I/O 4




I/O 5






I/O 21

I/O 22

I/O 23

I/O 24

I/O 36

I/O 37

I/O 38
S 34

S 21

S 22

S 23

S 24

S 25

S 26

S 27

S 28

S 32

S 33

I/O 39
S 35

S 36

S 37

S 38

S 39

Note 1: See below for I/O unit to tributary unit relationships:

Quadrant Q1 Trib Slot S2 S3 S4 S5 S21 S22 S23 S24 I/O Slot S25 (upper) S26 (upper) S27 (upper) S28 (upper) S25 (lower) S26 (lower) S27 (lower) S28 (lower) Quadrant Q3 Trib Slot S12 S13 S14 S15 S36 S37 S38 S39 I/O Slot S32 (upper) S33 (upper) S34 (upper) S35 (upper) S32 (lower) S33 (lower) S34 (lower) S35 (lower)



TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

5-4 Tributary units

Tributary unit data

34M tributary NTFW21AA The 34 Mbit/s mapper tributary is a single width unit which contains six unidirectional 34 Mbit/s circuits. Two unidirectional circuits on the same tributary can be used to provide one bidirectional 34 Mbit/s circuit. This unit ts in quadrant 4 only in S36, S37, S38 and S39. There is no preference as to which pair of slots should be used rst. Each 34 Mbit/s Tributary requires one 34 Mbit/s I/O unit. See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width. 34Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14BA Provides electrical termination of incoming signals at 34 MBit/s electrical rate. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Two I/Os t in one carrier which ts in slots 32 to 35 (lower section). One I/O is required per tributary unit. See Figure 5-1 for details of the relationship between I/O and tributary slot positions For electrical tributary cabling, refer to Table 6-3 on page 6-6. See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM1e tributary NTFW08AA A single width unit which provides an STM-1 electrical tributary (G.703 Section 12). Has a 75 Ohm line impedance. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Can be tted to slot positions:2 to 5 and 12 to 15 (upper section) 21 to 24 and 36 to 39 (lower section) For Ring applications, equip one side of the subrack before the other (usually equip Q1 and Q2 rst). Electrical input and output requires STM1e/140 Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14AA. Input and Output Return Loss: 15 dB (7 MHz to 240 MHz) See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM1e/140 Mbit/s tributary NTFW08CA A single width unit which provides either an SDH STM-1 electrical tributary (G.703 Section 12) or a PDH 140 Mbit/s electrical tributary (G.703 Section 9). Switching between the two modes is by software. Has a 75 Ohm line impedance. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Can be tted to slot positions:2 to 5 and 12 to 15 (upper section) 21 to 24 and 36 to 39 (lower section) For Ring applications, equip one side of the subrack before the other (normally equip Q1 and Q2 rst).

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Tributary units 5-5

Electrical input and output requires STM1e/140 Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14AA (page 5-5). Return Loss: 15 dB See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

STM1e/140 Mbit/s I/O interface NTFW14AA Provides electrical termination of incoming signals at STM-1 electrical and 140 Mbit/s electrical. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Two I/Os t in one carrier which ts in slots 25 to 28 and 32 to 35 (lower section). One I/O is required per tributary unit. See Table 5-1 for details of the relationship between I/O and tributary slot positions For electrical tributary cabling, refer to Table 6-3 on page 6-6. See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM4o IR 1310 Tributary (FC, ST, SC) NT7E02PB This unit is an STM-4 optical 1310 nm long haul tributary which provides one circuit in a double width unit. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Optical tributaries do not require an I/O unit. STM-4o tributary units must not be mixed with STM-1 or 140 Mbit/s tributary units in the same quadrant. Equip one side of the subrack before the other (usually equip Q1 and Q2 rst). Fit in pairs of slots only, see Table 3-4, page 3-16 for details of the permissible allocations. Protected STM-4o tributaries must share the same quadrant. Can be congured for FC, ST, or SC connectors with the following kits: NTN459FC - FC connector kit NTN459ST - ST connector kit NTN459SC - SC connector kit For optical cabling, refer to Table 6-3 on page 6-6. See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

5-6 Tributary units

STM1o IR 1310 Tributary (SC) NTFW11CD This unit is an STM-1 optical 1310 nm short haul tributary. It is a half height unit; one or two units can be housed in a single active carrier. One unit is required for unprotected operation, and two units for 1+1 protection. It is tted with SC connectors. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only An STM-1 optical tributary cannot be mixed in quadrants containing STM-4 optical tributaries. Requires no active I/O. If a greater than half-ll of these units is required in a rack, then the earthquake-hardened rack and rack bre channel must be specied (see Chapter 3); high speed fans must also be specied. Requires STM1 Optic Carrier assy NTFW19BA (page 5-6) For optical cabling, refer to Table 6-2 on page 6-5. See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width. STM1 Optic Carrier assy NTFW19BA This is an active carrier which houses one or two STM-1 optical tributary units. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Can be tted to slot positions: 2 to 5 and 12 to 15 21 to 24 and 36 to 39. Equip one side of the subrack before the other (usually equip Q1 and Q2 rst). See Table 2-5 for details of power dissipation and unit width.
end of chapter

