BIOSPECT 21 Model 2013

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+373 79676484

+373 79676484


Program Multiscreening Ultra......................................................................................................................4 Administrator........................................................................................................................................7 Patients card index.......................................................................................................................11 Research Scheme........................................................................................................................................15 Recording on the disk...................................................................................................................................18 Determination of resonance frequency of system modulation.................................................................21 Test (research).................................................................................................................................22 How to make a preparation................................................................................................................23 Standards......................................................................................................................................25 Analysis.........................................................................................................................................37 Comparative analysis..................................................................................................................................43 Entropy analysis...........................................................................................................................................44 NLS Analysis...............................................................................................................................................48

+373 79676484

Program "Multiscreening Ultra"

Program "Multiscreening Ultra" is designed for the computer nonlinear analysis and virtual information test of nutritional supplements. Program Multiscreening Pro

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When the program is activated, the Main Menu appears as a group of buttons. When you press the "Reception of patients" button, you can start working with the program.

When you press the "Settings" button, the program settings appear. There you can select the language (Russian, English or german), as well as switch the sound on or off, change the font size and correct the processor deviation if required. How to make the correction of the processor deviation: move the triangle mark above the scale and correct the evaluation on the point located on the image of an organ in case if the point's evaluation deviates because of the specific characteristics of the processor compared to the processor accepted as a standard one.

The Select doctor button allows you to select an operator, who will be performing the analysis, from the list of operators.

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Here you can: By pressing the Color images button, make all pictures in colour, or by pressing this button repeatedly, make them black and white. The Color in card-index button enables to colour the names of the organs with different functional conditions in the list of the completed tests: Green - no expressed changes in the functional condition. Red - insignificant changes in the functional condition. Brown - with significant functional and organic changes.

The drobdown list "Signal generation speed" enables to change generation speed of researches. But it should be taken into account that increase of generation speed decreases reliability of reserches.

The "Exit" button enables to exit the program. Administrator

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The Administratorbutton enables the owner of the device to go to the administrator mode that gives him/her an administrative right to: - set (change) an access password in the administrator mode with the Change password button; - enable or disable other users to view the patients' card index with the "Close card-index" button; - turn on or off the mode of keeping the records of payments made by the patient for the performed tests with the "Record Fees" button;

When you press the "Delete card file" button in the right column, the card of a highlighted patient is deleted, and with the button Delete research located above the list of tests, the individual test is deleted. 7

+373 79676484 Administrator

The Dlete by date button allows to delete the information on the tests of all patients carried out . until the certain date. Set the date in the "Delete by date" screen; all tests carried out until this date to be deleted.

By pressing the Doctor selection button, you will get the list of operators - specialists who examine patients with this device. When you select the name of a specialist, the card index of his/her patients appears. When you press the "New" button in this catalog, you can expand the list of operators users of this device; and in the same way, you can delete a user from the list with the "Delete" button, and at the same time delete the card index of his/her patients. With the "Patient exchange" button you can move the patient's card from one specialist to another. Administrator

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The button Report allows to make a statistical analysis on the tests time and the quantity of patients as well as on the number of tests carried out by every researcher and by the specialists overall, and also to make a financial analysis of the performance of the researchers group. The line Search allows to find a card file on the first letter of the patient's last name.

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Before the test, the patient is seated in front of the device, the headphones with the magnetic inductors have to be placed according to the marking on them: R on the right temporal point, L on the left.
The program "Multiscreening Ultra" has a general sheme for forms. There are reference information in the top line.

The left side of the line shows the name of the form The right side of the line is the button "Exit".

Control buttons are made in the form of icons, a description of their functions appears below the icon when you aim at it the mouse cursor.

10 Patient's card

+373 79676484
After the button "Research" is clicked, "The patient's card" appears, where the information about a patient is stored, including: the last name, first name, middle name, age, sex, address, and the phone number if available.

In the main table, there is the complete information about the performed test of a selected patient.

