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Creature Incarnations:

Abyssal Plague Epic Threats

By Michael E. Shea
Illustrations by Peter Tikos

A tiny breach in an ageless prison has released a disease greater than any other. A chained god infuses his will into a liquid remnant of evil inhabiting a dead demiplane. A plague of hatred and malice spreads across the multiverse, transforming simple farmers and beasts into creatures of horror and madness. The purest essence of this malevolencean entity known as the Voidharrowspreads its power and consciousness across every known world. It resides in the Plaguedeep, the core of a demiplane of its own creation, protected by its most powerful followers, the exarchs and heralds of a new dark age. As described in the Abyssal Plague Dungeons & Dragons novel series, the spread of the plague was
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Creature Incarnations: Abyssal Plague Epic Threats

halted before the threat grew to a truly epic scale. But what if it hadnt been stopped? What if the Voidharrow had succeeded in creating a new Abyss full of its demonic servitors? This article continues to develop ideas from the Abyssal plague monsters in Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale and the article Creature Incarnations: Abyssal Plague Demons in Dungeon 192. It provides suggestions for extending the threat of the plague to challenge characters with the most powerful epic-level servants of the Voidharrowand with the Voidharrow itselfand gives you the tools to build your own alternative Abyssal plague campaign.

A byssAl P lAgue blight wAlKer

Powerful heroes who fail to adapt to the Voidharrows transformation become blightwalkerstwisted husks of their former selves. They nearly burst with the plague festering inside them. Only faint memories of their former lives remain in their scourged minds. Red crystals protrude from their skin. A slick sheen covers their abscessed flesh. Jagged remnants of weapons hang from their hands. Their intelligent eyes are filled with red laced with veins of silver. The Voidharrow keeps armies of these powerful, mindless abominations around itself for protection.

Abyssal Plague Blightwalker Level 23 Minion Brute

Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 1,275 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +18 AC 35, Fortitude 36, Reflex 35, Will 33 Perception +9 Speed 6 Immune necrotic, psychic


O Maddening Presence F Aura 1 Enemies in the aura take a 2 penalty to all defenses.

Standard Actions m Plague Blade F At-Will

A byssAl P lAgue K nowledge

The characters might know some of the following general knowledge about the Abyssal plague. Heal DC 29: When the curse of the Abyssal plague comes to the ordinary people of the world, they are twisted into horrible abominations and carriers of the infection. Heroes and greater beasts are transformed into powerful servants and go on to threaten entire towns. Others give themselves over to the Voidharrow willingly and undergo similarly terrible transformations, becoming blightwalkers. Only the most powerful become the Voidharrows chosen heralds and exarchs. Religion DC 29: The Voidharrow began as an alien substance called the Progenitor, the liquid remnant of evil inhabiting the dead universe that is the Chained Gods prison. Tharizdun infused this substance with all his hatred and madness and sent it through a pinhole in his extradimensional prison, starting a plague that crossed all known worlds. Separated from the will of its creator, the Voidharrow has plans to spread its influence across the planes and into the hearts of all mortals.

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +28 vs. AC Hit: 19 damage. r Mindspike (psychic) F At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +26 vs. Will Hit: 19 psychic damage. C Plagueburst (necrotic, psychic) F Encounter Trigger: The blightwalker drops to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); +26 vs. Fortitude Hit: 25 necrotic and psychic damage. Miss: Half damage. Str 27 (+19) Dex 24 (+18) Wis 6 (+9) Con 24 (+18) Int 6 (+9) Cha 16 (+14) Alignment chaotic evil Languages understands Abyssal

Triggered Actions

Arcana or Religion DC 27: Blightwalkers overflow with the taint of the Abyssal plague. Little remains of their original minds. Dark energy issues from their gaping wounds, and a single blow against them violently unleashes the plague within. History DC 27: Powerful heroes who fall in battle against the Voidharrow, or those foolish enough to serve it willingly, are tested by its purest essence. Those who succeed become the guardians of the Voidharrow. Those who fail become blightwalkers.

