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Basic Comands in UNIX

The document provides a list of basic commands in Unix systems including commands for system configuration (ls, lsconf), processes (ps, kill), file management (cp, mv, rm), directories (mkdir, rmdir), file searching (find, grep), printing (lpq, lpr), networking (mount, umount), aliases (alias), and more. It also includes some commands specific to AIX systems such as lslicense, oslevel, and mksysb.

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Basic Comands in UNIX

The document provides a list of basic commands in Unix systems including commands for system configuration (ls, lsconf), processes (ps, kill), file management (cp, mv, rm), directories (mkdir, rmdir), file searching (find, grep), printing (lpq, lpr), networking (mount, umount), aliases (alias), and more. It also includes some commands specific to AIX systems such as lslicense, oslevel, and mksysb.

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System Configuration Commands ls = list -a lists all entries in the directory (also hidden ones) -c uses the time of last of modification -l displays the mode, number of links, owner, group, size... -r lists all subdirectories recursively -s gives space used in a 1024-Byte Unit -d lists just the directories -t shows you the latest in time -i lists current file-number (f. ex. by this you can look for hardlinks) -R lists all subdirectories recursively lsconf = lists the machine configuration ls -la |more > <FILE> = reads the data into a file and save AIX: lslpp -L = displays the latest information about installed filesets or fileset updates lslpp -h <DRIVER*> = shows driver information AIX: instfix -i = displays whether fixes or keywords are installed instfix -i |grep ML = shows current Maintenance Level instfix -ik <APAR> = searches for the current package emgr -p -e xxx.epkg.Z = preview or emgr -e xxx.epkg.Z = installs interim fix emgr -l = lists all ifixes in system with status ps = current process status (shows your own running processes) -e prints information to standard output about all processes -f generates a full listing -a processes started on a terminal server -k shows all active kernel processes aux processes of CPU Units ps -ef |grep <STRING> = shows you the process of string ps -ef |grep ttyd = checks the processes running on the modem f. ex. ps -ef |grep olli |more > olli.proc = all listing processes of olli will stored in the file olli.proc du -sk; ps -ef; ps -ef |grep ttyd = executes one command to another rm = remove AIX: del -r deletes all files in directories and subdirectories -i asks you for the deleting-action rm -r xyz = also deletes files with unknown characters in it rmnfsexp -d /test = deletes the exported test-directory cd = changes to your home directory mkdir = make directory (for generating a new directory) -p creates a new directory-path (f. ex. mkdir -p /test1/test2/test3 ) rmdir = remove directory (for deleting the chosen directory) mkfifo -m 777 = make first-in, first-out (creates a pipe with all permissions for all) mkcd -L -d /dev/cd1 -e -M /dvdback -C /dvdstruc -I /dvdfin = creates a mksysb to DVD-RAM with device cd1 and excludes files in /etc/exclude.rootvg AIX: lslicense = lists all fixed licenses and shows the floating license status chlicense -u 8 -f off = sets the fixed licenses to 8 and floating licenses to status off

> core = makes a file named core

AIX: touch core

mv = move (for moving or renaming files or directories) pwd = print working directory (to show you the active directory) tail -1 <FILE> = shows you the last sentence of a file -f = youll see the latest actually online changes in this file cp = copy -r -p copies files or directories copies the directory-tree does not change any permission

cp /usr/test1 /tmp/test1; mv /tmp/test1 /var/test1 = the ; concatenates one command to another rdist -c /usr/local/bin/file <TARGETHOST> = copies/synchronize file to equal path on remote machine time compress * = compresses all files in the actually directory (time shows duration of process) uncompress ./nelle = uncompress the file nelle ln -s <SOURCE> <TARGET> = to make a softlink from one file to another (Symbolic Link) ln <SOURCE> <TARGET> = hardlink pointer to file ID (just within the same filesystem) vmstat = virtual memory statistics -s = displays number of paging events since system start -i = interrupts by device since system start -t = (time) time-stamp included -I = displays an I/O oriented view -v |grep <FS> = I/O blocked 1 refresh-time in seconds 10 number of threads waiting interruptibly (f. ex. vmstat 3 10 = every third second for ten times) swapon = specifies file for paging and swapping -s displays the total amount of allocated swap space -a activates a new swap-partition AIX: chps -s <BLOCKS> hd6 = changes a paging space on hd6 mkps = makes a rmps = removes a lsps -a = shows active paging space lsps -s = allocated and reserved paging space

