Doctors About Distilled Water

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*** DOCTOR #1 *** Here is what Dr. Allen Banik says... "Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth.

(It is) the only waterthat can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that mineralscollected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body canutilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposedof or eliminated. Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to theirpatients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water." - Allen E.Banik, M.D. Author, "The Choice is Clear" *** DOCTOR #2 *** Here is what Dr. Paul Bragg says... "The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard)---plus waxycholesterol and salt---is to the small arteries and other blood vessels ofthe brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcication ofblood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals (andminerals from tap water) into our bodies." "When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind.It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for thehealthy functioning of the kidneys(83% water). It is the perfect liquidfor the blood(83% water), the ideal liquid for the efcient functioningof the lungs(86% water), stomach, liver(85% water) and other vital organs.Why? Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. It is so pure that allliquid drug prescriptions are formulated with distilled water. Dr. PaulBragg, N.D. Ph.T., from his book: "The Shocking Truth About Water" *** DOCTOR #3 *** Here is what Dr. James Balch says... "There is only one water, and that is clean, steam distilled water. Noother substance on our planet does so much to keep us healthy and get uswell as water does." Dietary Wellness; 1993 Dr. James Balch, M.D. *** DOCTOR #4 *** Here is what Dr. C.W. DeLacy Evans says... "Used as a drink, distilled water is absorbed directly into the blood, thesolvent properties of which it increases to such an extent that it willkeep in solution salts already existing in the blood, prevent their unduedeposit in various organs and structures, favor their elimination by thevarious excreta, and tend to remove these earthy compounds which havealready accumulated in the body . . . There is no doubt as to the highvalue of distilled water used freely as a retarder of the ossifyingconditions which appear to constitute the condition of old age." ---C.W. DeLacy Evans, M.D., in his book, How To Prolong Life *** DOCTOR #5 *** Here is what Dr. Teolio de la Torre says... "Instead of drinking the hard water of springs or the chlorinated water ofthe cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water . . . toprevent calcication of the body." *** DOCTOR #6 *** Here is what Dr. Charles McFerrin says... "Distilled water is 'empty' water - a hungry water, a water capable ofabsorbing body poisons. You have had the experience of trying to use anold post ofce blotter on the desk. Everybody had used it and it is sofull of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a 'full'water, a water full of chlorine, aluminum, etc. Such water does not havethe capacity of absorbing body impurities." ---Dr. Charles McFerrin,writing in the July 1955 issue of Nature's Path *** DOCTOR #7 *** Here is what Dr. Alexander Graham Bell says...

Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, recognized thehealth value of distilled water, and claimed that its daily use prolongedhis life. Aficted and bed-ridden with sciatica, Dr. Bell could nd norelief for the pain. The attack came just as he was investigating thedeposit of salts in the human system. A well-known scientist had written abook in which he said that old age came from such deposits, and that theills of advanced years were due to the lack of their elimination. Hebelieved that when such deposits went to the joints, man had rheumatism.When they went to the kidneys, he had kidney trouble and stones in theurinary organs; and when they lodged in the arteries, they produced whatis called hardening of the arteries. In the same way when such depositscoated the nerves, they caused sciatica. Dr. Bell wrote: "I knew thatdistilled water was pure. I thought that if I drank plenty of it, I couldget rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I trieddrinking it and it worked like a charm. I have kept up my drinking ofdistilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it." ---Dr. Alexander Graham Bell *** DOCTOR #8 *** Here is what Dr. Robert W. Flinchbaught says... "The evidence that distilled water acts as a solvent within the body,dissolving the inorganic mineral deposits, is very important. A growingbody of evidence suggests that distilled water dissolves and removes thesedisease - causing minerals and ushes out the hundreds of dangerouschemicals that have been taken into the body as well. Distilled water isnot only free from pollutants, but it apparently helps remove them as wellfrom the cells of the body, thus purifying the body so that it canfunction as it should. ---Dr. Robert W. Flinchbaught, from "Pure Wateris Life" *** DOCTOR #9 *** Here is what Dr. David C. Kennedy says... "Even tap water invariably contains a variety of poisons such aschlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, uoride, copper, mercury, andlead. The best way to remove all these contaminants is bydistilling." ---David C. Kennedy, D.D.S.: 'How To Save Your Teeth: Toxic-Free Preventitive Dentistry' *** DOCTOR #10 *** Here is what Dr. Robert D. Willix, Jr. says... "If you decide on bottled water, make sure it's distilled, (however),in the long run you'll save money if you clean your water at home. It'smore convenient than hauling gallon jugs from the store. The'gold standard' for purifying your water is a system that distills yourwater and lters it. You have the comfort of knowing there is nochlorine, uoride, bacteria, viruses, pesticides, or lead. You getnothing but H2O." ---Robert D. Willix, Jr., M.D.:'Maximum Health' *** DOCTOR #11 *** Here is what Dr. John Yiamoyuiannis says... "The home distiller is the best method and also the best way to getdistilled water. It is the only reliable home water purication fortaking uoride out of the water." --- John Yiamoyuiannis,Ph.D.:'Fluoride: The Aging Factor' *** DOCTOR #12 *** Here is what Dr. Charles Mayo says... "Water hardness (inorganic minerals in solution) is the underlyingcause of many, if not all, of the diseases resulting from poisons in theintestinal tract. These (hard minerals) pass from the intestinal walls andget into the lymphatic system, which delivers all of its products to theblood, which in turn, distributes to all parts of the body. This is thecause of much human disease." ---Dr. Charles Mayo of the Mayo Clinic *** DOCTOR #13 *** Here is what Dr. Peter A. Lodewick says... "The only type of water that seems to be t for consumption isdistilled water, which is water that is absolutely free of anyminerals or chemicals. Distilled water is made pure by rst being heatedto the point of vaporization, so that all of the 'impurities' are leftbehind. Then, the water vapor is condensed. The processresults in water that is in its purest form. Distillation is thesingle most effective method of water purication." ---Peter A. Lodewick, M.D.:'A Diabetic Doctor Looks at Diabetes' *** DOCTOR #14 *** Here is what Dr. Norman W. Walker says...

People who say that Distilled Water leaches minerals out of the body are,therefore, correct only in this respect. This is only 50% of the truth.It is virtually impossible for Distilled Waterto separate minerals, which have become an integral part of the cells andtissues of the body. Distilled water collects ONLY the minerals whichremain in the body, minerals discarded from natural water AND from thecells, the minerals which the natural water originally collected from itscontact with the earth and the rocks. Such minerals, having been rejectedby the cells of the body are of no constructive value. On the contrary,they are debris which distilled water is capable of picking up andeliminating from the system. ---Dr. Norman W. Walker, from "Water CanUndermine Your Health" *** DOCTOR #15 *** Here is what Dr. John Christopher says... "Water is so valuable to the entire system of the human body that it iswise to use only the BEST. Use pure steam distilled water for health andwell being." ---Dr. John Christopher, from "Regenerative Diet" *** DOCTOR #16 *** Here is what Dr. Paul Conn says... "When one drinks impure, dirty water, the body acts as a lter, trappinga percentage of the solids suspended in the water. A lter eventuallybecomes clogged and useless t only to be thrown away. The human bodymight well face the same fate. But the basic point that only distilled water avoids mineral buildups inthe body is an inarguable one. The deposits, which build up in ateakettle from repeated use, are traces of minerals left behind as thewater evaporates. Distilled water leaves no such traces in a teakettleor in the human body.It is true that in most hospitals distilled water is used for newborninfants; distilled water is prescribed for heart patients in many cardiacwards. And it is true that kidney stones and other mineral-like buildupsin the body are much more common in the areas where the drinking water hashigh levels in inorganic minerals and distilled water has none of thoseat all. It is without doubt the best water available to man- and the only trulypure water available in our waste-laden society." ---Dr. Paul Conn,from "Not A Drop To Drink" *** DOCTOR #17 *** Here is what Dr. Michael Colgan says... The only water likely to be clean is distilled water. ---Dr. MichaelColgan, from "The New Nutrition: Medicine For The Millenium" *** DOCTOR #18 *** Here is what Dr. Raymond H. Bishop, Jr. says... "Distilled water is safe to drink and should have no adverse effects onyour health. Distillation merely removes most of the dissolved materials,which are found in all natural waters." ---Raymond H. Bishop, Jr. M.D.Major General, Commander - Medical Corps. Department of the Army, U.S. Army Health Services Command Here is what Frank N. Hepburn, USDA, says... "There is nothing about distilled water that would make it harmful for thebody. It may be helpful to remember that distilled water is the only water available for crews of Naval vessels at sea." ---Frank N. Hepburn,Chief, Nutrient Data Research Branch, United States Department ofAgriculture, Consumer Nutrition Division Here is what Louis Pasteur says... "We drink 90 percent of our illnesses." ---Louis Pasteur Here is what Nick Pavlica says... "I have been drinking distilled water since 1981, almost half of my life,and given the choice, would not drink any other type of water. I recommend distilled water to all my friends and relatives and would not do so if Ididn't think it is one of the very healthiest things a person can do.After a full body scan, the doctor told me that I have the cleanestarteries of anyone he has examined of my age. And I have never had abroken bone in my body. (Contrary to quack assertions that calcium andother minerals are "leached" from the body!)" ---Nick Pavlica, Director,H2o Labs, Ltd.

