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The document discusses various publications related to Ethiopian and other African linguistics. It provides bibliographic references and descriptions of works on different Ethiopian languages and dialects as well as methodology used in linguistic research.

The bibliography section covers publications on Amharic, research conducted between 1990-2000, a supplementary bibliography on Falasha, overviews of Ethiopian Semitic languages, and research conducted between 1987-1997.

Languages and dialects discussed include Harari, various Gurage dialects like Muher and Masqan, and methodological works are cited for some of these.

15. ETHIOPIC II (Dialectology) [cf. 14. Ethiopic I] 15.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY [cf. 14.0 Ethiopic I] R.C.

Abrahams work on Amharic, by D.L. Appleyard, in Fs. Abraham, pp. 5-14. A decade of research in Ethiopian linguistics (1990 - 2000), by A. Gebre-Tsadik, H.E. Engdashet, JES 34, 2001, 87-102. A supplementary Falasha bibliography, by W. Leslau, Studies in Bibliography and Folklore 3, 1957, 9-27 (to A.Z. Aecoly, The Falashasa bibliography, Kiryath Sefer 12-13, 1935-1937) Ethiopian Semitic overview, by Gr. Hudson, JES 33, 2000, 75-86. O en est la connaissance de 1amharique?: dix ans de recherches (1987-1997) , by A. Rouaud, CLAIX 16, 2000, 161-180. The early period of Gurage studies, by J. Fellman, HoL 6, 2000, 188. 15.1 MISCELLANEA [cf. 14.1 Ethiopic I] V.M. Carstens, Fr. Parkinson, eds., Advances in African Linguistics (Selection of papers presented at the 28th annual conference on African linguistics) (Trends in African Linguistics, 4), Trenton NJ 2000. ColEth S. Uhlig, Bairu Tafla, eds., Collectanea ethiopica (thiopische Forschungen, 25), Stuttgart 1988. Fs. Abraham Ph.J. Jaggar, ed., Papers in honour of R.C. Abraham (1980-11963): papers from the symposium on R.C. Abraham (1980-1963) at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, September 14-15 (ACL Suppl., 1), London 1992. Fs. Klingenheben J. Lukas, ed., Neue afrikanistische Studien. August Klingenheben zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet (Hamburger Beitrge zur Afrika-Kunde, 5), Hamburg 1966 [rev.: OLZ 63, 1968, 85-93 (H. Jensen); MIO 13, 1967, 291-294 (G. Engelmann); JAfrL 6, 1967, 98100 (A.K. Irvine)]. Fs. Leslau 1996 G. Hudson, ed., Essays on Gurage language and culture: dedicated to Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his 90th birthday November l4th, 1996, Wiesbaden 1996. Fs. Ricci Y. Beyene, ed., Ethiopia e oltre: studi in onore di Lanfranco Ricci, Napoli 1994. Fs. Rodinson Chr. Robin, ed., Mlanges linguisticques offerts Maxime Rdinson par ses lves, ses collgues et ses amis (GLECS, Suppl, 2), Paris 1985. GSt W. Leslau, Gurage studies, Wiesbaden 1992 [rev.: Au 77, 1994, 131-132 (H. Ek. Wolff); Muson 107, 1994, 412-413 (U. Zanetti); ZDMG 145, 1995, 152-153 (R. Voigt); Language 71, 1995, 802-805 (Sh. Rose, D. Petros); Word 47, 1996, 109-114 (J.-Fr. Prunet)]. IAJK Irano-afrazijskie jazykovye kontakty, Moskva 1987/1991. MKSKT Msnact tat adamay simposiym wanwa t gr a, Mkl 1991 (= 1998-1999) [rev.: RSE 43, 1999, 2145-242 (G. Ricci)] (Proceedings of ths first Symposium on the Tigrinya language). OPA D.A. Olderogge, ed., Osnovnye problemu afrikanistiki. tnografia, Istoria, Filologia. K 70-letiju len-korrespndenta AN SSSR, Moskva 1973 (Fundamental problems of Africanistics. Ethnography, History, Philology. In the 70th anniversary as correponding member of the Sciences Academy). P4WCAL A. Akinlabi, O. Adesola, eds., Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of African Linguistics, New Brunswick 2003/Kln 2004 [rev.: FolOr 41, 2005, 290s. (An. Zaborski)] P1ICA L. Bown, M. Crowder, eds., Proceedings of the first International Congress of Africanists, Accra, 11th-18th December 1962, London 1964 [rev.: Africa 35, 1965, 443-444 (A.H.M. Kirk-Greene)]. AAL

P15CAL P15AfrT



R.G. Schuh, ed., Prcis from the 15th Conference on African Linguistics, UCLA, March 29-31, 1984 (SAL , Suppl. 9), Los Angeles CA 1985. R. Kastenholz, An. Storch, eds., Sprache und Wissen in Afrika. Beitrge zum 15. Afrikanistentag, Frankfurt am Main und Mainz, 30. September 2. Oktober 2002, Kln 2004 [rev.: FolOr 41, 2005, 291s. (An. Zaborski)]. St. Pilaszewick, J. Tulisow, eds., Problemy jzykw Azij i Afriki: materialy II Midzynarodowego Synpozium Warszawa-Krakw 10-15 listopada 1980, Warszawa 1987 (Problems of the languages of Asia and Africa: materials of the international symposium held at Warsaw-Crakow ). I. Loi Corvetto, ed., Studi di linguistica e di letteratura (Quaderni del Dipartimento de Linguistica e Stilistica, Univ. del Cagliari, 2), Roma 2001. Trudy Instituta tnographii im N.N. Miklucho-Maklaja, Leningrad.

15.2 METHODOLOGY 5.2.1 Language sociology D. Aberra, Language situations of Ethiopia in the 1990s: a sociolinguistic profile, in P13ICEthSt, I, pp. 431-440. R.L. Cooper, The spread of Amharic, in LangEth, pp. 289-301. L. Erkihun, Language use in resettlement sites: the case of Anger-Cuttin, Dimtu, Illubabor and Gambela, in P11ICEthSt, pp. 525-538. J. Fellman, Language and national identity: Amharic in Ethiopia, RAfrL 23, 1992, 173-174. J. Fellman, Semitic sociolinguistic surveys: the Ethiopian case, GL 36, 1996, 81-87. J. Fellman, A correlation between language and culture: the Amharic case, Orbis 26, 1977, 241-243. Ghelawdewos Araya, Tigrinya: a sociolinguistic approach, in MKSKT], pp. 697-708. Ch. Hailemariam, Language and education in Eritrea: a case study of language diversity, policy and practice (Studies in meertaliheid, 2), Amsterdam 202. W. Leslau, la recherche de matrial linguistique en thiopie, in S. Pop, ed., Communications and Rapports du Premier Congrs International de Dialectologie gnrale, Louvain and Brussels, 1960, Louvain 1965. R. Richter, Einige Aspekte der Herausbildung des Amharischen als National- und Verkehrssprache thiopiens, MIO 16, 1970, 597-601. R. Richter, Betrachtungen zur Herausbildung des Amharischen als nationale Verkehrssprache Athiopiens, EAZ 26, 1985, 113-120. R. Richter, Tendenzen der Sprachentwicklung im sozialistischen Athiopien und Moglichkeiten ihrer bewussten und planvollen Gestaltung, in PJAA, pp. 376-377. R.J. Sim, Ethiopia: language situation, in ELL 3, pp. 1147-1148. J. Tubiana, La langage de la rvolution, in J. Tubiana, ed., La rvolution thiopienne comme phenomne de socit (Bibliothque Peiresc, 8), Paris 1990, pp. 101-119. 5.2.2 Language adquisition Th. Bloor, W. Tamrat, Issues in Ethiopian language policy and education, JMMD 175, 1996, 321338. Ch. Hailemariam, Sj. Kroon, J. Walters, Multilingualism and nation building: language and education in Eritrea, JMMD 20, 1999, 475-493. W. Leslau, Local participation in language research, in National Conference on the Teaching of African Languages and Area Studies, March 1960, Washington D.C. 1960, pp. 40-66. Tkl-Haymanot Haly-S llas, Z md nna polisi wanwa m s m bal say nsawi s ltnan m ra mmvr n (Tigrinya language policy), in MKSKT, pp. 709-716. Tsfay Barya Gab r, wanwa t gr a km mmhari ab abyat t mh rti Ert ra (Tigrinya as a language of instruction), in MKSKT, pp. 435-453.

Tawld Gbr-Yohann s, Situational use of Tigrinya on the eve of Kudus Yohannes, JERS 1, 2002, 75-85. E. Wolk, Language policy in Ethiopia in the 20th century, SDALC 29, 2001, 53-63. 15.3 COMPARATIVE PRESENTATION W.K. Brzuski, Gramatyka porwnawcza yezykw semickich Etiopii (Elementary grammar of the Semitic languages of Ethiopia), Warszawa 19891 [rev : AfrAb 39, 1991, 120-121 (S. Pilaszewicz)]. J. Crass, B. Dehnhard, R. Meyer, A. Wetter, Von sagen zum Verbbildungsmorphem: die Grammatikalisierung des Verbs sagen einmal anders, AAP 65, 2001, 129-141 [on Amharic, Zay, Beria, and Kanuri].

M. Elmedlaoui, Gemination and spirantization in Hebrew, Berber and Tigrinya: a fortislenis module analysis, LingCom 5, 1993, 121-176.
Fekade Azeze, Unheard voices: drought, famine and God in Ethiopian oral poetry, Addis Ababa 1998. .B. Gankin. E.G. Titov, Nekotorye leksieskie i fonetieskie osobennosti arabizmov i iranizmov v sovremennych jazykach efiopii (na materiale amcharskogo i tigrajnskogo jazykov) (Some lexical and phonetic peculiarities of Arabic and Iranian borrowings in modern Ethiopian languages [materials from Amharic and Tigrinya]), in IAJK 1991, pp. 44-51. G. Lancioni, Noun phrases in Amharic and Standard Arabic, in StLL, pp. 71-87. D. Petros, On the absence of AgrS: evidence from Ethiopian Semitic languages, in A.-M. Di Sciulio, ed., Configurations: essays on structure and interpretation (Papers form a Conference on Configuration, Montral, Oct. 25-27, 1994), Somerville MA 1996, pp. 129-160 (evidence from Chaha and Amharic). Ed. Sue, D. Sebsebe, H. Inga, eds., Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Vol. 6. Hydrocharitaceae to Arecaceae, Addis Ababa Uppsala 1997. E.G. Titov, Fonetieskie I semantieskie osobennosti arabskich zaimstvovanij ve sovremennom amcharskom yazyke, in IAJK 1991, pp. 92-97 (Phonetic and semantic peculiarities of Arabic loanwords in modern Amharic). St. Weninger, Vom Altthiopischen zu den neuthiopischen Sprachen, in M. haspelmath ate al., eds., Language typology and language universals: an international handbook, Tome I, vol. 2/2 (Handbcher zum Sprach- und Kommunakationswissenschaft, 20/1-2), Berlin 2001, pp. 17621774. B. Yimam, The pragmatics of greeting, felicitation and condolence expressions in four Ethiopian languages, ALC 10, 1997, 103-128 [Amharic, Oromo, Wolaitta & Nuer]. 15.4 DESCRIPTIVE GENERAL PRESENTATION/CLASSIFICATION
[A reminder: M. Cohen, tudes d'thipien mridional, Paris 1931. M. Cohen, Nouvelles udes d'thipien mridional, Paris 1939 [rev. : Jaos 63, 1943, 292-294 (L : Leslau)]].

Anon., Ejectives and pharyngeal fricatives: two features of the Ethiopian language area, in P14ICEthSt, pp. 1679-1691. J. Fellman, Language, geography, and history: the case of Ethiopian Semitic, Anthropos 79, 1984, 256-257. J. Fellman, Notes towards a classification of Modern Ethiopian Semitic, Orbis 29, 1980, 105-107. E.B. Gankin, Zum Problem der funktionalen und innerstrukturellen Entwicklung der Sprachen thiopiens nach der Revolution von 1974 (dargeste1lt am Beispiel des Amharischen und des Tigrinya), ZPhon 37, 1984, 564-568. E. Hammerschmidt, thiopistik an deutschen Universitten, Wiesbaden 1968 [rev.: OLZ 66, 1971, 478-480 (J. Oelsner)]. R. Hetzron, InternaI labialization in the tt-group of Outer South-Ethiopic, JAOS 91, 1971, 192-207.

Ol. Kapeliuk, Regularity and deviation in peripheral Neo-Semitic, in TIND, pp. 11-21. Ol. Kapeliuk, Semantic analysis of some morphological phenomena, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 697-703. W. Leslau, Archaic Features in South-Ethiopic, JAOS 71, 1951, 212-230 [AfrAb 4, 1953, 94 (J.H. Greenberg)]. W. Leslau, Popular interpretations of birds sounds in Ethiopia, JAF 65, 1952, 361-364. W. Leslau, La rforme de lalphabet thiopien, RSEt 12, 1953, 96-106 [AfrAb 6, 1955, 130 (L. Ricci) ; RO 22, 1957, 168-170 (S. Strelcyn)]. W. Leslau, Suggestion for a transcription of the Ethiopian languages, New Times and Ehiopian News, June 6, 1953, 1, 4. W. Leslau, Le type verbal qatla en thiopien mridional, MUSJ 31, 1954, 13-98. W. Leslau, Echo-words in Ethiopic, AE 4, 1960, 205-238 (Amharic, Tigrinya, Tigre). W. Leslau, Linguistic principles of the Ethiopian argots, JSS 9, 1964, 58-66. W. Leslau, The expression of the future in the Ethiopian languages, JAfrL 7, 1968, 68-72. W. Leslau, Ethiopian Terminology in Almeidas Report on Ethiopia, BSOAS 24, 1961, 581-582 [AfrAb XIII 1962, No 453]. W. Leslau, Le type verbal qatl en thiopien mridional, MUSJ 31, 1954, 13-98 [rev. : BSOAS 17, 1955, 615 ; BSL 51, 1955, 159 (M. Cohen)]. W. Leslau, Spirantization in the Ethiopian languages, in A2CILCS, pp.175-199 [Harari, Gurage]. N.N. Ochotin, K voprosu ob istorii sibiljantov sovremennych fiosemitskich jazykov (on the history of the sybillants in the modern Ethiopic languages), in V.A. Plungjan, A.Ju. Urmanieva, eds., Jazyki mira, tipologia, uralistika: pamjati T. danovoj: stati i vospominanija, Moskva 2002, pp. 163-171. L. Ricci, Pubblicazioni in amarico di questi ultimi anni, OM 30, 1950, 186-198 [AfrAb II 1951, 191]. Sh. Rose, Inflectional affix order in Ethio-Semitic, in RAAG, pp. 337-359. Sh. Rose, Mltiple correspondence in reduplication, BLS 23, 1997, 315-326. Sh. Rose, Featural morphology and dialect variation: the contribution of historical change, in Fr. Hinskens, R. van Hoet, W.L. Wetzels, eds., Variation, change and phonological theory (CILTh, 146), Amsterdam 1997, pp. 231-266 [evidence from Gurage]. Fr. Rundgren, Neoaethiopica, SL 8, 1954, 92-102 [1. K et a() sous, en bas, en amharique. 2. Tigrogna yab llun il na pas. 3. Tigr f ng entre, m g b au milieu, tigrigna ab mang entre] D.E. Thompson, Languages of Northern Eritrea, in LSSDSCh, pp. 597-603. E. Wagner, Drei Miszellen zum sdostsemitischen Verbum, WZUH 17, 1968/2-3, 207-215 [3. Das Prfix y- im Jussiv einiger sdthiopischer Sprachen]. Kl. Wedekind, Ethiopian Semitic languages, in ELL 3, pp. 1148-1149. Y sa Gbr-Iysus, T ?m rt Mar: add mmhar-fidl n -gmmrti, Asmara 2000 [The Matara signs]. N.A., Zvania, Distribucija soglasnych v kornevych morfemach semitskich jazykov Efiopii, Tbilisi 1985 (Consonant distribution in the root morphemes of the Ethiopian Semitic languages). N. Zvania, Castotnye otnogenija fonem v sisterne frikativnych i affrikat semitskich jazykov Efopii, SemJaz 4, 1988, 45-47 [The frequency relations of the phonemes in the system of fricatives and affricates in the Semitic languages of Ethiopia]. 15.5 Tigre 15.5.1 Descriptive presentation (Grammar) .C. Beaton, A. Paul, A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Tigre Language (as spoken by the Beni Amer), Khartoum 1954. J. Fellman, Paragone sociolinguistico di due lingue semitiche moderne: il tigr e il tigrigna, LPLP 1/3, 1978, 129-130. S. Filipovich, M. Fremblay, The case of U in Tigre: towards an extended theory of phonological government, CAAL 5, 1989, 95-108.

