Digital Control Algorithm For Two-Stage DC-DC Converters: Energy Procedia

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Energy Procedia 00 (2011) 000000 271 Energy Procedia 16 (2012) 265

Energy Procedia

2012 International Conference on Future Energy, Environment, and Materials

Digital Control algorithm for Two-Stage DC-DC Converters

Changhao Piaoa,b , Hongtao Qiaoa,Cong Tenga,,a*

Institution of Pattern Recognition and Application, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China b State Key Laboratory of Vehicle NVH and Safety TechnologyChangan, Chongqing 401120,China

Abstract A systematic digital control method is proposed for the two-stage dc-dc converter, and the design procedure is demonstrated. As the high number of reactive components, the dynamic response of the topology is very complex. The analysis of the steady-state is to verify the work progress of the two-stage converter. And small signal model is got to analyze the transient response of the topology. Then a digital controller which is a lag compensator is designed to compensate the system. The crossover frequency becomes higher than the uncompensated converter, and the second resonant frequency is improved, that the system is adjust to be stable with its setting time and overshoot had be decreased. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the design procedure and the goodness features in steady state and transient response of the digital controller. 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of International Materials Science Society.

2011Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of [name organizer]
Keywords: two-stage converter; small-signal analysis; digital control algorithm; MCU



With the clean energy is becoming more and more widely used in the world, wind ,nuclear ,solar energy and so on[1] are the potential methods to solve the energy issues. However, the output of the green power is unstable and cannot be used directly, which requires energy transfer based on switching control to get stable and available energy [2]. The two-stage dc-dc converter is very suitable for high input voltage, low voltage/ high current output dc-dc conversion. The first stage of the topology is a buck, and the second stage can be a forward, push-pull, half bridge or full bridge. In this paper, a buck and a half bridge converter is proposed, which the output is controlled by a 16-bit Freescales MCU. The second converter is treated as a dc transformer because of the two duty ratio of
* Changhao Piao.Tel.:+86-13883997871.

Emailaddress:[email protected]

1876-6102 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of International Materials Science Society . doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.01.044


the half bridge all equal to 50%. In the ideal situation, the input voltage Vg decreases to through the first stage and the output voltage become after the second stage.

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Fig. 1.two-stage dc-dc converter system

A typical dc-dc system incorporates a power stage topology and feedback loop. It is desired to design this feedback system in such a way that the output voltage is accurately regulated, and is insensitive to disturbances in or in the load current [3]. From the Fig.1, the output voltage is sampled by the ADC of the MCU, then a compensate algorithm will be applied to the MCU to modulate the PWM duty ratio of the PWM generator, that will keep the output voltage constant and have a good dynamic response. This paper provides the introduction of ac small signal analysis and presents the control algorithm using a digital MCU to two-stage converter. The research of the control algorithm is a good method to understand the two-stage dc-dc converter. 2. Small signal analysis and modeling

As the topology of the circuit is a no-linear system, and in order to optimize the frequency response of the two-stage converter, an ac small-signal model is necessary. The power stage of the two-stage dc-dc converter can be approximated to an equivalent circuit in Fig 2(a). Where the input voltage Vg, the inductor Lb, and the capacitor C1 and C2 of first stage are converted to , and in the secondary side of the transformer. And their relationships are in (1).

Lbuck = Lb /(2n) 2 , Cbuck = 2n 2C1 , Vs = Vg / 2n


Fig.2. (a) simplify equivalent two-stage dc-dc converter; (b) analytical circuit

Fig.2(b) shows the analytical model which replaced inductor in the constant current source and capacitor in the constant voltage source [4]. The analytical circuit can be modeled by the stage-space average approach method in [5]. Furthermore, the transfer function of the converter will be got. Here, the x(t) is a vector containing the four state variables, that is, the inductor currents,and the capacitor voltage ,. The input vector u(t) contains the

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independent inputs and in this system is in (3). Using the circuit analysis theory to the analytical circuit, the state space equations are set up in (4).
dx = Ax + Bu dt

T ilb Vco ilo ] u = Vs (3)

T B = [0 0 0 D / Lb ] x = [Vcb

0 0 (4) 1 / Cout ( RESR + R) R / Cout ( RESR + R) 1 /( Lout ( RESR + R) ( Rout + R || RESR ) / Lout From the dynamic (ac) model, the state variable to the control transfer function can be derived in (5). Four variables are substituted into (5), there will be four equations could be got, and here just use one (6).P(s) is derived from , and is also can be got in (9), so the control to output transfer function is clearly in (10). And use the (10), the control to output transfer function can be derived.

1 / Cbuck 0 1 / L 0 buck A= 0 0 0 1 / Lout

1 / Cbuck

x( s ) d

= ( sI A) 1

B Vs D


GVCO d ( s ) = Vco / d ( s ) = GV co ( s ) / P ( s ) (6)

P( s) = s 4 Lbuck Lout Cbuck Cout ( R + RESR ) + s 3 ( Lbuck Lout Cbuck + Lbuck Cbuck Cout RRESR ) + s 2 [ Lout Cout ( R + RESR ) + Lbuck Cbuck R + Lbuck Cout ( R + RESR )] + s( Lbuck + Lout + RCout ) + R


GVco (s) = R


GV ( s ) = RV s (1 + sC out R ESR ) (9)

GVd (s) = V (s)/ d (s) = GV (s) / P(s)



Digital-controller design

3.1 two-stage dc-dc converter validation A small signal model has been made in the former section, in order to get the control to output transfer function, it should substitute the parameters (table 1) into (1), (7), (9) and (10). This dc-dc converter is designed: input voltage is 100v-200vDC, and the output constants 13v. In the table.1, a specific dc-dc converter is used to valid the goodness feature of the two stage dc-dc converter in full digital controller.
Table 1. Specifications of the two-stage dc-dc converter