VoidhArrow e x Arch
The strongest knights and warriors who pass the trials of the Voidharrow become its exarchs, commanders of its forces throughout the multiverse. They spread its will through extreme physical violence. Exarchs bodies are horribly mutated manifestations of their previous forms. Crystalline growths permanently fuse any armor they wear to their bodies. Large blades coated in sharp red crystal are grafted to their limbs. One exarch reigns over each region under the Voidharrows influence. It acts as the sentient plagues champion, leading armies across blighted lands, slaughtering the weak, and harvesting stronger foes as future servants of the Voidharrow.

Blightwalkers have little individual direction. Pain and hatred fill their lives, although they retain some muscle memory from their former selves. They avoid taking actions that would open them to opportunity attacks, and they seek to station themselves where they can gain combat advantage. Their leaders know the value of commanding blightwalkers into such positions right before plagueburst is triggered.

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Creature Incarnations: Abyssal Plague Epic Threats

Arcana DC 28: This dark knight of the Voidharrow can bind enemies in the ethereal chains of Tharizdun, rip them through rifts in space, and hew them open with its jagged crystalline blade. History DC 28: Once, this twisted monstrosity was a knight who traveled the planes seeking justice, fame, or fortune. You cannot say whether it came to the Voidharrow as an enemy or as a supplicant seeking power from the sentient blight. Now it serves the Voidharrow as champion, guardian, and protector.
Voidharrow Exarch
Medium elemental humanoid (demon) HP 225; Bloodied 112 AC 40, Fortitude 37, Reflex 35, Will 36 Speed 5 Resist 15 necrotic, 15 psychic

A Voidharrow exarch retains the tactical acumen of a powerful knight. It relies on psychic chains and vengeance strike to lock down strikers and controllers, but it gains particular pleasure from cutting down leaders. When fighting alongside the Voidharrow or one or more of its heralds, an exarch tries to pull as many enemies away from its allies as possible.

VoidhArrow h erAld
If exarchs are the brutal hands of the Voidharrow, the heralds are its voice. They spread the sentient plagues words of madness and hatred. Planewalking wizards and other mighty practitioners of the arcane arts are often selected to serve as the Voidharrows heralds.

Level 24 Soldier
XP 6,050 Initiative +20 Perception +18

Standard Actions m Plague Blade F At-Will

Arcana DC 29: Twisted by the influence of the Abyssal plague, this former spellcaster sacrifices its magical abilities but gains a special blade of red crystal that extends from its hand. This sword can slice through space itself, inflicting horrible wounds on distant opponents.

Attack: Melee 1 (one target); +29 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 21 damage, and the target grants combat advantage and has vulnerable 5 to all damage until it hits the exarch with an attack (save ends both). Whirling Plague Blade F Recharge 5 6 Effect: The exarch uses plague blade twice. If the exarch is bloodied, it uses plague blade three times.

Triggered Actions

M Psychic Chains (psychic, teleportation) F At-Will Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of the exarch makes an attack that doesnt include the exarch as a target. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 5 (triggering enemy); +27 vs. Will Hit: The exarch teleports the target to a square adjacent to itself and then uses plague blade against the target. Vengeance Strike F At-Will Trigger: An adjacent enemy shifts or willingly teleports. Effect (Opportunity Action): The exarch uses plague blade against the triggering enemy. Str 28 (+21) Dex 22 (+18) Wis 12 (+13) Con 25 (+19) Int 12 (+13) Cha 24 (+19) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common, Primordial

A Voidharrow herald begins by spewing the vile whispers of the Voidharrow, cursing a ranged target. It then teleports near the cursed foe, preferably behind the rear ranks of an enemy party, and slices its prey from a safe distance. If pinned down, the herald teleports away from danger.

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Creature Incarnations: Abyssal Plague Epic Threats

Voidharrow Herald Level 25 Artillery
XP 7,000 Initiative +19 Perception +18 Blindsight 3

Medium elemental humanoid (demon) HP 178; Bloodied 89 AC 39, Fortitude 36, Reflex 37, Will 38 Speed 6, teleport 6 Resist 15 necrotic, 15 psychic


Plagued Blood While the herald is bloodied, it can score a critical hit on a roll of 1720.

