Michigan Voter Guide 2012: November 6, 2012 General Election Guide

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Michigan Voter guide 2012

november 6, 2012 general election guide Cass County

MiChigan FaMily ForuM
Sound Public Policy for Stronger Michigan Families

Michigan Family Forum presents

PO BOx 15216, Lansing, Michigan, 48901-5216


(517) 374-1171

Sound Public Policy for Stronger Michigan Families

Michigan FaMily ForuM

table of CoNteNts
United StateS PreSident........................ Michigan SUPreMe coUrt ..................... 3 7

dear Michigan Voter: This 2012 Voter guide is designed to help you make an informed decision when you vote on tuesday, november 6th. The guide is non-partisan and is not intended to endorse or oppose any candidate, either explicitly or implicitly. We have printed candidate responses exactly as we received them on signed questionnaires. Presidential information is taken from

United StateS Senator ........................ 10 State Board of edUcation .................. 12 UniverSity BoardS ................................ 14 endorSeMentS ...................................... 16 US hoUSe of rePreSentativeS .............. 17 Michigan hoUSe of rePreSentativeS .... 18 Minor PartieS ...................................... 19 Ballot ProPoSalS ................................. 22 voting SelectionS ................................ 25

the candidates websites and uS Senate information from the congressional research Service. unfortunately, some candidates did

not respond to our questionnaire. each candidate was contacted at least four times by phone, mail or email.

Please consider passing this Voter guide along to friends, family and others in your community to increase its usefulness. We also encourage you to visit our electronic Voter guide at www. michiganfamily.org, where you will also find information for Mi house candidates, including endorsements and questionnaire responses. Thanks for being an informed voter. See you at the polls on november 6th!

Brad Snavely executive director

RemembeR to vote tuesday, NovembeR 6, 2012

uNited states PResideNt

Barack obama (D)
education: harvard Law School recent positions: illinois State Senate, 1997-2004; u.S. Senate, 2005-2008; President of the united States of america, 2008-present Marital Status/children: Married, 2 children age: 51 endorsements: aFL-cio; equality Michigan Pride Pac; Planned Parenthood; Sierra club Website: www.barackobama.com

SaME-SEX MarriagE i believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marryive always believed that gay and lesbian americans should be treated fairly and equally. i was reluctant to use the term marriage because of the very powerful traditions it evokes. and i thought civil union laws that conferred legal rights upon gay and lesbian couples were a solutionWhat ive come to realize is that for loving, same-sex couples, the denial of marriage equality means that, in their eyes and the eyes of their children, they are still considered less than full citizens. Source: www.barackobama.com/news/entry/marriage aBorTion/rEProDuCTiVE righTS The President has repeatedly stood behind a womans right to choose. he has: reversed the global gag rule, ending the ban on government aid for international groups that provide abortion information; Fought against republican attempts to defund Planned Parenthood, one of the largest providers of womens health services in the country. Source: www.barackobama.com/record/on/contraception 2nD aMEnDMEnT President obama advocates reasonable, common-sense laws that uphold liberty, ensure citizen safety, and are fully compatible with a robust Second amendment. i am very mindful of the fact that sportsmen in america may have gone hunting with their fathers, their grandfathers, their mothers, their grandmothers, and that this is part of a tradition and a way of life that has to be preserved. and theres nothing that i will do as president of the united States that will in any way encroach on the ability of sportsmen to continue that tradition. Source: www.barackobama.com/truth-team/entry/boltons-claims-on-the-un-and-gun-rights

uNited states PResidNet - obama (d)

iMMigraTion The President: Supports the dreaM act, and is committed to working with congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform announced a policy to lift the shadow of deportation from young, hardworking immigrants who were brought here as children is for comprehensive immigration reform and opposes a patchwork of state laws to fix our broken immigration system Proposed a new rule to keep families together by allowing certain undocumented spouses and children of u.S. citizens to apply for legal status from inside the u.S. Source: www.barackobama.com/contrast/immigration/ i am pleased that the Supreme court has struck down key provisions of arizonas immigration law. What this decision makes unmistakably clear is that congress must act on comprehensive immigration reform. a patchwork of state laws is not a solution to our broken immigration systemits part of the problem. Source: www.barackobama.com/news/category/immigration/ naTional hEalThCarE if you like the insurance you have, you can keep it. The only thing thats changed is that your coverage is stronger. heres how: if you had a lifetime limit (and about 60 percent of employer-based plans did), its been lifted. if you have a child under the age of 26, they can stay on your plan. insurance companies can no longer discriminate against children with pre-existing conditions. Starting in 2014, insurance companies will no longer be able to deny anyone insurance based on pre-existing conditions, helping up to 129 million americans get the care they need. insurance companies will no longer be able to charge women more than men for the exact same coverage. 54 million americans already have access to better preventive services, free of charge. if you get sick, your insurance company cant drop your coverage, and if they deny you a treatment, the law makes sure you have a chance to appeal. Source: www.barackobama.com/truth-team/entry/obamacare-separating-fact-from-fiction/ EnErgy american oil production is at an eight-year high, and we are less reliant on foreign oil than at any time in the last 16 years. new fuel efficiency standards will nearly double the fuel economy of cars and light trucks to 54.5 mpg by 2025domestic production of natural gas has increased every year since President obama took office. President obama has set a 10-year goal to develop and deploy cost-effective clean coal technology. The recovery act invested substantially in carbon capture and sequestration research...The obama administration has promoted the use of cleaner fuels in our vehicles, increased the level of ethanol that can be blended into gasoline, and implemented a new renewable Fuel Standard... President obama has made a commitment to increasing biofuel research and development, including support for the construction of commercial-scale, next-generation bio-refineries. under President obama, electricity generation from wind has more than doubled between 2008 and 2011. The obama administration approved the nations first-ever offshore wind project, and is supporting development of the worlds largest wind farm in oregon. under President obama, electricity generation from solar has more than doubled between 2008 and 2011. The obama administration approved the construction of 16 utility-scale solar energy projects... President obama and his administration are supporting the construction of the first new nuclear power plant in decades... Source: www.barackobama.com/energy-info

uNited states PResideNt

Mitt romney (r)
edUcation: Brigham Young university, B.a.; harvard university, joint Juris doctor/MBa recent PoSitionS: co-Founder and ceo Bain capital, 1984-2002; President and ceo of Salt Lake organizing committee for the olympic and Paralympic Winter games of 2002; governor of Massachusetts, 2003-2007 Marital StatUS/children: Married; 5 children age: 65 endorsements: citizens for traditional Values; Farm Bureau; right to Life of Michigan WeBSite: www.mittromney.com

