MYP - CT - GR 9: Digital Story - Evaluate Stage

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MYP Computer Technology - Design Cycle 5.

Evalute Stage: Evaluate your Digital Story

For a Grade of 6/6 the student: 1.) Evaluates the success of the product/solution in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users. 2.) Provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. 3.) Provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.

Achievement Level 0 2

E: Evaluate Grade Descriptors The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. The student: 1.) Evaluates the product/solution or his or her own performance. 2.) The student makes some attempt to test the product/solution. The student: 1.) Evaluates the product/solution and, 2.) Evaluates their own performance and, 3.) Suggests ways in which these could be improved. 4.) The student tests the product/solution to evaluate it against the design specification. The student: 1.) Evaluates the success of the product/solution in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users. 2.) Provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. 3.) Provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.



Answer the following questions in a NEW Google Doc

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make a COPY of this document Title the Doc: Firstname LastIntial - Evaluation Digital Story Project Move this document into your Evaluate Folder SHARE with [email protected] Complete each question using a full paragraph, with correct spelling and grammar.

MYP Computer Technology - Design Cycle 5. Evalute Stage: Evaluate your Digital Story
1.) Does your digital story solve the problem you faced in creating an animated version of your English essay? Explain your answer by discussing the problems you experienced and any limitations you may have experienced.

2.) Does any part, or all, of your digital story match the storyboard template you created? Explain - Look at your Digital Storyboard Template specifications to answer this question.

3.) Have two (2) people test your digital story by watching your creation: What were the results of you testing to see if your digital story makes sense for your target audience? - To help you with this question consider: Did you need to explain anything to the person, could they follow your story without you having to explain it, or did they need to ask you questions? If your story was not clear, what was it that you overlooked? Get the person to give you feedback, and write that in your answer. You are looking to ensure your story makes sense to someone who has never seen it before.

Name of Person #1: Joe Bloggs Feedback you received: Joe could not understand the opening scene but found the rest of the story flowed well. He liked my animation but thought I could use more typed dialogue in each scene. He thought that with more information in my opening scene the story would make sense and flow neatly from that point onwards. He especially liked the animation in scene 3 when Lenny jumped through the hoops.

Name of Person #2: Mary Smith Feedback you received: Mary was very complimentary about my choice of colours, sound and animation. She was a little confused by the opening scene which made it difficult for her to understand what was happening in the rest of my story. She suggested I work a little harder on the opening scene to make sure it makes sense, but after that my story will be great/

MYP Computer Technology - Design Cycle 5. Evalute Stage: Evaluate your Digital Story
4.) Explain the ways in which your digital story has and/or can make a difference to: Think of this in both the ways you learned how to make this digital story and imagine if everyone in the world got to watch your story. ie. Think about the micro- and macro- impact your digital story may have on: You must link what you learned in English to the way this story can be distributed using technology. Emailing the story, uploading it to Scratch and sharing it etc. i) You:

ii) Other people and

iii) Society both today and in the future.

5.) How well did you do in the three (3) stages of this project? Write an honest account (reflection) of your performance during each stage.

Design - This refers to the description of each scene in your Digital Storyboard Template

Plan - This refers to your intended animation, use of sprites, background, sounds etc in the Digital Storyboard Template

Create - This refers to the create stage of your digital story.

6.) List three very specification ways in which your performance can be improved in future Technology projects?

MYP Computer Technology - Design Cycle 5. Evalute Stage: Evaluate your Digital Story
This can cover planning, design, time management, asking for help, creating some unique, going beyond the expectations of the project, learning from others. etc. etc. etc 1.)



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