Standard Actions m Plague Blade F At-Will Minor Actions

Attack: Melee 10 (one target); +32 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 21 damage.

aim, the Progenitors will is simply to spread the Abyssal plague. The Voidharrow can appear in many forms, but it most often appears as a column of twisting red liquid crystal streaming with pulsing lines of silver and flecked with gold. In combat, the Voidharrow sees powerful opponents as future exarchs and heralds and surrounds itself with the mightiest of those it has converted. As a direct creation of Tharizdun, the Voidharrow has an intellect beyond that of any mortal, with no understanding of love, compassion, revenge, or hatred.
The Voidharrow Level 27 Elite Controller
Huge elemental magical beast (demon, ooze) XP 22,000 HP 500; Bloodied 250 Initiative +16 AC 41, Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 41 Perception +21 Speed 6, teleport 6 Blindsight 3 Immune charm, fear, stunned; Resist 15 necrotic, 15 psychic Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 O Voidharrow Whispers F Aura 1 (3 while the Voidharrow is bloodied) Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura gains vulnerable 15 necrotic and 15 psychic until the end of its next turn. Ooze While squeezing, the Voidharrow moves at full speed rather than half speed, it doesnt take the 5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesnt grant combat advantage for squeezing. m Plague Grip (necrotic) F At-Will Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +30 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d10 + 5 necrotic damage, and the Voidharrow grabs the target (escape DC 30). Until the grab ends, the target is dazed and takes ongoing 10 necrotic damage. m Plague Reach (fear, psychic) F At-Will Attack: Melee 10 (one creature); +30 vs. Will Hit: 3d10 + 5 psychic damage, and ongoing 15 psychic damage (save ends). The Voidharrow slides the target up to the targets speed. Plague Fury F At-Will Effect: The Voidharrow makes two basic attacks. If the Voidharrow is bloodied, it makes three basic attacks.

It is unlike any villain the heroes of the outer worlds might have faced. Every drip of its essence teems with a single-minded ambition to devour all life.

Arcana DC 30: The Voidharrow twists space physically and in the minds of its opponents. It slips through traps with ease and can warp the minds of its enemies, turning them against one another. Nature DC 30: The Voidharrow has no ties to the natural world. It is a force bred from the chaos
Move Actions
Harrowing Grab (teleportation) F At-Will The Voidharrow walks or teleports up to its speed, and creatures grabbed by it are pulled or teleported with it, staying grabbed in a space of the Voidharrows choice within 3 squares of itself. The Voidharrows movement provokes no opportunity attacks from the grabbed creatures.

C Voidharrow Curse (necrotic, psychic) F At-Will Effect: Close burst 10 (one enemy in the burst). The target is cursed (save ends). If the herald scores a critical hit against the target while it is cursed, the target takes 15 extra necrotic and psychic damage.

Triggered Actions

Cursed Pain (necrotic, psychic) F At-Will Trigger: An enemy cursed by the herald that the herald can see takes damage. Effect (Free Action): The triggering enemy takes 15 necrotic and psychic damage, and the curse ends. Skills Arcana +20, Insight +18 Str 16 (+15) Dex 24 (+19) Wis 12 (+13) Con 22 (+18) Int 16 (+15) Cha 28 (+21) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common, Primordial


Minor Actions

M Mind Harrow (charm) F Recharge 5 6 Attack: Melee 10 (one creature taking ongoing psychic damage); +30 vs. Will Hit: As a free action, the target charges or uses an at-will attack power against an enemy of the Voidharrows choice. C Harrowing Misdirect (charm) F Recharge when first bloodied Trigger: An enemy within 20 squares of the Voidharrow hits or misses it with a melee or a ranged attack. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Close burst 20 (triggering enemy in the burst); +30 vs. Will Hit: The triggering attack is instead made against a creature of the Voidharrows choice within the original attacks range. Skills Arcana +26, Insight +21 Str 20 (+18) Dex 16 (+16) Wis 16 (+16) Con 26 (+21) Int 26 (+21) Cha 29 (+22) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common, Primordial; telepathy 10