*** DOCTOR #19 *** Here is what Dr. Edward M. Wagner says... "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers are instructed to drink distilledwater." ---Dr. Edward M. Wagner, from "How to Stay Out of the Doctor'sOfce" Here is what author Vicki Glassburn says... "Distilled water is the purest form available. Distilled water helps toexcrete excessive heavy metals from the body." ---Vicki Glassburn, from"Who Killed Candida?" 1991 Here is what author Jonathan King says... "If properly maintained, distillers provide a constant supply ofhigh-quality water. Filters and reverse osmosis units, on the other hand,are at their best when rst installed, and efciency inveritablydeclines with use." ---Jonathon King, author of "Troubled Water" Here is what Jack Bell, American Medical Association, says... "To the best of our knowledge, there would not be any adverse healtheffects from the continued ingestion of distilled water." ---Jack A.Bell - Assistant Director, May 17 1985; American Medical Association;Division of Personal and Public Health Policy; *** DOCTOR #20 *** Here is what Dr. Clifford C. Dennison says... "There's no absolute medical proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER willcure arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening of thearteries, or any other dozens of inrmities that humans suffer. There'sno absolute proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER will remove kidney andgall stones, reduce cataracts or cure emphysema. But, there are hundredsof case histories of people who have enjoyed success in alleviating orovercoming these health problems when they began drinking DISTILLED WATERexclusively." ---Dr. Clifford C. Dennison, Ed. D., an AssociateProfessor at Lee College in Cleveland, Tennessee, and a lifelong waterresearcher and expert *** DOCTOR #21 *** Here is what Dr. Ron Kennedy says... "Now as to the argument that distilled water leaches out minerals. This istrue, and this is exactly what we want it to do. The minerals it leachesout are of the unusable, ionic form and we want these to leave the bodyrather than be deposited and cause disease. Distilled water does not leachout signicant amounts of biologically available minerals because theseare quickly taken up by the body on an as needed basis. If they arepresent in excess then they are ltered through the kidneys and this isexactly what needs to happen with all things which are in excess in thecirculation. Distilled water cleanses the body through promoting healthykidney function." ---Ron Kennedy, M.D. *** DOCTOR #22 *** For those that follow Dr. Andrew Weil, who has been drinking distilledwater for years, here is a quote of his: "You can try drinking bottled distilled water if you like. It's water thathas been turned into steam so its impurities are left behind. The steam isthen condensed to make pure water. The process of distillation kills andremoves virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other organicand inorganic contaminants. Once distilled, the water is as pure as watercan reasonably be. While it's true that distillation removes minerals asit eliminates various other contaminants from water, I don't feel this isa problem. We get our minerals from food, not water. As far as acidity goes, distilled water is close to a neutral pH and hasno effect on the body's acid/base balance. Distilled water is safe todrink, and the kind of water I use myself." *** DOCTOR #23 *** Here is Dr. Handley's article about distilled water... The Importance Of Distilled Water In Aging by Dr. Chester Handley As our body begins to age, there are several things that happen. Celldon't produce as well, the body doesn't digest as well, the body does notabsorb as well and the body does not eliminate as well. And areas of thebody begin to feel pain and have sore spots that we never had before. One of the major causes of pain is the over consumption of grain in olderpeople. It is softer, easier to eat and appears to be more

