Jinn, Man and Ruqyah

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J inn, Man and Ruqyah

Praise be to Allah (The Glorified and Exalted).

The existence of the J inn race is based on the Quran and authentic hadith. Similar to angels,
jinns are part of the unseen world. The word jinn comes from an Arabic root meaning
hidden from sight. J inn are commonly referred to as spirits. The world of the jinn is
separate from the world of man, with its own distinct nature.

Their Creation:

The jinn race was created before mankind, but after the creation of the angels. Iblis is the
first jinn and is believed to be the father of the jinn race, just as Adam (peace be upon him)
is the father of mankind. This is mentioned in the following verse of the Quran and hadith:

And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire. [15:27]

Qur'an - Ar-Rahmaan 55:15, 15
He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery.
And the jinns did He create from a smokeless flame of fire.

Their Purpose:

The jinn have the same destiny and fate as man. The jinn race has been given the freewill to
decide to submit to Allah or choose to be ungrateful. They have also been sent Messengers
from among their own, but the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was
the last prophet and messenger, sent to both mankind and the jinn race.

And I (Allah) created not the jinns and men, except that they should worship Me (Alone).

Similar to man, the jinns will be reckoned on the Day of J udgment:

O ye assembly of jinns and men! Came there not unto you Messengers from amongst you,
setting forth unto you My signs, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours? They
will say: We bear witness against ourselves. It was the life of this world that deceived them.
So against themselves will they bear witness that they rejected Faith. [6:130]

They are Part of The Unseen:

Allah (The Exalted and Glorified) through His Mercy for man, has placed a veil over the eyes
of mankind, so they cannot see the jinn. However, animals may see the jinn. For example,
horses and dogs can see the jinn. It is also the case that the jinn can see man. The jinn
reside in their own realm on Earth, existing parallel to the world of man. This is mentioned in
the following verses of the Quran:

Soon shall We settle your affairs, O both ye worlds! [55:31]

O ye Children of Adam! Let not Iblis (Satan) seduce you, in the same manner as he got your
parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame: for he and
his tribe watch you from a position where ye cannot see them: We made the devils [i.e. evil
jinn] friends (only) to those without faith. [7:27]

Types of J inn:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned that there were three different
types of jinn:

Abu Thalabah al-Khushani said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, The jinn are of
three types: a type that has wings, and they fly through the air; a type that looks like snakes
and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey [i.e. they appear to be
nomadic]. [Reported by al-Tahhaawi in Mushkil al-Athaar, 4/95, and by al-Tabaraani in al-
Kabeer, 22/214. Shaykh al-Albaani said in al-Mishkaat (2/1206, no. 4148): al-Tahhaawi and
Abul-Shaykh reported it with a saheeh isnaad]

In Saheeh Muslim (2236) it is narrated that Abu Saeed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with
him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say:
In Madeenah there is a group of the jinn who have become Muslim, so whoever sees any of
these creatures let him give it a warning three times, then if it appears after that he may kill
it, for it is a devil.

The word translated as creatures here refers to kinds of snakes that appear in houses; they
are not to be killed until they have been given a warning three times, because they may be
jinn. See Ghareeb al-Hadeeth by Ibn al-Atheer.

Al-Nawawi said: What this means is that if they do not disappear after being warned, then
they are not the kind of creatures that inhabit houses and they are not among the jinn who
have become Muslim, rather that is a devil so there is no sin on you if you kill it and Allaah
will never give the Shaytaan a way to prevail over you by taking revenge, unlike the creatures
(snakes) and jinn who have become Muslim. And Allaah knows best. Sharh Muslim, 14/236.

Their Abilities:

The jinns have abilities beyond that of human beings. Some jinn can fly, they can appear in
different forms, travel quickly, and have an extraordinary level of strength. Their bodies can
also be sustained underneath the ground, underwater, or in outer space (i.e. flying near the
Earth in the lowest heaven). The jinn have a much longer lifespan than humans, but they
eventually die. Due to the fact that the bodies of the jinn were created from fire, when they
die, their bodies evaporate into the air. Unlike man, whose body was created from the Earth,
this is why humans decay and become one with the Earth when they die.