SaME-SEX MarriagE Marriage is more than a personally rewarding social custom. it is also critical for the well-being of a civilization. That is why it is so important to preserve traditional marriage the joining together of one man and one woman. as president, Mitt will not only appoint an attorney general who will defend the defense of Marriage act a bipartisan law passed by congress and signed by President clinton but he will also champion a Federal Marriage amendment to the constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Source: www.mittromney.com/issues/values aBorTion/rEProDuCTiVE righTS Mitt romney is pro-life. Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme court to overturn roe v. Wade a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges. With roe overturned, states will be empowered through the democratic process to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate. Source: www.mittromney.com/issues/values 2nD aMEnDMEnT as the Supreme court recently reaffirmed, the Second amendment protects one of the american peoples most basic and fundamental individual rights: the right to Keep and Bear arms. The Second amendment is essential to the functioning of our free society. Mitt strongly supports the right of all law-abiding americans to exercise their constitutionally protected right to own firearms and to use them for lawful purposes, including hunting, recreational shooting, self-defense, and the protection of family and property. Source: www.mittromney.com/issues/gun-rights

uNited states PResideNt - RomNey (R)

iMMigraTion as president, Mitt romney will make the system for bringing in temporary agricultural workers and other seasonal workers functional for both employers and immigrants. We should get rid of unnecessary requirements that delay issuance of a visa, and we should speed the processing of applications. he will work with congress, states, and employers to properly set the cap on non-agricultural temporary worker visas. Many tourist-oriented businesses in the united States rely on these workers and would have to cut back or cease operations if there are not enough visas. every foreign student who obtains an advanced degree in math, science, or engineering at a u.S. university should be granted permanent residency. Mitt romney will complete a high-tech fence to enhance border securityensure that we have the officers on the ground we need to gain control of the border.and will work to develop an efficient, effective system of exit verification to ensure people do not overstay their visas. Mitt romney believes that young illegal immigrants who were brought to the united States as children should have the chance to become permanent residents, and eventually citizens, by serving honorably in the united States military. Source: http://www.mittromney.com/issues/immigration naTional hEalThCarE on his first day in office, Mitt romney will issue an executive order that paves the way for the federal government to issue obamacare waivers to all fifty states. he will then work with congress to repeal the full legislation as quickly as possible. in place of obamacare, Mitt will pursue policies that give each state the power to craft a health care reform plan that is best for its own citizens. The federal governments role will be to help markets work by creating a level playing field for competition. Source: www.mittromney.com/issues/health-care EnErgy Mitt romney will make america an energy superpower, rapidly and responsibly increasing our own production and partnering with our allies canada and Mexico to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020. This will require genuine support for increased energy production, a more rational approach to regulation, and a government that facilitates private-sector-led development of new energy technologies by focusing on funding research and removing barriers, rather than chasing fads and picking winners and losers. States will be empowered to control all forms of energy production on all lands within their borders... Federal agencies will certify, but the states will lead. Mitt will establish the most robust five-year offshore lease plan in history, that opens new areas for resource development including off the coasts of Virginia and the carolinas... Mitt will approve the Keystone XL pipeline, establish a new regional agreement to facilitate cross-border energy investment, promote and expand regulatory cooperation with canada and Mexico and institute fast-track regulatory approval processes for cross-border pipelines and other infrastructure. Mitt will pursue measured reforms of our environmental laws and regulations to strengthen environmental protection without destroying jobs or paralyzing industries. Mitts plan will also streamline the gauntlet of reviews, processes, administrative procedures, and lawsuits that mire so many new projects in red tape. Source: www.mittromney.com/issues/energy

miChigaN suPReme CouRt - Choose Two

Connie Marie Kelley
Nominated by the Democratic Party Convention education: university of Michigan, Ba; Wayne State university, Jd recent positions: Judge, Family Law division, Wayne county Third circuit court, 2009-Present; attorney, private practice, 27 years; co-Founder, cody girls Make it happen mentoring program Marital Status/children: Married, 2 children religious faith/denomination: catholic age: 57 endorsements: Police officers association of Mi; Mi Professional Firefighters union; Mi nurses association community or civic involvement: co-founder of cody girls Make it happen; State Bar of Mi; Mi Judges association; State Bar of Mi Family Law Section; Women Lawyers association of Mi; Mi association for Justice; naacP; incorporated Society of irish american Lawyers; Board, Boys & girls clubs of Southeastern Mi Website: http://conniekelleyforjustice.com 1. The criminal justice system should punish the guilty and rehabilitate when possible. While, we need to protect our communities from violent offenders and those that prey on the most vulnerable, such as children and seniors, i support the use of drug courts and mental health courts for non-violent offenders. These specialty courts help people become productive members of society and save taxpayers the cost of incarceration. i also started a girls mentoring program for at risk high school girls to teach them about good decision making and help them stay out of the criminal justice system. 2. as a judge in the family law division of Wayne county circuit court, i work with families who are going through difficult times every day. i encourage amicable resolution of their differences rather than adversarial proceedings, so they can move on and lead more peaceful lives. i ask parents to reduce conflict and work together, in a respectful way, to minimize the impact of their separation on their children. When parties are simply unable to agree, it is my job to make the tough decisions, in the best interest of the children.