When you press the button "New card", there is a form that you have to fill in according to the requirements: last name, first name, middle name, age, address, phone; and select the sex from the drop-down list. By pressing the button "ok" we go to the form "catalogue"/


+373 79676484 Patient's card

When you press the button Select card" the form "Patients' card-index" appears, where the information about all persons tested by this specialist is stored, including the last name, first name, middle name, age, address, sex, and the phone number if available. Note, that the administrator can close this form if necessary. The quick search of the required patient's card, can be made in this form, if patient's last name is entered in theSearch (sometimes only first several letters from the last name are enough to enter). The similar search method can be used in the form of "Patient's card".

The button "Research" allows to start a new test, to continue further test during the day or start control test.. The button "Compare patients" allows to compare the state of a certain tested system (by pairwise comparison)

a few patients randomly selected from the catalogs at once.

This option may be necessary for the better understanding the specifics of lesions in specific diseases

This button opens a window in which the physician may write an opinion on the health status of the patient.
Finally, you can print it by clicking "Print".

12 Patient's card

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By pressing the button Print research we go to a form, which enables us to select the print parameters. The program allows to print out up to 4 images of size 100X100 mm on one A4 sheet. There is also a possibility to look through the earlier "Epicrisis" by bringing the standard processes with big spectral charts taken from the patient's test (if the spectral difference coefficient (D) is less than 0.425), up for the test and for printing (the button "Recomendations" and "Print"

The program allows to print out the list of the most effective nutritional supplements, selected by a specialist according to the results of the currently performed test or to make corrections of the earlier selected preparations by exiting the pint parameters mode to the test mode (the button "Analysis")


+373 79676484 Patient's card

The Print comments" button allows to print out additional recommendations and notes for the patient made by the doctor. The Make pause between pages" button allows to pause the printing in order to print out the results on the both sides of a sheet. The Color button allows to make images in color, and when it is not activated, in black and white. The Print button - starts printing. The main elements to manage the "Patient Card" form: "Current Analysis" - the current analysis of the results, with the possibility to make the post check of a patient with the device or without it (then the button "View Results"). "Comparative Analysis" - the comparative analysis of the results of several tests following the dynamical observation of a patient. Research - when you press this button, the form Scheme of investigation appears. "Save to disk":allows to record the information on the test of a selected patient on the disk, with the opportunity to the further copy it to the program

14 Catalogue

+373 79676484
The form "Catalogue" is designed to prepare the object for the test. The button "Options" allows to change some parameters of research/ The button "Text mode" allows to display all systems in text.

The button Automatic/Manual choise" allows to make an automatic/manual selection for more detailed test of anatomical, histological and cytological structures depending on the given changes in its separte elements. 15

+373 79676484 Scheme investigation

The test scheme of images in the list Catalogue is determined by setting and removing flags on the left of the name of the image with the help of the left mouse button. The button "Uncheck" removes the selection of all images. The button Restore restores the selection of all images. The button Alphabet order sorts all images in the alphabetical order. The button Analysis gives the current analysis of test results. The button Ectomies allows to eliminate an attempt to research ectomies' organs. The button "Preparation" - the making of preparation is performed automatically for the images, where the primary sites were already evaluated. After pressing of this button you have to make appropriate settings in the "Reprinter" form, and press the button "Start preparation". Research Types: Express - makes tests on the full topographical images without detail. Normal- performs a study of if only there is a pathological change. several biological structures

Detailed - evaluates the structure of all biological formations that may be necessary for the high-quality scientific research.

16 Scheme of investigation

+373 79676484

By pressing the button "Select a system" on the screen displays 9 buttons with the image of organs specific to the relevant anatomical structures . When choosing a system to research there are available only organs of the choosen system, on the top line appears its name. To return to the base catalogue need to re-press the button corresponding to the selected system.
"Acupunctura" - this button allows to enter a research of biological active points. On the screen appears images for evaluation of acupuncture points.

"UltraStructure" allows to use UltraStructure's mode. In this mode on

the organ's image appears the icons, which
allow to enter the test of another object. This object is anatomically or functionally related to the basic image. To step back press the button -


+373 79676484 Save to disk

The "Ultrastructure" mode allows to enable histological, cytological and molecular analysis. Moving the cursor on the projection of the organ, selects the structure image, whose name and image appears on the right. To start the research of choosen structure at a given point press the left mouse button. After the end of the research icon appears on organ image with the number of research, which can be expanded by clicking on it. It can be carried out a several ultrastructure's researches with different localization (in one organ), gradually moving from histological sections to cytological preperations and molecular structures.

