PK Aec Lab Manual

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Analog electronics lab

Expt.No 1

RC Coupled Single Stage Amplifier

a) To determine experimentally and plot the frequency response of a single stage RC Coupled BJT amplifier and determine gain. b) To determine input and output impedances at mid frequency range. Apparatus required: Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Item Power supply Oscilloscope Signal generator Transistor Resistors Capacitors Bread Board Specification 0-32V 80Vp-p,20MHz 15Vp-p,2MHz SL 100/2N2222 4.7k,22k,270,1k,10k 0.47F,0.1F,50F Quantity 1 1 1 1 5 3 1

Theory: Electronic devices and circuits theory-Robert L Boylestad ,Louis Nashelsky. Principles of electronics-V.K.Mehta. Circuit diagram:

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Analog electronics lab

Applying KVL to CE loop

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Analog electronics lab

Procedure :

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Analog electronics lab

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Analog electronics lab Procedure:

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Analog electronics lab

Expt.No 7

Clipping circuits

Aim : To design clipping circuit for the given specifications and hence to plot its O/p Apparatus required: Sl No Item 1 Power supply 2 Oscilloscope 3 Signal generator 4 Diodes 5 Resistors 7 Bread Board

Specification 0-32V 80Vp-p,20MHz 15Vp-p,2MHz IN4007 1k,10k

Quantity 2 1 1 2 2 1

Theory: Electronic devices and circuits theory-Robert L Boylestad ,Louis Nashelsky. Principles of electronics V.K.Mehta .

Series clippers

Circuit diagram

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Analog electronics lab

Circuit diagram

Design : Let the positive peak be clipped above some level(say-3V) Let the diode drop 0.6V Ie., -(VR+Vr)=-3 VR=3-Vr 3-0.6=2.4V

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Analog electronics lab

Circuit diagram

Circuit diagram

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Analog electronics lab

Design : Let the negative peak be clipped below some level(say+3V) Let the diode drop 0.6V Ie., (VR+Vr)=3 VR=3-Vr 3-0.6=2.4V

Shunt or parallel clipper

5. Basic parallel positive clipper Circuit diagram

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Analog electronics lab

Design : R=Rf.Rr =10.10M =10k Where Rf =diode forward resistance 10 Rr=diode reverse resistanc e 10M

6. Parallel positive clipper above some reference voltage VR :

Circuit diagram

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Analog electronics lab

Design : Let the positive peak be clipped above some level(say+3V) Let the diode drop 0.6V Ie., (VR+Vr)=3 VR=3-Vr 3-0.6=2.4V 7. Basic parallel negative clipper: Circuit diagram

8. Parallel negative clipping below some reference voltage VR : Circuit diagram

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Analog electronics lab

Design: Let the o/p voltage be clipped below some level (say-3V) Let the diode drop 0.6V Ie., -(VR+Vr)=-3 VR=3-Vr 3-0.6=2.4V

9. Combinational clipping or double ended clipping: Circuit diagram

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Analog electronics lab Design: Let the positive peak be clipped above some level (say+3v) and negative peak be clipped below some level(-3v) Let the diode drop 0.6V (VR+Vr)=3 VR=3-Vr 3-0.6=2.4V - (VR+Vr)=-3 VR=3-Vr 3-0.6=2.4V Procedure:

Result: Clipper circuits are verified.

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Analog electronics lab

Expt.No 8

Clamping circuits

Apparatus required: Sl No Item 1 Power supply 2 Oscilloscope 3 Signal generator 4 Diodes 5 Resistors 7 capacitor 8 Bread Board

Specification 0-32V 80Vp-p,20MHz 15Vp-p,2MHz IN4007 10k 1F

Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1

Theory: Electronic devices and circuits theory-Robert L Boylestad ,Louis Nashelsky.

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Analog electronics lab

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Analog electronics lab

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Analog electronics lab

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Analog electronics lab

Expt.No 4

BJT RC-Phase Shift Oscillator

Apparatus required: Sl No Item 1 RPS 2 RPS Oscilloscope 3 Transistors 4 Resistors 5 capacitors 6 Bread board

Specification 0-32V 80Vp-p,20MHz BC107 or SL100 22k,6.8k,1k,470,2.2k 47F,0.47 F,.01 F

Quantity 1 1 1 5 3 1

Theory: Electronic devices and circuits theory-Robert L Boylestad ,Louis Nashelsky Circuit diagram:

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Analog electronics lab

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Analog electronics lab

Design of phase shifting network: The frequency of oscillations is determined by phase shifting network. The oscillating frequency for the above circuit is given by, f= 1) Design of RC phase shift oscillator of frequency f=1 KHz. Assume C=0.01F f= 1103 = 1/ 2R0.01 10-6 Therefore R = 6.497K Take R = 6.8K

2) Design of RC phase shift oscillator of frequency f=3 KHz. Assume R= 220 f= 310 = 1/ 2C220 Therefore C=0.098F Take C=0.1F

3) Design of RC phase shift oscillator of frequency f=3KHz and R = 2.2K f= 310 = 1/ 2C2.2103 Therefore C=0.0121F Take C=0.01F

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Analog electronics lab

4) Design of RC phase shift oscillator of frequency f=5KHz and C=0.01F f= 5103 = 1/ 2R0.01 10-6 Therefore R = 1.2K Take R = 1K Tabular column: 1 2 3 4

R() 6.8k 220 2.2k 1k

C(F) 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.01

f(theoretical)KHz 1 3 2 5

f (practical)KHz

Vo (p-p)

Results: 1) Theoretical frequency of oscillations= Practical frequency of oscillations= 2) Theoretical frequency of oscillations= Practical frequency of oscillations= 3) Theoretical frequency of oscillations= Practical frequency of oscillations= 4) Theoretical frequency of oscillations= Practical frequency of oscillations=

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Analog electronics lab

Expt. No 2

Darlington Emitter Follower

Aim: To design a BJT Darlington Emitter Follower & determine the Gain, input and output Impedance. Apparatus required: Sl No 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 Theory: Electronic devices and circuits theory-Robert L Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky. Item Signal generator Oscilloscope Power supply Resistors Transistors capacitors Bread Board Specification 20Vp-p,2MHz 80Vp-p,20MHz 0-32V 1.2k,1M,1.5M BC107/SL100 4.7F Quantity 1 1 1 3 2 2 1

Circuit diagram:

Vs :Signal generator R1 = 1M R2 = 1.5M

Vo :Measured using CRO RL = 1.2K Ci = Co =4.7F

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Analog electronics lab


Assume Ci & Co as 4.7F

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Analog electronics lab Procedure: 1) Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram. 2) Set Vi=1V (say), using the signal generator. 3) Keeping the input voltage constant ,very the frequency from 10Hz to 2MHz in regular steps of 10 and note down corresponding output voltage. 4) Plot frequency response: Gain (dB) Vs frequency (Hz). 5) Find the input and output impedance. 6) Calculate the Bandwidth from the graph. 7) Note down the Input &output impedance.

Tabular Column: Vi = 1V(Constant) Sl.No. Frequency Vo(Volts) Gain = Vo/Vi Gain(dB) = 20log Vo/Vi

Frequency Response:

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Analog electronics lab


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Analog electronics lab Results:

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