Triggered Actions

t he VoidhArrow
The essence of malice and destruction, the Voidharrow is a sentient disease that travels from world to world, infecting every living creature it can. Like a virus, it seeks only to replicate and spread. It has boundless ambition, like the Chained God that created it, but its will is divided between the desires of Tharizdun and the destructive purpose of the Progenitor. Although Tharizdun still seeks release and hopes to use the Voidharrow to fulfill that

Standard Actions

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Creature Incarnations: Abyssal Plague Epic Threats

of the deepest pits of the Abyss and fermented with the Chained Gods madness. It is both fearless and immune to charm effects. Religion DC 30: An aura of physical and mental corruption surrounds the Voidharrow and becomes more intense when the creature is bloodied. Standing in this aura could shred the sanity from your mind and the soul from your body. used in this way, the power has no first failed saving throw effect.
Abyssal Plaguetouch F Recharge 5 6 Trigger: The creature hits with an at-will melee attack or an at-will ranged attack. Effect (No Action): The target grants combat advantage and has vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends both). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead dazed and has vulnerable 10 to all damage (save ends both).

Shattering Plague Crystal

Some infected creatures can increase the potency of their attacks by sacrificing crystalline fragments of their own plague-ravaged bodies. This power works well with strong brute or soldier melee attackers and creatures that have natural weapons. Potentially, it can speed up combat by causing creatures to deal more damage by taking damage.
Shattering Plague Crystal (necrotic, psychic) F Recharge when first bloodied Effect: The creature takes 1 damage per level and deals 1 extra necrotic and psychic damage per level on its next attack that hits before the end of the encounter.

The Voidharrow uses enemies against one another, filling their minds with malice. It attempts to keep as many foes as possible within its aura without allowing itself to become completely surrounded. If the Voidharrow is surrounded, it teleports to a better position. It grabs those bold enough to confront it in melee and moves more distant targets closer or into a good position for the effect of mind harrow. Occasionally, it twists the mind of a ranged attacker so that the foes shot targets another creature.

Maddening Presence
Intelligent creatures overcome by the essence of the plague project the Voidharrows malice. This whisper seeps into the minds of those nearby and begins corrupting their bodies. It sends veins of red through their skin and murmurs of a darkness so deep that no mortal can comprehend it. This power best fits mighty controllers and leaders.
O Maddening Presence F Aura 1 Enemies in the aura take a 2 penalty to all defenses.

running An A byssAl P lAgue cAMPAign

Using the themes in this article, the previous Abyssal plague demons article (in Dungeon 192), and creatures from Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale, you can build an entire campaign around the plague or include it as a smaller thread within a larger campaign. Use the parts of the story line that fit your campaign, and modify them as needed.

Monster t heMe Powers

The Voidharrows corruption can infect mortals. The following Abyssal plague monster theme templates can be applied to creatures afflicted by the disease.

The Voidharrow uses larger and more mindless creatures to spread its will in more direct ways. When a creature uses this power, all of its crystalline protrusions explode, spreading a burning, screaming red mist in the air. This power best fits brutes and soldiers. You can use this power to add environmental effects to the encounter.
C Plagueburst (necrotic, psychic, zone) F Encounter Trigger: The creature drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst). Each target takes 5 necrotic and psychic damage per tier. If the creature is not a minion, the burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. Any creature that ends its turn in the zone takes 5 necrotic and psychic damage per tier.

Abyssal Plaguetouch
Beasts afflicted with the Abyssal plague often find their natural weapons coated in a strange red liquid crystal that spreads the infection further. Creatures can coat their weapons in razor-sharp crystals. The plague breaks through targets mental and physical resistance, making them more susceptible to harm. This power best fits skirmishers, lurkers, and artillery creatures. Alternatively, the effect can be changed so that it ends when the target hits the creature. When


Only a handful of native Abyssal plague monsters exist. When running a campaign focused on the plague, recast existing monsters as servants and soldiers of the plague. You can accomplish much simply by describing the creatures as bursting with red crystalline formations laced with silver and flecked with gold. Dark red liquid fills their eyes and drips from their claws and mouths.