Save to disk

+373 79676484

When you press the button "Save to disk", the form appears in the card index. It enables you to copy the test data of specific patients either on a disk or from the disk to the appropriate directory of patients.

At first, the copy mode either "From program" or To program" to be set. "From program" - the test data of specific patients s copied on the disk.

The list of copied patients is created by highlighting patient's name and pressing the button "Copy" (in the bottom part of the form displays the list of tests f a given patient). The highlighted patient's name will be moved to the right partof the form. This list may consist of a few patients.
When the list will be ready, press the button "Copy to disk"

and indicate the path where you want to have a copy.

The button "Clear", clears the complete list of persons and tests to copy (without deleting them from the disk). Exit - exits copy mode. from the

+373 79676484 Save to disk

"To program" - copies test data from the disk to a directory of patients available in the computer. When you go to this mode, it is necessary to specify the source of data (diskette or disk), after that in the right part of the form, the list of persons and their tests available for copying to the computer will appear. Then after pressing the button "Copy", the contents of the disk will be copied to the program.

20 Determination of resonance frequency of system modulation

+373 79676484
Scale of a relative pulse duration of the measured signal in percent.

Chart of an amplitude distribution of measured signal in the standard frequency 1.8 - 8.2 Hz. Relative scale of a noise level in the system in decibels. Conventional scale in points of the valid signal/noise ratio.

There is a Fleindler's logarithmic polychrome scale in the lower part of the screen. Pulsing image of an organ. The button Pause/Resume - stops the test. When you press the button, it turns to the "Resume" button press this button to continue the automatic test. "Exit" - enables to go back to the "Research Scheme". In the mode Determination of resonance frequency of system modulation, there is an opportunity to evaluate the spectral characteristics of the nidus; all main buttons are similar to the form "Determination of resonance frequency of system modulation". 21
In the mode Research, the measurement of the representation of a destructive process in the control points, located on the image in the standard way, is made. The results are evaluated on the six-point Fleindler's polychrome scale, its buttons are located in the lower right part of the screen. The button Pause/Resume enables to pause the test. The button Exit - exit to the mode Scheme of investigation.

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Evaluation in points of the NLS Analysis results. 1. The level of a latent functional activity. 2. The level of balanced regulation. 3. The shift of the characteristics to the higher level, stressed condition of regulatory systems. 4. Asthenia of regulatory mechanisms. 5. Compensated failures of adaptation mechanisms. 6. Decompensation of adaptation mechanisms, represented destruction processes.

22 Analysis

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Please note that the suggested evaluation in points gives to the greater extent the dynamics of increases or decreases of adaptation reserves; any stable destructive conditions without expressed dynamical changes are poorly registered on this scale. Reprinter Natural frequencies taken from the nidus are converted into the opposite in polarity and identical in form frequencies, and then they are recorded on a matrix, such as water, ethyl alcohol or sugar, as converted and amplified information. Water is recommended to be used only to cure any acute processes. The duration of the efficiency of the preparations recorded on water is about 2-3 weeks, then it is lost. Alcohol is used to treat subacute and chronic processes. The alcohol solutions of phytopreparations are recommended for use for elimination of chronic processes This helps to prolong the validity time of preparations.


+373 79676484 Reprinter

The preparations recorded on alcohol are valid up to 2-3 months, and on alcoholic solutions- 4-6 months. It is possible to treat chronic disorders using preparations recorded on lactose, in this case the preparation is valid for up to 6-9 months, but note that lactose used is supposed to be moistened with alcohol or water. For treatment of acute processes, take 4 to 8 drops or "peas" at a time, three times a day. For children under 14 years, the dose should be 2-3 drops less. For treatment of subacute or chronic disorders, take 2-4 drops (peas) once or twice a day. For children under 14 years, the dose should be 1-2 drops less. Paraffin is used for treatment of pathological processes on skin and peripheral nervous system disturbances (radiculitis, neuralgia, lumbalgia) by means of application. For treatment of acute processes, it is possible to record from 2 to 4 preparations on one matrix at a time. For treatment of subacute chronic processes, the number of preparations can be increased to 6-8. Please note that the more is the voltage of recorded preparations the fewer preparations can be recorded on one matrix. The button "Start preparation" starts making a preparation, and The button "Stop preparation" interrupts the process of making a preparation. The button Invert enables to invert the output signal into the one of opposite polarity. In this mode, there is the opportunity to succeeding record of preparations from several pathology nidi existing in one organ (part of the body). To switch from one nidus to another, point the arrow to the appropriate nidus and press the left mouse button.