M. Hfner, Probleme der Verbalstammbildung im Tigre, ZDMG 101, 1951, 89-1061 [rev.: AfrAb 4, 1953, 92 (J. Lukas)]. J. L. Jake, Object verb agreement in Tigre, SLS 10, 1980, 71-84. W. Leslau, Short grammar of Tigr (Publications of the American Oriental Society, Offprint Series no. 18); New Haven, CT 1945 [repr. of the The Verb in Tigre and Grammatical Sketches in Tigre] [rev.: BSL 1946 (127), 125-127 (Cohen); Word 2, 1946, 100-101 (Marcus); Lang 23, 1947, 170-173 (Blake); Africa 19, 1949, 75-76 (E. Ullendorff); AL 6, I 1950, 50-52 (M. Cohen)]. W. Leslau, Supplementary Observations on Tigr Grammar, JAOS 68, 1948, 127-139 [rev.: AL VI, 1950, 50-52 (M. Cohen); AfrAb 2, 1951, 91 (J. H. Greenberg)] W. Leslau, Grammatical Sketches in Tigre, JAOS 65, 1945, 164-203. W. Leslau, Supplementary Observations on Tigre Grammar, JAOS 68, 1948, 127-139. W. Leslau, The Verb in Tigre, JAOS 65 (1945) 1-26. W. Leslau, The verb in Tigre (North-Ethiopic): dialect of Mensa, JAOS 65, 1945, 1-26. E. Littmann, Die Diminutivbildung im Tigre, AION (Ml. Gallina) 2, 1943, 89-103. E. Littmann, Bilitterale Verba im Tigr, OS 3 (Fs. Nyberg), 1954, 94-101. F.R. Palmer, Relative Clauses in Tigre, Word 17, 1961, 23-33. F. R. Palmer, The morphology of the Tigre noun (London Oriental Series 13), London 1962 [rev.: ArchL 15, 1963, 101-102 (A.K. Irvine); JRAS 1963, 274 (A.K. Irvine); OLZ 60, 1965, 377-379 (A. Schall); Au 49, 1966, 70-71 (A. Klingenheben)]. S. Raz, Tigre grammar and Texts (Afroasiatic Dialects 4), Malibu, CA 1983. [rev.: Lg 6, 1985, 504 (M.L. Bender); OLZ 80/6, 1985, 573-577 (W.W. Mller); JALL 7/2, 1985, 175-180 (A.K. Irvine); ZPSK 39, 1986, 142-143 (G.F. Meier); JSS 33/1, 1988, 151-153 (F.R. Palmer)]. S. Raz, Source materials for the study of the Tigre language, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 307-322. S. Raz, Vowel quantity in Tigre, in P6ICEthSt , pp. 455-465. S. Raz, Complex verbal expressions of time-relations in Tigre, IOS 7, 1977, 144-172. S. Raz, The morphology of the Tigre verb (Mansa dialect) (I); (II), JSS 25, 1980, 66-84; 205-238. S. Raz: Tigre syntax and Semitic Ethiopian, BSOAS 43, 1980, 235-250. S. Raz, Tigr, in SemLang, pp. 446-456. S. Raz, Degem abb cAd H btes, IOS 12, 1992, 193-233 [description, translation and grammatical analysis of a Tigre ms.]. M. Rodinson, La forme radicale du parfait de la forme fondamentale du verbe en tigr, GLECS 22 nov. 1939, 69-71. V.P. Starinin, Les tendances synthtiques dans la langue tigray, in CIStEt IV/2, pp. 187-191. M. Tosco, A parsing view on inconsistent word order: articles in Tigre and relatives, LT 2, 1998, 355-380. E. Ullendorff, A Tigrinya Language Council, Africa 19, 1949, 63-64. A. Zaborski, Beja and Tigr in 9th-10th century period, RO 35/1, 1972, 117-130. 15.5.2 Lexicography Y. Beyene, Il dagiya-t Seb-ga-des in alcuni testi tigrini inediti, AION 43, 1983, 217-240. A. DAbbadie, Extrait du vocabulaire de la langue Tigr parle Muawwca, in Chr.Fr.A. Dillmann, Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae, Osnabrck 1970 (repr. of 1865 ed.) (appedix). W. Leslau, Arabic loanwords in Tigr, Word 12, 1956, 125-141. W. Leslau, North Ethiopic and Amharic cognates in Tigre (AION Suppl. 31), Napoli 1982. W. Leslau, Additional Arabic Loanwords in Tigre, R.G. Siegner, ed., Al Hudhud. Festschrift Maria Hfner zum 80. Geburtstag, Graz 1980, pp. 171-198. E. Littmann, M. Hfner, Wrterbuch der Tigr-Sprache. Tigr-Deutsch-Englisch, Lief. 1-3 (AWLVOK), Wiesbaden 1956-1962 [rev.: WZKM 54, 1957, 264-267; 55, 1959, 168-170 (V. Christian); BFS 35, 1956-1957, 443 (J. Leclant); Or 27, 1958, 133-135 (E. Ullendorff); BSL 54, 1959, 266 (M. Cohen); BiOr 16, 1959, 88-90; 17, 1960, 114-115 (L. Ricci); OLZ 55, 1960, 614617 (E. Cerulli); OLZ 60, 1965, 497-499 (E. Cerulli); WZKM 58, 1962, 214-216 (V. Christian)]. W. Munzinger, Vocabulaire de la langue tigr, in Chr.Fr.A. Dillmann, Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae, Osnabrck 1970 (repr. of 1865 ed.) (appedix).

A. Nakano, Y. Tsuge, A vocabulary of Beni Ameri dialect of Tigre (African. Languages and Ethnography 16), Tokyo1982. F.R. Palmer, Openness in Tigre. A Problem in Prosodic Statement, BSOAS 18, 1956, 561-577 [AfrAb 8, 1957, 428]. E. Ullendorff, Tigr or Tigrai?, Africa 19, 1949, 68. 15.6 Tigrinya 15.6.1 Descriptive presentationl (grammar)
[A reminder: Fr. da Bassano, Vocabolario tigray-italiano e repertorio italiano-tigray, Roma 1918. W. Leslau, Notes sur le tigrigna, GLECS 3, 1937-1940), 37-40. W. Leslau, Essai de reconstitution des dsinences verbales du tigrigna (Ethiopien septentrional), RES 1939, 70-99. W. Leslau, Observations sur quelques dialectes du tigrigna, dialectes d'Akhele Gouzay, d'Adoua & du Hamasen, JA 231, 1939, 61-115. P. Mauro da Leonessa, Grammatica analitica della lingua tigray, Roma 1928. F. Praetorius, Grammatik der Tigria-Sprache in Abessinien, hauptschtlich in der Gegend von Aksum und Adoa, Halle 1871].

Amanuel Sahle, Sawas w t gr a b -sffiu, Lawrenceville NJ 1998 [comprehensive Tigrinya grammar]. Amar Asgddom, gmat abyt wanwa t gr a kndi gg rat mrrabin, in MKSKT, pp. 643-652 [On the development of Tigrinya]. J.-P. Angoujard-M. Denais, Le pluriel bris en tigrigna, LOAPL 2, 1989, 99-148. Atalti agos, Fidlat t gr a, in MKSKT], pp. 112-137 [the Tigrinya script]. Barban Haylu, wanwa t gr a ab wwan s g gg r, in MKSKT, pp. 653-665 (Tigrinya language in transition). Barhan Atyame, T gr a wwan s g gg r km wanwa mrrabi affas, in MKSKT, pp. 610642 (Tigrinya in transition as a language of mass communication). Y. Beyene, Le prepalatali nel dialetto tigrino del Scsic ('Agm), AION 32, 1972, 359-365. B. Bagemihl, Tigrinya speech disguise and constraints on spreading rules, WCCFL 6, 1987, 1-15. E. Buckley, Edge-in association and OCP violations in Tigrinya, WCCFL 9, 1990, 75-90. E. Buckley, Tigrinya root consonants and the OCP, MPI, 41 1997, 19-5 1. E. Buckley, Against vowe1 length in Tigrinya, SAL 25, 1997, 63-102. E. Buckley, Alignment and weight in the Tigrinya verb stem, in AAL, pp. 165-176. C. Conti Rossini, Lingua tigria. Parte prima. Elementi grammaticali ed esercizi, Milano 1940, [rev.: BSL 1946 (127), 122-123 (Cohen)]. Danel Tkl-Maryam Tkkururay, Na-lahatat t gr a kmy gyrna ina ab ad s ru'en m ruyen dra wanwa nnb om, in MKSKT, pp. 266-282 [How to standardize the dialects of Tigrinya]. Daniel Mehari, The origin and development of Tigrigna language, in MKSKT, pp. 43-74. M. Denais, Elments de phonologie et de morphologie tigrigna, thse de doctorat, Universit de Nice Sophia Antipolis 1980. M. Denais, Alternances vocaliques en tigrigna, LOAPL 5-6, 1995, 193-199. Efrem Asffa Wrrdwrk, Addis ngliz a-amar a mzgb-alat: 18000 alat - The millennium English-Amharic dictionary : 18000 words, Addis Ababa 1992 [= 1999-2000]. J. Fellman, Language development in Tigrinya, LPLP 3/1, 1979, 25-27. J. Fellman, The formative period in Tigrinya linguistics, Anthropos 79, 1984, 257-258. K. Fre Woldu, Evidence of auditory similarity between Tigrinya ejective // and Arabic emphatic //, OS 33-35, 1984-1986, 123-138. Gbr bziab her Bihon Tlu, Nala mzgb alat t gr a b t gr a, Ml 1987/19941995. [Monolingual Tigrinya dictionary].

Gbr bziab her Bihon Tlu, Nala b hil t gr a, Makla 1991 (1998/1999) [rev.: RSE 43, 1999, 236 (L. Ricci)]. Gbr gziab her Bihon Tlu, Swas w wanwa t gr a, in MKSKT, pp. 202-208 [The grammar of Tigrinya] E.B. Gankin, Zum Problem der funktionalen und innerstrukturellen Entwicklung der Sprachen thiopiens nach der Revolution von 1974 (dargeste1lt am Beispiel des Amharischen und des Tigrinya), ZPhon 37, 1984, 564-568. G.B. Gragg, Cleft sentences in Tigrinya, JAfrL 11, 1972, 74-88. Hayl-Mikael Abrra, Gbr-Madh n S mon, T gr a km mmhari wanwa, in MKSKT, pp. 454-459 (Tigrinya as a teaching language). Hayl-Mikael Abrra, Gbr-Madh n S mon, T gr a km s ru mrrabi b -kmy k m b l y l, in MKSKT, pp. 283-306 [On the development of Tigrinya as a communication language]. Kasa Gbr-H ywt, Amanuel Gankin, Mzgb-alat t gr a, in MKSKT, pp. 504-514 [Tigrinya dictionary]. Kasa Gbr-H ywt, Aa ma mzgb alat, in MKSKT, pp. 553-560 [on the use of a Tigrinya dictionary]. O. Kapeliuk, Sur le rle de la forme relative en tigrigna, BiOr 37, 1980, 16-23 [on R.M. Voigt, Das tigrinische Verbalsystem, 1977]. O. Kapeliuk, volution de la phrase amharique: la nominalisation du verbe, in P5ICEthSt, pp. 97105. G. C. Kasa, O nekotorych osobennostjach jazyka tigrinja v sravnenii s drugimi semitskimi jazykami Efiopii, SemJaz, pp. 105-108 [On some peculiarities of Tigrinya as compared wlth the other Semitic languages in Ethiopia]. M. Kenstowicz, Gemination and spirantization in Tigrinya, SLS 12, 1982, 103-122. Kasahun Wld Giyorgis, blala wanwa t gr a b -kal ot wanwatat, in MKSKT, pp. 666-678. L.E. Kogan, Tigrinya, in SemLang, pp. 424-445. W. Leslau, Documents tigrigna (thiopien septentrional), grammaire et textes (Collection Linguistique de la Socit de Linguistique de Paris 48), Paris 1941 [rev.: BSL 1942-1945 (125), 177-179 (Cohen); Lang 20, 1944, 160-163 (Blake); JNES 4, 1945, 133 (Jeffery); BSOS 11, 1943-46, 874-875 (A.S.T.); JAOS 67, 1947, 143-149 (Polotsky); Orientalia 17, 1948, 523-527 (Cerulli); RSEt 6, 1947, 200-202 (Moreno)]. W. Leslau, Rflexions propos du type C en tigrigna, BSL 56, 1961, 202-211 [AfrAb 13, 1962, 295]. J. Lowenstamm, J.-F. Prunet, On certain nominal pattems in Tigrinya, in P15CAL, pp. 203-209. J. Lowenstamm, J.-F. Prunet, Le tigrinya et le principe du contour obligatoire, TQL 16, 1986, 181207. Mngast-Ab Zr a, Arrabaha sur-gass t gr a l san za-b h r agazi, Asmara 1998 [Tigrinya conjugation, the language of the Ethiopians nationality] Msf n Hayl-Maryam Tkl-Haymanot, T gr a km mmhari wanwa, in MKSKT, pp. 421-434 (Tigrinya as a teaching language). J. Mason, Swas w t gr a - Tigrinya Grammar, Lawrenceville NJ 1996. M.G. Melles, Tigrinya Reader and Grammar, Hyattsville MD 2001. F.R. Palmer, The Broken Plurals of Tigrinya, BSOAS 17, 1955, 548-566 [AfrAb 7, 1956, 276 (C. Rabin)]. F. R. Palmer, The Derived Forms of the Tigrinya Verb, AfrLS 1, 1960, 109-116 [AfrAb 12, 1961, 521]. M.D. Pam, Tigrinya phonology, Ph.D. Diss., City Univ. of: New York 1973 [DAb 34/4, Oct. 1973, 1886-A]. H. J. Polotsky, Notes on the cleft sentence in Tigrinna, in Fs. Rodinson, pp. 287-295. F. Rundgren, On the Form of the Texteme in Tigria, in Fs. Leslau II, pp. 1363-1369 (Syntax). A. Sahle, Tigrigna: recent history and development, en P7ICEthSt, pp.,79-90. Salomn nway, Kuntat wanwa t gr a, in MKSKT, pp. 84-96 (Tigrinyas situation). Tkst Tkl, wanwa t gr a n -k m b l mzgb alat zllwwo g dd, in MKSKT, pp. 515537.

