Time To Live
Time To Live
Time To Live
How often do you have the what you want and when
kind of day in which you got you're motivated to achieve it, BOOK OF THE WEEK:
everything done and didn't you can breeze through any
miss out on anything you day while staying on focus
wanted to or were supposed to and get everything done on
achieve? time.
Published by BestSummaries.com, 7891 W Flagler St, # 346 Miami Florida, 33144 2008 BestSummaries.com. All rights reserved. No part of this
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The Big Idea
How often do you have the kind of day in which you
got everything done and didn't miss out on anything
you wanted to or were supposed to achieve?
Why You Need This Book What was the vital ingredient that allowed these
This small and simple book will make you see what three extraordinary people to be successful? They
is important and how to be time-efficient in just had Time-Taming Principles of their own!
seven simple steps, enabling you to create a
focused living plan. Here are some Time-Taming Principles that you
need to develop:
Time to Live will help you make every minute count
and aid you in discovering the fast track to a life you 1. KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR OUTCOME.
love living. This is the vital ingredient you must master for
intelligent time management. When you know
your outcome you will be growing towards a
compelling future that motivates and inspires
ONE: Where Is My Time Going? you on a daily basis.
This time, like all times, is a very good one if we
but know what to do with it. - RALPH WALDO 2. ATTITUDE. You can always learn a new
EMERSON skill, but an 'I can' and 'I will' attitude is what
you need to be successful with time.
Why is it that some people are more effective with
their time than others? 3. ACTION. Without action, nothing changes,
thoughts stay as thoughts, and dreams
What is the special ingredient that successful remain fantasies that other people achieve.
people have that can make any one of them terrific Action is everything.
at taming time?
Time to Live, by
Fiona Harrold 2 of 67
TWO: Values and Beliefs Decide to start living in line with your
I've had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it. - personal values and watch your life be
GROUCHO MARX transformed.
Pay attention to whether your performance at 3. Understand how your personal beliefs
work and out of work aligns with your values. impact the quality of time in your life.
FIVE: The Time Thieves
Time is really the only capital that any human Set specific times each day to check
being has, and the only thing he can't be afraid messages.
to lose. - THOMAS EDISON
Keep e-mails short.
The time thieves present themselves in the form of
interruptions. There are only two types of Don't send joke messages or chainmail,
interruptions: those that you can control, and those ever.
that you cannot.
Keep e-mails professional at all times: e-
mails with flirtatious connotations have a
strange habit of circulating globally.
to Live, Principle
by Francine
by Randy
Kaye Alcorn 5 of
of 768
SIX: Getting to Goal your time. In that way, you will create sustainable
The past cannot be changed. The future is still in success and make more time to live.
your power! - BERNARD BERENSON
Check out these useful guidelines which will help Begin each day by setting your intention for
you to set effective goals: the day. Decide 'how' you want to live the day
Express your goals positively. TOP TIP 2: DO IT WITH ATTITUDE
Build in some enthusiasm by listening to some
Be precise: set precise goals by putting in motivational music or tapes first thing in the
dates, amounts, and times so that you can morning and then decide on your attitude for
measure your achievement. the day. Carry this attitude with you throughout
your day.
Prioritizing: when you have several goals, it's
vital to give each a priority. TOP TIP 3: DO IT YOUR WAY
Make sure you live each day in alignment with
your values.
Always write down goals: this crystallizes them
and brings them to reality. TOP TIP 4: STAY FOCUSED
Keep to your daily action plan. This is a
Chunking down tasks into smaller, incremental complete cure for procrastination.
goals will keep you motivated and give you more
opportunities for celebration along the way. TOP TIP 5: CREATE CLARITY
Take control by listening, clarifying and
Do not be dispirited by failing to reach your feeding back what's been said. Be responsible
goal for reasons beyond your control. with how and what you communicate!
to Live, Principle
by Francine
by Randy
Kaye Alcorn 65 of
of 768
They know when to 'stop right now'.
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