4-12-And 25-34-Ghz Cryogenic Mhemt Mmic Low-Noise Amplifiers

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12, DECEMBER 2012

4–12- and 25–34-GHz Cryogenic mHEMT

MMIC Low-Noise Amplifiers
Beatriz Aja Abelán, Member, IEEE, Matthias Seelmann-Eggebert, Daniel Bruch, Arnulf Leuther,
Hermann Massler, Boris Baldischweiler, Michael Schlechtweg, Juan Daniel Gallego-Puyol, Member, IEEE,
Isaac López-Fernández, Carmen Diez-González, Inmaculada Malo-Gómez, Enrique Villa, and Eduardo Artal

Abstract—In this paper, monolithic microwave integrated small size, and low-cost production. These LNAs should be
circuit (MMIC) broadband low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) for cryo- designed to obtain the lowest possible noise. Moreover, some
genic applications based on a 100-nm metamorphic high-electron of the radio-astronomy applications also require a very wide
mobility transistor (mHEMT) technology in combination with
grounded coplanar waveguide are reported. A three-stage LNA, instantaneous bandwidth in order to increase the sensitivity of
operating in 4–12 GHz and cooled to 15 K exhibits an associated continuum observations. In that case, gain fluctuations of the
gain of 31.5 dB 1.8 dB and average noise temperature of 5.3 K amplifier may play a role since they can degrade the sensitivity.
dB with a low power dissipation of 8 mW. To date, InP pseudomorphic high electron-mobility
Additionally another three-stage LNA 25–34 GHz cooled to 15 K (pHEMT) MMIC LNAs have demonstrated outstanding noise
has demonstrated a flat gain of 24.2 dB 0.4 dB with 15.2 K
dB , average noise temperature, with a very low at cryogenic temperatures [1]–[6]. However, recently metamor-
power dissipation of 2.8 mW on chip. The mHEMT-based LNA phic high electron-mobility transistor (mHEMT)-based LNAs
MMICs have demonstrated excellent noise characteristics at cryo- have also been reported with good performances [7]–[10].
genic temperatures for their use in radio-astronomy applications. The advantages of mHEMT technology are lower costs, better
Index Terms—Cryogenic low-noise amplifier (LNA), metamor- robustness, and availability of larger GaAs wafers for pro-
phic high electron-mobility transistor (mHEMT), monolithic mi- duction compared to InP substrate materials. The potential of
crowave integrated circuit (MMIC). the 100-nm mHEMT technology for MMIC applications at
cryogenic temperatures is evaluated in this paper. We report the
results obtained in two designs for the 4–12- and 25–34-GHz

A NEW generation of focal plane arrays, with a large

number of pixels, enhance the mapping efficiency of
some of the existent radio telescopes. This need of a large
The 4–12-GHz band is of great interest since it is typically
used in the IF of millimeter- and submillimeter-wave cryo-
genic receivers. The mixing element in this type of receiver
number of receivers has been the initial motivation for the is a superconducting–insulating–superconducting (SIS) junc-
development of monolithic microwave integrated circuits tion, a superconducting hot-electron bolometer (HEB), or a
(MMICs) especially designed to obtain good cryogenic per- Schottky-barrier diode, cryogenically cooled to 4 K.
formance. Cryogenic low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) working The 25–34-GHz band is very important in very long baseline
at 4–15-K ambient temperature are the key component in the interferometry (VLBI) for astronomy and geodesy observation
front-ends of all those ultra-low-noise cryogenic receivers (see VLBI 2010 [11]), as well as for the down link of modern
used for radio astronomy and deep-space communications. deep-space missions [12].
For such a large number of LNAs, MMICs enable simple, After a description of the technology in Section II, the device
modeling with ambient and cryogenic measurements is shown
Manuscript received July 10, 2012; revised September 13, 2012; accepted in Section III. Circuit designs are discussed in Section IV, and
September 14, 2012. Date of publication November 12, 2012; date of current their characterization at room and cryogenic temperatures is de-
version December 13, 2012. This work was supported by the Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación under Research Program Grant TRA2009-0304. This
scribed in Section V.
work was supported in part by the Instituto Geográfico Nacional and the
IAF-Fraunhofer funds. This paper is an expanded paper from the IEEE MTT-S II. mHEMT TECHNOLOGY
International Microwave Symposium, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 17–22, For ultra-low-noise applications, high electron-mobility tran-
B. Aja Abelán, E. Villa, and E. Artal are with the Department of Communi- sistors (HEMTs) based on InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures with
cations Engineering, University of Cantabria, Santander 39005, Spain (e-mail: high In-content in the electron transport channel are the most
[email protected]). appropriate devices [13]. These heterostructures can be grown
M. Seelmann-Eggebert, D. Bruch, A. Leuther, H. Massler, B. Baldischweiler,
and M. Schlechtweg are with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State either directly on InP wafers or by using a metamorphic buffer
Physics (IAF), Freiburg 79108, Germany (e-mail: Matthias.Seelmann-Egge- to adapt the lattice constant on GaAs substrates. Major advan-
[email protected]). tages of the metamorphic approach are cost and quality of the
J. D. Gallego-Puyol, I. López-Fernández, C. Diez-González, and I.
Malo-Gómez are with the Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Centro de Desarrollos GaAs wafers. Furthermore, the material is less brittle compared
Tecnológicos (CDT), Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN), Guadalajara 19080, to InP.
Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). The InAlAs/InGaAs epi-structure is grown by molecular
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. beam epitaxy (MBE) on 4-in semi-insulating GaAs sub-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2012.2221735 strates. For the metamorphic buffer, a 1- m-thick linear

