Bibliography On Cyclostationarity: Erchin Serpedin, Flaviu Panduru, Ilkay Sarı, Georgios B. Giannakis

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Signal Processing 85 (2005) 22332303

Bibliography on cyclostationarity
Erchin Serpedina,, Flaviu Pandurua, Ilkay Sara, Georgios B. Giannakisb
b a Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3128, USA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, 200 Union Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

Received 19 August 2004; received in revised form 9 May 2005 Available online 2 June 2005

Abstract The present bibliography represents a comprehensive list of references on cyclostationarity and its applications. An attempt has been made to make this bibliography complete by listing most of the existing references up to the year 2005 and by providing a detailed classication group. r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cyclostationarity; Cyclostationary; Periodically correlated processes; Cyclic correlation; Spectral correlation; Cyclic moments; Higher-order cyclostationarity

Contents Introduction 1. Statistical theory of cyclostationarity 1.1. Theory of periodically and almost periodically correlated processes 1.2. Stochastic processes theory 1.3. Time series theory 1.4. Ergodic theory of cyclostationary sequences 1.5. Tests for cyclostationarity 1.6. Stationarization 1.7. EOFempirical orthogonal functions 1.8. Random elds 1.9. Law of large numbers 2235 2236 2236 2236 2236 2236 2237 2237 2237 2237 2237

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 979 458 2287; fax: +1 979 862 4630.

E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (E. Serpedin), [email protected] (F. Panduru), [email protected] (I. Sar), [email protected] (G.B. Giannakis). 0165-1684/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2005.05.002

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1.10. Asymptotic normality 1.11. Second and higher-order statistics 2. Signal processing 2.1. Estimation 2.2. Detection 2.3. System identication 2.4. Prediction 2.5. Period analysis 2.6. Signal processing systems 2.7. Image processing 3. Communications 3.1. Modeling and transforms 3.2. Modulation, multiple access and coding 3.3. Noise and interference 3.4. Channels 3.5. Equalization 3.6. Filtering 3.7. Algorithms 3.8. Cellular and microcellular systems 3.9. Military communications 4. Antenna array processing 4.1. Adaptive arrays 4.2. MIMO systems 4.3. Beamforming 4.4. DOAdirection of arrival 4.5. TDOAtime difference of arrival 5. Mechanics 5.1. Mechanical vibrations 5.2. Rotating mechanisms 6. Oceanography and hydrology 7. Climatology and meteorology 8. Economics 9. Astronomy and satellite communications 10. Magnetism and electromagnetism 11. Geography, seismology and environment 12. Medicine, biology 13. Optics 14. Acoustics and speech 15. Networks 15.1. Telecommunications and computer networks 15.2. Subscriber lines 15.3. Power lines 15.4. Queueing 15.5. Neural networks 15.6. ATM networks 16. Electronics 16.1. RF circuits 16.2. Switched-capacitor networks

2237 2237 2237 2237 2239 2239 2239 2239 2239 2240 2240 2240 2240 2241 2241 2241 2242 2242 2242 2242 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2243 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244 2244

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16.3. PLLphase locked loop 16.4. Integrated circuits and semiconductors 16.5. Cyclostationary noise in mixers and oscillators 17. Books on cyclostationarity 18. Theses and dissertations on cyclostationarity 19. Miscellaneous References

2244 2244 2245 2245 2245 2245 2245

Introduction Cyclostationary processes are those signals whose statistics vary almost periodically, and they are present in numerous physical and man-made processes: ultrasonic imaging of materials and biological tissues, medicine (EEG, ECG, circadian rhythm), solid state and plasma physics, radioastronomy, mechanics (vibration and noise analysis for condition-based monitoring of rotating machineries: engines, turbines), radar, sonar, telemetry, and communications systems, modeling and performance evaluation of the noise gure in electronic and optic devices, etc. In communication systems, operations like sampling, modulation, mixing, multiplexing, coding, and scanning create an information bearing signal with periodic or almost periodic characteristics; in ultrasonic imaging, regular scatterer spacings induce a quasiperiodicity on ultrasonic pulse echo scans; in electronics, noise at the output of a nonlinear electronic device is excited by periodic signals (noise currents in MOSFET vary periodically with the oscillating waveform) and many circuits present time-varying operating points (mixers, oscillators, samplers, and switched lters); in climatology, presence of rhythmic or seasonal behavior in nature results in repetitive climatological data; in rotating machinery vibration signals produced by IC engines have cyclic nature. In short, cyclostationary signals are frequently encountered in a broad range of applications and since exploitation of the periodic features present in cyclostationary signals generally leads to algorithms with substantially improved performance relative to the case when the processed signals are viewed as stationary, cyclostationary signals appear as the most suited framework for modeling and processing such periodically correlated pro-