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard


Support equipment
Selection of support equipment


External synchronisation and Order Wire units are available for the TN-16X. The units available are listed in Table 6-1 and individual units are briey described starting on page 6-4.
Table 6-1 TN-16X support equipment Unit and code External synchronisation units External synchronisation interface (1.544 Mbit/s) NT7E27BA External synchronisation interface (2 MHz) NTFW27AA External synchronisation interface carrier NT7E19AA ESI Clock Conversion kit - 120 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBD ESI Clock Conversion kit - 75 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBE Order Wire equipment Order Wire unit NT7E25BA Order Wire handset NT2E36AA page 6-4 page 6-4 page 6-2 page 6-2 page 6-3 page 6-3 page 6-4 Page

External synchronisation External synchronisation units are available to provide synchronisation for TN-16X subracks at 1.544 Mbit/s and 2 MHz. At least one ESI is required at every LTE/Ring/ADM or Hub subrack and is not required for Regenerators. A 120 or 75 ESI Clock Conversion kit (Telecoms Solutions DCD-521) is required at each NE using the 1.544MBit/s ESI to receive an external timing reference. The ESI Clock Conversion kit is rack-mounted in a separate ETSI rack from the TN-16X rack. Order Wire Optional Order Wire equipment provides maintenance personnel with a number of audio interfaces between LTE subracks and Regenerators.
TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

6-2 Support equipment

Order Wire bytes are passed through a node whether or not an Order Wire Unit is tted.

Support equipment data

External synchronisation interface (1.544 Mbit/s) NT7E27BA The External Synchronisation Interface (ESI) allows the shelf timing to be improved either through the use of the on-board Stratum-3 clock, or by synchronising the shelf timing to an SSU via a 1.5 Mbit/s input. The ESI can also function as a timing reference for external equipment by generating a SSU compatible 1.5 Mbit/s timing. The ESI Unit output can be locked to an incoming STM-n signal, or to the equipment clock. The ESI Unit is half-height and one or two may be mounted in a single ESI Carrier. Two ESI units operate as a main and standby pair. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Rings and Linear systems require a minimum of one ESI unit per ADM or LTE, or optionally two ESI units where protected synchronisation is required. 1.5 Mbit/s and 2 MHz ESI units can coexist in a network. For European working an ESI Clock Converter Unit is required. A choice of 120 Ohm or 75 Ohm terminations is available (page 6-3). 75 Ohm working also requires Termination NTFW5072. Requires an External synchronisation interface carrier NT7E19AA (page 6-3). One is required per two ESI Units, tted in slot 40 of the subrack, For ESI cable codes, refer to page 6-6. See Table 2-6 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit width. External synchronisation interface (2 MHz) NTFW27AA The External Synchronisation Interface (ESI) allows the shelf timing to be improved either through the use of the on-board Stratum-3 clock, or by synchronising the shelf timing to an SSU via a 2 MHz input. The ESI can also function as a timing reference for external equipment by generating a SSU compatible 2 MHz timing. The ESI Unit output can be locked to an incoming STM-n signal, or to the equipment clock. The ESI Unit is half-height and one or two may be mounted in a single ESI Carrier. Two ESI units operate as a main and standby pair. Use in TN-16X LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Rings and Linear systems require a minimum of one ESI unit per ADM or LTE, or optionally two ESI units where protected synchronisation is required. 1.5 Mbit/s and 2 MHz ESI units can coexist in a network. ESI Carrier tted to slot 40 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack.
323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Support equipment 6-3

Requires External synchronisation interface carrier NT7E19AA (page 6-3). One is required per two ESI Units, tted in slot 40 of the subrack, For ESI cable codes, refer to Table 6-3. See Table 2-6 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit width.

External synchronisation interface carrier NT7E19AA The External Synchronisation Interface (ESI) Carrier provides the mechanical interface for two half-height ESI units, (see page 6-2). Its main function is the routing of two distinct timing reference signals between the shelf connector, the STM-16 optical transmitter, the demultiplexer and the ESI plug-in units. Fits in slot 40 of the LTE/ADM/Ring subrack. If only one ESI unit is tted, cover the gap with ller panel NT7E39EA. See Table 2-6 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit width.

