Assignment On Steve Jobs Leadership-Final

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Steve Jobs was an American businessman and inventor who co-founded Apple Inc. and served as its CEO. Through Apple, he pioneered the personal computer revolution and popularized user-friendly personal computers.

Steve Jobs possessed strong vision, passion for innovation, confidence in his ideas, the ability to inspire people, and a focus on tasks and organizational performance. However, he also lacked emotional intelligence and could be a demanding taskmaster.

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. He refocused the company, got personally involved in product development and marketing, and brought Apple back from the brink of failure to become one of the most valuable companies in the world.


Business Leadership

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Student Name: University of Derby Index Number: Learning Centre: Course: Term: Module Title: Module Leader: Assignment Submission Due Date: Status: OLYMPIA COLLEGE KUALA LUMPUR MBA 2 Business Leadership Ms Linda Lopez 24.06.2012 Active Md. Mamun Sirazul Mozid

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs, the man who saved a company that was literally a fiscal quarter away from bankruptcy and proceeded to grow it into the largest company in the world by market capital the company The Apple. Steve Jobs was an American businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. Good leadership is major, particularly in todays competitive global economy, and can make the difference between the success and the failure of the organization. As per the sentence Steve jobs is the concrete example of a lifetime natural successful leader, evidence is the Apples success. Apples market capitalization is over $300 Billion (Elmer-Dewitt, 2011) making it the second most valuable publicly traded company in the world, surpassing even giant (and rival) Microsoft. Steve Jobs was an American businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the cofounder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was different from many other corporate leaders in that he always knew what he wanted. When he returned to Apple after his decade-long banishment starting in the mid-80s, the company was on the margin of bankruptcy. He actually wrote some of the better lines of the famous Think Different manifesto ad that helped refocus the company and bring it back from the brink, and even got personally involved in the editing of the finished spot. He famously said, You cant ask customers what they want and then give it to them. By the time you get it built, theyll want something new. Creative leadership is about anticipating needs, and the confidence to rely on intuition to complement market and consumer understanding. Steve Jobs was capable in influencing his people for strong desire in work. He was a micro manager and possesses a high degree of passion for his mission, innovation, work and even the smallest of items. He was a task-oriented person who tended to focus more on his task and organization performance. He created for himself a reputation of a terror inspiring taskmaster who screams at workers and randomly fired those unlucky ones.

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 He possessed strong confidence of his capability and had strong belief in his way of controlling. Steve was assessed as he has lack of emotional intelligence and did not listen to peoples feelings, what he only listened is their idea. Their ideas must be challenging as Steve could force the people to stick up with the ideas. Though Steve Jobs had many critics - "He mistreated people.", He was ruthless in his business dealings., "He was vindictive. etc. but his life yields extremely valuable lessons, on the subject of leadership.

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Table of contents
1.0 Introduction.............................................................5 2.0 Types of Leadership Theory ..6 2.1 Great Man" Theories 6 2.2 Trait Theories.6 2.3 Contingency Theories ......6 2.4 Situational Theories ..6 2.5 Behavioral Theories..7 2.6 Participative Theories........................................................................................................................7 2.7 Relationship Theories7

3.0 Steve Jobs Leadership ..8 3.1 Brief history of Steve jobs ....8

4.0 Analysis of Steve jobs leadership quality as per leadership theory .9 4.1 Steve jobs is a Autocratic Leader 9 4.2 Steve jobs is a Innovative Leader 9-10 4.3 Steve jobs is a Charismatic Leader 10 4.4 Steve jobs is a Transformational Leader .11 4.5 Steve jobs is a Perfectionist Leader .........11 4.6 Steve jobs is a Visionary Leader ..11-12

5.0 Comparison of Steve jobs leadership from other corporate leaders.12 5.1 Bill Gates and participative leadership ..12-13 5.2 Datuk Tony Fernandez and Inspirational leadership 13-14-15 6.0 Conclusion .15 7.0 References .16-17-18