cesses. In literature, cyclostationary processes are named in multiple different ways such as periodically correlated, periodically nonstationary, periodically nonstationary or cyclic correlated processes. Historically, it appears that Bennett (1958) [77] observed for the rst time the presence of cyclostationary signals in the design of synchronization algorithms for communications systems. Shortly after (19591980), several mathematicians from the former Soviet Union (Gladyshev, Gudzenko, Dragan, etc.) introduced key concepts for representation of cyclostationary processes [345350,556559,585,586]. More specically, in 1959 Gudzenko [586], presented a study on nonparametric spectral estimation of cyclostationary processes. Later in 1961 and 1963, Gladyshev [556,559], worked on spectral analysis recognizing relation between periodically correlated processes and stationary vector sequences, and he also introduced the concept of almost periodically correlated processes. In 1963, Nedoma [1005] presented cycloergodicity for cyclostationary processes with single period and later in 1983, Boyles and Gardner [145] extended it to general cyclostationary processes with multiple periods. After Bennetts rst usage of cyclostationarity in communication context, Franks (1969) [424] devoted a relatively detailed section of his book to cyclostationarity in communication. Then, in 1969 Hurds thesis [663] appeared as a very good introduction to continuous time cyclostationary processes. In 1975, Gardner and Franks [449] studied benets of series representation of cyclostationary processes especially in the context of optimum ltering. First comprehensive treatment of cyclostationarity in communication and signal processing appeared in Gardners book [452] in 1985. In 1987, Gardner presented his nonprobabilistic statistical theory of

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cyclostationarity in [461]. In parallel, Giannakis and Dandawate [295,297,547], approached cyclostationarity within the framework of stochastic processes. In 1992, Spooner [1272] considered the theory of higher-order cyclostationarity. As the theory of cyclostationary developed, lots of related works appeared in many different areas such as climatology in Hurd [676], hydrology in Kacimov [763], medicine and biology in Finelli [413], oceanology in Dragan [352], economics in Pagano [1047], mechanics in Sherman [1241] and many elds in communication and signal processing like crosstalk in Campbell [173] and parameter estimation in Gardner [461]. Also, the last decade marked a renewed interest in cyclostationarity through the pioneering works of Tong [1324], [1327], Tugnait [1361], Ding [333] and Giannakis [547], which generated an intensive research activity in the area of blind estimation and equalization of communications channels. In short, after the early treatment, mainly two research groups have contributed signicantly in USA to the theory and applications of cyclostationary signal processing in the engineering community, namely the research centers of Professors W. Gardner and G.B. Giannakis. Basically, Gardner builds the theory of CS signals within a nonprobabilistic approach, referred to as the fraction-of-time (FOT) approach [461]. In contrast to the FOT-approach, Giannakis assumes a probabilistic approach, namely the framework of stochastic processes [295,297,547]. Fundamental research contributions in the area of cyclostationary signal processing were also reported by Izzo and Napolitano [713734].1 The authors hope that this bibliography on cyclostationarity will help the researchers, especially the ones from the signal processing and communications communities, to nd new research problems and interesting practical applications. To the best knowledge of the authors, this bibliography appears to be the most complete source of references on cyclostationary processes. The authors have also tried to t the presented references in a classication group and to design a detailed classication group.
For more detailed historical remarks the reader is encouraged to consult the reference [461].

Despite authors huge efforts to include all the existing references that deal with cyclostationarity, a number of references might have not been included. We would like to apologize in advance to all the researchers whose works have not been cited in this bibliography. Classication 1. Statistical theory of cyclostationarity 1.1. Theory of periodically and almost periodically correlated processes [28] [35] [36] [42] [77] [80] [95] [134] [136] [261] [280] [312] [314] [317] [320] [345] [347] [348] [353] [359] [373] [393] [400] [473] [491] [547] [557] [558] [640] [642] [665] [670] [680] [686] [689] [712] [731] [733] [735] [766] [772] [778] [804] [805] [843] [909] [913] [967] [970] [1007] [1058] [1134] [1137] [1147] [1165] [1225] [1255] [1272] [1279] [1280] [1281] [1310] [1392] [1396] [1446] [1496] [1497] [1501] [1506] 1.2. Stochastic processes theory [26] [27] [30] [36] [37] [42] [50] [103] [135] [291] [346] [414] [429] [449] [450] [458] [460] [473] [480] [585] [641] [642] [643] [644] [645] [666] [667] [673] [675] [677] [765] [822] [845] [907] [962] [964] [995] [1018] [1021] [1372] [1401] [1403] [1444] [1446] [1455] [1494] [1556] 1.3. Time series theory [25] [37] [46] [107] [136] [151] [152] [157] [296] [306] [355] [370] [418] [429] [430] [453] [456] [466] [467] [470] [472] [476] [480] [482] [486] [489] [490] [492] [513] [523] [529] [536] [541] [542] [547] [633] [667] [676] [687] [694] [695] [723] [724] [727][728] [730] [732] [733] [788] [852] [897] [898] [899] [934] [984] [995] [999] [1047] [1065] [1096] [1123] [1224] [1239] [1273] [1276] [1280] [1282] [1285] [1288] [1303] [1318] [1335] [1382] [1383] [1445] [1558] 1.4. Ergodic theory of cyclostationary sequences [145] [480] [582] [583] [645] [848]

