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Unix PDF

The document discusses the key components and architecture of Unix operating systems. It describes the kernel, shell, files and directories structure. It also provides examples of basic Unix commands for file management, directory navigation and manipulation.


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Unix PDF

The document discusses the key components and architecture of Unix operating systems. It describes the kernel, shell, files and directories structure. It also provides examples of basic Unix commands for file management, directory navigation and manipulation.


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Importance of unix: 1) Unix is virous free os, so high security for dat a.

2) Unis is stable os, it can run continuously with same performance. 3) Admi., cost is less for unix servers 4) Unix source code is open.ANy one can modify the source code of unix. flavor of unix: operationg system developed based on unix source code. Ex: Linux, solaris, Hp-UX, IBM-AIX,MACosx,sco unix etc., fl= core unix comds + fl commands + designed for di fferent H/w. Linux = unix + GUI + Inbuilt MYSL,PERL,PYTHON,OPEN OFFICE, Mozilla firefox. ->Linux Source code is open. Ex: of linux fl: Redhat,fedora, gentoo,ubuntu, slakeware,mandrivalinux, ` ` cent os,open SUSE,OEL(oracle Enterprise Lin ux) etc., Unix Architecture: Kernel:- It is combination if device drivers and sy stgem call It is heart of OS. It can understand only binary code.

All unix commands are executed by Kernel. Kernel perform following tasks: i) Processor managment ii) Process management iii) Memory management iv) user managment v) time sharing between users. Shell:- It acts as interface between user and kern el. if command given by user available in unix, it convert the request into kernel understandable formant and send it to kernel for execution. ->Invalid commands are terminated by shell.

Shell in unix: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) sh (Bourne shell) bash (Bourne again shell) ksh (korn shell) csh (cshell) tcsh(tcshell) zsh(zshell)

Default shells in different os SHELL -----sh bsah ksh OS --HP-UNIx,SCO-UNIx,SOLARIS LINUX,MAC-OSx IBM-AIX


IRIX Silocon graphics

Note: Default shell can be changed temporarly or pe rminantly. Files in Unix: All unix files are classified into three types:

1) Regular or Ordinary file 2) Directory file 3) device file 1) Regular files: i) Text file:- It contains all printable chr., EX: shell scripts, perl scripts etc., ii) Binary file:- It contains printable and unpri ntable characters. ex: Unix commands, Video files, Image files etc . 2) Directory file:- It contains name and inode number of files and sub dir., 3) Device files:- Every device is treated as a file s all the device related files comes under t

his category. Types of device files: i) character special file: Ex: Key board,monitor,printer etc. ii) Block special file: Ex: Hard Disk.

Structre of Unix file system: ->Unix file system begins with main directory ` called root(/). ->File system organized in inverted tree format and Hierarchical format. ->No directory created above the root(/) /(root) | ----------------------------------------------| | | | | bin etc dev temp | | usr home opt | ------------| | yash oracle | ---------| | abc def

/bin-> All unix commands are available in this dire

ctroy. Shell check for commands in this directory only . /etc -> It contains system configuration files and files related system admin.. /dev -> All the device files are available under this directory. /tmp-> It contains temporary files created by unix of sys admin. /usr ->All users default directories are available in this directroy in unix o.s /home -> All the users default directries are available in this directroy in Linux or Solaris. /opt -> It contains optional files and subdirectori es related to othird party s/w like oracle, java etc.,

Prompts In unix: 1) # 2) $ Users in unix: 1) root (system administrator login)(prompt is #) 2) Normal User login.(prompt is $).

Basic Unix Commands: $clear -> to clear the screen

$uname ->display OS name $uname -r -> Display the os kernel release number. $hostname -i ->display serverIP address $hostname ->Display servername

$uptime ->display serverside time,how log serverup and running no. of users connected to server and average load on server. $tty ->Display terminal file name $logname (or) whoami ->display connected username. $pwd . ->display current working directory of user

$who am i o/p: yash 100.2) pts/1 2012-06-02 19:12 (192.168.

$echo $HOME ->Display default or parent directory o f user. $echo $0(zero) $echo $SHELL ll of user. $date $cal ->display the current shell ->Display the parent or default she

->server date and time will be displayed ->display current month cal.,

$cal 12 2012 ->display Dec-2012 cal

$cal 2013

->display 2013 cal from Jan to dec.,

$who (or) finger ->display all the users connected to server. $w uts. ->output similar to who and uptime outp

$ls ->display all files and sub., in current direct ory. $id ->display userid,groupid and all the groups of user. $groups ->display all the groups of user. Working with files:touch:- It is used to create file(s) without data. ->file(s) created with zero bytes or zero block s size. $touch f1 $touch f2 f3 $ls -s ->display all files and sub dire., with siz es in blocks. cat:-It is used to create file with data or display data from existing file(s). $cat>file1 .............. .............. ............... type ctrl+d -->to come out from the file

$cat file1 ->Display data from file1. or cat<file1 $cat>file1 -> Overwrite the data in file1. ............... ctrl+d ->to come out from the file $cat file1 $cat>>file1 -> new data vertically appended to data in file1. .......... .......... ctrl+d $cat file1 $cat>f1 This is f1 $cat>f2 This is f2 $cat f1 f2 ->f2 data verticallly appeneded to f1 da ta in output. $cat f1 f2>f3 $cat f1 f2>>f3 data in f3 $nl file1 umbers. ->f1,f2 data copied to f3 ->f1,f2 data vertically appened to

->data in file1 displayed with serial n -> .......................

$cat -n file1

Creating Hidden files: $ls -a ->display all the files and subdirectories along with hidden files from current working directory. -> Hidden files names begins with '.'

$touch .ff5 ta.

-> Hidden file .ff5 created without da

$cat>.myfile ->Hidden file .myfile created with da ta. ......... ........... .,......... ctrl+d ->to comeout from file $cat<.myfile ->display data from the hidden file

Copy data from one file to another file: Syntax: cp [-i] <sourcefile> <targetfile> $cp file1 file2 ->file1 data copied to file2 $cp -i f1 file2 cp: overwrite file2? yes ->overwrite No ->Data not copied $cp f1 file2 ->f1 data copied to file2

Renaming file: Syntax: mv <oldfilename> <newfilename> $mv file1 file5 $mv f1 ff6 $mv .ff5 ff5 ->file1 renamed to file5. ->f1 renamed to ff6. ->Hiddren file .ff5 renamed to ff5. $mv ff5 .newfile ewfile. Removing file(s): Syntax: rm file(s) $rm f1 $rm f2 f3 $rm * ->f1 file deleted ->f2,f3 files are deleted ->delete all files in Current working directory. ->ff5 renamed to hidden file .n

Working with directories: 1) Creating Directory: Syntax: mkdir <directory_name(s)>

$pwd /home/oracle $rm -rf * ->Remove all files and sub direc., in current working dir., $mkdir abc $mkdir abc/a1 abc/a1/a2 $mkdir -p a/b/c/d ->-p for nested direc., $tree abc $tree a 2) changing the directory: Syntax: cd <directory_name>; $pwd /home/oracle $cd abc ->director changed to abc. $pwd /home/oracle/abc $cd a1/a2 ->directroy changed to a2 $pwd /home/oracle/abc/a1/a2 $cd .. ->To move one dire level back or up

$pwd /home/oracle/abc/a1 $cd ../.. ->to move two dire levels back or up $pwd /home/oracle $cd abc/a1/a2 $pwd /home/oracle/abc/a1/a2

$cd (or) cd ~ (or) cd $HOME ->to go back to user default directory i.e /home/oracle from current directory. $pwd /home/oracle $cd / ->to go to root(/) directory. $pwd / $cd bin ->to go to bin directory. $pwd /bin $cd ->to go back to user default directory. $pwd /home/oracle Copy file(S) into directory: Syntax: cp file(s) <directory> Copy one directory contents into another directory: Syntax: cp -R <source_dir> <target_dir> $pwd /home/oracle $touch f1 f2 $cp f1 f2 abc

->f1,f2 files copied to abc dire.,

$cp f1 f2 abc/a1/a2 ->f1,f2 files copied to a2 dire ctory. $tree abc ire., ->display all files and subdire., abc d

$cp -R abc test

->all contents in abc are coped to test directroy.