0018-9480/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

AJA ABELÁN et al.: 4–12- AND 25–34-GHz CRYOGENIC mHEMT MMIC LNAs 4081

Fig. 2. Cryogenic probe station.

Fig. 1. SEM cross section of a 100-nm mHEMT.

InxAl Ga As transition is used. The

electrons are confined in a In Ga As/In Ga As split
channel to increase the breakdown voltage. The low-energy
electrons are confined in the In Ga As layer with high
electron mobility. In addition, the high-energy electrons are dis-
tributed over both layers, which reduces impact ionization. The
split channel is confined by In Al As barriers. The upper
barrier layer includes a silicon doping. The layer sequence
is capped with a highly doped In Ga As layer to reduce
the ohmic contact and source resistance. A wet chemically
mesa etch process is used for device isolation. The InGaAs
channel layer is under-etched to avoid contact between the
conducting InGaAs channel material and the gate metallization
Fig. 3. I–V characteristics for a 4 15 m mHEMT device at 15 K (blue in
crossing the mesa edge in order to avoid gate leakage currents. online version) and at 300 K (red in online version) for several gate voltages.
Electron beam evaporated GeAu layers are used for the ohmic
contacts, which are alloyed at 300 C on a nitrogen purged hot
plate. The 100-nm T gate is defined by 100-kV electron-beam The wafers are thinned down to a final thickness of 50 m.
lithography using a three-layer resist (PMMA). The gate recess The 100-nm gate-length HEMT devices exhibited more than
is etched with a succinic-acid-based solution. Great care is 90% yield for the fabricated wafers.
taken to achieve homogeneous lateral etching across the 4-in
wafer. An undersized lateral recess width would degrade the
breakdown voltage of the device, whereas an oversized lateral III. DEVICE MODELING
recess would increase the source resistance [14]. A Pt Ti Pt–Au The design of cryogenic LNAs requires a small-signal HEMT
layer sequence is used for the gate metallization. model with noise parameters; therefore, it was developed first
The active devices feature T-shaped 100-nm gates with an [15]. The -parameters of the device, both at ambient temper-
indium content of 65% in the main channel. A cross section of a ature 300 and 15 K, were measured on a wafer using a thru-
realized 100-nm transistor is shown in Fig. 1. These devices also reflect line (TRL) calibration, in the cryogenic probe station
typically have a of 220 GHz and a of 300 GHz. A two- shown in Fig. 2. From these measurements, parasitic elements
finger device with 0.06-mm total gate width is used for process and intrinsic capacitances were determined. The noise parame-
monitoring. Typical values are a maximum transconductance of ters of the transistors were modeled following the approach of
1400 mS/mm with a drain bias of 1 V and a two-terminal reverse Pospieszalski [16]. Cryogenic models were improved based on
breakdown greater than 4 V at ambient temperature. the data from numerous runs.
The transmission lines used in the MMICs are grounded DC measurements were carried out at 300 and 15 K on a rep-
coplanar waveguides with two metallization levels and 3- m resentative device with gate length of 100 nm and gate width of
Au thickness. The process further includes 50- /sq NiCr 4 15 m. The output I–V characteristics are shown in Fig. 3.
thin-film resistors, 225 pF/mm metal–insulator–metal (MIM) The device exhibits good pinch-off characteristics. The kink ef-
capacitors, via-holes, and CVD SiN passivation. fect appears at around 15 K V.