Tkk Tsfay, yyo zmnawi mazgb alat t gr a, in MKSKT, pp. 538-552 (A modern dictionary of Tigrinya). Tesfay Tewolde, The plural of Tigrinya, in MKSKT, pp. 252-265. Tesfay Tewolde, Tense, aspect and mood in Tigrinya, in P13ICEthSt I, pp. 552-562. Tsfaye Tawld-Yohannas, Y-g ss g ro b-t gr a, in MKSKT, pp. 209-226 [Radicals in Tigrinya]. Tesfay. Tewolde Yohannes, A Modern Grammar of Tigrinya, Rome 2002T. Tesfay Tewolde, Plurals of Tigrinya and their Relationship, AION 63, 2003, 83-98. Tesfay Tewolde, Tense, aspect and mood in Tigrinya, in P13ICEthSt I, pp.552-562. Tesfay Tewolde, A modem grammar ofTigrinya, Roma 2002. R.M. Voigt, Die Hilfsverben der begrenzten Dauer im Tgra unter Bercksichtigung des Tigre und des Amharischen, ZDMG, Suppl. 2, 1974, 268-277. R.M. Voigt, Das tigrinische Verbalsystem (Marburger Studien zur Afrika- und Asienkunde, A 10), Berlin 1977 [rev.: WZKM 71, 1979, 195 (M. Hfner); ZDMG 130, 1980, 597 (H.-J. Sasse); JSS 25, 1980, 152-159 (E. Ullendorff);AO 50, 1982, 96 (K. Petrcek) ; OLZ 78, 1983, 311 (A. Zaborski)]. R.M. Voigt, Labialization and the so-called sibilant anomaly in Tigrinya, BSOAS 51, 1988, 525536. Y s ha Yosef, Mmh r Y s ha T[wld]-Mdh n n zmnawi wanwa t gr an, in MKSKT, pp. 679-696 (Y.T.M, professor of modern Tigrinya). 15.6.2 Lexicography G.-S. B ua-Amlak. S lawi t gr a- ngliza mzgb-qalat, Addis Abba 1995 (TigrinyaEnglish illustrated dictionary). Y. Beyene, Il primo vocabolario tigrino monoIingue, QSE 6-7, 1985-86, 166-182 [rev. art. on Germa-eyon Mbrahtu, L#san Agcazi]. Y. Beyene, Terminologia marxista-leninista in tigrito, RSE 31, 1987, 5-21. M. Denais, Projet de dictionnaire lectronique tigrigna-franais, in P14ICEthSt, pp. 1705-1722. A. Enkubahry, English Tigrigna idioms and phrases dictionary, Asmara 2001. Gbr gziab her Bihon Tklu, Nala mzgb alatt gr a b t r a, Addis Abba 1987 [Monolingual Tigrinya dictionary]. Y. Haileghiorghis, Cognates in Tigrinya and Kiswahili, Ethiopian Journal of African Studes 5, 1988. 71-75. W. Leslau, Arabic Loanwords in Tigria, JAOS 75, 1956, 204-213. Mzgb-qalat ngliz a-tegr a-carb a/Dictionary English-Tigrigna-Arabic, Rome 1985. Mzgb-qa1at tegrea-englizea, Rome 1986 [rev.: NAS 10/2-3, 1988, 205-206 (G. Hudson)]. Mzgb-qalat tegr#a-ebgliz#a / Dictionary Tigrigna-English (Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front), Rome 1986. Mzgb-qalat rmn-tegr a/Wrterbuch deutsch-tigrinia, Bonn 19842. Mzgb-qalat tegr a- ngliz a/Dictionary English-Tigrigna-English, Rome 1986. Mzgb kalat tegrea be-tegrea, Addis Abba 1997 [Monolingual Tigrinya dictionary]. I. Rilliet, Fr. Rilliet, Dictionnaire tigrigna-franais,franais-tigrigna (rythre), Paris 1990. A. Rahman, English-Tigrigna Dictionary, s.l. [India] 1992. L. Ricci, Nomi personali fra genti a lingua tigrina, RSEt 21, 1965, 111-161. L. Ricci, Zbn bur, Zbn Abr, Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne 12, 1999, 235-239 [on two toponyms in Eritrea]. Salomon Barnabas, T gr a km wanwa f ti, in MKSKT, pp. 474-503 (Tigrinya as law language). Tkk Tsfay, Zamnawi mazgb-alat b -t gr a, Asmar 1999 [rev.: RSE 43, 1999 (2000), 245-247 (L. Ricci)] [Monolingual dictionary of Tigrinya]. I. Tseghai, Mahdr mzgb kalat engeliz-tegrea / Mahder English-Tigrigna dictionary , Addis Abba 1997. Tuquabo Aressi, Concise English-Tigrinya dictionary, Asmara 1987.

E. Ullendorff, A Tigrinya Chrestomathy (Athiopistische Forschungen 19), Stuttgart 1985 [rev.: JRAS 1986, 264-265 (R.W. Cowley); OCP 52, 1986, 437 (V. Poggi); JSS 32, 1987, 237-243 (H.J. Polotsky); Au 70, 1987, 286-287 (R.M. Voigt); ZDMG 137, 1987, 424 (E. W[agner]); OrChr 71, 1987, 235 (B. Weischer); RiOr 45, 1988, 459-461 (O. Kapeliuk); BSOAS 51, 1988, 343-344 (D.L. Appleyard); RSE 33, 1989 (1991), 187-191 (L. Ricci); JAOS 110, 1990, 354-355 (G. Hudson); RAfrL 21/3, 1990, 163-164 (J. Fellman)]. E. Ullendorff, Along the margins of the Tigrinya chrestomatia, in ColEth, pp. 193-201. H. Uqbamicael, English-Tigrigna Dictionary, s.l. 1993. Yman-B rhan Wld-Gbr el, wanwa t gra a m s wanwa g c zan amar an zllwwo r kk b, in MKSKT, pp. 97-111 [Etymological comparison of Tigrinya with Gecez and Amharic]. 15.7 Amharic (Argobba) 15.7.0 Classification E. Bach, Is Amharic a SOV language?, JEthS 8, 1970, 9-20. C. Correll, Einige sprachgeschichtliche Streiflichter auf den typologischen Wandel: am Beispiel des Amharischen, in M. Faust et al., Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft. Sprachtypologie et Textlinguistik: Festschrift fr Peter Hatmann, Tbingen 183, pp. 325-334. M. Dietsch, Amharisch - eine weitere nicht konfigurationale Sprache, in A.Steube, ed., Syntaktische Reprsentationen mit leeren Kategorien oder Performen und ihre semantische Interpretationen, Berlin 1990, pp. 230-254. J. Fellman, Lines on the genealogical affiliation of Amharic: Semitic or non-Semitic - that's the question, HoL 6/2, 2000, 188-190. G. Hudson, Why Amharic is not a SOV language, SAfrL 3, 1972, 127-165. 15.7.1 Comparative presentation Ambaw, Mikael Dan el, English-Amharic code-mixing and codeswitching on e-mail, EJLL 11, 1993 [=] 2001, 71-75. Amsalu Aklilu, The Influence of Arabic on Wollo Amharic, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 72-81. T. Beyene, Amharic and English segmental phonemes: A contrastive study, LL 16, 1966, 93-120. W. K. Brzuski, Les verbes amhariques en contexte guze dans les chroniques royales thiopiennes, RO 30, 1967, 19-26. C.A. Ferguson, Verbs of being in Bengali, with a note on Amharic, in J.W.M. Veerhaar, ed.,, The verb be ansd its synonyms. Philological and grammatical studies (5) (FL, Supplementary Series, 14), Dordrecht 1972, pp. 74-114 3402. .B. Gankin. E.G. Titov, Nekotorye leksieskie i fonetieskie osobennosti arabizmov i iranizmov v sovremennych jazykach efiopii (na materiale amcharskogo i tigrajnskogo jazykov), in IAJK 1991, pp. 44-51 (Some lexical and phonetic peculiarities of Arabic and Iranian borrowings in modern Ethiopian languages [materials from Amharic and Tigrinya). O. Kapeliuk, Towards a comparative grammar of Hebrew, Amharic and Tigrinya, (Heb.), Jerusalayim 1983. W. Leslau, An analysis of the Argobba vocabulary, JAL 5, 1966, 102-112. W.W. Mller, Abessinier und ihre Namen und Titel in vorislamischen sdarabischen Texten, NESE 3, 1978, 159-168. H. J. Polotsky, Syntaxe amharique et syntaxe turque, in Atti del Convegno interazionale. di studi etiopici, in ACISE, pp. 117-122. E.G. Titov, Ob osobennostjach amcharskogo jazyka v sravnenii s nekotorymi drugimi semitskimi jazykami (On the particuliarities of the Amharic language in comparison with some other Semitic languages), TIEtn 52, 1959, 169-183. W. Vycichl, Amharique denk nain, gyptien d-n-g, AnnEth 2, 1957, 248-249 [rev.: Kush 6, 1958, 180 (A. Barsamian)]. 15.7.2 Descriptive presentation (Grammar)/Classification General
[A reminder: G.Y. Afevork, Grammatica della lingua amarica, Roma 1905. Ch.H. Armbruster, Initia Amharica. An introduction to spoken Amharic. Part I. Grammar, Cambridge 1908.

M. Cohen, Amharique, in Cent-cinquantenaire de l'cole des langues orientales, Paris 1926, pp. 303-308.
M. Cohen, Trait de langue amharique (Travaux et Mmoires del'Inst. d'Ethnologie 24), Paris 1936/19702/19953 [rev.: Annales Sociiologiques s.E. f. 3-4, 1942, 100-101 (Tesnire); DLZ 73, 1952, 144-148 (E. Littmann); JSS 17, 1972, 170 (S. Strelcyn) ; JSAfr 65. 1995 (1996), 257-259 (Alain Rouaud)]. M. Cohen, Nouvelles tudes dthiopien mrididonal, Paris 1939. B. Ducati, Corso di lingua amharica per autodidatti, Roma 1938 [rev.: BSL 120, 1939, 165-166 (Cohen)]. I. Guidi, Grammatica elementare della lingua amarica, Roma 1889/1892, Napoli 1924. V. Ignesti, La lingua degli amhara, trascritta in caratteri latini, Milano 1937 [rev.: BSL 1939 (120), 166 (Cohen)]. Fr. Pretorius, Die amharische Sprache, Halle 1879]..

G.Y. Afevork, Grammatica della lingua amarica. Metodo pratico per l'insegnamento, Bologna 1965 [repr. of 1905]. J.P.H.M. Alone, The Alone-Stokes short manual of the Amharic language (with vocabularies), London 1946. D. Appleyard, Colloquial Amharic: A complete language course (The colloquial series) London 1995 [rev.: JALL 18, 1997, 171-177 (A. Amha); OLZ 92, 1997, 711-713 (S. Uhlig); WZKM 87, 1997, 345-347 (R. Richter); Aethiopica 1, 1998, 229-231 (V. Bll, G. Gelaye); PrzO 2000, 279-282 (E. Wotk)]. Bay Y mam, Yamaria swas , Addis Ababa 1987 // 1995/96.(Amharic grammar) M. Cohen, Emplois exceptionnels de phrase nominales en amharique, GLECS 6, 1951-1954, 15. Bay Y mam, Yamaria swas , Addis Ababa 1987 // 1995/96. B rhanu Gbyyhu, Y-ga-bahr yat s mo s n- hufawi fayda b-amar a lib-bolldo, EJLL 9, 1999, 1-30. W.K. Brzuski, Zapot-vezenia arabskie w dawnym i wsplczesnYnt jzyku amharskim, Warszawa: 1983 [rev.: AfrB 35, 1988, 163-167 (J. Mantel-Neko)] (Arabic loanwords in ancient and modern Amharic). R. Cowley, M.L. Bender, C.A. Ferguson, et al., The Amharic language, in LangEth, pp. 77-98. A. da Hebo, Gramatica amarica, Asmara 1955 [rev.: Aevum 29, 1955, 387 (G. Rinaldi); Paideia 10, 1955, 422 (G. Rinaldi)]. C.H. Dawkins, The fundamentals of Amharic, Addis Ababa 1960. A. Demoz, The Peculiarities of the Gonderine Amharic, University College of Addis Ababa Ethnological Society Bulletin 4, 1955, 11-17 [AfrAb 9, 1968, 225]. K. Deste, Stanovlenie literaturnogo amcharskogo jazyka (The origin of literary Amharic), in N.V. Ochotinoj, ed. Afrinskaja filologija, (a collection of 11 articles on different African languages), Moskva 1965, pp. 140-142 J. Fellman, A forgotten nineteenth-century Amharic grammar, Historiographia Linguistica 5, 1978, 198-200. J. Fellman, Lines on the history o Amharic, Orbis 28, 1979, 63-65. J. Fellman, The formative period in Amharic studies, AfrS 39, 1980, 221-224. J. Fellman, The birth of an African literary language: the case of Amharic, RAfrL 24, 1993, 123125. H. Fulass, Some notes on Amharic questions, JAfrL 11, 1972, 48-62. L. Fusella, Recenti pubblicazioni amariche in Abissinia, RSEt 5, 1946, 93-102 [basicaly a review of a grammar]. L. Fusella, Osservazioni linguistiche sullamarico moderno, in ACISE, pp. 81-88. Germa-Seyon Mabrahtu, L#san Agcazi, Asmara 1976 ( = 1985). Getahun Amar, Zmnawi y-amar a swas w b-llal ararb, Addis Ababa 1990 [Modern grammar of Amharic]. G. Haile, Old Amharic features in a manuscript from Wollo (EMML 7007), in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 157-169.

J. Hartmann, Amharische Grammatik, Wiesbaden: 1980 [rev.: OCP 47, 1981, 244-245 (M. van Esbroeck); BiOr 39, 1982, 470-478 (O. Kapeliuk); Au 65, 1982, 279-283 (L. Gerhardt); BSOAS 46/3, 1983, 559-560 (A.K. Irvine); WO 15, 1984, 215-221 (R.M. Voigt); OS 30, 1981 (1983), 204-207 (F. Rundgren)]. G. Hudson, Amharic and Argobba, in SemLang, pp. 457-485. N.V. Jumanov, Amcharskij jazyk, Moskva 1959 [the Amharic language]. O. Kapeliuk, Pseudo-questions in Amharic, in P6ICEthSt, pp. 337-341. O. Kapeliuk, Amharique, in LChS, pp. 146-159. A. Klingenheben, Deutsch-Amharischer Sprachtfhrer. Nebst einer grammatischen Einfhrung ins Amharische, Wiesbaden 1966 [rev.: Au 49, 1966, 302-304 (J. Lukas); ZPhon 20, 1967, 380-382 (S. Sieber); BSOAS 30, 1967, 254 (E. Ullendorff); Africa 37, 1967, 498 (A.K. Irvine); MIO 14. 1968, 344 (R. Richter); Anthropos 62, 1967. 605-606 (W. Vycichl); ZDMG 120, 1970/2 (1971), 357-358 (Ma. Woidich); OLZ 66, 1971, 376-377 (A. Schall)]. W. Leslau, Ethiopic documents: Argobba: grammar and dictionary (thiopistische Forschungen 47), Wiesbaden 1997 [rev.: JES 32, 1999, 71-73 (Ol.Kapeliuk); RSE 42, 1998, 173-176 (L.Ricci); AnL 42/3, 2000, 406-408 (Gr. Hudson); Aethiopica 3, 2000, 236-24 (D.L. Appleyard); ZDMG 150, 2000, 647 (R. Weipert); OLZ 95, 2000, 63-65 (St. Weninger)]. W. Leslau, Amharic, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago 1964, vol. I, p. 789. W. Leslau, Amharic Textbook, Berkeley/Los Angeles, CA/Wiesbaden: 1968 [rev.: BSOAS 32, 1969, 205-206 (E. Ullendorff); ZDMG 120, 1970/2 (1971), 358-362 (W.W. Mller)JAOS 90 1970, 559561 (R. Hetzron); JAfrL 8, 1969, 47-48 (A.K. Irvine); BiOr 28, 1971, 238-240 (E. van Donzel); RSEt 23, 1967-68 (1969), 278-281 (L. Ricci)]. W. Leslau, Reference Grammar of Amharic, Wiesbaden 1995 [rev.: Language 72, 1996, 886-887 (Sh. Rose); ArOr 64/1 1996, 147 (Zd. Polcek); Au 80, 1997, 132-133 (R.M. Voigt); CJ 41, 1996, 258-260 (M. Amberber); OLZ 92, 1997, 711-713 (S. Uhlig); WZKM 87, 1997, 347-350 (R. Richter); ZDMG 147, 1997, 496~498 (W.W. Mller); JAOS 118, 1998, 295-297 (Gr. Hudson); RSE 41, 1997, 126-139 (L. Ricci)]. W. Leslau, Introductory Grammar of Amharic (Porta linguarum orientalium. N.S. 21), Wiesbaden 2000 [rev.: OLZ 96, 2001, 760-762 (R. Voigt); JAOS 122/1, 2002, 168-169 (A.S. Kaye); LingAeg 10, 2002, 445 (St. Weninger); WZKM 91, 2001, 439-443 (R.Richter); OrChr 86, 2002, 274-279 (R. Meyer); BSL 97, 2002, 257-258 (M.-Cl. Simeone-Senelle)]. W. Leslau, A Preliminary Description of Argobba, AnnEth 3, 1959, 251-273. W. Leslau, Th.L. Kane, eds., Amharic cultural reader, Wiesbaden 2001 [rev.: AP 70, 2002, 225-227 (R. Meyer); OLZ 97, 2002, 676-678 (R. Voigt); Aethiopica 5, 2002, 286-288 (O. Kapeliuk)]. H. Ludolf [1624-1704], Grammatica amharica (Wissenschaftliche. Beitrage 36); Halle (Saale) 1986 [original title: Grammatica linguae amharicae (Frankfurt a.M. 1698)]. L. Lykowska, Gramatyka jzyka amharskiego, Warszawa 1998 (grammar of the Amharic language). J. Mantel-Neko, Getachew Pawlos Berhane, Praktyczna nauka jezyka amharskiego, Warszawa 1969 [PrzO 1970/3 (75), 262-264 (A. Ferenc)] (Textbook of the Amharic language). H.M. Marcos, ed., Regional variations in Amharic, JEthSt 11, 1973, 113-129 [(1) Gelachew Haile, Ato Seifu Metaferia, The dialect of Gojjam; (2) Hailu Fulass, Ato Fisseha Sisay, The dialect of Mnz; (3) Amsalu Aklilu, Ato Habte Mariam Markos, The dailect of Wllo]. Mrs ce Hazn Wld, (Baddis s rcat ytsnada)Yamaria swas , Addis Ababa 1935//1943 (Amharic grammar according to new arrangement order). S. Obelensky, Debebow Zelelie, Muguleta Andualem, Amharic basic course, Washington 1964. R. Richter, Lehrbuch der amharischen Sprache, Leipzig 1987 [rev.: PrzO 1988, 298-301 (S. Pilaszewicz); OLZ 83/6, 1988, 690-691 (B. Tafla); WZKM 79, 1989, 297-299 (W. Leslau); BiOr 46, 1989, 218-221 (O. Kapeliuk); WO 20-21, 1989-90, 328-332 (R.M. Voigt); AAS 26, 1990, 269 (L. Drozdk)]. S. Strelcyn, Matriaux pour ltude de lancien amharique, JSS 9, 1964, 257-264 [AfrAb 15, 1964, 649]. Cl. Sumner, tude exprimentale de lamharique moderne (daprs la prononciation dAbraha Franois), Addis Abba 19572 [rev. : BSOAS 22, 1959, 477 (F.R. Palmer)]. E.G. Titov, Sovremennyj amcharskij jazyk (Jazyki narodov Azii i Afriki), Moskva 1971/1976/1991 [rev.: NAA 1973/4 212-214 (E.B. Gankin)] (The modern Amharic language).

