Review of Wet Gas Compressor Performance

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Review of Wet Gas Compressor


Zaenuddin Ar Rofiqi

Petroleum Engineering
Submission date: June 2014
Supervisor: Michael Golan, IPT

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics

Zaenuddin Ar Rofiqi

Petroleum Engineering

Submission date : June 2014

Supervisor : Michael Golan, IPT

Co-Supervisor : Jesus Alberto De Andrade Correia, IPT

Gilberto Nez, IPT

Mayembe Joao Bartolomeu, IPT

Milan Edvard Wolf Stanko, IPT

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics


Subsea wet gas compression without preliminary separation give an opportunity to develop
mature and remote gas/condensate field. Predicting wet gas compressor performance is
important to develop those fields. Currently there is no standard exist for wet gas
compression performance calculation (Hundseid et al., 2008). The current standards (ISO
5389:2005) exist only for dry gas by utilizing Schultz method.

In wet gas compression, fluid properties are changing as fluid being compressed. Schultz
method may not be accurate to be applied in wet gas compression since it uses average fluid
properties between inlet and outlet of the compressor.

The necessities of standard in wet gas compression encourage this project to conduct a
research in wet gas compression performance. This project will evaluate Huntington direct
integration method (Huntington, 1985) which originally for dry gas to be used in wet gas
compression calculation and compare the result with Schultz method.

In this project, visual basic script was created to calculate wet gas compressor performance
by using direct integration method. Fluid properties are calculated by HYSYS TM software. It
is also desired to know how HYSYS TM calculate wet gas compression. Compressor off
design operation effect on compressor performance is also taken into consideration when
calculating wet gas compressor performance.

The results show that direct integration method is much more suitable for wet gas
compression calculation compared to Schultz method. As wet gas being compressed, more
liquid will form in the mixture and it will affect fluid properties. The presence of heavier
fluid in the mixture and cooling effect is one of the factor that affecting compressor
performance. This factor will reduce specific polytopic head of compressor. Direct
integration method calculation is considering this effect.

Off design operation affect compressor performance calculation significantly. The deviation
between original performance and corrected performance become larger as actual and
reference condition become much more different. At large deviation, the corrected
compressor performances become uncertain.

In HYSYSTM software, interaction between liquid and vapor phase is taken into
consideration. The software does not calculate compressor performance by treating each
phase separately.

Further recommendations for this project are to compare calculated performance using direct
integration method with actual experiment and improvement of current compressor off design
correction. By comparing compressor performance calculation with real data, the accuracy of
direct integration method will be discovered. In gas condensate field, fluid properties will
change significantly with decreasing pressure. Therefore, actual and test reference condition
will be different over time and will affect gas condensate field performance. This condition
need attention since current off design correction accuracy will be reduced if the deviation is
large. Good prediction of wet gas compression performance is required in developing gas
condensate field


This project is submitted to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
for requirement of master thesis in petroleum engineering master degree program.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Professor Michael Golan who gives me
the opportunity to be his student and take master thesis.

I would like to thanks to Jesus and Gilberto who help me in the master thesis. In this thesis, I
often stuck in a problem. And they guide me a lot to finish this project.

I would like to thanks also to Mayembe and Milan. Who helps me a lot for one year. They
help me with my semester project and master thesis

I would like to thanks also to Mohamad. He guides me to create visual basic in excel.

Finally, I would like to express a gratitude for my family, my wife, and my friend for
supporting me in this project.


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................ i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF FIGURE..................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... ix

1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 10

2. THEORY ......................................................................................................................... 12

2.1. Type of compressor ................................................................................................... 12

2.2. Basic thermodynamic of compression process ......................................................... 14

2.2.1. Isothermal compression ..................................................................................... 16

2.2.1. Isentropic compression ...................................................................................... 17

2.2.2. Polytropic compression...................................................................................... 18

2.3. Compressor performance method ............................................................................. 19

2.3.1. Schultz method................................................................................................... 20

2.3.2. Huntington method ............................................................................................ 21

2.3.3. Reference/direct integration method .................................................................. 23

2.4. Compressor curve map .............................................................................................. 24

2.5. Effect of wet gas ........................................................................................................ 25

2.6. Compressor off design operation .............................................................................. 27

2.7. Compressor off design correction ............................................................................. 28

2.7.1. Dimensional analysis method ............................................................................ 29

2.7.2. Iterative method ................................................................................................. 30

3. OBJECTIVE AND METHODOLOGY .......................................................................... 34

3.1. Data input .................................................................................................................. 34

3.1.1. Fluid properties .................................................................................................. 34

3.1.2. Calculation cases and workflow ........................................................................ 36

4. RESULT .......................................................................................................................... 41

4.1. Case A ....................................................................................................................... 41

4.2. Case B ....................................................................................................................... 52

5. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................. 69

6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................... 74

NOMENCLATURE ................................................................................................................ 76

REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................... 79

APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 81


Figure 1.1 Effect of installing subsea wet gas compression to gas/condensate field
performance (Courtesy of Vinterst, 2014). ............................................................................ 11

Figure 2.1 Compressor type (Courtesy of Giampaolo, 2010). ................................................ 12

Figure 2.2 Compressor application range (Courtesy of Boyce, 2003) .................................... 13

Figure 2.3 Cross section of centrifugal compressor (Courtesy of petroleum extension service)
.................................................................................................................................................. 14

Figure 2.4 Work in graphical representation (Courtesy of Moran et al., 2011) ...................... 15

Figure 2.5 Compressor reference processes (Courtesy of ISO 5389, 2005) ............................ 16

Figure 2.6 Comparison between isentropic and actual compression (Courtesy of Moran,
2011) ........................................................................................................................................ 18

Figure 2.7 Compressor curve map (Courtesy of Dresser-Rand).............................................. 24

Figure 2.8 Annular flow (Courtesy of Schlumberger) ............................................................. 25

Figure 2.9 Effect of wet gas presence to specific polytropic head (Courtesy of Hundseid et al,
2008) ........................................................................................................................................ 26

Figure 2.10 Mass flow corrected specific polytropic head (Courtesy of Hundseid et al, 2008)
.................................................................................................................................................. 27

Figure 2.11 Wood s corrected specific polytropic head (Courtesy of Hundseid et al, 2008) . 27

Figure 2.12 Effect of fluid density to compressor curve (Courtesy of Hanlon, 2001) ............ 28

Figure 2.13 Basic procedure for off design correction by iterative method (Courtesy of Ma et
al, 2013) ................................................................................................................................... 30

Figure 3.1 Process flow diagram of mixing liquid and gas phase ........................................... 35

Figure 3.2 Flowchart of compressor performance calculation ................................................ 36

Figure 3.3 Compressor performance cases .............................................................................. 37

Figure 3.4 Compressor curve performance map ..................................................................... 38

Figure 3.5 Compressor performance calculation with separator ............................................. 39

Figure 3.6 Compressor performance calculation without separator ........................................ 40

Figure 4.1 Compression process path at various GVF for case A ........................................... 41

Figure 4.2 Gas volume fraction change at each pressure step i with total number of pressure
step = 10 for case A ................................................................................................................. 42

Figure 4.3 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 1 ................... 43

Figure 4.4 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.99 .............. 43

Figure 4.5 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.97 .............. 44

Figure 4.6 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.96 .............. 44

Figure 4.7 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 1 ................. 45

Figure 4.8 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.99 ............ 46

Figure 4.9 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.97 ............ 46

Figure 4.10 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.96 .......... 47

Figure 4.11 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 1 ............. 48

Figure 4.12 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.99 ........ 48

Figure 4.13 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.97 ........ 49

Figure 4.14 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.96 ........ 49

Figure 4.15 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 1 .............................. 50

Figure 4.16 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.99 ......................... 51