Bridget Mary McCormick

Nominated by the Democratic Party Convention education: trinity college, Ba; nYu Law School, Jd recent positions: university of Michigan Law School, clinical Professor of Law and associate dean for clinical affairs, 1998 - Present; Yale Law School, robert M. cover Fellow in clinical teaching 1996-1998; office of the appellate defender, new York: Staff attorney 19941996 Marital Status/children: Married, 4 children religious faith/denomination: christian age: 46 endorsements: Michigan Supreme court Justice Marilyn Kelly; Michigan Professional Firefighters; detroit chamber of commerce Pac community or civic involvement: dexter community aquatic club; Pioneer Swim and dive; Saugatuck-douglas historical Society; Saugatuck center for the arts Website: www.mccormack for justice.com 1. our justice system serves to deter and punish criminal conduct and to rehabilitate offenders. ensuring that released convicts do not reoffend is important if we wish to continue to reduce crime rates and preserve resources in these difficult economic times. ultimately, however, it is up for the legislature, as the policy setting branch, to determine the appropriate punishment and how best to use resources efficiently. The courts job is then to apply the law as written in a fair and non-partisan manner. 2. above all, judges must remain fair and impartial. While they need to be aware of and responsive to their communities, they have a duty to interpret and enforce the law without resorting to personal biases or preferred outcomes. Judges can, however, encourage parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement out of court, while keeping in mind that it is important that the judicial branch, as the non-partisan branch, provide stability and consistency in governance. outcome-oriented adjudicating makes it difficult for family lawyers to provide good counsel, as attorneys must be able to rely on judges upholding the law as written.


miChigaN suPReme CouRt (CoNtiNued)

Stephen Markman (incumbent)
Nominated by the Republican Party Convention education: duke university, B.a.; university cincinnati Law, Jd recent positions: Justice, Supreme court 1999-present; u.S. attorney (prosecutor), 1989-93; Judge, Michigan court of appeals, 1995-99 Marital Status/children: Married, 2 children religious faith/denomination: Jewish age: 63 endorsements: Michigan right-to-Life; Michigan Farm Bureau; Police officers associate of Michigan community or civic involvement: Michigan Bar Foundation, inns of court, 100 club, countless speaking appearances throughout state to community, civic, religious, educational, and charitable organizations Website: www. markmanforjustice.com 1. The criminal justice system carries out the first responsibility of governmentthe protection of citizens in their civil right to be free from violent criminal predators. Both as federal prosecutor and as a Justice of the Supreme court, i have viewed this responsibility as my first priority as well. during my 12 years on the court, our states criminal justice system has been strengthened and transformed by the decisions of the court. The support i have received from the attorney general, prosecutors, sheriffs, and police organizations reflects that record. absent a fair-minded and effective justice system, no society can prosper. 2. a responsible legal system must be one that not only resolves individual disputes fairly and in accordance with the law, but takes into account in its decisions their impact upon those who are not in the courtroom, i.e., upon the whole of society. in our decisions concerning such matters are child custody and support, parental termination, filiation determinations, and child sexual abuse, the Supreme court over the past 12 years has sought carefully to recognize that in faithfully upholding the law, we were having an impact upon responsible social behavior that went far beyond the confines of the courtroom.

Nominated by the Republican Party Convention education: university of Michigan, Ba; detroit college of Law, Jd recent positions: circuit court Judge, oakland county, 1998 to present; Private civil Litigation Practice, 1981 1998 Marital Status/children: Married, 3 children religious faith/denomination: catholic age: 56 endorsements: Michigan right to Life Pac; Michigan citizens for traditional Values; Michigan chamber of commerce Pac community or civic involvement: crossroads for Youth; Baker college Paralegal Program advisory Board; adjunct Professor cooley Law School; Michigan Judges association; Michigan Judges association corrections committee; oakland county Bar association & Michigan Bar Foundation Member, indigent defense commission - appointed by gov. Snyder Website: www.colleenobrien.org 1. The purpose of the criminal justice system is to protect society, control crime, punish individuals who commit crimes and rehabilitate if appropriate. in recent years, the criminal justice system has been ineffective in stopping the revolving doors on our jails and prisons, especially with crimes related to drug/alcohol addiction and mental health issues. Because studies have shown a strong correlation between effective treatment of substance abuse and mental health problems and a reduction in crime, i believe the use problem-solving courts (drug courts, Mental health courts, domestic Violence courts) could assist in this area. 2. as judges, we must apply the laws and policies passed by the Legislature regardless of any personal policy preference we may have. hence, there is less judicial discretion than the general public might think in family law cases. however, i believe there are things we can do within that framework to protect the family unit. as alluded to above, domestic violence courts and drug/substance abuse courts try to identify and treat the cause of the criminal acts, and if successful help the family unit intact. This is the type of program that allows judges, within the law, to assist in a familys well-being.


Colleen oBrien

miChigaN suPReme CouRt PaRtial teRm - Choose one

Shelia r. Johnson

Brian Zahra (incumbent)

Nominated by the Republican Party Convention education: university of detroit, Jd; Wayne State university, Ba recent positions: Mi Supreme court Justice, 2011-Present; Mi court of appeals Judge, 1998-2011 Wayne county circuit court Judge, 1994-1998 Marital Status/children: Married, 2 children religious faith/denomination: catholic age: 52 endorsements: right to Life Michigan; Farm Bureau agriPac; Police officers association of Michigan community or civic involvement: catholic Lawyers Society; Knights of columbus; novi Youth hockey association; Kiwanis club international; Boys and girls club of Southeast Mighigan Website: www.supremecourtjusticezahra.com 1. The criminal justice system is designed to ensure that those who commit crimes are tried fairly and consistent with their constitutional and statutory rights. Legislative sentencing guidelines have limited judges discretion in sentencing. The governor has begun to assess whether these guidelines unnecessarily contribute to prison populations. The judicial system has also initiated a number of diversionary programs (therapeutic courts) that address issues like drug and alcohol problems. These therapeutic courts have had proven success in keeping those enrolled out of jail and prison and avoiding recidivism. as resources allow, more such therapeutic courts are being established across the State. 2. it is entirely appropriate and desirable for judges to encourage families in the process of divorce to participate in marital counseling. Where divorce with children is inevitable, judges must urge parents to put their personal animus aside and decide for themselves what is in the best interest of their children. it is never in the best interest of children to have courts, rather than parents, decide their fate. also, the Supreme court has been a strong advocate of Michigan adoption day, which promotes the adoption of children into thriving and stable families.