E.G. Titov, Grammatika armcharskogo jazyka, Moskva 1991 (A grarnmar of the Amharic language). E. Ullendorf, The challenge of Amharic. An inaugural lecture . . . (London Univ., School of Oriental and Afr. Studies, Inaugural lectures), London 1965. B. Yimam, Amharic [800], 1, 106-109. [1994] B. Yiman, Ya-amar a sawas w, Addis Abba 1987/1995-96 [Modern Amharic grammar]. Phonology/Graphematics M.L. Bender, Two problems in Amharic phonetics: The sixth order voweI and the verb suffixes, JEthS 7, 1969,33-41. T. Beyene, Amharic and English segmental phonemes: A contrastive study, LL 16, 1966, 93-120. L.F. Bliese, Constraints on clitics in Amharic, FO 20, 1979, 133-142. R. Cowley, The standardisation of Amharic spelling, JEthS 5, 1967, 1-8. R. Cowley, Ludolfs Fragmentum Piquesii: an old Amharic tract about Mary who anointed Jesus feet, JSS 28, 1983, 1-47 [orthographic and linguistic commentary]. A.Demoz, Amharic script reform efforts, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 393-411. M. S. Devens, The Amharic first order vowel, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 115-122. J. Fellman, The Amharic consonant system, Abr-Nahrain 16, 1975-1976, 113-114. A. Haile, Lexical stress in Amharic, JES 20, 1987, 19-43. D. Hayward, The high centra1 vowel in Amharic: new approaches to an old problem, in J.A. Fishman et al., eds., The Fergusonian impact: in honor of Charles A. Ferguson on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Vol. 1: From phonology to society (Contributions to sociology of language, 42), Berlin 1986, pp. 301-325. R.J. Hayward, On R.C. Abrahams view of Amharic as a tone language, in Ph.J. Jaggar, ed., Papers in honor of R.C. Abraham (1890-1963): papers from the symposium on R.C. Abraham (1890-1963) at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, September 1415, 1900 (ALC Suppl., 1), London 1992, pp. 15-28. K. Hayward, R.J. Hayward, Amharic, JIPA 22, 1992, 48-52 [illustration of the IPA]. R. Hetzron, La voyelle du sixime ordre en amharique, JAfrL 3, 1964, 179-190 [AfrAb 16, 1965, 348]. Gr. Hudson, Evidence of an argot for Amharic and theoretical phonology, JAU 14, 1993, 47-60. Gr. Hudson, Amharic epenthesis, in Fs. Hetzron, pp. 65-73. A. Klingenheben, Die Laryngalen im Amharischen, ZDMG 100, 1950, 374-384 [AfrAb 2, 1951, 43 (J. Lukas)]. A. Klingenheben, Die w- und y- haltigen Konsonanten abessinischer Semitensprachen mit besonderer Bercksichtigung des Amharischen, RSEt 14, 1955-58, 28-47 [AfrAb 11, 1960, no. 375]. W. Leslau, Amharic Phonology, in PhAA 399-430. J. Mantel-Neko & P. Berhane Getachew, Palatograms of some sounds of Amhari, AfrB 15, 1971, 23-41. B. Odolsky, Morphophonology of Amharic verb, in ModEth, pp. 91-96. B. Podolsky, Phoentical History of Amharic (Heb.), Diss. 11985, Univ. of Tel-Aviv. B. Podolsky, The schwa Vowel in Amharic, in Fs. Leslau II, pp. 1220-1225. B. Podolsky, Some problems in phonology and morphophonology of Amharic, in P7ICEthSt, pp. 17-18. B. Podolsky, Historical phonetics of Amharic, Tel Aviv 1991 [rev:. JAOS 116. 1996, 298-301 (W. Leslau)]. S. Strelcyn, Le passage > en amharique comme objet d'tudes synchroniques et diachroniques, RO 31, 1968, 127-134 [rev. : AfrB 10, 1969, 170-171 (A. Ferenc)]. Takkele Taddese, Are s' and t' variants of an Amharic variable?, JELL 2, 1992, 103-121. Twld-Brhan Gbr- gziab h r, Gurb t nna d m tat ab wanwa t gr a, in MKSKT], pp. 227-251 (On the similarity of sounds in Tigrinya). J. Tubiana, Double neutralisation phonologique en amharique, RENLO 5, 1968, 85-96. S. Uhlig, thiopische Palographie, Stuttgart 1988 [rev.: JSS 36, 1991, 128-134 (E. Ullendorff) ;

ZDMG 141, 1991, 405-408 (M.A. Knibb)]. R.M. Voigt, Hamzah als Konsonant im Amharischen, ZDMG, 131, 1981, 234-262. R.M. Voigt, Zur Transkription des Amharischen, Orbis 34, 1985-1987, 245. O. von Essen, Einfache und gelngte Konsonanten in der Sprechweise eioner Gewhrperson fr das Amharische, Au 50, 1966-67, 290-303. W. Vycichl, Note sur la transcription de lamharique, AnnEth 2, 1957, 245. S. Wright, The transliteration of Amharic, JEthS 2, 1964, 11-24 [AfrAb 16, 1965, 520]. Ch.C. Zoll, Constraints and representation in subsegmental phonology, in L. Lombardi, ed., Segmental phonology in optimality theory: constraints and representations, Cambridge 2001, pp. 46-78 [evidence from Amharic]. N. vanija, Heterorganul tanxmovanta etavsebadoba amharul enai, SemJaz 1, 1983, 174-186. [The combinatory possibilities of heterorganic consonants in Amharic]. Morphology General

M.L. Bender, Reply to Sasse, ZDMG 124, 1974, 8-10 [cf. H.-J. Sasse, ZDMG 123, 117-128]. F.P. Cotterell, Amharic word classes, JEthS 2, 1964, 33-48 [AfrAb 16, 1965, 517]. G. Halefom, The morphologically incomplete agreement paradigms in Amharic, in P12ICEhSt, pp. 1249-1260. A. Klingenheben, Analogiebildungen im Amharischen, WZUH 17, 1968/2-3, 121-125. Pronoun (article)

Chr. Correll, Gedanken zur nichtpossessiven Determination mit Hilfe von Possessifsuffixen im Altthiopischen und Amharischen, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 252-266. H. Fulass, Notes on the verba1 noun and possession markers [in Amharic], JEthS 6, 1968/2, 71-76. G. Haile, The suffix pronouns in Amharic, Papers Afr. ling. [191], 101-111.[1972] G. Haile, Demonstrative pronouns in Amharic, JEthS 5, 1967/1, 9-12 [AfrAb 19, 1968, No. 296]. R. Hetzron, Kinuye ha-malim be-amharit [Pronominalization in Amharic], Diss. 1965, Hebrew University. R. Hetzron, Pronominalization in Amharic, JSS 11, 1966, 83-97. S.J. Hoben, The meaning of the second-person pronouns in Amharic, [339], 281-288. Language in Ethiopia. - 339. [1976] Ol. Kapeliuk, The evolution of crswo and crsaw as sociolinguistic variants [319], 1270-1274. [1994] Ol. Kapel1uk, The pronouns crswo and crsaw as sociolinguistic variants [398], 495-500.[1994] W. Vycichl, Trois notes de linguistique amharique, AnnEth 2, 1957, 147-176 [1. Larticle dfini. 2. Le frquentatif : innovation ou archasme ? 3. Deux pluriels nominaux : celui en o et le type wayzzer]. Noun M. Cohen, Pluriels amhariques a consonnes rptes, GLECS 9, 1962, 43-44. M. Cohen, Adjectif et substantif en amharique, CISEt IV/2, 5. H. Fulass, Derived nominal patterns in Amharic. Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles Diss. 1966 [DAb 28/3, Sept. 1967, 1076-A]. H. Fulass, Notes on the verba1 noun and possession markers [in Amharic], JEthSt 6, 1968/2, 7176. E.B. Gankin, K voprosu o morfologieskom slovoobrazovanii suestvitelnych i prilagatelnych v sovremennom amcharskom (fiopija) jazyke, UZIMO 2, 1963, 49-61 [=SemJaz, pp. 127-134] [The Morfological formation of subst. and adj. in mod. Amharic].

Girma Halefom, Against an initial wh-filter in Amharic, JELL 2, 1992, 75-94.

Girmaye Berhane, Word formation in Amharic, JELL 2, 1992, 50-74.

G. Goldenbeerg, Nominalization in Amharic and Harari: adjectivization, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 170-193. R. Hetzron, Toward an Amharic case-grammar, StAfrL I, 1970, 301-354. O. Kapeliuk, Abstract nouns as transformation of copula sentences: the case of Amiharic, GLS 30, 1988, 69-77. O. Kapeliuk, Appurtenance as a linguistic concept, FoL 23, 1989, 341-352 | Evidence from Arnharic]. O. Kapeliuk, Nominalization in Amharic (thiopistische Forschungen, 23), Stuttgart: 1988 [rev.: WZKM 80, 1990, 300-302 (R. Richter); ZDMG 140/2, 1990, 435 E. W(anger); AcOr 52, 1991, 171-173 (K.-G. Prasse); Au 74, 1991, 145-147 (R. Voigt); RSE 33, 1989, 171-176 (L. Ricci); ArOr 60, 1992, 105 (P. MikeS)]. ]. O. Kapeliuk, Les noms amhariques finale o, GLECS 18-23, 1973-79, 215-217. Zd. Polek, Several notes on Amharic syntactically-formed adjectives, in P12ICEhSt, pp. 12821293. Zd. Polek, Several notes on the term-formative processes in present-day Amharic, in J. Proseck, ed., Ex pede pontis: papers presented on the occasion of the 70th aniversary of the foundation of the Oriental Institute Prague, Prague 1992, pp. 224-233. S. Strelcyn, Sur quelques types de composs nominaux amhariques, GLECS 8, 1957-60, 29-31. W. Vycichl, Zur Herkunft der amharischen Plurale bjetwc-, gjetwc-, etc. Ihre Beziehungen zum Ursemitischen und Altgyptischen, Aegyptus 32, 1952, 491 -494. Wld-Maryam, Hirut, An autosegmental approach to Geez-based Amharic plural nouns, 16444. [1999] B. Yimam, Un accusative structures in Amharic, in P12ICEhSt, pp. 1131- 1152. B. Yimam, Towards a definition of the nominal specifiers in Ambaric, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 599-612. Verb M. Amberber: Functional verbs in predicate formation: event-type hierarchy and grammaticization, BLS 21, 1995, 1-11. M. Amberber, Verb classes and transitivity in Amharic (LINCOM studies in Afroasiatic linguistics, 6) Mnchen 2002. D.L. Appleyard, /a-/ and /as-/ verb forms in Amharic, BSOAS 35, 1972, 18-26. M. L. Bender, Amharic verb morphology: A generative approach, Ph-D. Diss., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1968 [DAb 29/10, April 1969, 3594-A]. M.L. Bender, F. Hailau, Amharic verb morphology (Committee on Ethiopian Studies. Monograph 7: Language and Linguistics I), East Lansing MI 1978 [rev.: Au 62, 1979, 316-319 (J. Hartmann); BiOr 36, 1979 (1980), 398-399 (0. Kapeliuk); AAL 8, 1982/4, 3-9 (G. Hudson)]. M.L. Bender, Amharic verbal types from text and lexicon, FO 15, 1974, 23-46. F. Bentolila, Fr. Shimelis, Le systme verbal de l'arnharique, in F. Bentolila, ed., Systmes verbaux (Bibliothque des Cahiers de lInstitut de Linguistique de Louvain, 98), Louvain-la-Neuve 1998, pp. 165-175. T. Beyene, Aspects of the verb in Amharic, Ph.D. Diss., Georgetown Univ., 1973 [DAb 34/5, Nov. 1973, 2591-A]. W. K. Brzuski, Les verbes amhariques en contexte guze dans les chroniques royales thiopiennes, RO 30/2, 1967, 19-26. S.B. ernecov, Glagol'nye analitieskie konstrukcii v sovremennom amcharskom jazyke, TIEtn 100, 1972, 89-102 [Analytical verbal constructions in modern Amharic]. R. Cowley, A and B verba1 stem-type in Amharic, JEthS 7, 1969, 1-13. E. da Valdieri, Il verbo amarico in tavole sinottiche. Classificazione - coniugazione - sintassi, con trascrizione italiana di ogni parola amarica, Roma 1945 [rev.: BSL 1946 (127), 127 (Cohen)]. G.A. Demeke, R. Meyer, A reexamination of tense in Amharic, AAP 65, 2001, 143-155. M.S. Devens, The Amharric simple perfect, JSS 26, 1981, 107-114. M. Dietsch, Zum Kausativ amharischer Simplexverben, in S. Brauner, Ek. Wolff, eds., Progressive

traditions in African and oriental studies (AALA, Special issue, 21), Berlin 1988, pp. 60-68. J. Fellman, Amhara verbal behaviour, AnL 18, 1976, 8-10 C.A. Ferguson, Verbs of being in Bengali, with a note on Amharic, in J.W.M. Verhaar, ed., The verb be and its synonyms. Philosophical and grammatical studies. 5 (FL Supplementary Series 14), Dordrecht 1972, pp. 74-114. Sh. Frew, Les auxiliares en arnharique: problmes didentification et de dfnition, in P12ICEhSt, pp. 1308- 1320. L. Gerhardt, Die Integration von Frerndwrtern in das amharische Verbalsystem, Au 59/1, 1975, 56-64. G. Goldenberg, On the Amharic tense-system, JSS 9, 1964, 47-49 [AfrAb 15, 1964, 640]. G. Goldenberg, The Amharic tense-system, Hebr. Univ. Diss. Jerusalem 1966 [Hebr.] [rev.: JAfrL 7. 1968, 218-219 (A-K. Irvine); BSOAS 31, 1968, 191 (E. Ullendorff); Africa 38, 1968, 359-360 (R. Hetzron]. G. Gragg, Paradigm pressure, verbal pathology, and lexical replacement: a note on the development of weak roots in Amharic, in Fs. Reiner 1987, pp. 139-145. G. Haile, The copula nw- (nw) in Amharic, CISEt I/V/2, 139-154. R. Heztron, La rection du thme factitif en amhariqne, Muson 76, 1963, 425-439 [AfrAb 16, 1965, No 158]. S.J. Hoben, Amhara verbal behavior: a commentary, AnL 18, 1976, 380-386. H.P. Houghton, Aspects of the Amharic Verb in Comparison with Ethiopic, Northfield, MN 1948. L. Huang, The semantics of verbal complements in Amharic, LACUS 13, 1986, 286-301. G. Hudson, Lexical form of the Amharic reflexive-passive, in D. Farkas, W.M. Jaccobsen, K.W. Todrys, eds., Papers from the Parasession on the Lexicon. Chicago Linguistic Society, April 1415, 1978, Chicago Il 1978, pp. 210-219. G. Hudson, Evidence of the nominal origin of the perfect in Amharic, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 236242. G. Hudson, The principled grammar of Amharic verb systems, JALL 7, 1985, 39-58. O. Kapeliuk, Les verbes redondants en amharique, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 257-274. O. Kapeliuk, Lexpressivit dans le verbe amharique, in P7ICEthSt, pp. 39-43. O. Kapeliuk, The relative verb in Amharic in an areal perspective, AAP 71, 2002, 33-54 (compared to Awngi). A. Klingenheben, Das schiefe Verbum des Amaharischen, ZPhon 9, 1956, 150-155 [AfrAb 9, 1958, 226]. A. Klingenheben, Zum Problem der Verbalstmme des Amharischen, JSS 9, 1964, 42-46 [AfrAb 15, 1964, 641]. W. Leslau, Une hypothse sur la forme primitive du type B en amharique, Word 13, 1957, 479-488. L. ykowska, Gramatyczna kategoria czasu we wsplczesriym jezyku amharskim, PrzO 1997/3-4, 191-195 [grammatical category of tense in contemporary Amharic]. J. Lowenstamm, A propos d'une hypothese sur la forme primitive du type B en amharique, TQL 16, 1986, 157-180. W. Maab, On grammatical functions of the gerund in Amharic, in Fs. Petrek, pp. 343-357. U. Maass, On grammatical functions of the gerund in Amharic, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 343-357. D. Manahlot, Some notes on Amharic performative verbs, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 623-628. J. Mantel-Neko, Note sur les verbes bilitres avec premire consonne prpalatale en amharique, GLECS 10, 1963, 1-5. J. Mantel-Neko, Quantitative research on the phonetic structure and derivative stems of the Amharic verb, JSS 9, 194. 27-41 [AfrAb 15, 1964, 645]. J. Mantel-Neko, Les verbes de type A/B-C en amharique. Analyse smantique compare (Zaklad Orientalistyki PAN, Prace Orientalistyczne 20), Warszawa 1969 [rev.: JAOS 94, 1974, 542-545 (W. Leslau)]. J. Mantel-Neko, Les verbes de type A/B-C en amharique. Analyse smatique compare (Zakald Orientalistyki PAN. Prace Orientalistyczne, 20), Warszawa: 1969 [rev.: BSL 66, 1971, 218-219 (M. Rodinson); JAOS 94, 1974, 542-545 (W. Leslau)]. H.M. Marcos, Towards the identification of the morphemic components of the conjugational forms of Amharic, in P11ICEthSt, pp. 465-479.

