Intro To Compressor and Turbines

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The key takeaways are that this course will cover compressor and turbine terminology, classifications, principles of operation for reciprocating and centrifugal compressors as well as gas and steam turbines.

A suction scrubber removes liquid droplets from the gas stream using gravity separation, coalescing, and mist extraction to ensure no liquid enters the compressor.

The main components of a suction scrubber are the inlet diverter, gravity separation section, mist extractor, and liquid collection and removal systems.


Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Para 1.0 1. 1 COURSE OBJECTIVES COMPRESSOR AND TURBINE TERMINOLOGY 1.1.1 Compression Ratio 1.1.2 Compression Heat 1.1.3 Cooler 1.1.4 Capacity 1.1.5 Positive Displacement 1.1.6 Reciprocating 1.1.7 Stroke 1.1.8 Velocity 1.1.9 Dynamic 1.1.10 Kinetic Energy 1.1.11 Centrifugal 1.1.12 Suction 1.1.13 Discharge 1.1.14 Multi-stage 1.1.15 Labyrinth Seal 1 1 16 Bypass 1.1.17 Pressure Differential 1.1.18 Thrust 1.1.19 Surge 1.1.20 Recycle 1.1.21 Prime Movers 1.1.22 Couplings WHY COMPRESSORS ARE USED CLASSIFICATION OF COMPRESSORS PRIME MOVERS 1.4.1 Electric Motors 1.4.2 Steam Turbines 1.4.3 Gas Turbines 1.4.4 Internal Combustion Engines SUCTION SCRUBBERS Page 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24

Module No. 6 :Module No. 6 : & Turbines Compressors Compressors & Turbines

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This course describes the different types of compressors and turbines found in process plants. The course progresses in Units from basic terminology to the principles of operation of reciprocating and centrifugal compressors and steam and gas turbines. On completion of the course the student will be able to: Explain the basic terminology used in describing compressor and turbine operations. Explain the functions and classifications of compressors and turbines in process plants, and identify the different types of prime movers used to power compressors. Identify suction scrubbers and explain how they work. Explain the basic principles of operation of reciprocating compressors including capacity control methods, control of suction pressure, and automatic shutdown systems. Explain the basic principles of operation of centrifugal compressors including capacity control 'Methods, surge control, and automatic shutdown systems. Explain the basic principles of operation of gas turbines, steam turbines, and turbo-expanders.

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

1. 1 COMPRESSOR AND TURBINE TERMINOLOGY Some special words are used when talking about compressors and turbines. The following terminology will be explained in this Unit: Compression Ratio Compression Heat , Cooler Capacity Positive Displacement Reciprocating Stroke Velocity Dynamic Kinetic Energy Centrifugal Suction Discharge Multi-stage Labyrinth Seal Bypass Pressure Differential Thrust Surge Recycle Prime Movers Couplings

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

1.1.1 Compression Ratio

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The compression ratio is the ratio between the compressor discharge pressure and the compressor intake pressure. Because it is a ratio there are no units of measurement. If the suction pressure is 15 psig and the discharge pressure is 90 psig then the compression ratio is 6: 1. That is, 90 divided by 15. What is the compression ratio for a compressor with pressure of 10 psig and a discharge pressure of 40 psig ? 1.1.2 Compression Heat There. are relationships between the pressure, the volume and the temperature of a gas. If one of them changes, at least one of the other two must also change. The changes are expressed as two Laws of Physics called Boyle's Law and Charles' Law.

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Boyle's Law states that the volume of a given mass of gas varies inversely as its pressure if the temperature remains constant. What this means is that as one goes up, the other one comes down. If the volume gets bigger, the pressure gets smaller and if the volume gets smaller, the pressure gets bigger. Remember that the temperature must remain the same as the other two change. Charles' Law states that the volume of a given mass of gas varies directly with its temperature if the pressure remains constant. What this means is that as the temperature of a gas goes up, the volume will also go up. If the temperature comes down, the volume will also come down. Remember that the pressure must remain the same for this to be true. Therefore, when a compressor does its job the heat of the gas increases. In fact, the increase in temperature can be very large. The increase in temperature is usually not wanted so coolers are used to lower the temperature. 1.1.3 Cooler As a gas is being compressed its temperature is increased. There are several reasons why this increase in temperature is not wanted. One of the main reasons is that it reduces the efficiency of the compressor. That is, it makes the compressor do more work for the same result.

