2 Design and Implementation of Speech Recognition Robotic System

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PG Scholar, Department of ECE, Intell Engineering College, Anantapur. Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Intell Engineering College, Anantapur. E-mail : 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected] The block diagram of the voice operated Robot is shown in Fig.1. It consists of the following functional blocks. i. Micro Phone ii. Voice Recognition Module iii. Motor Control Unit iv. Geared Motor-1&2 v. Oscillator vi. Delay Generating Unit


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Speech recognition based robotic control is an interesting mechanism, mainly useful for industrial surveillance applications. This paper gives exact concept of controlling a robot by a voice instruction, which is implemented with CPLD. In the proposed system, speech recognition module places an important role. The system is to be trained with the words or vocal utterances, through which the user wants the robotic system to recognize. This paper describes a robot which can recognize the voice command and acted as it is programmed to do. The program logic is implemented with VHDL.

Key words:

EPM3064CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device with Erasable Programmable Memory, Speech recognition module, VHDL (Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language). INTRODUCTION: Voice recognition is a

system trained to a particular user, where it recognizes their speech based on their unique vocal sound. In this paper, speech/voice recognition system is implemented to recognize the word used as the command for controlling the movement of the robot. Fig.1: BLOCK DIAGRAM

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SPEECH RECOGNITION BASED ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM CPLD: CPLD (complex programmable logic device) is a combination of CMOS (complex metal oxide semiconductor) and EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable random access memory). It is a non-volatile (permanent) memory based device. We can synthesize moderate level logic in the CPLD. It is low cost and high system integration in a small package. It is low cost and high system integration in a small package. Simply CPLD is defined as SPLD (PAL, PLA, PROMetc.) along with program interconnection matrix. Altera Company is leading in the market for supplying the CPLD. The main advantage of CPLD is If a design is worked in CPLD and in micro controllers, now we want to change the application result without disturbing the hard ware then the micro controller device is wasted in the sense we cant do this on the mc, whereas in CPLD we can do this by changing the program because it is a programmable device. In CPLD we can work out our design in concurrent whereas in micro controller we cant perform this because micro controller is a sequential machine. In the present study the robot is operated with EPM3064CPLD. It has 64 macro cells and is available in TQFP44 package. Programmable interconnect array continuous routing structure for fast and predictable performance. Programmable macrocell flip-flop with individual clear, preset, clock, clock enable controls. Programmable power saving mode for a power reduction of over 50 percentage in each macro cell. Programmable security bit for protection of proprietary designs. Rapid prototyping environments and design time is less. Array of gates and connection between them are programmable VOICERECOGNITION MODULE: In this module there is an analog to digital converter. It takes the input voice signals and the converts as digital signal. By the digital signal the motor control unit performs the operations what it has given as input. MOTORCONTROLUNIT: The control unit handles the communication between the user interface and Robot. The digitalized vocal utterances are received in this unit and perform its appropriate action. It controls the geared motors by the input given. Delay generating unit: For any action or operation we should have a certain time delay. For that purpose here we delay generating unit. Geared motors: This unit will take the input from the motor control unit because it is managed by that unit only. They will perform what we have given as the input. Initially the sample word passes through filters and amplifiers. The Basic algorithm code checks the ADC input at a rate of 4 KHz. If the value of the ADC is greater than the threshold value it is interpreted as the beginning of a half a second long word. The words to be matched are stored as template in a dictionary so that sampled