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 1.0 INTRODUCTION: Great leaders demonstrate that it is in fact okay to dream the impossible, to rebel against the mindsets of your times, as long as you are committed to relentlessly pursuing this dream. Leadership is an important part of the human condition and life. It has been an indispensable and necessary factor in defining civilization through the ages. To understand the past, one studies the leaders who have shaped history. The present is comprehended by looking backwards at great and small leaders, and by examining leaders of today who influence the lives of trillions. Interestingly enough, but quite logically, people look to todays leaders for what lies ahead. The vision of these contemporary leaders, it is believed, holds the keys to the future. Individuals look to these leaders and their visions of tomorrow in hope of better and more satisfying lives, not simply for themselves, but for their children and future generations to come. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. This definition is similar to Northouse's (2007, p3) definition Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Warren Bennis definite leadership is focused much more on the individual capability of the leader: "Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential. Some common ideas that include in leadership definitions; exerting influence, motivating and inspiring, helping others realize their potential, leading by example, selflessness and making a difference. It is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. While leadership is learned, the skills and knowledge are processed by the leader can be influenced by his or hers attributes or traits, beliefs, values, ethics, and character. Knowledge and skills contribute directly to the process of leadership, while the other attributes give the leader certain characteristics that make him or her unique.

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW, TYPES OF LEADERSHIP THEORIES: Interest in leadership increased during the early part of the twentieth century. Early leadership theories focused on what qualities distinguished between leaders and followers, while subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill levels. While many different leadership theories have emerged, most can be classified as one of eight major types

2.1 "Great Man" Theories: Great man theories assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent that great leaders are born not made. These theories often portray great leaders as heroic, mythic and destined to rise to leadership when needed. The term "Great Man" was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership.

2.2 Trait Theories: Trait theories assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. If leaders had particular traits of characteristic, such as intelligence or energy, that distinguished them from non-leaders and contributed to success.

2.3 Contingency Theories: The idea behind Contingency theories is that leader can analyze their situation and tailor their behavior to improve leadership effectiveness. leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers and aspects of the situation. 2.4 Situational Theories: Situational theories propose that leaders choose the best course of action based upon situational variables. Different styles of leadership may be more appropriate for certain types of decisionmaking.

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2.5 Behavioral Theories: Behavioral theories of leadership are based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. Rooted in behaviorism, this leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders not on mental qualities or internal states. One early research focused on what leaders actually do on the job, such as various management activities, roles, and responsibilities. Outcome of the studies were, try to determine how effective leaders differ in their behavior from ineffective ones. This theory also looked at how a leader behaved toward followers and how this correlated with leadership effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

2.6 Participative Theories: Participative leadership theories suggest that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others.

2.7 Relationship Theories: Since the late 1970s, many ideas of leadership have focused on the relational aspect, that is, how leaders and followers interact and influence one another. Rather than being seen as something a leader does to a follower, pants and enables each person to contribute to achieving the vision. Relationship theories, also known as transformational theories focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers. Transformational leaders motivate and inspire people by helping group members see the importance and higher good of the task. These leaders are focused on the performance of group members, but also want each person to fulfill his or her potential.