ESI Clock Conversion kit - 120 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBD The 120 rack-mounted ESI Clock Conversion kit (Telecoms Solutions DCD-521) is required at each NE using the 1.544MBit/s ESI to receive an external timing reference. Comprises:
DCD-521 21 master (ETSI) 990-45210-01 Alarm & status W-W 990-45108-01 ACI analog clock input 090-41924-01 Qty 1 Qty 4 Qty 2

1.544 Mbit/s 10-port output card 090-40012-02 Qty 2 SAI shelf alarm interface 090-45014-02 Qty 1

Use in LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Not mounted in the TN-16X rack: It is mounted in an ETSI rack which must be ordered separately. Maximum of one per ADM or LTE shelf. See Table 2-6 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit width.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

6-4 Support equipment

ESI Clock Conversion kit - 75 ohm 25S KM00 001 BBE The 75 rack-mounted ESI Clock Conversion kit (Telecoms Solutions DCD-521) is required at each NE using the 1.544MBit/s ESI to receive an external timing reference. Comprises:
DCD-521 21 master (ETSI) 990-45210-01 Input module ACI 990-45104-03 Alarm & status W-W 990-45108-01 ACI analog clock input 090-41924-01 Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 2

1.544 Mbit/s 10-port output card 090-40012-02 Qty 2 SAI shelf alarm interface 090-45014-02 Qty 1

Use in LTE/ADM/Ring applications only Not mounted in the TN-16X rack: It is mounted in an ETSI rack which must be ordered separately. Maximum of one per ADM or LTE shelf. See Table 2-6 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit width.

Order Wire unit NT7E25BA Provides the operator with a number of interfaces for communication between LTE and Regenerator subracks. The unit provides two voice communication channels - one local and the other selectable as local or express, on a party-line basis. The channels may be accessed with a handset or headset, or through the VF-300 or public switched telephone network (PSTN) ports. Handset connection sockets, control buttons and LED call indicators are mounted on the front panel. Use in LTE and Regenerator applications only Fits in slot 17 of the subrack. Fits in slot 13 of the Regenerator subrack. Requires Order Wire handset NT2E36AA (page 6-4) For order wire cables, refer to Table 6-3 on page 6-6. See Table 2-6 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit width. Order Wire handset NT2E36AA This optional equipment is used in conjunction with the Order Wire Unit (see page 6-4). The handset has a 4-wire interface and includes a keypad and DTMF generator. Requires Order Wire unit NT7E25BA (page 6-4). Use in LTE and Regenerator applications only Table 2-6 for details of power dissipation, weight, and unit width.

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Support equipment 6-5

Cable selection Select cables as required for the application and units provisioned. Table 6-2 lists the optical bre cables, Table 6-3 lists the electrical cables.
Table 6-2 Optical cables Code A0644519 NT7E46BD NT7E46FD NT7E47BD NT7E47FD NT7E48BA NT7E48FA NT7E49BA NT7E49FA NTFW5750 NTFW5751 NTFW5752 NTFW5753 NTFW5754 NTFW5755 NTFW5773 NTFW5775 NTFW5777 Description Optical Adaptor SC-FC (PC) Optical Patch Cord FC/PC (20m) Optical Patch Cord SC (20m) Optical Patch Cord with VOA (20m) Optical Patch Cord with VOA SC (20m) Optical pigtail 20m Optical pigtail (SC) 20m Optical pigtail m/VOA 20m Optical pigtail m/VOA (SC) 20m STM1 opt fibre patch cord (5 m) STM1 opt fibre patch cord (10 m) STM1 opt fibre patch cord (15 m) STM1 opt fibre patch cord (20 m) STM1 opt fibre patch cord (25 m) STM1 opt fibre patch cord (30 m) 4 WDM opt fibre patch cord (1.5 m) - Regen 1 4 WDM opt fibre patch cord (2.0 m) - Regen 2/ADM 4 WDM opt fibre patch cord (2.6 m) - Regen 3

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

6-6 Support equipment Table 6-3 Electrical cables Code Description


Synchronisation cables NT7E44CB NT7E44CC NT7E44CD NT7E44CE NTFW44CB NTFW44CC NTFW44CD NTFW44CE NTFW44CF NTFW5072 ESI cable to BITS equipment. 20m ESI cable to BITS equipment. 60m ESI cable to BITS equipment. 120m ESI cable to BITS equipment. 200m 2MHz ESI Cable Assembly (20M) 2MHz ESI Cable Assembly (60M) 2MHz ESI Cable Assembly (120M) 2MHz ESI Cable Assembly (200M) 2MHz ESI Cable Assembly (3M) ESI 75 Ohm Term Connector Assy

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Support equipment 6-7 Table 6-3 Electrical cables (continued) Code Description