24 Etalon

+373 79676484
Every cell have its own specific oscillations that are stored in the computer memory. They can be displayed on the screen as a specific chart, which expresses the conditions of informational exchange between the tissue and the environment. Any pathological process has its own, peculiar only to it, specific chart. A great deal of pathological process with regard to the extent of their representation, as well as to the age, sex and other variations, is recorded in the computer memory. By reading the frequency characteristics

of the tissue, the device can compare them by the spectral similarity to the standard processes (healthy tissue, tissue with pathological changes, infection agents) and detect the closest pathological process or tendency for its origination. By means of analysis, you can follow the input signal, displayed in red (S), and output signal, displayed in blue (N) on the chart. 25

+373 79676484 Etalon By viewing the charts, you can determine which standard process is the closest, as well as to determine the degree of spectral similarity between the standard process and the chart, read from a patient.

"The list of Groups" - contents the list of groups of standards. ORGANOPREPARATIONS contains the standards of healthy tissues' spectral characteristics. In the "Etalon list" below, the etalons are arranged in the descending order according to the spectral similarity to the object of the research. Healthy tissues essentially have no dissociation with the incoming and outgoing signals (corresponding red and blue graphs). The less is the difference between an organopreparation and an object, the greater is the intact of the tissue in the body under the test, the greater the greater is the damage of the tissue.

26 Etalon

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Enables to makes qualitative assessment of the main biochemical indictors by wave functions of tissues. The assessment of biochemical homeostasis is made in the NLS-analysis mode. Note, that the lowest value of ferments (hormones) concentration within the standard limits on the chart corresponds to 2, the upper value corresponds to 6. Values 3, 4, 5 correspond to the value mode, and boundary values such as 1 and 7

show that biochemical indexes are outside the standard physiological limits, lower and higher respectively. Results of the computer biochemical analysis will be true only if the standard regulations for conducting of a biochemical analysis in a hospital using conventional methods are observed.

+373 79676484 Etalon

PATHOMORPHOLOGY Contains the list of standards of pathological processes. This catalog contains most of pathomorphological conditions featured by certain body tissues. Every pathological process has a unique chart.

28 Etalon

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This catalog contains all the main features of the infection agents, including bacteria, viruses mycoplasma ricketsias, fungi and helminthes. As a rule, they have high peaks of dissociation within the frequency range where the natural tissue frequencies are represented, and toward which they have a tropism


+373 79676484 Etalon

E.g., opisthorhiasis has a dissociation on the 4.9 Hz frequency of a urinogenital system.

ALLOPATHY group contains wave characteristics of main chemical (synthetic) medical drugs used in the conventional medical practice. HOMEOPATHY This group contains wave characteristics of homeopathic preparations.

30 Etalon

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PHYTOTHERAPY This group contains wave characteristics of medical plants that grow in the Midwest of Russia. NUTRICEUTICALS This group contains wave characteristics of nutritional supplements (BAD) produced by main Russian and foreign producers of nutritional supplements. ALLERGENS This group contains wave characteristics of food, domestic, vegetable and industrial allergens.

Natural frequencies of tissues lie within the following standard frequency range. 1.8 Osseous system. 2.6 Rough connective tissue, joints, and heart valves. 2.6-3.4 Loose connective tissue, striated musculature, cardiac muscle. 3.4 Unstrained musculature. 4.2 Tessellated epithelium of the digestive tract. 4.9 Stratifies squamous and columnar epithelium. Parenchymatous liver tissue and tissue of the biliary tract. 4.9-5.8 Kidney tissue epithelium and reproductive organs. 5.8 Lymphoid ring of the pharynx, upper section of the respiratory tract, lymphatic system, spleen, ovaries, prostate. 6.6 Peripheral nervous system, bronchus epithelium, adrenals, thyroid. 7.4 Central sections of sensory analyzers except the optic one, subcortical structures of the brain, pons; cerebellum, limbic system and lungs parenchyma. 8.2 Retina, optic nerve, cerebral cortex.