Figure 4.17 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.97 ......................... 51

Figure 4.18 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.96 ......................... 52

Figure 4.19 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 1 ................................... 53

Figure 4.20 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 0.99 .............................. 53

Figure 4.21 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 0.97 .............................. 54

Figure 4.22 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 0.96 .............................. 54

Figure 4.23 Compression process path at various GVF for case B ......................................... 55

Figure 4.24 Gas volume fraction change at each pressure step i with total number of pressure
step = 10 for case B.................................................................................................................. 56

Figure 4.25 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 1.................. 57

Figure 4.26 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.99............. 57
Figure 4.27 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.97............. 58

Figure 4.28 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.96............. 58

Figure 4.29 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 1 ............... 59

Figure 4.30 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.99 .......... 60

Figure 4.31 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.97 .......... 60

Figure 4.32 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.96 .......... 61

Figure 4.33 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 1 ............. 62

Figure 4.34 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.99 ........ 62

Figure 4.35 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.97 ........ 63

Figure 4.36 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.96 ........ 64

Figure 4.37 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 1 ............................... 65

Figure 4.38 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.99 .......................... 65

Figure 4.39 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.97 .......................... 66

Figure 4.40 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.96 .......................... 66

Figure 5.1 Compression process path case A with bubble point and dew point line .............. 70

Figure 5.2 Compression process path case B with bubble point and dew point line ............... 70

Figure 5.3 Polytropic exponent in a p-v diagram (Courtesy of Moran et al., 2010)................ 71

Figure 5.4 Cooling effect in wet gas compression for case A ................................................. 72


Table 1 Separator gas and liquid compositions (Courtesy of McCain, 1990) ......................... 34

Table 2 C7+ properties (Courtesy of McCain, 1990)................................................................ 35

Table 3 Variation of inlet gas volume fraction case ................................................................ 35

Table 4 Case A parameter condition ........................................................................................ 37

Table 5 Case B inlet condition ................................................................................................. 38

Table 6 Initial compressor curve map ...................................................................................... 38

Table 7 Compressor test reference ........................................................................................... 39

Table 8 Summary case A ......................................................................................................... 67

Table 9 Summary case B ......................................................................................................... 67

Table 10 Comparison of wet gas compression using separator and without separator (case
A) .............................................................................................................................................. 68

Table 11 Comparison of wet gas compression using separator and without separator (case
B) .............................................................................................................................................. 68


As technology developed and giant gas/condensate field have been explored, major oil and
gas companies start to explore and develop mature and remote gas/condensate field (Knudsen
and Solvik, 2011). A big portion of remaining hydrocarbon reserve is located in remote deep
water area and harsh condition (Hjelmeland et al., 2011). Installing floating production
facilities on those areas is a big challenge. In case of mature gas field, the pressure has been
declined yielding lower production rate and increasing liquid content in the flow. Subsea wet
gas compression without preliminary separation process give a promising solution to those
problems by increasing the pressure and to avoid installing floating production facilities in
harsh condition.

Subsea wet gas compression gives many benefits such as increased recovery factor,
accelerated production, reduced CAPEX & OPEX, operation flexibility and HSE benefit
(Vinterst, 2014). Figure 1.1 shows the effect of installing subsea wet gas compressor on
field production. By installing compressor, production rate will increase and field life time
will be extended. In some case, CAPEX & OPEX is reduced because subsea wet gas
compressor eliminate the need of implementing expensive floating production facilities in
harsh offshore condition (Hjelmeland et al., 2011).

Figure 1.1 Effect of installing subsea wet gas compression to gas/condensate field performance
(Courtesy of Vinterst, 2014).

To give satisfying forecast of a gas condensate field project installed with subsea wet
gas compressor, a good compressor performance model for wet gas fluid should be used.
Currently no standard exist for wet gas compressor performance (Hundseid et al., 2008). For
dry gas, Schultz method (Schultz, 1962) gives satisfying result and already used in a standard
ISO 5389:2005. But for wet gas compression, Schultz method may not be accurate. It is
because in a wet gas fluid, the composition on each phase is changing from inlet condition
into outlet condition of the compressor as the pressure increase. Therefore, fluid properties
changes as gas compressed. Schultz made a simplification in his method by using average
gas properties at exit and outlet compressor. However, this assumption may have a significant
impact on the Schultz compressor performance that reduces accuracy of compressor
performance prediction (Hundseid et al, 2006).

The necessities of standard in wet gas compression encourage this project to conduct
a research in wet gas compression performance. This project will evaluate Huntington direct
integration method (Huntington, 1985) which originally for dry gas to be used in wet gas
compression calculation. Direct integration method predicted to be suitable for wet gas
compression since fluid properties change along compression is taken into account.


Compressors are a device to pass work to the fluid in order to change the state of the fluid,
generally to increase pressure and/or elevation (Moran et al., 2011). Fluid goes into the
compressor at low pressure. Inside the compressor, energy converted from electricity into
pressure energy. This conversion process in general convert electricity into kinetic energy to
a part of the compressor. This kinetic energy then transferred into the fluid and after several
processes, it produces higher pressure at outlet compressor. In depth how the process
occurred, depend on type of compressor.

2.1. Type of compressor

Compressor divided into two big groups which are positive displacement type and dynamic
type (Giampaolo, 2010). The positive displacement type and dynamic type is divided into
several types as seen in Figure 2.1. Positive displacement compressor types characteristic are
constant volume, variable energy, and not affected by gas characteristic. It is used for low
flow rate and/or low gas density. The dynamic compressors are variable volume, constant
energy, and influenced by gas characteristic (Forsthoffer, 2005).

Figure 2.1 Compressor type (Courtesy of Giampaolo, 2010).

Choosing the type of compressor to be used is depend on several factors such as flow
rate, pressure, cost and gas characteristic (Forsthoffer, 2005). Figure 2.2 show the range of
pressure and flow rate range for each compressor type. Beside flow range and pressure
criteria, cost also becomes an important factor. In general, dynamic compressor (centrifugal
and axial compressor) usually become the first choices since it have low maintenance cost.

Figure 2.2 Compressor application range (Courtesy of Boyce, 2003)

In oil and gas industries, the centrifugal compressor type is the most dominant type of
compressor that being used. It is because centrifugal compressor have high efficiency, can
handle high flow capacity and robust (Brenne et al, 2008; Guo et al, 2007).

The basic principle of centrifugal compressor is converting electrical energy into

kinetic energy and finally into fluid pressure. Figure 2.3 show the cross section of a
centrifugal compressor. Electricity converted by rotating shaft and moves the impeller. The
impeller transfer work into the gas and move the gas at high velocity. Gas moves into a
diffuser and slow the gas. Inside diffuser, gas kinetic energy converted into static pressure
(Guo et al, 2007).

Figure 2.3 Cross section of centrifugal compressor (Courtesy of petroleum extension service)

2.2. Basic thermodynamic of compression process

Work/head done by compressor can be represented by Equation 1 (Moran et al., 2011).

Equation 1:

Graphical representation of work described by Equation 1 can be seen in Figure 2.4. In the
figure, line A and B represent state change during compression process (for compression, the
arrow should be reversed). The initial and end point are the same for both lines. From
Equation 1, work done on compression process is area under curve pressure-volume which is
area under line A or B in Figure 2.4. It can be seen that work done in a compression process
depends on state change during entire compression process. It is not only depends on initial
and final state. Thus to find work in a compression process, the relation between pressure and
volume have to be known for the entire compression process.