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

The temperature of the gas can be reduced by using a cooler. If the compressor has more than one stage, the gas may be cooled as it passes from one stage to the next. In this case the cooler is called an intercooler. If the compressor has three stages, intercoolers may be fitted between the first and second stages and between the second and third stages. These intercoolers take the name of the stage of compression they are cooling. The intercooler between the first and second stages is called the first stage intercooler. The one between the second and third stages is called the second stage intercooler. It may only be necessary to cool the gas as it leaves the compressor. In this case the cooler is called an aftercooler. Page 3/24

The very large compressors used in process plants are often fitted with intercoolers and aftercoolers. There are many different types of intercooler and aftercooler. One which is quite common in process plants is called a fin-fan cooler. The hot gas from the compressor passes through piping which has fins fitted to it. The fins increase surface area to improve cooling. Air is blown across the piping by one or more fans. Although this is ordinary air at normal temperature the compressed gases are very hot so even ordinary air will cool them down. Coolers may also cool a compressed gas using a liquid. The piping from the compressor passes through a vessel which completely surrounds the piping. Liquid passes around in the space between the compressor pipi ng and the wall of the vessel.

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1 -1 Coolers 1.1.4 Capacity The capacity of a compressor is the amount of gas moved in a given time. The units of measurement for capacity are a volume divided by a time. Examples of capacity units are cubic metres per minute (m3/min) or cubic feet per minute (ft 3 /min).

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1. 1. 5 Positive Displacement

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Positive displacement takes place when a solid object is introduced into the space occupied by a gas. When this happens, the gas is forced out of whatever is containing it. A familiar exam pie of this is the hand pump used to inflate footballs, tyres and other air-filled equipment. One of these is shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1 -2 Positive Displacement The hand pump works like this. The piston can be considered as a solid object because no gas (in this case air) can get past it as it moves downward. With the piston at the top of the cylinder the cylinder is filled with air. As the piston moves downwards the air in the cylinder is pushed out of the cylinder, through the connecting pipe and into the football or tyre. The pressure of the air increases as this is done (in accordance with Boyle's Law). As the piston moves upwards a new volume of air is drawn into the cylinder. In this very simple type of positive displacement compressor the new air is drawn round the edges of the piston. Part of the piston is made of a flexible material (often leather) to allow this to happen.

Module No. 6 :Module No. 6 : & Turbines Compressors Compressors & Turbines

1.1.6 Reciprocating Reciprocating means movement in two directions but in only one plane. The plane may be horizontal with the movement backwards and forwards or vertical with the movement up and down. A piston inside a cylinder can only move in one plane but in two directions as shown in Figure 1-3. Page 5/24

Figure 1 -3 Reciprocating Movement 1.1.7 Stroke The stroke of a reciprocating compressor is the distance the piston moves within the cylinder. This may not be the full length of the cylinder. When the piston moves in the direction which will draw gas into the cylinder this stroke has two names. It may be called either the suction stroke or the induction stroke. When the piston moves in the direction which will push gas out of the cylinder this is known as the compression stroke. If the piston compresses gas only on one stroke then the compressor is said to be single acting. If the piston compresses gas on both strokes the compressor is said to be double acting. Figure 1-4 shows single acting and double acting pistons.

Figure 1-4 Single and Double Acting Compressors

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1.1.8 Velocity

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

The word velocity is often used to mean speed. However, velocity is more than that and the correct meaning of the word is important. Velocity is a measure of the rate of motion of an object expressed as the rate of change of its position in a particular direction with time. The units of measurement for velocity are a distance divided by a time. Commonly used units are metres per second (m/s), feet per second (ft/s), and kilometres per hour (km/h). 1.1.9 Dynamic Dynamic means concerned with energy or with forces that produce motion (movement). A dynamic compressor is a continuous flow machine in which the mechanical action of rotating vanes or impellers adds velocity and pressure to the flowing gas. 1.1.10 Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy a body has because of its motion. Kinetic energy is used in centrifugal compressors to increase the pressure of the gas. 1.1.11 Centrifugal Centrifugal means moving outwards from the centre. Centrifugal force is a force caused by spinning. This force is used in centrifugal compressors. Figure 1 -5 shows the effect centrifugal force had on an object. Although it is difficult to imagine, gas can be considered as an object so centrifugal force can be applied to it as well as a solid object.

Module No. 6 :Module No. 6 : & Turbines Compressors Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1 -5 Centrifugal Force Figure 1-5 shows a shaft. At the top of the shaft is an arm with a small ball on the end of it. The arm is attached to the shaft by a simple hinge.