|grep onelle searches a file for patterns, f. ex. onelle |grep -v onelle displays all lines not matching the specified pattern |grep -E <STRING1>|<STRING2> will specify each pattern as an extended regular expression (ERE) AIX: fgrep xyz *.sh = searches for the string xyz in all files ends with .sh in the current directory fgrep -l xyz *.csh = searches for all files in the current directory ends with .csh and displays all those contains xyz |more or |pg displays each site (paging) strings <FILE> reads printable strings with 4 or more printable characters lpc... = line printer control program ... stat displays the status of daemons and queues on the local machine lpq -l = displays information about a Print-Job of each printer lpr -<PRINTER> <FILE> = prints current file AIX: enq <FILE> AIX: enq -A

lprm -<PRINTER> <JOB> <USER> = deletes data out of the queue AIX: startsrc -s lpd = starts the Printer Daemon; stopsrc -s lpd = stops the Printer Daemon startsrc -s <SUBSYSTEM> starts a subsystem lssrc -a = to get the status of subsystems/-groups and the subserver shutdown +<TIME/MIN> -r now = to shutdown the machine and make a reboot (interrupt in power-connect) init 6 = the same like shutdown -r now (down to Runlevel 0) shutdown -v = system halted shutdown -F = quick shutdown (users should be log off) For starting applications automatically the configuration files are: /etc/rc.net ; /etc/inttab who -r = shows the latest started Runlevel and that before id = displays the system identifications of a specified user (real ID) kill -9 <PROCESSID> = to kill a running process kill -kill <PROCESSID> <PROCESSID> <PROCESSID> = kills several Process IDs (Signal 9) find = searches for a file-name in a path f. ex. find /baan4/bse IBM -print = searches and lists the file IBM find ./ -name inf1 -print = searches for the filename inf1 in the actual directory find ./ -name *inf1 -print = searches for contents with string inf1 in the actual directory find / -size +250c -print = shows you a list of files in root, which are bigger than 250 Bytes find / -xdev -user <USER> = lists all files in root for the current user without those in extended filesystems find . -group <GID> = finds all files by groupid ; find . -user <UID> = finds all files by userid find . -name * |cpio -pdmuv /tmp = copies files (without linkcontents) 1:1 from current directory to /tmp !! = recalls the last command sort = sorts files (tables!) F. ex. sort +0 -1 <FILE> = the first table-field always is 0 and is sorted (+) ; the second table-field (1) isnt so (-) man = manual menu for help /pattern = searches for pattern from up to down, f. ex. in a textfile ?pattern = searches for pattern from down to up sh -users.txt = starts the shell-script users date or date +%d. %m. %Y. %H %M = shows current date and time date -n <mmddHHMMYYYY> = sets the date on this machine to a new one AIX: export DISPLAY=<HOSTNAME>:0.0 = displays graphical sessions to your current host /usr/sbin/mknfsexp -d <DIRECTORY> -t rw -B = exports a directory for another host with read/write /usr/sbin/chnfsexp -d <DIRECTORY> -t r -B = changes the export-parameters for a directory to just read /usr/sbin/mount -t nfs baancluster:/dump /dump = mounting of file system dump from a member in a cluster (-t = special file system type) AIX: mount -n saphir_d /usr/sap/trans /usr/sap/trans = mounting of file system /usr/sap/trans from a remote host saphir_d