Renaming the directory: Syntax: mv <old_dir_name> <new_dir_name> $pwd /home/oracle $mv abc cba ->abc renamed to cba. Removing the Directory: Syntax: rmdir <dir_name> ->Valid only when directory is empty. rm -r[f] <dir_name> ->valid even dire., is not empty. rm -rf * -> All files and subdir in current working dir are deleted. $pwd /home/oracle $rmdir test error since dire., not empty $rm -rf test $rm -rf * ->test directory deleted. ->All files and sub direc in c.w.d are deleted

| home | oracle | -----------------------| | abc xyz | | -----------------------------| | | | a1 a2 x1 x2 | ---------------| | a11 a12 | ---------------| | | | s1 s2 file1 test

$pwd /home/oracle $mkdir abc xyz abc/a1 abc/a2 xyz/x1 xyz/x2 abc/a1/a 11 abc/a1/a12 $cd abc/a1/a11 $pwd /home/oracle/abc/a1/a11 $touch s1 s2 file1 $mkdir test

$cp file1 /home/oracle/xyz/x1

->file1 copied to x1 directory. ->path mentioned from / directory is called absolute path. $pwd /home/oracle/abc/a1/a11 $cp * test ->all files in a11 copied to test direc tory.

$cp * ..

->all files in a11 copied to one dire. level back i.e to a1 directory. $cp * $HOME ->all files in a11 copied to user defau lt directory i.e to /home/oracle. $touch newfile $cp newfile ~/oldfile ->newfile in a11 copied to us er default directory (oracle) and rename to oldfile. $cd $pwd /home/oracle $cp abc/a1/a11/file1 xyz/x2 ->file1 in a11 copied t o ` x2 directory. Absolute Path:-Path mentioned from root(/) director y is called absolute path. Relative Path:- Path mentioned with respect to a di rectory. create three files with data as shown below: file1 ----abc abc def 123 xyz cmp:file2 file3 -------abc def def 123 Used to compre two files.

->if files are same no output displayed otherwise it will report the line number from which difference started. $cmp file1 file3 No output since files are same $cmp file1 file2 cmp:file1 file2 differ in line 3 diff:It will report which lines as to be changed or deleted to make two different files as similar files. $diff file1 file2 3c3 ->Third line first files should be <123 changed as third line of second file ----to make them similar. <xyz Comm:- It is used to display common lines of two diffeent files. output contains three columns. -> first column contains line belongs to first file -> Second column contains line belongs to second file -> third column contains line common of both th e files. $comm file1 file2 abc def

123 xyz $comm -1 file1 file2 ->line belongs to first file(file1) not displayed in above output. $comm -2 file1 file2 -> Lines belongs to second file(file2) not displayed in the above output. $comm -12 file1 file2 abc ->Display lines common to both the files def tr -> used to transalate characters in file -> Change displayed in the output only. $tr a A<file1 Abc a->A def 123 $tr aei AEI<file1 Abc a->A dEf e->E 123 i->I $tr [a-z] [A-Z]<file1 ->lower character in files translated to upper case characters in output .

wc-> It will count lines,words and character in giv en file. $wc -l file1 ->Display number of lines in file1 $wc -w file1 ->Display number of words in file1

$wc -c file1 ile1 $wc -lc file1 rs in file1. $wc -lw file1 file1 $wc -wc file1 rs in file1

->Display number of characters in f ->Display no. of lines and characte ->Display no. of lines and words in ->Display no. of words and characte

$wc file1 ->Display no. of line,words and charact ers in file1

Pipe(|) -> used to combine the two unix commands -> Left side command output passed as input to right side command. Syntax: command1|command2 =command2 (output of comm and1). -> Command2 will acts on command1 output. $cat file1|wc -l ->Display no. of lines in files1 $cat file1|wc $who|wc -l rver. ->Display no. of lines,words and characters in file1. ->Display no. of users connected to se

tee -> It will copy the displayed output into one o r more than one file. $date|tee d1 ile -> output of date is copied to d1 f

$date|tee d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 ->output of date is copied to d1,d2,d3,d4 and d 5 files. $who|wc -l|tee ucnt ->output of who|wc -l copied to ucnt file.

Vi Editor $cat>file1 ............ ............ .............. .................. ................. ctrl+d -> to come out from the file $vi file1 -> file1 opened in vi editor in the comma nd mode ........... ........... ............ ........... .................... Vi editor has three modes 1) command mode 2) Insert mode or input text mode 3) Ex command or colon mode

1) Command mode:-It is the default mode of editor. -> In this mode, each characater typed on keybo ard acts like command. 2) Insert mode:- This mode permits to add,modify an d append new text to existing text. 3) Ex command mode or Colon Mode:- Last line of vi editor is called command line. Commands can be executed in this mode .

Changing from command mode to insert mode: i ->Command mode changed to insert mode without cha nging the position of cursor. ESC -> To switch from insert mode(IM) to Command Mo de(CM) I -> CM changed to IM and cursor moves to beginning of line. a -> CM changed to IM and cursor moves towards right by one char. A -> CM changed to IM and cursor moves to end of li ne o -> CM changed to IM and newline created below the cursor position. O -> CM changed to IM and new line created above th e cursor position.

Command Mode Commands: l ->cursor moves towards right by one characater. 5l -> Cursor moves towards right by 5 characters. h -> cursor moves towards left by one character. 5h -> cursor moves towards left by 5 characters. $ -> cursor moves to last character of line.* ^ or 0(zero)-> Cursor moves to beginning of line * w -> cursor moves towards right to the first charac ter of next word 5w -> cursor moves towards right to the first chara cter of 5th word b -> cursor moves towards left to be the first char acater of previous word. e -> cursor moves the end of word. j -> cursor moves down to next line without changing the column. k-> Cursor moves up to previous line without changi ng the column. J or 2J ->Join two Lines. L -> cursor moves to end of current page. H -> cursor moves to beginning of current page. G -> cursor moves to end of file gg ->cursor moves to beginning of file

15G ->cursor moves to 15th u -> undo the changes

line of file.

x or dl -> delete a character from the cursor posit ion. 5dl or 5x ->Delete 5 characters from cursor postion towards right. dw 5dw dd 5dd -> delete a word -> delete five words towards right. -> delete a line -> delete five lines in down.

X ->Delete previous charater from curor posit ion D ->Delete all the characters from cursor pos ition to end of line dL -> delete all the lines from cursor position to end of current page. dH -> delete all the lines from cursor position to beginning of current page.

dG -> delete all the lines from cursor position to end of file dgg -> delete all the lines from cursor position to beginning of file. yl-> copy a character from cursor position.

p -> paste the copied data. 5yl -> copy five character from cursor position tow ards right. yw -> copy a word. 5yw -> copy five words towards right. yy -> copy a line 5yy -> copy 5 lines in down yL -> copy all the lines from cursor position to en d of current page. yH -> Copy all the lines from cursor position to be ginning current page. yG -> copy all the lines from cursor position to en d of file. ygg -> copy all the lines from cursor position to b eginning of file.

cl -> CM changes to insert mode and delete a charac ter from the cursor postion. cw -> CM changed to IM and delete a word cc -> CM changes to IM and delete a line. colon Mode: -> to get colon(:), Hold the shift key and type : ; key in command mode.

