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HARIEESH G (312314105032)
GOKUL M K (312314105029)
Dr. C. Baskaran. Ph.D
“Voice control wheel chair” is for the physically handicapped person were
the voice command controls the movements of the wheel chair. Voice
Recognition Kit (HM2007 Module) is being used to recognize the voice
command. The voice command given is converted to binary numbers by
Voice Recognition Kit and those binary data is given to the arduino board for
the control of the wheel chair. For example when the user says „forward‟
than chair will move in Forward direction and when he says „Backward‟ than
the chair will move in backward direction and similarly for left, right and
stop. We have used LCD display unit to display the direction in which
direction the wheel chair is.
• The advancement and development of technology has always influenced several aspects
of our lives since a very long time and will continue to do so in the future with more
capacity and more unexpected development. In our project we have tried our best to
correlate between the advancement of technology and the human requirement, for
human ease. The main aim of this project is to control wheel chair through human voice.
This project is mainly designed for physically challenged people who are dependent on
wheelchairs and especially those persons who cannot use their hand to drag their wheel
chair because of some disability. In this system we have used voice recognition module
to recognize the voice of the user for controlling the direction of the wheelchair. The
prototype of the wheel chair is built using arduino, chosen for its low cost, in addition to
its versatility and performance in mathematical operations and communication with
other electronic devices. The system has been designed and implemented in a cost
effective way so that if our project is commercialized the needy users in developing
countries will benefit from it. For voice recognition we have used “HM 2007 MODULE”.
• We believe our project will be applicable for some useful operation and provide some
advancement in technology, and most important this may provide some help to the
handicap person.
Project Design and Methodlogy
HM 2007 Module
• The HM2007 Speech Recognition IC performs speech recognition or voice
recognition process. Voice module has the 3x3 metrics keypad were it can be
used to trains the voice to the module. The module output is in binary form and it
is being interface with the arduino for the motor control. The module has CMOS
battery to store the program in SRAM even if the power failure is occurred. SRAM
is also being used in the module to store the program. The chip provides the
options of recognizing either forty .96 second words or twenty 1.92 second
words. This circuit allows the user to choose either the .96 second word length
(40 word vocabulary) or the 1.92 second word length (20 word vocabulary). For
memory the circuit uses an 8K X 8 static RAM.
• The 8-bit output data of the module is given to the Arduino board. The arduino
will process the 2-bit data (i.e. two number of pins are used) which is being given
by the module and will control the movements of the wheel chair. Only 2-bits of
output data are being used because of the direction of the motor control in four
direction. The program is coded in assembly language in arduino. Addition to this
the speed of the wheel chair is also being controlled by varying the
potentiometer and also obstacle detection using IR Sensor. We have also used
display unit to display in which direction the wheel chair is moving (left, right,
front and backward).The chip has two operational modes; manual mode and CPU
mode. The CPU mode is designed to allow the chip to work under a host
Block Diagram
Block Diagram Description
• Using micro phone human voice is converted into electrical signal. The audio signal which is
converted to electrical signal goes to the HM 2007 module to recognize the voice signal which has
been train to the module.
• The human voice should be train to the voice module at the beginning before we give some
command to the module. When the voice is train to the voice module the voice command is
being train with the BCD input from the matrices keypad of the module, so later when we give
some command to the voice module the LCD will display the appropriate BCD binary input which
has been train.
• HM 2007 Module will produce the binary output. The output of the module is being interface
with the arduino where the arduino will process the output of the module for the motor direction
control. An Infrared (IR) sensor is used to detect obstacles in front of the wheel chair.
• IR sensor works by using a specific light sensor to detect a light wavelength in the Infrared
spectrum which is coming back when the obstacles is detected. When the object is close to the
sensor, the transmitter light will bounce back to the receiver sensor, and the object is detected.
• When the obstacles is detected the motor will stop. Arduino cannot be directly connected
because it cannot give sufficient current to drive the DC motors. Motor driver is a current
enhancing device, it can also be act as switching device. Thus L239D IC motor driver is inserted
between the arduino and the motor. Motor driver take the input signal from the arduino and
generate corresponding output for motor. This motor driver IC can drive two motor
Speech Processing Technique
• A speech capturing Device: It consists of a microphone, which
converts the sound wave signals to electrical signals and an Analog to
Digital Converter which samples and digitizes the analog signals to
obtain the discrete data that the computer can understand.
• A Digital Signal Module or a Processor: It performs processing on the
raw speech signal like frequency domain conversion, restoring only
the required information etc.
• Preprocessed signal storage: The preprocessed speech is stored in the
memory to carry out further task of speech recognition
Arduino Coding Concept

LEFT 0 0 H L L H M1(Back) & M2(Front)

FRONT 0 1 L H L H M1(Front) & M2(Front)

BACK 1 0 H L H L M1(Back) & M2(Back)

RIGHT 1 1 L H H L M1(Front) & M2(Back)


• It reduces human efforts.

• This is helpful to physically handicapped people who could not able to
operate home appliances with their hand.
• This will help to save energy to some extent, since some people feels
lazy to go and switch off the appliances manually.
• It is easy to operate for the people who are tried and does not need
to operate the home appliance manually by hands.
• It reduces risk.

• It requires extra supply to operate the model.

• Only the installed voice is recognized by the module.
• The cost of the module is quite higher.
• Command and control of home appliances.
• Telephone assistance system and Data entry
• Speech and voice recognition security system (voice password)
• Speech controlled appliances and toys.
• Speed assisted computers games.
• Speech assisted virtual reality.
• Speech to speech translation.

• Y.Usha Devi 1, II M.Tech, Wireless Home Automation System Using ZigBee,

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering. Research Volume 3, Issue
8, August-2012 ISSN 2229-5518.
• Dhawan S. Thakur1 and Aditi Sharma2, Eternal University, Himachal
Pradesh, India. (IOSR-JECE) EISSN: 2278-2834, p-ISSN: 22278-8735. Volume
6. Issue 1 (May- June. 2013), PP 65-75. www.iosrjournals .org.
• “Voice Operated Intelligent Wheelchair” by Ms. S. D. Suryawanshi1, Mr. J.
S. Chitode2, Ms. S. S. Pethakar3. International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Volume 3, Issue
5, May 2013.

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