mount -t -r cdfs -o noversion /dev/disk/cdrom0c /mnt = mounting the CDROM-drive (-r = special file system; -o = specifies a list of comma-separated arguments) mount -v cifs -n <HOSTNAME>/<USER>/<PASSWORD> -o wrkgrp=<WORKGROUP>,uid=3222, fmode=755 /<DIRECTORY> /<DIRECTORY2> = mounts via cifs directory to directory2 umount /dump = unmount the dump file system umount -a = unmounts all file systems which arent busy The configuration files are: /etc/filesystems mklv -t jfslog -y loglv00 newvg <VG> = creates a JFS logging device on a newly created VG logform /dev/loglv00 = formats the VG logfile env = environment-settings of the system The configuration files are: /.profile ; /etc/environment AIX: locale -a = lists the locales for computer programmes hostname = shows current hostname wc & <FILE> (Word Count) = listing of lines, words and Bytes of a file (& = executing in the background) csplit <FILE> = splits a file for different arguments in at least two segments clear = clears current window cat <FILE> = same like more cat <FILE1> <FILE2> = adds content file2 to file1 cat $<FILE1> + $<FILE2> = displays the addition of file1 to file2 (Arithmetic Operation) file /usr/local/bin/*.EXE = program-information of an executable sum <FILE1> = calculates checksum of file1 istat <FILE2> = shows all attributes of file2 cal <YEAR> = shows the calendar of the current year which = to find an executable file in a path nice <NUMBER> <COMMAND> = set a defined user-process ID (priority) f. ex. nice --20 /usr/local/bin/master_AIX_error_daemon renice <NUMBER> <PROCESSNUMBER> = change a user-process ID on a running process alias dir=ls -l = sets the alias dir to the command ls -l unalias dir = to set it back again set <VARIABLE> = set a variable to the environment unset <VARIABLE> = to set it back again lpr -print <FILE1> <FILE2> sdiff <FILE1> <FILE2> = compares between the current files csplit <STRING> = cuts the current string of the rest nohup (no hangup) = for going on in executing after closing a X-Session AIX: oslevel (Operating-System-Level) = shows the current OS oslevel -qs = lists Maintenance Levels (s=Service Packs) oslevel -g = lists all filesets

oslevel -rl 4330- 07 = lists installed filesets of AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 7 AIX: prtconf = Port Configurations lsmcode -A = firmware release of all adapters rootdump /dev/rmt0 = backs up the system on tape AIX: mksysb -i /dev/rmt0 (included the image.data.file in /var/adm/ras) mksysb -v (verbose) = lists files as they backed up mksysb -V = verifies a tape backup, verify the file header of each file on the backup and reports read errors AIX: listvgbackup |\ awk 'BEGIN{size=0} {size += $1; printf "%12d\t%s\n",$1,$2} END {printf "total size = %d",size}' = lists all contents of your system backup tape with its sizes also the total size AIX: /find /tmp -print |backup -vqf /dev/rmt0.1 = backups the /tmp directory and add on tape-device rmt0

AIX: /restore -xvf /dev/rmt0 /dsmsched.log = restores the file dsmsched.log to the RootDirectory /restore -xdvf /dev/rmt0.1 /etc/var = restores all files and subdirectories in this folder (without rewind) tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind = (tape control) rewinds the rmt0 tape device tctl fsf2 = moves forward two file marks on the default tape device AIX: crfs -v jfs -g<VG> -a size=<512- BYTE BLOCKS> -m<MOUNTPOINT> = creates a new LV in a VG AIX: chfs -a SIZE=[+][- ]<512- BYTE BLOCKS> <FS> = increases [shrinks] a filesystem AIX: history = displays the last command-numbers r <COMMAND- NUMBER> = execute current command AIX: inutoc . = sets current directory to an installation directory searching f. ex. filesets or APARs AIX: tar -c <FILE1> <FILE2> = archives file1 and file2 on the default tape tar -cvf - <FILE1> | dd of=/dev/rmt1 conv=sync = c creates tar archive on the rmt1 device ; v information about the tape entries, file sizes and the last modification tar -xvf <FILE1> /tmp = extracts file1 to the /tmp directory tar -tvf = just lists files which will extract AIX: lppchk lppchk lppchk lppchk lppchk = verifies the database information of a Software Product in links, sizes or values -c = verifies that the file sizes based on FileList checksum are consistent with the SWVPD database -l = for symbolic links of all software products ; -c = for checksum -v = verify all filesets have all required requisites and are completely installed -vm3 = (1|2|3) Levels of information: 1=Error messages only (default); 2=Error messages and warnings; 3=Error messages, warnings and informational messages