:set nu -> assign serial no. for all the lines in f ile.* :set nonu -> Remove the assigned serial numbers.* :3 -> cursor moves to third line of file :2d -> delete second line :4,8d -> delete 4 to 8 lines in file. :!date -> Date command executed. :!pwd -> disply current working directory of user. :!<command> -> Given command executed.* :2,6 w ff9 -> 2 to 6 lines in editor copied to ff9 file.* :8,10 w>>ff9 ->8,10 lines in editor appened to data in ff9 file. Exit from Vi editor: :q -> To close the opened file :q! -> To close file without save the changes. :w -> Save changes whithout closing the file

:e! -> Ignore Changes without closing the file :wq -> Save changes and exit from the file :wq! -> Save changes and exit from the read only mo de file Encrypting the file in Vi editor:-

$vi -x newfile Enter encryption Key: visix Re-enter same key:visix ->enter data into file and save and exit $vi newfile Enter Encryption Key: ->if wrong key provided d ata displayed in unreadable format. $man vi d. ->Manual help of vi command is displaye -> Manual help of given command is

$man <command> displayed.

Meta Characters: * -> matches zero or more characters ? -> Matches single character - -> matches characater in range [.....] -> matches characters in list [!.....] -> matches characters other than the characters in list Examples:

$ls f*

-> Display the files begins with f

$ls f*m -> Display the files begins with f end with m $ls f??m -> Display the files containing four chara cters first character should be f and fourth character should be m. $ls *.* $ls *.?? ers $ls [0-9]* $ls [aeiou]* wer case $ls [a-c]* racater -> files containing . extension

-> Display files containing two charact in the .extension. -> Display the files begins with digit. -> Display the files begins with lo vowels ->Display the files begins with any cha from a to c

$ls [!a-z]* -> Display all the files except the files begins with lower case alphabet. $ls *[0-9] -> Display the files end with digit.

Filter Commands: head:- Used to extract lines from the beginning of file By default it will display first 10 lines

$head file1 -> Display first 10 lines from file1 $head -3 file1 -> Display first three lines from f ile1 or head -n 3 file1

tail:- Used to extract lines from the end of file default it will display last 10 lines $tail file1 -> Display last 10 lines from file1 $tail -4 file1 -> Display last 4 lines from file1 or tail -n 4 file1 $tail -f file1 -> file1 opened in growth monitoring mode. $tail +5 file1 -> display all the lines from 5th l ine to end of file. $head -5 file1|tail +5 om file1 -> Display only 5th line fr

cut:- It is used to extract fields or characters from the given file. It will recognise the fields if the field separator is tab. create emp file: 100 smith 200 allen 300 ward clerk 800 analyst 1600 manager 2000

->Tab is field separator $cut -f 1,3 emp -> Display 1st and 3rd fields from emp $cut -f 2-4 emp -> Display 2nd,3rd,4th fields from emp $cut -c 1-3 emp -> Display 1-3 characters from emp file. $cut -c 1-5 emp -> Display 1-5 characters from emp file tab is also recognised as one character. $tr '\t' ':'<emp>emp1 ->Tab space in emp file rep laced with : and result is stored in emp1 file $cut -f 1,3 -d':' emp1 ds -> Display 1st and 3rd fiel data from emp1 file -d option should be used to specify the field separator if field separator is other than tab space

paste:- It will join the two files horizontally. -d option should be used to specify the require d filed separator.

$cut -f 1-2 -d':' emp1>emp2 $cut -f 3-4 -d':' emp1>emp3

$paste emp2 100:smith 200:allen 300:ward

emp3 clerk:800 analyst:1600 manager:3000

$paste -d':' emp2 emp3 100:smith:clerk:800 200:allen:analyst:1600 300:ward:manager:3000

Character 0 48 1 49 . A 65 B 66 . a 97 b 98 .

ASCII value . . .

sort:- It is used to sort the data in file. It will sort the data based on ASCII values. Default order is ascending order. $cat>file1 abc def 123 xyz abc ctrl+d ->to come out from file $sort file1 -> Data in file1 sorted in output. 123 abc abc def

xyz $sort file1>file2 -> sorted data of file1 copied to file2 $sort -o rsult file1 -> sorted data of file1 cop ied to output file rsult. $sort -u file1 ve ->Data in file1 sorted but remo the duplicates from output. $sort -u -o result file1 -> sorted data of file1

without duplicated copied to output file result. $sort -r file1 ng $sort -c file1 a is -> data in file1 sorted in descendi order. -> No output displayed if file1 dat sorted other wise it will report the line number from which disorder started. Create num file with numeric data. $sort -n num ted $sort -rn num -> numeric data in num file sor in ascending order -> Numeric data in num file sorted in descending order.

uniq:- It will remove the duplicate lines from the sorted file. $uniq file2 -> Remove duplicate lines in output if file2 is in sorted order. $uniq -u file2 -> Diplay the line which are not du plicated in file2. $uniq -d file2 icated. $uniq -c file2 o/p 1 2 1 1 123 abc def xyz -> Display the lines which are dupl -> Count the lines in file2

grep:- It is used to search for pattern in file(s) and print line or lines containing pattern Syntax: grep [option] <pattern> Examples: $grep unix file1 x pattern -> Display lines containing uni from file1 $grep unix file1 file2 ning unix -> Display the lines contai file(s)

pattern from file1,file2 $grep unix * x -> Display lines containing uni pattern from all files in current working direcotry. Options with grep: 1) ignoring the case(-i):$grep -i unix file1 -> Display all lines containing unix pattern irrespective of case of unix from file1.

2) Deleting the lines(-v): $grep -v unix file1 ->Display all the lines except unix pattern lines from file1. $grep -iv unix file1 ->Display all the lines exc ept unix pattern lines from file1 irrespective of case of unix. 003) Lines with line numbers(-n): $grep -n unix file1 -> Display lines with line numb ers containing unix pattern. $grep -in unix file1 -> Display lines with line numbers containing unix irrespective of case of unix from file1.

$grep -vn unix file1 -> Display lines with line numbers except unix pattern lines from file1 $grep -ivn unix file1 -> Display lines with line numbers except unix pattern lines irrespective of case of unix from file1. 4) Counting lines(-c): $grep -c unix file1 ->count unix pattern lines from file1 $grep -vc unix file1 ->count all lines except un ix pattern lines from file1 $grep -ic unix file1 ->count all the unix patter n lines from file1 irrespective of case of unix. 5) Searching for multiple patterns(-e): $grep -e unix -e oracle file1 -> Display unix as well as oracle pattern lines from file1. $grep -E 'unix|oracle' file1 6) Exact match(-w): $grep -w oracle file1 -> Display the lines exactl y matched with oracle pattern from file1. ^ ->matches at the beginning of line

$ ^$

-> matches at the end of line -> Blank lines -> Display the lines begins with s

$grep ^s file1 from file1

$grep ^[aeiou] file1 -> Display the lines begins wi th lower case vowel. $grep ^[0-9] file1 -> Display the lines begins wit h digit from file1 $grep x$ file1 -> Display the lines end with x from file1. $grep [0-9]$ file1 -> Diplay lines end with digit from file1. $grep ^$ file1 file1 ->Display the blank lines from

$grep -v ^$ file1 -> Display all the lines except blank lines from file1 $grep -v ^$ file1>file2 -> All lines except blank l ines in file1 copied to file2 $grep ^unix file1 -> Display lines begins with un ix from file1.