Nominated by the Democratic Party Convention education: dartmouth college, aB; university of Michigan, Jd recent positions: Judge, 46th district court, 2002-present; attorney- Private Practice, 1987-2002; Federal Judicial Law clerk, 1985-1987 Marital Status/children: Single, no children religious faith/denomination: christian-united Methodist age: 55 endorsements: national organization for Women-Mi, Planned Parenthood, Fannie Lou hamer Pac community or civic involvement: Southern oakland county chapter of the naacP; oakland county chapter of the national congress of Black Women; Womens Fund of the Southfield community Foundation; Western international optimist club Website: www.JudgeSheliaJohnson.com 1. The primary purpose of the criminal justice system is to keep law and order, to deter and rehabilitate criminal behavior by convicting and punishing, under due process of law, those who are guilty of crimes while protecting the innocent and the community. The system is less effective considering the increasing number of violent and theft offenses, all of which are precipitated by substance abuse, joblessness, homelessness, mental illness. alternatives are: psychological counseling; and specialty courts, such as drug courts, veterans courts, domestic violence courts, with intensive probation and regular reporting to a judge, with the goals of rehabilitation, training, and sanctioning. 2. in family disputes, judges must remain neutral and primarily consider the best interests of the children involved and if property is in dispute, render a fair and equitable decision considering the circumstances of the parties. community well-being is a secondary concern, which may not always arise except where violence or sexually inappropriate behavior is perpetrated against a party or children. in those instances judges should weigh the interests of the parties, with consideration to community well-being in determining whether protective orders should be issued or whether custodial rights should be limited.


uNited states seNatoR

Debbie Stabenow (D)
education: Michigan State university, Ba, Ma recent positions: Michigan house of representatives, 1979-1990; State Senate, 19911994; united States congress, 1996-2000; united States Senate, 2000-Present Marital Status/children: divorced, 2 children endorsements:equality Michigan Pride Pac; Planned Parenthood; Farm Bureau; Sierra club Website: www.stabenowforsenate.com

Pete hoekstra (r)

education: hope college, Ba; university of Michigan, MBa recent positions: Vice-President of Marketing, herman Miller, inc. of Zeeland; congressman, 2nd congressional district 1993-2010 Marital Status/children: Married, 3 children endorsements: right to Life of Michigan; Michigan chamber of commerce; citizens for traditional Values Website: www.hoekstraforsenate.com

all of the votes below are votes on the final version of a bill before it was sent to the President for his signature or veto. Therefore, while bills may undergo significant change throughout the legislative process, these are votes where both candidates voted on identical language. all of the titles, summaries and descriptions are taken directly from the congressional research Service at the Library of congress. if we added any language, we put the words in italics. if we deleted words, we used ellipses () to indicate that we omitted language. We selected votes from the final eight years that representative hoekstra and Senator Stabenow served simultaneously in congress. h.r. 1 - Title as enacted: american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009; Popular Title: Economic stimulus bill. Stabenow YeS hoekstra no h.r. 2 Title as enacted: Childrens health insurance Program reauthorization act 2009 Stabenow YeS hoekstra no h.r. 2965 - Dont ask, Dont Tell repeal act of 2010 - Provides for repeal of the current department of defense (dod) policy concerning homosexuality in the armed Forces, to be effective 60 days after the Secretary of defense has received dods comprehensive review on the implementation of such repeal Stabenow YeS hoekstra no h.r. 3435 - (cash for clunkers Program) Makes emergency supplemental appropriations of $2 billion for FY2009 and FY2010 to the national highway traffic Safety administration (nhtSa) of the department of transportation (dot) for the consumer assistance to recycle and Save Program. Stabenow YeS hoekstra YeS

uNited states seNatoR (CoNtiNued)

h.r. 3590 - Title as enacted: Patient Protection and affordable Care act; Popular title: health care reform bill (Also referred to as Obamacare) Stabenow YeS hoekstra no S. 5 - official title as introduced: a bill to amend the Public health Service act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research. (2007) Summary: amends the Public health Service act to require the Secretary of health and human Services to conduct and support research that utilizes human embryonic stem cells, regardless of the date on which the stem cells were derived from a human embryo. Stabenow YeS hoekstra no h.r. 6 Energy independence and Security act 2007 (CaF and renewable fuels requirements) Partial Summary: amends federal transportation law to instruct the Secretary of transportation (Secretary in this title) to prescribe separate average fuel economy standards for passenger and for non-passenger automobiles for model years 2011-2030. instructs the Secretary of energy to establish a competitive grants program to: (1) encourage the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles or other emerging electric vehicle technologies by governmental and quasigovernmental entities and private or nonprofit entities; and (2) conduct qualified electric transportation projects. Stabenow no hoekstra no h.r. 1 Medicare Prescription Drug, improvement, and Modernization act of 2003 Summary: title i: Medicare Prescription drug Benefit (Sec. 101) amends title XViii (Medicare) of the Social Security act (SSa) to add a new part d (Voluntary Prescription drug Benefit Program). establishes a new optional Medicare prescription drug benefit program augmenting with a comprehensive, flexible, and permanent voluntary prescription drug benefit program the limited coverage of certain outpatient prescription drugs, biologicals, and vaccines currently covered under the Medicare program under its original fee-for-service component under both Medicare parts a (hospital insurance) and B (Supplementary Medical insurance) and under its managed care, medical savings account (MSa), and private fee-for-service component under Medicare part c (Medicare+choice). Stabenow no hoekstra YeS h.r. 2 Jobs and growth Tax relief reconciliation act of 2003 (Also known as the Bush tax cuts) Stabenow no hoekstra YeS

state boaRd of eduCatioN - Choose Two

Party affiliation: republican education: university of Michigan, BS Business Management; Thomas cooley Law School, Jd taxation and Business Planning recent Positions: accountant; attorney; Parochial and church Boards; Private Law Firm; Practice State and Federal tax court Law Marital Status/children: Married, 4 children religious Faith: christian age: 40 community and civic involvement: Lapeer county chamber of commerce economic club endorrsements: right to Life of Michigan, citizens for traditional Values, gun owners of america, national rifle association

Todd Courser

Michelle Fecteau

W hat iS the MoSt PreSSing ProBleM facing oUr edUcation SySteM today and What WoUld yoU do aBoUt thiS ProBleM?
1. expand School choice options, including more charter schools. 2. Place the Parents in control, letting them decide which type of learning environment is best for their child. 3. advocate for education reform, providing our children with an education that utilizes funding to its full potential. 4. Work to end common core (the nationally mandated curriculum), letting teachers do their jobs without needless government red-tape. 5. encourage american exceptionalism, helping students to understand the history and greatness of our nation. 6. i will advocate for families, students and educators to bring quality education back to Michigan.