B. Odolsky, Morphophonology of Amharic verb, in ModEth, pp. 91-96. B. Pasik, Le verbe amharique dans certaines grammaires thiopiennes du XXe sicle, RSE 31, 1987, 111-121. K. Petrcek, La copule nw en amharique dans une perspective chamito- smitjque et africaine, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 286-295. B. Podolsky, The system of verbal stems in Amharic, in P6ICEthSt, pp. 447-454. Z. Polek, Some problems of tense and aspect in Amharic, AO 40, 1972, 206-237. R. Richter, Functional Verbs and Functional Verb Constructions in Amharic, Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 1312-1322. R. Richter, Lehrbuch der amharischen Sprache, Leipzig 1987. R. Richter, Functional verb constructions in Amharic, in P11ICEthSt, pp. 539-550. Shimelis Frew, Remarques sur le systme verbal de 1amharique contemporain, GLECS 32, 19881994, 97-109. S. Strelcyn, Remarques sur la langue des textes mdico-magiques thiopiens. Le traitement des verbes amhariques en contexte guze, RO 25, 1961, 107-125. E. G. Titov, Nekotorie sluai upotreblenija tak nazyvaemogo deepriastija i deepriastnoj konstrukcii v amcharskom jazyke, SemJaz, pp. 82-89 [On the use of the so called gerundive in Amharic]. E.G. Titov, Systme des temps dans la langue amharique contemporaine, CISEt IV/2, pp. 223-233. M. Tremblay-O. Kabbaj, The internal structure of PPs in Amharic, CAAL 7, 1988, 167-178. E. Wagner, Drei Miszellen zum sdostsemitischen Verbum, WZUH 17, 1968/2-3, 207-215 [1. Die Lngung des mittleren Konsonanten im Imperfekt des Reflexivs des A-Stammes des Amharischen]. M. Wakasa, Gerund in Amharic, TDGR 20, 2001, 425-452. Kl. Wedekind, Which form predicts all others best?: variation on the Amharic verb theme, JES 25, 1992, 73-92. Kl. Wedekind, Which verb predicts all others best? variations on the Amharic verb, JELL 6, 1996, 64-91. An. Wetter, A new analysis of the al compound verbs in Amharic based on the grammaticalization Theory, in P14ICEthSt, pp. 1829-1839. B.Yimam, The verb to have in Amharic, in P13ICEthSt I, pp. 619~636. B. Yimam, The verb to say in Amharic, JES 32/1, 1999, 1-50. Numerals Particles and Adverbs R. Cowley, Additional sources for a copula -tt in Old Amharic, IOS 7, 1977, 139-143 . G.A. Demeke, N-final relative clauses: the Amharic case, SL 55/2, 2001, 192-216. H. Fullas, The particle y in Amharic, RSEt 20, 1964, 103-119. M. Gasser, Amharic -m and -ss: morphology, theme and assumed knowledge, Lingua 65/1, 1985, 51-106. A. Getahun, Issues of time and place adverbs in Amharic, JALC 8, 1995, 123-136. G. Goldenberg, A copula tt in Old Amharic, IOS 6, 1976, 131-137. R. Hetzron, The element -mm in the Amharic verbal system, AION 33, 1973. 1-10 [1. The Amh. relative particle. 2. The Ennemor k/t/d morphemes. 3. The distributional differences. 4. The function of -ka/-ta/-da ~ -mm(-)]. O. Kapeliuk, Lemploi de la marque de laccusatif -n avec le complment dobjet direct en amharique, IOS 2, 1972, 183-214. O. Kapeliuk, Particles of concatenation and of reference in Amharic BSOAS 41, 1978, 272-282. W. Leslau, The negative particle in in Arabic and () n in Ethiopic, AION-O 19, 1969, 137-145. [with an excursus on Amharic mb za(m)]. L. ykowska, Temporal relation markers in Amharic (SDALC , 31), Warszawa 2002. Zd. Polek, Several Notes on the Text Connectors in Amharic, Fs. Leslau II, pp. 1226-1232. H.J. Polotsky, Le suffixe de la 3e personne pluriel en no-thiopien, Mlanges Cohen [195], 286289 [1970].

P. Swiggers, A comparative-locative participle in Amharic, Muson 97, 1984, 163-166 [ k from, out of, in, than]. J. Tubiana, La particule suffixe a en amharique, GLECS 7 (25 avril 1956), 1954-1957, 77. Syntax/Prosody/Stylistics M. Arnberber, The unergative-unaccusative distinction and benefactive applicative in Amharic, BLS 23, 1997, 1-13, Aklilu Amsalu, Early Ethiopian writers as modernizers of Amharic, Au 77, 1994, 283-296. L.F. Bliese, A discourse analysis of Amharic narrative, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 613-621. G. Balashova, The evolution of poetic language in Ethiopian drama, Au 77, 1994, 273-281. W.K. Brzuski, Constructions amhariques va1eur gnitiva1e dans les chroniques roya1es thiopiennes, RO 31/1, 29-38 [AfrB 10, 1969, 173-174 (A. Ferenc)]. U. Claudi, Die Beziehung zwischen Relativsatz und Genitivattribut im Amharischen, in SKHFA, pp. 91-102. C. Correll, Der abstrakte Relativsatz des Amharischen. Ein Versuch, seine Entstehung zu klren, in Fs. Spitaler, pp. 42-59. F. P.Cotterell, The Amharic primary neutral sentence, JEthS 4, 1966, 11-33 [AfrAb 18, 1967, 706]. F.P. Cotterell, Control in Amharic, JEthS 11, 1973, 75-106. F.P. Cotterell, Expansion processes in Amharic syntax, AfrLS 5, 1964, 1-16 [AfrAb 16, 1965, 518]. R. Cowley, A text in Old Amharic, BSOAS 37, 1974, 597-607 [transl. and study of the language]. H.E. Engdashet, A missing adjunct in Amharic, Zena L san 2, 1993 (2001), 23-36. H. Fulass, On Amharic relative clauses, BSOAS 35, 1972, 497-513. H. Fulass, A pseudo-object construction in Amharic, CISEt IV/2, 115-125. E.B. Gankin, Vydelitelnye predloenija v sovremennom amcharskom jazyke, in N.V. Ochotinoj, ed., Afrikanskaja filologija, Moscow 1965, pp. 127-139 [On sentences with nw (nbbr) in modern Amharic]. E.B. Gankin, Zum Problem der funktionalen und innerstrukturellen Entwicklung der Sprachen thiopiens nach der Revolution von 1974 (dargeste1lt am Beispiel des Amharischen und des Tigrinya), ZPhon 37/5, 1984, 564-568. M. Gasser, Topic continuity in written Amharic narrative, in T. Givn, ed., Topic continuity in discourse: a qunatitative cross-language study, (TSL 3), Amsterdam 1983, pp. 95-139. H. Getatchew , Q ne Poems in Older Amharic, Fs. Leslau I, pp. 521-530. H. Getatchew, Some notes on a text in Old Amharic of Roger Cowley, BSOAS 43, 1980, 578-580. G. Goldenberg, Studies in Amharic syntax, JEthS 3, 1965, 6-22. A. Haile, An autosegmental approach to some Amharic declarative and interrogative contours, in P1NCEthSt, pp. 449-460. R.J. Hayward, Is there a metric for convergence?, in C. Renfrow, A. McMahon, L. Trask, eds., The depth in historical linguistics, 1-2, Cambridge 2000, 2, pp. 621-640. M. Kamil, Die amharische Dicht- und Verskunst, WZUH 17, 1968/2-3, 105-119. T. L. Kane, Amharic fictional literature, Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles, 1971, 498 p. | Final ch. on linguistic factors. [DAb 32/7, Jan. 1972, 4005-A]. O. Kapeliuk, Particules denchanement et de rfrence en amharique, GLECS 18-23, 1973-79, 241243. O. Kapeliuk, Modalits daction et aspects en amharique, GLECS 18-23, 1973-79, 673-686. O. Kapeliuk, Il semble que ou il semble qui, un problme de syntaxe amharique, in P.Hndel, W. Meid, eds., Festschrift fr Robert Muth , Innsbruck 1983, pp. 51-67 [rev. : AAHG 37, 1984, 207-212 (G. Pfligersdorffer]. O. Kapeliuk, Some striking similarities between Arnharic and Turkish syntax, PICL 14, 1987, 2376-2379. O. Kapeliuk, Definiteness and Indefiniteness in Amharic, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 809-820. O. Kapeliuk, Auxi1iaires descriptifs en amharique, in PICSSJ, pp. 116-131. O. Kapeliuk, Syntax of the noun in Amharic (thiopische Forschungen, 37), Wiesbaden 1994 [rev.: Au 78, 1995, 140-142 (R. Richter); BSL 91, 1996, 388-393 (Matline Vanhove)]. O. Kapeliuk, Some suprasentential constructions in Amharic, in Festschrift Hetzron, pp. 75-83.

A. Klingenheben, Zur amharischen Poesie, RSEt 15m,1959 5-20 [AfrAb 12, 1961, n 267]. G. Lancioni, Noun phrases in Amharic and Standard Arabic, in I. Loi Corvetto, ed., Studi di linguistica e di letteratura (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica e Stilistica, Universit di Cagliari, 2), Roma 2001, pp. 71-87. M. Lemma, The technical aspects of amharic versification, Journal of Ethiopian Studies(Addis Ababa) I 1963, No 2, 133-151 [AfrAb 15, 1964, No 452]. W. Leslau: Frequency as determinant of linguistic changes in the Ethiopian languages, Word 25, 1969, 180-189. G. D. Little, Linguistic typology and syntactic change in Amharic, Orbis 30, 1981, 135-144. L. ykowska, Sentence schemata in Amharic (Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures), Warszawa 1992. G.D. Little, Word order function typology: the Amharic connection 1304. [1978] G.D. Little, Approaches to Amharic historical syntax, Diss. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1974 [DAb 36, 1975, 339-A] G. D. Little, Linguistic typology and syntactic change in Amharic, Orbis 30, 1981, 135-144. [1983] Marw Almu, Metekk sayyame b-amarrea, JELL 6, 1996, 29-41 [on substitute expressions in Amharic]. Z. Polek, A diachronic analysis of Amharic vocabulary on the basis of V. R. Prutks manuscript, AO 44, 1976, 28-42,8 pl. (facsim.) [V. R. Prutk (1701-70)]. Z. Polaek, Functional sentence perspective in Amharic preliminary notes, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 561565. H. J. Polotsky, Syntaxe amharique et syntaxe turque, Atti del Convegno intern. di studi etiopici (cf. Congrs), 117-122. H. J. Polotsky, Amharic minutiae, [262], 296-306 [1983] [2. The cleft sentence]. L. Ricci, Vin Vecchio e botte nuova - Annotazioni sullo stile narrativo della letteratura amarica contemporanea (Etiopia), Ml.Cohen, pp. 444-455. R. Richter, Einige Probleme der Sprachentwicklung und Sprachnormierung im Amharischen, ZPhon 37, 1984, 611-617. R. Richter, Zu Rektion und Kollokation im Amharischen, in SKHFA, pp. 257-266. R. Renate, Some linguistic peculiarities of Old Amharic texts, in P13ICEthSt, pp. 543-551. I. Rommel, Studien zur Syntax des Amharischen: Substrat- und Adstratwirkung, ZDMG, Suppl. 2, 1974, 606-609. J. Tubiana, Un mot ... une phrase .... , Nouvelles de l'Aresce (Pars) 3/138, 2002, 4. E. Ullendorff, Animistic expressions and some other aspects of direct speech in Amharic, CIStEt IV/2, pp. 267-274. R.M. Voigt, A note on SPA, or: a case for a new segment in Amharic, in P6ICEthSt, pp. 519-523. An. Wedekind, Kl. Wedekind, Amharic stress (beat) rules of linguistics, poets and singers: which beat rules beat which?, in P11ICEthSt, pp. 749-764. B. Yiman, Definiteness in Amharic discourse, JALL 17, 1996, 47-83. 15.7.3 Lexicography General
[A reminder: W. Leslau, Mots amhariques prsentant le traitement k > (with M. Cohen), GLECS 3, 1937-1940, 1937, 11-12].

A. Akliku, Characteristics of Amharic idiomatie expressions, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 571-580. N. Alemayehu, P. Willett, Stemming of Amharic words for information retrieval, LLC 17, 2002, 117 D.L. Appleyard, A statistical survey of the Amharic lexicon, JSS 24, 1979, 71-97. D.L. Appleyard, A comparative approach to the Amharic lexicon, AAL 5/2, 1977, 1-67 (43-109). D.L. Appleyard, Discussion on the Semitic Basis of the Amharic Lexicon, QuSem 5, 1978, 281283.