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the 4–12-GHz MMIC LNA.

Fig. 4. Transconductance and characteristics for a 4 15 m

mHEMT device at 15 and 300 K for several drain voltages.

Fig. 7. Photograph of the manufactured 4–12-GHz MMIC LNA. The chip size
is 2.5 mm 1 mm.

A. LNA 4–12 GHz

A simplified schematic of the three-stage 4–12-GHz LNA is
shown in Fig. 6. The LNA has three stages, which include 4
30 m transistors. A photograph of the three-stage 4–12-GHz
LNA is shown in Fig. 7. The chip size is 2.5 mm 1 mm.
The first stage is mainly optimized for minimum noise figure,
while the second stage is matched partially for noise, and the
Fig. 5. Gate current–voltage characteristics for a 4 15 m mHEMT device
at 15 and at 300 K for several gate voltages. third stage fully for gain. Gain flatness and input and output re-
flection coefficients were also taken into account during the de-
sign optimization. Grounded coplanar-waveguide lines are used
The transconductance and characteristics for the for matching networks and interconnections. Bias is brought to
same device are plotted in Fig. 4. The device exhibits a max- the transistors through resistors and stubs capacitively shorted
imum transconductance of 1500 mS/mm with V at with RF bypass MIM capacitors. The resistors act as damping
15 K and 1400 mS/mm with V at 300 K. elements suppressing the excess out-of-band gain and stabi-
The gate leakage current is an important parameter related to lizing the amplifier.
the noise behavior of the device. Measured charac- Matching the first transistor for minimum noise requires a
teristics are shown in Fig. 5. The gate leakage at 15 K is lower high impedance of about 100 real part with low losses. An
than at 300 K, in the range of a few nanoamperes for from external matching network, on a low-loss substrate, allows
0.2 to 0.2 V and from 0.1 to 0.9 V. more flexibility to match the optimum noise impedance to the
The device -parameters were also measured on wafer at source impedance at these frequencies. Therefore, an external
both ambient temperature 300 and 15 K up to 50 GHz. Mea- microstrip input matching network has been designed as shown
surement results can be found in [15] and [17]. Fig. 8, which is fabricated on a 0.254-mm CLTE-XT Arlon
substrate with lower losses than GaAs, and the inductance is
realized by one 1.6-mm-long bond wire.
IV. AMPLIFIERS DESIGN This network allows to achieve broadband matching, to re-
duce the circuit noise figure, and to tune the amplifier. The first
To demonstrate the potential of the mHEMT technology at gate is biased through the RF input, and this is done through the
cryogenic temperatures, two MMIC LNAs were designed and external input matching network.
manufactured. The two single-ended LNAs cover the frequency In order to characterize its performance, the MMIC was as-
range from 4 to 12 GHz (IF for millimeter-wave receivers) and sembled in a gold-plated brass module with SMA coaxial con-
from 25- to 34-GHz VLBI and deep-space bands), respectively. nectors, shown in Fig. 9.
AJA ABELÁN et al.: 4–12- AND 25–34-GHz CRYOGENIC mHEMT MMIC LNAs 4083

Fig. 11. Photograph of the manufactured 25–34-GHz MMIC LNA. The chip
size is 2.5 mm 1 mm.

Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of a 4–12-GHz MMIC LNA with the external input
matching network.