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 3.0 Steve Jobs Leadership: Steve Jobs is the Chairman and CEO of Apple Computers Inc. and arguably one of the worlds most successful businessmen today. He founded Apple in the 1970s, got chased out by his own board of directors, but returned eventually as Apples CEO. Since then, he has revolutionized the IT industry with his creations like the Mac Book, the iPod and the iPhone. Since his return, he has brought Apple Computers Inc. from a fledgling company to a global force to be reckoned with. The 10 Lessons of Steve Jobs are excerpts from Walter Isaacsons, The Real Lessons of Steve Jobs Simplify, those are Control the Experience, Innovate, Ignore Reality, Have Confidence, Rethink Designs, Team with Winners, Collaborate, Vision, and Rebel. 3.1 brief history of Steve jobs: Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in February 24, 1955. He was an adopted son of the Jobs couple from California. Jobs attended Homestead High School in California and often went to the after school lectures by Hewlett-Packard Company. It was there that he met his eventual partner, Steve Wozniak. Jobs would have his early beginnings working at Atari as a technician building circuit boards. In 1976, he would start the company Apple Inc. with Steve with funding from a millionaire investor. In 1984, he developed the Macintosh, which was the first small computer with a graphic interface in its time. It had promise to revolutionize the whole PC industry. However, bad business decision and internal conflict with his CEO would eventually cause Jobs to leave his own company. He went on to start two other companies; NeXT and Pixar. Pixar would be acquired by the Disney Company and NeXT would be acquired by his own Apple Computers Inc. With the acquisition, he returned to Apple Computers Inc. in 1996 as interim CEO. From that time on, the rise of Apple Computers began again as the iMac would be developed. Under his leadership, Apple Computers Inc. became a force to be reckoned with. In 2009, Jobs would have a personal net worth of $5.1 billion. However due to the need for a liver transplant, Jobs took a break from his work since January 2009.
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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 4.0 Analysis of Steve jobs leadership quality as per leadership theory: Steve jobs is one of those persons that commits a life time and soul towards creating something for the world, like devinci, einstein, plato, edison, etc.... these types of people did not create

with the intent of creating personal profits and wealth. Maybe it is a genetic thing. Steve Jobs can truly be counted among the few business leaders who have played an iatrical part in shaping the perception of the 21st century business leader. He also left quite a mark in the technology industry. In order to understand the leadership style of Steve Jobs and the core ideas and steps which led his Apple Company to this success through the period while he has been and stays its CEO, it will be appropriate to start the discussion with some of his attributes.

4.1 Steve jobs is a Autocratic Leader:

Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where a leader exerts high levels of power over his or her employees or team members. People within the team are given few opportunities for making suggestions, even if these would be in the team's or organizations interest. According to McGregors Theory X and Theory Y Managers (McGregor, 1960) theory X assumptions would prefer an autocratic style. However, human being has an inherent dislike of work try to avoid it that is why as a leader always try to keep power to him. Steve Jobs has taken all sensitive decision personally doesnt depend on others. David (2010), said that Steve Jobs is supposed as autocratic leader since many individuals report to him directly agent for his will enthusiasm to hold all the strings in his hands. 4.2 Steve jobs is a Innovative Leader: In order to understand the leadership style of Steve Jobs, it will be appropriated to mention one of Job's quotations, which may shed the light on his leadership characteristics 'Innovation distinguishes between the leader and the follower' (Deutschman, 2001) This quotation is the key to the leadership style of Steve Jobs.

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 Steve Jobs has proved that being a leader is a complex of various aspects and visions. The fact that he founded is Apple computer in 1976 and by the year 2005 the company already had around 15,000 employers is the evidence of the successful leadership features which Jobs was able to use in his career making both him and his company successful. 4.3 Steve jobs is a Charismatic Leader: A charismatic leadership style can appear similar to a transformational leadership style, in that the leader injects huge doses of enthusiasm into his or her team, and is very energetic in driving others forward. Steve Jobs is a strong charismatic leader. As a charismatic leader, he is exceedingly inspirational, likes using stories to motivate, and his passion for perfection is inspiring (Roche, 2007). Young, (2005) proposed that when relying on behaviours that emphasize the directive style, Steve does not hold back his thoughts about the direction of a project or someones ideas on how to resolve a problem.

Charismatic leaders are seen to have a powerful vision, a great deal of self-confidence, a strong conviction that they are right, and an assertive, even dominant, personality. This makes them highly effective in crisis Situations or periods of significant change. But it can also make them potentially dangerous especially if they choose the wrong vision. ( Kippenberger, 2002) Steves charismatic personality has pulled Apple through crises, periods of change, and even compelled employees to work 90-hour weeks (joyfully) in order to meet seemingly impossible deadlines. His charisma, conviction, and dominating influence also caused him to be fired from Apple when he adamantly refused to change the course he believed Apple needed to go. Young (2005) states, He had a salesmans enthusiasm for the product, an evangelists bible-thumping passion, a zealots singularity of purpose, and a poor kids determination to make his business a success. In that stew of characteristics laid [sic] both the seeds that would make Apple a success and the poison that would turn so many people into Steve Jobs enemies.