Y. Baye, Raising in Amharic, LOAPL 3, 1991, 105-124. A. Demoz, Lexical Innovation in Contemporary Ethiopic, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 1-27. A. Demoz, Problems of terminology in Modern Amharic, in P4ICEthSt/2, pp. 215-221. H. Fulass, Problems of terminology, in W.H. Whiteley, ed., Language use ans social change.Problems of multilingualism with special reference to Eastern Africa. Studies presented and discussed at the ninth International African seminar at university College, Dar es Salaam, December1968, London 1971, pp. 309-317 [coining new terms in Amharic]. E.B. Gankin, Puti i sposovy sozdanija novoj terminlogii v amcharskom jazyke, in OPA, pp. 363368 (ways and means of creating new terminology in the Amharic language). E.B. Gankin, Some ways and means of enriching the modern Amharic vocabulary, in A1CILSCS, pp. 347-353. Getahun Amara, Towards the analysis of ambiguity in Amharic, JES 34, 2002, 35-56. S. J. Hoben, Situational constraints on semantic analysis: an Amharic case, Diss. Ph. D. 1973 [DAb 33/12, June 1973, 6894-A]. V.S. Jagja, Puti i istoniki obrazovanija terminologieskoj leksiki v sovremennom amcharskom jazyke, TIEtn 1971, 264-287 [Ways and sources of terminology formation in modern Amharic language]. V.S. Jagja, Novoe v slovobrazovanii amcharskogo jazyka, in OPA, pp. 369-371. K.P. Kalinovskaja, Nekotorye erty razvitija leksiki v sovremennom amcharskom jazyke, in Africana. Kultura I jazyki narodov Afraki (Afrikanskij etnograficeskij sbornik, 6), Moskva /Leningrad 1966, pp. 262-270 [Some features of the lexical development in present-day Amharic]. O. Kapeliuk, Les nologismes thiopiens, GLECS 18-23, 1973-79, 321-323. W. Leslau, Toward a history of the Amharic vocabulary, JEthS 2, 1964, 12-20. Z. Polek, Amharic lexicography and the dynamics of sociopolitical terminology, in B.B. Kachru, H. Kahane, eds., Cultures, Ideology, and the dictionary: studies in honor of Ladislav Zgusta (Lexicogrpahica. Series Maior, 64), Tbingen 1995, pp. 393-399. R. Richter, Zur Wortschatzentwicklung im Amharischen, in P5IHSC, pp. 291-301. R. Richter, Einige Aspekte der modernen Lexikentwicklung im Amharischen, WZKM 83, 1993, 167-187. R. Richter, On the enrichment and expansion of the Amharic scientific vocabulary, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 567-572. J. Tubiana, Aperus sur lenrichissement du vocabulaire amharique, in Is. Fodor, Cl. Hagge, eds., Language reform: history and future. Vol III, Hamburg 1984, pp. 331-365. E. Ullendorff, The Semitic basis of the Amharic lexicon, in A2CILCS, pp. 275-279 [discussion by D.L. Appleyard, pp. 281-283]. B. Yimam, Root reductions and extensions in Amharic, EJLL 9, 1999, 56-88. Dictionaries
[A reminder: C.H. Armbruster, English-Amharic Vocabulary, Cambridge 1910. C.H. Armbruster, Amharic-English Dictionary, Cambridge 1920. J. Baeteman, Dictionnaire amarigna-franais, Dire-Daoua (thiopie) 1929. I. Guidi, Vocabolario amarico-italiano, Roma 1901. H. Ludolf, Lexicon Amharico-Latinum, Frankfurt 1698. H. Ludolf, Lexicon aethiopico-latinum, Frankfurt 1699. T. Piccirilli, Dizionario di alcune lingue parlate nell' A.O.I. (Amarica, Tigrai, Galla, Tigr), con la relativa traduzione italiana, s.l., s.d. [rev.: BSL 1939 (120), 167 (Cohen)].

Abbayyhu Wrku, ngliz a-amar a mzgb-calat = English-Amharic dictionary, Addis Ababa 1993 [= 2001]. Abarraa Nafaa, et al., Galmee jechoota afaan amaaraafi afaan oromoo = Y-amarea-oromea mzgb kalat, Addis Ababa 1997 [Amharic-Oromo dictionary]. Al-Aman Sado, English - Amharic - Oromic dictionary = ngliz a - amar a -orom a

mzgb-alat = Kitaaba-galmee-jechootaa afaan ingiliffaa - oromiffaa amharffa, Addis Ababa [s.n.] 1992/1994 (=2000-2002) (Amharic visual dictionary on p. 225 ff./387-600). Amar a mzgb-alat, Addis Ababa 1993 [= 2001] [monolingual Amharic dictionary]. Amsalu Aklilu, Amharic-English dictionary, Addis Ababa: Kuraz, 1979//1987| [rev.: NAS 10/2-3, 1988, 193-195 (P. Unseth)]. Amsalu Aklilu, Amaria-Englizia mzgb qalat / Amharic-English dictionary, Addis Ababa 1979//1986. Amsalu Aklilu, G. P. Mosback, English-Amharic dictionary, Addis Ababa 1973 [rev.: BSOAS 39, 1976, 708 (A K. Irvine)]. C.H. Armbruster, Amharic-English Vocabulary, vol. I (the only publ.), Cambridge 1960. Bahru Zrgaw G zaw, Zargaw y-amar a mzgb-alat, Addis Ababa [s.n.] 1994 [= 2001-2002]. (Monolingual Amharic dictionary). D. Berhanu, Worterbuch Deutsch - Amharisch Englisch, Hamburg 2000 [rev.: WZKM 92, 2002, 268-275 (R. Richter)]. A. Bevilacqua, Nuovo vocabulario italiano-amarico, Roma 1937 [rev.: BSL 120, 1939, 164-165 (Cohen)]. Dsta Tkle-Wld, Addisu ymaria mzgb-qalat, Addis Ababa 1970 (monolingual Amharic dictionary, arranged according to the Hebrew alphabet] [rev.: RSEt 26, 1973-77 (1978), 99-103 (T.L. Kane)]. Efrem Asffa Warrdwrk, Addisu y-amar a mzgb-alat, Addis Ababa 1992 (2000) [Monolingual Amharic dictionary]. Efrem Asffa Warrdwrk, Harmony English - Afaan Oromoo Amharic dictionary - 40,000 words. Addis Ababa [s.n.] 1995 [= 2002-2003] (visual dictionary, pp. 513-632). J. Fellman, Sociolinguistic notes on some Hamito-Semitic languages, Orbis 31, 1982, 213-225 [I. An early Amharic dictionary, pp. 212-213]. .B. Gankin, Kebbede Desta, Russko-amcharskij slovar', Moskva 1965/1979 [re.: AO 38, 1970, 242243 (Z. Polek)] (Russian-Amahric Dictionary). .B. Gankin, Amcharsko-russkij slovar', Moskva 1969 [rev.: RSEt 24, 1969-70 (1971), 244-247 (L. Ricci);| NAA 1971/4, 204-205 (V. A. Bejlis); BSOAS 34, 1971, 399-400 (E. Ullendorff); AO 41, 1973, 181-182 (Z. Polek)]. Linguistics 140, 1974, 117-120 (R. Hetzron)]. S.D. Goitein, Amaxarsko-russkij slovar', Moskwa 1979 [Amharic-Russian dictionary]. G. Goldenberg, Oneself, Ones Own and One Another in Amharic, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 531549. I. Guidi, Supplemento al Vocabulario Amarico-Italiano, compilato con il concorso di F. Gallina & E. Cerulli, Roma 1940 [rev.: BSL 1942-1945 (125), 179-180 (Cohen)]. E. Gutt, M. Hussein, Silte-Amharic-English dictionary, with concise grarmnar, Addis Ababa 1995/1997 [rev.: Aethiopica 3, 2000, 251-254 (W. Leslau)]. T.L. Kane, Amharic-English dictionary.Vol. 1-2, Wiesbaden 1990 [rev.: JNSL 17, 1991, 28-229 (L.M. Muntingh); ZDMG 142/2, 1992, 378 (E. Wagner); RAfrL 24, 1993, 146 (J. Fellman); Ol.Z 88, 1993, 293-298 (S. Uhlig); RSE 36, 1992, 161-164 (L. Ricci); OLZ 88, 1993, 293-298 (S. Uhlig); RSE 43, 1999, 236 (L. Ricci)]. A. Klingenheben, Deutsch-amharischer Sprachfhrer nebst einer grammatischen Einfhrung ins Amharische, Wiesbaden 1968. W. Leslau, An Amharic conversation Book, Wiesbaden 1965. W. Leslau, English-Amharic context dictionary. Wiesbaden: 1973 [rev.: Au 57, 1973-74, 300-302 (J. Lukas)]. ; BSOAS 37, 1974, 454-456 (E. Ullendorff); WZKM 65-66, 1973-74, 280-282 (M. Hfner); JAOS 96, 1976, 294-295 (T.L. Kane); Lingua 46, 1978, 395-396 (J. Fellman); RSEt 26, 1973-77 (1978), 104-110 (L. Ricci); JSS 25, 1980, 159-163 (G. Goldenberg)]. W. Leslau, While working on the English-Amharic context dictionary, in P4CIStEth 2, pp. 203-213. W. Leslau, Concise Amharic dictionary: Amharic-English, English-Amharic, Wiesbaden/ Berkeley 1976 [rev.: JAOS 98, 1978, 159-160 (T.L. Kane); RSEt 26, 1973-77 (1978), 110-111 (L. Ricci); OLZ 75, 1980, 460-461 (J. Oelsner)]. W. Leslau, An analysis of the Argobba vocabulary, JAfrL 5, 1966, 102-112 [AfrAb 18, 1967, 710]. W. Leslau, Argobba vocabulary, RSEt 26, 1973-1977, 21-43.

W. Leslau, Th.L. Kane, Amharic cultural reader I, Wiesbaden 2001 [with Amharic-English dictionary and an index of English words and Amharic lexemes]. E. Littmann, Altamharisches Glossar, RSO 20, 1942-43, 473-505; 22, 1947, 46. Makonnen Argaw, Lexique guze-amharique des formes verbales, Paris 1974 [rev. : JSS 22, 1977, 250 (E. Ullendorff)]. Zd. Polek, An attempt at systematizing Amharic linguistic terminology, P11ICEthSt, pp. 665683. Z. Polek, M. Azzn, T. Tsfaye, A concise sociopolitical dictionary English-Amharic, Wiesbaden 1990 [rev.: OLZ 88, 1993, 293-298 (S. Uhlig); BSOAS 56, 1993, 139 (A.K. Irvine) JES 27/2, 1994, 203-204 (Am. Aklilu); OLZ 88/3, 1993, 293-298 (S. Uhlig)]. A.A. Ponomarenko, Amcharskij slovar M. Lebedinskogo v sobranijach MAE, TIEtn 96, 1971, 2 88-294 [The Amharic dictionary of M. Lebedinskij, a MS. in the Museum of Anthropology. and Ethnography, Leningrad]. L. Ricci, Il Dizionario progressista amarico RSEt 27, 1978-79, 13-61 [on a work published in Addis Ababa, 1976]. S. Strelcyn, Quelques remarques sur les dictionnaires guzes et amhariques, PF 18, 1, 1963. Tsma Hbt Mikail G d w, Ksati B rhan Tsma, Addis Ababa 1951//1958/59 (Monolingual dictionary). E. Ullendorff, An Amharic chrestomathy, London 1965 [rev. : JAfrL 5, 1966, 169-170 (E. Cerulli); JSS 11, 1966, 241-249 (H.J. Polotsky); Au 49, 1966, 69-70 (A. Klingenheben); PrzO 1966, 200-202 (J. Mantel-Nieko); RSEt 22, 1966, 162-164 (L. Ricci); Anthropos 62, 1967, 604-605 (W. Vycichl); ZDMG 118, 1968, 395 (M. Hfner); OLZ 66, 1971, 375-376 (A. Schall)]. D. Worku Kassa, ngliz a - amar a mzgb-alat, Addis Ababa 1994 [= 2002]. (English-Amharic Dictionary). D. Wrku, Fofy English - Amharic pocket dictionary (20,000 words)pocket dictionary (20,000 words) = Fofi ngliz a - amar a mzgb-alat (20,000 alat), Addis Ababa [s.n.] 1994 [= 2002]. Y lak Hayl-Maryam Wld-Giyorgis, Haba - amar a mzgb-alat, Addis Ababa [s.n.] 1995 [= 2002]. E.P. Zavadskaja, Amcharsko-russkij i russko-amcharskij razgovornik / Jamar a-rusijan anna jrusijan anna jrusijan anna-amar a jn g gg r mllmamga mhaf, Moskva 1985 (Amharic-Russian and Russian-Amharic vocabulary). Semantic fields E.J. Allan, Inalienable possession in four Ethiopian languages, Au 59, 1975-76, 300-307 [Amharic, Chaha, Dizi (Maji), Mursi (Muni)]. Amsalu Aklilu, Principles for the creation of new science and technology terms in Amharic, in Fs. Leslau 1981, pp. 73-80. M.L. Bender, Addenda to guide to Ethiopian language nomenclature, AnL 14, 1972, 196-203 [to section 8 of his art. in AnL 13, 165-288]. T. Beyene, Terms of endearment in Amharic - their morphological structures and sociolinguistic norms, JES 22. 1989, 65-73. W.K. Brzuski, Arabic loanwords in Amharic, connected with textiles, leather products and jewelry, AfrB 20, 1974, 63-71. M. Cohen, Quelques notes sur beau, bien, joli en amharique, in Fs. Klingenheben, pp. 69-70. R. L. Cooper, S. Carpenter, Linguistic diversity in the Ethiopian market, JAfrL 8, 1969, 160-168. T. Demisse, M.L. Bender, An argot of Addis Ababa unattached girls, LiS 12, 1983, 339-347. D. Deska, The Amharic versin of semantic indefinibilia, Studies of the Department ofAfrican Languages and Cultures (Warsaw) 29, 2001, 7-38. D. Deska, The Amharic version of semantic indefinibilia, SDALC 29, 2001, 7-38. Fr. Enguehard, Le paysan thiopien et le labour laraire travers le vocabulaire amharique, in P14ICEthSt, pp. 1732-1744. R. Fichtl, Ad. Adi, Honeybee flora of Ethiopia, Weikersheim 1994 [Names in different Ethiopian languages, mainly Amharic, Tigrinya and Oromo].

.B. Gankin, Razvitie amcharskoj obscestvenno-politiceskoj leksiki posle revoljucii 1974 goda v fiopii, in PYAA, pp. 291-2951 [The development of the Amharic socio-political lexicon after the Ethiopian revolution of 1974]. Getie Gelaye, Semantic analysis of Amharic kinship terms in Gojjam: an anthropological approach, AfrR 53, 1998, 71-92. A. Haile-Michael, The social basis and impact of social change upon official titles in Amharic, ZPhon 37, 1984, 551-557. A. Haile-Michael, Offizielle amharische Titel, ihre soziale Basis und ihre Beeinflussung durch soziale Vernderungen: eine soziolinguistische Betrachtung, EAZ 26,1985,103-112. S.J. Hoben, Kin terms of reference and kin terms of address in Amharic of Menz, in P1USCEthSt, pp. 279-289. T.L. Kane, The M sir a ban - an Amharic lapidary treatise, in P6ICEthSt, pp. 315-336. D. Lemordant, A propos des noms priphrastiques de vgtaux en amharique, JSS 18, 1973, 120-128. W. Leslau, An Ethiopian Merchants Argot, Lang 25, 1949, 22-28 [Notes on the argot of the Amharic merchants of Mot,.a, north of Debre Markos, the capital of Godjam] [AfrAb 1, 1950, 92 (J H. Greenberg)]. W. Leslau, An Ethiopian ministrels argot, JAOS 72, 1952, 102-109 [of Godjam and Gondar]. W. Leslau, Taboo Expressions in Ethiopia, AmA 61, 1959, 105-108 [AfrAb 11, 1960, 274]. R. Pankhurst, Linguistic and cultural data on the penetration of fire-arms into Ethiopia, JEthS 9, 1971, 47-82. Z. Polek, International elements in Amharic political and social terminology, ArOr 56, 1988, 105-109. M. Rodinson, Magie, mdecine et possessin Gondar, Paris 1967 [rev.: RSEt 23, 1967-1968, 282-287 (L. Ricci)]. S. Strelcyn, Quelques lments du vocabulaire magique thiopien, GLECS 5, 1950, 41-45. S. Strelcyn, Remarques sur la langue des textes mdico-magiques thiopiens. Le traitement des verbes amhariques en contexte guze, RO 25, 1961, 107-125. S. Strelcyn, Ethiopian medical treatises as a source for the study of early Amharic, in L. Bown, M. Crowder, eds., Proceedings First International Congress of Africanists, Accra, 11th-18th December 1962, London 1964, pp. 105-112. S. Strelcyn, Couplets amhariques en l'honneur des plantes nst (Enseteventricosum) et koso (Brayera anthelmintica), FO 11, 1969 (1970), 285-289. S. Strelcyn, Note sur les noms de la variole et de quelques autres maladies ruptives en amharique, suivie d'une Note sur la variolisation en thiopie, Ml. Cohen, pp. 326-332. S. Strelcyn, Emprunt? Parent? Hybride? Calque? Toponyme? Sur quelques noms des plantes gallas et amhariques , in A2CILCS, pp. 257-260. S. Strelcyn, Ethiopian medical treatises as a source for the study of early Amharic, in P1ICA, pp. 105-112. A.G.-M. Tesemma, Technical terms in Amharic: problems and solutions, in P7ICEthSt, pp. 91-101. A.G.-M. Tesemma, G. Zenebe, The new terminology in Amharic for science and technology, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 593-598. J. Tubiana, Le noms de parent en amharique, GLECS 6, 1951-1954, 48-53. J. Tubiana, Brave new words - linguistic innovation in the socia1 and economic vocabulary of Amharic since 1960, JSS 30, 1985, 85-93. M. Workineh, Names of Some Domestic Animals, University College of Addis Ababa, Ethnological Society Bulletin 5, 1956, 41-43 (in Gojjam). Lexemes M. L. Bender, Loanwords in Amharic daily newspapers, AnL 4, 1972, 317-322. A. Demoz, Lexical Innovation in Contemporary Ethiopic, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 1-27. A. Demoz, European loanwords in an Amharic daily newspaper, in J. Spencer, ed., Language in Africa. Papers of the Leverhulme Conference on universities and the language problems of