Fig. 12. Packaged module of the 25–34-GHz LNA. The dimensions of the box
are 20.6 mm 32.5 mm 12 mm.

networks are used both for interstage matching and for biasing
Fig. 9. Packaged module of the 4–12-GHz LNA. The box dimensions are the drains.
31.3 mm 40 mm 15 mm. A photograph of the three-stage LNA is shown in Fig. 11. The
chip size is 2.5 mm 1 mm.
The LNA MMIC was assembled in a gold-plated aluminium
module with 2.92-mm coaxial connectors, shown in Fig. 12.
Gold-plated microstrip lines on a 0.127-mm CLTE-XT Arlon
dielectric substrate were used at the input and output of the

-parameters, noise temperature, and gain fluctuations were
Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of the 25–34-GHz MMIC LNA. tested at 300- and 15-K temperatures. The chips were first tested
on-wafer and then the packaged LNAs were measured at 300
and 15 K. The characterization at cryogenic temperatures of the
B. LNA 25–34 GHz modules was carried out in a closed-cycle helium cryostat, par-
As is shown in Fig. 10, the MMIC LNA consists of three tially shown in Fig. 13.
stages; each one employs a 4 15 m transistor, with a source For both amplifiers, two units were packaged and tested at
inductive stub in the two first stages. Grounded coplanar- cryogenic temperatures in order to verify the measurements.
waveguide lines are used for matching networks and intercon- Test results demonstrated very good repeatability, and therefore
nection. To accomplish wideband matching, lossy matching that the process is sufficiently stable. Moreover, the amplifiers

Fig. 15. Measured and simulated gain and noise temperature of the LNA
4–12 GHz at 15 K.

Fig. 13. Amplifier inside the vacuum chamber of the cryostat test system.

Fig. 16. Measured and simulated -parameters of the LNA 4–12 GHz at 15 K.
Fig. 14. Measured and simulated gain and noise temperature of the LNA
4–12 GHz at 300 K.
The measured and simulated gain and noise temperature at
15 K from 3 to 13 GHz are shown in Fig. 15. The simulation
were unconditionally stable at both room and cryogenic temper- comprises the MMIC LNA, as well as the external microstrip
atures, which was checked from the -parameter measurement. network and coaxial connectors. From 4 to 12 GHz, the ampli-
fier achieves 31.5-dB gain with 1.8-dB flatness. The average
A. LNA 4–12 GHz noise temperature is 5.3 K from 4 to 12 GHz. The measure-
The 4–12-GHz amplifier was tested at room temperature and ment was made with a drain voltage V and a total
it exhibited the gain and noise temperature depicted in Fig. 14. drain current of 15 mA (41.6 mA/mm). The dc power dissipa-
The measured gain was 38 dB with ripple of 1.6 dB in the tion is 8 mW on-chip. The minimum noise temperature is 4 K
4–12-GHz frequency band and with average noise of 47.8 K. at 6.25 GHz with 30 dB of gain.
The on-chip power consumption for this optimum noise bias The LNA -parameters at cryogenic temperature (15 K) were
was 90.2 mW; V, mA (166 mA/mm). The also measured referred to the input and output ports of the pack-
minimum noise was 35 K with an associated gain of 37.7 dB at aged amplifier for the same bias conditions as in the measure-
7.75 GHz. ment achieving the best noise performance, shown in Fig. 16.
At 15 K, the cold attenuator method was used to measure Input and output return losses are greater than 5 and 14 dB in
the LNA module noise performance, where the incoming noise the band, respectively (the input reflection loss (IRL) is greater
power is generated by a commercial noise source. A cooled than 12 dB from 5 to 12 GHz).
15-dB attenuator provides a well-defined cold-temperature
noise reference at the input of the LNA and reduces the change B. LNA 25–34 GHz
of reflection coefficient between the on- and off-states of the After testing the -parameters of the chip on-wafer at room
noise source. In this way, the measurement uncertainty of the temperature, it was also tested in the cryogenic probes station
noise temperature is reduced to 1.4 K. at 15 K. The -parameters at 15 K are shown in Fig. 17. With
AJA ABELÁN et al.: 4–12- AND 25–34-GHz CRYOGENIC mHEMT MMIC LNAs 4085

Fig. 19. Measured and simulated gain and noise temperature of the packaged
Fig. 17. -parameters on-wafer of the LNA 25–34 GHz at 15 K. LNA 25–34 GHz at 15 K.