+373 79676484 Etalon

Next to the chart there are the following control buttons: Object - displays a chart of the examined biological object, organ or tissue plotted in the course of the test. Etalon - represents a chart of the selected standard process. Spectrum - by pressing this button the chart is enlarged. Optimum -a yellow chart that shows standard (Gaussian) distribution of the signal in the standard frequency range. Model - displays a chart of a virtual model. Invert - enables to invert the chart into the opposite polarity.

The button Clear, above the list of standards shuts off the opportunity of dispersion analysis simultaneously for all groups of standards.

32 Etalon This program gives a unique opportunity to make a comparison of all preparations by the extent of their spectral similarity to a pathology nidus. The marked area represents the values of spectral differences (D) between the standards and the object. If the value is the less than 0,425, it means that the spectral similarity to the examined object is over 95%, and this standard is marked red. It is clinically significant, i.e. there is a statisticallyproven expression of processes, if this value is not greater than 0,750 (the similarity to the examined object is not less then 65%).

+373 79676484

A math addition of spectral characteristics of information preparations gives an opportunity to obtain the best combinations of remedies, the closest to the spectral characteristics of pathological process, and to choose the most effective remedy. The possibility to combine frequencies of pathological agents gives an opportunity to experimentally make virtual models of various pathological processes. It is essential to make virtual models in selecting groups of remedies that give the best results when combined.


+373 79676484 Etalon

The combination of standards with the purpose to make a virtual model is done by pressing the left mouse button in the first column of the list of standards against the selected etalon. The elimination of a standard from a virtual model is done by means of the right mouse button. Turning off the virtual modeling is done by placing the mark [X] in the first column of the list of standards against the virtual model. If the spectral differences value (D) of any added preparations and the object taking separately is much higher than that of the virtual model of their composition there is the synergism of preparations. If the value is lower there is antagonism in their interaction. Control buttons of the "Etalon" form

The "Adjustmnet" button - virtual activization of the pathological process. The process may be in the remission stage but we are interested in the active process. When this button is pressed, the selected reference process is adjusted to the spectral characteristics of the examined object. "Adjust all" - all reference processes stored in the standards directory are adjusted.

34 Etalon

+373 79676484

"Vegeto test" - the use of the mode of internal vegetative resonance test where the preparation is selected from the list of standards. "Reprinter" - enables to record any preparation from the list of standards on a matrix (water, alcohol, sugar, paraffin). Entropy analysis - carries out a two-fold factorial entropy analysis of a pathological process. NLS-analysis - carries out a multifactorial entropy analysis of a pathological process (biochemical homeostasis of the system). Etalon-Object - carries out a dispersion analysis with reference to the randomly selected standart with the object functions assigned to it. To print - indicates the standards with a high spectral similarity to the examined object in the printout. View report - displays the list of standards selected for printing on the screen. Absolute model - displays an extremely optimized virtual model on the basis of the development of an intricate program algorithm that enables to handle all kinds of standart combinations. Imperative model - this function is similar to the "Absolute model", except that one of the standards (control standard) is selected randomly and it is included into the calculation of the virtual model to evaluate its spectrum in the construction of the model. Sign for other standards of the model indicates that the share of the control standard in the model structure is minimized. "Bacterial analysis" - (available only if the spectral similarity index of the standard of "microorganisms" is less than 0,750, which might suggest that the presence of inactivity of the microorganism in biological tissues) start 35 up the mode of Bacterial analysis.

+373 79676484 Etalon Elimination - allows for multifactorial eliminate analysis due to exclusion from the spectrum of the object the frequency of individual agents (usually bacterial or viral nature), which allows to detect masked by these agents, the basic process.