Party affiliation: democrat education: Michigan State university, BS relations/Political Science; Michigan State university, Ma Labor & industrial relations recent Positions: executive director, Wayne State university chapter american association of university Professors, 2007 present; Labor Program Specialist Wayne State university, 1996 -2007 Marital Status/children: Married, 7 children religious Faith: catholic age: 51 community and civic involvement: Foster Parent 1992 2002; Foster parent of the Year 1997; Past Board Member of Wayne county Society of autistic citizens; Past Board Member of insights for open adoption; Founded neighborhood support group for parents of special needs children; Block captain north rosedale Park community; Volunteer, alternatives for girls endorsements: american Federation of teachers; Michigan education association

W hat iS the MoSt PreSSing ProBleM facing oUr edUcation SySteM today and What WoUld yoU do aBoUt thiS ProBleM?
The challenge of providing all students the educational experience needed to reach their full potential given high and increasing levels of poverty and financial contraints. i would work to increase awareness of povertys clear and consistent effect on childrens educational achievement and the negative longterm consequences it can have on the future of all Michiganders. i would develop a diverse network of organizations concerned about these and other issues and provide them with information on developing policy and legislative initiatives to enable them to have an effective voice in the process. i would also seek to obtain information from them regarding the impact a policy might have, or is actually having, especially at the school or local level. i would work to ensure that groups representing families, educators, and children, including those with special needs, are heard and i would assist these groups in organizing effectively.

state boaRd of eduCatioN (CoNtiNued)

Melanie Kurdys Party affiliation: republican education: university of Michigan, BS Mathmatics recent Positions: Portage Public School Board trustee 2007-2011 (VP 2010-11); Kalamazoo county great Start collaborative Board Member 2007 present; research consultant Portage Schools, special projects 2004-2007 Marital Status/children: Married, 3 children religious Faith: catholic age: 57 community and civic involvement: Kalamazoo county great Start collaborative endorsements: Kevin hollenbeck, Past President PPS Board, democrat; gene clem President, Southwest Michigan tea Party Patriots; tonya Schuitmaker Senator State of Michigan
W hat iS the MoSt PreSSing ProBleM facing oUr edUcation SySteM today and What WoUld yoU do aBoUt thiS ProBleM?
The most pressing problem facing Michigans education system today is our low student achievement. More than 35% are not reading and more than 70% are not doing math at grade level. research shows engaged parents and excellent teachers are keys to student learning. We must focus efforts toward these goals. resources must be focused to engage and inform parents. teacher preparation and targeted professional development must be a top priority. The efforts underway to implement teacher evaluation systems must be directed to evidence based practices. integration of 4-year-old programs into K-12 must be monitored to ensure the current successful models are not negatively impacted. i will work to stop the implementation of common core which is inappropriate use of time and money. i will be accountable to improved outcomes for students.

lupe ramos-Montigy

Party affiliation: democrat education: Ba, elementary education/Spanish, Pan american university; Ma, grand Valley State university recent Positions: Public school teacher, principal, bilingual director; community/Political involvement. Marital Status/children: divorced, 2 children religious Faith: n/a age: 68 community and civic involvement: Student advancement Foundation Board; Friends of the court advisory Board; committee to honor cesar chavez; democratic Party, local, state and national involvement endorsements: Michigan education association; uS Senator carl Levin; george heartwell, Mayor of grand rapids

W hat iS the MoSt PreSSing ProBleM facing oUr edUcation SySteM today and What WoUld yoU do aBoUt thiS ProBleM?
i believe the most pressing problem facing our education system today is the lack of trust and communication with those involved in providing the best schools for all our students. The educational army who are the educators in the school buildings, i believe, should not be the first to be blamed for all the impediments associated with student-learning. Students, families, educators, legislators, and communities must work in lock-step to provide the leadership necessary to close the achievement gap and prepare the future world leaders of tomorrow. education is the foundation of our democracy and the path to a good life. it will be my responsibility as a member of the State Board of education to bring people together to deter the erosion of the foundation of our democracy, PuBLic education.

uNiveRsity boaRds
Michigan State university
Joel Ferguson (incumbent)
(Select Two Candidates)

university of Michigan (Select Two Candidates)

Mark Bernstein Party affiliation: democrat education: university of Michigan, Ba, Jd, MBa recent Positions: President, Sam Bernstein Law Firm, PLLc; Michigan civil rights commissioner 2004-Present Marital Status/children: Married; 3 children religious Faith: Jewish age: 41 community and civic involvement: executive Board, Michigan association for Justice; Board of directors, Jewish Funds for Justice; Fellow of the Michigan State Bar association endorsements: rev. dr. Jim holley, Phd; george heartwell, Mayor of grand rapids; John austin, President, Mi State Board of education
candidate chose not to respond.