Fig. 18. Measured and simulated gain and noise temperature of the packaged Fig. 20. Measured gain and noise temperature of the packaged LNA
LNA 25–34 GHz at 300 K. 25–34 GHz at 15 K, using the cold attenuator (CA) method with a diode as
noise source, and the hot/cold method (HL) with a 50- load at the input of
the amplifier.

a power dissipation of 3.6 mW, V and a total current

of 9.0 mA (50 mA/mm), the gain was 24.3 dB with a ripple of The minimum noise temperature was 11.8 K with an associ-
only 0.3 dB. Input and output return losses were greater than 15 ated gain of 24.5 dB at 29.5 GHz. The power consumption was
and 20 dB in the band, respectively. 2.8 mW on chip; V and mA (42 mA/mm).
The amplifier was then measured in the module with coaxial An identical LNA from the same wafer was also assembled
connectors at 300 K. The gain and noise temperature are de- and tested at cryogenic temperature using two different methods
picted in Fig. 18. in order to verify the measurements of noise and gain. The
The measured gain was 25.2 dB with ripple of 0.8 dB in the methods were: 1) the cold attenuator method with a diode noise
25–34-GHz frequency band. The average noise in the band was source and 2) the hot/cold method with a 50- load at the input
190 K with a power dissipation of 17.3 mW on chip; of the amplifier [18]. The results obtained in gain and noise tem-
V, mA (141 mA/mm). The minimum noise perature for both methods are shown in Fig. 20. The gain was
temperature was 183 K at 29 GHz, with an associated gain of the same, 25.3 0.6 dB and the average temperature 16.6 K
25 dB. with the cold-attenuator method, and 14.9 K with the hot/cold
Next, the noise performance was measured with the amplifier method, showing a difference in the average temperature of only
cooled to cryogenic temperature. The measured and simulated 1.7 K. In addition, the hot/cold method showed a smoother re-
gain and noise temperature from 20 to 40 GHz at 15 K are shown sponse of the noise temperature versus frequency.
in Fig. 19. The simulation includes the amplifier with bonding One of the possible applications of this amplifier is in the
wires, microstrip lines, and coaxial connectors. The gain and front end of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation re-
noise were tested using the cold attenuator method. The mea- ceivers [19], [20]. The very wide band of those receivers com-
sured gain was 24.2 dB with a ripple of 0.4 dB in the 25–34-GHz bined with the extreme low noise makes the problem of gain
frequency band and the average noise in the band was 15.2 K. fluctuations more prominent. The gain fluctuation of the LNA

HERSCHEL [22], achieving SNFG values at 1 Hz lower than

those obtained for cryogenic InP amplifiers [23].
A comparison of the two LNAs with other reported wideband
MMIC LNAs, working in the same frequency ranges at cryo-
genic temperature, is given in Table I. Almost all data found in
the literature refer to InP-based devices. Both presented LNAs
offer very low-noise performance with ultra-low-power dissi-
pation at cryogenic temperatures.

Ultra-low-noise MMIC LNAs that can operate cryogenically
cooled are required for radio-astronomy applications. We re-
ported the fabrication and characterization of two MMIC LNAs
based on 100-nm mHEMT technology. These very low-noise
Fig. 21. Normalized gain fluctuation spectrum of the LNA 25–34 GHz at 15 K. and wide instantaneous bandwidth amplifiers have been devel-
The dashed line indicates the noise floor of the measurement system.
oped in order to demonstrate the excellent performance of this
mHEMT technology at cryogenic temperatures. Their perfor-
TABLE I mance has been characterized in terms of small-signal gain and
COMPARISON OF WIDE-BANDWIDTH LNA AT CRYOGENIC TEMPERATURE equivalent noise temperature under cryogenic operating condi-
tions (15 K). A three-stage LNA demonstrated a small-signal
gain of 31.5 dB and average noise temperature of 5.3 K from
4 to 12 GHz when cooled at 15 K with only 8.0-mW power
The 25–34-GHz MMIC LNA exhibited a gain of 24.2 dB
and average noise temperature of 15.2 K with 2.8-mW power
consumption. Both LNAs offer very low-noise performance
with very low-power dissipation at cryogenic temperatures. The
presented results demonstrate the high potential of mHEMT
technology for cryogenically cooled very sensitive wideband

The authors would like to thank all the people involved in
manufacturing the prototypes used in this study. The authors
express their gratitude to the Technology Department, Fraun-
hofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF), Freiburg,
Germany, for the epitaxial growth and wafer processing.