The jinn may also appear in the disguise of other creatures. For example, jinns can take the
form of humans. This is mentioned in the following hadith:

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) put me in charge of
guarding the zakah of Ramadan. Someone came to me and started scooping up some of the
food, and I said, By Allah, I will take you to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him).-He [the thief] complained of being in need and having dependents, so
Abu Hurayrah took pity on him and let him go. This happened three times, and on the third
occasion, -Abu Hurayrah said: I will take you to the Messenger of Allah. This is the third time
and each time you say that you will not come back, then you come back. He [the thief] said,
Let me go and I will teach you something by means of which Allah will benefit you. I said:
What is it? he said: When you go to bed, recite Ayat al-Kursi, Allah. There is no god but
He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal [2:255], until you complete the verse. Then you
will always have a protector [angel] from Allah, and no devil will come near you until morning
comes. So I let him go, and the next morning I told the Messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) what had happened. The Messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He told you the truth, although he is a liar. Do you
know who you have been speaking to for three nights, O Abu Hurayrah? He said: No. He
said: That was a devil [a shaytaan or evil jinn]. [al-Bukhari no. 3275]

From the above hadith, various points are evident. Firstly, the conduct of the shaytaan, an
Arabic word which refers to the evil jinn, is that they frequently lie and speak untruthfully in
order to mislead people. Secondly, the jinn are only unseen to humans when they are in the
form in which they were created. When the jinns appear in other forms in the world of man,
then they can be seen. Lastly, Ayat al-Kursi can be recited in order to protect an individual
from the harm of the shaytaan.

Their Dwellings:

The jinns usually live in unclean places, such as: garbage dumps, toilets, ruins of buildings,
etc. They also gather in the cemeteries during the night, reside in buildings or homes that
have been abandoned for over forty days, and they congregate at construction sites. Besides
these dwellings, the jinns are also known to live underground and within water. Because of
their dwellings most jinn carry a foul stench. Many of them avoid the daylight and usually
come out during the night.

Zayd ibn Arqam reported:
The Apostle of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, These privies [public
bathrooms] are frequented by the jinns and devils [i.e. any jinn in general]. So when anyone
amongst you goes there, he should say: I seek refuge in Allah from male and female
shaytaan. [Dawud: Book 1: Hadith 6]

Narrated J abir:
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, When night falls, then keep your
children close to you, for the devils spread out then. An hour later you can let them free; and
close the gates (i.e. doors) of your house (at night), and mention Allahs Name thereupon
(i.e. Bismillah), and cover your utensils (i.e. foods), and mention Allahs Name thereupon,
(and if you dont have something to cover your utensil) you may put across it something (e.g.
a piece of wood, etc.). [Bukhari: Book 4: Volume 54: Hadith 500]

Their Needs:

Similar to humans, the jinns require food, water, and rest in order to survive. In the following
hadith, it is mentioned that some jinn eat bones:

Ibn Masood reported:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, Someone from
among the jinn called me, and I went with him and recited Quran for them. He [the
Prophet] took us and showed us the traces of where they had been and the traces of their
fires. They [the jinn] asked him [the Prophet] for food and he said, You can have every bone
on which the name of Allah has been mentioned that comes into your possession, as meat,
and all the droppings as food for your animals. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) said, So do not use [these things] for cleaning yourselves [after relieving oneself],
for they are the food and provision of your brothers. [Muslim no. 450]

Their Animals:

Similar to humans, the jinn have their own animals as part of their world. This is alluded to in
the following hadith, in which their animals eat droppings in order to sustain themselves.

Ibn Masood reported:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, all the droppings
as food for your animals. [Muslim no. 450]

Their Civilization:

Similar to mankind, the jinn race has its own languages, nations, leaders, cultures, customs,
religions, and so forth.

Their Religions:

Some of the jinns are Muslims and others the contrary. In the following verses of the Quran,
Allah mentions a group of jinn who had become Muslims after hearing the recitation of the

Say: It has been revealed to me that a company of J inns listened (to the Quran). They said,
We have really heard a wonderful Recital! It gives guidance to the Right, and we have
believed therein: we shall not join (in worship) any (gods) with our Lord. And Exalted is the
Majesty of our Lord: He has taken neither a wife nor a son. [72:1-3]

The Qareen:

Every human has a jinn companion throughout his or her life, which is called the qareen. The
qareen is different from other jinn, because it specifically stays with its human host
throughout the life of the human, by shadowing the person. The man has a male qareen and
the woman has a female companion. It is sometimes the case that an individual will die and
other will say, "I have seen the spirit (or ghost) of so-and-so." What they have seen is either
the qareen of the dead or another jinn in the guise of the deceased. This life involves man
being tested by Allah (The Exalted). The qareen is evil (a shaytaan) and whispers for man to
commit sins and disobey Allah. Therefore, it is part of the trial in this life that every individual
must overcome and not engage in the evil temptations of his constant companion. The
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also had a qareen, but Allah made him become a

Ibn Masood said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, There is not one of
you who does not have a jinn appointed to be his constant companion. They said, And you
too, O Messenger of Allah? He said, Me too, but Allah has helped me and he has submitted,
so that he only helps me to do good. [Muslim no. 2814]

The Believer suppresses his qareen by obeying Allah and adhering to His religion, until the
qareen becomes weak and unable to stop the Believer from doing good, except what Allah
Wills. The sinner, by his disobedience and evil actions, gives his shaytaan the strength to
encourage him to do evil and discourage him from doing good. The Believer has to fear Allah
and strive against his qareen, by obeying Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be
upon him). It is wisdom and insight in a Believer to realize that the qareen of other
individuals may succeed in causing that person to falter at any moment. Therefore, the
Muslim should not place himself or his children in a vulnerable position, alone with other
individuals, which may lead to being harmed. After the human counterpart dies, it is possible
for the qareen to still live on, considering that jinns naturally live longer than humans. The
Muslim should be aware of his constant companion as much as possible and resist his sinful

The weakness of science the following examples could be J inn as science does
not believe on J inn and is not as advanced as the Quran and Sunnah We can not
trust on kuffar, Allah knows best


The notorious American Bigfoot is considered to be a large hairy hominoid that lives in the
forest. This creature is known by numerous other names from around the world: Yeti,
Sasquatch, Yowie, Abominable Snowman, Skunk Ape, Barmanou, etc. Long before modern
Americans gave eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot, many of the Native American tribes that had
lived in North America were well acquainted with the creature. Some tribes considered
Bigfoot as their brother from the forest, which was a spirit that lived underground and
surfaced during the night, in order to feed. Some Native Americans also mention in their
legends that Bigfoot was capable of making himself appear visible and invisible. Another
tribe, the Dakota Indians, considered Bigfoot to exist in another dimension and to appear in
the world of man when they had reason. This jinn is perhaps the third type mentioned in the
section Types of J inn, the one that stops for a rest then resumes its journey, living a
nomadic existence.


Mothman was the name given to a creature that appeared in Point Pleasant, West Virginia in
the 1960s. The creature was man-like in appearance, possessed two large wings on its back,
and was excessively hairy. The persons who came into contact with the Mothman, mentioned
that it could travel quickly and fly. This creature has been seen around the world. For
example, in Zanzibar, there is a creature known as Bat Wings, which is described as being
similar in appearance to the Mothman. This is the jinn that has wings and flies. This was
mentioned in the section Types of J inn.

Werewolf of Wisconsin:

In the state of Wisconsin, there have been numerous sightings of a large creature that walks
erect and has the features of a dog, which include: claws, a snout, and excessive hair.
Among the first sightings was by a man who spotted the werewolf east of J efferson,
Wisconsin. While driving during the night, the man spotted the beast digging in an old Indian
mound. He described it as standing erect over six feet, having a muzzle, and claws with three
fingers and a twisted thumb. The man came back to the spot the next night and found the
same beast. In the second encounter, the man said he heard the creature utter something
that was not tangible. The beast went away from the man and eventually vanished from

The so-called werewolf or dog form of the jinn is well known around the world. In fact, in
Arabia, this was the manner in which the jinn were commonly seen when they encountered
Arabs in the world of man. This is the type of jinn that looks like a dog and is mentioned in
the section Types of J inn. The jinn from Wisonsin, is mentioned to have been seen digging
in an Indian mound, which is a graveyard, this is probably because he was searching for
bones to eat. The following account mentions the encounter of a Muslim with a jinn that
appeared in this form:

Strength of faith and religiosity in general will also prevent the jinn from harming a person,
so much so that if a Muslim were to fight with a jinn, the one who has faith in Allah would