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The left-hand picture shows the shaft stationary. There is no centrifugal force so the arm hangs straight down. The right hand picture shows what happens when the shaft rotates. Centrifugal force makes the arm and the ball swing out to be at right angles (90) to the shaft. 1.1.12 Suction Suction is the side of the compressor at which gas enters the compressor. If the compressor is being used to compress air, it will draw in air from around itself. The suction pressure will be the same as atmospheric pressure. If the compressor is part of a process, the suction pressure will be the same as the pressure of the process upstream of the compressor.

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Although the word 'suction' is commonly used, it does not necessarily mean that the gas entering the compressor has a negative pressure, (less than atmospheric pressure). Compressors may be used in a process where the suction pressure is less than atmospheric pressure. Used like this, the compressor may be called an exhauster. The word 'induction' is sometimes used in place of suction, particularly with reciprocating compressors. 1.1.13 Discharge Discharge is the side of the compressor at which gas leaves the compressor. In normal operation the discharge pressure will always be higher than the suction pressure. If it is not, something is wrong either with the compressor or in the process itself. 1.1.14 Multi-stage Multi-stage means that the compressor has more than one stage of compression. Both reciprocating compressors and centrifugal compressors can be multi-stage machines. In a multi-stage reciprocating compressor the gas which is to be compressed enters the first stage of the compressor. The pressure of the gas is increased in the first stage cylinder. The gas leaves the first stage cylinder and goes to the suction of the second stage of the compressor. The pressure of the gas is increased more in the second stage cylinder. Leaving the second stage cylinder the gas may be sent to further stages or to the discharge of the compressor. In a centrifugal compressor it is the number of impellers which determines how many stages there are. At each impeller the pressure of the gas is increased.

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

For reciprocating and centrifugal compressors there are design limitations on the number of stages. One of the main limitations is the temperature of the gas. As the gas passes through each stage, both its pressure and its temperature increase. Cooling between stages helps reduce the temperature of the gas but this may not be enough for good compression in later stages.

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Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1 -6 Multi-Stage Compressors

1.1.15 Labyrinth Seal A labyrinth seal is one form of seal used in compressors. Labyrinth seals will not stop leakage completely but they do reduce it a lot. For this reason labyrinth seals are more commonly used as seals between stages in a compressor. As shaft seals they are usually used together with another form of seal. In a labyrinth sea[ several grooves are machined on the inner surface of the seal. The teeth between two adjacent grooves are machined to sharp knife edges and fit very closely to the shaft. Sometimes matching grooves and teeth are machined on the shaft to mesh with those on the seal. A labyrinth seal works by changing the direction of flow of the gas many times as the gas passes towards the outer edge of the seal. Each time the gas changes direction the pressure drops a little. By the time the gas reaches the outer edge of the seal its pressure has been reduced almost to that of the pressure on the outside of the seal. Page 9/24

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There is a possibility of the seal making contact with the shaft of the compressor. For this reason the seal is made of softer metal than that of the shaft. If contact is made the softer metal of the seal will wear away instead of the expensive shaft being damaged.

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1-7 Labyrinth Seal 1.1.16 Bypass A bypass is an arrangement of pipes and valves which allows a gas or liquid to flow around something instead of through it. Two bypass arrangements are shown in Figure 1-8. One bypass is round a compressor, the other is round a control valve.,

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1-8 Bypass Arrangements There are several reasons why bypass arrangements may be included in the design of a process plant. It may be necessary to bypass equipment in the plant or whole sections of the plant for the plant to be properly started up. This could include the need for reverse flow of the process fluid to pressurise the plant or to introduce purge gas to the plant.

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The equipment fitted with bypass arrangements may not need to be in service all the time. A typical example of this is the equipment used to introduce monitoring devices called pigs into pipelines. A bypass arrangement may allow a continuous process to continue if the equipment fitted with the bypass arrangement fails. A bypass will allow a piece of equipment to be removed from service for maintenance without the need to shut down the entire process.

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

1.1.17 Pressure Differential A pressure differential is the difference between two pressures. It is often used to indicate that a machine is not running as well as it should be. The pressure differential is usually the difference between the inlet pressure of a machine and the outlet pressure of the same machine. An oil filter for example, has a higher inlet pressure than its outlet pressure. When the filter is new, the pressure differential is small. As the filter does its job and collects more and more dirt from the oil passing through it, the outlet pressure falls so the pressure differential gets larger. When the pressure differential reaches a certain point it is time to clean the filter or replace it with a new one.