Regular Expression:- Any simple pattern with meta c haracters

is called a regular expression. fgrep(faster grep): It is used to search for simple patterns. Regular expressions are not valid in fg rep. $fgrep unix file1 -> unix pattern lines are displ ayed from file1. $fgrep 'unix >linux' file1 rn -> unix as well as linux lines are displayed from file1. egrep(extended grep):-It is used to search for simp le patterns and regular expressions. $egrep unix file1 -> unix pattern lines are displayed from file1. $egrep ^s file1 -> Display the lines begins with s patte

$egrep 'unix|oracle' file1 -> Display unix, oracle pattern lines from file1

Sed(stream editor):- It is multi purpose filter com mand. $sed 3q file1 om -> Display first three lines fr file1.

q-> quit $sed -n 2,5p file1 -> display 2 to 5 lines from fi le1. p-> print $sed -n '2,5p >8,10p' file1 ines -> Display 2 to 5 and 8 to 10 l

from file1 $sed -n 8,8p file1 ->Display 8 line from file1 $sed -n '$p' file1 -> Display last line from file1

$sed -n /unix/p file1 -> unix pattern lines are p rinted from file1 $sed -n '/unix/p >/oracle/p' file1 -> unix, oracle pattern lines a re are printed from file1 $sed -n '/unix/w ff1' file1 -> unix pattern lines i n file1 copied to ff1 file. w-> write $sed -n '/unix/w ff2 >/oracle/w ff3' file1 ->unix patter lines copi ed to ff2,oracle pattern lines copied to ff3 from file1 Replacing a string with another string using sed: Syntax: sed s/searchingstring/replacingstring/[i][g] file(s ) s-> Substitute i -> Ignoring the case

g -> Globally i.e., duplicates in line(s). $sed s/unix/ORACLE/ file1 -> unix in file1 replaced with ORACLE in output. $sed s/unix/ORACLE/i file1 -> unix in file1 replaced with ORACLE irrespective of case of unix in output. $sed s/unix/ORACLE/g file1 -> unix in file1 replaced with ORACLE including duplicates in line(s). Creating users:- root user only can create users. Syntax: useradd <username> Assigning password to the user: Syntax: passwd <username> Note: At the time of creating user if root will not specify any group, unix on its own create a group, grou p name is also same as username. This group is called 'user private group schema'. -> All valid users information available in /etc/pa sswd file. #useradd usr5 #passwd usr5

New unix password:usr5 Enter same password again:usr5 Connect to usr5 user. $logname o/p: usr5 $pwd o/p: /home/usr5 $id $grep -w usr5 /etc/passwd /*Disconnect from the user.*/ Deleting the User: Syntax: userdel -r <username> #userdel -r usr5 Creating Groups: Syntax: groupadd <group_Name> #groupadd g1 #groupadd g2 Creating User with groups: Syntax-1: useradd -g <primary_groupname> <username>; usermod -G <secondary_group> <username>; Syntax-2

useradd -g <primary_group> -G <secondary_group> <u sername>; #useradd -g g1 usr88 #usermod -G g2 usr88 ->Assign password to the user. #useradd -g g1 -G g2 usr99 ->Assign password to the user: Note:-Primary groups information available in /etc/ passwd file secondary groups information available in /etc/ group file. $logname usr88 $pwd /home/usr88 $id $group $grep -w usr88 /etc/passwd $grep -w usr88 /etc/group #userdel -r usr88 #userdel -r usr99 #groupdel g1 #groupdel g2

Deleting the groups: Syntax:

groupdel <group_name>; --------------------------| | g1 g2 g3

| --------| | | u1 u2 u3 | file1 Every File will have three category of users 1) owner(u) 2) group(g) 3) others(o) 1) owner(u):- user who created file 2) group(g):- All the users belongs to owner group 3) others(o):- All the users belongs to other group s (other than owner group). Owner for file1 -> u1

Group members for file1 -> u2,u3 Others for file1 ->g2,g3 groups users. Every file will have three types of permissions: 1) read(r) 2) write(w) 3) execute(x) ->Without Read permissions file cannot be opened

-> Without wirte permission file cannot be modified -> Without executable permission, file cannot be ex ecuted. Note:- Only owner can change the file permissions.

Working with file permissions:$rm -rf * $pwd /home/yash $ls $umask 0022 $touch f1 $ls -l f1 ->file info., displayed in long list fo rmat output contains 8 fields -rw-r--r-- 1 yash yash 0 Jun Filed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description 4 16:27 f1

Filetype File permissions Filesystem link owner Group Size of file in bytes Date and time of creation File name

Different File types: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) regular file(-) Directory file(d) characater special file(c) block special file(b) link file(l) .............. f1

$ls -l f1 -rw-r--r--

Changing file permissions:- Only owner can change t he file permissions. ->'chmod' command is used to change existing file permissions. Syntax: chmod who[+/-/=] permissions file(s) Who: Owner(u) group(g) others(o) Permissions: read(r) write(w) execute(x) + ->Add permission - -> remove the permission = -> Remove the existing permissions and

assign the new permissions.

?Add write permission to group on f1 $chmod g+w f1 $ls -l f1 -rw-rw-r-- ...........f1 ?Add executable permission to owner and others on f 1 $chmod uo+x f1 $ls -l f1 -rwxrw-r-x ..........f1 ?Remove Write permission from owner on f1. $chmod u-w f1 $ls -l f1 -r-xrw-r-x.............f1 ?Assign only Executable permission to group on f1. $chmod g=x f1 $ls -l f1 -r-x--xr-x...........f1

Weightages for file permissions in numeric method: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) read(r)->4 write(w)->2 execute(x)->1 read,write(rw)->6 read,execute(rx)->5

6) write,execute(wx)->3 7) read,write,execute(rwx)->7

Changing existing file permissions in numeric metho d: Syntax: chmod n1n2n3 file(s) $umask 0022 $touch f5 $ls -l f5 -rw-r--r-- ..............f5

?Assign following permission on f5 owner->r,w,x group->wx other->x $chmod 731 f5 $ls -l f5 -rwx-wx--x ..........f5 ?Assign following permission on f5 owner->x group->w other->rx $chmod 125 f5 $ls -l f5 ---x-w-r-x ............f5 ?Assign read,write and executable permissions on f5

for owner, group and others. $chmod 777 f5 $ls -l f5 -rwxrwxrwx .............f5 $logname yash $pwd /home/yash $rm -rf * $umask 0000 $umask 0000 $touch f6 $mkdir abc $ls -l -rw-rw-rw-.......f6 drwxrwxrwx.......abc If umask value changed file permisions are also changing, from this we observerd there is a dependency between umask and file permissions. umask(user creation mask):->By default unix will allocate rw-rw-rw-(666) permission for file and rwxrwxrwx(777) for directory. ->permissions displayed in ls -l output depends on umask value i.e, umask value substracted from standard permissions and remaining permissions are displayed.

umask 0022

1st zero indicates Numeric Notation. 2nd digit(ex., zero) indicates, Permissions to be s ubstracted from default owner permissions. 3rd digit(ex., 2) indicates, Permissions to be subs tracted from default group permissions. 4th digit(ex., 2) indicates, Permissions to be subs tracted from default others permissions.