Figure 2.4 Work in graphical representation (Courtesy of Moran et al., 2011)

Modeling an actual pressure-volume relation as Figure 2.4 in real compression

process is complicated. Energy loss during compressor such as caused by friction and heat
make it difficult. Therefore to make it simple, several assumptions have to be made and a
thermodynamic reference process is selected to approximate the real compression process
(ISO 5389, 2005). The reference processes in compression are (ISO 5389, 2005):

Isothermal (constant temperature): used for cooled compressor

Isentropic (constant entropy): for uncooled compressor in moderate pressure ratio (P2/P1)
Polytropic (constant polytropic ratio): for uncooled compressor in high pressure ratio
(P2/P1) and real gas

Figure 2.5 is pressure-volume relationship for three compression reference process

(ISO 5389, 2005). Initial state are point 1 for all reference process and final state are 2T, 2s,
and 2p for isothermal, isentropic, and polytropic respectively. From the figure it can be seen
that isothermal processes require the smallest work since area under pressure-volume curve is
the smallest one. This is the reason why compressor being cooled to increase compressor

Figure 2.5 Compressor reference processes (Courtesy of ISO 5389, 2005)

2.2.1. Isothermal compression

Isothermal compression is a compression at constant temperature. The relationship between

pressure and volume for isothermal compressions are:

Equation 2:

By using Equation 2 and Equation 1, specific head for isothermal compression is (ISO
5389, 2005):

Equation 3:

( )

Mean value of z between initial and final condition should be used in Equation 3:

With the definition of isothermal efficiency as (ISO 5389, 2005)

Equation 4:

2.2.1. Isentropic compression

Isentropic is an adiabatic reversible (no heat transfer, no friction loss) process (Moran et al.,
2011). Pressure-volume relationships for isentropic processes are:

Equation 5:

Using real gas equation, the relation between pressure and temperature become:

Equation 6:

( )

From Equation 5, Equation 6, and Equation 1 specific compression head for real gas
isentropic compression become (ISO 5389, 2005)

Equation 7:

[( ) ]

Mean value of k between initial and final condition in Equation 7 should use

Equation 8:

Figure 2.6 Show isentropic and actual compression process in a Mollier diagram
(Moran et al., 2011). It is shown that actual compression processes requires more energy
compared to isentropic process. The relation between actual compression and isentropic
compression related by isentropic efficiency:

Equation 9:

Figure 2.6 Comparison between isentropic and actual compression (Courtesy of Moran, 2011)

2.2.2. Polytropic compression

Polytropic compressions are compression with pressure-volume relationship defined by:

Equation 10:

In polytropic compression, the ratios of differential enthalpy to work for the entire
compression are constant and it is the same for all compression ratios (ISO 5389, 2005):

Using Equation 10 and Equation 1, the work of polytropic compression become:

Equation 11:

[( ) ]

From Equation 10, relation between pressure and temperature for real gas are:

Equation 12:

( )

The polytropic exponent n can be defined from (NEL Fluid Rep, 1959):

Equation 13

( ) ( )

Polytropic efficiency defined as (ISO 5389, 2005):

Equation 14

2.3. Compressor performance method

From three reference process described in section 2.2, polytropic process is widely used in
compressor performance calculation. Polytropic process is more appropriate since
performance variation due inlet condition is taken into account (Hundseid et al., 2006). Fot
isentropic reference process, the performance varies with different operating condition

(suction pressure). This variation is due to the deviation in isobar( ) . For

isothermal condition, it assumes constant temperature. This will cause inaccuracy since gas
temperature increase as pressure rise (except for compressor for cooler).

Even though polytropic reference process calculation already take into account effect
of different operating condition, it is still not good enough to predict compressor
performance. It is because Equation 11 was derived by assuming constant polytropic
exponent along the compression path. It is not true since polytropic exponent is a function of
polytropic efficiency and isentropic exponent, which is changing along compression path
(Hundseid et al., 2006).

To resolve the changing gas property along compression path, several authors propose
solution. There are three methods that widely used in industry. They are:

Schultz method (Schultz, 1962)

Huntington method (Huntington, 1985)
Reference/Direct integration method (Huntington, 1985)

2.3.1. Schultz method

To settle the issue of changing gas property along the path, Schultz propose new solution by
introducing new variable (Schultz, 1962). The new variable will take consideration the effect
of changing gas property along the path. In his solution, he still use polytropic compression
path, but add f factor (Schultz correction factor) into Equation 11. Schultz equation is used in
ISO 5389:2005 standard (ISO 5389, 2005). The modified equation is:

Equation 15:

[( ) ]

Schultz assumed that nv is constant along compression. To compensate this assumption, he

proposed a correction factor f. Where f is Schultz correction factor given by

Equation 16:

nv is given by

Equation 17:

( ) ( )

Where X and Y given by

Equation 18:

( )

Equation 19:

( )


Equation 20:


Equation 21:

When calculating , Schultz suggest to use the following equation

Equation 22:

The midpoint temperature and pressure are

Equation 23:

Equation 24:

2.3.2. Huntington method

Huntington uses the following formulation to improve the accuracy of compressor

performance calculation (Huntington, 1985):

Use polytropic path equation (Equation 25) when deriving his method

Equation 25:

Assume general relationship between pressure and compressibility factor along

compression path (Equation 26).

Equation 26:

( ) ( )

Huntington starts the derivation from Equation 25, Equation 26, and Maxwell
Equation 27 below to calculate polytropic efficiency (Equation 28).

Equation 27:

Equation 28:

( ) [( ) ] [ ( )]

The constant a, b, and c in Equation 26 are calculated from initial point, end point,
and intermediate point along the compression path. The intermediate pressure given by

Equation 29:

Initial guess of intermediate temperature given by

Equation 30:

The constant a, b, and c calculated by

Equation 31:

Equation 32:

[( ) ]

Equation 33:

( )

( )

Using above equation, head can be calculate by equation

Equation 34:

The error of this method can be further reduced by improve the midpoint temperature
estimate as follow

Equation 35:

[ ]

Equation 36:

( ) [( ) ] [ ( )]
{ }
( ) [( ) ] [ ( )]

Huntington found out that iteration of Tm once is enough to reduce variation of Tm to less
than 0.1 K.

2.3.3. Reference/direct integration method

In the same paper as section 2.3.2, Huntington calculates compression process by numerical
integration (Huntington, 1985). He divides the polytropic compression path into series of
small pressure steps. If the pressure step divided sufficiently small enough, compression work
at each step can be calculated by

Equation 37:


Equation 38:

Work/head calculation on each part calculated by trial and error. For the case where
initial pressure and temperature known, but only final pressure known an estimate of sub step
final temperature must be assumed. Head calculated by Equation 37 compared to head
calculated by Equation 38. The sub step final temperature is altered until Equation 37 equal to
Equation 38 (Huntington, 1985).

Total work calculated by this method is sum of each sub step work:

Equation 39:

2.4. Compressor curve map
Manufacturer of compressor give their compressor performance in a curve map. Figure 2.7
show typical compressor curve map of compressor. The abscissa is normalized volume flow
and the ordinate is head, discharge pressure, or pressure ratio. The solid lines represent
performance at several constant compressor speeds. The dashed curve in the middle is
constant efficiency curve. There is an optimum operating point as shown in the graph. The
operating point of the compressor must between surge limit and stonewall limit to avoid
damage or to avoid reduced efficiency (Hanlon, 2001).

Figure 2.7 Compressor curve map (Courtesy of Dresser-Rand)

Stonewall in Figure 2.7 is a condition which increasing capacity will give rapid
decrease in head as flow increased. This is occurred because fluid velocity approaching sound
velocity (M=1.0). When compressor operates at rate higher than stonewall limit, it will
reduce compressor efficiency and may damage the compressor (Hanlon, 2001).