AIX: format -d /dev/rfd0 = formats a diskette in the /dev/rfd0 device format -d /dev/fd0.18 = formats a 3,5-inch diskette (1,44MB) bc = interpreter for arithmetic language quit = leaves interpreter-modus AIX: smitty = ASCI mode ; smit = graphic mode

AIX: dos2unix <file1> > <file2> = converts character of WIN/DOS Files to UNIX AIX : expr 8 \*128 = expression reads parameter, evaluates it and writes to the standard output AIX : set -o vi = settings for editor (ESC + K -> last input) AIX : odmget Cu = gets info from the ODM odmdelete -o Cu = deletes info from the ODM (/etc/objrepos or $ODMDIR) Hardware Configuration Commands df = free disk space -e displays information about mounted file-systems -k causes the numbers to be reported in Kilobytes -m reported in Megabytes (AIX 5L) -g reported in Gigabytes (AIX 5L) du = disk usage -s displays only the grand total for each of specified directories -k displays block count in Kilobytes -sk * displays usage for every file in the directory AIX: rmdev -dl <LOGICAL DISK> = removes a defined disk from your system rmdev -l <LOGICAL DISK> = deletes temporary disk (not out of the ODM) rmdev -dRl <ent0> = unconfigures the device and its children mkdev -l <LOGICAL DISK> = creates the disk again lspath -HF name parent connection path_status path_id = lists current information of all paths chpath -l <HDISK> -p <FSCSIx> -s disable or enable = changes path-status rmpath -l <HDISK> -p <FSCSIx> -w <CONNECTION INFORMATION> -d = deletes a path disklabel -r dsk20 = shows you the partitions on a set, f. ex. on set dsk20 AIX: lspv hdisk20 dd if=/dev/rre2c of=/dev/null bs=16k = for reading data from harddisk partition rre2c dd if=/dev/zero of=/rre2c/10g bs=1m count=10000 = writes a 10000 1m blocks file named 10g to rre2c time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rre2c bs=128k count=10000 = writes a 10000 128k blocks to the rre2c device Nur TRU64 : hwmgr -view devices -category tape = Hardware Manager for the Tape-Devices (Device Name, Mfg, Model, Location) AIX: lspv = lists all defined disks chdev -l hdisk20 -a pv=yes = gets current PV-ID for hdisk20 chdev -l fscsi0 -a <PARAMETER>=<NEW VALUE> -p = changes adapter parameter for SCSI Adapter 0 - active after reboot lslv <LOGICAL DISK> = lists logical volume collection map (USED, FREE, COUNT 1-10 (PP)) AIX: lscfg (list Config) = displays specific data on all systems AIX: lscfg -vl <LOGICAL DISK> = lists a logical disk with its contents AIX: lscfg -vp = shows the platform-specific device information AIX: od -c = reads a disk in byte steps AIX: lsattr -El <DEVICE> = displays attribute characteristics for devices lsattr -Rl ent2 -a media_speed = lists all possible speed parameter settings of LAN Adapter ent2 AIX: lsdev -Cc adapter = lists all system adapters on board lsdev -Cc disk = lists all disks with its status AIX: rmdev -dl <LOGICAL DISK> = deletes a logical disk AIX: ssa_format -l <SSA ADAPTER> -b = sets the battery statistic of a SSA Adapter to 0