$umask 0022 $umask 0022 $touch f1 ->permisions allocated are(666) $ls -l f1 -rw-r--r-....f1 666 022 ---644

$umask 0000 $umask 0000 $touch f5 ->permissions allocated are(666) $mkdir abc -> (777) $ls -l -rw-rw-rw- f5 drwxrwxrwx abc 666 777 000 000 ----666 777

$umask 0222 $touch ff1 (666) $ls -l ff1 666 -r--r--r-222 ----444

Chaging ownership of file:- root user only can chan ge the ownership of file. Syntax: chown <newowner> file(s) Chnaging group of file:- root user only can change group of file Syntax: chgrp <newgroup> file(s) # ls -l /home/yash/file1 -rw-rw-rw- 1 yash yash 0 Feb le1 #chown oracle /home/yash/file1 # ls -l /home/yash/file1 -rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle yash 0 Feb file1 # chgrp oracle /home/yash/file1 # ls -l /home/yash/file1 2 21:24 /home/yash/ 2 21:24 /home/yash/fi

-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oracle 0 Feb h/file1

2 21:24 /home/yas

su:- This command is used to change from one login to another login. $logname yash $whoami yash $pwd /home/yash $su - oracle Password: $logname yash $whoami oracle $pwd /home/oracle $exit ->To comeout from oracle login $logname yash $whoami yash

Shells in UNIX: 1) Bourne shell(sh):- It is developed by Stephen Bo urne

User prompt: $ root prompt: # It is default in Hp-Ux,Solaris,SCO UNIx 2) Bourne Again shell(bash):- It is developed by Br ain Fox User prompt: $ root prompt: # It is default in Linux,MAC OS X 3) Korn Shell(ksh):-It is developed by David Korn Userprompt: $ root prompt: # it is default in IBM-AIX 4) Cshell (csh):- It is Developed by Bill Joy User prompt: % root prompt: # It is default in :IRIX Silocon Graphics

Changing Shell:$logname yash $echo $SHELL -> Display the default( or parent) Shell /bin/bash $echo $0 -> Display the current shell -bash $ksh -> To go to child shell korn shell

$echo $SHELL -> Display the parent shell /bin/bash $echo $0 ksh $exit -> to come out from the ksh $echo $SHELL

/bin/bash $echo $0 -bash

Executing more than one unix command at a time; $logname;pwd;date SHELL SCRIPTING -> A file that contains collection of unix comm ands. ->Default execution is sequential. ->It supports conditional statements to execute the commands conditionally. -> It supports loops to execute the commands required no. of times. -> Shell scripts are end with .sh extension, th at is optional. ->'echo' is used to display message or value in variables -> 'read' is used to read values into variables . ?Write a Shell script to display $pwd /home/oracle $vi welcm.sh echo This is unix Shell scripting echo This is first class of shell messages.

:wq Executing shell script: $sh welcm.sh ?WAs to execute unix commands $vi cmds date logname pwd cal :wq $sh cmds Variable:- It is an integral part of program. -> It is used to hold the data temporaryly. Rules for naming the varibale -> variable name should begins with alphabet or underscore(_). ->valid characters are i) A-Z ii) a-z iii) 0-9 iv) underscore(-) ->Variable name is case sensitive All the unix variables are classified into two type s: 1) User defined varibales 2) Unix defined or system defined or Environment va ribales.

1) User defined variables: Variables defined by use

r. These are classified into three types. i) Local Variables ii) constant variables iii) global variables i) Local Variables:- Variable declared in parent sh ell valid in parent but not valid in other child shells $echo $SHELL /bin/bash $echo $0 -bash $a=10 $echo $a ->display value in variable. 10 $b=50 $echo $b 50 $b=70 $echo $b 70 $sh ->To go to child shell $echo $SHELL /bin/bash $echo $0 sh $echo $a ->no output displayed since a is local variable $exit $echo $0 -bash $set $v=manager $echo $v ->to come out from sh

->display all the declared variables with values.

manager .bashrc:- This hidden file available in every user login. To make any variable as perminant variable, variable should be declared in this file. $pwd /home/oracle $vi .bashrc x=300 y=400 :wq $. .bashrc $echo $x 300 $echo $y 400 Note: This file is automatically executed when user loggedin. ii) constant variables:- 'readonly' key word is use d to declare constatnt variables. ->values of these variables cannot be changed. -> These are also local variables. $k=400 $echo $k 400 $k=500 $echo $k ->executing the file.

500 $readonly k $k=600 Error since k is read only variable. $echo $k 500 $readonly r=500 $echo $r 500 $r=5 error since r is readonly variable. $readonly ->Display all the readonly variables.

iii) Global varibales:- variable declared in parent shell valid in parent shell as well as other child shells. ->'export' key word is required to declare global variable. $echo $SHELL /bin/bash $echo $0 -bash $lv=400 $export g=500 $echo $lv 400 $echo $g 500 $ksh $echo $SHELL /bin/bash $echo $0 ksh $echo $lv ->no value displayed since lv is local variable $echo $g 500 ->since it is globall variable.

$exit $echo $0 -bash

.bash_profile:- This hidden file available in every user login. -> If any third party software (ex. oracle,teradata,apps etc.,) is running in linux, class path of s/w i.e where third party s/w is installed and where the third party s/w executables are availbe should be mentioned in this file, then only user can access third party s/w. -> This file and .bashrc are automatically executed when user logged in. $vi .bash_profile 2) Environment Variables:- Variables defined by uni x. ->Unix use these variables to set the environment of user. $set --> Display all the env. variables with defaul t values. .............. ............... ............... HOME=/home/yash ->specifies the default dir of visi x user.

PS1='$' PS2='>'

-> specifies the default prompt. -> specifies the next line symbol. -> It specifies the default shell

SHELL=/bin/bash of user ............ ............

Note:- To change the value of any environment varia ble value perminantly its value should be chan ged in .bash_profile file. $logname yash $echo $HOME /home/yash $echo $PS2 > $echo $SHELL /bin/bash Changing the prompt:$vi .bash_profile ............... ............. export PS1=? ............ ............ ............ :wq $. . bash_profile ? ->executing the file.

->$ prompt changed to ?.

?WAS to read values in to variables and display the values. $vi vardata echo enter two values read a b echo values are $a and $b :wq $sh vardata ?WAS to remove blank lines from given file $vi blank echo enter filename read f grep -v ^$ $f>temp mv temp $f echo blank lines deleted :wq Operator in Unix: 1) Arithmetic operators:- These are used to perform arithmetic operations. + ->addition - -> sub \* ->multiplication / ->division % ->Modular division 2) Numeric Comparison Operators:-

1) -gt ->Greater than 2) -ge -> Greater than or equal to 3) -lt -> Less than 4) -le -> Less than or equal to 5) -eq -> equal to 6) -ne -> Not equal to 3) Logical Operators:- These are used to combine th e results of more than one expression to get single resul t. 1) -a -> AND 2) -o -> OR 3) ! -> Not Note:-'expr' Keyword should be used to perform arithmetic operation between two integer values . $a=10 $b=20 $expr $a + $b ->before and after + space is compuls ory. o/p:30 $c=`expr $a + $b` $echo $c o/p: 30 Note: expr can be replaced with 'let' $let d=a+b $echo $d o/p:30

$echo $a+$b 10+20 $c=`echo $a+$b|bc` $echo $c o/p:30

`->back quote

?WAS to find sum and difference of two integers val ues $vi sumdif echo enter two integers read a b c=`expr $a + $b` echo a+b=$c c=`expr $a - $b` echo a-b=$c :wq Note:Above program valid only for integers but not valid for float values.

?WAS to find sum,difference and product of two inte gers and floats. $vi arth echo enter two values read a b c=`echo $a+$b|bc` echo a+b=$c c=`echo $a-$b|bc` echo a-b=$c c=`echo $a\*$b|bc` echo a*b=$c :wq Conditional Statements:- These are used to execute the

statements conditionally. 1) Simple if: if [ Condition ] then .............. ................ fi -> Given condition true then statements under if ar e are executed. 2) if-then-else Syntax: if [ condition ] then ........... ........... ........... else .......... ......... fi ->Given condition true, then statements under if ar e executed, otherwise statements under else are executed. 3) Ladder if:- Used to check multiple conditions. Syntax: if [cond1 ] then ........ ........ elif [ cond2 ]

then ........... ............ elif [cond3 ] then .......... .........

else ......... ......... fi -> If all the conditions are failed, then statement s under else are executed.

