AiU Application Form

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Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected].


Albukhary International University




Information to Applicants i. ii. iii. iv. v. This scholarship is for underprivileged and disadvantage students. This form should be completed by the applicant him/herself and duly signed by him/her. The University reserves the right to reject any application that is completed by agent or another party representing the applicant. The completed form must be submitted together with all supporting documents required. The University reserves the right not to process or reject incomplete application. Applicant is required to submit his/her own e-mail address in order to facilitate communications on the application from the University. Should you have any enquiries regarding this application, please contact us at: Tel: +604-7747311/7312/7313/7315/7316/7317 e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Application Category Please indicate the application category herewith: i. ii. Foundation Studies Undergraduate Programme: ICT Business Application Deadline For Malaysian Applicants: i. ii. Foundation Studies: 2 weeks after the announcement of SPM results Undergraduate Programme: 2 weeks after the announcement of STPM results

For International Applicants: i. ii. Foundation Studies } Undergraduate Programme } 30 May 2012

Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

A. PERSONAL DETAILS Name as stated in the Identity Card/Passport (in capital letters): Gender: Male Female Citizenship: Date of Birth:
d d m m y y y y


Marital Status: Single Married Others

Identity Card/ International Date of Expiry: Date of Issue: d d m m y y y y Passport No:

Place of Issue:

Country/State of Origin:

Country of Residence: Religion:

Home Address Street

City/State Telephone No: Fax No:

Country * Email Address


Mailing Address (if different than above) Street

City/State Telephone No: Fax No:



* please provide your own e-mail address and check your e-mail regularly for information on the application.

Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

B. FAMILY DETAILS Name of Father/Guardian:

Identity Card/ Passport No:


Living Occupation:

Deceased* No. of Dependents: Telephone No: Fax No:

Name of Mother:

Identity Card/ Passport No: Deceased* No. of Dependents:


Living Occupation:

Telephone No: Fax. No:

Address (if different than above):

* You are required to submit relevant documents as proof of evidence.

Number of siblings in the family No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Foundation Studies Application Form 2011




Marital Status

School/ College/ University


Income (US$/RM)

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

Monthly Income of parents/ Guardian Father (RM/USD) Employment Business Rental Others Total
* Please submit a statement of income in the form of monthly salary slip, income tax statement or a letter from an authority stating the occupation of father/mother/guardian and the estimation of income per month.

Mother (RM/USD)

Guardian (RM/USD)

Total (in RM or USD)

Family Expenditure Type of Expenditure House Installments/Rental Electricity/Water Telephone Loan Repayment (car/motor-bike/appliance) Transport Education Others (i.e. satellite television, internet etc) Monthly (RM/USD) Yearly (RM/USD)

Special Consideration Please highlight any problems with regards to income and expenditure that would allow us to give special consideration for your application and please provide supporting document for the statement (eg: high cost of medical treatment for family members): _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]


EDUCATION INFORMATION. Highest Qualifications: Diploma/ Matriculation A-Level or equivalent O-level or equivalent

List of subjects and grade for the qualification: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Subject Mathematics English Grade/ Marks Obtained

List of All Schools Attended and Qualifications/Diploma/Certificate Obtained* (Beginning from Primary Level) Type of Date of Date of Score/Grade/ Name/address of School Certificate Entry Exit CGPA/Division Obtained 1.


* Please submit certified copies of the original certificate and transcripts-documents need to be translated and certified in English

Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]
E. WORKING EXPERIENCE Name/address of Employer 1. Position Date of Entry Date of Exit


F. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/COURSES ATTENDED** List your school/community/religious/sport/other activities/courses attended in the past three (3) years. Position held or honours From To Activities/Courses received (Month & Year) (Month & Year) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
** Please submit certified copies of the original certificates/documents

Community Participation Describe the nature of your involvement or associations within your community, including volunteer work and specify year of involvement and position held. (Although this award is based on financial need, information on community involvement will be considered) Association/Programme 1. 2. 3. G. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION i. Have you ever studied in any institution of higher learning in Malaysia or other institution overseas? Yes (If Yes, please fill in this Section) ii. Name and address of the institution(s): No, please proceed to Question iv. Position held or honours received From (Month & Year)

Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]
iii. Reasons for leaving: Study/Course completed If Others, please state: iv. Medical Disclosure Do you have any disability, impairment or long-term medical condition which may affect your studies? Yes No If you do, you need to specify or tick ( ) the relevant boxes. Dyslexia Asthma Hearing impairment Diabetic AIDS/HIV Require care support please specify .. Others please specify .. Epilepsy Wheelchair user/mobility difficulty Blind/ partially blind/colour blindness Tuberculosis Dismissed Withdrew Others

v. Criminal Record Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?



If Yes, give details...................................................................................... vii. Emergency Contact Title: .

(Mr/Ms/Dr etc)




Contact no :

Vii. Where did you first learn about Albukhary International University and its programmes? (Please tick one box only) Advertisement Radio University Brochure Exhibition/Careers Fair Personal Recommendation World Wide Web Embassy/Consulate Office Other ____________________________

Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

Other Funding/Assistance Do you receive or expect to receive any other funds during your period of study (This includes money from private trusts, charities, student loans access, hardship funds, etc.)? If YES, please provide the details: No. Name and address of Organisation Amount (RM/USD) Name: Address: 1. Contact: Name: Address: 2. Contact: F. Referees*: Name and contact details of two (2) people who can act as referees for this application (e.g. Embassy, Dean, Head of School, Head of Village/Community, Legal Practitioner) Name Address Position/Relationship (Mr/Ms) Email: Tel :

(Mr/Ms) Email: Tel :

*Please attach letters of support from both referees.

Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]


PERSONAL STATEMENT - To be completed by the Applicant

Please write an essay (in English) of approximately 100 - 150 words, which will provide us with information about you that is not requested elsewhere in this application form. We are interested in learning about your educational goals and aspirations, your achievements and honours, your academic background, your special interests and experiences, your reasons for applying for the Albukhary scholarship and anything else that you would like us to know about you. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ H. DECLARATION I hereby attest that I have personally filled in this Application Form and the information contained herein is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that withholding or giving false information will make me ineligible for admission and future enrolment. I further understand that I may be required to appear for an interview or to undergo such test as requested by the University as a condition for admission to the programme of study for which I have applied. Applicants Signature:
Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Date: 9

Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

Please submit all the following items along with the Application Form to ensure that your application is complete and can be processed for admission. Please tick ( ) in the appropriate boxes to indicate items that have been attached. a. Certified copies of National Identification/passport or any authorised identification. b. Certified copies of GCE O Level/A Level, SPM/STPM, or any other equivalent certificates. c. Certified copies of School Leaving Certificate/References. d. 2 Referees Recommendation Letter (in sealed envelope) e. 4 recent passport-size, colour photographs. f. 2 photos of your house (inside and outside)

g. Evidence of English Proficiency Examination (IELTS, TOEFL or equivalent) h. Financial Statement/Confirmation of parents income for the past three (3) months i. Certified copies of any other relevant documents i.e. Death Certificate of Parent(s), co-curriculum activities etc. Evidence of Other Funding/assistance


Important: Please submit only certified photocopies of official documents. If the documents are not in English, certified English translation must be attached. Please note that all application forms will be disposed of six months after the closing date.

Upon completion, please return this form to: Registrar, Admissions and Records, Albukhary International University, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, 05460 Alor Star, Kedah Darul Aman, MALAYSIA Tel: +604 - 7747300 Fax: +604 7747310 email: [email protected]
For Office Use Only: Date received: Country code:
Foundation Studies Application Form 2011

Date of verification:

Reference no.


Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

Referee information sheet

Albukhary International University (AIU) is fully funded by the Albukhary Foundation, Malaysia and all students attending AIU shall be sponsored through the Albukhary Foundation Scholarship. This Scholarship is intended to motivate youth from disadvantaged areas throughout the world who otherwise will not have the financial means to pursue tertiary education to become leaders and contributors in the 21st Century. Successful applicants are expected to achieve high academic standards, to make a positive contribution to their profession and to undertake leadership roles in their community. The Foundation intends to make available ten (10) scholarships for each country to assist disadvantaged youths to graduate with a degree from the AIU. For November 2010 intake, 140 successful students from 24 different countries have been awarded the scholarship. This scholarship is now available for students who can apply to begin their studies at AIU in July 2011 starting with the Foundation Studies Programme. About Your Reference The applicant will have asked you to make an academic, community, personal, or a professional reference. Your reference should be a statement in your own words about how effectively the applicant meets the applicant criteria relevant for your type of reference. Specifically: a. b. c. An academic reference should assess the academic potential of the applicant. You must have taught or supervised the applicant previously. A professional reference should assess the capacity of the applicant to make a significant contribution to the community in the future and his/her financial background. A community or personal reference should assess the personal attributes of the applicant and his/her financial background. Please indicate for how long you have known the applicant. The table below shows the applicant criteria. Professional goals Academic potential Personal attributes Clear career intentions to work in an educative and advocacy role for families and households The potential to work in a leadership role and make a professional contribution to their community Financially disadvantaged Good grades, normally having passed with 5 credits including English, Mathematics and one of the Science subjects A capacity for critical and analytical thinking Financially disadvantaged The potential to succeed academically at a high level The persistence and motivation to achieve Integrity, maturity and leadership qualities, well-developed communication skills A commitment to community service and financially disadvantaged Sensitivity in dealing with a range of people and issues, the ability to work collaboratively
Foundation Studies Application Form 2011


Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

Referee statement
Thank you for providing this statement and your reference. They will help the Selection Committee during the selection process for the scholarships. The Referee information sheet provides information about the Albukhary Foundation, the scholarship and what is required for a reference. Please read it before completing this form and writing your reference.

To Be Completed By the Referee

Contact Details Name of School/ Organization/Institution Name of Referee Address

Phone number


Applicant Circumstances Please use this section to highlight why you have recommended this applicant for the AIU Scholarship. Please tick one or more of the following criteria The nature of this referee statement is: academic reference OR community or personal reference OR professional reference I have known the applicant for: years

Attributes Attitude to school work - interest attitude desire to learn Dependability reliability, sense of duty, loyalty, sense of responsibility Initiative leadership, resourcefulness, self reliance, originality Character & personality standard of behaviour, integrity, self control, honesty, sincerity Presentation Impression made on others, maturity, manners, appearance, neatness Service to the community & voluntary involvement





Foundation Studies Application Form 2011


Application to AIU is free, if you are requested to pay in order to apply, please inform us at [email protected]

Additional Information Please use this section to provide any additional details of this applicants circumstances. You are also required to comments on the applicants financial background and why he/she deserved the Scholarship.


Recommend with reservations

Do not recommend

Referee Declaration* I confirm that the information given on this form is true, complete and accurate and no information or other material information has been omitted. Signature & Stamp Date

*IMPORTANT: The recommendation form is to be completed and STAMPED by the school/organization/village/community leader and NOT BY THE STUDENT OR FAMILY MEMBER. This reference should be included in a sealed separate envelope TOGETHER with the students completed application form.
Foundation Studies Application Form 2011


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