easilydigested. Well the true reality is that it is no benet to the aging bodyat all and leaves an acidic residue that gets deposited in the jointswhich is the number one reason for arthritic pain. Many years ago when I was doing research on distilled water, I discoveredthat contrary to all the stories out there, distilled water does not takea single thing out of the body that the body needs. It never takesanything out of a cell. Everything that is cellularly locked remainswithin the body, but it is the greatest tool in the world for cleaning outthe bloodstream, which is the only function water really washout, cleanse and purify the bloodstream. Remember that the bloodstream isprimarily an organ of transport. People think of it as a liquid ratherthan an organ, but it is an organ. It transports nutrients, oxygen and redblood cells throughout the body and carries away waste products and carbondioxide. Distilled water has been evaporated into a vapor, split apart into amolecule of hydrogen and oxygen, turning them into a gas that rises up into the atmosphere, then cooled back down and condensed back in to water.The same process happens in a distillery when it distills water. It heatsup the water in to a gas, all the impurities are left behind, all thewaste products are left behind, then it is condensed and turned back intopure water and becomes the ultimate pure water because of one veryimportant factor that is not present in any other ismolecularly unstable. It means that when it goes in your bloodstream itbreaks apart easier and latches on to debris, waste products and unwantedmaterials that are oating round in your bloodstream. It is also one of the best ways there is for reducing blood pressure. Imade up two charts years ago when I was doing my studies on bodydetoxication with distilled water, from 1865 to 1965. In 1865, diseasesthat ranked in the high 30's and low 40's became the rst four killers in 1965...and they were all cardiovascular. I then made another chart from1865 to 1965 to show the reduction in the use of drinking rainwater. The two charts were virtually biometrically opposite. As people quit drinkingrainwater, cardiovascular diseases went up. When the blood vascular systemis clean you have less headaches, you have less pain, you have more oxygenand nutrients available for the body and more healing capacity for thebody. It has been almost twenty years ago now that a man came down to my ofcethat had arthritis so bad he could hardly get out of a straight backed chair. His pain was excruciating. We put him on the detoxicationprogram, took him off of all grain in his diet, instructed him to eat onlyfruit, vegetables, protein and meat products, and put him on distilledwater every half hour while he was awake. It is hard to believe a monthlater this same man was out working in his garden having the time of hislife. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of drinking distilled water forcleansing the blood stream, for reducing arthritic pain and lowering blood pressure. It has also been known to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.In fact, the only effect on the body is health. There are rules of thumb on how much water to drink. The rule of thumb ona normal day is one half your body weight in ounces per day. If you are sweating and exerting yourself you should drink more, not less. We have atendency to grab pop, coffee, Kool-Aid and juices, but we need to get backto the habit of grabbing distilled water. To give you an example of what this means, if you are a man and you weigh200 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 100 ounces of istilledwater throughout the day. There is an interesting side note for peoplethat like to study. Job, which is the oldest book of the bible, I believe it is in the 36th chapter, said God took up the water, distilled it, andpoured it out abundantly on man. The logical argument is who knows better what we need than the creator, and he gave us distilled water. For those that follow the Bible... The water God chooses to pour abundantly upon man is distilled water. JOB 36:27 "For he draws up the drops of water, he distills his mist in the rain which the skies pour down, and drop upon man abundantly." *** DOCTOR #24!!! ***