Surge limit is peak head of compressor curve (Hanlon, 2001). If flow rate reduced
below surge limit, head will decrease. Surge will damage compressor and should be avoided.
When surge take place, nearly all of compressor component will reverse bended (Hanlon,

2.5. Effect of wet gas
Wet gas flow is defined by fluid with high gas volume fraction with liquid volume fraction up
to 5% (Hundseid et al., 2008). Wet gas fluid flow in gas condensate field usually flows as an
annular flow. Figure 2.8 show annular flow in horizontal pipe. Annular flow characterized by
very high gas velocity that moves in the center of pipe. Liquid will flow as a thin film
covering the pipe and as a droplet in the gas.

Figure 2.8 Annular flow (Courtesy of Schlumberger)

The presence of liquid alters compressor performance by momentum, heat, and mass
transfer between phases (Hundseid et al., 2008). In more detail, there are several phenomena
that will occur in wet gas compressor such as evaporate cooling, heat transfer, liquid
entrainment/deposition, and liquid film.

Two phenomena that will reduce temperature of the compressed fluid are evaporate
cooling and heat transfer (Hundseid et al., 2008). Evaporate cooling is a process of
evaporation of liquid into gas by heat transfer from gas phases into liquid phases. The phase
change event will result internal loss in the fluid and increase in entropy. The cooling effect
will take place even no phase change event occurred. This is because of high heat capacity of
the liquid phase.

Liquid entrainment is a situation that will reduce the total kinetic energy of the fluid
(Hundseid et al., 2008). The kinetic energy of the fluid will reduced if entrained liquid is
accelerated. And also, total kinetic energy is reduced if the droplets are move into the liquid

Liquid film in the compression process will increase frictional loss of the system
(Hundseid et al., 2008). It can be explained as follow. The liquid film will cover the surface
of impeller. This will increase the surface roughness due to liquid wave and droplet impact.
Another effect is the liquid film act as a blockage to the flow area. Both effects will further
increase friction loss in the system.

Figure 2.9 show effect of gas volume fraction to compressor performance (Hundseid
et al., 2008). The data obtained from experiment data using closed loop system at
StatoilHydro test facility. From the figures it can be seen that by increasing liquid content in
the flow, the specific polytropic head is reduced.

Figure 2.9 Effect of wet gas presence to specific polytropic head (Courtesy of Hundseid et al,

In the paper, Hundseid et al describe that the reduced specific polytropic head is
caused by the effect of high liquid density (mass flow), high flow rate, and compressibility
effect (Hundseid et al., 2008). Their calculation is based on direct integration method in
section 2.3.3. From Equation 37 it is clear that by increasing density, polytropic head will be

By performing compressor performance correction with compressibility and mass

flow effect, the performance between dry and wet gas flow can be directly compared
(Hundseid et al, 2008). The mass flow correction was done by comparing mass flow in a dry
condition to wet gas condition. For compressibility correction, Woods correction method
was used (Wood, 1994). The result of the mass correction shown in Figure 2.10, while the
Woods correction result shown in Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.10 Mass flow corrected specific polytropic head (Courtesy of Hundseid et al, 2008)

Figure 2.11 Wood s corrected specific polytropic head (Courtesy of Hundseid et al, 2008)

2.6. Compressor off design operation

Data of compressor curve map in Figure 2.7 was gathered from test reference condition at
certain operating condition which may differ from actual operating condition. The difference
between test reference condition and actual condition (off design) can affect compressor
curve map in a considerable amount (Hanlon, 2001). Any change in inlet condition such as
pressure, temperature, and gas composition can change head in the curve.

Figure 2.12 show the effect of different fluid density into compressor curve (Hanlon,
2001). From the figure it can be seen that by increasing density, the head curve will increase.

Figure 2.12 Effect of fluid density to compressor curve (Courtesy of Hanlon, 2001)

2.7. Compressor off design correction

As discussed in section before, actual inlet condition may differ from compressor test
reference/design condition (off design). If this is the case, compressor curve map should be
corrected (Boyce, 2003). In off design operational condition, some value should be corrected
into design/reference condition. There are several methods to do this correction. The method
that widely used for this correction is dimensional analysis method. Another method being
considered is an iterative method from Ma et al (Ma et al., 2013).

2.7.1. Dimensional analysis method

The corrections of compressor performance are based on dimensional analysis. The following
equations are used to correct compressor parameter (Boyce, 2003):

Equation 40 (corrected compressor mass flow):

Equation 41 (corrected compressor volume flow):

Equation 42 (corrected speed):

Equation 43 (corrected power):

Equation 44 (corrected adiabatic or polytropic head):

Equation 45 (corrected pressure):

Equation 46 (corrected temperature):

2.7.2. Iterative method

Ma et al (2013) propose a new procedure for off design compressor operation by iterative
method. Figure 2.13 show general correction procedure by iterative method. First task is to
transform operating inlet condition into test reference condition. After correcting operating
inlet condition into reference test condition, the discharge condition is calculated iteratively
based on corrected inlet condition. The final procedures are to recalculate polytropic head,
power, and efficiency based on corrected inlet condition.

Figure 2.13 Basic procedure for off design correction by iterative method (Courtesy of Ma et al,

In the paper, they claimed that this method eliminate some limitation in ASME-PTC-
10(ASME, 1998) standard. The limitations of the standard are it does not account the change
in pressure and temperature change in the inlet, thus it cannot be applied in general case.
Another limitation of the standard is it requires complex input data to do the correction.

The detailed procedures of iterative method are the following:

1. Calculate average inlet-outlet gas property. n, k, X, Y which are calculated from

Equation 17, Equation 18, Equation 19, and Equation 21

Equation 47:

Equation 48:

Equation 49:

Equation 50:

2. Transforming inlet condition (pressure, temperature, and composition) into test

reference condition. Then calculate n1c, k1c, X1c, and Y1c at corrected inlet condition
by gas properties, Equation 17, Equation 18, Equation 19, and Equation 21

Equation 51:

Equation 52:

Equation 53:

3. Calculate nc initial

Equation 54:

[ ]

4. Set nc = nc initial

Equation 55:

5. Calculate corrected discharge condition

Equation 56:

( )

Equation 57:

( )

6. Calculate corrected outlet discharge properties (z factor, enthalpy, specific heat

capacity, and molecular weight).
7. Calculate polytropic exponent at corrected discharge condition and assume pc=p

Equation 58:

( ) ( )

8. Calculate average corrected inlet-outlet polytropic exponent

Equation 59:

9. Repeat step 5-8 100 with new nc calculated from Equation 59.

10. Calculate Schultz correction factor f by

Equation 60:


Equation 61:

11. Calculate polytropic head hpc

Equation 62:

12. Correct speed and mass flow using fan law (Godse, 2006).

Equation 63:

Equation 64:

13. Calculate power

Equation 65:


The objectives of this paper are:

1. Review direct integration method (Huntington, 1985) to be used in wet gas

compressor performance.
2. Review off design correction in wet gas compressor
3. Effect of wet gas to compressor performance
4. Identify how HYSYSTM software calculate wet gas compression

To accomplish the objectives, compressor performance (Schultz method, direct

integration method) and off design correction method (Dimensional analysis, iterative
method) described in section 2 was programmed in ExcelTM visual basic. The fluid properties
were calculated using HYSYSTM Peng-Robinson equation of state and used as input to
calculate compressor performance.

3.1. Data input

3.1.1. Fluid properties

Table 1 show fluid properties data used as input in this project. The fluid is a typical wet
gas/gas condensate hydrocarbon fluid (McCain, 1990). The table consists of separator gas
compositions and separator liquid compositions. Table 2 show the property of C 7+ component

Table 1 Separator gas and liquid compositions (Courtesy of McCain, 1990)

Fluid compositions
Mole fraction Mole fraction
separator gas separator liquid

C1 0.837 0.0869
C2 0.096 0.0569
C3 0.046 0.0896
i-C4 0.006 0.0276
n-C4 0.009 0.0539
i-C5 0.003 0.0402
n-C5 0.002 0.0400
n-C6 0.001 0.0782
C7+ 0.000 0.5267
Mw total 19.68 83.84

Table 2 C7+ properties (Courtesy of McCain, 1990)

Molecular weight Specific gravity

properties Lb/lb mole
113 0.837

To observe the effect of different GVF (Gas volume fraction) on compressor

performance, several cases of fluid properties were created in HYSYSTM with different molar
flow from each separator gas and liquid and mix them in a mixture (Figure 3.1). The
variations of GVF are shown in Table 3. All fluid properties were calculated using HYSYS TM
by Peng-Robinson equation of state.