Party affiliation: democrat education: Michigan Sate university, Ba recent Positions: 18 years(3 terms) on the Michigan State university Board of trustees Marital Status/ children: Married, 5 children religious Faith: n/a age: 40 community and civic involvement: n/a endorsements: Building trades; Mea; Michigan Farm Bureau

Melanie Foster (incumbent)

Party affiliation: republican education: Michigan State university, BS recent Positions: Michigan State university Board of trustees, 2005-2012; Michigan State university Foundation Board, 2007-2012; central Michigan university Board of trustees, 1998-2004 Marital Status/children: Married, 3 children religious Faith: christian age: 57 community and civic involvement: capitol area united Way board member; Lansing christian School Foundation; executive committee endorsements: Michigan Farm Bureau; right to Life of Michigan; citizens for traditional Values

Shauna ryder Diggs

Party affiliation: democrat

Brian Mosallam Party affiliation: democrat candidate chose not to respond. Jeff Sakwa
Party affiliation: republican education: Michigan State university, Ba recent Positions: President, noble realty inc. for 26 years Marital Status/children: Married, 2 children religious Faith: Jewish age: 52 community and civic involvement: President, defeat the Label (anti Bullying Movement); Board Member anti defamation League (oldest civil rights movement); West Bloomfield education Foundation (Money raising arm for West Bloomfield Schools) endorsements: attorney general Bill Schuette; Former Secretary of State terri Land; Former West Bloomfield Schools Superintendant Joanne andrees

Dan horning Party affiliation: republican education: university of Michigan, BgS recent Positions: regent emeritus, The university of Michigan Marital Status/children: 2 children religious Faith: Presbyterian age: 53 community and civic involvement: n/a endorsements: right to Life robert Steele Party affiliation: republican
education: university of Michigan, aB, Md recent Positions: 20 years university of Michigan Medical School clinical assistant professor; 25 years cardiologist, private practice Personal: Married, 4 children religious Faith/denomination: chrisitan age: 54 endorsements: dr. Larry arn, President of hillsdale college; Michigan right to Life; uS rep. Mike rogers community and civic involvement: 2010 candidate for uS congress, 15th district; 25 year member heritage Foundation, founding member Se Michigan committee for heritage; Former board/treasurer club Wolverine swimming.

uNiveRsity boaRds
Wayne State university
(Select Two Candidates)

Michael J. Busuito Party affiliation: republican

education: university of Michigan, BS; Wayne State university, Md recent Positions: chief of plastic surgery, detroit Medical center and Wayne State university; chief of plastic surgery, St. Johns hospital, detroit Marital Status/ children: Married, 6 children religious Faith: catholic age: 58 community and civic involvement: Founder and president of operation Kindness, providing surgery in third world areas for children with congenital and traumatic deformities endorsements: n/a

Satish Jasti

Party affiliation: republican education: Wayne State university, BS; university of chicago, MBa recent Positions: Vice President, Bank of ann arbor, Plymouth, Mi; Founder, President and ceo, Lotus Bank Marital Status/children: Married, 2 children religious Faith: hindu age: 53 community and civic involvement: american red cross of Se Michigan, Former Board Member and audit committee chair; novi chamber of commerce, Former chamber of the Board; detroit economic club, Sustaining Member endorsements: n/a Party affiliation: democrat education: grand Valley State university, BS; detroit college of Law, Jd recent Positions: oBrien Law office, PLLc, 1992 to Present; northville Public School district curriculum council, 2010 to Present Marital Status/ children: Married, 3 children religious Faith: catholic age: 45 community and civic involvement: Bridgepointe, LLc Volunteer; detroit hispanic development corporation Board Member; northville Public School district curriculum council - council Member endorsements: Michigan education association; american Federation of teachers; uaW

Sandra hughes oBrien

Kim Trent Party affiliation: democrat candidate chose not to respond.

The following organizations endorse candidates seeking public office. all endorsements were provided by the endorsing organization and should not be considered as an endorsement by Michigan Family Forum. The information is public information available on the internet. For more information about endorsement selections, we have provided you with the phone numbers and websites of the endorsing entities. The description of each organization was taken directly from the website of the endorsing organization. in some cases, an organization may endorse more than one candidate in each district. SC - Sierra Club: our mission is to: (1) explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of resources; (2) Practice and promote the responsible use of the earths ecosystems and resources; (3) educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and (4) use all lawful means to carry out these objectives. 517-484-2372 www.michigan.sierraclub.org PP - Planned Parenthood: Planned Parenthood advocates of Michigan works to protect and enhance the ability of its affiliates to deliver reproductive health care services by affecting policy makers through electoral and non-electoral activities. The Planned Parenthood Pac focuses on endorsing prochoice political candidates and electoral work. 517-482-1080 www.miplannedparenthood.org FB - Farm Bureau: Farm Bureau worksto support action not just on farm issues, but on many of the same things youre concerned about: protection of private property rights and the quality of the rural environment, tax policies and economic growth, and the quality and safety of our food supply. 517-323-7000 www.michfb.com rTl -right To life: right to Life of Michigan is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization of diverse and caring people united to protect the precious gift of human life from fertilization to natural death. 616-532-2300 www.rtl.org CC - Chamber of Commerce: The Michigan chambers mission is to promote conditions favorable to job creation and business growth in Michigan. 517-371-2100 www.michamber.com aFl-Cio: The aFL-cio represents millions of working people who belong to unions dedicated to improving the lives of working families, bringing fairness and dignity to the workplace and securing social equity in the nation. 517-487-5966 www.miaflcio.org EQM - Equality Michigan Pride PaC: equality Michigan Pride Pac is Michigans only statewide political action committee which focuses on the needs of Michigans gay and transgender residents, as well as the concerns of allied progressive groups. www.eqmipridepac.com CTV - Citizens for Traditional Values: ctV seeks to broaden public understanding of the importance of personal freedom and traditional family values. 517-321-1390 www.ctvmichigan.org

uNited states house of RePReseNtatives

Prohibit Public unions Same-Sex adoptions limit greenhouse gas healthcare opt-out Same-Sex Marriage limit Food Stamps Border Funding Balanced Budget Conscience Exemption Public Earmarks Legislation to prohibit collective bargaining (unions) for federal employees. Legislation to withhold all federal funding from any private or public adoption agency if that agency refuses to adopt to same-sex couples. Legislation to limit greenhouse gases produced by fossil fuels by passing the cap and trade. Legislation to eliminate the federal mandate that everyone must purchase healthcare coverage or pay a fee. Legislation to repeal the defense of Marriage act which defines marriage, for federal purposes, as a union between a man and a woman. Legislation to limit food stamps to basic essential foods such as dairy, meats and produce, similar to limitations on the Wic (Women, infants and children) food program. Legislation to increase funding to erect barriers, to electronically monitor, and to increase border patrol personnel to secure u.S. borders. Legislation to amend the u.S. constitution to require a balanced budget in which a three-fifths majority is needed to engage in deficit spending unless a state of war was declared. Legislation to create a religious conscience exemption for healthcare providers who object to providing certain medical drugs or procedures. Legislation to require lawmakers who request earmarks (money appropriated for specific projects) to do so on public record.
F = Favor SF = Strongly Favor * = no answer provided
it iB

anSWer key

d in





r e


r ee



n c



So = Strongly oppose o = oppose u = undecided

endorSeMentS: Please refer to the Endorsements Page for endorsement descriptions

-C M io l Fl EQ r T C C FB PP a C T V


io n


g e



g et









r d er





o h





district, Party, name, city

6 6 (r) Fred upton, Saint Joseph (incumbent) (d) Mike oBrien, douglas












candidate chose not to respond. candidate chose not to respond.