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1.5. Tests for cyclostationarity [49] [154] [156] [157] [159] [161] [289] [295] [385] [454] [547] [573] [671] [682] [691] [983] [1100] [1144] [1383] [1556] 1.6. Stationarization [83] [171] [172] [181] [183] [438] [450] [457] [458] [663] [664] [925] [960] 1.7. EOFempirical orthogonal functions [788] [789] [790] [791] [792] [793] 1.8. Random elds [29] [318] [354] [392] [444] [685] [688] [844] 1.9. Law of large numbers [171] [172] [444] [854] [909] 1.10. Asymptotic normality [285] [288] [296] [316] [319] [678] [847] [849] [1146] [1148] [1383] [1548] 1.11. Second and higher-order statistics 1.11.1. SOCSSecond-order cyclostationarity [7] [10] [12] [56] [59] [68] [70] [72] [124] [137] [146] [147] [148] [223] [224] [231] [234] [251] [255] [291] [330] [331] [333] [334] [404] [405] [409] [466] [470] [478] [481] [487] [491] [504] [507] [510] [520] [536] [550] [552] [555] [580] [611] [628] [673] [678] [685] [687] [688] [694] [771] [798] [799] [807] [818] [843] [863] [864] [867] [870] [871] [874] [883] [890] [907] [916] [920] [921] [923] [924] [1024] [1046] [1070] [1114] [1115] [1194] [1201] [1309] [1320] [1321] [1322] [1324] [1327] [1328] [1335] [1336] [1359] [1361] [1365] [1387] [1418] [1421] [1457] [1525] [1552] 1.11.2. HOCShigher-order cyclostationarity [16] [26] [39] [56] [74] [109] [139] [142] [144] [178] [205] [223] [224] [256] [275] [279] [281] [283] [284] [285] [286] [287] [288] [289] [291] [292] [293] [296]

[297] [298] [335] [336] [388] [401] [402] [403] [404] [405] [408] [409] [410] [411] [418] [421] [427] [470] [478] [488] [489] [490] [503] [507] [519] [525] [526] [527] [528] [531] [535] [536] [538] [539] [541] [542] [564] [615] [678] [701] [719] [722] [723] [724] [725] [727] [728] [729] [732] [734] [745] [747] [748] [797] [853] [854] [855] [869] [873] [886] [925] [926] [927] [928] [937] [938] [939] [942] [943] [989] [990] [991] [992] [993] [994] [996] [999] [1000] [1053] [1070] [1081] [1082] [1092] [1098] [1101] [1148] [1159] [1194] [1195] [1196] [1197] [1226] [1228] [1231] [1232] [1234] [1235] [1236] [1237] [1263] [1271] [1272] [1273] [1274] [1275] [1276] [1280] [1281] [1282] [1283] [1284] [1314] [1338] [1340] [1341] [1350] [1362] [1442] [1463] [1464] [1504] [1505] [1490] [1539] [1544] [1552] [1554] [1557] [1559] 1.11.3. Cyclic correlation [7] [19] [20] [92] [252] [256] [297] [371] [432] [433] [462] [470] [473] [482] [511] [524] [537] [547] [550] [551] [556] [559] [599] [600] [610] [672] [676] [785] [856] [883] [890] [919] [925] [934] [945] [946] [1059] [1060] [1126] [1162] [1181] [1182] [1195] [1196] [1309] [1402] [1418] [1431] [1439] [1471] [1503] [1509] [1530] [1532] [1539]

2. Signal processing 2.1. Estimation 2.1.1. Parameter estimation [7] [17] [27] [43] [85] [86] [92] [127] [242] [246] [269] [270] [282] [283] [310] [312] [313] [319] [431] [445] [447] [448] [451] [476] [478] [511] [528] [529] [536] [541] [547] [551] [552] [574] [594] [597] [605] [648] [667] [678] [777] [809] [820] [823] [834] [895] [923] [948] [993] [994] [997] [998] [1001] [1006] [1027] [1125] [1126] [1188] [1217] [1227] [1229] [1230] [1232] [1235] [1300] [1331] [1335] [1336] [1362] [1407] [1410] [1432] [1543] [1556] 2.1.2. General spectral analysis [14] [27] [29] [30] [32] [44] [53] [79] [155] [179] [180] [182] [183] [216] [308] [316] [318] [341] [346] [382] [383] [389] [415] [461] [493] [538] [585] [615] [634]

[106] [311] [396] [669]

[109] [312] [397] [672]

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[711] [752] [754] [797] [847] [849] [875] [908] [985] [986] [979] [1000] [1002] [1003] [1008] [1022] [1023] [1065] [1067] [1097] [1103] [1131] [1132] [1133] [1160] [1162] [1164] [1271] [1275] [1329] [1330] [1331] [1332] [1333] [1334] [1403] [1424] [1444] [1455] [1541] [1542] [1550] 2.1.3. Spectral redundancy [73] [344] [478] [620] [656] [922] [1377] [1378] 2.1.4. Harmonics retrieval [251] [256] [259] [287] [314] [389] [519] [521] [533] [535] [541] [683] [853] [893] [902] [1399] [1442] [1507] [1537] [1538] [1539] [1540] [1547] [1548] [1549] [1551] 2.1.5. Spectral line generation [105] [190] [390] [453] [455] [465] [947] [1097] [1253] [1273] 2.1.6. Doppler spectrum [44] [269] [415] [552] [660] [733] [769] [1503] 2.1.7. Spectral correlation analysis [3] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [42] [106] [159] [161] [206] [215] [242] [270] [332] [341] [342] [343] [385] [393] [453] [454] [455] [456] [457] [458] [459] [460] [461] [463] [464] [465] [468] [473] [474] [475] [477] [478] [482] [485] [497] [499] [513] [548] [560] [579] [580] [607] [612] [616] [620] [656] [666] [674] [682] [684] [717] [718] [754] [868] [910] [957] [1002] [1003] [1077] [1109] [1123] [1134] [1186] [1270] [1295] [1309] [1313] [1326] [1376] [1378] [1387] [1400] [1401] [1402] [1486] [1487] [1489] 2.1.8. Periodogram [156] [625] [643] [933] [999] [1002] [1003] [1160] [1162] 2.1.9. Timing estimation [73] [81] [111] [115] [150] [164] [250] [382] [390] [411] [425] [426] [446] [500] [524] [547] [549] [550] [648] [786] [821] [828] [878] [890] [891] [892] [896] [901] [916] [917] [954] [980] [987] [1020] [1050] [1061] [1062] [1097] [1102] [1121] [1126] [1200] [1214] [1219] [1220] [1221] [1244] [1274] [1315] [1316] [1358] [1414] [1415] [1418] [1419] [1420] [1421] [1483] [1503] [1533] [1535] [1546]