The buttons above the list of standards:

Etalon description - displays a detailed description of the selected standart. Fix - allows fixing of three lines in the upper part of the list: Name of the biological object. Optimum distribution. Virtual model. Sort - allows to arrange the standards in the alphabetical order. Select - allows to select a group of standards with the similar last word in their names. The search box in the lower left corner, under the list of standards enables to find the required standard very quickly by typing a few first letters of its name. Gropups - allows to determine the number of groups of standards in the same system, differing in their latest titles. In this mode you can select multiple groups of standards (right-click) which will be displayed after clicking the button Filter.

36 Analysis

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Buttons to the right of the organ's image Describe Structure - enables to receive information about any fragments of the image. Press the button "Describe Structure" then green crosses signs appear on he image. Place the mouse arrow on the cross to read the text in the square beside it. If the left mouse button is pressed on the cross, the message will be printed. Tick the boxes on the left to the text of the message in the displayed form to print.

This mode gives an opportunity to move to the examination of any organs related to this test with the help of icons. Press the button "Icons" in order to do this. The icons will appear on the image. To be able to see which organ is represented by the icon, place the mouse arrow on the icon, in the box beside, the name of the image will appear; and if the mouse button is pressed on the icon, the corresponding organ will be displayed for examination. The button Describe functions - enables to read the description of the biological object shown on the image. 37

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The button Nidus - enable to display or hide the pre-selected nidi on the image of an organ. It is also possible to display (hide or switch to) the nidus by pressing the left mouse button with the arrow pointing to the nidus. "Ultrastructura" button shows the histological, molecular and bacterial analysis. You can start up ultrastructural
analysis by clicking on the appropriate icon.

Press the button

in the upper left corner of the image to enlarge a fragment of the image.

Then it is necessary to click on the image and by moving the mouse to extend the frame, and click the mouse again to highlight the enlarged fragment. To restore the full image from the fragment, press this mouse button again.

The program allows to accurately determine the limits of the nidus, placed by any number of points on the projection
of the organ which will be further evaluated by pressing the button
"More precise nidus".

38 Analysis

+373 79676484

"Comperative analysis" - a comparative analysis of examination results under dynamic observation of the patient. "Meta-therapy" - by pressing this button you will enter the mode, which enables to produce a correcting effect by using the infrared scanner To do this place the influence center on the image and press the button "Start".


+373 79676484

"VegetoTest" The use of the vegetative resonance test mode gives wide opportunities and allows introducing into the measurements of the patient's natural electromagnetic oscillations, electromagnetic oscillations of the standards from the test-set, the internal VegetoTest, or taken by means of the resonance chamber - external VegetoTest, and determine the efficiency and tolerance of a nutritional supplement as well as an allergic sensitivity of the patient's body. To make the VegetoTest using the preparation that is not found in the list of standards of nutritional supplement's allergens, we should go to the "Analysis" mode, put the preparation under examination in the resonance chamber, press the button "VegetoTest", and enter the name of the tested preparation, then press the button "Ok". The dynamics of the vegetative reaction of the body to this preparation is best evaluated in the "Comparative analysis" mode, which determines he intensification or relaxation of the body's compensatory reactions provided there is information influence of the preparation under test. The internal VegetoTest is carried out in the "Etalon" mode, the preparation is selected from the list of standards where it has lready been recorded as a digital model, by means of the left mouse button/ The mode is started by the "VegetoTest" button.

40 Analysis

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Reprinter Reprinter enables to record any nutritional supplement on the matrix. In order to do this, select from the mode "Etalon" a preparation proven effective for this patient (the value "D" is not greater than 0.425) and press the button "Reprinter". Note, that all medical preparations have been recorded in an inverted form so before making a preparation re-inverting is supposed to be done by pressing the button "Invert" in the chart, then a matrix should be selected just like it is done in making nozodes, after that the button "Start preparation" should be pressed.
The button Evalute region allows making the more thorough evaluation of the marked area on the enlarged image of the organ.

+373 79676484

Localize - defines the boundaries of the nidus with the roughest changes in the organ's structure. To define the boundaries, click the left mouse button on the organ's image to single out the area that is of interest, clicking the left mouse button again closes the frame. Evalute region - the nidi with most pronounced pathological changes in the organ selected by the doctor are evaluated. The evalution is automatic, unmarked organs and organs free of nidi being skipped. Delete selected - allows to delete the selected nidi with the right mouse button. Press the "Test" button, and display the form "Etalon" The button "Spectrum" displays an enlarged chart with the values of signal amplitudes distributed by spectrum frequencies.