Changhao Piao et al. / Energy Procedia 16 (2012) 265 271 Changhao Piao,Hongtao Qiao,Cong Teng/ Energy Procedia 00 (2011) 000000

Parameter name First stage inductor First stage capacitor Output inductor Output capacitor Series resistance of the secondary side Equivalent series of the output capacitor Turn ratio of the transformer Input voltage


Nominal Value 100uH 4.7uF 20uH 2mF 200m 10m

4 144v

Using the parameters of table.1, a control to output transfer function can be got. And its frequency characteristic is derived in Fig 3(a).
Bode Diagram Gm = -37.8 dB (at 1.08e+004 Hz) , Pm = 28.5 deg (at 3.71e+003 Hz) 50

GVd (s)
0 Magnitude (dB)



-150 0 -90 Phase (deg) -180 -270 -360



GVd (z )
V (n) c
2 3 4 5 6

Gc (z)

Ve (n)







Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 3(a) bode plot of the control-to-output transfer function; (b) the diagram of digital control

The bode plot of the control to output transfer indicts it is a fourth order system: combined by one zero and two conjugate poles which lead to two system resonances, and its phase shifts to at high frequency. Magnetizing inductance does not affect the dynamics because half bridge is operating constantly with d=50% and the resonance between Lm and capacitor C does not appear [6]. Analysis shows that the first resonance frequency is mainly determined by, and, while the second resonance frequency is mainly determined by, and [7].So the controller is designed to increasing the second resonance frequency as to achieve a higher bandwidth. 3.2 digital control analyses Generally, the controller of the dc-dc converters is designed in s-domain, and it is widely applied in the analogy controllers and some digital controllers. But this time the two-stage dc-dc converter is designed in z-domain, which the delay of the sampling and holds in MCU is considered. The main block diagram is in figure 3(b). From the Fig 3(b), the K is the proportion of the sensor, is the compute delay of the MCU, which include the delay of AD conversion, ZOH is the zero-order sampled hold of the DPWM and AD conversion, is the controller which is designed. The sampling and holds transfer function in s-domain is in (11). The compute delay contains the

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delay time of the AD conversion and the date update time of PWM generator. If all of delay time is denoted by, the can be expressed in (12).

SH (s) = (1 se sTs ) / s (11)

sT d (12) H c (s) = e
1 se sTS H c ( s) GVd ( s) K } GVd ( z ) = Z { s


In the design of direct digital control system, the power stage model should be discrete first. Substitute the equations (10)-(12) into (13), the discrete transfer function is derived in the case of delay Td=0 in (14). Using MATLAB control toolbox SISOTOOL, a compensate transfer function (15) is got through the direct digital control method and it is a lag compensator.
GVd ( z ) = 0.01391 z 3 + 0.05444 z 2 0.001828 z 0.007425 (14) z 4 2.242 z 3 + 2.583 z 2 2.139 z + 0.8106

0.036337( z 0.6385) (15) z 1 So, the expression of the discrete in z-domain can be derived in (16). Its bode plots of the compensated system is in Fig 4(a). u ( k ) = u ( k 1) + 0.036 e( k ) 0.0234 e( k 1) (16) Gc ( z ) =

Open-Loop Bode Editor f or Open Loop 1 (OL1) 60 40 20 Magnitude (dB) 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 0 -90 Phase (deg) -180 -270 -360 -450 G.M.: 17.5 dB Freq: 1.15e+003 Hz Stable loop

P.M.: 45.2 deg Freq: 379 Hz





10 Frequency (Hz)




Fig. 4(a) the plot of compensated bode; (b) the main progress of the control algorithm in MCU

3.3 The work flow of the digital controller The complete digital controller implement in the MCU is interrupt driven. The PWM module loads the


new value of duty cycle at the beginning of every switching cycle. All the calculations of the digital control algorithms are applied in the ADC interrupt service routine. The main progress of the control algorithm is represented in the flow chat in figure 4(b).
4. Experimental results

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This section evaluates the performance of the digital controller for two-stage-converter designed using the procedure described in the previous section, which is a lag compensator. Fig 5(a) displays the output waveforms of the converter operating with the input voltage of 144v in the control of the digital lag algorithm in MCU, the output voltage constants 13V. From the Fig 5(a), the output is display the goodness steady-state waveform which is desired.

Fig. 5(a) Waveforms of output voltage at steady-state operation V=13v; (b) the simulated waveform of the startup of the two-stage converter with the digital controller

The evaluation of the transient response is done to analysis the stability of the model and its high speed response. In order to evaluate the transient response, the startup of the two-stage converter is simulated. The transient of the two-stage converter is with digital Lag compensate controller behave a good response in Fig 5(b). 5. Conclusion

This paper proposed the two-stage dc-dc converter is controlled by a digital controller. Large signal and small signal models of the topology are analysis in detail. The controller is a fully digital MCU based system. Lag compensator is added in the forward path of feedback loop to shape the loop gain such that the desired performance is obtained. The delay of the MCU is considered in the design of the control algorithm. The experimental results the digital control algorithm is available and can improve bandwidth of the uncompensated converter. The steady and transient response had all improved. The topology and control strategy for the two-stage converter system are verified by the experimental results. The single voltage mode control also has some shortage, so the further work will be done in the two loop control, which the current of the inductor will be considered to make the better dynamic response. Acknowledgements This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation Project of CQ CSTC 2010BB2400 and CSTC 2010GGA063 and CSTC 2009BB2080.

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