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[15] M. Seelmann-Eggebert, F. Schaefer, A. Leuther, and H. Massler, “A His main research interests are the design and char-
versatile and cryogenic mHEMT-model including noise,” in IEEE acterization of cryogenic LNAs.
MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 2010, pp. 501–504.
[16] M. W. Pospieszalski, “Modeling of noise parameters of MESFET’s and
MODFET’s and their frequency and temperature dependence,” IEEE
Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1340–1350, Sep.
[17] M. Seelmann-Eggebert, A. Leuther, H. Maßler, B. Aja, D. Bruch, Arnulf Leuther received the Dipl. Phys. degree and
A. Tessmann, I. Kallfass, and M. Schlechtweg, “The IAF mHEMT Ph.D. degree in physics from the Technical Univer-
low-noise technology and its extension to cryogenic applications,” sity of Aachen, Aachen, Germany.
presented at the 1st Eng. Forum Workshop, Göteborg, Sweden, Jun. From 1992 to 1996, he was with Forschungszen-
23–24, 2009. trum Jülich. In 1996, he joined the Fraunhofer
[18] D. Bruch, F. Schafer, B. Aja, A. Leuther, M. Seelmann-Eggebert, I. Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF),
Kallfass, M. Schlechtweg, and O. Ambacher, “A single chip broadband Freiburg, Germany. where he is currently Head of the
noise source for noise measurements at cryogenic temperatures,” in Lithography Group. His research is focused on the
IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 2011, pp. 1–4. development of advanced III–V process technologies
for metamorphic HEMTs and the fabrication of
[19] M. Bersanelli et al., “Planck pre-launch status: Design and description
millimeter- and submillimeter-wave MMICs.
of the low frequency instrument,” Astron. Astrophys., vol. 520, Oct.
Dr. Leuther received the 1996 Borchert Medal from RWTH Aachen for his
2010, Art. ID AN. A4.
dissertation thesis.
[20] J. A. Rubiño-Martin et al., “The QUIJOTE CMB experiment,”
in Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V, Astrophysics and Space
Science Proceedings. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2010, pt. 3, pp.
Hermann Massler was born in Radolfzell, Ger-
[21] J. D. Gallego, I. López-Fernández, C. Diez, and A. Barcia, “Methods many, in 1965. He studied electrical engineering
for the characterization and measurement of the gain fluctuations of at the Technical University Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe,
cryogenic amplifiers,” ALMA, Santiago, Chile, ALMA Memo 560, Germany, where he graduated in 1993.
Oct. 2006. [Online]. Available: http://www.alma.nrao.edu/memos/ While working on the Diploma degree at the
html-memos/alma560/memo560.pdf. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), he performed
[22] T. de Graauw et al., “The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the far- and investigated quasi-optical measurements at 140
infrared (HIFI),” Astron. Astrophys., vol. 518, L6, pp. 1–7, Jul.–Aug. GHz. He continued these studies as an FZK Research
2010. Assistant for an additional year. Since 1994, he has
[23] I. López-Fernández, J. D. Gallego, C. Diez, A. Barcia, and J. M. Pin- been with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid
tado, “Wide band, ultra low noise cryogenic InP IF amplifiers for the State Physics (IAF), Freiburg, Germany, where he
Herschel mission radiometers,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 4855, pp. 489–500, is involved with transistor and integrated circuit (IC) characterization up to
2003. 325 GHz.