AIX: fget_config -Avl dar (DS4400) or sanlun lun show all (NSeries) = shows all hdisks on storagesite AIX: cfgmgr = Configuration Manager -p = lists the current paths -c = command to create an Initiator Group cfgmgr -v = (verbose) the Cfgmgr writes information about it is doing to standard output cfgmgr -l <DEVICE> = removes the current device from system AIX: AIX: AIX: AIX : bootlist -m <NAME> -o = shows the current boot-sequences bootlist -m normal fd0 cd0 rmt0 hdisk0 hdisk1 = makes the boot-sequence in this way bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0 = for rewriting the boot-sector on the hdisk0 device bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice = the same like with hdisk0 if corrupt than delete old and create a new one with ln rhdisk0 ipldevice AIX: chpv -c <LOGICAL DISK> = clears the boot record of the logical volume AIX: bootinfo -K = shows current boot-mode (Bit Mode) / bootinfo -k = gets current Runlevel bootinfo -y = gets Bit Information from the Platform / bootinfo r = for RAM bootinfo -b = shows current bootdisk AIX: fsck <FILESYSTEM> = verify a file-system (unmounted) fsck -y <FILESYSTEM> = if a Superblock is available it will repairs your JFS (unmounted) AIX: defragfs -q <FILESYSTEM> = reports the fragment-status of the file-system -r <FILESYSTEM> = runs a report for the action only <FILESYSTEM> = defrags a file-system AIX: migratepv <hdisk1> <hdisk2> = copies disk1 to disk2 AIX: disable tty0 = to disable the tty0 interface enable lp0 = enables line-printer lp0

User Configuration Commands AIX: umask <VALUE> = setting the user parameters for permissions chmod u -w+r <FILE> = change module for user (change rights: write no; read yes) / g = group; u = user ; o = other ; a = all ; s = search permissions for directories for specified group/users chown root:bsp <FILE> = change owner (change owner to root and group of directory to bsp) -R = changes for all subdirectories, too passwd <USER> = changes the password of user etc/passwd adduser /addgroup = add a home directory for a user or create a new group AIX: mkuser/mkgroup removeuser = delete its home directory AIX: rmuser su - <USERNAME> = (substitute user) changes your login to current user with its profile and exit = changes to root again AIX: su <ROOT> -c <COMMAND> = execute this command as user root (please notice permissions!) chroot /usr/local/bin = changes the root path to /usr/local/bin who = shows you the users logged in the system /var/adm/wtmp finger = further information about who last = lists that users logged on for the last time whoami o. who am i = shows the user youre logged in the system $home = your current Home directory groups = the groups the users in AIX: chuser <ATTRIBUTE>=<VALUE> <USER> = changes the user authorizations AIX: mirrorvg -S <VG> = mirrors a VG in the background unmirrorvg <VG> = unmirrors a VG mirscann -q0 -v <VG> = controls and shows all mirrored partitions AIX: fuser /dev/LV = shows you all process IDs running on current LV

Network Configuration Commands and Communication mail = to look at the mails JUST coming from the crontab or other System-Users echo Hello |sendmail -v webmaster@souls.de = sends a Hello to me Sendmails a program which sends out internal and external mails The configuration files are: /etc/netsvc.conf <host=local> /etc/mail/sendmail.cf Dw<LOCAL HOST> ; DS<MAILSERVER> sendmail -F = Full Name sets the name of the sender provided in the Full Name Variable -t = sends the mail to any users specified on the command line refresh -s sendmail = refreshes the configuration to the Sendmail Daemon mail -c user2@host2 user1@host1 = sends a copy from mail to user2 mail -s test for mail user1@host1 = sends mail with subject test for mail to user1 F. ex. mail -c user@provider.de <<EOF >text >EOF uuencode /tmp/test.txt test.txt |mail -s test olli.nelle@gmx.de = sends attached text.txt to recipient nslookup -query=hinfo -timeout=10 = changes the default query type to host information (HINFO) and the initial time-out to 10 seconds nslookup opus = performs a noninteractive query on host opus host opus = displays IP-Address ; host <IP> = displays host name nslookup -querytype=ANY example.ibm.com = the nslookup command returns all available information about the domain example.ibm.com The configuration files are: /etc/hosts (static) ; /etc/resolv.conf (Nameserver) ; /etc/netsvc.conf <host=local,bin> AIX: echo Hello\n = displays a new-line character; echo Hello\c = suppresses a new-line character talk <USER> = starts a correspondence with the chosen user wall <MESSAGE> = sends a message to all users logged in the system write -n <HOST> <USER> = sends a message to a specified user write -h <USER@HOST> = (h=handle) cu = connects you to a remote system rlogin <HOSTNAME> = connects you to another machine