Abd-Allah ibn Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
A man from among the Companions of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) met a man [i.e. male] from among the jinn. They wrestled, and the human knocked
down the jinn. The human said to him, You look small and skinny to me, and your forearms
look like the front paws of a dog. Do all the jinn look like this, or only you? He said, No, by
Allah, among them I am strong, but let us wrestle again, and if you defeat me I will teach
you something that will do you good. The human said, Fine. He [the jinn] said, Recite,
Allah! None has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever-Living, the One Who sustains
and protects all that exists [2:255]. The human said, Fine. He [the jinn] said, You will
never recite this in your house but the Shaytaan will come out of it like a donkey breaking
wind, and he will never come back in until the next morning. [al-Darimi no. 3247]

Narrated Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy ibn Kab that his father told him that he had a vessel in which
he kept dates. He used to check on it and found that the number was decreasing. So he kept
guard on it one night and saw a beast that looked like an adolescent boy. He said: I greeted
him with salaams [peace] and he returned my greeting, then I asked him, What are you, a
jinn or a human? He said, A jinn. I said to him, Show me your hand. So he showed me his
hand, and it looked like a dogs paw with dogs fur. I said, Do all the jinn look like this? He
said, I know no one among the jinn who is stronger than I. I said, What made you do what
you did [i.e., taking the dates]? He said, We heard that you are a man who loves charity,
and we wanted to have some of your food. Ubayy asked him, What will protect us from
you? He said, This ayah, Ayat al-Kursi. Then the next day he [Ubayy] went to the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and told him (about what had happened) and he
[the Prophet] said, The evil one spoke the truth.

Unidentified Flying Objects:

UFO sightings have always been plentiful. Although many of them may be aircrafts or lights,
some of them are jinn. For example, during World War II, many war pilots spotted circular
balls of light flying and encircling their planes. These lights appeared interested in the
aircrafts and would also engage in a game of cat and mouse with the pilots. This type of
activity continues to happen to pilots in modern times. Since jinns can change their form into
various appearances, including the circular light appearance, these were jinn. The Kung! tribe
(Bush Men) living in the southern part of Africa have also complained that evil spirits appear
to them in this form during the night. It is also the case that some video footage has showed
these spherical lights creating crop circles. There have also been accounts by individuals who
have had jinns living within their homes, mentioning the fact that the jinn appear as circular
spheres of light.

And Allah (The Glorified and Exalted) Knows Best.

Signs of Jinn possession:

There are many signs of jinn possession, every person is different. Some have 1 or 2 signs
while others have many or all of these signs depends on how close the person is to Allah
(swt) and how much they worship Him.

There are those who became possessed before they were practicing islam ie. By wearing
taweez or going to magician for help, or harming the jinns. So that jinn that's now inside the
muslim can't stop him/ her from becoming guided and become practising muslim since hidaya
(guidence) is in the Hands of Allah swt.

Allah swt Guides whom He Wills and allows to be misguided who He Wills and He has Power
over all things.

But if the person's eman is strong and the jinn is weak there will be very little signs of it.

The signs are many but the main ones are...

*1. Feeling a heaviness on the shoulders and/ or head or head ache when standing up for

*2. Feeling a movement (actual movement or like a pulse) or a pain (can be moving pain) or
burning (part of the body becoming hot) or pins and needles, numbness, shaking, fear,
anxiety when listening to the Quran with ear phones with a loud volume.

*3. Dislike of reading or listening to Quran, urge to turn it off, or agitated and irritated or
angry (opposite of tranquillity)

*4. Anxiety or fear of going to the masjid or feeling uncomfortable in the masjid or getting
head aches during Islamic lectures etc.

5. Dislike of azan.

6. Insomnia (either can't sleep to very late and just before fajr feeling very tired, or broken

*7. Nightmares-

Some jinns are black dogs, snakes and lions, lizards, rats, carnivorous animals and give birth
to the same type of jinns.

Others are flying jinns so u see men flying in the dream, others are earth bound ones but are
very ugly so they chase you.

Some take pleasure by causing a person to have a wet dream.

These nightmares will be quite frequent ie. Always seeing one self being chased by a black
dog, or a lion, snake or a ugly man.

Seeing a lion caged up.

Seeing a tall bold headed man.

Seeing snakes around you or trying enter the house etc.

Every case is different.