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 4.4 Steve jobs is a Transformational Leader: Transformation leadership involves inspiring achievement is more widespread, and the insight to realize the vision that bring into line stooge around, take care of creative ideas and sensitive to the needs of others (Bass & Avolio, 1993; Bennett, 2009). A transformational leader is charismatic and intuitive. Its been proven that transformational leadership results in increases in productivity as well as employee satisfaction and employees prefer to work for leaders with this style (Bennett, 2009). Its in line with MacGregors Theory Y and Ouchis Theory Z leadership style (Aucoin, 2007, p89). Jobs seemed to micromanagement at Apple. Jobs admitted that there will be an incredible amount of up to 100 individuals reporting directly to him. As mentioned above, he was perceived as autocratic. The fact that so many individuals reported to him directly was representative for his will and eagerness to hold all the strings in his hands. Total control was certainly the basis for this leadership. Durbin defines a transformational leader as one who brings about major, positive change for the group, organization or society and Jobs has transformed several companies over the years. He has transformed Pixar into a success story. 4.5 Steve jobs is a Perfectionist Leader: Jobs perfectionism is seen through his vision of the company being not only a competitor, but the company which brings killing innovations into people's homes: he supposes that killing products bring killing profits. (Benezra & Gilbert, 2002). 'You'd show Jobs something and he might look at one part and say that just sucks but he never said 'make that button bigger'. (Young, 2005) This is the expression of Jobs's striving for perfectionism and his ability to carry his ideas to his team who has to make them real.

4.6 Steve jobs is a Visionary Leader: Steve Jobs was a visionary and creative genius. His brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. He had successfully set a vision, strategy and guided both Apple and Pixar on the right direction of making the absolute best products with a focus on quality and perfection, which enabled these companies to
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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 differentiate and proved that they are the best in business. President Barack Obama define his leadership qualities in such a way Steve was among the greatest of American innovators brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it, 5.0 COMPARISON OF STEVE JOBSS LEADERSHIP FROM CORPORATE LEADERS: Steve Jobs was indisputably a titan of the digital era. But how does Steve Jobs stack up against the greatest leaders in history? We wont really know for years, of course, since nobodys sure where technology will lead or what his company, Apple, may still achieve. But Steve Jobs was clearly a visionary who changed much about the way people use technology. His death from pancreatic cancer at just 56 feels like a national loss. And hes one of the few people in any field who can credibly be compared with worlds greatest innovators and compared his leadership with worlds well-known leaders. Though Steve Jobs professional field is not similar to all of them, let compare his leadership with few of worlds great leaders who are widely known for their superior contribution to their individual fields. 5.1 BILL GATES AND PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP: William Henry "Bill" Gates III, an American business magnate, computer programmer and philanthropist. Gates is the former chief executive officer (CEO) and current chairman of Microsoft, the software company he co-founded with Paul Allen, one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution and became one of the richest men in the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the most powerful people who suggest new definition of present and future for the people in the world. However, there are many differences between two in terms of their leadership style or speech style. Bill Gates leadership is participative style because he involves his subordinate in decision making. He is a flexible person and he recognized his role was to be visionary of the company.
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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 When ever needed he bring professional manager for managing and well structure of the organization. Gates is a strong and stimulating person his enthusiasm, hard working nature, judgment skills reflect his personality. His motivating power and involving his friends to working with him became the success of Microsoft. On the other hand, Steve Jobs leadership is autocratic style, because he centralizes the authority, It is hardly known he had given a chance to subordinate to involving decision making. There was a criticism that Steve cocky attitude and lack of management skills made him a threat to apple's success and he was overconfident and did not see gates and Microsoft as a serious threat to apple. A group can be profitable if each individual in the group thinks about his benefits and the benefits of the group Bill Gates talks about Creative Capitalism he is simply trying to urge rich companies to think about the global scenario and how they can help the world. Bill Gates enthusiasm, vision, and hard work were the driving force behind the company. Gates has shown that he is the master of adapting market conditions and technologies. Compare to Bill Gates, Steve Jobs had to go through some obstacles and difficulties in his life but those are the bases that made him stronger and more powerful than ever. Job's goal was to change the world with his computers. Bill Gates focuses on how a company can benefit not only rich people but also those who cannot afford to buy services from these companies.