rtL cc


miChigaN house of RePReseNtatives

Contraception Adoption Waiting Periods Same-Sex Partners Defining Dependents Divorce Education Sex Education Adoption Awareness Legislation to permit public school health clinics to distribute family planning drugs or devices to students. Legislation to permit two unmarried adults to adopt a child. Legislation to extend waiting periods for divorce, when minor children are involved, from 6 months to 1 year, unless domestic violence has occurred in the home. Legislation to amend Michigans Constitution to permit same-sex partner benefits from public employers, such as universities. Legislation to define a fetus as a dependent for tax deduction purposes. Legislation to require divorcing couples with minor children to attend, either together or separately, a child-impact divorce education program before a divorce is granted. Legislation to require every school district to provide comprehensive sex education, which includes instruction on birth control and STD prevention methods. Legislation to require unmarried pregnant minors to participate in an adoption awareness program as a condition of receiving public assistance.

anSWer key









a c

So = Strongly oppose o = oppose u = undecided

F = Favor SF = Strongly Favor * = no answer provided


endorSeMentS: Please refer to the Endorsements Page for endorsement descriptions

-C M l io r T Fl PP C C EQ FB C a T V








r c







iv o

district, Party, name, city

59 (r) Matt Lori, constantine (incumbent) 59 (d) Mike Moroz, dowagiac 78 (r) dave Pagel, Berrien Springs 78 (d) Jack arbanas, Buchanan






So o SF So u F So candidate chose not to respond. So So F So u u So candidate chose not to respond.



r en



FB rtL cc FB rtL cc



miNoR PaRties
grn uSt nLP Stein, Jill 17 trotting horse Ln Lexington, Ma 02421 goode, Jr., Virgil h. 90 e church St rocky Mount, Va 24151 anderson, ross c. 418 douglas St Salt Lake city, ut 84102 www.jillstein.org www.goodeforpresident2012.com www.voterocky.org

uniVerSitY oF Michigan regentS

LiB LiB uSt uSt grn nLP hudler, James Lewis 17165 Fahrner rd chelsea, Mi 48118 Stempfle, gregory Scott 1726 Pearson Ferndale, Mi 48220 Sanger, Joe 4119 Thackin dr Lansing, Mi 48911 Van Sickle, gerald t. Po Box 38 Wellston, Mi 49689 Borregard, eric 7544 Lake hollow ct dexter, Mi 48130 Mattson, nikki 3645 Partridge Path apt 1 ann arbor, Mi 48108

Vice PreSident
uSt clymer, James n. 301 Letort rd Millersville, Pa 17551 grn honkala, cheri 1928 Mutter St Philadelphia, Pa 19122 nLP rodriguez, Luis 716 orange grove ave San Fernando, ca 91340 Boman, Scotty 4877 Balfour rd detroit, Mi 48224 Matkin, richard a. 30 W harry ave hazel Park, Mi 48030 Mikkelson, harley 3122 W caro rd caro, Mi 48723 Litle, John d. 2763 arrowwood trl ann arbor, Mi 48105

Michigan State uniVerSitY truSteeS

LiB uSt uSt grn Miller, Michael h. 6070 carriage hill dr east Lansing, Mi 48823 Mohr ii, Bill 1665 20 Mile rd Kent city, Mi 49330 Young, Stephen J. 3101 134th St hopkins, Mi 49328 clarke, Lloyd 5770 Mcgrandy rd Bridgeport, Mi 48722

united StateS Senator

LiB uSt grn nLP

miNoR PaRties (CoNtiNued)

WaYne State goVernorS
uSt uSt grn grn gale, robert Po Box 1313 Sterling heights, Mi 48311 Sosnowski, Marc J. 8488 Kinloch St dearborn heights, Mi 48127 guttshall, Margaret 4190 Kensington detroit, Mi 48224 redding, Latham 3520 Kensington detroit, Mi 48224

District, Party, Candidate, Contact Information

1 LiB grn 2 LiB uSt grn 3 4 LiB LiB uSt grn 5 LiB nPa Salvette, emily 2016 devonshire rd ann arbor, Mi 48104 Boal, ellis 9330 Boyne city rd charlevoix, Mi 49720 Buzuma, Mary 714 S Beacon Blvd apt 76 grand haven, Mi 49417 graeser, ronald e. 990 W 48th St Fremont, Mi 49412 opalicky, William J. 23631 Philip Southfield, Mi 48075 gelineau, Bill 2789 Kissing rock ave Se Lowell, Mi 49331 gelineau, John 1493 Baywicke dr Se Lowell, Mi 49331 Zimmer, george M. 265 W Lehring rd Byron, Mi 48418 timmons, Pat 1919 iroquois traverse city, Mi 49686 creswell, gregory 14265 Kilbourne detroit, Mi 48213 davenport, david 2301 Forest hill ave Flint, Mi 48504

united StateS houSe oF rePreSentatiVeS

State Board oF education

LiB uSt uSt grn grn Lecureaux, andy Po Box 1033 hazel Park, Mi 48030 adams, Karen 6274 tischer rd Lake odessa, Mi 48849 graeser, gail M. 990 W 48th St Fremont, Mi 49412 caveny, candace r. Po Box 1043 Lapeer, Mi 48446 reynolds iii, dwain 725 Perch cove ct. Middleville, Mi 49333

miNoR PaRties (CoNtiNued)