+373 79676484 Comperative analysis

Comparative analysis allows to assign the values dynamically to the results of the conducted adjustement, and also to evaluate the condition of the compensatory reactions of the body following the vegetative testing of the preparations. The left image features the initial condition; the right one gives a dynamic representation or characterizes the condition after a period of time. The button "Auto Search" allows to automatically retrieve the organs to be compared in the card index. The buttons "Improvement" and "Aggravation" allow to focus attention on the parts of the tissue structure where some changes have taken place. 43 Entropy analysis is accessible from the mode "Etalon"

Entropy (two-factor) analysis allows to build a mathematical model of a pathological process by taking the healthy tissue (organopreparation) as the initial (zero) phase, and the clinically expressed from of a pathological process as the final phase while making a mathematical calculation for the number of charts of some intermediate conditions. In the course of the analysis, the highest spectral similarity to any intermediate condition or extreme conditions is determined, and thus the maturity of this process is determined.

+373 79676484

Note that the values 1, 2 of the entropy factor indicate that there are no tendencies in the development of the tested process; the values 3, 4 indicate that there are preclinical phases in the process development and the values 5,6 indicate that the process is mature. The low spectral similarity to the standard (correlation over 1), in case that the entropy factor is as high as 5, 6, indicates a remission state of the pathological process against low adaptive reactions of the tissue. 44

+373 79676484 Entropy analysis

A small difference in the spectral similarity (dispersion) over the whole range of entropy factors from 1 to 6 indicates an acute process. The most similar chart in terms of the spectrum is marked by a thick line at the chart, and the value is marked red, in this case it is 0.760. To view the charts separately or together, use two buttons "Hide N graph" and "Hide S graph" that hide the corresponding chart.

To view the chart in the mode "Surfaces", press the button "Surfaces"; to get back to the mode "Lines", release this button.

The button "Object" displays the optimum values for this process. Vera-Testrepresents the chart with the closest spectral similarity.

45 Entropy analysis

+373 79676484

It is possible to trace the dynamics of the process by pressing the button "Dynamic" above the chart. The button "Spectrum" displays an enlarged chart. "Exit" allows to exit from the entropy analysis.

"Intendance - Screening" - allows to determine the extent of destruction of different tissues by a developing pathological process. It is possible to trace the representation of pathological changes either in all groups of tissue structures at a time (button " A "), or in the mode of separate morphological groups. The button "A" (red colour) represents the arterial system; The button V (blue colour) the venous system; The button N (yellow colour) the nervous system; The button L (green colour) the lymphatic system; The button M(orange colour) the locomotor apparatus: The button O (lilac colour) all other groups of tissues that are not included in the above mentioned list.


+373 79676484
NLS Analysis The NLS Analysis - is accessible from the mode "Etalon". The NLS-analysis (multidimensional) is identical to the entropy analysis except that in the NLS-analysis all intermediate stages are recorded as standards of the biological object in the different stages of the developing process. This allows building the more accurate development model of the pathology. This is a very complicated and laborious type of the process record so the NLSanalysis is used solely to evaluate biochemical factors.The increase of the amplitude of the output signal (the blue line in the chart) indicates the intensification of the compensatory mechanisms. When the maximum value of the input signal in the chart is reached, it may dropabruptly with high amplitude values of the input signal (red line), which indicates a failure in the adaptations mechanisms and the development of irreversible conditions.

47 NLS Analysis

+373 79676484
The NLS Analysis - is accessible from the mode "Etalon". The NLS-analysis (multidimensional) is identical to the entropy analysis except that in the NLS-analysis all intermediate stages are recorded as standards of the biological object in the different stages of the developing process. This allows building the more accurate development model of the pathology. This is a very complicated and laborious type of the process record so the NLSanalysis is used solely to evaluate biochemical factors.The increase of the amplitude of the output signal (the blue line in the chart) indicates the intensification of the compensatory mechanisms. When the maximum value of the input signal in the chart is reached, it may dropabruptly with high amplitude values of the input signal (red line), which indicates a failure in the adaptations mechanisms and the development of irreversible conditions.


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