4) nested if:- If statement in another if statement . Syntax: if [ cond ] then ........ ........ if [cond ] then ........... ........... if [ cond ] then ........... ........... else ......... ....... fi

else ..... .... fi else ...... ...... fi

Case:Syntax: case <variable> in value1) ......... .........;; value2) .......... .......... ..........;; value3) ........... ........... ...........;;

[*) .............. .............;;] esac -> value in variable is other than the mentioned va lues then statements under *) are executed. ?WAS to check given user connected to server or not

$vi userccheck echo enter username read usr if who|grep -w $usr>/dev/null then echo user connected else echo user not connected to server fi :wq ?WAS to check no. of users conncted to server more than one or not $vi usrcnt c=`who|wc -l` if [ $c -gt 1 ] then echo No. of users connected: $c else echo you are only user to server fi :wq ?WAS to check give number is even or odd $vi evenodd echo enter number read n c=`expr $n % 2` if [ $c -eq 0 ] then echo Given numebr even else echo given numebr is odd

fi :wq ?WAS to compare two given numbers: $vi numcmp cho enter two values read a b if [ $a -gt $b ] then echo a is big elif [ $a -lt $b ] then echo b i big else echo a is equal to b fi :wq checking whether user valid user nor not for unix: -> All the valid users information available in /etc/passwd file. $grep -w visix /etc/passwd ?WAS to check given user valid or not $vi usrchk echo enter username read usr if grep -w $usr /etc/passwd>/dev/null then

echo Given user is valid else echo Given user is not valid fi :wq ?WAS to check given number is within the given rang e or not using case $vi casetest echo enter any value form 1 to 4 read n case $n in 1) echo one;; 2) echo two;; 3) echo three;; 4) echo four;; *) echo value is out of range;; esac :wq: ?WAS to check given character is lower case voewl, upper case vowel or digit. $vi casechk echo enter any character read ch case $ch in [aeiou]) echo lower case vowel;; [AEIOU]) echo Upper case vowel;; [0-9]) echo digit;; esac :wq

:$v=manager $echo $v|cut -c 1-3 man ?WAS to check quarter of given month using case: $vi caseqrtr echo enter month in caps read m c=`echo $m|cut -c 1-3` case $c in JAN|FEB|MAR) echo first quarter;; APR|MAY|JUN) echo second quarter;; JUL|AUG|SEP) echo third quarter;; OCT|NOV|DEC) echo fourth quarter;; *) echo enter month in caps;; esac :wq ?WAS to check the result of student pass mark of ea ch subject is more than or equal to 40 $vi stdrlst echo enter three subjects marks read m1 m2 m3 if [ $m1 -ge 40 ] then if [ $m2 -ge 40 ] then if [ $m3 -ge 40 ] then echo Result:PASS else echo Result:Fail fi else echo Result:Fail fi else echo Result:Fail

fi :wq ?Write above program using logical and operator: $vi result echo enter three subjects marks read m1 m2 m3 if [ $m1 -ge 40 -a $m2 -ge 40 -a $m3 -ge 40 ] then echo result pass else echo result fail fi String Test: 1) str1 = str2 -> Returns true if both the strings are same 2) str1 != str2 -> Returns true if strings are diff erent 3) -n str n zero 4) -z str -> Returns true if string size more tha -> Returns true if string is empty

File Test: 1) -e <file_name> -> Returns true if file exists 2) -s <file_name> -> Returns true if file size more than zero 3) -f <file_name> -> Returns true if file is reg fi le

4) -d <file_name> -> Returns true if file is direct ory file 5) -b <file_name> -> Returns true if file is block special file 6) -c <file_name> -> Returns true if file is charac ter special file 7) -r <file_name> -> Returns true if file will have read per., 8) -w <file_name> -> Returns true if file will have write per,. 9) -x <file_name> -> Returns true if file will have executable permission. 10) -O <file_name>-> Returns true if your are owner for file 11) -G <file_name> -> Returns true if file belongs to your group 12) f1 f2 -ot f2 -> Returns true if f1 is older than

13) f1 -nt f2 -> Retruns true if f2 is older than f 1 ?WAS to compare the two strings $vi stcmp echo enter two strings read str1 str2 if [ $str1 = $str2 ] then echo two strings are same else echo two different strings are entered fi

:wq ?WAS to check give string is empty or not $vi stchk echo read if [ then echo else echo fi :wq Examples on File Test: ?wAS to delete a files $vi fdel echo enter file name read fn if [ -e $fn ] then rm -rf $fn echo file deleted else echo file not exists fi :wq ?WAS to check give file is reg file dir. file or ot her type of file. $vi fchk enter string str -z $str ] Given string is empty given string is:$str

echo enter filename read fn if [ -e $fn ] then if [ -f $fn ] then echo given file is regular file elif [ -d $fn ] then echo give file is directory file else echo given file is not reg or dir file fi else echo file not exists fi :wq ?WAS to display data from given file if file will h ave read permission. $vi fdata echo enter file name read fn if [ -e $fn ] then if [ -f $fn ] then if [ -r $fn ] then cat $fn else echo file will not have read permission fi else echo file is not regular file fi else echo file not exists fi

:wq ?WAS to check wheter you are owner or not for given file $vi fowner echo enter file name read fn if [ -e $fn ] then if [ -O $fn ] then echo your are owner for given file else echo you are not owner fi else echo file not exists fi :wq ?wAS to check whether file belongs to your group or not $vi fgroup echo enter file name read fn if [ -e $fn ] then if [ -G $fn ] then echo file belongs to your group else echo file is not in your group fi else echo file not exists fi

:wq Checking the Disk space: du(disk space used):- It will display the space use d by file or directory in blocks. $du cks file1 ->display space occupied by file1 in blo

$du -b file1 ->display size of file in bytes $du -s /home/oracle ->Display blocks occupied by or acle in summarized format. df(disk free): ion. $df ->display file systems informat

->Display the file systems info. in kb.

$df -h ->display file systems information in MBs a nd GBs. free:- It will display memory and swap information. $free :Loops:- These are used to execute the statements required no., of times. 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) while: while until for select

Syntax-1 while [ condition ] do ............ ............. ............. done -> Given condition true, then statements under whil e are executed. Syntax-2 while true do ........... ......... .......... done -> Above loop is infinite loop,'break' or 'continue ' statements are used to come out from loop or to continue the l oop. 2) until: Syntax-1 until [ condition ] do ............ ............. ............. done -> Given condition false, then statements under unt il are executed.

Syntax-2 until false do ........... ......... .......... done -> Above loop is infinite loop,'break' or 'continue ' statements are used to come out from loop or to continue the l oop. ?WAS to print numbers upto given number using while loop $vi whilenum echo enter number read n i=1 while [ $i -le $n ] do echo $i i=`expr $i + 1` done :wq

?Write a shell script to find even numbers sum and odd numbers sum upto give number using until loop $vi untilsum echo enter number read n

i=1 es=0 os=0 until [ $i -gt $n ] do if [ `expr $i % 2` -eq 0 ] then es=`expr $i + $es` else os=`expr $i + $os` fi i=`expr $i + 1` done echo Even numbers sum:$es echo Odd numbers sum :$os :wq Creating user with default directory under /usr: #useradd -d /usr/myusr -m myusr ?WAS to create given number of users but default di rectory of users should be under /usr directroy. #vi whileusr echo enter no. of users required read n i=1 while [ $i -le $n ] do if grep -w u$i /etc/passwd>/dev/null then echo u$i already exists else useradd -d /usr/u$i -m u$i echo u$i created fi i=`expr $i + 1` done

:wq ?write a shell script to check give user connected server or or if user not connected continuously check for user until user connected to server using while loop. $vi whileuser echo enter username read usr while true do if who|grep -w $usr>/dev/null then echo $usr connected break else echo cheking for user sleep 10 continue fi done :wq select loop:- It is menu based loop. Syntax: select <variable> in value1 value2 value3 ..... .. do ............ .............. done -> It will form menu with given values, while execu ting program.

