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another/certain """-mwe noun""" one """noun -mwe""" hoe badza/mapknife banga/mapwork basa "catch, hold" -bata "work, have

a job" -bata basa help -batsira shoulder bendekete/mababoon bere/mapere cook -bika "exit, go out" -buda "ask a question, enquire" -bvunza a lot chaizvo cry -chema clean -chenesa "care for, look after, keep" -chengeta "beware, be careful, brave" -chenjera dig -chera only chete "maize, mealie meal" chibage/zviLove of God Chido chaMwari homework chidzidzo chair chigaro "finger, toe" chigunwe/zvischool chikoro/zvibread chingwa the bread is burnt Chingwa chatsva thing/things chinhu/zvinhu hospital chipatara/zvigift chipo/zvipo face chiso food chokudya truth chokwadi/zvi "want, like, love" -da be drunk -dakwa (p) enclosure danga respond (to a question) -davira small -diki/-duku water (the lawn) -diridza stone dombo/matstomach dumbu eat -dya plant (to plant) -dyara "learn, study" -dzidza teach -dzidzisa be painful -dzimba sometimes dzimwe nguva dzura -dzura "try, attempt" -edza "Okay, all right, I understand" Ehwoi go -enda die -fa "walk, travel, move" -famba be happy -fara shovel fashoro die for -firwa (p) "fix, repair" -gadsira "sit, live" -gara Sit down gara pasi

wash (body) -geza "Knocking, ""I'm here""" gogogoi rat gonzo/maklast year gore rakapera next year gore rinouya "year, cloud" gore/makore good gudu leg gumbo/makleg gumbu/mak"It's nothing, de nada" Hakunei I don't want to handidi I don't understand handinzwi rake -hara eh? (question) here? yes Hongu chicken huku immediately iko zvino house/houses imba/dzimba dog imbwa "be bad, be evil" -ipa "put, place" -isa "do, make" -ita Do it again. Itazve cloth/clothes jira/machira "to, at" kuat the school kuchikoro at the hospital kuchipatara like this kudai like that kudaro heaven kudenga at/to the house kumba "ask for, request" -kumbira "at/to the village, at home" kumusha how does it work? -kundaalthough kungange although kungangwe here kuno where? kupi? above all else (in comparison) kupinda grow -kura big -kuru hurry -kurumidza until kusvikira a lot kwazvo no kwete "cover, put a lid on" -kwidibira "fathers, elders" madzibaba "mothers, ladies" madzimai tommorrow mangwana this morning mangwananiano hands maoko Are you finished? Mapedza here? money mari flowers maruva what did you say? Mati kudii? what did you say? mati kudiyii "leaves, wet season" mazhizha eye maziso "nowadays, these days" mazuva ano theif/theives mbava

seed mbeu germinate -mera this month mewdzi uno nose mhino (mhunu) roots midzi stop -mira cow mombe "in, inside" muhelper mubatsiri/va"cook, chef" mubiki/vaa question mubvunzo house/houses muchingikwa student mudzidzi teacher mudzidzisi "woman, wife" mukadzi milk mukaka boy mukomana in the house mumba here in the house mumba muno shade mumvuri field munda/mi person/people munhu/vanhu in here muno in here muno writer munyori/vain where? mupi? mouth muromo "man, husband" murume what is this again? musango "village, home" musha medicine mushonga/migirl musikana head musoro/mihead musuro tree mutu/miti water mvura child/children mwana/vana God Mwari "just one, only one" -mwe chete "month, moon" mwedzi next month mwedzi unouya last month mwedzi wakapera have -na "and, with, by" na-/ne-/no"be nice, good, beautiful" -naka "tidy, clean, make nice" -natsa I am tired Ndaneta I am finished Ndapedza who is it? Ndiani who is it? ndiani? Please help me Ndibatsirei I am still learning Shona Ndichiri kudzidza chiShona "I'm sorry, I have depression" ndine urombo I have a headache Ndinonzwa musoro give me ndipe please give me ndipeiwo "plate(s), dish(es)" ndiro "enough, okay, that is so" Ndizvo yesterday nezuro time nguva ***pg 21

clothes nguvo today nhasi cleverness njere because nokuti drink -nwa meat nyama Be quiet! Nyarara! snake nyoka write -nyora thirst nyota hunger nzara ear nzeve "way, path" nzira "hear, percieve, feel" -nzwa "alone, only" -oga/-ega see -ona be rotten (eg. egg) -ora "all, whole" -ose/-ese "on, at, nearby" pa"close, nearby" paduzi Please dish the food now Pakurai zvino "add to, repeat" -pamhidza right here pano on the way panzira at or on where? papi? down here pasi pano "finish, complete" -pedza complete -pera short -pfupi "enter, come in" -pinda "answer, turn over" -pindura be hot -pisa "refuse, persist" -ramba sleep -rara "show, demonstrate" -ratidza "long, tall" -refu "hear, listen, understand" -rera "be (the verb ""to be"")" -ri "another day, ""once upon a time""" rimwe zuva when? rini? sharpen -rodza "hit, beat, punish" -rova Love of God Rudo raMwari hand ruoko/mahurt (to hurt) -rwadza be sick -rwara porridge sadza "like that, in this way, in that manner" saizvozvo "so, therefore" saka "weed, cultivate" -sakura bush sango not yet -sati how? sei? laugh -seka "bathe, wash (body)" -shamba friend shamwari "work, have a job" -shanda to use -shandisa "Word of God, God's Word" Shoko raMwari Shoko raMwari rinoti the Word of God says

word shoko/mafew -shoma little bit -shomanana different siana transplant -sima strength simba be strong -simba stand up -simuka wash (things) -suka "fasten, tie, arrest" -sunga spend the day -swera table tafura carry -takura "play, dance" -tamba speak -taura pay attention Teerera buy -tenga follow -tevera say -ti what will we do? tichate? "to run away, flee" -tiza take -tora mercy tsitsi "foot, feet" tsoka dirt tsvina curse (to curse) -tuka send out or away -tuma "fear, be afraid" -tya "tell, inform" -udza over there uko way over there uko(ooooo) Do you understand? Unonzwa here? Do you have a headache? unonzwa musoro here? Are you sick? urikurwara here? come -uya Come here -uya kuno "adults, officials" vakuru They have come. Vauya "be bitter, sting, itch" -vava "read, count" -verenga beloved ones vodikanwa "obtain, find" -wana fill it with Diesel zadzai ne diesel egg zai/mazai many zhinji many -zhinji know -ziva rest -zorora day zuva/ma"things are good, well, fine, beautiful" again -zve now zvino right now zvino zvino clothes zvipfeko


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