Miscellaneous cables NT7E44BA NT7E44EA NT7E44EB NT7E44FA NT7E44FB NT7E44GA NT7E44GC NT7E44GD NT7E44GE NT7E44GG NT7E44GH NT7E44HA NT7E44JA NT7E44JB NT7E44JC NT7E44JE NT7E44JF NT7E44JH NT7E44JJ NT7E44JK NT7E44JS NT7E44JT NT7E44JU NT7E44JV Parallel/serial telemetry cable. 20m 9/25 pin VT100 User I/F cable 5m 9/25 pin VT100 User I/F cable 20m 25/25 pin VT100 User I/F cable 5m 25/25 pin NE VT100 user I/F cable 20m Order Wire VF300 extension cable 20m Order Wire bridge cable 1m Order Wire bridge cable 5m Order Wire bridge cable 10m OPC Ethernet cable 20m (Regen) OPC Ethernet cable 5m (Regen) Order Wire headset extension cable. 20m CNET cable 0.3m (Shelf-Shelf) CNET cable 1m (Shelf-Shelf) CNET cable 5m (Rack-Rack) OPC Ethernet cable 20 m (LTE/ADM/Ring) OPC Ethernet cable 5m (LTE/ADM/Ring) Ethernet cable OPC to X-terminal 20m (LTE/ADM/Ring) CNET Y interface cable CNET cable 10m (Rack-Rack) Ethernet cable OPC to X-terminal 40m (LTE/ADM/Ring) Ethernet cable OPC to X-terminal 100m (LTE/ADM/Ring) Ethernet cable OPC to Ethernet LAN 40 m (LTE/ADM/Ring) Ethernet cable OPC to Ethernet LAN 100 m (LTE/ADM/Ring)

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

6-8 Support equipment Table 6-3 Electrical cables (continued) Code NT7E44KA NT7E44KB NT7E44LA NT7E44MA NT7E44RA NT7E44RB NT7E44SA NTFW5630 NTFW5632 Description Double User I/F cable 5m Double User I/F cable 20m Order Wire PSTN access cable. 20m Null-modem cable adaptor OPC VT100 cable 5m OPC VT100 cable 20m OPC Laptop cable 9/9 pin 5m Shelf alarm cable (Posn 1 to BIP) Shelf alarm cable (Posn 3 to BIP)

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

Support equipment 6-9

Cables for HPTx and 1:N protection Only a 10 metre cable (patch cord) should be used between the HPTx and its associated electrical transmitter. The type of cable tail employed is different for LTE/ADM/Ring and Regenerator subracks, and whether the cable is connected to an HPTx or electrical transmitter (see Figures 6-1 and 6-2). The cables (patch cords) joining the electrical transmitters and receivers of the 1:N protection loop should use cable lengths from 10 to 30 metres (see Figure 6-3).
Figure 6-1 HPTx to STM-16e cabling in LTE/ADM/Ring subrack
NT7E44NA 10 m patch cord Note 2

Note 1

STM 16 Elec. STM 16 Elec. HPTx

Note 2


Note 1: NTFW5031 aggregate cable tail assembly, complete with bracket. Note 2: NTFW5032 HPTx cable tail assembly, complete with bracket.

TN-16X Planning and Ordering Information

6-10 Support equipment Figure 6-2 HPTx to STM-16e cabling in Regenerator subrack

NT8E5150 HPTx cable tail assembly, complete with bracket.

NT7E44NA 10 m patch cord

NT8E5152 STM-16 aggregate cable tail assembly, complete with bracket.


STM 16 Elec.

Figure 6-3 Protection loop pair cabling between LTE/ADM/Ring subracks

Note 1: NTFW5031 STM-16 aggregate cable tail assembly, complete with bracket.
10 m to 30 m patch cord

PLoop Tx Elec.

PLoop Rx Elec.

end of chapter

323-1211-152 Release 5 Standard

International Broadband Networks (Dept18600) Nortel Limited Oakleigh Road South London, N11 1HB So far as Nortel Limited is aware the contents of this document are correct. However, such contents have been obtained from a variety of sources and Northern Telecom can give no warranty or undertaking and make no representation as to their accuracy. In particular, Northern Telecom hereby expressly excludes liability for any form of consequential, indirect or special loss, and loss of data, loss of prots or loss of business opportunity, howsoever arising and whether sustained by the user of the information herein or any third party arising out of the contents of this document.

SDH Transmission

Planning and Ordering Information

Copyright 1994 - 1997 Northern Telecom The copyright of this document is the property of Northern Telecom. Without the written consent of Northern Telecom, given by contract or otherwise, this document must not be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, either wholly or in part, and the contents of this document, or any methods or techniques available therefrom, must not be disclosed to any other person whatsoever. NORTHEN TELECOM CONFIDENTIAL: The information contained in this document is the property of Northern Telecom. Except as specically authorized in writing by Northern Telecom, the holder of this document shall protect same in whole or in part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use same for evaluation, operation, and maintenance purposes only. Document number: 323-1211-152 Document issue: Release 5 Document Status: Standard Date: August 1997 Printed in England

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