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Creature Incarnations: Abyssal Plague Epic Threats

Heroic Tier: red Shadows

It all begins when a farmer is bitten and infected by a strange beast in the woods a days journey from Fallcrest. The characters might start the mission as envoys protecting a priest who has been sent to investigate the odd infection. As they get closer to the farmstead, they discover the familys animals dead in the fields. Some have been torn apart, and others appear to be twisted by a strange disease of the bones. Entering the farmhouse, the party discovers that every family member has been infected by the plague, their bodies twisted and malformed. The family mindlessly attacks the characters with jagged claws and broken teeth, unwilling or unable to be discouraged from trying to infect others. During the gruesome job of dispatching the plague victims, the party notices that one of the family members has escaped the farmhouse and traveled into the woods. In the middle of the heroic tier, the party learns more about the spread of the plague. Local lords send the characters after clans of orcs or goblins that are at war with the plague. The characters soon learn that the plague is no mere disease but contains a malevolence that seeks to devour the land. They also learn that deranged cultists worship the plague and follow a cult leader devoted to the Chained God. As the adventurers investigate, they begin to battle plague demon chaos knights and chaos vanguards (see Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale). Toward the end of the heroic tier, the party learns more about the nature of the Abyssal plague. A cult leader sets his plans in motion, and Fallcrest comes under siege by a vicious army of plague demons. After a grueling battle defending the town, the characters hunt for the cult leaders lair in a ruined tower. There they face his strongest plague demons and the priest of the Chained God himself. In the lair, the party finds scrolls and documents describing the Abyssal plagues spread across the world.

Paragon Tier: The Plague War

The arc for the paragon tier campaign against the Abyssal plague follows the characters as they hunt down and destroy the cult and its most powerful abominationsan exarch and a herald sent by the Voidharrow. While the herald brings together and unites Tharizduns cultists, the exarch wages war against the sentient plagues enemies. Early in the paragon tier, various tribes of monsters heed the heralds call. They wage war against all civilizations, sending powerful, twisted beasts to spread the plague. The party must dismantle these tribes and learn more about the origin of the exarch and the herald. In the middle of the tier, the characters travel to the Feywild to find ancient texts and lore that speak of the origin of the plague and what magic might stop it. There they chase down a small outbreak of the plague (which they might have brought with them) to ensure that it does not spread throughout the plane. In the final adventures of the paragon tier, the characters confront the exarch and the herald directly. They face the most destructive of the plagues monsters, engines of malice and hatred that threaten entire civilizations. The tier ends with the deaths of the exarch and the herald and the revelation of the Voidharrows plan to destroy the multiverse.

In the middle of the epic tier, the characters track down the remnants of the gods that first imprisoned Tharizdun to learn more about the plagues origin and weaknesses. To prevent the party from gaining such knowledge, the Voidharrow sends dark assassins to kill the gods or transform them into its servants. Only the characters can save them. In the final adventures of the epic tier, the party faces the Voidharrows strongest exarchs and heralds. After defeating those forces, the characters confront the Voidharrow in its demiplane. During this mighty battle, the party might glimpse the madness within the prison of the Chained God and see the true threat faced by the multiverse.

About the Author

Michael E. Shea is the webmaster of SlyFlourish.com, a site focused on building a better 4th Edition Dungeon Master, and the author of Sly Flourishs Dungeon Master Tips and Sly Flourishs Running Epic Tier D&D Games. Mike lives in northern Virginia with his wife, Michelle, and his dire worg, Jebu.

Editor Ray Vallese Developer Chris Sims Managing Editors Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins Producers Greg Bilsland, Christopher Perkins, Stan! Digital Studio Consultant Dan Helmick Art Directors Kate Irwin, Jon Schindehette Illustrator Peter Tikos Graphic Production Erin Dorries

epic Tier: Facing the Voidharrow

From their new home base in Sigil, the adventurers learn of the full spread of the Abyssal plague. They meet an organization of powerful wizards and priests who are attempting to keep the City of Doors free of the plague. This group asks the party to find cultists of Tharizdun that lurk throughout Sigil, hoping to use portals to spread the plague to thousands of worlds.

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