Planning Research For Quantitative Data Analysis

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Planning Research for Quantitative Data Analysis Data is an organized form of numbers or alphabets referring to some idea.

Data is required in a research process, to prove an idea in hand. Data collection comes under methodology section of research. After data collection, comes the stage of data analysis, to check whether expectations regarding data have been met or not. Data analysis technique always influences mode of data collection. There are two types of data analysis technique, namely; Quantitative data analysis and Qualitative data analysis. Qualitative data analysis interprets words while quantitative data analysis interprets numerical data. Qualitative data analysis is a way of recording people's attitudes, feelings and behaviours in greater depth.Quantitative data analysis is based on the idea that any phenomena can be quantified, measured and expressed numerically. The various steps of the quantitative research process are listed here: Selection of Research topic: Get acquainted by reading on the subject to find out a unique topic and then frame a question for your research. Find out if this question can be answered with quantitative data collection and analysis. Deciding methodology: Decide on methodology to study research question. Strategy for research problem methodology is to be decided in this phase, it can be experimental, correlational, descriptive or causal approach to elucidate answer. Selecting data collection tools: Select data collection tool, which is helpful to your study topic in question. Some of the data collection tools are questionnaires, interviews, surveys, records and documents. Researcher should select a tool in relevance to his study type. Select sample: Describe and define population you are interested in. The sample selection process should be with minimum bias and the shortlisted sample must represent the population from which it is selected. Two types of sample selection procedures are there, namely; random sampling or nonrandom sampling. Sample size also matters; a huge data bank increases confusion and cost and makes the task insurmountable. However, a sample

too small does not have sufficient data to serve as an evidence to reach any meaningful conclusions. Analysing data: What statistical test or tests will be best suited is generally decided in the planning stage. This is selected on the basis of study type and method of data collection. Quantitative Data Analysis is followed by the stage of interpreting data and validating your findings. Most scientific researchers undertake this method, as the results are believed to be exact and valid. Hence, proving the hypothesis becomes easy. We offer Dissertation Data Analysis Help for scholars from various domains. Our professionals have assisted numerous research scholars in data collection, analysis and presentation of the results in a proper format.

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