Figure 3.1 Process flow diagram of mixing liquid and gas phase

Table 3 Variation of inlet gas volume fraction case

Cases 1 2 3 4
Gas volume fraction (at inlet
1 0.99 0.97 0.96
condition Case A and B)

Gas molar flow (kgmole/hr) 1500 1429 1364 1304

Liquid molar flow (kgmole/hr) 0 71 136 196

mole mole mole mole
Mixture component
fraction fraction fraction fraction
C1 0.837 0.801 0.769 0.739
C2 0.096 0.094 0.092 0.091
C3 0.046 0.048 0.050 0.052
i-C4 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009
n-C4 0.009 0.011 0.013 0.015
i-C5 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.008
n-C5 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.007
n-C6 0.001 0.005 0.008 0.011
C7+ 0.000 0.025 0.048 0.069

3.1.2. Calculation cases and workflow

Figure 3.2 shows general flowchart for calculating compressor performance. In summary, the
first thing to do is to check whether compressor test design condition differ from operating
condition. If it is different, then the compressor curve map needs to be corrected by
dimensional analysis method or iterative method. If no correction needed, the calculation
goes directly into compressor performance calculation by Schultz method (Schultz, 1962) or
direct integration method (Huntington, 1985). The final outputs are compressor performance,
outlet condition, or head.

Figure 3.2 Flowchart of compressor performance calculation

In this project, two cases of compressor calculation were created (Figure 3.2). The
first case (case A) is compressor performance calculation without compressor curve map, and
second case (Case B) is case with compressor curve map. On both cases, fluid properties
were varied according to Table 3 and produce fluid variation case in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 Compressor performance cases

Table 4 gives input parameter such as inlet condition, compressor efficiency, and
outlet pressure for case A. In this case, no compressor curve map was given and compressor
test reference condition is assumed to be the same with actual condition. Thus, no off design
correction needs to be done.

Table 4 Case A parameter condition

Case A parameter (without compressor curve)

Inlet condition Compressor properties Outlet condition
P1 700.0 psia efficiency 75 % P2 1000 psia
T1 563.0 R
molarflow 500 kgmole/hr

For case B, the inlet condition is given by Table 5. Table 6 and Figure 3.4 is the
compressor curve map tested at condition described in Table 7. When performing compressor
curve map, dry gas composition in Table 3 was used as test fluid. As can be seen from Table
5 and Table 7, the reference test condition and actual condition is different. Thus, off design
correction need to be done in this case.

Table 5 Case B inlet condition

Case B parameter (with compressor curve)

Inlet condition
P1 500.0 psia
T1 563.0 R
molarflow 1500 kgmole/hr

Table 6 Initial compressor curve map

Compressor curve at initial condition

Volume flow Head original Efficiency
act m3/hr m %
781 7680 69.20
838 7575 72.00
896 7481 72.48
950 7347 72.58
1008 7153 73.08
1062 6717 72.46
1070 6588 71.99
1119 5858 69.39
1148 4957 62.91

Figure 3.4 Compressor curve performance map

Table 7 Compressor test reference

Compressor test reference

Ptest 530.0000 psia
Ttest 580.0 R
Mw test 19.683 kg/kg-mole

The calculation for off design correction is using iterative method described in section
2.7.2. The off design result from iterative method will be compared with dimensional analysis
method described in section 2.7.1.

For compressor performance calculation, both Schultz method and direct integration
method will be calculated. The calculation procedures have been described in section 2.3.1
and 2.3.3. The direct integration method needs to be programmed to facilitate large step size.
ExcelTM visual basic program for direct integration method is on Appendix. Result from
direct integration method will be compared by Schultz method calculated by HYSYSTM.

It is desired to know how HYSYSTM calculate wet gas compressor performance. One
hypothesis is that the wet gas compression can be represented by compression on of each
phase separately as seen in Figure 3.5. In the figure, the wet gas fluid will be separated before
being compressed. Vapor phase goes into compressor while liquid phase goes into pump.
After both fluids being compressed, the fluids will be mixed again. The result of this method
will be compared with normal compression without separator as seen in Figure 3.6. Schultz
method will be used to calculate both compressor performances.

Figure 3.5 Compressor performance calculation with separator

Figure 3.6 Compressor performance calculation without separator


As described in previous section, two cases was created (Case A and B) in this project. On
each case, the fluid gas volume fraction properties were varied according to Table 3. The
difference between case A and case B is the data input and off design correction. In case A,
no compressor curve map was given and no off design correction. For case B, the input data
are compressor curve and off design correction need to be done in case B. In both case, the
result of gas compression using prior separator and no separator will also be compared.

4.1. Case A
Figure 4.1 show compression path graph (pressure-molar volume diagram) for case A with
various gas volume fraction (GVF=1, GVF=0.98, GVF=0.97, GVF=0.96). Fluid compressed
from 700 psia to 1000 psia. The pressure-volume data was gathered using direct integration
method at 1, 10, and 60 total pressure step size. The direct integration method compression
path compared with Schultz method in the graph.

Figure 4.1 Compression process path at various GVF for case A

Figure 4.2 shows fluid properties (gas volume fraction) change on each pressure step
as the fluid compressed from initial pressure into final pressure for case A. Each point in the
graph calculated using direct integration method with total pressure step size equal to 10.
Four initial GVF (GVF=1, GVF= 0.99, GVF=0.97, and GVF=0.96) cases also shown in the

Figure 4.2 Gas volume fraction change at each pressure step i with total number of pressure
step = 10 for case A

Figure 4.3 through Figure 4.6 Show polytropic exponent change as the pressure step
increase toward final pressure for case A. The graph show direct integration calculation data
for various gas volume fractions (GVF) at total pressure step size of 1, 4, 10, 18, 30, and 60.
The figures also show Schultz polytropic exponent parameter as a line (Schultz polytropic
exponent is not a function of pressure step size, but it is shown in the figure for comparison

Figure 4.3 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 1

Figure 4.4 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.5 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.6 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.96

Direct integration method calculation requires Equation 37 and Equation 38 equal.
The difference between those equation calculated by Equation 66 below. The calculated
errors and total specific head for case A shown in Figure 4.7 through Figure 4.10 below.

Equation 66:

Figure 4.7 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 1

Figure 4.8 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.9 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.10 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.96

Figure 4.11 through Figure 4.14 show the result of calculated total specific head and
power using Schultz and direct integration method with various gas volume fractions (GVF)
for case A. The abscissa represents total pressure step size in direct integration method. The
ordinate show total specific head and power required to compress the gas.

Figure 4.11 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 1

Figure 4.12 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.13 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.14 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case A GVF = 0.96

Figure 4.15 through Figure 4.18 show percentage of calculated specific head at each
pressure step relative to total specific head for case A. The percentages are calculated by
Equation 67 below

Equation 67:

Specific head on each pressure step are calculated by Equation 38. Data from various
gas volume fraction and several total pressure step size (6, 8, and 10) also shown in the

Figure 4.15 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 1

Figure 4.16 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.17 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.18 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case A GVF = 0.96

4.2. Case B
In case B, compressor curve map is an input and actual condition are different from test
reference condition (see Table 5 and Table 7). The compressor curve map needs to be
corrected first before used as calculation. Figure 4.19 through Figure 4.22 show the original
compressor curve map and corrected compressor curve map for various GVF (GVF=1,
GVF=0.99, GVF=0.97, and GVF=0.96). Compressor curve map corrected using dimensional
analysis method and iterative method described in section 2.7.1 and 2.7.2.