$vi slct select i in Osname ServerIP Date Exit do case $i in Osname) uname;; ServerIP) hostname -i;; Date) date;; Exit) exit;; *) echo enter correct choice;; esac done :wq ?WAS to find sum,difference and product of two inte gers using case $vi slarth echo enter two values read a b select i in SUM DIF PROD EXIT do case $i in SUM) echo sum is:`expr $a + $b`;; DIF) echo differe is:`expr $a - $b`;; PROD) echo product is:`expr $a \* $b`;; EXIT) exit;; *) echo enter correct choice;; esac done :wq for loop: Syntax-1

for <varibale> in const1 const2 const3 ........ do ............ ............. done Syntax-2: for <variable> in 'seq $n' do ......... ........ .......... .......... done ->Here n is variable ?WAS to display give four values using for loop $vi fornum echo enter four values read a b c d for i in $a $b $c $d do echo $i done :wq ?WAS to find the sum of given four values $vi forsum echo enter four values read a b c d

sum=0 for i in $a $b $c $d do sum=`expr $sum + $i` done echo sum is:$sum :wq Create EMP file as show below: $cat emp 100:smith:clerk:800 200:allen:analyst:1600 300:ward:manager:3000 $cut -f 4 -d':' emp ->display 4 field data from emp file $cat emp|cut -f 4 -d':' ?WAS to display data from emp file using for loop; $vi foremp for i in `cat emp` do echo $i done :wq ?WAS to display data from emp file if sal of employ ee greater than or equal to 2000. $vi forsal

for i in `cat emp` do s=`echo $i|cut -f 4 -d':'` if [ $s -ge 2000 ] then echo $i fi done :wq Positional parameters or command line arguements: -> These are used to pass values to shell scrip t from the command line at the time of executing shell script. ->positional paramters are from $1, $2, $3 etc. , ?WAS to find sum of two given numebrs using positio nal parameters. $vi sum a=$1 b=$2 c=`expr $a + $b` echo sum is:$c :wq Displaying the step by step execution of shell scri pt $sh -x sum + a=4 + b=6

++ expr 4 + 6 + c=10 + echo sum is:10 sum is:10 Note:- without writing program, we can assign value s to p.p at command prompt using 'set' command. $set A B C D E F G H I J $echo A $echo I $echo A0 $echo J $echo 10 $ $echo me A B C $echo A B C $1 $9 $10 ${10} ->Display 10th p.p value $# $* ->DIsplay No. of p.p involved ->Display values of all the P.p at a ti ->Display first p.p value ->Display 9th p.p value

D E F G H I J $@ D E F G H I J command is used to shift the values

Note: 'Shift' of p.p.

$set A B C D E F G H I J $shift 1 ->to shift the p.p to one level back(le ft) $echo $1 B $echo $# 9 $echo $@ B C D E F G H I J $

Program to Display special paramter values: $vi test echo echo echo echo :wq $sh test This is unix $?->It holds the status of recently executed comman d if command executed successfully its value zero if command execution fails, its value other tha n zero $grep $echo 0 $grep $echo 1 -w oracle /etc/passwd>/dev/null $? ->command executed successfully -w oracl /etc/passwd>/dev/null $? ->command execution fails First p.p value:$1 No. of p.p involved:$# Value of all p.p:$@ Program Name:$0

Process Status(ps): $ps ->display all the processes runnin in linux ser ver for given user $ps -ef -> Display all the processes running in lin ux server $ps -ef|grep -w visix ->Display only visix user processes. Killing process: SYntax:

Kill <processId> $kill -9 5012 -> -9 for sure killing

init runlevels: Run levels are used to control the server from root login #init 0 #init 6 $init 1 onnect -> To shut down server ->To Reboot server ->single user mode only root user can c but GUI not av

$init 2 or init3 -> multi user mode ailable $histroy 10 .

->display recently fired 10 command

Functions: we can write set of statements under a name without opening file in vi edi tor. Syntax: function <function_name>(){ ................ ................. ................. } Executing function: Syntax: <function_name> $function test_fun(){

echo welcome to function echo This is unix function } Executing function: $test_fun .mainfunc.sh:- Functions created in this hidden fil e are perminant. $pwd /home/oracle $vi .mainfunc.sh function sum_fun(){ a=$1 b=$2 c=`expr $a + $b` echo sum is:$c } $. .mainfunc.sh $sum_fun 4 8 Array:- it is collection of elements of continuous memory locations. -> Using array we can store more than one value in single variable. $a=(10 20 30 40) $echo ${a[0]} 10 ->first location value displayed. $echo ${a[4]} $c=`expr ${a[0]} ->fifth location value displayed. + ${a[4]}`

$echo $c Note:-Set command display all the existing arrays. ->above array valid only for one session to mak e it perminant, declare above array in .bashrc.

Scheduling the Jobs: 1) at :- Used to schedule the jobs for single time execution. $at now + 7 minutes at>rm -rf * -> rm -rf * executed after 7minutes fro m scheduledtime. at> ->type ctrl+d to come out from at $ $at now + 2 months at>sh script22 -> Script22 executed after 2months f rom scheduled date and time. at> ctrl+d ->to come out $ $at -t 201312150930 at>sh script44 -> script44 executed on 15/dec/2012 at 9:30 AM. at> ctrl+d $ $atq -> Display all at scheduled jobs with jobids,e xecution time and scheduled username.

$at -c 32 -> Display the details of job with jobid32. $atrm 32 -> job with jobid-32 is removed from at sc hedule. 2) batch:->used to schedule the jobs for single time execution. ->Job executed only when server is free. $batch at>sh script33 -> script33 executed when serve r is free. at> ctrl+d -> to come out $ $atq -> Display scheduled job with jobid,scheduled time and username. 3) crontab:- It is used to schedule the jobs for regular execution. Commands: 1) crontab -e he jobs -> Open editor for scheduling t

2) crontab -l -> List the jobs which are sche duled using crontab 3) crontab -r uled jobs. $crontab -e #minutes hours dayofmonth monthofyear wkdays sh <sc ript> -> Remove all the crontab sched

# 00-59 00-23 01-31 01-12 0-6 * * * * * sh scr ipt22 ->script22executed forevery min. 30 10 * * * sh sc ript44 ->script44 executed every day at 10:30AM 45 22 1,2 * * sh sc ript55 ->script55 executed ever month 1,2 at 10:45PM

Searching for files: 1) which:- It is used to search for unix executable . $which pwd $which date

2) whereis:- used to search for unix executable and manual help pages path of command. $whereis pwd $whereis date 3) find:- used to search for file in given director y. $find file1 ng directory ->search for file1 in current worki

$find abc/a1/a2/file1 -> search for file1 in a2 dir ectory

$find|grep file1 -> search for file1 in c.w.d and a ll sub-dir in current working directory. 4) locate:- used to search for file in entire unix file system from root(/) directory on wards.

