Energy Optimizing Furnace

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1. Oxygen Lancing 2. EBT 3. Slag Door 4. Coke Injection System 5. Charging Door 6. Furnace Exhaust System

1. Oxygen LancingA. for oxygen lancing three co-jet systems is arranged in EOF. In each co-jet system coherent jet blow by different nozzle. For oxygen gas one hole is used and diameter of the hole 22.4 mm, oxygen gas penetration depth is 1.4 mm and the purity of oxygen is 99.9%, blowing pressure is 22 kg/cm2 and oxygen consumption 2200 nm3/heat. B. Propane (C3H8) gas used for producing the cloud over the oxygen jet which prevent the reaction of oxygen with refractory wall and also prevent the wear of refractory wall as well as to help for deep penetration, the propane gas pressure 8 kg/cm2 and the diameter is 4 mm. C. Shroud oxygen used due to high utilization of main oxygen gas and deep penetration of main oxygen and pressure of shroud oxygen 3-4 kg/cm2 and nozzle diameter is 8 mm. D. The three oxygen lance are placed at position 120 deg. and two are inclined at 45 deg. and one is inclined at 55 deg.

2. EBT- the full form of the EBT is eccentric bottom tap and their diameter is 130 mm. the
main function of EBT are slag free tapping and good alloy recovery in further process, and to reduce the process time.

3. Slag Door- slag door is used to tap continuously foamy slag to refine the steel.
foam has been defined as a medium consisting of gas bubbles in a liquid, e.g. soap bubbles in water. Principle of foamy slag in steel making the generation of CO during the refining can lead to foam formation if the slag is viscous enough. Reaction of Foamy slag Practice-

Foamy Slag Practice-

(FeO) + C = Fe + CO (g)

4. Coke Injection System- for the injection of fines coke (3-6 mm) two hoppers are
used. Purpose1. To safe refractory lining 2. for better foamy slag practice 3. for better recovery of oxygen 4. and also prevent the metal Fe is not form FeO more

5. Charging Door- through the pan feeder the raw material of EOF is charge in charging
door of furnace. Mainly bottom charging is done by pan feeder. Bottom charging used because it prevent the wear of refractory lining from hot metal charging. Bottom chargingLime Dolomite DRI Fines Scrap -500 Kg - 500 Kg - 1500 Kg - 500 Kg

Purpose of charging materialsLime- use for Slag making Dolomite- use for slag making as well as refractory lining safety by coating of Mgo DRI For temperature maintenance as a coolant.

6. Fume Extraction System (FES)- During the furnace operation large amount of
CO gas are generates which are used as main refining gas but some amount of CO gas are unutilized which are come out through FES, this CO gar are very harmful for our environment therefore this CO gar are converted into CO2 by combustion of air. When the CO gas come out from furnace which are burn in combustion chamber by air. The air suction amount operate by elbow duct if the distance of moving sleeve increase air suction is increase.

After burning of CO gas which are convert into CO2 gas, these CO2 gas goes for cooling in forced air cooler (FAC) than finally goes in bay house for removal of solid dust and now solid free CO2 gas come out through ID fan.

PROCESS OF ENERGY OPTIMIZING FURNACEEOF process done in 40 T capacity furnace the raw materials are 1. Hot metal composiion C- 3.5-4.2%, Mn- 0.1-0.5%, S- 0.06% (max), 2. Lime 3. Dolomite 4. Coke 5. DRI 6. Scrap Steel making is a oxidation process, in EOF heat generate by exothermic reaction. Operating temperature of EOF is 1580 deg. C and tapping temperature is 1620 deg. C. Color of oxidizing slag is black and FeO % in slag 20% In steel making process the impurities are remove in following sequence Si , Mn, C, P. For the removal of P, the temperature maintain between 1540 deg.C-1580 deg.C because above that temperature bond of P2O5 has break& P again diffused in hot metal Removal of P and S are very important because it form the non-metallic inclusion which are create the problem for further processing. Phosphorus Create Cold shortness Sulfur Create Hot shortness Si- 0.8-1.2% P- 0.12(max) Fe- 93-94%

Mainly two process are done in EOF1. De-carburization- it is a process of removal of carbon by O2 Blowing . 2. De-phophorisation- it is process of removal of P by O2 blowing and maintaining basicity. De-phophorisation condition are-

1. High basicity 2.5-3 2. Low temperature-1540 C-1580 deg. C 3. Oxidizing atmosphere oxygen blowing Basicity- it is a ratio of basic slag and acid slag Basicity = Basic slag/acid slag, CaO/SiO2 = 2.5-3 The Principle Reactions of steel making are1. (FeO) = [Fe] + [O] Oxygen dissolved in the melt oxidizes carbon, phosphorous, silicon and manganese: 2. [C] + [O] = {CO} 3. [Si] + {O2} = (SiO2) 4. [Mn] + 1/2{O2} = (MnO) 5. 2[P] + 5/2{O2} = (P2O5) 6. [S] + (CaO) = (CaS) + [O] reducing atmosphere

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