1.1.18 Thrust Thrust occurs only in centrifugal compressors, not in reciprocating machines. During the normal operation of a centrifugal compressor the discharge pressure is higher than the suction pressure. This causes a force to act through the shaft and impellers of the compressor in a discharge-to-suction direction. As the force acts though the shaft, it is an axial force. The most common way to reduce thrust in centrifugal compressors (to an acceptable level) is by using a balance piston. A balance piston does not stop thrust entirely. The remaining thrust force is handled by a thrust bearing. 1.1.19 Surge Surge is a condition which affects only centrifugal compressors. For every speed in a centrifugal gas compressor there is a certain capacity below which the operation of the gas compressor becomes unstable.

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

Surge is caused by a reduction in the volume of gas passing through the compressor together with an increase in the compression ratio. The point at which this happens is called the surge point. As the compressor approaches the surge point the pressure differential between the suction and discharge pressures increases. The pressure differential reaches the point where the compressor cannot cope with it. The flow pattern of the gas through the impellers collapses. The high pressure gas at the edge of each impeller flows back to the eye of the impeller and builds up the suction pressure. This allows the compressor to start working properly again. If the conditions do not change, the surge point will once again be reached and the series of events will be repeated. This cycle of events happens very, very quickly.

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Surge can cause serious damage to a compressor. The frequency of the surge determines the amount of damage caused. A large volume of gas in the compressor discharge will cause low frequency surge with high damage to the compressor. A small volume of gas in the compressor discharge will cause high frequency surge with low damage to the compressor. A gas compressor can be brought out of surge by any of the following: reducing the speed of the compressor, increasing the flow through the compressor, reducing the compression ratio by using a recycle loop (kick back) to put discharge gas into the suction.

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Most large capacity compressors are fitted with an automatic anti-surge system. The main feature of an anti-surge system is the recycle line. The recycle line allows gas from the discharge side of the compressor to be recycled to the suction side of the compressor. The amount of gas being recycled must be controlled otherwise the gas would just go round in a loop. The recycle line is fitted with a flow control valve. The flow control valve is controlled by signals from instruments on another part of the compressor. Surge control is fully described in Unit 3 of this course. 1.1.20 Recycle To recycle is to send something back to where it came from. In gas compressors a recycle line is part of the surge control system. Gas from the discharge side of the compressor is recycled to the suction side of the compressor. 1.1.21 Prime Movers Prime movers are the machines which drive compressors. Prime movers can be electric motors, steam turbines, gas turbines or internal combustion engines such as a diesel engine. The prime mover is separate from the compressor. The two machines are joined together by a coupling.

1.1.22 Couplings Couplings are used to connect the shaft of a compressor to the shaft of its prime mover. The two shafts are lined up as closely as possible to each other, but uneven heating of materials and equipment and variations in loading can cause some misalignment. The coupling permits a slight misalignment of the two shafts without damage to either shaft. The two most common types of coupling used on gas compressors are the gear coupling and the flexible diaphragm coupling. Gear couplings are commonly used in high speed, high load compressors. They work by allowing their parts to slide or otherwise move relative to one another with no deliberate bending or flexing. A set of gear teeth inside the coupling mesh with matching teeth on the shaft of the compressor. At the other end of the coupling another set of gear teeth inside the coupling mesh with matching teeth on the shaft of the prime mover. The sets of teeth are free to move-within each other.

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Small gear type couplings are often grease packed for lubrication purposes. Large, high speed gear couplings are more usually lubricated with a circulated lubricating oil system. Flexible diaphragm couplings are commonly used on compressors which have steam or gas turbine prime movers because distortion due to heat is large. The flexible diaphragm coupling transmits power from the prime mover to the compressor using a solid, rigid hub on each machine. A flexible metal diaphragm is bolted to the outer edge of each hub and a spacer connects the two diaphragms. All misalignment is handled by the flexing of the thin webbed diaphragms. As there are no rubbing parts in the coupling, there is no need for the coupling to be lubricated. Although this type of coupling can handle large angles of misalignment it can only accept small changes in backwards and forwards (axial) movement.

essors & Turbines Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines Unit No.

