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Helensburgh Hig: Celebrating 125 Years

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We would like to Acknowledge the Wodi Wodi people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land on which

our school stands upon. We would also like to pay respect to the
Elders both past and present of the Dharawal Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginals present.
11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050
email: helensburg-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au web http://www.helensburg-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Issue 39, Monday 3rd December 2012 Week 9 Term 4

Helensburgh Hig
Celebrating 125 Years


The completion of our new school oval is fast approaching.
Last week the turf surrounds of the oval were laid following
the completion of the very complex earthworks need to
provide a stable foundation. Rubberised safety tiles have
been laid as a safety barrier around the perimeter of the
oval. It is hoped the oval will be complete for students to
occupy in a limited way for the last few weeks of the term.
The contractors have indicated that they plan to hand the
oval over to the school this coming Tuesday weather
permitting. A roster has been drawn up to allow each
grade an opportunity to experience our new oval.

Parents and community members are reminded that school
grounds are Inclosed Lands as described under the Act and
permission must be soughtt from the Principal to be on
school grounds particularly outside of school times. Any
persons on the school property without permission will be
deemed as trespassing and will be prosecuted.

As previously advised this year we are combining our
Special Assembly and Presentation on the one day. The
first part of the program commencing at 9:15 will be the
presentation of school service awards and Principal's
Medallions. The morning session will be concluded with our
traditional Kindergarten Christmas Performance. This first
part of the day will finish at 10:45 am with Morning Tea.
Kindergarten and Year 1 will not be participating in the
second part of the Presentation Day and will return to
normal classes after morning tea.

My staff are working not only on completing their student
end of year reports but also on classes for 2013. The
formation of classes is a complex matter handled in a
professional way by my highly competent and committed
staff. My executive and I take into consideration the
academic and social needs of all students and place
students with the best teacher for their overall growth and
development. My Assistant Principals are not only a great
support administratively they are outstanding class
teachers who have had to demonstrate a real mastery of
teaching and understanding of child development to be
promoted. Our school is well served by these educational
leaders and any parent whose child is taught by one of our
Assistant Principals has had the privilege of their wisdom
and dedication to their profession and the children in their

Christopher Connor
Helensburgh Public School
Anniversary Year

Important Dates to Remember
Date Event
4th Dec Thank you Afternoon Tea 1.20pm - 2pm
5th Dec Yr 6 High School Orientation Day
6th Dec SRC Christmas Disco K-2 4pm-5.30pm
Yrs 3-6 6pm-7.30pm/ Christmas Choir
Performance Helensburgh Worker's Club
11th Dec Presentation Day & Special Assembly
P&C Meeting 7pm
14th Dec Prefects, SRC & Library Monitors
17th Dec Christmas Concert & Reverse Christmas
Tree/Kindergarten 2013 Meet the Teacher
Day 9.15am -10.15am
18th Dec Yr 6 Farewell School Hall 5.30pm-9.30pm
19th Dec Burgh's Got Talent"f Last day for
30th Jan 2013 Students return to school
8th Feb 2013 Swimming Carnival
15th Feb 2013 Back up date Swimming Carnival

We would like to Acknowledge the Wodi Wodi people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land on which our school stands upon. We would also like to pay respect to the
Elders both past and present of the Dharawal Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginals present.
11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050
email: helensburg-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au web http://www.helensburg-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Issue 39, Monday 3rd December 2012 Week 9 Term 4

Home Reading will finish this week and all books are to be
back at school by Friday 7th December.

PSSA Nationals Congratulations
Krystal finished 6th in the 100 m Finals, Bronze with her
4x100 relay team, Gold with her 8x100 relay team, and Gold
with her long jump team (Krystal jumped 2nd furthest in

Bulli High School Year 6 Orientation Day
Wednesday 5th December 9.30am - 12.30pm Bulli High
School. Students will be picked up from their school
between 9 - 9.15am.

Plastic Bottles Wanted!
We urgently need 1ltr and 600ml bottles with the lids still on
for the year 6 farewell decorations.
Thank you kindly from the Farewell Committee.

Christmas is a Wonderful Time of the Year!
This Thursday 6
December, 2012, the Christmas Choir will
perform at the Helensburgh Workers Club for the Northern
Illawarra Neighbour Aid Centre.
We will be celebrating Christmas with lots of great carols
and a special lunch, subsidised by the Club. Children may
wear Christmas clothes, tinsel, reindeer ears to really get
into the mood. We will also be ringing lots of bells!
See Mrs Murray if you have any queries.

The inaugural Helensburgh Christmas Reverse Christmas
Tree will be held in our school hall on Monday 17

December, 2012. All students will attend to sing carols to
celebrate the end of year and Christmas.
This is also the time when we can donate a gift, food or
money to the Anglicare Toys `N Tucker Appeal for 2012. All
donations will help those less fortunate at Christmas.
Anglicare have sent information that toy suggestions
include: Fisher Price type toys for under 3 year olds, toiletry
packs, retail gift cards or watches for teen boys. Please do
not wrap you gift donation. Foods they require are spreads:
jam, vegemite, nutella, long-life custard, Christmas
puddings, cakes, shortbreads or small sweet biscuits.
You may bring in your donation now; the S.R.C. will be
collecting all donations brought in before the assembly.
Money donations can be placed in an envelope available in
the office, so that you can apply for a tax donation
exemption. Otherwise, we will be setting up a Christmas
Tree on stage on the day for all the piles of donations to be
placed underneath. Thank you in anticipation of your
Mrs Murray

Another Christmas Celebration
Garrawarra Aged Care Centre has invited the choir to sing
Christmas carols. We will be travelling by bus on Tuesday
December, 2012. The Garrawarra staff will be very
kindly supplying a bus for us to be transported to the
centre and for the return trip to school. There will be no
cost to the children - just more carols and bell ringing.
Choir members may wear Christmas clothes again.
Please see Mrs Murray with any queries.
Wanted Stage 3 Parent
To coordinate the trying on, ordering and distribution of
Heathcote High uniforms. This needs to occur one
afternoon after school in the school hall at a time that suits
you. If you can help please contact Mrs Butterfield.