Figure 4.19 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 1

Figure 4.20 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.21 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.22 Original vs corrected compressor curve, case B GVF = 0.96

Figure 4.23 shows compression process path calculated using corrected compressor
curve with direct integration method. Fluid compressed from initial pressure of 500 psia into
final pressure. In the figure, compression processes of four different fluid properties (gas
volume fraction) are shown. Data shown in the figure are for direct integration method with
total pressure step size of 1, 10, and 25. Schultz compression path also shown in the figure.

Figure 4.23 Compression process path at various GVF for case B

Figure 4.24 shows fluid properties (gas volume fraction) change on each pressure step
as the fluid compressed from initial pressure into final pressure for case B. Data in the graph
calculated by direct integration method with total pressure step size of 10. Four initial gas
volume fraction (GVF=1, GVF= 0.99, GVF=0.97, and GVF=0.96) cases also shown in the

Figure 4.24 Gas volume fraction change at each pressure step i with total number of pressure
step = 10 for case B

Figure 4.25 through Figure 4.28 show polytropic exponent on each pressure step size
for case B. The data show calculation result using direct integration method at total pressure
step size of 1, 4, 10, and 18. Four different fluid properties (GVF=1, GVF=0.99, GVF=0.97,
GVF=0.96) calculation result also shown in the graphs. In addition, Schultz polytropic
exponent also show in the figure.

Figure 4.25 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 1

Figure 4.26 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.27 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.28 Polytropic exponent change at each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.96

Figure 4.29 through Figure 4.32 show calculated error using Equation 66 with various
initial gas volume fraction (GVF=1, GVF=0.99, GVF=0.97, GVF=0.96). The abscissa in the
figure is total pressure step size. The ordinate show calculated error and total specific head
calculated by direct integration method.

Figure 4.29 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 1

Figure 4.30 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.31 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.32 Calculated head and error vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.96

Figure 4.33 through Figure 4.34 shows calculated total specific head and power using
direct integration method and Schultz method for case B. Calculated data using four initial
gas volume fractions are also shown in the figures. The abscissa show total pressure step size
in direct integration method. The ordinate show total specific head and power required to
compress the fluid. Calculated compressor performance using Schultz method shown as a
line in the figure as comparison purpose only. Actually, Schultz method is not a function of
total pressure step size.

Figure 4.33 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 1

Figure 4.34 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.35 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.36 Calculated head and power vs total pressure step size, case B GVF = 0.96

Figure 4.37 through Figure 4.40 show head percentage on each step calculated by
Equation 67 for various gas volume fraction (GVF=1, GVF=0.99, GVF=0.97, GVF=0.96).
Data shown in the figure are calculated from direct integration method with total pressure
step size of 6, 8, and 10.

Figure 4.37 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 1

Figure 4.38 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.99

Figure 4.39 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.97

Figure 4.40 Percentage of head on each pressure step i, case B GVF = 0.96

Table 8 and Table 9 show summary of compressor performance for case A and case
B. Direct integration method data are shown using total pressure step size of 10. The head
and power difference between Schultz method and direct integration method calculated by
using the following equations Equation 68 and Equation 69

Equation 68:

Equation 69:

Table 8 Summary case A

Total Case A
step size
Parameter Method
(For direct GVF=1 GVF=0.99 GVF=0.97 GVF=0.96
Total specific head (Kj/Kg) integration 10 43.3 35.3 30.0 26.1
Schultz - 43.2 35.2 30.1 26.1
Power (kW) integration 10 157.5 148.3 141.6 135.7
Schultz - 157.5 148.2 141.7 135.5
specific head
Schultz-direct - -
integration (%) -0.02% -0.19% 0.28% -0.20%
power Schultz-direct
- -
integration (%) -0.01% -0.10% 0.08% -0.13%

Table 9 Summary case B

Total Case B
step size
Parameter Method
(For direct GVF=1 GVF=0.99 GVF=0.97 GVF=0.96
Total specific head (Kj/Kg)
integration 10 76.9 81.9 105.0 127.5

Schultz - 72.8 82.8 112.8 143.6
Power (kW) integration 10 902.4 1184.0 1920.7 2789.4
Schultz - 817.1 1081.9 1725.8 2587.3
specific head
Schultz-direct - -
integration (%) -5.24% 1.08% 7.46% 12.63%
power Schultz-direct
- -
integration (%) -9.45% -8.63% -10.15% -7.24%

Table 10 and Table 11 show result of compression of wet gas using separator and
without separator as in Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6. For case A, the difference between wet gas
compression with separator and without separator are calculated by Equation 70 below

Equation 70:

Table 10 Comparison of wet gas compression using separator and without separator (case A)


Gas volume fraction GVF=0.99 GVF=0.97 GVF=0.96

Compressor (vapour 100%) 149 141 134

power Use separator Pump (liquid 100%) 2 4 6
(kw) Total 151 146 140
Without separator Total 148 142 136
power seprator-without separator (%) -2% -3% -3%

Table 11 Comparison of wet gas compression using separator and without separator (case B)


Gas volume fraction GVF=0.99 GVF=0.97 GVF=0.96

Compressor (vapour 100%) 910 1242 1616

power Use separator Pump (liquid 100%) 10 20 30
(kw) Total 920 1263 1646
Without separator Total 1082 1726 2587

power seprator-without separator (%) 18% 37% 57%


Figure 4.19 through Figure 4.22 show that as gas volume fraction decrease, corrected head
for case B increased and the deviation between dimensional analysis methods with iterative
method increasing. As gas volume fraction decrease, molecular weight increase (more liquid
present in the mixture). Increasing molecular weight relative to test reference condition will
lead to increasing head, which is consistent with Figure 2.12. Correction method using
dimensional analysis and iterative method give different result as molecular weight increase.
This is because of fluid in test reference condition is using dry gas composition. As gas
molecular weight increase, the molecular weight difference between actual and test reference
condition become larger. And both methods may not be accurate for large deviation.

From pressure-molar volume graph in Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.23 (case A and B) it
can be seen that as gas volume fraction decrease, the compression path move to the left. This
is because the presence of hydrocarbon liquid which is heavier (high density) than gas at the
same pressure and temperature.

Figure 4.1 also show that there is no visible difference of compression path in case A
using different total pressure step size (1, 10, and 60) and Schultz method.

For case B in Figure 4.23, final compressor outlet pressure increases with decreasing
gas volume fraction. This is because of in case B, corrected curve head is higher at low gas
volume fraction. Thus, it will give higher compressor discharge pressure. The presence of
liquid also increase discharge pressure.

As can be seen in Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.24 (case A and B), gas volume fraction
(GVF) is decreasing with increasing pressure step size at initial gas volume fraction less than
1. This event can be described in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2. The figures show compression
process path in a pressure-volume diagram with bubble point and dew point line. It can be
seen that as the pressure increase, fluid states move closer to the bubble point line. Therefore,
an increase in liquid content is expected.

Figure 5.1 Compression process path case A with bubble point and dew point line

Figure 5.2 Compression process path case B with bubble point and dew point line

Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.24 (case A and B) also shows that the change in gas volume
fraction is bigger at lower GVF. At lower gas volume fraction, polytropic exponent values
become smaller (See Figure 4.3 through Figure 4.6 for case A and Figure 4.25 through Figure

4.28 for case B). Lower polytropic exponent implies higher molar volume change as pressure
change (See Figure 5.3). Accordingly, the fluid state moves faster into bubble point line
(lower gas volume fraction/higher liquid content).