Figure 1-9 Shaft Couplings 1.2 WHY COMPRESSORS ARE USED The pressure of a gas is important for transporting the gas and for processing or storing it. Gas arriving at a processing plant, or already in the plant, may not be at the correct pressure for what is to happen to it next. If the pressure of the gas is too high it can be reduced easily. If the pressure of the gas is too low a compressor must be used to increase it. The main reasons for increasing the pressure of the gas are as follows. To transport the gas through a pipeline. The longer the pipeline, the higher the gas pressure needs to be. To make the pressure correct for processing. To make the pressure correct for storage at high pressure. To turn the gas into a liquid. The small compressor in a refrigerator does this. When the liquid is allowed to turn back into a gas, this change causes cooling.

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To produce combustion or a chemical reaction. To provide a source of energy, for example compressed air to drive air-driven tools or motors, or for use by instruments.


CLASSIFICATION OF COMPRESSORS Figure 1 - 10 shows how compressors are classified. In this course only reciprocating and centrifugal compressors will be covered because these are the most common types of compressors found in process plants. A reciprocating compressor is classified as a positive displacement machine. That is, a solid object displaces gas from inside the machine and in so doing compresses the gas to increase its pressure. In a reciprocating compressor this is done by one or more pistons moving in one or more cylinders. If the piston compresses only in one direction of the piston (one stroke) the compressor is called 'single acting'. If the piston compresses on both the forward and back strokes the compressor is called 'double, acting'. Centrifugal compressors compress gas by moving the gas and increasing its speed within the compressor. This means that one form of energy is added to the gas and then that energy is changed to pressure energy. For this reason centrifugal compressors are said to be dynamic machines.

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1-10 Compressor Classification-

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PRIME MOVERS In process plants the four main types of prime movers which are used are: electric motors, steam turbines, gas turbines, internal combustion engines.

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

The selection of a suitable prime mover depends on a number of factors. Power requirements may be considered on their own or together with available space. For equal power ratings a turbine (steam or gas) will occupy less space than an internal combustion engine. Cost is an important consideration. The initial cost to buy the machine must be considered together with the operating and maintenance costs over the lifetime of the machine. * The availability of fuel or steam and how easy it is to supply it to the prime Mover must be considered. If a process plant has a surplus of gas it would make sense to use gas turbine prime movers whenever possible. If the process required a supply of low pressure steam then steam turbine prime movers could be used to reduce the pressure of steam from the steam generators of the plant. Last, but not least, safety must be considered. If the prime mover must be located in a hazardous area where there is a possibility of an explosion, a steam turbine would be the first choice. 1.4.1 Electric Motors Electric motors used as prime movers may be either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) machines. A DC motor would normally be used where the speed of the prime mover has to be changed over a wide range of speeds. Unfortunately, DC motors are more complex than AC machines and they are also very expensive when compared to most AC motors. For these reasons AC motors are more common in process plants. The most commonly used AC motor in process plants is called a polyphase induction motor. It is often referred to as a squirrel cage motor because of the design of the rotor. This type of motor is strong and simple in construction. The speed of the motor depends on the frequency of the electrical supply. As the frequency of the electrical supply is not easy to change, this type of motor is considered to be a constant speed motor. If the speed of an AC motor needs to be controlled, a motor with a wound rotor must be used. This type of motor is more complex than a squirrel cage motor, so it is also more expensive.

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Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1 -11 Typical Process Plant Electric Motor 1.4.2 Steam Turbines Steam turbine prime movers are easily recognised by the heavily insulated steam supply pipes which lead to them. Steam turbines may be single stage or multi-stage machines. In a multi-stage steam turbine the number of stages is set by the number of rotor discs (or wheels) on the turbine shaft. For each rotor disc there is a matching set of stator discs which look similar to the rotors but are fixed in position. The purpose of the stator discs is to direct the steam on to the rotor discs on the shaft. When one or more of the following conditions exist in a plant, a steam turbine prime mover would be used (if the plant has a high pressure steam supply). Low pressure steam is needed for plant processes. Explosive atmospheres are present in the surrounding area. Variable speed drives are needed. High speed operation is needed. The surrounding area is very hot or damp

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1.4.3 Gas Turbines

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Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

Figure 1-12 Gas Turbine Gas turbines are very noisy machines. For this reason gas turbine prime movers are often located inside an acoustic enclosure to reduce the noise level. In this case, all an Operator will see is a building about the size of a small Portacabin. If an Operator needs to enter the acoustic enclosure ear protectors must be worn. A gas turbine can be recognised (whether it has an acoustic enclosure or not) by the large diameter, heavily insulated exhaust pipeline leading from the turbine. Gas turbine exhaust gas can have a temperature of 550C (1022F). This very hot gas may be used for heating purposes somewhere else in the process plant.

