Buchepalli Venkayamma Subbareddy Engineering College: Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual


(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTU, Kakinada) Kurnool Road, CHIMAKURTHY 523 226, Prakasam DT., A.P.



Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

PAGES S.NO NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT FROM Part A ( Any seven Experiments) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reflex Klystron characteristics. Gun Diode characteristics Measurement of frequency & Wavelength Directional Coupler Characteristics. Attenuation measurement. Impedance and frequency measurement. Waveguide parameters measurement. Scattering parameters of circulator. Scattering parameters of Magic Tee. TO REMARKS

Part B ( Any Five Experiments) 10 11 12 Characterization of LED. Characterization of Laser Diode. Intensity modulation of Laser output through an optical fiber. Design of fiber optic digital link for transmission of digital signals. Measurement of Numerical Aperture. Measurement of Losses for analog optical link.

13 14 15

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual




AIM: To Study the characteristics of the Reflex Klystron tube and to determine its electronic tuning range. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Klystron tube 2. Klystron power supply 3. Isolator 4. Frequency meter 5. Variable attenuator 6. Detector mount 7. C.R.O EXPERIMENTAL SETUP:

Klystron Power Supply

Klystron Mount


Variable attenuator

Frequency Meter

Slotted line section

Detector Mount


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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual PROCEDURE:

Mode studies: 1. Connect the components and equipment as shown in experimental setup. 2. Keep the control knob of Klystron power supply as below: Mode switch: CW Beam voltage knob: Fully anti-clockwise Repeller voltage knob: Fully clockwise Meter switch: Cathode voltage position 3. Rotate the frequency meter at one side. 4. Switch on the klystron power supply, CRO and cooling fan for the Klystron tube. Wait for 1-2 minutes for the klystron to respond. 5. Cathode voltage knob at minimum position gives a beam voltage of 235 V. Observe beam current on the meter by changing meter switch to beam current position. "The beam current should not be more than 30mA" 6. Now change the meter switch to repeller voltage position. 7. Select proper range for the power meter so that power output of maximum mode will not exceed the meter range. 8. Decreasing the reflector voltage, record output Voltage. 10. Plot Output Voltage versus repeller voltage to get mode curves.

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual MODEL GRAPH:

S. No. Repeller voltage(Volts ) Voltage output (mV)


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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual


AIM: To study the V-I Characteristics of Gunn diode APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Gunn power supply 2. Gunn oscillator 3. PIN modulator 4. Isolator 5. Frequency Meter 6. Variable Attenuator 7. Detector mount 8. Slotted Section 9. CRO.



Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. Set the components as shown in fig. Initially set the variable attenuator for maximum attenuation. Keep the control knobs of Gunn Power Supply as below: Gunn Bias Knob PIN bias knob PIN mode frequency Mode switch 4. 5. - Fully anticlockwise Fully anticlockwise Any position CW Mode

Set the micrometer of Gunn Oscillator at 7 mm for required frequency of operation. Switch ON the Gunn Power Supply and cooling fan. 6. Measure the Gunn diode current corresponding to the various voltage controlled by Gunn Bias knob through the panel do not exceed the bias voltage above 10.5V 7. Plot the voltage & current reading on the graph. 8. Measure the threshold voltage which corresponds to maximum current. OBSERVATION:
S.no Gunn Bias Voltage (V) Gunn Diode Current (I)

MODEL GRAPH: Current voltage characteristics of Gunn oscillator:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual RESULT:



AIM: To determine the frequency and wavelength of a microwave signal. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Klystron Power supply, 2. Isolator. 3. Klystron mount 4. Frequency meter. 5. Variable Attenuator. 6. Slotted line section. 7. Tunable probe. 8. Matched load. 9. CRO/VSWR


Klystron Power Supply


Tunable probe Variable attenuator Frequency Meter Slotted line section Matched load

Klystron Mount



Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

1. Set the components & equipment as shown in the fig. 2. Set the variable attenuator at no attenuation position. 3. First connect the matched termination after slotted section. 4. Keep the control knobs of klystron power supply as below: Meter switch Mod switch - off - AM