Figure 5.3 Polytropic exponent in a p-v diagram (Courtesy of Moran et al., 2010)

Figure 4.3 through Figure 4.6(case A) and Figure 4.25 through Figure 4.28(case B)
show that polytopic exponent increase as pressure step increases. The increase of polytropic
exponent was caused by changing property of fluid as pressure and temperature increase. As
discussed before, more liquid will form at higher pressure. Properties of gas and liquid are
different, thus it will also contribute to the change of polytropic exponent by altering mixture

From Figure 4.7 through Figure 4.10(case A) and Figure 4.29 through Figure 4.32
(case B) show that there is an optimum number of total pressure step size in direct integration
method. From section 2.3.3 it is described that Equation 37 and Equation 38 must equal, the
difference between the equations was calculated from Equation 66. At low total number of
pressure step size, the error calculated by Equation 66 is large (up to 1.5%). It is because the
small pressure step size cannot take into account change in fluid properties. But at high

number of pressure step size, the calculated head become divergence because of numerical
error (for case A only). From the figures, the optimum number of total pressure step size is
equal to 10 (calculated error approaching 0%).

Table 8 show that calculated head decreased with increasing gas volume fraction for
case A. As described in section 2.5, factors that causing decrease in head with increasing
GVF is evaporate cooling and heat transfer. From Figure 4.2 it is clear that evaporate cooling
is occurred as gas compressed. The result of evaporate cooling is decreased temperature with
more liquid in fluid mixture as can be seen in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4 Cooling effect in wet gas compression for case A

For case B in Table 9, as gas volume fraction decreased, calculated head is increasing.
This is because of in case B, compression ratio becomes higher at low gas volume fraction
(see Figure 4.23). Thus it will need more head to compress the fluid.

From Table 8, Table 9, Figure 4.11 through Figure 4.14, and Figure 4.33 through
Figure 4.36 show that Schultz method and direct integration head give different results.
Schultz method give lower head and power compared to direct integration method except for
GVF=0.97. Schultz methods give lower result because polytropic exponent in Schultz is

lower compared to entire direct integration methods polytropic exponent (See Figure 4.3
through Figure 4.6 for case A and Figure 4.25 through Figure 4.28 for case B). But
calculated head in Schultz method will be corrected by Schultz correction factor f.

Figure 4.15 through Figure 4.18 (case A) and Figure 4.37 through Figure 4.40 (case
B) show that as pressure step increase, calculated head will slightly increase on each pressure
step. It is caused by changing fluid properties as pressure and temperature increase. As
discussed before, as pressure step increase polytropic exponent will increase. From section
2.2 it is clear that increasing polytropic exponent will increase calculated head.

The results in Table 10 and Table 11 show that HYSYSTM does not calculate wet gas
compression where each phase compressed separately using compressor (for vapor) and
pump (for liquid) as seen in Figure 3.5. For case A, the difference between compression using
separator and without separator is up to -3%. For case B the difference is larger (up to 57%).
Therefore, HYSYSTM calculate wet gas compression by considering interaction between
liquid and vapor phase.


Compressor performance running at off design condition will have large deviation
from original tested performance, therefor it needs correction. The correction can be done by
using iterative method or dimensional analysis method. Both methods give the same result if
the difference between test condition and actual condition is small. At large difference
between actual and reference condition, both method give significantly different result.
Accordingly, corrected compressor performance becomes uncertain.

In a wet gas compression, fluid composition is changing as pressure and temperature

increase toward discharge pressure. As gas become compressed, more liquid will be presence
in the mixture. Gas and liquid have different properties that will affect mixture properties.
This condition will alter compressor performance.

The presence of liquid in compressor will reduce specific head of the compressor.
Specific head reduced because of liquid having higher density compared to gas. Another
factor that reduces compressor specific head is evaporate cooling and heat transfer effect. The
presence of liquid will cool off the fluid since it has high heat capacity.

Direct integration method is much more appropriate for application in wet gas
compression compared to Schultz. This is due to changing fluid properties as wet gas
compressed. The direct integration method calculation will take consideration of changing
fluid properties as pressure goes up. In Schultz method, fluid properties change does not
completely taken into account. It only uses average fluid properties and add Schultz
correction factor.

There is an optimum number of total pressure step size in calculation using direct
integration method. If the pressure step size is too low, compressor performance accuracy is
low because of changing fluid properties does not well represented in the calculation. If the
total pressure step size is too high, there will be numerical error. The optimum number of
total pressure step size is when head calculated by enthalpy difference and head calculated by
molar volume- pressure is nearly equal.

HYSYTM software calculates wet gas compression performance by considering

interaction between liquid and gas phase. This statement proved by separating gas and liquid
before fluid compressed. Then the result compared with compression of wet gas without prior

separation. The result between case with separator and without separator gives large

It would be interesting to compare calculated performance using direct integration

method with actual wet gas compression experiment. By comparing compressor performance
calculation with real data, the accuracy of direct integration method will be discovered. The
experiment result will become foundation in wet gas compression calculation.

Another improvement that can be done in wet gas compressor performance

calculation is correction for off design operation in wet gas compression condition. In gas
condensate field, fluid properties will change significantly with decreasing pressure.
Therefore, actual and test reference condition will be different over time and will affect gas
condensate field performance. This condition need attention since current off design
correction accuracy will be reduced if the deviation is large. Good prediction of wet gas
compression performance is required in developing gas condensate field


a = Huntington equation constant

b = Huntington equation constant

c = Huntington equation constant

f = Schultz correction factor

h = Specific molar enthalpy, kj/kgmole

HP = Power, j/s

k = Isentropic exponent

MW = Molecular weight

n = Polytropic exponent

N = Compressor speed of rotation, rpm [1/s]

p = Pressure, psi [bar]

q = Heat flow, kJ

Q = Volume flow, m3/h [m3/s]

R = Gas constant, 8.3143 kj/kgmole-K

s = Specific entropy, kj/kgmole-C

S = Entropy, j/K

T = Temperature, C [K]

V = Volume, m3

v = Molar volume, m3/kgmole

W = Work, J

X = Compressibility function

Y = Compressibility function

z = Compressibility factor

= Efficiency, % [fraction]

= Mass flow, kg/s

= Difference


1 = Inlet condition

2 = Outlet condition

act = Actual

avg = Average

corr = Corrected

h = Huntington method

i = Pressure step i

m = Midpoint

p = Polytropic

P = Isobar

r = Reference/direct integration method

ref = Reference condition

s = Isentropic

S = Schultz method

T = Isothermal

t = Total

v = Volume corrected


c = Corrected


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Public hyApp As HYSYS.Application

Public simCase As SimulationCase

Public inlet As ProcessStream

Public outlet As ProcessStream

Public compressor As CompressOp

Public compcor As CompressOp

Public table As PropertyTable

Public cmprCurves As CompExpCurves, cmprCurvescor As CompExpCurves

Public curve1 As CompExpCurve, curvecor1 As CompExpCurve

Public hyfluid As Fluid

Public RealIsentropicCompression As CompressOp, CorrectedIsentropicCompression As

CompressOp, comp As CompressOp

Public Sub calculate_int()

Dim fileName As String

Dim Inletpress As Double, Outletpress As Double

Dim inlettemp As Double, outlettemp As Double

Dim outletenthalpy As Double

Dim molarflow As Double

Dim compositions As Variant

Dim effi As Variant, efficiency As Variant

Dim head As Variant

Dim volflow As Variant

Dim curves As String

Dim N As Integer

connect with H S S

Set hyApp = CreateObject("HYSYS.Application")

hyApp.Visible = True

Set simCase = hyApp.ActiveDocument

If simCase Is Nothing Then

fileName = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Filename_int")