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

It is important to note that within a gas turbine there is another air compressor. This is also driven by the turbine and is used to compress air for use within the turbine. This compressor is actually part of the gas turbine and it should not be confused with the centrifugal compressor for which the gas turbine is the prime mover. The events which occur continuously inside a gas turbine are as follows.

Compression. Atmospheric air is compressed in the compressor part of the gas turbine. Combustion. Gas or liquid fuel is added to the compressed air and ignited. Expansion. The combustion gases are expanded, creating energy. The expanding gases pass through the turbine part of the gas turbine. The energy of the gases is used to turn the rotor of the gas turbine.
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Exhaust. Exhaust gases are led away from the gas turbine.

Some gas turbines are called 'dual fuel'. This means that the turbine can run on either gas fuel or a liquid fuel such as diesel oil. 1.4.4 Internal Combustion Engines

Unit No. 1 - Introduction to Compressors & Turbines

An internal combustion engine is an engine which burns fuel inside the engine. The fuel must be made to burn (to be ignited). Two methods are used to do this, a spark generated by electricity or the heat created by compressing air in the cylinder before the fuel is admitted. These methods form two classifications for internal combustion engines, spark ignition and compression ignition. Engines using petrol (gasoline) are spark ignition engines. Engines using diesel oil are compression ignition engines. In process plants diesel engines are preferred over petrol engines. The main reason for this is safety. Petrol engines need electricity to generate the spark. Also, the fuel they use is much more volatile than the fuel used by diesel engines. Volatile means that the fuel is very easy to ignite and therefore an extra danger in a process plant. Internal combustion engines are not very common in process plants. They are usually used to drive small sized machines or machines which need to be portable.
Internal combustion engines have two advantages over other prime movers. They are self contained and do not rely on a supply of electricity, gas or steam, and they are very easy to start using several methods including hand cranking. For these reasons diesel engines are often fitted to emergency equipment such as an emergency fire water pump. 1.5 SUCTION SCRUBBERS Most gases contain small amounts of liquid. Often this liquid is in droplets so small that it cannot be seen by a human eye. During the process, two or more small droplets combine to form larger droplets. Two or more of the larger droplets combine until there is definitely a liquid present. Liquids do not compress and if liquid enters a compressor serious damage will be caused. The final defense to remove all traces of liquid from a gas is the suction scrubber. A suction scrubber is fitted into the compressor suction pipeline as near to the compressor inlet as possible.

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Figure 1-13 Suction Scrubbers

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There are many different designs of suction scrubbers although the way in which they work is similar, Figure 1-13A shows a very basic suction scrubber. This type of suction scrubber has a simple design but it is very efficient. It is common in process plants. Figure 1-13B shows a more complex design which also has filter elements. Look at Figure 1-13A. Gas enters the scrubber at the mid point of the vertical wall of the vessel. Inside the scrubber, at the gas entry point, is an inlet diverter. The purpose of the inlet diverter is to help separate liquid droplets from the gas. Inside the vessel further separation of liquid from gas takes place. This is caused by gravity. The liquid droplets are heavier than the gas so they will fall out of the gas stream. The droplets collect in the bottom of the vessel and are removed from there under level control. The gas passes out of the top of the vessel through a mist extractor. The mist extractor removes any very fine particles of liquid which may still be in the gas. Although there are many different designs of mist extractor, one in common use consists of a wire mesh cage filled with steel wool. The steel wool allows the gas to pass through it freely but traps any very small droplets of liquid. The very small droplets join together (coalesce) until they are large enough to fall from the mist extractor to the bottom of the scrubber. Now look at Figure 1-13B. This suction scrubber has filter elements built into it and is divided into two sections, the gravity section and the filter section. Gas enters the scrubber at the filter section and passes through the cartridge filter elements. The filter elements have the advantage that they will remove solid material from the gas as well as liquids. Any solids will be trapped in the filter elements. A lot of the liquid will be removed from the gas on the outside of the filter elements and will collect in the bottom of the filter section of the scrubber. The liquid will be removed from the bottom of the filter section of the scrubber under level control.

Module No. 6 : Compressors & Turbines

The gas passes from the filter section of the scrubber to the gravity section. The gravity section works in the same way as the simpler scrubber shown in Figure 1 -13A. There is an inlet diverter where the gas stream enters the gravity section and a mist extractor where it leaves it. Liquids removed from the gas collect in the base of the gravity section and are removed under level control.

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