The Grave: Four Questions IN

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God, Religion, Messenger & Education
Al-Barra' Ibn 'Azib said: ''we went with the Prophet (peace be upon him) to a funeral of a man from al-Ansaar (people of Medina), we reached the grave and the man was not buried yet, the Prophet sat and we sat around him, as silent as dead, He had a small stick in his hand scraping the ground with it. He raised his head and said three times: ''ask God refuge from the torment of the grave'', then he continued: ''when a true believer is about to die, white faced angels, as bright as the sun, descend from heaven for him till they sit where he can see them, they bring along shrouds from paradise, and (hunut) embalmment of paradise, then the Angel of Death comes and sits by his head and say: ''O peaceful soul, come out to the forgiveness and blessings of God'', it comes out as smoothly as a drop of water flows, the Angel takes the soul and, with a blink of an eye, shrouds and embalms it in the shroud and embalmment of paradise, it comes out bearing the best smell of musk found on earth. The Prophet said: the angels ascend to heaven, whenever they pass by a group of angels they wonder: what is this good spirit? They answer: he is so and so, calling him with his favorable names, until they reach the first heaven and ask permission to enter. He is granted the permission and is accompanied by heavenly people of each heaven to the following one till he reaches the seventh heaven. God Almighty says: record his book of deeds in 'illiyyun (the highest of the highest), turn him back to earth, I have created them from earth, to earth I return them and from earth I will resurrect them''. The Prophet said: so his soul is returned to his body, two angels come and make him sit down, THEY ASK: ''WHO IS YOUR GOD?'' HE ANSWERS: ''MY GOD IS ALLAH''. THEY ASK: ''WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION?'' HE ANSWERS: ''MY RELIGION IS ISLAM''. THEY SAY: ''WHO IS THIS MAN WHO IS SENT FOR YOU?'', HE SAYS: ''HE IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH.'' THEY ASK: ''WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATION?'', HE ANSWERS: ''I HAVE READ THE HOLY QUR'AN, HAD BELIEVED IT AND BELIEVED IN IT.'' Then a voice from heaven is heard saying: ''my slave has spoken the truth, furnish him with heavenly furniture, dress him in heavenly garments, and open for him a port to paradise''. He feels its smell and goodness, and his grave is widened. A good looking man; well dressed and nice-smelled comes and says: ''bear the good news; this is the day you had been promised before''. The dead man asks the good looking man: ''who are you? Your face is ambassador of goodwill''. He answers: ''I am your good deeds". The man asks God to be immediately resurrected to return to his family and belongings. When an unbeliever is about to die, black faced angels descend from heaven for him till they sit where he can see them, they bring along rags, then the Angel of Death comes and sits by his head and say: ''O wicked soul, come out to the wrath and anger of God'', it sinks in his body, the angel of Death brings it out, tearing veins and nerves just like skewers are separated from wet wool, the Angel takes the soul and, with a blink of an eye, puts it in the rags, it comes out bearing the stink of the most rotten corpse found on earth. The angels ascend to heaven, whenever they pass by a group of angels they wonder: what is this stinking soul? They answer: he is so and so, calling him with his worst names, until they reach the first heaven and ask permission to enter. They are denied the permission. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) recited: THE GATES OF HEAVEN WILL NOT BE OPENED FOR THEM, NOR WILL THEY ENTER PARADISE UNTIL A CAMEL ENTERS INTO THE EYE OF A NEEDLE... [Al-A'raf 7:40] Then his soul is returned to his body, two angels come and make him sit down, they ask: ''who is your God?'' he answers: ''ah ah I do not know''. They ask: ''what is your religion?'' he answers: ''ah ah I do not know''. Then a voice from heaven is heard saying: furnish him with hell furniture, dress him in hell garments, and open for him a port to hell fire''. He feels its smell and heat, and his grave is narrowed so that his ribs mingle together. An ugly looking man; bad dressed and stinky-smelled comes and says: ''bear the bad news; this is the day you had been promised before''. The dead man asks the good looking man: ''who are you? Your face is ambassador of evil''. He answers: ''I am your bad deeds". The man asks God that the Day of Judgment would never take place.
[Declared Authentic by Al-Albany]

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