Christmas Disco
Thursday, 6

December 2012
K-2: 4:00pm
3-6: 6:00pm
Cost - $5.00 per
(Pay on the night)
Includes chips & a

We would like to Acknowledge the Wodi Wodi people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land on which our school stands upon. We would also like to pay respect to the
Elders both past and present of the Dharawal Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginals present.
11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050
email: helensburg-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au web http://www.helensburg-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Issue 39, Monday 3rd December 2012 Week 9 Term 4

Environmental News

The big day has nearly arrived... WORKING
BEE. Please join the buzz @ school Next
Saturday, December 8th, from 9.30 am until
lunch. All most welcome for any length of time

The spinach and cheese parcels sold out in just
two days! 3 armfuls of spinach from the school
garden were picked. If you were lucky enough
to taste them, did you also notice other vegies
and herbs in the parcels? These included
zucchini, spring onion, rainbow chard, mint,
apple mint, oregano, thyme, basil, lemon balm
and parsley. No wonder they were bursting
with flavour!

For your chance to cook with the great tasting
vegies and herbs from the school's garden, buy
a raffle ticket to win a box of fresh produce on
Presentation Day, December 11th.
Spring into Summer this week at the canteen.
We will be selling cups of fruit salad and ice-cream for
$1 and other summer treats throughout the week.
Christmas Cheer Weeks 10 and 11. Special
Xmas treats will be available as we head into the
festive break
Thank you to Rachel Peach for the lovely cheese and
spinach parcels last week. Sorry that we sold out but
we will be looking at including them one day a week
next year. Look out for new look" menu early next
School-grown salad vegetables - The canteen is
now purchasing and using green salad vegetables and
any other items available straight from the garden.
Thank you to the committee for making this possible.
All proceeds are used to restock the garden.
(DW)UHVK:LQ&DPSDLJQ- We still have some
of the wristbands left over so we will continue to
provide stickers for the sale of fruit and they can be
redeemed for a wristband as previous.
Canteen Helpers - Thank you to everyone who has
volunteered to help out in the canteen next year. A
roster for Term 1 has been finalised and will be
distributed this week.
We cannot accept ANY FOREIGN COIN
Uniform News
Please note that the canteen provides an order
service for all Heathcote High Uniform items. Please
drop by and talk to us, our prices are the same or less
than Claudine's at Caringbah.
Thank you for you continued support.
Jan 4294 1778 Bronwyn 4294 3568

We would like to Acknowledge the Wodi Wodi people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land on which our school stands upon. We would also like to pay respect to the
Elders both past and present of the Dharawal Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginals present.
11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050
email: helensburg-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au web http://www.helensburg-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Issue 39, Monday 3rd December 2012 Week 9 Term 4

Community Notices
Garage Sale
15th December 8am -1pm 3 Cemetery Rd Lots and lots of items.

Santa in Helensburgh
Santa had such a wonderful time visiting the kids of Helensburgh that he has put some time aside on Saturday 8th for some
more photos 9 to 12:30 Bookings Essential 4294 2251

Helensburgh Workers Club Xmas Markets
Friday 7
December 4pm SP7KH%XUJKV%LJJHVW0DUNHWV(YHU- Over 50 stalls Live Entertainment Jumping Castle

WHSPA Grease the Musical
Brand new season Thursday 13th December 7pm, Friday, 13th December 7pm and Saturday 14th December2pm and 7pm
To book online www.wollongong-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/whspac-box-office-online

SPAT presents The Three Musketeers
Starting 8th Dec for bookings call 4294 4060

Helensburgh Lions Club Wishing Tree
The Wishing Tree is up and looking bare, so please shop locally and place your unwrapped gift under it and give someone in
need a very Merry Christmas! The Wishing Tree will be in the Workers' Club foyer until 19 December. Non-perishable food,
gift cards and vouchers for major stores (K-Mart, Target, Big W, etc) are very welcome. Thanks you, and Season's Greetings
from your local Lions!

Christmas Twilight Markets@Sunrise - Thurs, 13 Dec, 5-8.30pm
Don't leave town to shop this Christmas! Apart from our fabulous local shops, we also have the Twilight Markets@Sunrise to
help fill your Christmas stockings! With bush timber products, Usborne Books, candles, owl bags, chocolates and lollies,
jewellery, art work, men's and women's clothing and much more, be at Sunrise to enjoy the markets, bbq, jumping castle and
live music. Look out for the flyers to fill in and drop in the box on the night for your chance to win a great Christmas hamper!
All profits to the Illawarra Community Safety Brigade and KIVA.org - what a great idea!

For Sale
Heathcote HS girl's uniform, never worn, size 10. Includes 1 x skirt, 2 x shirts, 1 x sports shirt, 1 x sports shorts & 1 x
second-hand jumper, all for $120 - bargain! Call Gina on 4294 1371.

Spray Tanning appointments available during and after
business hours for your convenience.
Call Jackie 0414498647
Full body spray tan $30
Special Buy 5 tans for
$125 - you get one free!

We would like to Acknowledge the Wodi Wodi people who are the Traditional Custodians of this Land on which our school stands upon. We would also like to pay respect to the
Elders both past and present of the Dharawal Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginals present.
11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050
email: helensburg-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au web http://www.helensburg-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Issue 39, Monday 3rd December 2012 Week 9 Term 4

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