tropical Africa, held at University College, Ibadan, London 1963, pp. 116-122. L. Fusella, Breve raccolta di neologismi amarici, AION n.s. 3, 1949, 405-416 [rev.: AfrAb 1, 1950, 92 (L. Ricci)]. Th. Kane, Some Observations on Amharic Idioms, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 794-808. M. Kropp, Amharisch cbc(b)bo - Trophe?, OrChr 74, 1990, 187-198. M. Kropp, Grecs et Europens: note de lexicographie thiopienne, Semitica 33, 1983, 125-131. W. Leslau, The Meaning of Arab in Ethiopia, The Muslim World (Hartford) 39, 1949, 307-308 [Arab denoting a foreign or imported object in Amharic and Harari]. W. Leslau, Arabic Loanwords in Amharic, BSOAS 19, 1957, 221-244 [AfrAb 19, 1958, 359]. W. Leslau, Hebrew cognates in Amharic, Wiesbaden 1969 [rev.: ZDMG 122, 1972, 302-305 (W.W. Mller); RSEt 24, 1969-70 (1971), 250-252 (L. Ricci); BSL 66, 1971/2 (1972), 217 (D. Cohen); BZ 17, 1973, 131-134 (A. Schall); BiOr 31, 1974, 152 (E. van Donzel); Sefarad 29, 1969, 339-348 (F.Corriente); Cf. BL 1969; RB 78, 1971, 127 (B. Couroyer); BSOAS 33, 1970, 611-613 (R.Hetzron); BL 1969; JSS 16, 1971, 109-111 (J.Barr); AION 31, 1971, 282 (G. Garbini); JAOS 91, 1971, 528 (J.Greefield)]. W. Leslau, Additional Arabic loanwords in Amharic, in CAeth, pp. 87-109. W. Leslau, Examen du suppos Argobba de Seetzen et de Lefebvre, Word 5, 1949, 46-54 [Reproduction et discussion des vocabulaires recueillis par les voyageurs Seetzen et Lefebvre] [AfrAb 1, 1950, 92 (J.H. Greenberg); BSOS 14, 1952, 209 (E. Ullendorff)]. W. Leslau, ..... Berkeley/Los Angeles 1963 [Word 20, 1964, 453-456 (F.R. Lamer)]. W. Leslau, Ethiopian argots (Janua linguarum. Series practica 17), The Hague 1964 [AmA 67, 1965, 1598-1599 (M. Cohen); AO 34, 1966, 259 (K. Petrek); OLZ 66, 1971, 158-160 (A. Schall)]. W. Leslau, Amharic parallels to semantic developments in Biblical Hebrew, EI 12 (Fs. N. Glueck), 1975, 113-116 W. Leslau, Arabic loanwords in Argobba (South Ethiopic), JAOS 77, 1957, 36-39 [AfrAb 9, 1958, 358]. L. ykowska, The verb to have in Amharic, SDALC 27, 2000, 5-25. H. J. Polotsky, Amharic minutiae, in Fs. Leslau 1981, pp. 296-306 [1. (A) N madrg-u vs. (B) y-N madrg]. L. Ricci, Tra alhira e banalit, RSE 41, 1997, 107-108. L. Ricci, Postilla, RSE 43, 1999, 247. R. Richter, Lexicographical notes on Amharic, in NTES, pp. 294-1301. Fr. Rundgren, The Root ft in the Modern Ethiopic Languages (Tigre, Tigria, and Amharic) and Old Egyptian hfty, Coptic ft, OS 2, 1953, 19-25. H. Siland, Medical terms and phrases in Amharic = Y-h km nna mzgb alat, Addis Abeba 1998. S. Strelcyn, Sur les emprunts arabes en amharique, in Fs. Kuryowicz, pp. 309-316. J. Tubiana, Modernisation et emprunts lexicaux en amharique, in Fs. Leslau 1981, pp. 501-508. J. Tubiana, A propos de lamharique m nd n, GLECS 9, 1961, 15-17. J. Tubiana, A propos de lamharique ngr g#n, in Ml.Cohen, pp. 343-347. J. J. Tubiana, Pass et futur des emprunts lexicaux: exemple de amharique, BSL 69/I, 1974, 191-204 (cf. Ibid. II). E. Ullendorff, Rssahu versus rs allhu, in Ml. Cohen, pp. 348-355. W. Vycichl, Egziaber Dieu, AnnEth 2, 1957, 249-250. Onomastics/Toponymy W. Leslau: Amharic names, in E. Eichler et al., Namenforschung: eine internationales Handbuch zur Onomastik, 1. Teilband, Vol. 1, Berlin 1995, pp. 875-879. G.D. Little, Internal grammar in Amharic place-names Names 26, 1978, 3-8. 15.8 South-Ethiopic 15.8.0 General Studies

Sh.A. Assefa, Lexicostatistical classification of the South Ethio-Semitic languages, in P12ICEhSt, pp. 1302-1307. J. Fellman, Gurage: the state of the art, HoL 4, 1998, 170-171. J. Fellman, Harari and Gurage: Two Semitic islands in a Cushitic sea, Orbis 28, 1979/2 (1981), 264-266 J. Fellman, A solution to the riddle of Gurage, Anthropos 79/4-6, 1984, 642-643. J. Fellman, Sociolinguistic notes on some Hamito-Semitic languages, Orbis 1, 1982, 213-216 [II. A hundred years of Gurage linguistics]. J. Fellman, A solution to the problem of Gurage, OS 45-46, 1996-1997, 31-32. J. Fellmann, Some thoughts on Gurage: (with special reference to Western Gurage), EJLL 11, 1993 (= 2001), 68-70. G. Goldenberg, Ltude du gouragu et la comparaison chamito-smitique, in CISEt IV/2, 235-249 [1975] G. Goldenberg, Linguistic interest in Gurage and the Gurage etymological dictionary, AION 48, 1987, 75-98. G. Goldenberg, On phrases, compelexes and verb-formations in Gurage, in A9GSCSI, pp. 213-221. E.A. Gutt, Intelligibility and interlingual comprehension among selected Gurage speech unities, JEthS 14, 1976-1979, 57-85. R. Hetzron, The Gunnn-Gurage Languages (PSSR 12) (Ricerche, Studi di Semitistica e del Vicino Oriente Antico 12), Napoli 1977 [rev.: BSOAS 41, 1978, 584-585 (F.R. Palmer); Lingua 47, 1979, 277-278 (J. Fellman); ZDMG 130, 1980, 86-93 (R.M. Voigt); JALL 2, 1980, 150-153 (H. Stroomer); JNES 41, 1982, 231-234 (G.B. Gragg); OLZ 76, 1981, 153-155 (J. Oelsner)]. W. Leslau, Observations on Gurage Documents, Word 6, 1950, 234-238. W. Leslau, Le type lbs en gouragu, RSEt 10, 1951, 85-98 [AfrAb 4, 1953, 46 (L. Ricci)]. W. Leslau, Observations on Gurage Notes, Africa 21, 1951, 139-145 [reply to Edward Ullendorffs article in Africa 20, 335-344] [Africa 21, 1951, 248-249 (E. Ullendorff)]. W. Leslau, A Footnote on Interlingual Word Taboos, AmA 54, 1952, 274 [adds an example from Gurage to Mary R. Haas article in AmA 53,1951, 338-343]. W. Leslau, Notes on Kambatta of Southern Ethiopia, Africa 22, 1952, 348-359. W. Leslau, The Influence of Sidamo on the Ethiopic Languages of Gurage, Language 28, 1952, 63-81 [AfrAb 4, 1953, 95 (J. H. Greenberg)]. W. Leslau, Le type verbal qatl en thiopien mridional, MUSJ 31, 1954, 15-95. W. Leslau, Additional notes on Kambatta of Southern Ethiopia, Anthropos 51, 1956, 985-993. W. Leslau, The Arabic loanwords in Gurage (Southern Ethiopia), Arabica 3, 1956, 266-284. W. Leslau, Moa, a tone language of the Kafa group in South-western Ethiopia, Africa 28, 1958, 135-147. W. Leslau, Etymogical dictionary of Gurage (Ethiopic). Vol. I: Individual dictionaries. Vol. 2: English-Gurage index. Vol. 3: Etymological section, Wiesbaden 1979 [ZDMG 131, 1981, 396404 (W.W. Mller); JAOS 101, 1981, 457 (J. Fellman); vol. 1-3: AION 42, 1982, 149-157 (L. Ricci); JAOS 102, 1982, 377-381 (G. Hudson); OLZ 78, 1983, 565-568 (S. Uhlig); | JNES 43, 1985, 343-346 (G. Gragg); BSL 79, 1984, 346-348 (D. Cohen); ArOr 55, 1987, 317-319 (K. Petrlek)]. W. Leslau, Proto-Sidamo *z, Au 63, 1980, 119-129. W. Leslau, Homonyms in Gurage, JAOS 80, 1960, 200-217. W. Leslau, An Ethiopian argot of a Gurage secret society, JAfrL 3, 1964, 52-65 [AfrAb 15, 1964, 644]. W. Leslau, Hypothesis on a Proto-Semitic marker of the imperfect in Gurage, JNES 26, 1967, 121-125 [AfrAb 18, 1967, No. 711]. W. Leslau, An archaic vowel of the jussive in Gurage, Gafat, and Harari, Or 37, 1968, 90-93. W. Leslau, Is there a Proto-Gurage?, in PICSSJ, pp. 152-171. W. Leslau, Toward a classification of the Gurage dia1ects, JSS 4, 1969, 96-109. W. Leslau, Additional Gurage etymologies, AION 40, 1980, 472. W. Leslau, Gurage Folklore: Ethiopian Folktales, Proverbs, Beliefs, and Riddles (Studien zur Kulturkunde, 63), Wiesbaden 1982 [rev.: BSOAS 47, 1984, 564 (A.K. Irvine); JSS 30/1, 1985,

163-164 (P.T.W. Baxter)] W. Leslau, Cushitic loanwords in Gurage, in P6ICEthSt, pp. 373-387. W. Leslau, The position of Gyeto in Gurage IOS 16, 1996, 23 1-250. W. Leslau, The impersonal in the Gurage dialects of aha and Ennemor, in E. Wardini, ed., Built on solid rock: studies in honour of Professor Ebbe Egede Knudsen on the occasion of his 65th birthday 11th April 1997 (Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning, Serie B: Skrifter, 97), Oslo 1997, pp. 174-186. H.J. Polotsky, tudes de grammaire gouragu, BSLP 39 (1938) 137-175. H.J. Polotsky, Notes on Gurage Grammar (Oriental Notes and Studies published by the Israel Oriental Society 2), Jerusalem 1951 [rev.: JNES 14, 1955, 275 (F.R. Blake); BSL 47, 1951 253 (M. Cohen); Language 229, 1953, 100-103 (W. Leslau)]. J.-Fr. Prunet, La nasalit en thiopien mridional: un cas de gnration spontane?, PICL 15, 1992, 91-94. J.-Fr. Prunet, B. Chamora, The canonical shapes of Gurage verbs, in Fs. Hertzon, pp. 143-152 (on Beja). J.-Fr. Prunet, Some core properties of Semtic morpholgy: evidence from the Far South, in J. Durand, ed., Current trends in phonology: models and methods. Vols. 1-2, Salford 1996, pp. 2, 619-654 [evidence from Gurage]. Sh. Raz, Archaic and innovative tense forms in Gurage, in SCSt, pp. 197-205. Sh. Rose, The historical development of secondary articulation in Gurage, BLS 20S, 1994, 112-124. Fr. Rundgren, Das Verbum bn(n)- im Gurage, OS 3, 1954, 27-30. E. Ullendorff, Gurage Notes, Africa 20, 1950, 335-344 (Cf. AfrAb 3, 1952 44) [For the greater part a review of W. Leslau, Ethiopic Documents. Gurage, 1950]. A. Zaborski, Remarks on Gurage pronouns, LPosn 36, 1994, 189-194. 15.8.1 North Gurage General Studies R. Hetzron, Main verb-markers in Northern Gurage, Africa 38, 1968, 156-172. R. Hetzron, The two futures Central and Peripheral Westen Gurage, in Fs, Leslau 1996, pp. 101109. Asffaw Gbr- gziab h r, T rgum n attrgwaguman m s wanwan tmt n, in MKSKT, pp. 582-609 [Problems of translation]. J.-Fr. Prunet, Guttural vowels, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 175-203 [evidence from Gurage] Dialects (Inor, Kistania, Soddo) R. Boivin, Spontaneous nasalization in Inor, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 21-33. B. Chamora, Consonant distribution in Inor, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 53-67. B. Chamora, R. Hetzron, Inor (Languages of the world. Materials, 118), Mnchen 2000. G. Goldenberg, K stan a. Studies in a Northern Gurage language of Christians, OS 17, 1968, 61102. G. Goldenberg, Two points of' Kestane grammar, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 93-99. A. Gurmu, Nominalization in Kistania, Zena l san 2, 1993 (= 2001), 3-22. W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak. Studies in cultural background. III. Soddo. Univ. of California Publ., Near Eastern Studies 11), Berkeley & Los Angeles 1968 [Soddo texts with transl. and outline grammar] [JAOS 90, 1970, 561-568 (R. Hetzron); Or 39, 1970, 196-201 (L. Ricci); BSL 68, 1973/2, 323-325 (M. Rodinson)]. 15.8.2 West Gurage General Studies R. Hetzron, The t-converb in Western Gurage (The role of analogy in historical morphology, AAL

2/2, 1975, 15-26 (39-50). W. Leslau, The liquid l in Haddiya and in West Gurage, in Fs. Rodinson, pp. 231-238. T. O'Bryan, Sh. Rose, Segmental effects on (de)gemination in Western Gurage, BLS 27S, 2001, 89-98. Dialects (aha, Endege, Ennemor, Ea, Gyeto) aha E.J. Allan, Inalienable possession in four Ethiopian languages, Au 59, 1975-76, 300-307 [Amharic, Chaha, Dizi (Maji), Mursi (Muni)]. D.P. Banksira, The sound system of Chaha (Mmoires et thses de lUQAM D514), Montral 1998 (Ph.Diss). D.P. Banksira, Sound mutations: the morphophonology of Chaha, Amsterdam 2000. D.P. Banksira, Words without a lexical category, LPosn 42, 2000, 7-18 [based on Chaha]. C.M. Ford, Notes on the phonology and grammar of Chaha-Gurage, JES 19, 1986, 41-80. C.D. Johnson, Phonological channels in Chaha, AAL 2/2, 1975, 1-13 (25-37). W. Leslau, Ethiopic Documents: Gurage (Viking Fund Publ. in Anthropology 14), New York 1950 [aha texts and grammar outline][rev.: Africa 20, 1950, 335-344 (E. Ullendorff); Word 6, 1950, 200 (J. Greenberg); RSEt 9, 1950, 90 (M.M. Moreno); AfrS 9, 1950, 104 (M.D.W. Jeffreys); Lang 27, 1951, 202-204 (F.R. Blake); OM 31, 1951, 109-112 (L. Ricci); BiOr 8, 1951, 109 (M.A. van den Oudenrijn); BSL 47, 1951, 252 (M. Cohen); MW 41, 1951, 133 (A. Jeffery); JAF 64, 1951, 142-143 (D.L. Olmsted); Muson 65, 1952, 322-323 (G. Ryckmans); MUSJ 29, 1952, 397-399 (H. Fleisch); WZKM 53, 1956, 114 (W. von Soden)]. W Leslau, Traces of laryngeals in the Ethiopic dialect of Ennemor, Or 28, 1959, 257-170. W. Leslau, The Pseudo-gerundive in aha, RSEt 23, 1967-1968, 27-42. W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak: Studies in Cultural Background. Part V: Chaha-Ennemor (thiopistische Forschungen 16), Wiesbaden 1983 [rev.: JAOS 106, 1986, 381-382 (G. Hudson)]. W. Leslau, Le problme de la gmination du verbe Tchaha (Gouragu), Word 4, 1948, 42-47 [AfrAb 1, 1950, 92 (J.H. Greenberg)]. W. Leslau, The farmer in Chaha song, Africa 34, 1964, 230-242. W. Leslau, The jussive in Chaha, Language 49, 1964, 53-57 [AfrAb 16, 1965, 160]. W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak. Stuedies in Cultural background. II. Chaha (Univ. of Calif. Publ., Near Eastern Studies 9); The Hague 1966. W. Leslau, The impersonal in Chaha, in Fs. Jakobson, pp. 1150-1162. W. Leslau, Chaha (e) Phonology, in PhAA 373-398 (Bibliog.). J. Lowenstamm, Five puzzling Chaha verbs: an exercise in practical morphophonemics, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 123-132. J. Lowenstamm, The no straddling effect and its interpretation: a formal property of Chaha 2nd feminine singular formation, in RAAG, pp. 183-198. J.L. Malone, Transjacence and interfacing in chaha songs and proverbs, in Fs. Leslau, pp. 10051015. J.J. McCarthy, Consonantal morphology in the Chaha verb, in WCCFL 2, 1983, 176-188. J.J. McCarthy, Consonantal morphology in the Chaha verb, in Ed. Gussmann, ed., Rules and the lexixon: studiesin word-formation, Lublin 1987, pp.121-136. J.J. McCarthy, Lexical phonology and nonconcatenative morphology in the history of Chaha, TQL 16, 1986, 209-228. D. Morin, Y a-t-il un lexique Beni-Amer? , I0S 16, 1996, 251-267. D. Petros, Sonorant alternations in Chaha, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 153-173. . Petros, On prefix-necessitating stems in Chaha, in NTES, pp. 1220-1236. J.-Fr. Prunet, D. Petros, Linteraction entre schmes et racines en chaha, in SAG 1994, pp. 302336. Sh. Rose, Palatalization, underspecification, and plane conflation in Chaha, in WCCFL 12, 1993, 101-116. Sh. Rose, Epenthesis positioning and syllable contact in Chaha, Phonology 17, 2000, 397-425 [Gurage-family].