5.2 DATUK TONY FERNANDEZ AND INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIP: Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes CBE, known as Tony Fernandes is a Malaysian entrepreneur and the founder of Tune Air Sdn. Bhd., who introduced the first budget no-frills airline, AirAsia, to Malaysians with the tagline "Now everyone can fly". He has since founded the Tune Group of companies. Tony Fernandes is an iconic entrepreneur and a perfect example of Inspirational Leader. First of all, his skills and personal qualities are those of a good leader. He is entirely committed to his

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MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINIISTRATION 2012 business and is very accessible to the media. In many ways, he has given people inspirational leadership and continues to do so.

Is there any difference between Tan Sri Tony Fernandes and Steve Jobs? Tony Fernandes has also had a good vision of the future because he is very realistic and he exploits the markets opportunities well. He is the first on the market segment of low-costs, nofrills and entered the market at the most profitable moment: nobody on the market segment in Asia and attractiveness for customers. So Tony Fernandes is courageous in this unfavorable context. These strengths are crucial to be a leader. What Jobs did was to use a tyrannical leadership style fire and force at will to ensure that his employees delivered products that consumers lusted after, in an ever-evolving digital world. Steve never thought about and searched for any market opportunity. He planned and just did implement his decision whatever it is suitable or not. He never believed on market research or market study.

Tony Fernandes is not an ordinary CEO. He is a leader, a manager and one of the team also. So his office is smack at the heart of the company, with no walls and no doors. Everyone sees him and he sees everyone. He is Tony to everyone and he is in his polo shirt and with his famous baseball cap. Studying about Steve Jobs management style is like studying about exactly how one is not supposed to manage people. He openly and viciously criticized the work of employees. Autocratic leadership is done unhindered through the use of more and more ruthless technologies. Whether he likes it or not, phone calls are thrown at him by the automatic software, his restroom breaks are timed, his precise location during office hours is tracked through GPS, and more.

Tony Fernandes mission of serving the underserved and is open and willing to empower his employee for the betterment of the company. He believes to provide opportunities for talent to flourish, for meritocracy to reign and for people to realize their dreams.
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The American author Andrew Keen wrote in his best-seller titled, The Cult of the Amateur, Theres not an ounce of democracy at Apple. Thats what makes it a paragon of such traditional corporate values as top-down leadership, sharply hierarchical organization and centralized control Its Steves company pursuing his vision, at his pace, with his team, making his products.

6.0 CONCLUSION: Steve Jobs was an unconventional leader. His leadership style wasn't the stuff of university textbooks - he wasn't known for his consultative or consensus building approach. He was a "high-maintenance co-worker" who demanded excellence from his staff and was known for his blunt delivery of criticism. Jobs exerted his control over every aspect of the business in the quest for perfection. Steve Jobs control even extended as far as the design of the company bus and the food served at the cafeteria too. Employees were recruited into the company as specialists and put into roles that made the most of their specific strengths and abilities. I think the difference in leadership between Steve Jobs and other business or social leaders is his spirituality, whatever little there was. It is never covered in conventional leadership, MBA courses or anything of the sort.

Steve jobs is a classic example of where a singular purpose and dedication to an ideal have paid dividends. Too often consensus and group decisions strip away the creativity, imagination and driving purpose that is needed to create greatness and innovation. The world mourns the passing of Steve Jobs and wonder what he could have done if he would still be around for another few decades.

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