Beam voltage knob - Fully anti-clock wise Reflector voltage knob Fully clock wise AM Frequency and amplitude knob Mid position 5. Switch ON the Klystron power supply, CRO and cooling fan. 6. Tune the meter switch of power supply to beam voltage position and set beam voltage at 230v with help of beam voltage knob, current a round 15 to 20mA. 7. Tune the frequency meter to get a dip minimum voltage on CRO and note down the frequency directly from frequency meter. 8. Move the tunable probe along with the slotted line to get the max. display of waveform in CRO. Move the tunable probe to a min Gain position and record the probe position i.e. d1. 9. Move the probe to next min position and record the probe position again i.e d2. 10. Calculate the guide wave length as twice the distance between two successive min. position obtained as above. g =2(d1-d2) 11. Measure the wave guide inner broad dimension a which will be around 22.86mm for X- band. c=2a 12. Calculate the frequency by following equation __________ Department of ECE BVSREC

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual F=c/D = c ( 1/ g2 +1/ c2) 13. Verify the frequency obtained by the frequency meter. PRECAUTIONS: 1. Loose connection are avoided 2. Note down the readings without any parlance errors. RESULT:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual


AIM: To measure Coupling, Directivity, Insertion loss and Isolation of a directional coupler. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Klystron Power supply, 2. Reflex klystron. 3. Isolator. 4. Frequency meter. 5. Variable Attenuator. 6. Directional Coupler. 7. Matched load. 8. Detector Mount. 9. CRO/VSWR Meter 10. Wave guide stands EXPERIMENTAL SETUP-1:

Klystron Power Supply

Klystron Mount


Variable attenuator

Frequency Meter

Slotted line section

Detector Mount



Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

Klystron Power Supply

CRO Detector Mount Variable attenuator Frequency Meter Slotted line section
Directional coupler

Klystron Mount


Matched load

PROCEDURE: 1. Set up equipment as shown in fig. Without the directional coupler i.e., directly connect crystal detector with CRO in order to measure Input after attenuator. 2. Set the variable attenuator at maximum position. 3. Keep the control knobs of klystron power supply as below: Meter switch Mod switch Beam voltage knob Reflector voltage AM Amplitude knob AM Frequency knob --- OFF --- AM --- fully anti- clockwise. --- fully clockwise. --- around fully clockwise. --- around mid position.

4. ON the klystron power supply, CRO and cooling fan . 5. Connect the detector mount to the slotted line and tuning for the maximum o/p. 6. Note down the output voltage from CRO and consider it as V1. 7. Insert the directional coupler connect it as shown in the experimental set up 2 8. Record the output voltages at port2 and port 3 9. using the outputs calculate insertion loss, isolation loss and coupling factor.

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual


PRECAUTIONS: 1. Loose connection are avoided 2. Note down the readings without any paralleled errors. 3. Beam current should not exceed 20mA


Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual



AIM: To study the substitution method for measurement of attenuation and Hence to determine the attenuation due to a component under test. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Klystron power supply. 2. Klystron Mount. 3. Isolator. 4. Frequency Meter. 5. Variable attenuator. 6. Detector mount. 7. Test attenuator. 8. CRO. 9. Cooling Fan 10. Waveguide stands EXPERIMENTAL SETUP:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual PROCEDURE: 1. Set the components and equipments as shown in figure above. 2. Initially set the variable attenuator for maximum attenuation. 3. Terminate the receiving end with unknown load. 4. Keep the control knob of Klystron power supply as follows, Beam voltage : Off Mod-switch : Am Beam voltage knob : Full anti clockwise Reflector voltage knob : Full clockwise Am-amplitude knob : Full clockwise Am frequency & amplitude knob : Mid position 5. Switch On the klystron power supply, VSWR meter & cooling fan. 6. Switch On the beam voltage switch and set beam voltage at 300 v 7. Rotate the reflector voltage knob to get deflection in VSWR meter 8. Slowly decrease the micrometer reading and note down the Attenuation from the VSWR meter. 9. Plot a Graph between Attenuation and Micrometer reading. PROCEDURE FOR FIXED ATTENUATOR: 1. Repeat up to step 4 and insert CRO in place of VSWR meter 2. Tune the bench for maximum output and note down the output voltage as V1. 3. Now insert the fixed attenuator in between slotted section and detector mount and note down the output voltage as V2 4. Using V1 and V2 calculate the attenuation. Model graph:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual OBSERVATIONS: Sr. No. Screw Gauge Reading (mm) Attenuation in Decibel

Precautions: 1. Loose connections are avoided 2. Note down the readings without any error 3. Beam current should not exceed 20mA


Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual




AIM: To study operation of circulator and hence measure insertion loss and isolation of a circulator. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Klystron Power Supply, 2. Klystron Mount, 3. Variable attenuator, 4. Matched termination, 5. Crystal detector, 6. VSWR meter, 7. Isolator, 8. Circulator. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP:

Klystron Power Supply

Klystron Mount


Variable attenuator

Frequency Meter

Slotted line section

Detector Mount



Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual Insertion loss: The ratio of power supplied by a source to the input arm, to the power detected by a detector in the coupled arm with all other ports matched terminated. Isolation: Ratio of power fed in Arm 1 by a matched generator to the power detected in port 3 by a detector with ports 2 terminated in matched loads. PROCEDURE: 1. Set up the equipment as shown in figure without the ferrite device i.e., directly connect detector with CRO in order to measure input. 2. Set the variable attenuator at maximum position. 3. Keep the control knob of Klystron power supply as below: Mode Switch Beam Voltage Knob Repeller Voltage Knob Meter Switch : AM : Fully Anti Clockwise : Fully Clockwise : Cathode Voltage Position

4. Turn 'ON1 the klystron power supply, CRO and cooling fan. 6. Measure the input voltage and consider it as V1. CIRCULATOR: 1. Carefully remove the detector setup and insert the circulator as in the set-up, with power fed through port I. 2. Measure output at port 2 with port 3 terminated in matched load and consider it as V2 3. Now Measure outputs at port 3 with port 2 terminated in matched load and consider it as V2 4. Determine insertion loss and isolation loss by using the readings

RESULT: Operation of circulator is studied and insertion loss and isolation of a circulator is measured.




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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

AIM: To study the Magic Tee.

APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Klystron Power Supply 2. Klystron Mount 3. Isolator 4. Attenuator 5. Frequency meter 6. VSWR meter 7. Magic tee 8. Matched terminations.



Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual For Input measurement Klystron Power Supply

Klystron Mount


Variable attenuator

Frequency Meter

Slotted line section

Detector Mount


For coupled/isolated measurement:

Klystron Power Supply

Detector Mount

Klystron Mount


Variable attenuator

Frequency Meter

Slotted line section

Magic tee

Matched load

Matched load


Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual 1. Setup the equipment as shown in fig (a). 2. Energize the microwave source for particular frequency and tune the detector mount for maximum output. 3. Note down the reading as input Voltage. 4.Without disturbing the position of variable attenuator carefully place the Magic tee after slotted line keeping H-arm connected to the slotted line, detector mount to E-arm and matched termination to arm 1 and 2.note down the reading of CRO .Let it be V4. 5. In the same way measure V1 & V2 by connecting detector on these ports one by one. 6. Determine the isolation between port 3 and 4 dB. 7. Determine the coupling coefficient for port P1& p2.




Department of ECE BVSREC

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual AIM: To Measure the VSWR and Reflection Coefficient of an Wave Guide.. APPARATUS REQUIRED:

1. Klystron Power Supply 2. Klystron Mount 3. Isolator 4. Attenuator 5. Frequency meter 6. CRO 7. Slotted Section 8. Matched terminations. 9. Detector Mount

VSWR = V max / V min

Klystron Power Supply

Klystron Mount


Variable attenuator

Frequency Meter

Slotted line section

Detector Mount


PROCEDURE: 1. Set up equipment as shown in fig. Without the directional coupler i.e., directly connect crystal detector with CRO in order to measure Input after attenuator. Department of ECE BVSREC

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual 2. Set the variable attenuator at maximum position. 3. Keep the control knobs of klystron power supply as below: Meter switch Mod switch Beam voltage knob Reflector voltage AM Amplitude knob AM Frequency knob --- OFF --- AM --- fully anti- clockwise. --- fully clockwise. --- around fully clockwise. --- around mid position.

4. ON the klystron power supply, CRO and cooling fan . 5. Adjust the probe carriage to measure Vmax and Vmin readings 6. Using formula find out VSWR and Reflection Coefficient

Result : The VSWR and reflection coefficient of an wave guide were determined.



Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

AIM: The objective of this experiment is to study a Fiber optic digital link. In this experiment you will study the relation between the input signals & Received signals. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: 1. DL-01 Transmitter and Receiver. 2. Power Supply 3. 20MHz Dual Channel Oscilloscope 4. 1MHz Function Generator 5. 1meter Fiber Cable. Experimental Setup:


Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual 1. Slightly unscrew the cap of LED SFH 756V (660nm).Do not remove the cap from the connector. Once the cap is loosened, insert the fiber into the cap. Now tight the cap by screwing it back. 2. Connect the power supply cables with proper polarity to kit. While connecting this, ensure that the power supply is OFF. Now switch ON the power supply. 3. feed the TTL signal of about 1KHz square wave, to IN post of buffer section. 4. Connect the other end of Fiber to detector SFH 551v very carefully as per the instructions in step.1 5. Observe the received signal on CRO as O/P. 6. To measure the digital bandwidth of the link, vary the frequency of the input from100Hz on wards and observe the effect on received signal. EXPECTED GRAPH:


Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual CHARACTERISTICS OF LED AIM: To study the Characteristics of a low intensity Optical Source.

APPARATUS: 1. Link-A Kit 2. 1-Meter Fiber Cable 3. Ammeter-1 4. Voltmeter-1 5. CRO - 20 MHz 6. Power supply 7. Jumper connecting wires SETUP:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual PROCEDURE: 1. Make jumper and switch Settings as shown in the jumper diagram. 2. Connect the ammeter with the jumper connecting wires (JP3). 3. Connect the voltmeter with the jumper wires to JP5 and JP2 as shown in figure. 4. Switch on the power supply keep the potentiometer P3 in its minimum position ,P4 is used to control biasing voltage of the LED. 5. Change S3 position to VI mode. 6. To get the VI characteristics of LED, rotate P3 slowly and measure forward current and corresponding forward voltage of the LED. 7. Take number of such readings for forward voltage, forward current and calculate optical power by Optical power Po= Pi *1.15% 8. Plot the Graphs of forward current and forward voltage, Optical power and Forward current.




Department of ECE


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual STUDY OF LOSSES IN OPTICAL FIBRES AIM: 1. To study the various types of losses in Optical Fiber. 2. To measure the bending losses in the Optical Fiber 3. To measure the Propagation & attenuation loss in the Optical Fiber EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: 1. Analog Fiber optic trainer Kit (Transmitter & Receiver) 2. Fiber optic links of 1m and 3m length 3. 20Mhz CRO 4. Meter Scale 5. Power Supply EXPERIMENTAL SETUP:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual

AL-01 Transmitter

AL-01 Receiver

Function Generator


EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Measurement of Bending Loss: 1. Connect the Circuit as Shown in diagram 2. Connect 1m cable in between the transmitter and receiver. 3. Switch on the power supply. 4. Using function generator set an input signal and observe the output in the CRO. 5. Now turn the optical cable with some radius and observe the output in the CRO 6. Decrease the diameter of the turn and note down the readings. 7. Now compare the readings for different diameters. . Measurement of Propagation Loss: 1. Connect the Circuit as Shown in diagram 2. Connect 1m cable in between the transmitter and receiver. 3. Switch on the power supply. 4. Using function generator set an input signal and observe the output in the CRO and note down the readings. 5. Now replace the 1m cable with 3m cable for the same input and note down the readings of CRO. 6. Now loss can be observed RESULT:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual



AIM: To Determine the Numerical Aperture of an optical cable. APPARATUS: 1. Optical Fiber Analog Transmitter kit 2. Numerical Aperture Measurement Unit / NA JIG 3. Measuring Scale 4. Power Supply

Numerical Aperture measurement unit

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Manual


PROCEDURE: 1. Slightly unscrew the cap of LED .Do not remove the cap from the connector. Once the cap is loosened, insert the fiber into the cap. Now tight the cap by screwing it back. 2. Connect the power supply cables with proper polarity to kit. While connecting this, ensure that the power supply is OFF. Now switch ON the power supply. 3. Insert one end of fiber in to NA measurement unit as shown in figure. Adjust the fiber such that its tip is 0.5cm from the screen. 4. Gently tighten the screw to hold the fiber firmly in place. 5. The fiber will project a circular patch of red light on to the screen. Now measure the diameter of the circular patch of red light in two perpendicular directions (BC and DE in Fig). The mean radius of the circular patch is given by X = (DE +BC)/4 6. Carefully measure the distance d between the tip of the fiber and the illuminated screen. The Numerical Aperture of the fiber is given by NA = Sin () =X/ ( (d2+X2) 7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for different values of d. compute the average value of Numerical aperture. RESULT:

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