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SPEECH RECOGNITION BASED ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM word template can be compared against actual, later. Once a template is generated from a sample word it is compared against the dictionary template using probability calculation and finds the template in the dictionary that is the closest match. Based on the word that matched the best the program sends a control signal to the Robot to perform basic operations like forward, reverse, left, right, pick, place and stop. At start up as part of the initialization the program reads the ADC input using timer counter 0 and accumulates its value 256 times. By interpreting the read in ADC value as a number between 1 to 1/256, in fixed point, and accumulating 256 times. The average value of ADC was calculated without doing a multiply or divide. Three average values are taken each with a 16.4msec delay between the samples. After receiving three average values, the threshold value is to be four times the value of the median number. The threshold value is useful to detect when a word has been spoken or not. TRAINING AND RECOGNITION: To record or train a command, the chip stores the analog signal pattern and amplitude and saves it in the 8KX8 SRAM. In recognition mode, the chip compares the user- inputted analog signal Controls reverse the left motor and forward the right motor. If the voice command is turn right then the motor control reverse the right motor and forward the left motor. If the voice from the microphone with those stored in the SRAM and if it recognizes a command, an output of the command identifier will be sent to the CPLD through ports of the chip. For training, testing (if recognized properly) and clearing the memory and led is used. To Train: To train the circuit begins by pressing the word number we want to train on the keypad. When we uttered the voice command stop the motor control unit stops the motion of the two motors. Now speak the word as we want the circuit to recognize into the microphone clearly. The LED should blink off momentarily; this is a signal that the word has been accepted. Continue training new words in the circuit using the procedure outlined above. The circuit will accept up to forty words. We do not have to enter 40 words into memory to use the circuit. If we want we can use as many word spaces as we want.. Recognition: The recognition of the system is depend on the user voices. If the user have uttered as stop then the voice command is converted to digital and then send to speech recognition module then it will send the work of that command to CPLD and then the motor control controls the two motors as in stop mode. If the voice command is turn left then the motor command is forward then the motor control forward the both motors. If the voice command is reverse then the motor reverse the both motors. signal form and then compare this signal with the database if it matches it performs the operation as per the command. Otherwise it will not perform now we have to give another voice command as input and so on...

Operation: First of all we will train our system with the voice utterance. If a voice command is given as input to the system then it will read the sound and convert into digitalize





LITERATURE: Treeumnuk&Dusadee, implemented [1] the Speech Recognition on FPGA with segmentation technique. Sriharuksa&Janwit implemented [2] a complete design and layout of an ASIC Design of Real Time Speech Recognition. They introduced a novel method for isolating the rove of higher order polynomials in Linear predictive systems. Y.M. Lam et al. implemented [3] fixed point implementations for speech recognition, they achieved recognition rate of 81.33%. SoshiIba et al. proposed [4] the framework takes a three-step approach to the robot programming i.e multi-modal recognition, intention interpretation, and prioritized task execution. In previous works, speech recognition system was implemented on ATMEL 89C51RC microcontroller to control the movement of Wheelchair.

VHDL is used for programming the software of this project. MODELSIM software is used for programming the project in VHDL MODEL and for simulation MAXPLUSII software is used. CONCLUSION: In the present study, we try to implement the robotic movement system and manipulate it by voice command. It can understand human voice; doesnt need to depend on specific user voice. To do that sometime it cant recognize command because of different pronunciation and different tone of different people. It has a great advance provided that wireless control system always in the range. In near future we have a plat to build it commercially for mankind. It is helpful for all of the robotic research and project based work. References:

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Author Details:

1. Dr. D. Asha Devi received her AMIETE from Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers in 2001. M.Tech (Digital Systems and Computer Electronics) degree in 2005 from JNTU College of Engineering Anantapur. She had served JNTU College of Engineering as lecturer in electronics from 2001 to 2002, later she moved to Intell Engineering College as Assistant Professor. She has completed Ph.D. in SKU, Anantapur. She is life member of IETE & ISTE. Many students have completed their B.Tech dissertations under her guidance and three students have registered for M.Phil. Her research interests are in VLSI, wireless sensors, Digital systems and embedded systems.

2. C. Manoj Kumar received his B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication from Mother Teresa College of engineering and technology, karimnagar, A.P, India in 2010.He did a research on ANTI COLLISION SYSTEM BASED ON GPS in B.Tech .He is a P.G. scholar in INTELLECTUAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE, ANANTAPUR, A.P. His research Interests include Electronics Devices and Circuits, VHDL Programming

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