And nally, I would like to share with you the rst 4 pages of a bookfrom the early part of the last century written by Dr. Hanish, "The Distilled Water Cure" by Otoman Hanish, M.D., D.D. printed 1946 by The British Mazdaznan Association "Often times the blood becomes tainted and needs to be puried.There is only one way of washing the blood and that is by means of deadwater, undiluted water, distilled water which contains no life organism,chemicals or similar substances. It has to be dead water, i.e. watercondensed from steam.Distilled water, by virtue of its weight: effects a one poundpressure upon the minerals and acids which clog the bloodstream; it presses them right through the system. Even in a short time iteliminates appreciable quantities of impurities from the blood.There is no hard and fast rule as to how to take The Cure; it may betaken quickly or slowly, hot or cold. It is left entirely to theindividual to decide according to temperament and physical condition.The main thing is to obtain the necessary pressure and to ensurethat two cups are always taken at one time - a total of seven pints perday. This is quite easy of accomplishment if the quantity issystematically regulated as follows: 1. On awakening take two cups. 2. Another two cups shortly before breakfast. 3. Two cups in the middle of the morning. 4. Two more 20 to 30 minutes before the mid-day meal. 5. Two cups in the middle of the afternoon. 6. Another two cups 20 to 30 minutes before dinner. 7. The last two cups in the evening shortly before retiring. page 2 If desired, two more portions may be taken one, two hours afterlunch, and the other two hours after dinner. As regards to eating anddrinking, it is a matter of individual choice. Nothing isforbidden and there is no need for fasting nor privation. One may eat anddrink according to individual needs. One eats onlymoderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. Theprinciple of The Cure must be maintained, i.e., seven times per day, twocups of water at one time - making sure to take two cups shortly beforeeach meal. It will soon be discovered that even at breakfast time one eats verymoderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. Afterthree days one observes a loss of taste for this and that and quitedifferent desires assert themselves for dishes which one may havepreviously disliked.Day by day one eats less: soon only half and then only a third ofwhat one normally takes. After three days the complexion becomesclearer and more rosy and a feeling of lightness is experienced.After two to three weeks, the eyes become clearer and morepenetrating; one is able to think more clearly and one becomes less easilyirritated. After three weeks, the thinner ones become alittle stouter and the stouter ones become a little thinner. In case of sufferings of an acute nature, The Cure need last but three weeks; inother cases ve weeks. If The Cure be resorted to for from 5 to 12 weeks in succession, 65 percent of all ailments become eliminated, and the other35 percent will be eliminated if one continuesafterward with a correct diet.By the time one has almost completed The Cure, one has become soaccustomed to the drinking of distilled water that one likes page 3 and takes regularly a couple of cups before each evening meal. Theadoption of this habit wards off all disease. The body is alreadycomposed of 85 percent water, and by adding thereto two cups of waterregularly each evening, all acids and crystals are eliminated there fromin a natural way and the bloodstream is not burdened thereby. Three highly important effects are assured through The Water Cure: 1. The blood becomes washed and made free of all foreign substances. 2. It ejects a proper working of the individual organs and thereby thatof the whole organism. 3. It provides a youthful freshness in a measure that often youth doesnot possess as the whole glandular system becomes normalized, thereby increasing the brain power, and life becomes more joyous. Always remember, therefore, to resort at interval to The Water Cure.If feeling unwell, start again for a few days or even weeks.Take The Water Cure as a serious treatment for ve to seven weeksevery three, ve, seven, nine years, as it puries the wholeorganism, and, becoming thus renewed, continuous progress is assured.Distilled water is therefore of the greatest value for theindividual as well as

humanity at large.After a few weeks on The Cure, one learns to choose the food thatnature requires to build up the system; one begins page 4 to live anew. Even after three days the purication and renovation ofthe bloodstream is noticeable.One does not necessarily gain or lose weight by taking The Cure. Thepurer the blood, the more normal the cells of the body become. If onegains too much weight one simplies the diet by discardingbutter and oils. The great advantage of The Water Cure is that one needask no questions; one just takes it, everything comes lay itself so longas one resorts thereto.As a result of The Water Cure, one begins to think for oneselfinstead of asking questions, one becomes a thinking human being. The Cureis so simple one cannot make a mistake, not even a mistake in diet. Thewonderful feature of it is that no efforts are required and yet themaximum of benet is obtained. Moreover, one is sure of the expectedresult, whether one resorts to it for a weak stomach, indigestion,dyspepsia, constipation or a liver which does notfunction normally, or because the kidneys are affected; for thelungs, nerves, heart trouble, change of life or for growths. All ailments have to give way to Distilled Water, and in the ordinaryway nothing needs to be added thereto."

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