6 LiB uSt 7 LiB grn 8 LiB nPa 9 LiB uSt grn 10 11 LiB LiB grn nLP uSt gelineau, christie 1493 Baywicke dr Se Lowell, Mi 49331 gatties, Jason 514 court St apt 5 Saint Joseph, Mi 49085 Proctor, Ken 111 W needmore hwy charlotte, Mi 48813 Wunsch, richard e. 8410 riverside Brooklyn, Mi 49230 goebel, daniel 1500 Westwood dr howell, Mi 48843 Brooks, Preston 6211 englewood dr clarkston, Mi 48346 Fulner, Jim 3059 cumberland Berkley, Mi 48072 townsend, Les 15264 rudland roseville, Mi 48066 Williams, Julia 32331 n cambridge dr Fraser, Mi 48026 dashairya, Bhagwan 38219 Ford rd Westland, Mi 48185 tatar, John J. Po Box 510104 Livonia, Mi 48151 duke, Steven Paul Po Box 209 Jonesville, Mi 49250 Johnson, daniel 1400 old canton Ln #8 east Lansing, Mi 48823 Sosnowski, Marc J. 8488 Kinloch St dearborn heights, Mi 48127 12 13 LiB LiB uSt 14 LiB grn Secula, richard J. 8802 Thorntree dr grosse ile, Mi 48138 Sharer, chris 8193 donna Westland, Mi 48185 gray, Martin 1131 Woodbourne St Westland, Mi 48186 Schwartz, Leonard 13711 Victoria oak Park, Mi 48237 campbell, douglas 335 e Lewiston Ferndale, Mi 48220

SuPreMe court JuSticeS - nonPartiSan

dern, doug 4300 n Milford rd highland, Mi 48357 Morgan, Kerry L. 20601 Sumner redford, Mi 48240 roddis, Bob 424 Madison grosse Pointe Farms, Mi 48236

SuPreMe court JuStice - Partial term ending 01/01/2015

Barry, Mindy 1124 Berkshire rd grosse Pointe Park, Mi 48230

ballot PRoPosals
ProPoSal 12-1
a reFerenduM on PuBLic act 4 oF 2011 the eMergencY Manager LaW Public act 4 of 2011 would: establish criteria to assess the financial condition of local government units, including school districts. authorize governor to appoint an emergency manager (eM) upon state finding of a financial emergency, and allow the eM to act in place of local government officials. require eM to develop financial and operating plans, which may include modification or termination of contracts, reorganization of government, and determination of expenditures, services, and use of assets until the emergency is resolved. alternatively, authorize state-appointed review team to enter into a local government approved consent decree.

ProPoSal 12-2
a ProPoSaL to aMend the State conStitution regarding coLLectiVe Bargaining This proposal would: grant public and private employees the constitutional right to organize and bargain collectively through labor unions. invalidate existing or future state or local laws that limit the ability to join unions and bargain collectively, and to negotiate and enforce collective bargaining agreements, including employees financial support of their labor unions. Laws may be enacted to prohibit public employees from striking. override state laws that regulate hours and conditions of employment to the extent that those laws conflict with collective bargaining agreements. define employer as a person or entity employing one or more employees.

Should this law be approved? YeS / no

Should this proposal be approved? YeS / no

ballot PRoPosals (CoNtiNued)

ProPoSal 12-3
a ProPoSaL to aMend the State conStitution to eStaBLiSh a Standard For reneWaBLe energY This proposal would: require electric utilities to provide at least 25% of their annual retail sales of electricity from renewable energy sources, which are wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower, by 2025. Limit to not more than 1% per year electric utility rate increases charged to consumers only to achieve compliance with the renewable energy standard. allow annual extensions of the deadline to meet the 25% standard in order to prevent rate increases over the 1% limit. require the legislature to enact additional laws to encourage the use of Michigan made equipment and employment of Michigan residents.

ProPoSal 12-4
a ProPoSaL to aMend the State conStitution to eStaBLiSh the Michigan QuaLitY hoMe care counciL and ProVide coLLectiVe Bargaining For in-hoMe care WorKerS This proposal would: allow in-home care workers to bargain collectively with the Michigan Quality home care council (MQhcc). continue the current exclusive representative of in-home care workers until modified in accordance with labor laws. require MQhcc to provide training for in-home care workers, create a registry of workers who pass background checks, and provide financial services to patients to manage the cost of in-home care. Preserve patients rights to hire in-home care workers who are not referred from the MQhcc registry who are bargaining unit members. authorize the MQhcc to set minimum compensation standards and terms and conditions of employment.

Should this proposal be approved? YeS / no

Should this law be approved? YeS / no

ballot PRoPosals (CoNtiNued)

ProPoSal 12-5
a ProPoSaL to aMend the State conStitution to LiMit the enactMent oF neW taXeS BY State goVernMent This proposal would: require a 2/3 majority vote of the State house and the State Senate, or a statewide vote of the people at a november election, in order for the State of Michigan to impose new or additional taxes on taxpayers or expand the base of taxation or increasing the rate of taxation. This section shall in no way be construed to limit or modify tax limitations otherwise created in this constitution. Should this proposal be approved? YeS / no

ProPoSal 12-6
a ProPoSaL to aMend the State conStitution regarding conStruction oF internationaL BridgeS and tunneLS This proposal would: require the approval of a majority of voters at a statewide election and in each municipality where new international bridges or tunnels for motor vehicles are to be located before the State of Michigan may expend state funds or resources for acquiring land, designing, soliciting bids for, constructing, financing, or promoting new international bridges or tunnels. create a definition of new international bridges or tunnels for motor vehicles that means, any bridge or tunnel which is not open to the public and serving traffic as of January 1, 2012.

Should this proposal be approved? YeS / no

votiNg seleCtioNs
For your convenience, you may wish to write the names of the candidates you plan to vote for in the blanks below.
President uS Senate uS house Mi house of representatives Mi Supreme Court (select two names) Mi Supreme Court Partial Term (select one name) State Board of Education (select two names) university Boards (select two names for each university)

Michigan State university university of Michigan Wayne State university

Ballot Proposals

Proposal 12-1 Proposal 12-2 Proposal 12-3

yes no yes no yes no

Proposal 12-4 Proposal 12-5 Proposal 12-6

yes no yes no yes no

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