2.1.10. Jitter [180] [197] [320] [379] [380] [381] [383] [425] [576] [595] [626] [627] [682] [786] [813] [837] [947] [1020] [1097] [1220] [1221] [1244] [1444] 2.1.11. Carrier frequency offset estimation [5] [48] [75] [76] [81] [105] [111] [115] [250] [251] [254] [257] [258] [259] [260] [267] [268] [275] [276] [315] [416] [426] [439] [520] [541] [549] [550] [651] [657] [863] [901] [916] [918] [936] [954] [981] [988] [989] [990] [992] [1061] [1119] [1126] [1200][1201] [1208] [1210] [1211] [1212] [1213] [1214] [1215] [1216] [1218] [1222] [1414] [1415] [1416] [1417] [1418] [1509] [1516] [1534] [1544] [1551] 2.1.12. Clock recovery [47] [440] [655] [868] [945] [946] [981] 2.1.13. Sequence estimation [252] [761] [762] [1477] 2.1.14. Channel estimation [9] [14] [24] [66] [68] [69] [72] [112] [113] [116] [139] [148] [169] [175] [228] [229] [231] [235] [246] [248] [251] [331] [332] [333] [334] [360] [361] [406] [479] [497] [516] [518] [532] [537] [544] [545] [546] [588] [589] [593] [599] [611] [618] [619] [650] [697] [718] [721] [782] [828] [857] [859] [860] [864] [865] [883] [900] [904] [922] [949] [961] [1004] [1051] [1070] [1088] [1089] [1091] [1092] [1094] [1114] [1115] [1181] [1193] [1205] [1207] [1208] [1210] [1211] [1298] [1320] [1321] [1322] [1324] [1325] [1326] [1327] [1349] [1357] [1359] [1361] [1364] [1365] [1366] [1367] [1368] [1369] [1422] [1457] [1473] [1482] [1492] [1493] [1552] 2.1.15. MLmaximum likelihood framework [81] [110] [216] [267] [268] [441] [455] [487] [528] [552] [597] [605] [817] [845] [855] [890] [940] [991] [1189] [1191] [1270] [1283] [1290] [1291] [1421] [1498] [1509] 2.1.16. CRBCramer Rao bound [551] [552] [890] [994] [1185] [1186] [1188] [1189] [1291] [1421] [1509] [1547] [1548] [1552]

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2.1.17. MMSEminimum mean square error framework [5] [6] [94] [190] [232] [236] [245] [368] [475] [507] [514] [516] [517] [696] [777] [829] [905] [959] [974] [1074] [1157] [1224] [1240] [1285] [1372] [1429] [1447] [1459] 2.1.18. Convergence rate of iterative algorithms [707] [739] [853] [866] [880] [976] [1025] [1087] [1249] [1250] [1337] 2.2. Detection [3] [16] [31] [87] [94] [127] [153] [166] [167] [185] [206] [208] [262] [270] [284] [290] [294] [295] [366] [384] [388] [465] [473] [481] [487] [499] [501] [502] [503] [526] [548] [578] [597] [607] [630] [631] [671] [696] [713] [715] [716] [717] [792] [798] [861] [868] [879] [876] [890] [906] [923] [972] [977] [991] [1016] [1020] [1043] [1044] [1045] [1112] [1129] [1136] [1142] [1143] [1145] [1146] [1147] [1148] [1203] [1230] [1232] [1240] [1251] [1254] [1261] [1269] [1270] [1274] [1276] [1278] [1291] [1293] [1301] [1313] [1343] [1385] [1423] [1425] [1426] [1436] [1443] [1445] [1449] [1479] [1502] [1556] 2.3. System identication [8] [9] [59] [67] [81] [104] [137] [138] [146] [147] [205] [209] [210] [211] [234] [279] [281] [286] [297] [398] [418] [469] [486] [494] [527] [539] [555] [574] [579] [610] [628] [687] [712] [851] [867] [869] [872] [873] [877] [941] [942] [943] [1024] [1026] [1085] [1090] [1093] [1180] [1206] [1296] [1297] [1328] [1329] [1330] [1332] [1333] [1334] [1350] [1408] [1431] 2.3.1. Blind identication [52] [56] [137] [234] [251] [335] [408] [537] [588] [589] [628] [697] [782] [799] [817] [860] [949] [1004] [1037] [1051] [1181] [1193] [1206] [1296] [1325] [1361] [1364] [1365] [1366] [1369] [1473] 2.3.2. Source separation and identication [3] [12] [55] [208] [301] [405] [540] [547] [652] [655] [694] [738] [740] [871] [1238] [1251] [1504] [1532]