Boris Baldischweiler was born in Freiburg, Ger- Carmen Diez-González was born in Santander,
many, in 1984. He received the Dipl. Ing. (FH) Spain, in 1971. She received the Eng. degree in
degree in electrical engineering and M.Sc. degree telecommunication in 1997.
in microsystems engineering from Hochschule From 1998 to 2000, she was involved with the
Furtwangen University, Furtwangen, Germany, in characterization of sub-millimeter wave absorbers
2009 and 2010, respectively. and far-infrared p-Ge lasers with SRON and with
Since 2010, he has been with the Department High the Department of Applied Physics, Delft Technical
Frequency Devices and Circuits, Fraunhofer Institute University. From 2000 to 2004, she was with TTI,
for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF), Freiburg, Ger- giving support to the Observatorio Astronómico
many. His main research concerns noise and cryo- Nacional (OAN) in the development of IF amplifiers
genic measurements. for the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Herschel
mission receivers. Since 2004, she has been involved with LNA Laboratory,
Observatorio Astronómico Nacional (OAN), where she continues to be in-
volved with Herschel activities, as well as with ALMA and other tasks of the
Michael Schlechtweg received the Dipl.-Ing. Degree laboratory.
in electrical engineering from the Technical Univer-
sity Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, in 1982, and
the Dr.-Ing. degree from the University of Kassel,
Kassel, Germany, in 1989. Inmaculada Malo-Gómez was born in Madrid,
He then joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Spain, in 1972. She received the Eng. degree in
Solid State Physics (IAF), Freiburg, Germany, where telecommunication in 1998 and the Doctor degree in
he has been involved with the design of millimeter- telecommunication in 2011.
wave integrated circuits and nonlinear characteriza- From 1996 to 2002, she was with telecommunica-
tion and modeling of active RF devices. In 1994, he tions companies (Telefónica and Orange). In 2003,
became Head of the Simulation and Modeling Group, she joined the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional
Fraunhofer IAF. Since 1996, he has led the RF Devices and Circuits Depart- (OAN). Since then, she has been involved in the de-
ment, where he has focused on the design and characterization of devices and velopment and construction of low-noise cryogenic
integrated circuits based on III–V compound semiconductors for RF applica- receivers for Yebes radio telescopes. Her main re-
tions, as well as the development of integrated circuits and modules for sensor search interest is in passive and active components
and communication systems up to 500 GHz and above. He coauthored approx- for radio astronomy instrumentation.
imately 200 scientific publications. He holds two patents.
Dr. Schlechtweg was the recipient of the 1993 Fraunhofer Prize and the 1998
European Microwave Prize.
Enrique Villa was born in Santander, Spain. He re-
ceived the Telecommunications Engineering degree
and Master’s degree in information technologies
Juan Daniel Gallego-Puyol (M’91) was born in and mobile networks communications from the Uni-
Madrid, Spain, in 1960. He received the Doctor versity of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, in 2005 and
degree in physics in 1992. 2008, respectively, and is currently working toward
Since 1985, he has been with the Observatorio As- the Ph.D. degree at the University of Cantabria.
tronómico Nacional (OAN). In 1989, he spent one His research activity is related to the design and
year with the National Radio Astronomy Observa- perform of radio-astronomy receivers, taking special
tory. His main research activity has been the devel- interest in cryogenic behavior of phase switches,
opment of cryogenic LNAs. He has been involved in LNAs and detectors, and design, analysis. and
numerous international projects in this field. Among testing of microwave devices.
others, he has been in charge of the development and
construction of cryogenic amplifiers of the Herschel
European Space Agency (ESA) mission and of amplifiers for the European con-
tribution to ALMA. Eduardo Artal received the Engineer and Dr. Engi-
Dr. Gallego is a member of URSI and IAU. neer in Telecommunication degrees from the Tech-
nical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, in
1976 and 1982, respectively.
From 1976 to 1990, he was an Assistant Professor
Isaac López-Fernández was born in Oviedo, Spain, with the Technical University of Catalonia. From
in 1969. He received the Eng. degree in telecommu- 1979 to 1981, while on partial leave from the
nication in 1995. Technical University of Catalonia, he was with
In 1994, he joined the Observatorio Astronómico Mier Allende S.A., Barcelona, Spain, where he
Nacional (OAN), where he was initially involved was involved with TV and FM radio re-emitters
with the development of receivers for VLBI. In development. Since 1990, he has been a Professor
1995, he was involved with VLBI research with the with the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, where he was Manager of
Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Since their telecommunication engineering course from 1990 to 1994. From 1994 to
1996, he has focused his research activity on the 1998, he was Manager of the National Program for Information and Commu-
design and development of cryogenic LNAs within nications Technologies at the “Plan Nacional de I D”, National Research and
the LNA Laboratory, Observatorio Astronómico Development Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Madrid,
Nacional (OAN), where he has carried out designs for European Space Agency Spain. His main areas of activities and contributions have been microwave
(ESA), IRAM, Herschel, and ALMA among others. circuits and systems, including monolithic microwave integrated circuits
up to 50 GHz. His current research interests are low-noise millimeter-wave
amplifiers and receivers for radio-astronomy applications.

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