8. Anxiety- Fear of sleeping and fear of dying for no reason. Sometimes at night other times
at maghrib time

*9. Urges or thoughts to jump off bridge or commit suicide or go to the park at maghrib time
or at night alone!

*10. Hearing voices in the head, sometimes a clear distinct voice.

11. Preferring to keep one self away from family and like to be alone. Like to sit in corners.

12. Prefer not to have showers or keep one self clean. Dislikes good smells

13. Uncontrollable or irrational anger.

*14. Obscene thoughts during salah- pornographic or even kufr things like throwing the

15. Urge to push people or babies down the stairs.

16. Pain in the left hand and constant pain in parts of the body.

17. Bigger appetite but the body does not absorb the nutrients which may lead to health
problems which medically can not be explained (excessive bleeding or no menses for women)

18. Sometimes cry or laugh for no reason, or the feeling he wants to run, does not feel
comfortable being still

19. Can sometimes smell things that others around him can not smell

20. Experience sexual encounters when sleeping

21. Forgetfulness, especially in acts of worshipping Allah

22. Doing things out of character

Allah knows better

You will know as soon as you read these signs if they apply to you or not. No need to
concentrate and force your self to believe these things apply to you.

The ones with the red astrix * are the ones that need to watch for....

Sihr (magic) is almost always accompanied by a jinn possession, so the above signs will apply
to sihr too.

Taweez this is haram

Those who use taweez are committing shirk
Often magicians use taweez as a weapon, they will often write ayats in the wrong order, or
other obscene quotations to please the shaytan and obtain the help of jinn. The magician
will then use J inn to help the patient, he will ask the patient for her and mothers name, ask
to bring hair, or menses, clothing and photos of the patient and others the magician will
then use these to call the help of shaytan and produce taweez for the patient to wear around
the neck, wrist, waist or private parts. Sometime the removal of these taweez by burning
them can cure the patient by the will of Allah.

The only way to find out for sure is to listen to the sihr verses (2:102, 10:81-82, 20:68-71)
with ear phone an a loud volume. If you feel any of the feelings like head ache or pain etc its
best to get in touch with a raqi to double check your situation.

To be 100% its best to arrange a ruqya session with a raqi who is known and only uses
methods that are strictly according to the Quran and Sunnah.


"The ground being wet is a sign of its been raining, but not every wet ground means its been

So not every sign means a person is possessed. Many people convince themselves that they
have a J inn problem when they dont actually have one.

A person's eman can be weak, they might not be praying salah on time or with khushu, or
according to the sunnah or getting waswas(whispers of shaytan) to commit sins and
immorality. Wasting time, not making zikr (rememberance of Allah), not having the heart to
do ibadah (worship) etc.

I think we all forget that there are shaytan around us all the time, that give us waswas and
we even has a shaytan inside us called the Qareen who tries to lead us to sin. The Prophet
peace be upon him also had a Qareen but alhumdulilah his Qareen became Muslim so he was
not affected by him.

Surah an Nas: 5 and 6

who whispers (evil) into the breasts of mankind
From among the jinn and mankind

So it is not only J inn that whispers evil to us, it is also mankind (man and jinn can be both

So shaytan from J inn, mankind and your own kareen work hard to weaken you and cause
you to forget about Allah (swt) and indulge in time wasting.

Shaytaan can even keep us occupied in good deeds that are less beneficial than to perform
deeds that are obligation and of more reward.

So we must fight against evil from others and from ourselves by worshiping Allah SWT in the
way He should be worshipped according to Quran and Sunnah.

Making adkhaar (reading duas remembrance of Allah) is reading words which are light on
the tongue and putting tawakul (trust) in Allah.

Imagine if the only way to protect our selves from jinn and magic was to wear heavy, hot,
hard metal suit of armour!! all day all night!! This is difficult!

So even making adkhaar is a blessing, and even if it means losing half an hour sleep after
fajr- we get rewarded for protecting our selves!! How Merciful is Allah!!

You can't tell 100% just from reading the signs if your possessed or not.

Before you go about booking an appointment or having ruqya, you should ask your self the
following questions-

1. Do I really need ruqya?
2. How will I benefit from it?
3. Even if I am affected, is it really bothering me?
4. Can I go about my daily life and worship Allah (swt)?
5. Can I be patient with my situation?