If fileName <> "False" And simCase Is Nothing Then

Set simCase = GetObject(fileName, "HYSYS.SimulationCase")

simCase.Visible = True

End If

End If


'Clear Content



Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select



'topleft of calculation table

rowcalc = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Calc_Int").Row

colcalc = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Calc_Int").Column

'topleft of number of step table

rowstep = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Step_Int").Row

colstep = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Step_Int").Column

'Topleft of result table

rowresult = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Result_Table").Row

colresult = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Result_Table").Column

'top left of compressor curve



Sizecurve = Worksheets("Integration").Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count

rowcurve = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Topleft_Curve_Int_Ref").Row

colcurve = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Topleft_Curve_Int_Ref").Column

'topleft of real composition table



sizecomp = Worksheets("Integration").Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count

rowcomp = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Topleft_Comp_Int").Row

colcomp = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Topleft_Comp_Int").Column

'topleft of reference composition table



sizecomp_ref = Worksheets("Integration").Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count

rowcomp_ref = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Topleft_Comp_Int_Ref").Row

colcomp_ref = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Topleft_Comp_Int_Ref").Column

'topleft of curve correction calculation table

rowcalc_curve = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Calc_Curve_Int").Row

colcalc_curve = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Calc_Curve_Int").Column

'Count Column calculation table



size_col_calc = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Count

'step = Loop for step to reach final pressure

'number = loop for each step package

step = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowstep, colstep).Value

number = Worksheets("Integration").Range("Number_step_Int").Value

'top left of curve correction result

row_curve_result = Worksheets("Curve correction result").Range("Curve_corr_Result_Int").Row

col_curve_result = Worksheets("Curve correction result").Range("Curve_corr_Result_Int").Column

'top left of curve correction result at step i

row_curve_result_stepi = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Curve_Res_Int").Row

col_curve_result_stepi = Worksheets("Integration").Range("TopLeft_Curve_Res_Int").Column


row_curveRPM_result = Worksheets("Curve correction result").Range("RPM_Curve_Res").Row

col_curveRPM_result = Worksheets("Curve correction result").Range("RPM_Curve_Res").Column

'g and h is column in curve correction result


h = col_curveRPM_result

'loop for different number of integration step (to the right)

For y = 1 To number

k = colcalc + ((size_col_calc + 1) * (y - 1))

'copy molar flow to cells B



'Input real composition to inlet integration condition hysys

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

compositions = inlet.ComponentMolarFractionValue

For item = 0 To (sizecomp - 1)

compositions(item) = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcomp + item, colcomp).Value

Next item

inlet.ComponentMolarFraction.Values = compositions

'Input real composition to outlet integration condition hysys

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet Integration Temp")

compositions = inlet.ComponentMolarFractionValue

For item = 0 To (sizecomp - 1)

compositions(item) = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcomp + item, colcomp).Value

Next item

inlet.ComponentMolarFraction.Values = compositions

'get Molecular weight

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Range("MW_INT").Value = inlet.MolecularWeight.GetValue("")


'copy initial guess of compressor efficiency to calculation table

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 13).Value =


' integration step size

step = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowstep, colstep + (y - 1)).Value

'loop for each step (in a integration step)

For z = 1 To step




'write step in calculation table

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k).Value = z

'write initial pressure and temperature in calculation table

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc, k + 1).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc, k + 2).Value =

'write inlet pressure at each step in calculation table

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z), k + 1).Value =
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 1).Value *
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowstep + 1, colstep + (y - 1)).Value


'set inlet pressure

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

Inletpress = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 1).Value

inlet.Pressure.SetValue Inletpress, "psia"

'Input inlet temperature to hysys

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

inlettemp = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 2).Value

inlet.Temperature.SetValue inlettemp, "R"

'Input mass flow to hysys

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

molarflow = Worksheets("Integration").Range("molarflow_int").Value

inlet.molarflow.SetValue molarflow, "kgmole/h"


'get inlet molar enthalpy

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 3).Value =


'get inlet molar entropy

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 4).Value =


'get inlet Cp/Cv

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 5).Value = inlet.CpCv.GetValue("")

'get molar density

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 6).Value =



'input expander efficiency

Set compressor = simCase.Flowsheet.Operations.item("Integration")

efficiency = 100

'efficiency = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 7).Value

compressor.CompPolytropicEff.SetValue efficiency

'input outlet pressure (Use pressure ratio)

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet Integration")

Outletpress = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z), k + 1).Value

outlet.Pressure.SetValue Outletpress, "psia"


'get outlet isentropic molar enthalpy

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 7).Value =


'get outlet isentropic molar entropy

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 8).Value =


'get outlet Cp/Cv

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 9).Value = outlet.CpCv.GetValue("")

'###### GET EFFICIENCY ######

'input expander efficiency

Set compressor = simCase.Flowsheet.Operations.item("Integration")

efficiency = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 13).Value

compressor.CompPolytropicEff.SetValue efficiency

'Get adiabatic efficiency

Set compressor = simCase.Flowsheet.Operations.item("Integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 14).Value =

'####### CALCULATE AVERAGE K ############

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 11).Value =

(Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 9).Value +
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 5).Value) / 2


'calculate dh isentropic

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 15).Value =

(Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 7).Value -
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 3).Value)

'calculate dh isentropic/adiabatic eff

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 16).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 15).Value /
(Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 14).Value / 100)

'calculate dh

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 17).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 16).Value *
(Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 13).Value / 100)

'polytropic fluid head

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 18).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 17).Value /

'polytropic head

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 19).Value =
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 18).Value * 1000 /

'Calculate outlet enthalpy

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 21).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 16).Value +
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 3).Value


'set outlet pressure (find temperature, known pressure and enthalpy)

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet Integration Temp")

Outletpress = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z), k + 1).Value

outlet.Pressure.SetValue Outletpress, "psia"

'write outlet pressure on excel

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 23).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z), k + 1).Value

'set outlet molar enthalpy (find temperature, known pressure and enthalpy)

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet Integration Temp")

outletenthalpy = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 21).Value

outlet.MolarEnthalpy.SetValue outletenthalpy, "kj/kgmole"

'get outlet temperature (find temperature, known pressure and enthalpy)

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet Integration Temp")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 22).Value =


'get molar density

Set outlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Outlet Integration Temp")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 10).Value =


'get mass flow rate

Set inlet = simCase.Flowsheet.MaterialStreams.item("Inlet integration")

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 24).Value =


'Calculate Power

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 25).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 15).Value *
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 24).Value /
(Worksheets("Integration").Range("MW_INT").Value * 3600 *
(Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 14).Value / 100))

'####### CALCULATE vdp (Polytropic fluid head) ###############

'calculate average v

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 12).Value = (1 /

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 10).Value + 1 /
Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 6).Value) / 2

'vdp (polytropic fluid head)

DeltaP = (Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z), k + 1).Value -

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 1).Value) * 6.894757 * 1000

densityaverage = (Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 12).Value) /


Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 20).Value = DeltaP * densityaverage /



Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z), k + 2).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 22).Value

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z), k + 13).Value =

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (z - 1), k + 13).Value

Next z

'######### CALCULATE TOTAL HEAD AND POWER ##########

sum_head = 0

sum_power = 0

vdeltap = 0

i_sum = 1

For i_sum = 1 To z

sum_head = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (i_sum - 1), k + 18).Value + sum_head

sum_power = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (i_sum - 1), k + 25).Value + sum_power

vdeltap = Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowcalc + (i_sum - 1), k + 20).Value + vdeltap

Next i_sum

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowresult, colresult + (y - 1)) = sum_head

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowresult + 2, colresult + (y - 1)) = vdeltap

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowresult + 1, colresult + (y - 1)) = sum_power

Worksheets("Integration").Cells(rowresult + 3, colresult + (y - 1)) = (vdeltap - sum_head) / sum_head

Next y

MsgBox "Finish Calculating Result", vbInformation

End Sub


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