2.3.3. BSSblind source separation [10] [11] [12] [21] [22] [23] [56] [190] [220] [224] [225] [234] [263] [401] [402] [403] [404] [407] [408] [409] [611] [653] [700] [737] [739] [870] [874] [1039] [1078] [1158] [1191] [1458] [1411] [1412] [1413] 2.3.4. Modulation classication [74] [110] [284] [336] [337] [466] [481] [487] [526] [528] [798] [923] [925] [926] [927] [928] [973] [1084] [1149] [1202] [1282] [1284] 2.4. Prediction [97] [98] [99] [151] [274] [328] [478] [595] [635] [773] [793] [852] [861] [900] [908] [912] [931] [962] [965] [966] [967] [1010] [1026] [1087] [1258] [1364] [1366] [1369] [1464] [1466] [1468] 2.5. Period analysis 2.5.1. Period determination [154] [157] [295] [625] [632] [816] [932] [933] [940] [1267] [1314] [1498] 2.5.2. Almost periodic functions and processes [96] [101] [292] [307] [356] [624] [669] [675] [682] [770] [811] [886] [1031] [1168] [1171] [1172] [1173] [1174] [1175] [1176] [1177] [1234] [1335] 2.6. Signal processing systems 2.6.1. Multirate systems [1] [44] [67] [81] [517] [518] [569] [570] [594] [618] [652] [722] [727] [1023] [1122] [1156] [1157] [1178] [1179] [1203] [1285] [1311] [1373] 2.6.2. Signal deconvolution [50] [196] [217] [264] [611] [700] [703] [1166] [1521] 2.6.3. Missing observations [282] [285] [292] [370] [529] [536] [1067] 2.6.4. Oversampling [255] [256] [257] [258] [400] [412] [435] [446] [520] [547] [550] [565] [600] [601] [701] [710] [866] [905] [938] [1048] [1124] [1126] [1181] [1201] [1296] [1347]

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[1357] [1358] [1359] [1361] [1362] [1373] [1418] [1428] [1493] [1552] 2.6.5. Nonlinear systems [42] [163] [186] [193] [249] [266] [322] [323] [324] [416] [486] [543] [941] [947] [958] [1028] [1031] [1050] [1088] [1089] [1091] [1096] [1103] [1136] [1138] [1140] [1170] [1180] [1209] [796] [1253] [1281] [1352] [1431] [1439] [1486] [1487] [1529] [1548] 2.6.6. Volterra systems [472] [486] [494] [543] [941] [942] [943] [1138] 2.6.7. CFEcycle frequency error [88] [830] [831] [832] [835] [839] 2.6.8. TVtime varying [19] [85] [103] [118] [159] [161] [167] [281] [286] [296] [297] [327] [328] [329] [345] [372] [373] [374] [375] [377] [399] [423] [428] [453] [461] [467] [473] [479] [505] [506] [520] [527] [547] [550] [587] [595] [696] [723] [729] [730] [732] [733] [734] [741] [774] [803] [837] [842] [856] [873] [900] [901] [905] [935] [943] [951] [953] [957] [987] [996] [1029] [1036] [1079] [1117] [1120] [1122] [1155] [1178] [1179] [1197] [1234] [1235] [1284] [1299] [1346] [1349] [1350] [1363] [1364] [1365] [1366] [1369] [1373] [1374] [1418] 2.6.9. System stability [131] [132] [133] [165] [842] [885] [894] [1265] [1266] 2.7. Image processing [131] [132] [133] [540] [758] [759] [760] [816] [1017] [1252]

3.1.2. Representation of processes [102] [198] [349] [358] [448] [451] [642] [668] [781] [911] [914] [1021] [1204] [1495] 3.1.3. ARauto regressive systems [17] [37] [45] [78] [80] [99] [103] [151] [152] [156] [302] [467] [523] [536] [541] [546] [606] [691] [693] [820] [852] [861] [867] [910] [931] [995] [1008] [1046] [1206] [1224] [1239] [1242] [1318] [1335] [1382] [1435] [1525] 3.1.4. Lamperti transformation [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] 3.1.5. Wavelet transformation [826] [827] [903] [1041] [1095] [1252] [1262] [1339] [1350] 3.1.6. Wold isomorphism and decomposition [480] [685] [687] [688] [691] [694] [1010] [1011] 3.1.7. Entropy modeling [192] [1525] 3.1.8. Harmonizable processes [198] [307] [350] [392] [513] [573] [663] [668] [789] [814] [875] [963] [968] [969] [1086] 3.1.9. Noise modeling and analysis [62] [63] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [166] [186] [195] [218] [230] [239] [389] [445] [595] [715] [800] [837] [930] [1015] [1030] [1079] [1080] [1130] [1155] [1170] [1245] [1247] [1306] [1307] [1394] [1405] [1430] [1441] 3.2. Modulation, multiple access and coding 3.2.1. OFDM [68] [69] [81] [111] [112] [114] [115] [116] [117] [165] [169] [254] [259] [260] [267] [268] [360] [361] [618] [619] [636] [650] [776] [828] [857] [901] [904] [918] [988] [1016] [1027] [1060] [1061] [1094] [1139] [1200] [1294] [1299] [1407] [1409] [1410] [1473] 3.2.2. CDMA [16] [41] [94] [191] [208] [246] [254] [259] [335] [365] [442] [505] [514] [515] [516] [517] [518] [568] [569] [593] [597] [639] [657] [696] [711] [769] [776]