So if you can be patient and it is not affecting you seriously then it is better not to ask for
ruqya and be amongst the 70,000 who will enter paradise without accountability.

Al-Bukhaari (6472) and Muslim (220) narrated from Ibn Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with
him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Seventy
thousand of my ummah will enter Paradise without being brought to account; they are the
ones who did not ask for ruqyah or believe in omens or use cautery and they put their trust
in their Lord. These people will enter Paradise without being brought to account because of
the perfection of their Tawheed, their complete trust in Allah and their independence from

The one who asks for ruqyah from others is not included in that seventy thousand who will
enter Paradise without being brought to account, due to the shortfall in their trust in Allah,
because asking for ruqyah involves a kind of humiliation and need of the raaqi (the one who
performs ruqyah), and part of complete trust and Tawheed is that the Muslim should not ask
people for anything.

Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
That is because these people will enter Paradise without being called to account because of
the perfection of their Tawheed, therefore he described them as people who did not ask
others to perform ruqyah for them. Hence he said and they put their trust in their Lord.
Because of their complete trust in their Lord, their contentment with Him, their faith in Him,
their being pleased with Him and their seeking their needs from Him, they do not ask people
for anything, be it ruqyah or anything else, and they are not influenced by omens and
superstitions that could prevent them from doing what they want to do, because superstition
detracts from and weakens Tawheed. End quote.

Seeking ruqyah from another person is not haraam, but it is contrary to what is best
and most perfect.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas said:
Asking others to offer duaa for one and asking them to perform ruqyah are permissible, but
not doing them and doing without people and doing these things for oneself is better.
End quote.

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daaimah, 24/261
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
This hadeeth indicates that not asking is better, just as not using cautery is better, but when
there is a need for it, there is nothing wrong with asking for ruqyah or using cautery, because
the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) told Aaishah to ask for ruqyah for an
illness that had befallen her, and he told the mother of the children of J afar ibn Abi Taalib
(may Allah be pleased with him), whose name was Asma bint Umays (may Allah be pleased
with her), to seek ruqyah for them. This indicates that there is nothing wrong with that when
there is a need to ask for ruqyah. End quote.
Majmoo Fataawa I bn Baaz, 25/118-119

This is my advice is that not everyone who is affected needs ruqya. In majority of the cases,
the person just simply has to increase in thier ibadah worship of Allah. Healing is in the
hand of Allaah alone. Repentance to Allaah and giving up the sins that can lead to many
problems and calamities.


Providing a setting of faith:

Burning any taweez
No music/ modern so-called nasheeds, inappropriate TV programs
Removing photos and statues, pictures of any living thing
Remembering that only Allah alone will provide the cure
Follow Allah and the Sunnah and strictly avoid the path of shaytan
In the case of women they are prone to the evils of shaytan and jinn if they do not
cover hair, body and face be careful the shaytan will use you

Surahs to recite:

1. Al Fahtiha which is also known as surah tul Shifa (cure) many times
2. Al-Baqarah first ten ayat, ayat 255(ayat kursi) - many times, Ayat 29-33, Ayat
102 and Ayat 283( last ayat of Al-Baqarah)
3. Al Imran Ayats 1 to 3, 18 and 19, 26 and 27
20.Ta Ha Ayat 69
23.al-Muminun Ayats115-118
36. Yaasin First ten ayats
37. As-Saffat First 15 ayats
Three Quls many times

Also listen to and recite the Athan

Undoubtedly, when a person persists in reciting the adhkaar (dhikr) for morning and evening,
and the adhkaar for going to sleep, and others, this will have a great effect in protecting him
from the evil eye, because it will be like a stronghold for him, by Allahs Leave. So everyone
should strive to recite these adhkaar.

Duas from Fortress of Muslim Darussalam (little black book)

Page 114 no.93 one hundred times after fajr
Page 134 no 30 recite many times

Other duas
Aoodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq (I seek refuge in the
perfect words of Allaah from the evil of that which He has created).

Bissmillah hilla thee la itharoo ma iss man, shayaan, filardee wa la fis aah my, wa ho
wa samiun aleem

Carry out the above surahs and supplications daily and Allah will cure you Inshallah, let me
know your progress Inshallah and if Allah wants me to help you I will visit you for ruqah

Muhammad Ghouri

And Allah knows best.

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