slogin <HOSTNAME> = connects you via a SSH Protocol to another host rsh <HOST> (Remote Shell) = the same like rlogin netstat -r = shows you the active sockets of all network interfaces and its routing tables Current Flags: U = up ; G = Gateway ; D = dynamically created ; M = modified by redirect ; L = Link-Level address is present in route entry ; c = Access to this route creates a cloned route ; W = is a cloned route ; H = the route is to a host rather than to a network ; S = manually added ; b = the route represents a broadcast address (->AIX 5L) route delete <DESTINATION> <GATEWAY> = deletes the route route add <DESTINATION> <GATEWAY> = adds a route netstat -p <PROTOCOL> = action of an used protocol -v = shows statistics for communication adapters (MAC Address) -m = shows statistics recorded by the memory management routines -sr = displays routing statistics -I en0 = shows information of network adapter en0 arp -d <IP> = deletes the ARP-cache of the current IP-Address ifconfig fi0/en0 = displays network interface en0 communication/parameters for a network using TCP/IP -u = just displays interfaces with status up -d = down en0 down = sets interface en0 to down en1 up = sets interface en1 to up en1 detach = removes the interface from the network interface list -a = for all entstat -d ent0 = shows the current status for the ent0 interface fcstat fcs1 = shows the current status for the fcs1 interface lssrc -s routed = Routing-Status no -a = Network Environments (no -a |pg pmtu ) no -o thewall = current dynamic memory used by TCP/IP (KB) no -d thewall = sets the TCP/IP memory to default (1048552 / Max = 1GB) no -o tcp_mssdflt = displays default PMTU = 1448 rcp -r <REMOTEHOST >:<SOURCE> <DESTINATION> = remote-copy from one to another system scp -rp <REMOTEHOST>:<SOURCE> . = Remote to Local Connection via SSH Protocol scp <FILE> <REMOTEHOST>:<DESTINATION> = Local to Remote Connection via SSH Protocol nfsstat = information of NFS Filesystems exportfs /x/yz = exports the xyz filesystem (/etc/exports) exportfs -a = refreshes the export list (f. ex. is needed for CD/DVD-NFS Mount) mount = show all mounted fielsystems (nfs=nfs2 ; nfs3=nfs3) showmount -e <HOST> = shows all exported NFS Mounts of a machine (/etc/xtab) mount -o proto=tcp (o. udp) vers=3 <HOST>:/opt /mnt = mounts an exported FS /opt to /mnt NFS Version 3

Logical Volume Administration Commands AIX: varyoffvg <VG> = deactivates the volume group and also its associated Logical Volumes exportvg <VG> = exports the Volume Group from system importvg -y <VG> <LOGICAL DISK> = imports the Volume Group back to the system varyonvg <VG> = activates the volume group with its LV by the Volume Group parameters lsvg = lists all Volume Groups lsvg -l <VG> = lists all Logical Volumes for a VG lsvg -o = lists all active VG (online) lsvg -p = lists physical volumes for a VG syncvg -v <VG> = synchronizes the VG chvg -g <VG> = examines disks in a VG if they have grown in its size rmlvcopy <LV> 1 <LOGICAL DISK> = removes an existing copy from the current disk reducevg <VG> <LOGICAL DISK> = removes a disk from a VG migratepv -l -f <LV> <SOURCE DISK> <DESTINATION DISK> = forces move of a Logical Volume migratelp <LV/LOGICAL PARTITION> <DISTINATION DISK/LOGICAL PARTITION> = moves a simple logical partition to another logform /dev/<VG>log = formats a LV into a jfslog- or jfslog2 file