AWK A->Aho W->Weinberger K->Kernighan -> It uSed to extract fields from file and also used to perform arithmetic operations between fields ->It will recognize the fileds if the field sep arator is tab or space. -> Print is used to print fields data from the file. Syntax: awk [option] 'selection criteria {action}' file (s) Arithmetic operators: + * / % Comparison OPeratros: < <= > >=

!= == -> equal Logical operators: && -> AND || -> OR Builtin varibales : $0 -> specifies entire file. $1,$2,... specifies 1st,2nd,... fields NR -> specifies cumulative no.of records required in output. RS -> Input record separator. OFS -> Out put field separator. $vi inv 1 pen 2 pencil 3 rubber 5 books

20 50 50 100

25.00 5.50 2.00 50.00 ->Display complete data fro

$awk '{print $0}' inv m inv file.

$awk '{print $1" "$2}' inv ields of inv file. $awk 'NR==2{print $0}' inv f inv file

->Display 1st and 2nd f

->Display 2nd records o

Create inv2 file with following data.

$vi inv2 1:pen:20:25.00 2:pencil:50:5.50 3:rubber:50:2.00 5:books:100:50.00 $awk -F':' '{print $1" "$2}' inv2 ->Display 1st a nd 2nd fields data from inv2 file ->-F option should be used to specify the filed separator if field separator is other tha n tab or space.

Scp(secure Copy):This command is used to copy files from login to login in same or differen t unix servers. Syntax: scp sourceusername@Source_serverip:pathoffile targetuser@target_srip:destina tion path $scp yash@ oracle@

Links: In linux links are classified into two types i) Hard link ii) Soft link

->Every file or directroy contains one unique ident ification number called i-node number. $ls -i ->Display all files and subdir., with i-node numbers. i) Hard link:- It is pointer for i-node of file.

$pwd /home/yash $cat>file1 sdfsdfsdfsd sdfsdfsdfsdf sdfsdfsdf $ln file hf1 $ls -i ame ->hf1 is hardlink for file1 ->i-node numebrs of file1 and hf1 are s

Note: changes performed on file1 visible through hf1 and reverse also valid. ->if file1 removed, still we can access data through hf1 ii) soft link:- It is pointer for filename. $ln -s file1 sf1 ->sf1 is soft link for file1 $ls -i ->i-node numbers of file1 and sf1 are different ->size of sf1 is smaller than file1

NOte:- Changes performed on file1 or hf1 or sf1 vis ible through file1,hf1,sf1.

->if file1 removed, sf1 becomes invalid. Removing the Link: Syntax: unlink <soft/hard linkname>; $unlink sf1 $unlink hf1 Conneting to oracle: $logname oracle $sqlplus scott/tiger SQL>cl scr; -> to clear the screen SQL>select * from v$version; -> Display the version of oracle. SQL>select * from dept; table. SQL>! $ $exit SQL> SQL>exit -> to disconnect from the oracle. -> to go back to oracle -> Display data from dept

-> to go back to linux

?WAS to display data from dept table in scott login ; $vi orascript sqlplus -s scott/tiger<<EOF

select * from dept; EOF Zipping the files:1) zip 2) gzip 3) bzip2 4) tar 1) zip:- used to zip two or more files. $zip myfile.zip file1 file2 ed to myfile.zip $rm f* $unzip -l myfile.zip n zipped file. $unzip myfile.zip d file. -> Display all the files i -> file1,file2 are add

-> extracting files from zippe ->file1 only extracted

$unzip myfile.zip file1

2) gzip:- used to zip single file. $gzip file1 -> file1 renamed to file1.gz $zcat file1.gz e $gunzip file1.gz -> display data from the zipped fil -> unzip the zipped file.

3) bzip2:- It is also used to zip a single file and it is newly introduced in linux. $bzip2 file1 $bzcat file1.bz2 file $bunzip2 file1.bz2 -> file1 renamed to file1.bz2 -> display data from the zipped -> Unzip the zipped file.

4) tar:-it is used to archive the files or director ies. It is generally used for taking backups. $pwd /home/oracle $tar -cvf bkp.tar /home/oracle c-> create v-> verbose i.e Display files while adding the tar file f-> file $tar -tf bkp.tar -> Display all the files in the tar file $tar -tvf bkp.tar $tar -xvf bkp.tar -> Extracting files from tar file $tar -czvf newbkp.tar /home/oracle ->applying tar command and zipping the file.

Scheduling the Jobs: 1) at :- Used to schedule the jobs for single time execution. $at now + 7 minutes at>rm -rf * -> rm -rf * executed after 7minutes fro m scheduled time. at> ->type ctrl+d to come out from at $ $at now + 2 months at>sh script22 -> Script22 executed after 2months f rom scheduled time. at> ctrl+d ->to come out $ $at -t 201212150930 at>sh script44 -> script44,script55 are executed on 15/Dec/2012 at 9:30 AM. at> sh script55 $ $atq -> Display all at scheduled jobs with jobids,e xecution time and scheduled username. $at -c 32 -> Display the details of job with jobid -32. $atrm 32 -> job with jobid-32 is removed from at sc hedule. 2) batch:-

->used to schedule the jobs for single time execution. ->Job executed only when server is free. $batch at>sh script33 -> script33 executed when serve r is free. at> ctrl+d -> to come out $ $atq -> Display scheduled job with jobid,scheduled time and username. 3) crontab:- It is used to schedule the jobs for regular execution. Commands: 1) crontab -e he jobs -> Open editor for scheduling t

2) crontab -l -> List the jobs which are sche duled using crontab 3) crontab -r uled jobs. $pwd /home/visix $vi crontab -e #minutes Hours dayofmonth monthofyear wkday sh <scr iptname> 00-59 00-23 01-31 01-12 0-6 * * * * * sh script2 ->script2 executed for every minute . -> Remove all the crontab sched

30 10 :30 AM 45 pt66 ,2nd

sh script44

->script44 executed every day at 10 22 1,2 * * sh scri

->script66 executed every month 1st at 10:45 PM :wq $crontab -l ->display all the schedules jobs. $crontab -r ->remove all the crontab scheduled jobs Communicating with users: 1) wall:- used to send a common message to all the users connected to server. $wall Hi all users -> all users connected to server will receive the message. 2) write:- Used to communicate with particular user connected to server. $logname oracle $write visix -> only visix user will receive the messages. ......... ......... ...... ctrl+d -> to come out from write.

$mesg n -> user will not receive messages from othe rs $mesg y -> now user will receive messages from othe rs. Searching for files: 1) which:- It is used to search for unix executable . $which pwd $which date 2) whereis:- used to search for unix executable and manual help pages path of command. $whereis pwd $whereis date 3) find:- used to search for file in given director y. $find file1 ng directory ->search for file1 in current worki

$find abc/a1/a2/file1 -> search for file1 in a2 dir ectory $find|grep file1 -> search for file1 in c.w.d and a ll sub-dir in current working directory. 4) locate:- used to search for file in entire unix file system from root(/) directory on wards.

$locate newfile ->search for newfile in entire unix file system from root directroy onwards. Creating and executing C program: i) C program t display message $vi test.c #include<stdio.h> main() { printf("Hello C\n"); } ii) Shell script to execute above C program: $vi cscript cc -c test.c ->Compiliation of c-program cc -o myc test.o ->An executable file myc create f for test.o ./myc ->Executing Executiable file :wq iii) executing Shell script $sh cscript Creating and Executing C++ program: i) Creating C++ program $vi newtest.cpp #include<iostream.h> main() { cout<<"Hello CPP\n";

} :wq ii) Shell Script to execute above c++ program $vi cppscript g++ -c newtest.cpp ->compiliation of c++ program a nd an object file newtest.o is created clear g++ -o mycpp newtest.o ./mycpp :wq iii) sh cppscript ->executing the Shell script

Creating and executing Java Program: $vi jtest.java class jtest { public static void main(String [args]) { System.out.println("Hello Java"); } } :wq Executing above java program: $java jtest.java $java jtest

:wq Executing Shell script $sh orascript ->Data in dept table displayed.

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