G. Taranto, Alternating [r] and [n] in Chaha: interacting phonology and morphology, MITWPL 38, 2000, 179-193. M. Ueno, On at-causatives of transitive verbs in Chaha, BLS 27S, 2001, 109-121 Zh. Li,, Focus, phrasing and tonal alignment in Chaha, MITWPL 42, 2002, 195-215 Endege W. Leslau, Traces of in the Gurage dialect of Endege, JNES 30, 1971, 218-224. W. Leslau, The verb forms of the Gurage dialect of Endege, in ASK, pp. 180-187. W. Leslau, The triradicals in the Gurage dialect of Endege, IOS 6, 1976, 138-154. W. Leslau, A supplementary note to the verb in the Gurage dialect of Endege, IOS 8, 1978, 142-143. W. Leslau, The liquid l in Hadiyya and in West Gurage, in Fs. Rodinosn, pp. 231-238. Ennemor R. Hetzron, H.M. Marcos, Des traits pertinents superposs en ennemor, JEthS 4, 19661, 17-30 [Groupe gouragu occidental] [AfrAb 18, 1967, 290]. R. Hetzron Vocalic length and stress in Ennemor, Muson 83, 1970, 559-581. R. Hetzron, Human frailty in Ennemor sayings, in Fs. Wagner I, pp. 158-167. W. Leslau, Traces of the Laryngeals in the Ethiopic Dialect of Ennemor. A Contribution to the Semitic Laryngeals, Or 28, 1959, 257-270. W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak: studies in cultural background. Part V: Chaha-Ennemor (thiopistische Forschungen 16), Wiesbaden 1983.H.M. Marcos, Palatalization in Ennermor, CIStEt IV/2, 251-265. W. Leslau, aha and Ennemor: an analysis of two Gurage dialects, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 111-122. J.-Fr. Prunet, A Note on Dialectal Variation in Ennemor, in Fs. Leslau II, pp. 1233-1242. Ea W. Leslau, The jussive in Ea, JSS 12, 1967, 66-82. W. Leslau, st, the soul of the Gurage, Africa 39, 1969, 281-290 [texts in Chaha and Ea with transl. and glossary].

W. Leslau, Ea lullabies, in Fs. Tsereteli, pp. 139-156.

15.8.3 East Gurage General Studies A.J. Drewes, Le type verbal k'tala en gurage oriental, BiOr 17, 1960, 5-10 [ propos de: Wolf R. Hetzron, Internal labialization in the tt-group of Outer South Ethiopic, JAOS 91, 1971 R. Hetzron, Two notes on Semitic laryngeals in East Gurage, Phonetica 19, 1970. R.Hetzron, Two notes on Semitic laryngea1s in East Gurage. With a contribution by P. Delattre on Arabic laryngeals, Phonetica 19, 1969, 69-81, ill. R. Hetzron, Outer South Ethiopic, in SemLang 535-549. R. Hetzron, Notes on East Gurage, in Fs. Petrek, pp. 245-259. W. Leslau, Nasalization in the East Gurage group of Semitic Ethiopic, Phonetica 22, 1970, 160-169 [Contra R. Hetzron, Phonetica 19, 69-81]. Sh. Raz, Semitic South-Ethiopic: The Definite Future Revisited, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 1248-1264. Dialects (Azrnt-Mugo, Selti, Wolane, Zway) Azrnt-Mugo W. Leslau, Remarks on the Gemination of the Gurage Dialect of Azarnat-Mugo, BiOr 18, 1961, Selti, Wolane, Zway Almayyhu Dogamo, T reza Hayl-Msl, Wolayttatto qaalatu amaaratto birsh-shettaa - Ywlayt a amar a mzgb alat, Addis Ababa 1991 [= 1998-1999] [Wolaytta dictionary]. M. Denais, Aspects of number in Silti grammar, in P11ICEthSt, pp. 453-464. E.A. Gutt, A multi-tiered approach to Silt'i verb morphology. - SAL 16/2, 1985, 183-222. E.A. Gutt, Toward an analysis of pragmatic connectives in Silti, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 665-678. E.A. Gutt, On the conjugation of Silti verbs, JES 19, 1986, 91-112. E.A. Gutt, Studies in the phonology of Silti, JEthS 16, 1983, 37-73. E.A. Gutt, The Silte Group (East Gurage), in SemLang 509-534. E.A. Gutt, M. Hussein, Silte-Amharic-English dictionary, with concise grarmnar, Addis Ababa 1995/1997. W. Leslau, Outline of the verb in Wolane (East Gitage), in Fs. Wagner, pp. 141-157. W. Leslau, A preliminary description of Zway, in Fs. L. Ricci, pp. 145-169. W. Leslau, Zway: Ethiopic documents : grammar and dictionary (Athiopistische Forschungen ; 51) Wiesbaden 1999 [rev.: Aethiopica 3, 2000, 241-246 (W.W. Mller); AAP 62, 2000, 169-173 (R. Meyer); RSE 43, 1999 (2000), 237-241 (L. Ricci); JES 33, 2000, 107-110 (Getahun Amar)]. W. Leslau, Arabic loanwords in S lt'I, Aethiopica 2, 1999, 103-123. R. Meyer, Das Zay. Deskriptive Grammatik einer Ostguragesprache (thiosemitisch), Kln 2005 [rev.: FolOr 41, 2005, 286s. (An. Zaborski)]. R. Meyer, To be or not to be - is there present tense copula in Zay?, in P14ICEthSt, pp. 1798-1808. 15.8.4 Transversal/Non Classified Gurage (Gafat, Harari, Muher, Masqan, Gogot) Gafat W. Leslau, Gafat documents. Records of a South-Ethiopic language. Grammar, text and comparative vocabulary (American Oriental Series 28), New Haven 1945 [rev.: BSL 1946 (127), 180-183 (Cohen); Word 1, 1945, 291-292 (Marcus); Language 21, 1945, 277 (Blake); JNLS 5, 1946, 164-165 (Heidel); BSOS 12, 1947-48, 266-267 (A.S.Tritton); JBL 65, 1946, 228-230 (Gehman); Orientalia 17, 1948, 523-527 (Cerulli); JAOS 69, 1949, 36-41 (H.J. Polotsky)]. W. Leslau, tude descriptive et comparative du Gafat [Coll. linguistique de la Societ de Linguistique de Paris 57), Paris 1956 [rev. : BSL 52, 1956, 207 (M. Cohen); BSOAS 19, 1957, 582-583 (F.R. Palmer) ; WZKM 53, 1957, 321-322 (W. von Soden) ; MUSJ 34, 1957, 310-312 (H. Fleisch); JRAS 1957, 251-252 (G.W.B. Huntingford) ; JSS 2, 1957, 391-192 ((D.W. Thomas); Anthropos 52, 1957, 998 (J.H.); Language 34, 1958, 321-326 (T.O. Lambdin) ; Or 27, 1958, 217-220 (E. Ullendorff); Africa 28, 1958, 80-82 (E. Ullendorff); ZDMG 109, 1959, 417-421 (H. R. Singer); OLZ 54, 1959, 498-500 (E. Wagner); JNES 20, 1961, 133-134 (I.J. Gelb)]. W. Leslau, The position of Gafat in Ethiopic, Language 20, 1944, 56-65. W. Leslau, La position du gafat parmi les langues smitiques de l'thiopie, GLECS 5, 1950, 47-49. W. Leslau, A short chronicle on the Gafat, RSO 41, 1966, 189-198. W. Leslau, An archaic vowel of the jussive in Gurage, Gafat, and Harari, Or 37, 1968, 90-93. T. Tamrat, Ethnic interaction and integration in Ethiopian history: the case of the Gafat, JES 21, 1988, 121-154. Tshome Yehualashet, Preliminary phonological description of Gafat, Zena l ssan 1, 1999, 62-79. Harari
[A reminder: E. Cerulli, Studi etiopici. I. La lingua e la storia di Harar, Roma 1936 [rev.: JA 229, 1937, 654-659 (W. Lesalu)]. W. Leslau, Contributions l'etude du harari (Extrait du JA 229, 1937, 431-479, 529-606), Paris 1938 [rev.: BSOS 10, 1939-42, 252 (A.S.T.)]

Abdurahman Garad, E. Wagner, Harari-Studien : Texte mit bersetzung, grammatischen Skizzen und Glossar (Semitica viva 18), Wiesbaden 1998 [rev.: WZKM 9,9, 1999, 333-335 (R. Richter); Aethiopica 3, 2000, 247-251 Alan S. Kaye) ; OLZ 96, 2001, 764-767 (G. Lusini)]. J. Fellman, Harari and Gurage: Two Semitic islands in a Cushitic sea, Orbis 28, 1979/2 (1981), 264-266. A. Garad - W. Ewald, Harari-Verse und Sprche, in Fs. Leslau I, pp.491-515. M. Kropp, Mlsay - Selbstbezeichnung eines Harariner Offizierskorps, Paideuma 36, 1990, 105-113. E. Haberland, Bemerkungen zur Kultur und Sprache der Galila im Woni-See (Mittelthiopien), RSEt 16, 1960, 5-22 (2 pl., 3 fig.) | It., Fr. & E. summ. [AfrAb 13, 1961, N 31]. W. Leslau, Chansons harari, RSE 6, 1947, 130-160 (with notes). W. Leslau, Arabic loanwords in Harari, in Fs. Della Vida, II, pp. 14-35. W. Leslau, The Verb in Harari (UCPSP/University of California Publications in Semitic Philology 21), Berkeley/Los Angeles 1958 [rev.: BSOAS 22, 1959, 359 (F.R. Palmer)]. W. Leslau, Etymological dictionary of Harari (Univ. of Calif. Publ., Near Eastern Studies 1), Berkeley/Los Angeles 1963 [rev.: BSL 60, 1965, 186-187 (D. Cohen); BSOAS 28, 1965, 208 (A.K. Irvine); ZDMG 115, 1965, 385-388 (W.W. Mller); Africa 35, 1965, 110 (R. Hetzron); Biblica 46, 1965, 107 (P. Nober); Oriens 18-19, 1967, 363-369 (F. Rundgren); RSEt 22, 1966, 47-151 (L. Ricci BiOr 25, 1968, 237 (R. Zuurmond); WZKM 62, 1969. 342-345 (H.G. Mukarovsky: also on Leslaus Dictionary of Moa, 1959; cf. BL 1959, 282); AAS 4, 1968, 217218 (L. Drozdk); OLZ 66, 1971, 160-163 (A. Schall)]. W. Leslau, The verb in Harari (South Ethiopic) (Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Sem. Phil. 21), Berkeley & Los Angeles 1958 [BSL 55, 1960, 239-240 (J. Tubiana); RB 67, 1960, 159-160 (B. C[ouroyer]); RO 25, 1961, 147-151 (J. Mantel-Niecko); Oriens 13-14, 1960-61, 370-372 (F. Rundgren); MUSJ 35, 1958, 286 (H. Fleisch); ZDMG 112, 1962, 189-190 (M. Hfner)]. W. Leslau, Gleanings from the Harari Vocabulary, RSEt 16, 1960, 23-37. W. Leslau, An Analysis of the Harari Vocabulary, AnnEth 3, 1959, 275-298. W. Leslau, Sidamo features in the South Ethiopic Phonology, JAOS 79, 1959, 1-7. W. Leslau, Etymological dictionary of Harari (Univ. of Calif. Publ., Near Eastern Studies I), Berkeley & Los Angeles 1963. W. Leslau, Harari idioms. RSEt 19, 1963, 150-154 [AfrAb 15, 1964, 651]. W. Leslau, Gleanings in Harari grammar, 1, JAOS 85, 1965, 153-159. W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak. Studies in Cultural background. 1. Harari (Univ. of Calif. Publ., Near Eastern Studies 7), Berkeley/Los Angeles 1965 [rev.: BiOr 26, 1969, 124 (E. Cerull)]i. W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak. Studies. Studies in Cultural backgroun I. Harari. II. Chaha (Univ. of Calif. Publ., Near Eastern Studies 7), Berkeley/Los Angeles 1965/1966 [rev.: MUSJ 44, 1968, 267-269 (H. Fleisch); JAOS 87, 1967, 623-625 (A.K. Irvine: vol. II); AO 36, 1968, 348 (K. Petrek); Anthropos 62, 1967, 603-604 (W. Vycichl); ZDMG 118, 1968 395-398 (W.W. Mller: on II)]. W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak. Studies ... I. Harari. III. Soddo, Berkeley: 1965 & 1968 Cf. BL 1966, 9301; 1968, 10873.[Oriens 23-24, 1974, 561-568 (F. Rundgren); Islam 47, 1971, 331 (J. Lukas: On vol. III)]. W. Leslau, The ma-clause in Harari, in Ml. Cohen, pp. 263-273. W. Leslau, An archaic vowel of the jussive in Gurage, Gafat, and Harari, Or 37, 1968, 90-93. W. Leslau, Harari riddles, RSEt 29, 1982-83, 39-85. E. Wagner, Harari, in SemLang 486-508. E. Wagner, Harari-Texte in arabischer Schrift, Wiesbaden 1983 [rev.: Au 70, 1987, 290-293 (W. Leslau); Islam 64, 1987, 156-158 (R.M. Voigt); RSE 31, 1987, 288-291 (L. Ricci); JSS 35, 1990, 183-184 (R.B. Serjeant); RSO 63, 1989, 163-167 (P. Marrassini)]. E. Wagner, Ein frher Beleg fr ein Harari-Wort, in Fs. Singer, pp. 299-304. E. Wagner, The Harari expression of while, in P12ICEthSt, pp. 1323-1329. E. Wagner, The negative imperfect in ancient and modern Harari, in P13ICEthSt, pp. 596-600. E. Wagner, Das Verb im alten und modernen Harari, in TemAsp, pp. 159-169. E. Wagner, Die Funktion des Akkusativmorphems -w im Harari, in Fs. Jastrow, pp. 777-787. Muher, Masqan W. Leslau, Ethiopians speak: studies in cultural background. IV. Muher (thiopistische Forschungen 11), Wiesbaden 1981 [JSS 28, 1983, 215-221 (O. Kapeliuk)]. H.J. Polotsky, L labialis en Gouragu Mouher, GLECS 21 JUIN 1939. W. Leslau, The jussive in the Gurage dialects of Muher and Masqan, ZDMG 132, 1982, 85-97. W. Leslau, The Verb in Msqan as Compared with other Gurage Dialects (Aethiopischer Forschungen 63), Wiesbaden 2004. Sh. Rose, Allomorphy and morphological categories in Muher, in Fs. Leslau 1996, pp. 205-227. Sh. Rose, Velar lenition in Muher Gurage, LPosn 42, 2000, 107-116.

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