3. Communications 3.1. Modeling and transforms 3.1.1. Signal modeling [100] [145] [193] [243] [244] [457] [458] [530] [726] [1047] [1225] [1293] [1345] [1371]

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[859] [860] [905] [906] [948] [974] [975] [977] [978] [997] [998] [1044] [1045] [1105] [1156] [1157] [1203] [1240] [175] [1260] [1261] [1278] [1298] [1352] [1353] [1370] [1384] [1385] [1432] [1438] [1477] [1482] [1510] [1519] 3.2.3. TDMA [272] [273] [936] [997] [998] [938] 3.2.4. FDMA [622] [997] [998] 3.2.5. CPM [421] [580] [1000] [1387] 3.2.6. PPM [379] [380] [381] [382] [383] [1444] 3.2.7. Coding theory [81] [113] [179] [181] [235] [236] [304] [367] [414] [423] [433] [434] [698] [1052] [1053] [1054] [1055] [1347] 3.2.8. Band-limited systems and signals [48] [209] [211] [238] [251] [305] [334] [372] [725] [884] [958] [981] [982] [1037] [1062] [1103] [1136] [1307] [1464] [1466] [1492] 3.2.9. Broad-band systems and signals [43] [163] [184] [269] [443] [502] [507] [508] [623] [706] [752] [753] [815] [944] [949] [1084] [1136] [1192] [1315] [1316] [1317] [1434] [1456] [1483] [1502] [1535] 3.3. Noise and interference 3.3.1. Cyclostationary interference [4] [18] [93] [649] [762] [810] [1034] [1035] [1071] [1072] [1073] [1074] [1076] [1120] [1352] [1353] [1404] [1426] [1447] [1462] [1519] 3.3.2. Interference cancellation [5] [6] [94] [153] [160] [191] [238] [266] [272] [335] [443] [449] [468] [471] [475] [495] [505] [506] [568] [569] [571] [612] [613] [614] [623] [639] [777] [905] [906] [957] [959] [976] [1012] [1039] [1112] [1116] [1117] [1118] [1198] [1240] [1249] [1250] [1260]

[1277] [1319] [1351] [1370] [1426] [1427] [1438] [1532] 3.3.3. Crosstalk [5] [6] [173] [174] [436] [629] [707] [709] [741] [762] [786] [810] [878] [887] [888] [1074] [1075] [1077] [1104] [1141] [1169] [1447] 3.3.4. Interference tolerant systems [207] [262] [418] [482] [499] [501] [717] [1105] [1119] [1448] [1530] 3.4. Channels 3.4.1. Multipath channels [9] [162] [188] [220] [366] [368] [406] [439] [514] [515] [697] [718] [751] [787] [887] [888] [901] [921] [949] [974] [1039] [1049] [1105] [1114] [1115] [1183] [1200] [1299] [1359] [1361] [1410] [1409] [1467] [1472] [1503] [1505] [1531] 3.4.2. Channel capacity [64] [226] [233] [442] [483] [622] [637] [638] [906] [1453] 3.4.3. Magnetic recording channel [64] [959] [1102] 3.4.4. Optical communications channel [379] [380] [382] [779] 3.5. Equalization [19] [38] [39] [40] [41] [71] [81] [82] [94] [114] [117] [140] [247] [248] [226] [227] [230] [231] [233] [235] [251] [253] [274] [332] [335] [360] [361] [368] [411] [414] [506] [509] [532] [534] [543] [564] [565] [570] [598] [600] [601] [602] [604] [611] [628] [636] [646] [651] [654] [704] [707] [710] [777] [817] [829] [866] [880] [883] [884] [887] [888] [920] [921] [922] [982] [1012] [1036] [1038] [1040] [1044] [1045] [1048] [1049] [1068] [1071] [1072] [1073] [1074] [1075] [1076] [1094] [1124] [1149] [1195] [1193] [1198] [1205] [1207] [1209] [1258] [1259] [1299] [1320] [1321] [1323] [1324] [1326] [1340] [1341] [1342] [1344] [1346] [1347] [1348] [1350] [1357] [1358] [1360] [1362] [1363] [1428] [1429] [1434] [1447]

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[1448] [1473] [1484] [1485] [1515] [1520] [1523] [1524] 3.5.1. DFEdecision feedback equalizer [4] [5] [6] [232] [368] [371] [611] [620] [774] [777] [959] [1071] [1073] [1074] [1519] 3.6. Filtering [19] [44] [47] [125] [131] [160] [216] [218] [327] [372] [374] [375] [377] [386] [422] [427] [442] [473] [505] [507] [510] [649] [730] [757] [758] [759] [760] [803] [951] [953] [1020] [1036] [1062] [1068] [1195] [1277] [1285] [1510] [1532] 3.6.1. Wiener lters [18] [19] [65] [81] [140] [376] [399] [469] [485] [547] [620] [1156] [1448] [1519] [1528] 3.6.2. Kalman lters [103] [1242] 3.6.3. Adaptive ltering [81] [266] [328] [329] [341] [398] [413] [471] [483] [517] [584] [620] [639] [703] [774] [846] [851] [952] [957] [1025] [1116] [1117] [1120] [1124] [1164] [1192] [1216] [1222] [1240] [1268] [1311] [1319] [1404] [1440] [1459] [1486] [1501] [1515] [1517] [1526] [1527] [1528] 3.6.4. Spatial smoothing [1462] [1468] [1469] 3.6.5. Optimum ltering [58] [93] [274] [338] [447] [449] [471] [475] [485] [958] [1056] [1064] [1117] [1118] [1311] 3.6.6. Optimum receiver [81] [93] [167] [239] [387] [435] [514] [584] [622] [878] [1074] [1120] 3.6.7. Joint transmitter and receiver optimization [239] [240] [241] [562] [563] [742] [810] [1150] [1481] 3.6.8. Filterbanks [1] [58] [141] [245] [423] [544] [818] [861] [905] [922] [1022] [1023] [1053] [1054] [1056] [1252] [1258]