System Monitoring Commands AIX: sysdumpdev -l = lists system dump information sysdumpdev -K sets the option always allow dump to TRUE sysdumpdev -e = estimated dump size sysdumpdev -L = shows previous dumps records sysdumpdev -P -p /dev/hd7 = f. ex. changes primary dump device to hd7 sysdumpstart -p = starts a dump follows a reboot /usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck -p = checks the dumpfilesize AIX: iostat = status of resources of both I/O components iostat -d = just disk iostat -t = just CPU iostat 5 5 = sets the command all 5 seconds, 5 times iostat -a = just adapter was = shows you the user with all processes needed 100% CPU in a time of 1 second AIX: topas = displays resources of the AIX system topas -C = CPU utilization over virtual OS (LPARs) top = the first ten processes needed most of time more top = displays further information about top.exe ipcs = shows you active processes in memory ipcrm -s <ID> = deletes shared memory segments in memory AIX: rmss -c <MEMORY> = changes the simulated memory size to a specific value in units of megabytes rmss -r = resets the simulated memory size rmss -p = displays the current simulated memory script <FILE> = begins to write all screen-prints to this file script -a <FILE> = attaches something to the current file exit = stops it uerf -c err = Event report formatter = shows you f. ex. Error-Events detected on the system

AIX: filemon filemon filemon (trcstop

-O all = monitors I/O activity for all System Levels (lf, vm, lv, pv) -o = writes to a specified file -d = starts filemon, but defers till the trcon command is set up stops the filemon process)

fileplace <FILE> = shows file fragments (4KB or 512KB possible) fileplace -p <FILE> = shows the fragments of a file with disk information AIX: netpmon -O all = monitors I/O activity for all System Levels (cpu, dd, so, nfs ) netpmon -o = writes to a specified file netpmon -d = starts netpmon, but defers till the trcon command is set up (trcstop stops the netpmon process) AIX: svmon -G -i 20 30 = Global statistics about system segments 30 times, in a 20 second interval svmon -p = shows current memory state for processes svmon -s = segments AIX: iptrace = records Internet packets received from configured interfaces startsrc -s iptrace -a -d <HOST> -i en0 /tmp/iptrace/log1 = starts an iptrace with characters: Packets received from HOST (no arp) on interface en0 iptrace -e /tmp/log2 = starts an iptrace and enables the promiscuous mode on network adapters that support this function iptrace -s sapserv3 -b /tmp/Osstrace = A Sniffer on all network interfaces to remote host sapserv3 and protocols in binary mode stopsrc -s iptrace = stops the iptrace ipreport -ns /tmp/log2 > log2_formatted = formats the log file and writes its output to stdout AIX: tcpdump tcpdump tcpdump tcpdump = prints out the headers of packets captured on a network interface -i en1 host <HOST1> = packets on en1 arriving at or departing from HOST1 net 138.57.117 = prints traffic between local hosts on network 138.57.117 -i en2 -wTraceInfo = prints the package information on en2 to the file Trace-Info

Parameter Settings (this pre-requisites AIX 5L): MEMORY vmo -L = lists all Memory Parameter Settings vmo -d <PARAMETER> = sets chosen parameter to a new value vmo -D = sets all parameters to default value vmo -r -o <PARAMETER> = sets a parameter to a new value after reboot vmo -a |grep <VG> = I/O blocked CPU schedo -L tprof -x sleep 20 = collects data for 20 minutes to file /var/adm/sleep.prof DISK ioo -L NETWORK no -L

sar -d = provides real time I/O statistics sar -uf /var/adm/sa/sa08 = after running sa1/sa2 to read the output of collected data

NMON isnt a standard AIX tool but you can download free from ibm.com site! nmon -s 1 -c 145 -f -t -F /tmp/xxx.nmon = creates an NMONFILE in the /tmp directory (every second / number of snapshots=145) sort -A <NMONFILE> >/tmp/<NEWFILE> = sorts the file f. ex. pre-sorts if file has more than 65k to NEWFILE sed s/,/;/g <NEWFILE> > /tmp/<NEWNMONFILE> = in the current file all ,-sign will changing to ;-sign (stream editor)

lquerypv -h /dev/hdisk0 ---> utility is used to examine the properties of a physical disk lqueryvg -Atp hdisk0 ---> utility is used to examine the properties of disk volume

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