[1262] [1285] [1339] [1345] [1360] [1371] [1372] [1504] 3.7. Algorithms [249] [498] [1236] 3.7.1. Gradient algorithm [736] [738] [740] [1411] 3.7.2. MUSIC [88] [170] [200] [202] [462] [581] [795] [835] [840] [944] [1182] [1184] [1194] 3.7.3. ESPRIT [462] [748] [795] [1489] 3.7.4. SCORE [21] [22] [23] [89] [785] [831] [832] [833] [1450] [1512] 3.7.5. CMAconstant modulus algorithm [90] [783] [784] [957] [977] [1337] [1360] [1524] [1531] [1555] 3.7.6. SVDsingular values decomposition [363] [498] [623] [699] [1466] 3.7.7. EVDeigenvalue decomposition [136] [795] [1303] [1447] [1462] [1469] [1513] [1515] 3.8. Cellular and microcellular systems [39] [138] [139] [191] [422] [483] [496] [605] [612] [613] [614] [622] [637] [638] [878] [881] [882] [936] [937] [938] [939] [954] [1039] [1070] [1077] [1319] [1341] [1356] [1381] 3.9. Military communications [262] [488] [616] [630] [631] [690] [713] [876] [1009] [1043] [1083] [1129] [1286] [1287] [1508]

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4. Antenna array processing [21] [23] [114] [168] [221] [272] [301] [362] [462] [500] [502] [504] [773] [782] [831] [919] [938] [1105] [1114] [1115] [1182] [1184] [1231] [1234] [1237] [1249] [1251] [1323] [1354] [1355] [1456] [1459] [1461] [1462] [1469] [1470] [1477] [1512] [1555] 4.1. Adaptive arrays [783] [784] [785] [1077] [1356] [1531] 4.2. MIMO systems [41] [68] [69] [72] [117] [146] [147] [148] [232] [234] [247] [360] [361] [368] [387] [540] [543] [587] [719] [996] [1024] [1026] [1150] [1285] [1432] [1457] 4.3. Beamforming [90] [91] [214] [219] [364] [1105] [1386] [1449] [1460] [1489] [1555] 4.3.1. Cyclic beamforming algorithms [21] [23] [212] [213] [363] [577] [637] [638] [699] [831] [839] [937] [939] [1191] [1302] [1388] [1451] [1452] [1453] [1511] 4.3.2. Adaptive beamforming algorithms [187] [188] [189] [190] [201] [212] [213] [617] [701] [830] [831] [832] [839] [881] [882] [937] [939] [978] [1063] [1191] [1249] [1250] [1302] [1388] [1450] [1451] [1452] [1453] [1511] [1512] [1513] [1514] 4.4. DOAdirection of arrival [2] [88] [170] [201] [203] [204] [206] [222] [236] [406] [462] [464] [473] [498] [502] [504] [508] [531] [577] [578] [581] [647] [648] [658] [659] [661] [708] [714] [717] [745] [746] [747] [748] [749] [750] [751] [753] [795] [787] [833] [835] [840] [855] [919] [1127] [1182] [1183] [1184] [1186] [1187] [1188] [1190] [1192] [1194] [1195] [1196] [1233] [1234] [1236] [1251] [1354] [1355] [1453] [1456] [1459] [1461] [1462] [1463] [1464] [1465] [1466] [1467] [1468] [1469] [1471] [1475] [1488] [1489] [1490] [1491] [1504] [1514] [1555]

4.5. TDOAtime difference of arrival [207] [420] [469] [473] [478] [482] [484] [487] [501] [660] [720] [815] [1270] [1289] [1290] [1291] [1317] [1472] [1530]

5. Mechanics [51] [53] [61] [65] [176] [177] [299] [178] [512] [606] [684] [803] [816] [843] [879] [902] [1013] [1099] [1101] [1180] [1241] [1505] 5.1. Mechanical vibrations [54] [124] [143] [144] [149] [277] [278] [300] [378] [743] [950] [1098] [1390] [1395] [1554] 5.1.1. Vibration analysis of internal combustion engines [57] [58] [60] [744] 5.2. Rotating mechanisms [60] [802] [856] [1078] [1106] [1107] [1108] [1109] [1110] [1241] [1243]

6. Oceanography and hydrology [43] [129] [152] [167] [290] [352] [354] [355] [357] [391] [526] [553] [554] [609] [676] [763] [764] [815] [824] [898] [902] [929] [984] [1018] [1085] [1123] [1167] [1239] [1248] [1304] [1312] [1382] [1383] [1433] [1522]

7. Climatology and meteorology [107] [303] [522] [791] [897] [898] [1018] [1199] [1288] [1522]

8. Economics [156] [429] [430] [523] [850] [1047]

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9. Astronomy and satellite communications [141] [153] [273] [679] [681] [769] [1112] [1426] [1427] [1454]

15.3. Power lines [340] [776] [1014] [1015] [1294] [1405] [1406] 15.4. Queueing

10. Magnetism and electromagnetism [971] [1499] [1500]

[15] [775] 15.5. Neural networks

11. Geography, seismology and environment [302] [1042] [1437]

[214] [362] [363] [617] [699] [931] [1128] 15.6. ATM networks [706] [707] [903] [1111]

12. Medicine, biology [342] [343] [344] [394] [413] [415] [656] [755] [801] [823] [893] [1158] [1163] [1223] [1253] [1268] [1376] [1378] [1440]

16. Electronics [33] [34] [62] [63] [118] [119] [120] [122] [123] [195] [321] [323] [325] [326] [339] [395] [706] [765] [837] [915] [930] [935] [972] [1028] [1030] [1080] [1130] [1140] [1155] [1170] [1292] [1307] [1479] [1529] [1553] 16.1. RF circuits [369] [603] [806] [838] [841] [858] [862] [955] [956] [1019] [1151] [1152] [1153] [1154] [1305] [1478] [1480] 16.2. Switched-capacitor networks [1030] [1379] [1380]

13. Optics [163] [193] [194] [237] [379] [380] [381] [382] [437] [441] [540] [629] [709] [741] [779] [809] [896] [1104] [1141] [1159] [1161] [1246] [1313] [1518] [1530]

14. Acoustics and speech [391] [566] [567] [690] [691] [692] [702] [780] [808] [1006] [1123] [1145] [1159] [1161] [1256] [1257] [1388] [1389] [1391] [1393] [1394] [1397] [1398] [1404] [1431]

15. Networks 15.1. Telecommunications and computer networks [591] [592] [825] [1104] [1264] 15.2. Subscriber lines [5] [6] [173] [339] [436] [649] [705] [761] [762] [774] [786] [982] [1072] [1073] [1074]

16.3. PLLphase locked loop [197] [199] [380] [440] [576] [595] [626] [813] [837] [960] [980] [981] 16.4. Integrated circuits and semiconductors [369] [572] [603] [709] [800] [812] [838] [841] [862] [956] [1245] [1247]

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16.5. Cyclostationary noise in mixers and oscillators


[121] [321] [323] [325] [326] [596] [603] [662] [836] [838] [1019] [1113] [1151] [1152] [1153] [1154] [1374] [1375]


17. Books on cyclostationarity


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Further reading
[13] S.S. Abeysekera, P.K.S. Ong, Performance evaluation of blind channel estimation using a frequency domain baseband communication model, Eleventh IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 68 August 2001, pp. 556558. [271] J. Cui, D.D. Falconer, A.U.H. Sheikh, A PHASE algorithm for blind adaptive optimum diversity combining, 45th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Chicago, IL, vol. 1, 2528 July 1995, pp. 414418. [309] D. Dehay, Estimation de parametres fonctionnels spectraux de certains processus non-necessairement stationnaires, Comtes Rendus de lAcademie des Sciences 314 (4) (1992) 313316 (in French). [561] J. Goette, C.-A. Gobet, Exact noise analysis of SC circuits and an approximate computer implementation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 36 (4) (April 1989) 508521.

[575] M. Gouda, E.R. Adams, P.C.J. Hill, Detection and discrimination of covert DS/SS signals using triple correlation, 15th National Radio Science Conference, NRSC 98, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt, vol. C35, 2426 February 1998, pp. 16. [590] S. Guss, Cyclo-stationary maximum cross-covariance analysis for exogenously forced environmental systems, Environmental and Ecological Statistics 7 (4) (December 2000) 385404. [767] M.F. Kahn, M.A. Mow, W.A. Gardner, T.E. Biedka, A recursive programmable canonical correlation analyzer, Second Workshop on Cyclostationary Signals, Monterey, CA, August 1994. [768] M.F. Kahn, W.A. Gardner, M.A. Mow, Programmable canonical correlation analyzers with recursion and feedback, 29th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacic Grove, CA, vol. 1, 30 October2 November 1995, pp. 351356. [794] K.-Y. Kim, Investigation of ENSO variability using cyclostationary EOFs of observational data, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 81 (3) (2002) 149168. [1032] V.A. Omelchenko, Y.P. Dragan, O.A. Kolesnikov, Recognition of Gaussian periodically correlated random signals. I, Radiotekhnika 85 (1988) 7579 (in Russian). [1033] V.A. Omelchenko, Y.P. Dragan, O.A. Kolesnikov, Recognition of Gaussian periodically correlated random signals. II, Radiotekhnika 91 (1989) 4249 (in Russian). [1057] A. Papoulis, Random modulation: a review, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 31 (1) (February 1983) 96105. [1308] C.W. Therrien, Issues in multirate statistical signal processing, 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacic Grove, CA, vol. 1, 47 November 2001, pp. 573576. [1476] R. Yan, R.X. Gao, Machine health diagnosis based on approximate entropy, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC04, Como, Italy, vol. 3, 1820 May 2004, pp. 20542059.

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